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tv   The Beat With Ari Melber  MSNBC  February 22, 2024 3:00pm-4:00pm PST

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moon's south pole. avalancing a week ago, tell attempt to land near the south pole, in order to get to an area where ice and water has been detected, which astronauts could use for oxygen, even fuel. the company estimates had has about an 80% chance of landing, we are always so grateful. "the beat" with ari melber starts right now. welcome, everyone, to "the beat." i'm ari melber. it is february 2024. as we started show here, our top story in 2024 is about a crackdown on women's rights that could be from decades back, on
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parents' rights, and a lot of people. let me walk you through why this is the stop story now. a few years ago, few might have been able to predict what is happening in a university has been forced to halt in vitro fertilization after a local judge has ruled they will treat those frozen embryos as, quote, children. they feature of image of god. this came out of alabama where two clinics are holding those procedures. that rule, like a long water of republican antichoice matter. we'll return to that in a moment. the rule sending shockwaves
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across the nation as they see this effort to limit right, to limb medical choice, and potentially interfering with family planning techniques, procedures by parents who want to have kids. this is a crackdown on parents trying to have children. it does not appear to create criminal liability for ivf providers in the practice of ivf or the crazy of those embryos. the legally extreme ruling would be pared back on appeal. there is no nationally recognize the precedent for claiming that embryos are equivalent to human beings. the ruling could clue the ultimate prosecutors of doctors.
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and i'm telling you without press den there are cords that might limit this, but we're dealing with procedures being cut off to who a whole community of parents, and this is has republican leaders scrambling. >> i think life should be protected all the way through. >> we need to have more kids. >> ivf is used to have more children. >> that's another conversation. >> are you comfortable with ivf -- >> embryos to me are babies. nikki haley has updated to clarify that she is actually disagrees with the ruling. that's a lot of different responses. she tried to walk this line, walking a line i guess any republican who wants to think about a general election has to do as a political matter, the line between traditional
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freedom, reproductive rights and the conservative base that wants things to go this far. >> however you want to put it, every place this has come up. we're about to see more likely more of this. three states have ballot measures, ten states are considering the same form i want to be clear tonight, this is not a close call when you ask american citizens. for example, over 70% of american support the right to choose within the first six weeks. there's no widespread movement
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against in vitro fertilization. there's no widespread view this should be banned, and candidates are softening their determine abortion assistance amid st. this losing streak. donald trump was pro-choice before he ran for president in '16, then said other things, he said women should be jailed, then he walked that back. and now trump doesn't want to alienate social conservatives, but wants a quiet support for determine abortion ban. this widening crackdown is even broader than what we're hearing from most pop republicans, trump trying to do a quiet dance. other republicans have said we only want to deal with determine abortion, not ivf. conservatives claims if they ended roe, where people even if
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they want to choose to exercise the freedom we have as americans to travel to leave the home state, and now i have vf, remember there are conservatives doing all of that. also citing these precedents i want to be clear, this is everything that the conservative author claimed very clearly would not happen. >> alito makes an astonishing assertion -- nothing in this opinion should be understood to cast doubt on precedents that do not concern determine abortion. >> when they would say, we don't want to ban on determine abortion. we would say, it's not. this sends it back to the
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states. >> if they have overturn roe v wade, that does not outlaw determine abortion in americas. what the dobbs decision was return that decision back to the states. >> they want that again and again. the talking point came from win the decision itself an unpopular. as i just showed. this is all it is. they were wrong. that was false. i'm reporting to you tonight that ivf procedures that are used to having children, if you want to talk about prochildren are being halted there are republicans who want to stop them from traveling, from exercise freedom of movement, like we are in "the handmaid's
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tale." i don't know whether they want something that was not true. i will tell you for the people involved, it really doesn't matter that's an extra sparkling sizzling i want to be clear about who was right. there were people in this space and in public and in policy who warned this is where it was going to go. rachel maddow has warned this would lead to people trying to criminalize this path.
