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tv   The 11th Hour With Stephanie Ruhle  MSNBC  February 23, 2024 11:00pm-12:00am PST

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speakers? the black? people as for that mugshot, come on now. does he think he's biggie smalls? who is america? please, please, share it with your trump loving friends. these clips, actually, they might like it. but have them understand why what we just heard is so unbelievably racist, but also problematic for a democracy. that man should never be president of the united states again. you can watch msnbc special coverage of the south carolina primary again tomorrow afternoon at four pm eastern. i will kick it off with my colleague jen psaki, and we'll be back alongside a panel of msnbc host. i hope you'll enjoy honest morrow to watch the south carolina votes coming in. comi
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40 and $54 million in penalties. >> indicted for you -- over, and over, and over. >> all he's doing is talking about himself. it's not about him. it's about the american people. >> is alabama's ruling that -- the gop primary in south carolina? >> embryos to me are babies. >> i strongly support the availability of ivf for couples who are trying to have a beautiful, precious little baby. >> -- on ivf embryos is a consequence of u.s. supreme court's decision to overturn roe v. wade. >> i took historic action to protect the unborn. like nobody has ever done. >> donald trump, huge favorite tomorrow. it will be a monumental update of nikki haley won. >> she's hurting, let her. run >> it as always darkest before
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the john. d o in. d-o-n -- >> good evening once again, i'm stephanie ruhle. the showdown in south carolina between donald trump and nikki haley will soon get underway. more ivf providers and alabama pause treatment after a court ruled that embryos are children, and the republican case to impeach president biden suffers a major setback. with 256 days before election day, we've got a lot going on. so, let's bring in our friday nightcap panel. it's a great one. john della volpe is, here director of polling at the harvard kennedy institute of politics and msnbc political contributor. christina greer joins us, associate professor of political science at itfordham university. nick troiano is.
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here, executive director of united america, a national group trying to bridge the partisan divide. good luck. his new book, "the primary solution: rescuing our democracy from cathe fringes", comes out next week. and video creator and podcaster kyla scanlon. she is author of the upcoming book in this economy? how money and markets really work. it is out in april. okay, there's a lot to cover. but i want to start ? with that decision out of alabama. that embryos created through ivf or our children. the judge who handed down thus children has supported whthe id that american law should be based on christian ideals. christina, i want to start with you. however people feel about this decision, what strikes me is that government seems to be creeping closer and closer, deeper and deeper, into our private lives. which throughout history, i thought that was the opposite of what republicans wanted to do. >> absolutely. and as emily's list has always told us, when we put abortion
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on the ballot, democrats always win. i think this is going to be something that galvanizes woman from across the country. many people have abeen ringing the alarm, especially on this the network. we have said if you want to take away abortion rights, it will trickle down to ivf, it will trickle down to birth control. and then a myriad of issues will come to the four. i do think this is going to be a bridge too far for a lot of women. not just democrats, independently leaning women, pe and possibly some weak republicans, who say see this as an overreach by the courts and overreach by for a donald trump few elected right-wing judge. >> john, it's trickle down, but it's also confusing messaging. -- this is a life or death issue, and it's hard to even know where republicans stand, or wear how far they want nsto go. >> we have been wondering for a year and a half worth of we are the line is. 16 weeks, eight weeks, six weeks, we don't really know. republicans -- i don't think
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senator tommy tuberville knew what ivf was when he was asked yesterday. >> he said he has not looked at the bill, and there isn't one. >> the bigger issue is that republicans are creating a generational divide with men and women across the country. that is going to be difficult, if not impossible, to heal. i spent a lot of time not just talking about politics with young people, but talking about what their lives are. the number of young people, women and men, in places like florida and texas, that i see on a regular basis site who say they love their hometown, love their job, love their family, but you know what? they might get pregnant one day and want to start a family, yo therefore they have to pull up their roots and move to a less red state. it is something that has a much greater effect than even beyond thinking about the election. >> beyond the abortion issue, there is more and more reporting that donald trump is aligning himself with christian nationalists. for a long time, church and state were separated. that seems to be blurring as well. >> i think we're seeing, in
