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tv   The 11th Hour With Stephanie Ruhle  MSNBC  February 20, 2024 11:00pm-12:00am PST

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that's wall-to-wall wifi on the xfinity 10g network. while she says she is not leaving the race. then -- rolls out new punishments for russia, after the death of alexei navalny. and is it time for a reset? why the biden campaign sees the
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state of the union for chance with a fresh start with voters, as the 11th hour gets underway on this tuesday night. good evening once again. i am stephanie ruhle. -- and just a couple from a pivotal showdown in the 2024 race. the republican primary down in south carolina. on saturday, voters will decide if donald trump or the former governor nikki haley should be the gop's nominee against joe biden. south carolina, of course, is haley's home state, but the former president is well ahead of her in the latest polls. and today, haley was absolutely defiant, saying she is not dropping out, and she is not afraid of donald trump. my colleague garrett haake has the latest. >> south carolina will vote on saturday. but on sunday, i will still be
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running for president. i am not going anywhere. >> the former south carolina governor and trump administration united nations ambassador vowing to stay in the race, despite losing the first three early states, and facing daunting palmetto state polls that show her walloped by front runner donald trump by a nearly 3 to 1 margin. haley arguing former president trump is the only republican who president biden can defeat, and that the country desperately needs new leadership. >> trump and biden are too old men who are only getting older. >> top trump campaign officials argue to reporters in a memo that haley has no mathematical path to the nomination, and should be ignored as not relevant and newsworthy. >> trump aides also say in that memo they will have the delegates they need for the nomination in just a few weeks. one estimate is more shine teen, towards early as march 12th. tonight, during a town hall on fox news, trump weighed in on
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nikki haley's refusal to leave the race. >> she's down by 30, 35 points. everybody knows you are not supposed to lose your home state. i don't think she knows how to get out, actually. i really don't. she did terribly in new hampshire. they're trying to hurt me because of the general election. so, the democrats are giving her money. and she's playing into the game. she just can't get herself to give out. >> even as donald trump gets closer to the nomination, though, his legal peril is growing. . his first criminal trial, the new york hush hush money case, gets over underway in just over a month. let's not forget the nearly 355 million plus interest that donald trump is ordered to pay in the new york civil fraud case. new york attorney general letitia james says she is prepared to act if he does not come up with the money soon. >> if he does not have funds to pay off the judgment, then we will seek judgment enforcement
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mechanisms in court. and we will ask the judge to seize his assets. >> financial frauds are not victimless crimes. he engaged in this massive amount of fraud. it was not just a simple mistake, a slight oversight. the variations were wildly exaggerated. and the extent of the fraud was staggering. aud was staggering. -- to pay $83 million for defaming writer e. jean carroll, who accused him of sexual assault. al told, donald trump could be facing well over half a billion bucks in penalties. with that, let's get smarter with the help of our leadoff panel. it is a great one. my dear friend and colleague, nbc's vaughn hillyard. tristan snell, former assistant attorney general for new york state, where he helped lead the prosecution of trump university. matthew dowd joins us. he's a former george w. bush strategist, and now a msnbc
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senior political analyst. matthew dowd, i turn to you first. donald trump clearly wants this field to himself, and nikki haley won't let him have it. why not? she's obviously not doing very well in the polls. we can't find a state where she is going to beat him. what is your strategy? >> i honestly believe she is a smart woman, that she understands she cannot win this race. you just look at a matter of fact. every single state that she has run in and about to be in in south carolina, she's losing among republican voters by 40 to 50 points. she lost republicans by 50 points in new hampshire. so i think she understands that, and my guess is -- i have not had any conversation with her -- but my guess is she has something to say and she wants to say it in a clear way. and she thinks that by staying in she has a platform to say that. but i would believe that in her heart she know she cannot win
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this race. so, she's in it to deliver a message about donald trump and what it means and to the republican party. by those standards it is probably a good thing. >> vaughn, her staying in the race. how does that impact the trump campaign? >> -- the trump campaign from -- you see their allies having record fundraising. right now, that is keeping donald trump from being able to work with the actual republican party apparatus to build a joint fund raising committee, which is putting them in deficit here to start off 2024. it is so hard, if i could, though, to listen to nikki haley's comments this afternoon. it takes me back to may 3rd of -- stephanie. it was in evansville, indiana, when i was with ted cruz in the back of a barbershop. it was the morning he dropped out of the presidential race. that is where he called donald trump a serial philanderer. he called him a pathological liar. he said he was a moral. and -- that barbecue shop, where they were like, where the
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hell was that last year? -- to hear this from nikki haley, she has now been campaigning for president of the united states for more than a year. to have those words, for donald trump, his spokesman said, she's going to go around and kicked his butt, ultimately. that was their prediction. so far, the last eight years, republicans time and again have proved that that is usually, typically, what they do. >> matthew, could she be pulling kind of the original ron desantis strategy? raise enough money? stay in the race long enough that, if trump's legal troubles actually end up being devastating for him, she will be waiting in the wings? that is what desantis wanted to do. . he couldn't raise the money. she is a money raising machine. >> she is doing that, i guess we will call the original desantis strategy. or whatever that strategy happen to be, raising money, spending a ton of money, and go nowhere and drop out before you get to the first few big states in this matter.
