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tv   Alex Witt Reports  MSNBC  February 24, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm PST

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intelligence. that really undercuts the whole heart of the republican impeachment effort. they did not have a lot to begin with a gourd into some republicans, like ken buck, we colorado congressman who said they were there. but it is really, i think from the democrats point of view, it should shut down this impeachment investigation. from the republican viewed seems like they've lost a lot of the movement and they may have had. that >> it didn't sound like they knew that. the fbi did tell the committee when they first provided to this document to be cautious about thusing it because they weren't sure this information was eccorroborated or credible. committee members, republican committee members chose to highlight it anyway. it was a g it as if smoking gun of corruption against the president of the united states. ta
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proof of the largest corruption in her lifetime, or even 100 years. now we know, according to the fbi, that's not true. they took what the head, uncorroborated report from a store they didn't even know and rain with it. now i think it has blown up in their faces. >> the president met with yulia navalnaya, alexei navalny's widow and their daughter, a student at stanford. he met with him this week while in california. yulia vows to pick up the mantle and continue for husbands fight. what are your thoughts on that, peter? our? what are the things she could accomplish? >> it's an extraordinary moment. obviously she has that moral clarity of a widow grave and her husband, who just died in a russian prison basically a week ago. and she's come out and say we are not going to allow the russian government, putin to intimidate us. we are not going to allow him to stop the opposition she and her
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husband have been a part. of she's never been a real public facing part of this. chaise supported alexei over the years but she was relatively quiet in a public stance. now she is going to take a leading role. we'll see how far it can go. she's not living in russia. that it probably not a place shaken have the aactivities sh wants to have at this moment. we'll see how people rally around her. it is not typical to have woman at the e forefront of russian politics. that's historically not something we've seen a lot. she has such a powerful voice and message at this particular time, that she could do it would other widows of dissidents and opposition figures around the world have urdone through history. picked up the coals that cost them the life of their husband. >> okay, sorry this was short. and make it up to you. thank, you peter. in the next hour, what today's primary vote and south carolina might reveal about the general election.
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plus congressman ruben gallego joins me to talk about the two year anniversary of the ukraine invasion. of the ukraine invasion. a very good day from msnbc world headquarters here in new york. welcome alex witt to reports. we begin this hour with nikki haley and donald trump squaring off in south carolina. republicans and some democrats are casting ballots today in the open gop presidential primary. it is halle's home state. and while trump it's looking to continue his unbeaten streak, haley is hoping south carolina can fill a come back. >> what i am thanking on the fact is that he can't win a general election. you look at the poll that came out this week. he is margin of era with joe biden. i defeat joe biden by 18 points. this as effect, if they want to see a change in our country, we have to win. and we can't went with someone
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who is not able to win a general election. >> moments ago, trump took the stage at the conservative conference say pack. he is traveling the campaign and courthouse, filing some lake outmaneuvered like yesterday. while south carolina voters are explaining their political choices to nbc reporters around the state. >> i think she's the right candidate. we have a bunch of older publications running and i think she's the best one for our country, i think. >> who did you vote for today? >> donald j trump. closed the border. we had no wars because he went and talked to the people and they respected him. sometimes they were scared of him, and that's a good thing for us. >> we have several reporters and. plays from south carolina to maryland following today's developments. let's begin with garrett haake, at a polling location and columbia, south carolina.
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garrett, who are you seeing come talk to the polls today? >> alex, we have seen voters coming and coming here at a fairly steady drip across the morning. and in these early afternoon hours. and this poll and location, just outside of downtown columbia, this as a place where he would anticipate nikki haley doing well or needing to do well, in the most highly educated county and the state. a county in which democrats are typically competitive with republicans, in general election . and what i found and my holly unscientific conversations with voters here matches up with a lot of what have seen in the other early states. traditional republicans, now maga republicans, totally toiled and unprecedented run. but some crossover from independent and even democratic voters who waited past a democratic primary more than a week ago, now, to come and vote today instead. to stop donald trump, they say, by voting for nikki haley. listen to some of what i've heard from voters here today. >> i usually vote democratic.