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general, in our politics, is that fringes on the far left and far-right are getting a disproportionate amount of energy and attention and megaphones. >> because they are engaining success. >> they are. and our system right now is designed to amplify that. that is the real challenge. i think on this issue, ivf, in particular, it is not as polarized as it may seem on the surface. you have 80% of pro-life americans say they should not be any restrictions on this. i'm not sure it's the next right on the chopping block. i think it's ona pretty narrow decision that was ruled an alabama, but ciit does highligh other legislatures and courts weigh in on this, the fact that our legislators have been so unrepresentative, we are seeing a big gap between what the public thinks and what we're seeing and public policy. >> because it's such ata narrow position, do you agree with christina, the backlash could end up helping democrats like it did when roe v. wade was first overturned? >> it caused a backlash, the overturning of roe, because you
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had republicans now needing to find where they stood on this issue. but i haven't heard one republican come out and say they support a restriction won ivf. i don't think it's going to be the political issue that many on the left are seeming to position it as. >> kyla, you are in the because economy world. world we are talking about this before the. show the pollsters call and they say they don't feel good about the economy. is it just what's interwoven, in their wallet, or is it in the world around? them >> i think this is another example of voter fatigue. people are tied and don't feel they have actionable ways to fix the issues that they're facing. i think people are exhausted and a lot of capacities. when things like this come up, it's another knock against them. >> john, tomorrow, whsouth carolina. it's a big nikki haley donald trump showdown. it's her home state, he's so far ahead in the polls. what are you looking out for? >> i'm looking out to see if breaks a third in her home state. that's what i'm looking out for. if you can get to 40% in her
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home state, that's arguably a big win for her. she's not in this to win south carolina, she's not in this to win on super tuesday. she's in this. we are in new york city. we are wethinking about broadwa i'm thinking about, she's the understudy. the main character. sometimes . the understudy twis and ankle or has learned, and perhaps goes to jail. that's what she's running for. >> do you agree? >> whenever my students are confused on an exam, i tell them start with money and work your way backwards. she wouldn't be in it if donors weren't t still allowing her to be. >> and they sure are. they are excited about her. >> they want to support her because they don't know if donald trump it's going to prison. they don't know, if these 91 counts against him, if something will catch in one of the four jurisdictions he's facing. so, i don't think she will do very well tomorrow. but i'm actually looking at demographics. republican women tend not to vote for women. does she break into this gender gap we sometimes talk about in political science? our younger people more interested in her? are people of color and that in
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the republican party more interested in nikki haley? i want to sift through the demographics of the small percentage of voters that will turn out for her. >> when you look at the donor money backing nikki haley and all that money going to groups like no labels, what does that tell you about where lots of donor dollars are? who those people are and what they want? because let's be clear. neither no labels nor nikki haley have a clear path at this point. >> to a large degree, response responsive of this moment, which is that two thirds of americans don't want to see a biden trump rematch. donors are trying to figure out what are ways to create more competition and the system. is it within the republican party? is it outside of both parties? it's important. because we could have choices. we are trying to choose that leader of the ofntfree world. why should this be too octogenarian candidates competing to be the next president? we should have much more flavor of choice in our democracy. >> in theory. but isn't the issue -- i'm sure your students talk about all the time -- that's not how our
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system is designed. >> and they are not happy with it, by the way. they ppare not happy with it. when i am out beyond our campus and talk to young people, they constantly are talking about the constraints they find in this two party system, and how they don't feel like that is emblematic of the kind of democracy that we all deserve. so, that is something, and that's the reason that we see independent candidates and conspiracy theorists pulling double digits among young people, among older people as well. >> what do you think? >> what do i think about? >> not even the young voter -- the middle voter who feels homeless, that is not connecting with the two candidates, or the uninformed voter. so, despite the fact that we can take through all of joe biden's accomplishments, you've got massive swaths of people across this country, especially economic accomplishments. and somehow, they don't know about them. >> yeah. bidenomics is, objectively,
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very successful. but when you tell people that i biden has created a good economy, they are like, no way. >> why? what does that norway come from? >> that's what i'm trying to figure out. -- i think it goes back to a structural affordability issue. lack of investment in housing,, people feeling they don't have job opportunities. stagnant real wages for a very long time that have not outpaced inflation. >> groceries are expensive. >> -- and so we are asking people to vote for this idea that the sameness will continue, or will go back in time to 2016. that's just not appealing. i think people want a big change. but when you get on social media, the loudest people have the megaphone. and they are going to yell crazy things. you can't escape that void. i think a lot of people are extremely frustrated with that. >> what could break this? what could break this dysfunctional cycle that we are