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that seemed to be what the ron desantis's tragedy was as it unfolded. she has spent a large amount of money. she has to believe she can't win. she is, as vaughn was saying, she is raising her criticism of donald trump. but i will remind folks that at whatever level of criticism they have, i would not be shocked at all if, the day after she announces she is no longer running, she endorses donald trump. that is what is amazing about the republicans today. and vaughn hillyard quoting ted cruz, who said exactly what vaughn said in the court of this, and within weeks, endorsed donald trump, and now walks around talking about how great donald trump is in the court of this. so, i don't think they have a strategy. they don't have a strategy because they still think of the republican party that no longer exists. the party they think that nikki haley is running into day is a party that disappeared five, seven, eight years ago. and it does not exist anymore.
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and donald trump, in my view, understands the current republican party better than anybody else in that rule holds office today. he understood it better in 2016. he understands it better today. all these other republicans do not seem to understand what the republican party has become. >> vaughn? >> matthew is not wrong. and this is the part that we also need to understand. compare to years, ago stephanie. you and i were talking here. this is a different trump campaign. this is a different operation. >> eight years ago that trump campaign was a ragtag group of people that he was pulling in willy-nilly. it was a mess. compare that campaign squad to his current team, who thinks he is going to have this nomination wrapped up in weeks. >> right. the folks were bowing down to what essentially was just about an individual at that point. this is now a movement that they, essentially, have to bow down to. >> and the people bowing down or bunch of rando's back then.
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>> exactly. is to co-campaign managers. their names are susie wildes and chris lawson eta on eta lesenita. -- and the white house. they are not tolerating that. but how are they doing that? they are not alienating biden. they are alienating from donald trump. they are not trying to keep steve bannon or michael flynn away from donald trump. everybody can call up donald trump if they like. everybody can goto mar-a-lago if they like. everybody has access to them. but they have also made it very clear, saying, look, we have given donald trump a political formidable political operation, that, by soon as march 19th, we could hit the number of delegates to become the presumptive nominee. so, nikki haley says she wants to take this as long as people are voting. but they may be hit that delegate threshold as soon as march 19th. and that is by and large due to the fact that they have built up an operation to not only have i what, new hampshire, and
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now in south carolina. already knew exactly where the voter database was looked like, and we shout to these folks and were able to -- already have 60% of the support in the states. because we know individuals and they told us repeatedly they were going to vote for us. >> that's where donald trump thinks he is going to win. tristan snell, new topic. let's talk about where donald trump has definitively lost. and that is donald trump's huge civil fraud judgment. tish james, the new york a.g., we made it clear, did the soundbite earlier, if he does not pay, she will act. what does that mean? what levers can she pull? >> the same levers you can pull anytime you can have a civil judgment. you can go and enforce it through the courts, and go get liens on -- garnishing of wages. >> without work on donald trump? are there loopholes he can get through? because he is quite good at that. >> he's quite good at it.
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but there's a funny thing about real estate. it does not move a whole lot. but you can't david blaine trump tower to the air -- >>, nobody can quickly put it under a different llc. he can put it -- >> he's already been forbidden from doing. that they thought a couple of steps ahead here. -- you can't go create llcs incorporations in other states. there's a monitor in place that's going to remain in place as long the judgment is not -- >> this is the monitor that he antics change agreed upon, and now he doesn't like her. >> that's correct. because she was enforcing rules. and he does not like those. so, now, all of a sudden, she's bad. >> let's talk about the hush money case. because this case people love to dunk on. they think it's a stretch. they think it's political. but barb mcquade had a piece here in the times where she said, this piece is about making covert payments to avoid losing an election and then further concealing it. >> that's right.