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sorry for all the previews, but then take democratic senators who raised this when it mattered, okay? first. >> many are worried more rulings could be overturned next. >> justice thomas is clearly putting a target on the back to the right of birth control, intimate relations and the right to marriage. >> the right to birth control, right to relations, marriage. we have can use a lot of different words.
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what are these trying to do bass a person on a court thinking has a face of god that no one can do that. he was accurately quoting how justice thomas has urged this to reconsidering -- that's judicious speech, justice alito has gone from those claims to now saying, he wants to lay groundwork against the marriage equality precedent and bringing
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in religion. they take an oath to the constitution, not to their personal religious beliefs. that is why he's very kernel about what his whether the governors has a view of the agenda, so this is where we are. here is more the that stuff. >> there was one during a confirmation hearing, do you oppose or support, and note, she dodged.
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>> i've previous li said we can't answer questions in the abstract. that would have to be decided in the course of judicial process. >> that process is underway a state supreme court has made that decision. how far down the road are we going to go. if we are going to a pleuralistic democrat sis so here we are, it's happening, what do we do about it as a
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matter of both law and potentially. we're back in 60 seconds with maya wiley. 60 seconds with maya wiley. that is taken once every 8 weeks. fasenra helps prevent asthma attacks. most patients did not have an attack in the first year. fasenra is proven to help you breathe better so you can get back to doing day-to-day activities. and fasenra helps lower the use of oral steroids. fasenra is not for sudden breathing problems or other eosinophilic conditions. allergic reactions may occur. don't stop your asthma treatments without talking with your doctor. tell your doctor if your asthma worsens. headache and sore throat may occur. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection. get back to better breathing. get back to what you've missed. ask your doctor about fasenra, the only asthma treatment taken once every 8 weeks.
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if you can't afford your medication astrazeneca may be able to help. all lgbtq people are every race, religion, and our. >> reproductive freedom has always been bigger. [ chanting ] . the supreme court is not going to stay radical right forever. everyone who is showing up again and again for all of our freedoms, we see you.
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>> by saying embley i don'ts are legally people. it's catalyzing a huge discussion. we joined by an acclaimed civil rights attorney, civil prosecutorings maya wiley. welcome. >> thank you, ari. this history was quite clear. we are in the deep dark place, and most americans know who we are. you said it beautifully in your set up, ari. this is a country where the vast majority of americans believe deeply in freedom. freedom is why we have a bill of rights, why we had a civil war, why we created civil war amendments in which we created the ground for people to decide
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to form families, and how they should form them form theius that a supreme court decided to reverse for the first time a fundamental right sitting on our books, in force for 50 years, that that would happen without consequence as to our freedom? it was always, always understood by us as be an attack on freedom, and if youly low -- we've always known this in the country. if you allow the undermining of a freedom, like black people don't get to vote because they're not treated as people, there's an implication of whether white men have the same access to the ballot, because they also have a problem meeting some of the poll taxes or the other things that bar access. now we're seeing the same thing with reproductive choice, and
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the degree to which the government, in this case a state government, can put itself in the position between a patient and their doctor, between science and ideology. >> between parents and the plans they have to have a child. >> to even have a child. i thought the whole point was that we wanted to protect life, but this isn't even that. by the way, we are talking about ivf, an embryo that hasn't even been implanted, no possibility of becoming a child unless it's implanted. whose decision is that? you have parents right now who are moving embryos out of the state of alabama, because they're afraid of the ability to have some say in their own genetics. >> let me show you the reporting and the warnings.