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but today i'm voting for it in a cape cod i think she's the best candidate. we have got to have somebody who is inclusive and not restrictive. and she cried on foreign policy. >> are there any issues and particular, you are like, this is nothing i care about the most? this was what i think trump out of the best on? >> the border, that debt, the military, that wokeness, the military. i think he's the best man. taxes. >> alex, i spoke to another democratic voter who felt the best options to use her vote towards the goal of reelecting joe biden and beating donald trump was to wait and vote in this republican primary. that's the kind of thing haley needs to outperform expectations in this state. but the sheer weight of the republican machinery behind donald trump, the traditional, registered republicans coming out to vote for the former president does not bode well for this state's former governor. alex? >> hang on. can you tell me how that woman
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was going to vote? was she voted for haley, hope and should get a huge up swing? >> she was voted for haley. the idea here being voting and the democratic primary here for chuck, biden and uncontested rice, she felt was a waste of her vote. she wanted to wait until this republican primary, come and and vote for nikki haley with a goal of stopping donald trump anywhere she could. >> gotcha. thank you very much, garrett, for that. we'll go to dasha burns. now she's at cpac, national harbor, maryland, were the former president is speaking before heading to south carolina. he was supposed to be taking the stage. what's going on? where does that stand right now? >> he is speaking right now, right behind me, a little bit fashionably light. which is practically typical for from president trump. let's be clear. autonomic colleagues in south carolina our covering the primary. for the folks here, at the primer is over. in fact, it was over a long time ago. and this is an event that
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really paints a picture of just how much former president trump has remade the republican party, the conservative movement, and his image. this is not a place correct pickle conservatives come and talk about policy and fiscal conservatism. this is the trump. show and every possible way. this is the main event here but leading up to it, every speaker, every, panelist talking about the former president. talk about his legal issues going on offense floor former president trump. this is where the things that others may cold beckett former president for trump, whether it be january sixth or his legal problems, this is where all of that is celebrated. this is where the troops come to rally and to defend him against any and all possible attacks that they see here. and this is where you see how this party has fallen in line. you hear the rhetoric that trump uses. he heard coming out of the mouths of other speakers. you hear it coming out of the mouths of the andes here. everyone is following the exact footsteps of who they see as
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that leader of the party right now. that former president is trump. >> i mentioned coherent a lot of caucus when it comes to those vying for vice president as. well it sounds like your ole token of the same page. we'll see you again soon. let's go to nbc's l.a. for kelly, and charleston, we are former governor nikki haley is looking for uncomposed. ali, let's look at realistically, haley doesn't have the endorsement of south carolina's current governor. and if you look at the polls, what is it like? a 2 to 1 lead right now for don trump? what does her plan? >> not shocking. she doesn't have the endorsement of the current governor. she beat him in the primary when she herself was running for governor of the second time. that's something haley herself would remind him. but last hour we talk to, and the line was, like we said it was surprising to us. the wind has picked up at frankly so has the line. we'll walk it as we talk to you. i think it is striking to see how many people are turning out,
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even though and my conversations, when you look at polling trains, the stakes of those have remained the same. the fact that trump has been comfortably in the lead here, even haley campaign is an argument that than trump is going to win here. instead they are saying they think the margins are going to be a lot closer. but the amount of voters turning out tells a story people still want voters to be heard. we have, of course, heard from republicans voting for haley because they like the fact is providing them and alternative to the former president. to the same token, i've seen people in this line, here, wearing make america great again hats. i've seen people wearing trump hats. i've seen people wearing shorts that say make truth normal again. so you're even bludgeoned that push and pull between the republican party play out and simply what they're showing up to the polls and and how they are turning out to vote. haley herself has been ramping up the criticisms of former president donald trump, over the course of the last few weeks she explained that old part and parcel to now being his last rival standing.