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it's not a hush money case. it's an election interference case. >> do people realize that? >> i don't think that they do. we need to start calling at the election interference case, except that gets it confused with the other two election interference cases. so, maybe we need to call it the 2016 election interference case, as opposed to the 2020 election overthrow cases. i don't know what we need to do. but at the end of the day, it is falsification of business records in the service of another crime. and that other crime was campaign finance violations, or more campaign finance violations, 32, 36 counts of. it that is what we are talking about here. doing hush money by itself is -- in fact, that is really donald trump's defense is basically, yes, i am a jerk, and i had to pay hush money to pay off one of my mistresses. and i did it so my wife would not find out. it had nothing to do with trying to win the presidency. >> that's basically his defense. >> the most closest thing you said, that's donald trump's
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defense, i thought you were going to say that's donald trump's forte. but it actually is. matthew, politico reports that a possible second the trump white house could be heavily influenced by christian nationalism. on one hand, we should not be surprised, right? even angelical's are trump's base. but are you surprised by this reporting? that this could be trump's white house? trump's white house? >> stephanie, i would love you to do an entire show about this christian nationalism that has come in now as the center part of republican politics today. to me, and i am not overstating this. to me, the greatest threat, the greatest threat to our constitutional democratic republic, and to the christian faith, is christian nationalism that donald trump has now circled around donald trump in there. it wants to destroy every element. it wants to get rid of every element of the constitutional protected freedoms. it wants to establish in the united states of america as a not only in name christian
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nation, but an actions christian nation. it actually goes against the total words of the gospel, which is, you are not supposed to align at the state and the faith together. they are supposed to be separate in the course of this. and this reminds me of the famous quote that is often misattributed to sinclair luis. but basically, it says, when a fascism comes to america, it will be wrapped in a flag and carrying a cross. that is what christian nationalism is. >> but there are also all sorts of very good american christians who are buying into and believing donald trump's platform. talk to us about his evangelical base, vaughn. you are on the trail. >> right, we went from -- the celebrity pastors, like the polo white's supporting doesn't. that's not who we are talking about right now. we're talking about, folks at the local level, local pastors, telling their churchgoers that this is spiritual warfare. i have listened to the invocations at donald trump's
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events around this country. and they are so striking because of the christian nationalism rhetoric that you hear deployed. talking about comparing donald trump to the second coming of jesus. this is serious. and the way that it is being framed for these folks is that this is life and death, that this is about the future for their kids, and their grandkids. and when you start to look at it through that lens of their christian faith, in the way in which some of these folks that are running with these political operations realize that they can galvanize the christian community in order to win elections, because we have seen it been done before, and they are now in the position where they can hold up to their evangelical communities and say, look what you did. donald trump maybe did not embody our christian faith at all the ways. but guess what? he likes so many of us, our centers. >> we have heard it. we have heard them say, god has
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surprising messengers. >> and guess where i'm going tomorrow, stephanie? i'm going to nashville, tennessee for the national religious broadcasters convention, we are, guess who is going with me? because donald trump. because donald trump has been able, for the last eight years, able to embody everything the christian community believes they can -- >> the last part of your sentence is the most important. >> more so than ever, this is a christian movement. and donald trump right now has exceeded for them in the past, and they see him as the portal for succeeding in the future. >> mr. dowd, new topic. there are a whole bunch of trump backing election deniers running for offices all around the country in the next year. and what is amazing is, at the center of their platforms's election integrity. election deniers -- that's how they got on the map. that's how they gained donald trump's attention. are now running on election integrity. how do you square this? just that people don't know the truth? square this? just that people don't know the truth? voters? >> the same way you square that
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donald trump is the candidate of the christians. that's the same way he square it. they've got a guy that can't quote a bible lasted passage, and probably the only way he would know the ten commandments would be if he watched the movie with charlton heston the night before, that's the only way he would know the ten commandments. -- it's so ludicrous, but it's incredibly scary. because, as you know, this happened in 2022. it happened in 2018, where all these election deniers, many of whom were defeated. but our democracy not only there is what tristan has talked about, and shout out to tristan snell for all his voice in the last year and all the stuff on legal cases, and all the things he's stated, because he's educated the public like no other in the course of this, is that the judicial system that we have, and that people who hold these particular offices, particularly secretaries of state in this country, prevented donald trump from stealing this election. it was not some grand system
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and some faith that just existed. it was the justice system. it was the legal system. and it was people hold in particular offices. if those people had not been in place, and if these people get elected that -- want to get elected, that system breaks down. >> matthew, thank you. tristan snell, we are out of time, but i -- tax relate to charges filed against him by the special counsel. explain this to us. in four seconds or less. >> he's now arguing that they were politically motivated, and the whole thing should be thrown out. and we are receiving more and more ample evidence that that might be true, and that maybe the whole information from all of this actually came from the kremlin and through alexander smirnoff. that has not made it into the breach yet. but it should. >> we will soon find out. matthew dowd, thank you so much. tristan and vaughn. if you want to see more of vaughn hillyard and tristan snell, they are doing a reboot of suits at a live event, in
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these two outfits, right after the show. >> -- you sanctions from russia, after the death of alexei navalny. but we'll poutine get the message? and later, the biden campaign once a reset inside the very old school plan to turn it up and turn it around. the 11th hour just getting underway on a busy tuesday night. derway on a busy tuesday night.