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justice barrett wouldn't answer that barrett, but she was linked to a group that wanted to see this, and legally this is extreme. in public, it's what we call a fringe view. it's not some mainstream thing. ted rachel was reporting on this, this is who we are dealing with. take a look. >> she was a member of an organization, signed on to a document produced by an organization that does believe that in vitro fertilization is manslaughter and should be prosecuted as such, fertility. they want that outlawed too, they want you to go to jail for having fertility treatment. >> and in a solar am of time, it's -- some illegal experts say the nature of this civil ruling doesn't mean you can't prosecutor, but alabama wants to say they embryos are baby, they're human. if they're legally human, it comes with all those repercussions. >> the state legislature could
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decide to criminalize it. this is the point, and i think it's so important. amy cohen barrett we knew had some extreme views. the whole reason we have a process to make this decision is to determine how much in the mainstream, are they going to protect our rights or not? we spend a lot of teem whether we're going to let a few people control the many or have a system of laws, freedoms, rights and protections that ensure that nobody gets to impose their viewpoint i want to agree with everyone who stood up in your preview, we're not going to let this happen form the consequences politically are
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already clear. already clear. >> that's why it's a story, if you only cover the politics of it, this is terrible news for republicans trying to run in november, terrible news for the trump campaign. these have galvanized red states with trump support. then there's the substance of it, who has to live under this read "handmaid's tale". maga at cpac, it's turned into something else. we have the one and only michael moore to get into that and a whole lot more. into by the end of the hour, a very funny, very acclaimed comedian. >> you know, i was just -- it's been a long fight. it's been a long fight. i just have to have a warrior spirit. that's all. >> don't start, man. >> no, i'm good. i'm just regrouping.
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>> you sure? >> you got a tissue? no, why would -- okay tissue? no, why would -- oka - so this is pickleball? - pickle! ah, these guys are intense.
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we don't know if it will forever hobble cpac into something narrower or partisan, or if, but maga is in charge. >> where are my baga ultra--maga patriots at today? >> we have to get donald trump elected president of the united states. >> it is always darkest before the dawn. d-o-n, darker before the don. donald trump was made for such a time as they. >> a bit of a sampling there. if you want other bits of color, attendees this year can play on a pinball machine that has the scenes of january 6th. take that for what you will. bedazzled guns and candy with
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the maga label. and the conference may also be out of touch not with the rest of the country, but with a lot of members of the so-called conservative movement. take a look. >> i just want our military to be g.i. joe again. >> unions at one time were good for this country, but not unions for our teachers in our schools. >> we go do bedtime with the kids. while they say their prayers, and the pledge of allegiance, of course. >> there's more men and women that have died from wind turbines than nuclear power. >> what is happening? well, as promised. we turn to a very special guest, returning to "the beat" is oscar-winning director and a michigan man, michael moore. welcome back. how are you? >> keep it down out there! >> it's loud in the house?
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no, there's a bunch of embryos running up and down the highway. >> i see. [ laughter ] >> they're declared legally children. >> you know what? just people know it's not a bit, i thought you got me. i thought you were for real. >> no, no, no it's just embryos. first it was, you had a baby. that was called the baby's birthday. it came out of the mother. that wasn't good enough. >> yes. >> so we had to then make fetuses somehow human beings. that wasn't good now. embryos, as of yesterday, at least in the state of alabama, are now children -- i'm quoting the children. >> yes, babies, that's what they said. >> what's next, ari? what's before embryo? that's a fertilized egg, the sperm and the egg?
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that's their next step. the egg is human life. the sperm is human life. >> yep. >> i'm just saying to the men who are watching -- i'm keeping it pg. >> it is a family show. afternoon on the west coast. >> but every time you have a thought in your head and you decide to act on it, you can look it up, google it, it's 200 million to 300 million sperm each time that happens. 200 million potentially human lives are being destroyed. so i just want to encourage the christian nationalists stay with this, it's important, you're protecting life. i'm on live tv! sheesh. >> i love an extended michael moore satire piece, but what you're saying cecily is true. >> 15 minutes we're brilliance,
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ari. if you -- >> i appreciate that. we'll put it up. every voter, you know, what you -- >> you start pulling the planks out. the way law works, it's built on certain planks and precedent. when you rip out a big one, right? a, the lodger is pull out of that freedom. we don't just have one court in america. sometimes it's a good things. when donald trump tried to steal the election, many different courts, they all said no, there wasn't any issue to change the outcome. so sometimes it works, and you have all these people playing goalie. other times like this time, once they pulled roous, a lot of lower courts see this as an openings and they're exploiting it. i don't know if alito was was lying, but you're talking about the thee on crattic logic.