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and this morning, even in realtime, she reacted to something trump sit on the stage last night in those rally remarks here in south carolina. he said black folks, black voters are responding to him in part because i see and his legal troubles. here is haley responding to that. >> it is disgusting. but that's what happens when he goes off the teleprompter. that is the chaos that comes with donald trump. that is the offensiveness that is going to happen every day between now and the general election. which is why i continue to say, donald trump cannot win a general election. he won't. we can make him the primary nominee if we want to, but we republicans will lose come november. >> alex, haley there once again turning to her electability argument. and we are not even at the front of this one. we have been tracking or friends here, who have been waiting. it is about ten or 15 minutes to get to the midway point of the line. one of our friends and vivek
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brought some food. he said he wanted to be able to have a snack as he continued to within this line. look, this is what democracy looks like in a moment like this. even when the stakes are set, seemingly, even when republicans would say they think this as trump's party, he is that nominee, there are people willing to come out and say, hey, not so fast, i want that alternative and that is good news to someone like nikki haley, who says that's the only reason she's staying, and and there are the people who say even if it is trump's party and they already know he's no money, they still want to come out for him and have their forces heard. that the striking thing. we were told earlier in the week , not to expect too many lines. obviously that is not the story here, as mike, our camera man, pans. bag and part of the reason for that, i think, might be because their primary vote, and they have collapsed some of the number of precincts and number of polling places. so people are congregating here at this one. but at the same time, it's also a gauge of affect the turnout
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is going to be potentially high. at least in a place like charleston county. >> i think you should go and high five those kids. because you'll either inspire them to vote or take her job and 30 years. anyway, okay, ali, things so much. >> one of them already took my microphone! >> after our show, jen psaki and jonathan kaye part host special coverage of the south carolina primary. breaking down all the latest numbers as polls begin to close. at 6:30 pm eastern, rachel maddow and team pick up analysis with a state could not keep breaking down the result at the big board. it will begin at four pm eastern, right here on msnbc. congressman ruben gallego on the 500 new sanctions for russia. the fight for change on the border and a new development and his senate campaign, we are back in 60 seconds. 60 seconds.
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only at vanguard, you're more than just an investor, you're an owner. our financial planning tools and advice can help you prepare for today's longer retirement. hi mom. that's the value of ownership. (rachel) i live with a broken phone i can't trade in. (female friend) okay, that's dramatic. a better plan is verizon... (rachel) oh yeah, lets go! (vo) save up to $1800 and trade in any samsung phone for a new galaxy s24+, watch and tablet, all on us! only on verizon. breaking news. russian opposition figure alexei navalny's body has not been returned to his mother, more than a week after his
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death. a spokesperson for the family confirmed the news earlier today and says navalny's funeral is yet to come and that they don't know whether the authorities will interfere with it. it all comes as president biden took part and a video conference today with jason ventilators. and ukrainian presidents zelenskyy who all gathered in a cave as ukraine marks two years of war. joining me now, nbc's erin gilchrist from the white house. welcome, what have you learned about the ten a.m. virtual call? >> alex, the call started a little bit like today. but you saw president biden walking with his national security adviser hitting into the meeting earlier today. this was an opportunity for the world's largest democracies and economies, the g7, to get to gather and reaffirm their support for ukraine and its fight against russian aggression as the administration has put it so many times. we just got the statement from the g7. that later's statement. a four-page statement that came out, as i said, offering that affirmation of support for
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ukraine. and i think a key part of the statement was the very last sentence. as ukraine enters the third year of this relentless war, its government and people can count on the g7s support for as long as it takes. the statement told about the fact there would continue to be assistance provided to ukraine. we know the canadians and italians today signed security agreements. while their latest war and ukraine, and cave, with the ukrainian leader. canadians potent up two billion dollars in financial and military support today. also a coal and the stipend for russia to put down its arms, to throw all of its forces from ukraine. and to end the fighting there. and also a commitment to continue with the sanctions. obviously, yesterday, we saw the biden administration placed some 500 sanctions against entities that were financial in nature or the watch supplying for defense industrial base and russia. those sanctions, along with several others, actions taken