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in? >> letting people vote. the interesting thing about south carolina is that it has an open primary. so, if you are democrat, republican, or independent, you can actually participate. in 22 states this year, 24 million independents are gonna be locked out of that system. so, if we want more choice and competition mrepresenting more americans, let's give more americans the right to participate in these taxpayer funded elections. >> agreed. but we know that elected officials do not want people to participate freely and easily. it's like that chicago adage, i don't want nobody who nobody sent. it's n'like, who sent you? if you are an elected official, your job is to get reelected. when you start having new people come in, or these unknown factors -- sometimes it's young people. sometimes it's people of color. they don't have control as to how they would vote. so, they are not as eager to make voting as easy and as accessible. new york has been very slow to to the game, just now
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introducing early voting. -- for many years, we were at the low end of the scale when it came to partisanship. it's not just voter apathy. it's also voter fatigue. yes, but the turnout. a lot, agreed, if their own democracy. they will -- vote at least twice in new york, at least least twice in 2026, for the governor's race, next year will be municipal races. we will take possibly a quick break in 2027, and then we'll go through three more years of possibly voting twice a year. >> and we'll take hours to do it in an old, antiquated, voting machine. >> othat's right. when i think about this conversation, i think about misinformation, disinformation. and the lack of information to real voters. >> but why is that? we have more information outlets than we ever have had before. yet, people seem to be an informed. >> i rethink there are issues from the bottom up as well as the top down. one of the best kept secrets in america today -- >> give it to me. >> is that 137 billion dollars s of student loan relief, 137
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billion dollars, 4 million americans. this is after the supreme court struck down biden's plan. very, very few people know about this. >> this makes me bananas. why? if there is one thing that donald trump knows how to do, its message. if donald trump forgave that kind of student debt, there would be a military parade through washington. do you remember when republicans begrudgingly signed on to the stimulus package during covid, donald trump -- the only thing he didn't put on it was his face. he put his name on it and he's getting credit for it today. we are is the disconnect? why can't this white house, this administration, let the people know, hey, we have just forgiven 137 billion with a b dollars of student debt? >> i think the message is not getting out. >> why? >> i think that zone as flooded by a whole bunch of negative messaging. it's about personality. it's about ideology. it's not really about policy. that's the political
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environment we exist in. now it is negative partisanship. it is, what is wrong with the other party, not what i have done or want to do. that is the problem with this binary we are stuck in. >> i have another topic before we go. this evening, we got the verdict on the nra trial. the jury found the organization and his former leader wayne lapierre liable in the civil corruption case. corruption case. -- over the past years, nra has been getting less and less popular. but it does not seem like it's lost its power, without wayne lapierre. losing a suit like this, what could -- >> lobbyist have definitely kept them in power. as you say, there is this disconnect between what our representatives have supported and what the public actually wants. there has to be some sort of repercussion. we have a super bowl bust bowl bs parade and mass shooting. >> except we do. >> we do. -- i did not grow up in the era
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of mass shootings. they did. there is, i think, younger people are starting to now realize they do not have to live this way, and so policy is going to catch up with public opinion, hopefully sooner than later. but there has to be some sort of economic repercussions for the nra, for them to slowly but shortly begin to change their ways. because the fact that foreign investments, foreign students don't want to come to the u.s. because we're no longer a safe country because you can get killed by a stray bullet in your classroom says a lot about where we are. you can tell a lot about a democracy on how they treat they are incarcerated in there children. we are failing on both ends. >> last point to you, john. do you think this and areva will mean anything? >> it's going to mean a lot. i'm not sure this happens without those march for our lives young people. and that way in which young people participate, they need to see little and big winds big d
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wins. >> -- >> in terms of penalties for the nra. >> before we move on, a quick programming note, our nightcap, which normally re-years on the weekend, won't tomorrow. because we will have special coverage of south carolina's gop primary. you can catch all of us -- rachel maddow, steve kornacki, the whole gang. we will be breaking down results starting 6:30 pm eastern on msnbc. but for now, you are in luck. everybody is staying. when we come back, they smoking gun that wasn't. reaction to the informant who allegedly gave the fbi bad information about the president and hunter biden. what it means for the gop big impeachment push. and later, we will go deeper on young voters. they're not happy about the future, the upcoming election. we are going to look at why they might feel that way and why it matters in november. the nightcap and the 11th hour just getting underway on and and important friday night. and important friday night.