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what everyone thinking of cpac, it used to be a place where conservative ideas were discussed at some level. now it's become a kind of propaganda, a cultish rah-rahs of not only one person, donald trump, but apparently it doesn't matter his ideas. how does that fit together? >> the irony of this for me, just speaking personally. my grandfather was the republican leader in the town i group up in in michigan. i remember very clearly, when he would talk about the importance of being conservative. this could also be probably he was an immigrant from canada, so bear that in mind as i quote him. he said conservatives means we are toe conserve the earth that god gave us. conservative means do not spend money you do not have. conserative means we're all going to sit together at the
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family dinner table and have a discussion. it means back in civic classes, it meant in order to have a democracy, we need all voices heard, and we need a place for people to go. so cpac, they have a place this week where they can go and spew this utter nonsense that if my grandfather were alive today -- well, wherever he is, he's spinning wherever he is. he would not recognize this republican party. in fact, i just -- part of me just wants the republicans to keep at it. just keep crushing it, crushing women, crushing women's rights, crushing it all, as you said with alito and thomas, go after same-sex marriage next. do go after that, because now i hear the same-sex couple in this
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apartment building, because i don't want to listen it to -- >> there's an extended political satirical metaphor. i just want people to -- >> i'm not saying this as a joke. i'm telling you. give them an inch, you know, you've got -- not just same-sex marriage, not only getting rid of birth control -- anyway, republicans, please, if anybody is watching, keep doing what you're doing, as you are guaranteeing in november, we'll just call the headline the next day, gop r.i.p. >> i'm going to jump in. it's so interest you say that, some election are always about spin, so you have a party or candidate object fuss indicating their agenda, and others it's about people, personalities. this person was such a good speaker, i mean, great, but
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there's a lot of good speakers out there that don't always do good things. >> correct. >> but you're saying there's a reveal here, especially people who -- what it's doing. i want to show you something with a question for you o you called 16 accurately for trump when he was underestimated. i cited mosh gan and you had done work there. the other piece of this is that in 2020, joe biden had this huge edge with young voters and first-time voters. that built a coalition in several stales. meanwhile, trump is saying and his allies are saying they think they can make inroads among minority voters and here's some of how they explain why. >> this is connecting with black america, because they love sneakers. they're into sneakers. this is a big deal, certainly in
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the inner city. when you have trump roll out his sneaker line, wait a minute, he's cool. he's reaching a level above and defies politics. >> will the sneaker save trump? that's the question. i'm going to get your answer -- we have two blocks, that's how special a guest you are. we'll have you answer that when we come back together. you answ we come back together. ♪ ♪ ♪
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mike bloomberg, republican mayor of new york city, ran as a republican, gave that speech at the madison square garden at the republican convention, endorsen george w. bush, had a stop in the program, which could keep bloomberg's poll numbers with african americans and latinos down around mayor pete's numbers. just four years ago, kind of feels like longer than that when we were out bumping into each other at rallies, keeping our eye on the primary process. i asked you before the break, though, what you thought of biden's challenge with young and first-time voters which were so key in that election and fox news speculating that sneaker would help in certain community. record turnouts of young meme in the last three elections, record for either midterm elections or
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the presidential election. yes, and essentially, i think most pundits have clearly stated, thank to the youth vote and black women, joe biden is in the white house. i, as you know, you were out there during those primaries, i was working for bernie. biden won the nomination. i went to work to get people out to vote for joe biden. i voted for joe biden. it just amazed me how much he's done if these first three-plus years. just an amazing report. this is a bernie person saying this, okay? >> yeah. >> so, it is with serious now anxiety that i have, and i think lots of democratic voters have, that things may not go well --
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forget about the age thing. we all know that was just some, you know, red herring that filled up enough news space. we'll stop talking about that now. the problem here, i personally think -- i am now speaking as a michigander, which has the largest muslim population -- >> i warn you you have about a minute left. fair warning. >> accounts you can see, it quieted down out there. when an embry use sees me coming -- joe biden in this war and his funding the war, and his hugging netanyahu, you know, well a have a responsibility to protect our jewish brothers and sisters forever, because of what they've been through forever. but this war now, this
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slaughter, the carpet bombing, that's not getting the hostages released. it has turned young people against biden. >> with 30 seconds you have left, your view, as someone who has talked about this stuff before, the perception of strong other even unconditional support for israel is hurting biden with voters in a way that will continue through november if they don't change. that's your view? >> our primary in michigan is next week, and there's a line on our ballot that says uncommitted. people in michigan have organized a large group, i'm part of it, we don't want trump in the white house, we don't believe that young people are going to say if here not going to biden -- they're not going to vote for trump. the only way trump can win is if people stay home.