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by the commerce department here, designed to really hurt the russian economy and to put an end to putin's ability to continue to build weapons of war. we also heard today, from the ukrainian president, this statement from him really in part spoke to the stalemate that's happening here in the united states in terms of the funding that ukrainian efforts, the request from the administration to pass a supplemental security supplemental in the house of representatives. hear what that ukrainian president had to say. >> now we can clearly say our leadership is sufficient towards our security. when that world laden democracies are truly determined, these determinations overcomes all challenges. >> alex, we've heard the president repeat yesterday he's calling on the house of representatives to take out the supplemental package that the senate passed a couple of weeks
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ago. to take that action, to pass that 60 billion dollar package so the u.s. can start to continue to supply the ukrainians with the weapons that need in order to push back against the russians. in particular, there has been a request to supply weapons that would allow ukrainians to obviously race upon her forces on the front lines. and also to be able to target some russian resources that are currently on the ground inside ukraine. at this point, the administration is saying, the president himself is saying, if the speaker of the house for the puck was on the floor of the house, he believes it would pass. >> okay aaron gilchrist, thank you so much. joining me right now, arizona congressman ruben gallego. and member of the house armed services committee and the state democratic candidate for senate. congressman, welcome back. you are very busy right now during the race you are going. but as you reflect on what ukraine has endured over the past two years, the loss of life, the destruction of much of the country, the incredible
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growth of its military. if congress continues holding out on passing additional aid, how might conditions on the front lines change this year? >> what's going to change as ukraine's going to lose more men and women, trying to defend itself. i went to ukraine before the war and actually after the start of the war. i took a bipartisan delegation is the chairman of intel and special operations. i met with soldiers, publications -- they are going to fight to the very end. and it is embarrassing the people like kari lake, and these republicans in the minority, are not going to give them that weapons they need to defend themselves. we are live in a democracy tie in front of our eyes because we are taken the words of putin and trump, and following their late when it comes to foreign policy. that's going to be against the interests of the united states. >> and yet we heard from aaron gilchrist, canada stepping up,
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it's really stepping up, where do we stand? let's talk about the bipartisan border security and foreign aid bill passed by the senate. even though you believe those policies should not have been linked, after a speaker mike johnson's rejection of that bill, the house has introduced a scaled back border and a proposal, so do you support that? do you think speaker johnson will support that and if that will at peace? >> the problem to begin with is we were asked, and a lot of us were and disagreement, to put this aside by republicans. because what they got what they wanted, they ended up killing. it with this bill does surprise that same funds our allies need, i would be in support. but the problem we have as we have republicans, such as donald trump, such as kari
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lake, that are listening to putin, are essentially boosting putin and his popularity. kari lake went on tv and radio and said that ukraine war is lost. in her vast experience dealing with that military. when 20% of that navy, that russian navy and the black sea, is destroyed. when they are consistently destroying what is supposed to be the second largest army in the world, at least in asia. and right now is barely hanging on. so we need to make sure we have someone in office that understand it and is not just taking talking points from russian propaganda. >> kyrie likes we fast experience with the military, your voice was dripping with a sarcasm. let's go to nato. donald trump saying he could pull the u.s. out of the alliance. the biden administration has unlaced more than 500 new sanctions against russia, the most since the beginning of the
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war. will the assumptions punish russia and what the previous ones have not? how lori tower you off and emboldened put an attacking another european ally? >> i hope it does. but the best way to actually stop putin and tweeted her putin is by making him lose ukraine. that ukrainians, they have the capabilities. they have the will and they have the right to do this. but what they need as our packing and our weapon rate. this is -- if you think about this, russia, we have been, even before this, we as a country have been preparing for war against a country of that nature. right now we are spending less than 3% of our military budget and another country is literally taken down one of our future, potential future adversaries. so the idea that we're just going to abandon them, again, because donald trump has his feelings hurt is actually going to weaken us in the long run.