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opposition leader alexei navalny . chemical -- analysis. and -- taylor, a former ambassador to -- only to get more terrible news. with the kremlin is not a -- surprise there. but that is the reality of the putin -- >> that is the reality, stephanie. we -- some kind of investigation and there are a lot of -- the problem is -- the whole regime has -- very difficult for us.
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fun to get, or russian -- >> sanctions from the white house. what else i is there -- will have -- super wealthy russians who, figure out how to hide their money? and the -- from the white house. >> and there are ways to after those -- -- sanctions on -- microchips that -- there is a -- stephanie. it is 330 billion dollars -- the russians can't get them.
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and put them into a international fund that can help rebuild -- >> greg the. >> we absolutely should be. but stabilized well, we have got -- the administration is also calling congress for -- and -- we avdiivka fit -- that they've been defending for ten years. ten years -- and -- that
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[inaudible] from europe for -- but -- we will navalny and -- on and is this not a v -- >> and that is why the bipartisan support, seven senators. and -- in the house if it gets a vote it is not to lose.
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>> it would triple down on his -- and it was very unpopular when donald trump put -- to defend those -- what is your reaction to that? but >> the ukrainians, european. they baltics and searching for the -- and that is why they are . to defend them selves. if this is a possibility a -- >> thank you so much for being here, i appreciate it.
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this election is about who shares your values. let me share mine. i'm the only candidate with a record of taking on maga republicans, and winning. when they overturned roe, i secured abortion rights in our state constitution. when trump attacked our lgbtq and asian neighbors, i strengthened our hate crime laws. i fought for all of us struggling
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to keep up with the rising cost of living. i'm evan low, and i approve this message for all of our shared values. you want to see who we are as americans? i'm peter dixon and in kenya... we built a hospital that provides maternal care. as a marine... we fought against the taliban and their crimes against women. and in hillary clinton's state department... we took on gender-based violence in the congo. now extremists are banning abortion and contraception right here at home. so, i'm running for congress to help stop them. for your family... and mine. i approved this message because this is who we are.
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-- and my natasha -- has so many other ads -- three, four, five, across the board, his campaign advisers, and white house
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advisers have been -- really be his moment -- and we saw -- millions of people and now a lot of people -- had greater control and he will be able to -- win [inaudible] speeches -- so that, of course, he would have to contend with that and -- of, one by one and -- all of his we a complex she is, in front of the country. and everything from -- you could go out on an infrastructure and so on and --
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we might see them spice it up. -- this year. look in families and watch the state of the union in -- eight years ago. >> i think that is where the clips and the -- that go viral by the -- last year that -- but it is a question of -- last year . of course, the contest context is different with -- and
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-- [inaudible] -- this thing and -- it's a balance that -- where that -- whr -- whenever they do emerge. >> juanita, let's talk about this campaign war chest it -- -- and social media, with misinformation, with news deserts. and so many low-cost ways in front of voters. does a big war chest matter as much today as it -- and i will say for millions of dollars into trump's legal fees, so that we know republicans are
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either disadvantage. but it also helps the biden team, because we know they can invest those resources in on the ground, direct face to face interactions with voters. yes, i know they are planning a massive digital play. but nothing does the organizing work and the power of individuals going door to door. talking to voters directly. that's where you persuade voters. that's where you -- and you increase turnout. again, the digital play here is going to be big for democrats as well. but there's nothing, nothing that can ever undermined, or compare with the organized power of face to face -- is investing in that heavily. >> natasha, new. topic the new york times reported that donald trump now favors a national ban on abortion after 16 weeks. his campaign is denying the report. if you are the biden campaign, and you see this headline. how are you responding to trump? >> democrats could not trumpet this quickly enough.