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let's take a deep breath before we get into this. one house republicans, you know, it i know it, have spent a lot of time investigating president biden and his son hunter to try to build a case for impeachment. then this week, a big fat oops. federal prosecutors filed charges against alexander smirnoff. get to know that name. this was a highly credible source behind many of the allegations.
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guess what? government is now saying he lied to investigators. oh, christina. this was a smoking gun for republicans but now it looks like this man was firing blanks. as far as this impeachment goes, is it over? is it collapsed? what are they going to do? >> i don't know if it's over. because don't forget. before joe biden was even elected, republicans said if they regained the house -- thanks a lot, new york -- but if they regain house, they're going to impeach the president. impeach biden. and the questions, were for what? it doesn't matter. we're going to impeach. when we are seeing this slow train come into the station. i think what's really damning is alexander smirnov was known to be -- >> incredible his name was smirnov. that that russia was lying to that -- can't even. it's like they are laughing at us. >> -- it seems as though quite a few people knew he wasn't credible, for quite some time. and they just wanted to believe
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and push forward with the story. and they wanted to have misinformation and disinformation about hunter biden and the bidens writ large. this is what i'm confused. about republicans, so quick to point the finger. but if we started to dig through the trump children, i don't know if they want to go down that road, on how much money the -- neither here nor there. we know democrats don't really play in the same sandbox as republicans. so, here we are with someone who has been lying for several years. it seems as though people have known about it. but i don't think that that is actually going to call off republicans in a way that democrats or -- but >> if the other issue is, even if you went down the road with jared and ivanka and the brothers, maybe voters one won't ever hear the truth. for months and months, fox news has been wall-to-wall coverage about this highly credible fbi informant. he was the guy who's gonna prove wrongdoing of hunter biden and tie the president to. it we put together just a few moments of this coverage. watch this.
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>> documented allegations of bribery from a trusted fbi confidential human source has now finally been released. >> one of the fbi's top informants, our guy with impeccable credentials, a great track record, reported an allegation that joe biden took a 5 million dollar bribe. >> a veteran fbi informant alleging both the president and hunter biden each took $5 million in bribes. >> details come from an fbi informant who was very trusted. >> now we are learning from a credible source, who they don't want us to see or know about, there was five to the big guy and five to hunter, paid through dozens of family members. >> if you watch other networks, you won't hear at this story. if you are just watching fox for the first time, we'll tell you what's happening. because the media has been ignoring. this >> okay, here's the thing. now that highly credible informant is charged with lying, and he's sitting enough
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physical jail. what is fox news doing? and other right-wing outlets that have been covering it day in and day out? kyla scanlon, the truth matters. but only if you hear it. isn't that the issue here? >> absolutely. it comes down to how they are talking about these things. i think a big question is, when did they know? and how soon did this get out? >> but how do you get that portion of the country to know? not just fox. we have these news deserts around the country. portions of the country are not even going to hear this shoe dropping. oh, by the way, the guy is in jail, and he lied about the whole thing. >> and -- around the world, before the truth gets its boots on, the truth doesn't even have boots these days because the algorithms don't allow down the door. that's where we are stuck. two tribes, in their echo chambers, looking for any information that can reaffirm their worst beliefs about the other side. guess what? it opens the door to foreign influence and corruption. george washington told us that a couple hundred years ago. that's where we are at today.