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how hard will it be for us to help our nato allies if something happens in taiwan? how do we abandon our nato allies after they sacrificed over 1000 men in afghanistan, when we invoked article five after 9/11? this is the kind of dangerous and naive thinking that kari lake is conducting. and it is dangerous to put her or anyone like her near atlanta making process. >> speaking of carrot, like the polls and arizona have utley than her by seven points in a hit to hit matchup. but kristen sinema, now an independent, has yet to say whether she'll run for reelection. like a magnet darling who denied the results of both the 2020 presidential election as well as her own failed bid for governor. do you expect her to one of her campaign, how contentious are you prepping for? >> it really is contentious but it doesn't really matter. she's been attacking me, my family. but at the end of the
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day, we're talking about arizona's families. well she's at cpac with that extreme monica group literally so upright effect that on january sixth police officers were beat up, we are in arizona, traveling the state. i am agent with butter on a daily basis. democrats, republicans, independents. let me tell you, kari lake's message is not going to resonate. they don't like effect shape denies the elections in 2020, 2022, and certainly i guarantee you won this election is over, should also be tonight the results of the 2024 election. >> let me ask quickly, how much is the border issue playing and to help voters will cast their ballots this year in arizona? >> and arizona, it is one of the top issues. not the top issue. but it's also something that requires real support leadership. and we are not getting that from people like kari lake. when we had a compromise bill that would have surged thousands of border patrol
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agents to the front, would have brought on emigration judges to help asylum cases faster, would have brought millions and millions of dollars to border towns violent with the surge, without even ratings bill she rejected it. and like other republicans, they have no solutions. that one to solve the problem, they just want to use the problem. democrats want to solve problems, bring relief to our border communities, and we want to have a path forward for immigration reform. that is a right way to ensure this problem. that's how adult should be answering the problem and not the political partisanship that kari lake and that republicans are showing. >> keep on carrying on. congressman ruben gallego, thank you. the big juggle for donald trump in the weeks and months to come. in the weeks and month to come. common side effects wee nausea, indigestion, and stomach pain. ask about nurtec odt. oh... stuffed up again? so congested! you need sinex saline from vicks. just sinex, breathe,
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pickwell his lawyers ask a new york court to delay his payment of $83 million e. jean two carroll and a staggering $453.5 million and the new york civil fraud suit. phone hillyard joins us now from south carolina. welcome. give us your sense of what trump faces over the next few weeks. >> let's be very clear here, alex. this is the best case scenario for him, politically, to have one and such factions and iowa, new hampshire, nevada, and now we expect here in south carolina, a nikki haley's home turf. that allows his schedule to be afraid. up weather nikki haley continues on beyond today or not does not matter to trump and his team. i was talking to his ally, monterrey taylor green, who is here at this political keyshawn out of columbia. she told me donald trump's strategy should be to fully ignore nikki haley. that she is no and void, are relevant to the political process here in 2024 after at
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night she anticipates donald trump winning. that turns to that legal calendar. right now he does not appear to have a courtroom obligation until march 25. this is the same guy he has until to pay up for the penalty that is anchored from the civil fraud lawsuit stemming out of new york. but march 25 as also at the same day the alleged criminal hush money payment trial is slated to begin. we expect that to last about six weeks. that trial will lost six. week donald trump, as the criminal defendant, as obligated to be inside the courtroom monday through thursday for the trial over the course of six weeks. now we are looking at a republican national convention not until the middle of july. donald trump has made the commitment to campaign on weekends and ed nights, despite whatever obligations he has to the courtroom. but for don trump, he's tried to leverage these trials and proceedings to the best of his ability, politically.
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and we should expect nothing different from here moving ahead. again, module retailer grain. i asked her about donald trump and the way he's used this criminal trials to his political benefit. she said this as part of a general election pitch to win over independents and democrats, that he has been unfairly, politically targeted through prosecution. and these trials will happen whether he likes it or not. politically, for him, this is his best opportunity to try to capitalize off of that fines and legal proceedings that await him. >> i'm just looking at my iphone with the calendar. march 25, for six weeks, he'll have the entire month of april, just to have weakens, and to the first weekend of may, if he's got to be in court monday through thursday. thank you. voters in south carolina, go home to the polls. what they are telling us about how they voted, mixed. voted, .
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this election is about who shares your values. let me share mine. i'm the only candidate with a record of taking on maga republicans, and winning. when they overturned roe, i secured abortion rights in our state constitution.