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they mobilized around the report immediately. they held a campaign call. joe biden released a very lengthy statement out. this was a really surprising move from both donald trump and the campaign, to be talking about this. nbc news had heard from sources that donald trump was settling on a 16-week abortion, just a marker, that he was going to say that this is what he was comfortable with. but not propose an abortion ban. that, of course, a federal than, that has implications up and down the ballot for a lot of the senate races that are on the line. and it immediately energized democrats. we saw all these advocates, abortion rights advocates, get together, around that. and quickly, after that, you saw some -- to the trump campaign. they released a statement saying it was fake news, and so forth. and it's really going to be something that is difficult for
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them in messaging right. now that had been minus out there already. the wheels were turning on that messaging. >> here's the thing about messaging. just tell the people what you plan to do. juanita, let's take a step further. because i want to talk about the decision from the alabama supreme court that frozen embryos should now be considered children. this could put ivf treatment in peril across the state. there is already reports that fertility clinics in alabama might have to close their doors. just how out of touch is this with the decision with where the american people are? >> stephanie, i remember when that drafted station to overturn roe leaks in may of 2022. i remember sitting there, and i remember going on air, and remember talking about how this was just the beginning. this is going to extend to other forms of reproductive right. this is going to extend to privacy. this is going to extend to -- president that exists on the supreme court.
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and here we have this explicit example. what my biggest concern is that this type of ruling out of alabama is going to expedite the antiabortion agenda that -- across this country, because this is one of those test cases that absolutely is going to have impacting other parts of the country. and what my biggest concern is is that how this impacting individuals, the people who are seeking access to basic health, care whether that's the start a family, or what. but the reality is, is that this is going to cause harm, that this is yet another example of the impact of overturning roe v. wade that should be laid right at all trump's feet. so, just as democrats really jumped on trump's consideration of a national abortion ban, democrats absolutely need to tell the story, talk through the impact of what this type of policy or with these type of rulings mean for regular people in -- >> and -- access to reproductive rights. >> how many months away or are we from seeing bumper stickers
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that say every sperm is sacred. come on, now. juanita and natasha, thank you both for being here. now the richest people in america are turning wealth into power on social media. our friend bill cohen is here to talk all about it when the 11th hour continues.
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>> america's super rich has been very loudly on social media
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complaining about pretty much everything. and our next guest says, he knows the reason why. in a new piece for the new york times. my dear friend bill cohen writes that america is experiencing a paradigm shift, we are rich people are increasingly able to convert financial capital into social capital. most notably, bill ackman, who's attacks against claudine -- ended with her resignation from harvard. for more on what that means i welcome the former wall street banker turned journalist, and founding partner at puck news. this is a fascinating piece. >> thank you. >> but the ultra wealthy have been trying to control the public discourse in policy since the dawn of time. how is it different now? that we are just seeing it on social media? >> it's much more ubiquitous now. when the mr. pulitzer on the st. louis post dispatch, you had to live in st. louis to get that. or with mr. hearst was out in his castle, in california, you
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had to live out there what he had to say. but it is now just everywhere, everywhere has got the phone in their hand. and everywhere has got computer, social media is just ubiquitous. again, you had 140 characters on twitter. and then it went to 280 characters. now, thanks to elon musk -- and i call it twix, now, i'm trying to make twix happen. >> there you go. >> i don't know if -- now it's unlimited number of characters. and so people like a bill ackman just go hard wild on it. and it's not in particular or anything. it's probably well thought. out he's well-meaning. but he writes the kind of things that anyone else who was not independently wealthy, who was not a billionaire, who could not work for himself, could get fired long ago. >> and why don't they? whether it is bill ackerman or elon musk, why is it that they can stand up and weigh in on anything with no consequences?