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>> or a third party, yes, but they're not going to. the only way that biden had hand the election to trump if he does not understand why young people hate war, don't want war, and they are going to not show up and next week -- >> so we'll keep an eye on that. we had you for two blocks tonight, which we're lucky for. if you want to come back at michigan, we can talk more about this and other things we learned. and the chyron says go blue, with a question mark? >> michigan -- this time, remember, you mentioned 2016. sadly hillary, who i actually like a great deal on a personal level, her campaign decided it would be wrong for her to michigan. >> don't we know it. i'm not cutting you off, but
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michael moore, tell everyone in the house i said hi. you know who i'm talking about. >> and talk to the control room, because the beginning of your show, whatever that cross thing they did in the control room was genius. i thought a.m. and a.m. >> we had a technical glitch, but on behalf of the team whatever was technical, they fixed it. they fixed 2 quickly. thank you, michael. when we come back, we actually take a turn to why that biden impeachment effort is crumbling, with two special guest es. guest es when my doctor gave me breztri for my copd things changed for me. breztri gave me better breathing, symptom improvement, and reduced flare-ups. breztri won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. it is not for asthma. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. don't take breztri more than prescribed.
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i don't know about you, it is time to fall back. boy, do we have two special guests. druski is a comic, forbes put him on the list of the top creators of the year. he comedy has caught the attention of some of our best friends like drake and snoop. >> you learned your lesson? >> damn right. >> semifinals doesn't get it do. >> it definitely does. >> you want one too? >> i like that walk you got, too. make me want to walk like that.
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>> put your shoes in another bin. i said it already. >> what are you doing? >> laugh now, cry later. but you do a lot of the laughing. >> yes, sir. >> shout out to the drake video cameo. the new show could have been house. premieres on youtube later this month. and if that weren't enough, msnbc host and our friend and sometimes tossing partners with or without sound, author of the likability trap, you know who it is, alicia menendez, host on the weekend, host lately on the week days. she's everywhere. welcome back to you, my friend. and great to meet you and have you here. >> nice to meet you too. i have been waiting for this. i heard so much about you. >> what did you hear? >> i heard he's outside. they said you'll be outside. >> jim jones told me once i was outside outside. you say it twice, that's got to be something. >> you be out there.