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when trump attacked our lgbtq and asian neighbors, i strengthened our hate crime laws. i fought for all of us struggling to keep up with the rising cost of living. i'm evan low, and i approve this message for all of our shared values. i voted for nikki. >> i voted for nikki as well. >> i voted for trump. because he's the only one that takes care of this country and does what he says. everything he said he was going to do, he did. >> i voted for nikki. i think it is time for a change. i think we need younger people serving in our country.
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i just like her ideas, i lycra spirit, i like her youth. >> just a few of the voters who turned out today. that latest republican primary vote is now underway. long lines spotted. neither donald trump knew or former governor nikki haley have lost an election in this state. that will change tonight when the votes are tallied. latest bullet suggests trump will win all 50 of the state delegates. joining me now is robert gibbs, msnbc political analyst and former white house press secretary and the about administration. and mike leibovich -- author of thank you for your servitude, donald trump's washington and the price of submission. good to have you both. here according to the atlantic, south carolina has been the decisive contest and republican presidential primaries as the state most likely to anoint the gop's eventual nominee. and it seems it is poised to
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play the role again. robert, do you agree with that? >> i do. it has proved pretty decisive and democratic primaries as well. i think, tonight, papal will watch what the margin is. you just manchin probably the most important thing and that late up to this. nikki haley is likely going to lose all 50 south carolina of's delegates. this is a delicate game. a delicate accumulation game to get to the nomination. to get to that threshold. by definition, time after time, nikki haley isn't making any progress on that. we are ten minutes away from super tuesday, where she is likely to say that delicate gap grow. i think it will be a long night for nikki haley and her supporters and a long, uphill path towards anything close to the nomination going forward. >> i am curious, mark, aside from being a bellwether for the gop nomination and robert statement as a delegate game at
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this point, which is very true, what else could not primary vote revealed about the general election and do you think that nikki haley continues, as she indicated she's going to, through super tuesday? >> first of all, robert is 100% right. it does become a delicate game pretty much now. new hampshire and iowa or perception games -- new hampshire, nikki haley did overperform a bit. expectations were pretty well stacked against her. people were talking, going into new hampshire, is this was the beginning of the end for her. she was able to extend. that as far as the general election goes, you can pivot pick to expectations. donald trump is expected to win extremely hendley. if nikki haley can cut into that, into the teens or something like that, she did better in hampshire than people, thought it could signal witness to trump in a general election, even if he's back, giving out delegates and will
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continue to do so through super tuesday. >> let's take a look at what's happening right now. the annual conservative political action conference and maryland. some speakers are making headlines. take a listen to this. >> the injustices are breathtaking. that is why our country's and such turmoil, and people are upset. the real heroes, let's just say some of our real heroes were there on january sixth. actually putting their lives on the line when that's what the police attacking the people. >> that is interesting. the police attacking the people. robert, how much can the biden campaign leverage this kind of, really, just twisted told? knowing these are trump supporters, and he interrupted ports them. >> a site interesting is one way to describe. but i'm not sure that would be the word of it would pick.