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jamie dimon can't. they don't want public companies. >> they don't run public companies -- >> tesla, elon musk does. i guess he's in a special category. >> he's in a special category. bill ackerman's independently wealthy. he's got a board in one of the public companies, but basically he runs a hedge fund where he is not accountable to anybody about his investors. and he returns, nice high rates of return for those investors, and they don't seem to mind that he goes off on claudine gay or the university president of m.i.t.. >> -- wanted to be like the wizard of oz. they wanted to be puppet masters pulling strings without having to face the public. bill ackman, just as an example, loves this. when he was first in the mouth of the lie in, when it was business insider going after his wife, i picked up the phone and i called bill. and i said, bill, let me just
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tell you. you do not want to do. this you put this in the middle. it's a mess. he could not wait to get in it. he loved. it he was laughing on the phone. he wanted to just roll in the mud, as does elon. musk why do they want to do this? >> stephanie, you and i have been covering people like bill ackman for a long time. and elon musk. they love to be in the limelight. they love to be at the center of attention. it's not only because twix allows them to do that. they have been like this for a long time. you remember bill ackman in his former life -- >> sure do. >> put himself at the center of that. got himself in nbc and -- this is a guy who likes the limelight and likes to be out there with his positions. and now, this platform x gives him unlimited amount of characters to do that, unfiltered by u.n. die. >> these people are going far beyond their field of expertise. that is what they are amazing
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to me, and they face no consequences for the idiotic things they say that have nothing to do with electric cars, or investing. >> they face no consequences, because they are hugely rich. and even if they lost their job, even if they got fired, even if they got canceled, even if they got exiled, it would not change their life one with. >> so now that they have become social media famous, is this good or bad? >> it depends if you kind of agree with them. they are litmus tests. they're lightning rods for their points of view. there are a lot of people who actually agree with bill ackerman and his campaign against. claudine gay and sally kornbluth. at m.i.t.. there are people who agree with elon musk. >> but hold on. because he is so wealthy people agree with what he did with claudine gay, so he's great. but he is for -- backed vivek ramaswamy, he backed rfk.
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>> he wanted jamie dimon to run for president. he supported this other congressman in new hampshire who went nowhere. >> but what about this idea that wealth equals expertise in all fields? is this a new phenomenon? >> no, it is complete fiction, stephanie. but bill ackman does not think that. -- donald trump does not think that. they think their experts in everything. and they surround themselves with people who, generally speaking, don't tell them that they are wrong about these things, or that they should just be quiet. >> all right, before i let you go, there was a big announcement today, capital one acquiring discover. many people wonder, why does this matter to me -- at record high interest rates. should this merger matter to the average person. >> absolutely, it should merger. >> why? >> first of all, it's the first kind of big financial services merger that there has been a long time, since the 2008 -- >>
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again, but for the average person, what do we care? >> what do we care now is, if it's allowed to go through, it will probably be a serious competitor to mastercard and visa which have quasi- monopolies on the credit card industry. even though it is a merger of two big credit card companies it actually would make them a better competitor against the big guys. >> so, good for the consumer. they all seem to keep interest rates obscene lehigh on credit card borrowing. don't borrow on your credit card. that is the best advice you can give to the american public. >> all right. we thought we were ending on that positive note. but i'm going to give you an even bigger one. today's bill cohen's birthday. wish him a happy birthday. i'm >> lucky enough to spend it with you. >> -- make sure to check out my new piece on, about -- why people still don't feel good about the economy, despite the good news.
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the answer could be, they are not talking about the economy. that they are talking about their life. when we come back, we are going to introduce you to the newest addition to our team when the 11th hour continues. n the 11th hour continues.
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this ad? typical. politicians... "he's bad. i'm good." blah, blah. let's shake things up. with katie porter. porter refuses corporate pac money. and leads the fight to ban congressional stock trading. katie porter. taking on big banks to make housing more affordable. and drug company ceos to stop their price gouging. most politicians just fight each other. while katie porter fights for you. for senate - democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message.
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po, destiny calls for you to take the next step. [ achoo ] [ flatulence ] what is it you're holding? a cookie. ah! get ready to meet your match. skadoosh. stand back. i'm gonna kick my butt. -- you know we like to say the last thing before we go, for something very special. in this case it is for someone very special. over the weekend, our incredible producer, rebecca chang, gave
12:00 am
birth to the -- tanner dale -- the beautiful baby boy weighed in at seven points, and was born at 11:18 pm. perfect time to be watching the 11th hour. that and if we needed any more proof that this bundle of perfection was just meant to be congratulations to -- and their husband dan, we need a brighter, the beautiful future, and we just got one saturday night. on that one, i wish you a very good night. and -- across the networks of nbc news, thanks for staying up late with me. i will see you at the end of tomorrow. te with me. i will see you at the end of tomorrow. ♪ ♪ ♪ so today, the so- called star witness in house oversight committee chairman james comer's sham impeachment inquiry of president joe biden, was not in washington testifying on behalf of house republicans, that maybe would have


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