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and unfortunately, that is doing putin's bidding and others that are trying to undermine american democracy. it's happening in realtime. >> how much is vladimir putin winning now? >> he's been winning ever since donald trump was reelected. rather, elected. i teach george washington's farewell address -- because he talks about partisanship. he talks about the influence of foreign entities and how dangerous that can be. i think the difference is, it is not just two camps that don't hear the news. it's that one can't will hear the truth and they don't care. so, republicans who are watching fox news, even if fox news says smirnov is not credible, all the things we have been reporting for the past several months, have essentially been false, he is a liar, he is sitting in a jail cell, they are unmoved. we are past the point of partisanship when it comes to people who support donald trump. we are in a cult. >> i'm old enough to remember, after the 2016 election, nearly half of democrats thought russia changed vote totals. that's not true. i think the drug of partisanship afflicts both
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sides, and it -- reality is and -- we can have a democracy if there is not a sense of what truth is. >> what about the millions of americans who don't care about politics? but they are looking at members of congress right now, republicans erasing smirnoff's name from all sorts of documents. but what americans -- are doing is doing nothing to fund the government. they are doing nothing to support ukraine, they're doing nothing at the border. and that seems to be their gym. this -- isn't this why you have got lots of americans who think that government does nothing for them? >> they are correct in many ways. right? in fact -- >> can you imagine, if any of your jobs, you are like, i don't like my boss, i don't like my coworkers, guess what i'm doing for the next nine months? nothing. >> we talk about a do-nothing congress. >> by design. >> this is the absolutely do- nothing congress. but >> not just do nothing because we don't agree. do nothing because we want to hurt you. >> the question earlier, in terms of how we change, this
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this isn't going to be through cable news. it's going to be through kneecap to kneecap conversation in our communities, with our neighbors, friends, around our family members. people are emotional when it comes to politics. and that use very small part of the brain that's rational when it comes to this. they don't turn that part of their brain on until they appreciate that they are being respected, heard, and don't feel humiliated in the conversation. this is something i think all of us need to work on, and restart those conversations. >> do you agree? >> the problem is 90% of congress just got re-elected last november. despite the institution having a 20% approval rating. so, there is a big disconnect in our ability to hold our leaders accountable for not getting anything done. unfortunately, they get rewarded for this kind of behavior. they raise more money. they get a lot of attention. they get votes in their primaries, et cetera. and so, i just think the incentives are off. we don't like what we are seeing but -- yet we keep rewarding. it >> but it gets a little more complicated. because when you look at the
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data, people tend to like they are specific member of congress. they don't like congress as a body. so, if you like your representative, this is why people in congress go back and get reelected at rates of hopefully 93%. but i feel the body of congress does nothing, even though my particular representative -- >> does the average voter know, what their representative does? think about all of the members of congress who did not vote, who didn't want to support the infrastructure act, but they are standing out there as ribbon cuttings or happened. they are saying, that happened on my -- does the actual voter, because, again, we talk about news deserts. we have a huge loss in terms of local news. local news was how people learn how they held local amacher's and local businesses accountable. it's where they got their information and they don't even exist anymore. >> the funding is completely dried up. it's over 500 local newspapers closed since 2019. and that is tragic. i think if we want to reach people, we have to be on social media. that's the hard part. you have to translate these
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stories to people who have attention spans of gnats >> and you have to get it in a way where you are translating the facts. but i also think the big issue is we don't have the language to describe what's going on. everything is strange and disconnected. it's hard to translate that. i think people don't know what's going on. but also, we don't know how to talk about what is going on either. >> and there are people that are trying to divide us and make us feel bad. and that has negative overhang. >> another thing is civics. a large portion of what i'm teaching in my intro to politics classes. >> civics. >> people don't -- know how to go to have the have a problem. all of my students have to write a letter to an elected official. are you writing the right person? joe biden isn't the person you should write if you think there is lead paint in your public school. chuck schumer, if you are in new york, isn't the person where, if you want a stop sign in your neighborhood. so, really trying to figure out, what is a city council
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person do? are they different from a state senator? a state senator is not a u.s. senator. there are two u.s. senators in each state. but there could be a myriad of senators in your state. a lot of my students, a lot of americans, quite frankly, don't know the different levels of government and what they are charged to do. >> how would they know? i >> we might want to get civics back in our education system, but when it comes to certain parties, they -- case to learn because they're taking books literally out of schools. >> everyone is staying with us. when we come back, we get into why some young voters -- it's what john focuses on -- are not happy. but on social media, i know we are excited about, but it might have something to do with it. when the 11th hour continues. o when the 11th hour continues. whoa fleas! and ticks! (♪♪) intestinal worms! whoa! heartworm disease! no problem with simparica trio! this drug class has been associated with neurologic adverse reactions including seizures. use with caution in dogs with a history of these disorders.