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it is fascinating to watch what happened at cpac and quite frankly how cpac has become really the governing coalition of the republican party. it used to pay that nominees or people run for the diamonds mission would go took to cpac as a part of that republican coalition. now it it is the republican governing coalition. statements like that, statements you have watched others make as potential of a pace have tried out speaking there, over the course of this, week is to just demonstrate, and what the bottom campaign continues to need to talk about is -- outside of the mainstream that makes the party look more and more extreme. the biden campaign has got to give into something about what does this general elections the? about the issues they want to talk about, we know them. but the party is absent of the mainstream and to extremist things, like a choice, and other issues for the american people. that is the choice they have to
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put in front of them. >> how much, mark, will republican leaders shearing absurd sentiments like this hurt donald trump and republicans overall in november? >> i think it will hurt a. lock the center of gravity is, i, maine we cpac, it is very easy to look at this as a clown show that it is a clown shot and that muddle of that republican tanned. if you look at whether center of gravity, is that republican congress, which is still slightly and majority, mix this quite a bit. marjorie taylor greene, lauren boebert, that leadership is mimicking this fringe, bizarre worldview. and don trump is willing to not only play along but late this. it has become the center of the republican party. if you go issue by issue, not just matters of choice and ivf, this week, same six marriage, it is a fun things like was the
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election legitimate in 2020? most republicans site it was not. things like vaccines, things like climate change, and so forth. when you get into a general election, this is not the kind of both spokespeople and issues you want to be winning over us when voters with. then when you add that to donald trump's court and legal problems, that not exactly a way to win over the center, either. maybe you pick up a few people who think he's being treated unfairly, but that would seem like a really small number compared to where the center is of the american electorate. >> financial times reports trump's donors have fallen by 200,000 compared to 2019. does this tell you the parties and through adjacent for trump is dwindling? >> it might be that it is dwindling. it might also be people understand donald trump is not using their political contributions to run a campaign but and get to pay lawyer after
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lawyer after lawyer, based on all the courtroom activity he has. i think, and you saw it this, week there could be a bit of a cash crunch for somebody like donald trump. there is somebody -- biden and the democrats have a significant late and cash on hand, giving them the ability, the next 6 to 8 weeks, as donald trump clearly becomes the general election nominee to have a real advantage. and i think that will be interesting to watch as we go forward, as that cash crunch continues for someone like donald trump, and what does it say? >> mark, what is your bet that donald trump is the cash flow to continue his campaign into november, if, as robert says, donors think this money is going to fight his legal battles, not his campaign? >> you would think that what the price numbers quite a bit. it also think, he'll take whatever money he does raise and
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spend it on lawyers, on filings, so forth. but who knows? can you trust? that it is a very precarious situation financially. trump has the advantage of creating his own media ecosystem, people covering his rallies and so forth. that goes back to 2016. >> robert and mark, good to see you both. thank you. coming up, a fertility doctor and alabama talk to me about the controversial ruling by that state supreme court about ivf. and what's the difference between the doctors and hospitals stopping the procedure, and those that are not. he procedure, and those that are not.
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from pep in their step to shine in their coats, when people switch their dog's food to the farmer's dog, the effects can seem like magic. but there's no magic involved. (dog bark) it's just smarter, healthier pet food. it's amazing what real food can do. new fallout today after alabama supreme court roland put ivf treatment across that's in peril. nbc news says the biden administration is possibility discussing legal and policy options to respond to the decision, which classified
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ambrose as 11 children. at least of alabama's three ivf clinics -- stop and one. but john at me now is dr. beth, a physician at alabama fertility. as i welcome you, i know you communicated with us your facility is post parts of ivf treatments, not starting and it used to mutations. but what is the impact of that and what are some providers potent right meant and others not? >> this decision came to us last week. we have been working tirelessly with our lab director and legal time to figure out what makes the most sense for patients as well as our clinic. and we have opted to pose some treatments and ensure the safety of those that are already undergoing some of the procedures. it is a very difficult decision. it has been heartbreaking to make phone calls to patients to tell them we're going to have to modify their treatment plan. >> can you explain how critical
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the timing is with ivf and other fertility treatments and how this uncertainty and changing laws is the fighting that? >> when patients began ivf treatment, they began with stimulation medications. generally small shots patients got themselves at home for 9 to 12 days. we monitor that very carefully. we use ultrasound and blood work to monitor the development of the eggs in the ovaries. timing is critical. they have 2% here for their ache retrieval at a very specific crime within the treatment plant, to undergo the pressure to get that much more eggs. >> talk to me about the science behind ivf. multiple embryos are typically frozen, that's correct, i've been told, and only some of them are suitable and viable to implant. but of all of these embryos or considered children, would you potentially be forced to implant even ones that wouldn't be