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>> that's nice of you to say. you're very funny, and you're part of the new school thing. we'll get into all of that. first, what's on your fallback list? >> i heard something about secret service dogs biting people. >> the white house dog. >> yeah. >> biden's dog. biden's secret service. >> you made it sound okay. >> i went up to the white house recently, too. >> i'm going to show that in a second. first, you hear this story, let me put the headline back up. i'm not here to get anyone in trouble. but when a dog bites 20-plus times that's too much, right? >> that's insane. i'm not going to lie, 24 times is crazy. >> we do the facts. they got him out of the white house now. >> at what point are they putting the dog down? does the dog not get fired? >> the dog is living with family. the dog has been sent to live with other family. >> you want to defend the dog. >> no, this is the introduction was potentially that the dog
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would meet an unfavorable end. i want people to know the dog is okay. >> we're not saying anyone is taking the dog out, but the dog bit over 20 times. that's a lot. >> is it the same secret agent he don't like? is it a person he doesn't like. >> made it sound like multiple agents. but you're making a good point. what if it's a person for a reason. >> it's a busy environment, a chaotic environment, as was noted in many of the reports. >> i did not expect -- >> me to be a dog defender? >> well, let me put it like this. most dogs never bite anyone. how about that? >> depending on the dog, though. i got a homey that got a little chihuahua, and man, that dog is spiked up. listen, you don't want to mess with no chihuahuas. >> you know what drake says in. >> what is that? >> she don't like pets but i'm a dog, and she love a dog, yeah yeah. >> you lost me, brother. >> on the billboard -- >> was it the yeah yeah that lost you?
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was that it? that's where i got lost. >> let me ask you a question. did you notice on the new song that doja cat has, instead of ad-libbing, she says the word ad-lib over and over. >> we should start doing that. >> is that a yes or no for you? >> i don't listen to doja cat. i have to tap into it. i don't know. >> you don't know? >> she used to make songs about cows. >> that's a classic. moo, i'm a cow. >> after that, i don't know anything. >> respect. alicia has fallbacks too. >> do i? >> but let's show you at the white house. you were having fun there. take a look. >> hi. yes, sir. >> y'all know where i can meet the real secret security? >> that would be us. >> you know where obama is at? >> i don't know where he's at. >> all right. >> here's a question.
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do you do your humor differently when you know it's just going to be kind of an internet thing versus other things? >> not a chance. i think i'm just naturally always in it. it don't matter what's going on. anything can be happening. we were just at the coffee shop, i was cutting up. >> firing off. >> the coffee shop cutting up is different than the white house cutting up where people lose their cool. >> you're right. i was a little shook because i was at the white house. i toned it down a bit, but i was talking to everybody. i said what's up, chip. i don't know that old dude. i say what's up to everybody. >> did anyone answer your seriously when you were looking for obama? >> they were starting to ask if i was supposed to be there. >> but you were. >> i was looking for the secret service, so i found one. but it wasn't the way i wanted. >> with my 45 seconds left, what's on your fallback list? >> james comer leading the sham impeachment inquiry into president biden. the fact we learned the informant at the heart of the
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impeachment was lying may have been a russian asset, sort of amazing to me that learning all of that, you don't come out and say, well, we have never had evidence. this person's credibility has always been questioned. we're moving along. instead, he doubles down and says we're going to continue to move forward. at the same time you have republican ken buck coming out and saying this person's credibility was questioned throughout. so that's my fallback. >> that's a decent fallback and ininability to adjust for the facts is highly concerning. >> let's say the knowledge of the words is too high for me now. >> that's not true. you make that joke. >> really, i have no clue what you just said. >> really? >> if you found out that something you were out there saying was not true, would you show remorse? would you apologize for the fact you had lied? >> when you say remorse -- you know what i'm saying. >> i think it comes down to, are you able to stand on facts and your own record. >> well, negotiations, right.
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politics. >> and we're out of time. >> ad-lib, ad-lib, ad-lib. >> keep it locked. joy reid, our favorite colleague, with "the reidout" report is next.
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i think he's having a midlife crisis you i'm not.nce that repair beyond brushing. you got us t-mobile home internet lite. after a week of streaming they knocked us down... dial up speeds. like from the 90s. great times. all i can do say is that my life is pre-- i like watching the puddles gather rain. -hey, your mom and i procreated to that song. oh, ew! i think you've said enough. why don't we just switch to xfinity like everyone else? then you would know what year it was. i know what year it is.


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