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this election is about who shares your values. use with caution in dogs with a history of these disorders. let me share mine. i'm the only candidate with a record of taking on maga republicans, and winning. when they overturned roe, i secured abortion rights in our state constitution. when trump attacked our lgbtq and asian neighbors, i strengthened our hate crime laws. i fought for all of us struggling to keep up with the rising cost of living. i'm evan low, and i approve this message for all of our shared values. what do i see in peter dixon? i see my husband... the father of our girls. i see a public servant. a man who served under secretary clinton in the state department... where he took on the epidemic of violence against women in the congo. i see a fighter, a tenacious problem-solver... who will go to congress and protect abortion rights and our democracy. because he sees a better future for all of us.
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i'm peter dixon and i i want to go deeper on young voters. they matter, people for whom, this might be their first or second time voting for president. recent polling from axios finds that they are disillusioned about the election and a future. john, this is their jam. i know we talked about it as a top line, but dig deep. what is it specifically that has young people so nonplused? or is it that we are still nine months away, that they will potentially be getting revved up come september, october. >> i think there's potential in that. but i'm concerned. >> tell us, tell us. >> if i look at where young people are today relative to the last cycle, without question, across the board, they tell us they're us likely to vote, because they have less
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hope and less likely to see the difference that government can make. mind you, this is coming off two historic levels of participation. without these young people between the ages of 18, and 29, stephanie, donald trump would have been reelected as president. young people voted overwhelmingly for biden by 20 points, in the five key battleground states, and older americans overwhelmingly supported donald trump. it's a different country today because of young people, but they're not understanding, what i think has been the most pro- youth agenda in certainly my lifetime. >> that is kind of my point. we can put democracies on ball ballot over here, but let's get to things that have gotten done. the american rescue plan, the bipartisan infrastructure bill, the inflation reduction act, the chips act, he talked about it before, all the student debt that has been forgiven. but why are so many, especially young people saying, nothing has changed for me? >> those are acronyms.
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maybe that is part of the reason why. i don't know. but young people told me several years ago they wanted to go for three things. they want to devote for climate, to reduce gun violence, and to reduce student loans. we found the largest investment in climate in the history in the world. we had the first bipartisan gun prevention act into in two generations, increased background checks, et cetera. we talked about the 137 with a b billion dollars. in student debt. i think the president has done his job. his wisdom, has experience has done this. now we need to figure out what we need to do collectively to share the story of government work for young people. >> policy is important, but i i think representation matters a lot. we are living in a gerontocracy. congress looks like a retirement home. if you want young people to participate in politics, we need to have pathways for young people to run, serve and lead. right now, i think the incumbency and vantage in our political system is getting worse every year, and young
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people feel so disconnected from the political class today. my other big concern is if you ask young people how essential they feel democracy is, half you get only about 30%, half the rate of the greatest generation. this is not sustainable, unless young people have bought into our democracy. we need to think about the civics learning, national service, other things then turning out the vote for a particular candidate in one election. >> but is that it? is that it? hey, boys and girls, do you not understand what not having a democracy means? we talk about the economy, you don't have free markets in an autocracy. >> right, they are disconnected from say, our grandparents generation. so, to your point, i really do i think having and they were core were core americorps was a bigger deal