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viable, that could pose a danger to the mother? even close miscarriage? >> that's really that legal question here, which i don't know anyone has the answer to at this moment. as a natural process, a woman will grow multiple eggs every month. there is a badge that sort of gets stimulated. usually one of those effects becomes the. eric the rest of that patch goes away. every month, and a woman's body, it might be fertilized. they may make it to that uterus and not become babies. what ivf is doing is taking a page of those eggs and hope and krista mulat so we can get some efficiencies for the process. the goal is always to create an embryo that will be utilized to carry a pregnancy. ahead a patient last night say to me, no one ever does ivf to create embryos that we would then discard. that is not the intent of this, in any stretch. so this is a very distressing
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situation for us. and especially for the patients hoping to go through the procedures to grow their families. >> is there a chance he would have to possibly lower numbers of exit to be extracted? freeze fewer embryos? and there were bike of people less of a chance of having a baby? >> yeah, there is lots of things i think are being floated out there in terms of how it would be able to work around this issue. ivf is legal in all countries, every state has slightly different approaches to what they are looking at. but this decision has drastically changed our thought process in terms of what's really efficient. and standard of care for patients. i think yours also it's of ways we could work within this, if needed. our huge hope and expectation is our state legislature may help us here to figure out a way that we can proceed with growing families in the state of alabama. >> doctor beth malizia, i have
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new today, nation's governors holding their annual winter meeting at the white house. after meeting face to face with president biden. emigration one of the key issues discussed. and has welcome address, the president pleaded with governors to help push the bipartisan border deal now stalled in the house. >> you know that, you deal with it every day. some of you deal with that effort singled out. you have real skin in that game. if this matters to you, it matters to your state, tell your members of congress to a spine. >> joining me now, governor of washington, jay instantly. good to see you again. this border issue is a hot topic. what priorities did you and the other governors bring to the president? what was your message to him?
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>> our message is supporting his efforts, this incredible job creation we've been experiencing, to support his clean energy agenda that is working. we want to make sure that continues. we wanted to encourage our fellow republican governors to get off that time and tell that republican congressional members to pass this immigration reform. look, the president basically took some of the republican governors to school yesterday. they were hectoring him, saying, do this, do that, he came right back in the regrow and said hey, partner, that's exactly what this bill. does it give the federal government more people, more personnel, tottenham of the asylum protections. it has that way to reduce the time it takes to get asylum adjudicated. everything, essentially almost everything, republicans are asking for four years. we know what happened here. basically the president got inside this, because he's a
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very polite gentlemen, they are a political called right now. donald trump has told them not to do anything that makes joe biden it look good. that the problem here. yesterday i was pleased the president, and very genteel way, he's a very gentle person, told them, if they won't help on the border, they can pass this bill. i'm not hopeful they will help, but i'm glad he delivered it with the group. >> did any of those republican governors express anything quietly on this lie to you? like, makes sense, what you are saying? >> no, they are a well disciplined group. and they are under the thumb, all of them, almost all of, them under donald trump's thumb. and they'll help him in his efforts again, which is very disturbing. you would think after january sixth, no governor, republican or democrat, would take their orders from donald trump. that is what they are doing. it is hurting our national
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security, at the border, because now we have a bill that will enhance our national security at the border. and they are blocking it for political purposes. i'm disappointed and. then we have our differences, but we're all governors. they can show a little spine here. they are not doing. it >> i'll ask you about the fentanyl crisis, which i know is top of your agenda in your last year in office. rain corporation study found more than four and ten americans know someone who has died from an overdose, which means we may have underestimated the impact of this epidemic on american lives. would the border deal help address this problem, over something else be more helpful? >> most of these drugs come through legally, you know. we have huge shipments of products from mexico that come in legally. three different to prevent all the crossings of the border. when i asked a federal sheriff and washington, what the most
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important thing we could do, he said, we should try to stop that precursor chemicals comment from china, going to mexico, and the gangs make it into fentanyl. president biden has a great with china, i just told to an official, telling them how to go about that. so these precursor chemicals don't get into mexico and come up interstate five. i'm glad we are making some progress on this. but we need to find this at home. this is a homegrown problem. this is our children who don't understand the lays that lefty of this drug. it is that nuclear weapon of drugs. that's why in my state we are passing a bill to mix your old kids or age kids on. this we have the immediate treatment so when people come out of being unconscious, we immediately get them on medically assisted treatment. they or medicines that can produce their compulsion to take drugs. and we have to expand our treatment facilities long term. we


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