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than -- obama. democrats are terrible at showcasing their. hits donald trump is not, and neither are republicans. also, we had to think internationally. there are a young lot of young people that disagree with joe biden about his handling of israel and palestine. that is going to be a significant percentage of young people, possibly in key states, like michigan right now, where, that is their single issue policy. >> so, they are not going to vote or vote for another candidate? because if it is donald trump versus joe biden, and i am not saying joe biden is giving them what they are looking for, but donald trump won't be. >> but this is somebody like robert kennedy junior, this is where the no labels -- comes in. you can be dissatisfied with joe biden, and i am the alternative. we had political pundits telling people to vote third- party candidate without playing this story down the line. because if donald trump gets a second term, he has already told us he wants to be a
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dictator. he already told us he believes in a white christian nationalism agenda. he already told us what he wants to do. he won't have stopgaps like he did the first time around. it's hard to get 18 year olds to sometimes see how far the train can go off the tracks, because they are really passionate about a particular issue, even with the greatest it's that john has laid out. >> is it that young people feel that our current political system, our elected officials, the people that are running, don't speak their language? >> absolutely, as been mentioned several times, there is a huge disconnect. i think the issue is that -- a lot of people are -- you know, social media is good, but a lot of people are getting their social media information from social media. so, they're getting the extremes of either end of the discussion. so i think the decline of -- and the decline of community and public service has made people feel disconnected from their communities. so, even if you talk about politics, they are like, i don't exist in that space. i don't understand what you are talking about. that's the issue as well.
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they are not they are directly experiencing the world around them in a lot of ways. >> what is the rfk draw for young people? >> that he is not one of them. it's as simple as if you are not dissatisfied with a democrat and republican party, you have a home with me as an independent. at this point, it's, i think, as simple as that. according to polling that i looked at, he does as well with young men as young women. it's not just a macho male sort of thing. but it's early, and i think the more people understand about him, it's easy to tell a pollster like myself, that talks about that -- he's in double digits now. but i will tell you, he is the greatest threat, in my opinion, to biden's reelection campaign. it's significant. just look at michigan, for example. 300,000 college students in michigan. 300,000. >> none of you brought up a point that a fox commentator did this week, who said that young voters are going to get really excited about these donald trump gold sneakers,
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that these gold sneakers, with a big tea big te t emblazoned on them, is going to get people to walk down to the polls, specifically, young black voters. on what planet does that make sense? >> republicans say the quiet -- about them as voters and human beings. i am also confused. can the shoes actually stay on the market because they have a red bottom? and we know that christian lu baton lu bato christian louboutin is litigious -- donald trump is running out of things to shill. we've had stakes -- >> why don't i hear from the charlamagne tha god or the
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killer mike's out there -- but do black men in particular -- things you can find easily on facebook saying, neither one does anything. so, i don't know, if you want to stay home, that's up to you. they refused to lay out how far this train can go off the track. how far donald trump can take us away from democratic ideals. this country is not perfect. every black person knows that. but incrementally, we have to actually work towards the ideals. we can't have people consistently telling people, if you sit this one out, i don't think it will make a difference because joe biden has not done anything for your community, absolutely not. we know that african americans are most susceptible to environmental racism. we know that having debt relief for people who have gone to college, that actually closes the wealth gap, so that african american can start to buy houses. the list goes on and. on when you have killer mike and charlamagne tha god, they are actually real dangerous
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threats to democracy and preservation of african americans in particular. >> getting rid of -- junk fees, lowering prescription prices, that helps everybody. everyone here is staying put. and when we come back, you know what time it is. mvps at the week, who had the biggest week, we'll find out who our guests are celebrating, when the 11th hour continues. when the 11th hour continues.
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we are wrapping up our nightcap panel. so, you know it is time for a mvps of the week. kyla scanlon, to you first.
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who won? >> claudia -- she's done an incredible job talking about the but -- >> i love you to death, but if you think our audience knows who claudia's sahm -- i think she has done a really good job of helping people feel -- >> in their economic circumstances. >> -- >> my mvp is john avlon. >> former of cnn. >> -- former speech writer, and as of this week, a candidate for congress in new york's first congressional district, and he is doing something that i hope other democrats, republicans and independents do, is run for office, on a platform of putting country over party and prioritize democracy is the number one issue. if we want to make progress on any other issue, that is the -- john avlon is a passionate
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performer. performer reformer. >> i'll say our own reverend al? >> al sharpton. msnbc own wherever and al sharpton. -- >> -- reverend sharpton -- >> all he's done. >> not just for -- a lot of people think they know reverend al, but this profile, i think it's 13 pages. it lays out all that he has done in the past 40 some odd years for american democracy. big d democracy, and small d democracy. it's a great read. people should pick up esquire and read it. >> pretty extraordinary. >> won? extraordinary. >> won?
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juan? >> juan, thank you. >> the yulia navalny -- the widow, of course, of alexei navalny. -- direct a camera and said that -- >> just days, days after he hello her husband died. >> assassinated by putin, right? and she talked about how half of her has been ripped apart. half her heart, half of her soul. but the other part is actually filled with rage and anger, and she's going to channel that rage, on behalf of her husband on behalf of all the russians who, i think in her words, a loving, beautiful, open society. it was just incredible to see that, with her two children. of course, they met with president biden, a few days after that, in san francisco.
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so, she adds just so much hope for myself, and i think, for so many people, not just her country. but in this country as well. if he's as brave as she is to take the rains from her husband, we can all do something a little more to help improve our democracy. >> but here is my question, you feel inspired, but do you honestly feel hopeful? president biden is now implementing new sanctions, with many people saying, if there are more sanctions to implement, why didn't we do it already? alexei navalny had been asking for the sanctions before the war broke out. >> we know that the sanctions during the war had had no effect at all, in terms of the russian economy. you need to have hope, stephanie. everyone needs to have hope. so, i'm saying with that. >> i like that, and i need to and on a high note. i have a strange mvp this week. it's not a person or organization, it's a company that people dog on every day, it is instagram. last week, i was sitting on an airplane, and i was struggling to get through the same book that i cannot get through every single time i get on a plane.
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i was reminded that being dyslexic is really hard. and for whatever reason, i decided to write an instagram post about. it was like a message of encouragement to any kid out there at that moment who was staring at the window, struggling in school, whether they are diagnosed or undiagnosed or just lost, i just hope that somebody who needed to read it would read it. by the time that the plane landed, when i get off the plane, and i turned my phone back on, i was overwhelmed. i had comments from students, from parents, from teachers, from thousands and thousands of people because we learn differently. and when you are in school, and it don't know if you have it, or do know that you have, it you can't get through and see the end, the light, and it made me glad that i did it. but it made me happy about instagram, because as much as we rip on these social media platforms, it is those platforms that, and unsuspecting times, bring random people together sometimes hundreds, thousands, millions of people for a common cause and creating a community.
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what a gift that is. i want to say, thank you to instagram for that, with all the complaining we do, some days, it really makes a difference. all right, thank you, all for being here. i love having you. nightcap is my favorite night of the week. and to you at home, i wish you a very good and very safe night. from all of our colleagues across the networks of nbc news, thank you for staying up late. i'll see you at the end of monday. of monday.
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this election is about who shares your values. let me share mine. i'm the only candidate with a record of taking on maga republicans, and winning. when they overturned roe, i secured abortion rights in our state constitution. when trump attacked our lgbtq and asian neighbors, i strengthened our hate crime laws. i fought for all of us struggling to keep up with the rising cost of living. i'm evan low, and i approve this message for all of our shared values. what do i see in peter dixon?
12:00 am
i see my husband... the father of our girls. i see a public servant. a man who served under secretary clinton in the state department... where he took on the epidemic of violence against women in the congo. i see a fighter, a tenacious problem-solver... who will go to congress and protect abortion rights and our democracy. because he sees a better future for all of us. i'm peter dixon and i approved this message. . no voice, nothing. i want to know what happened to my mom. i have no memories. i have no voice, nothing. i want to know what's happened to my mom. >> i did


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