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tv   The Last Word With Lawrence O Donnell  MSNBC  February 26, 2024 7:00pm-8:00pm PST

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rachel, you know, when i find out what these primaries are? when you tell me in those little promise, right there. that's when i find out. i don't know one minute before that. >> there are primaries in michigan tomorrow. the democratic primary -- only an incumbent president. but the republicans have, the republicans have kind of a lot of stuff going on. the primary is only a small part of it. >> okay. so, disappointingly, for me, melissa ryerson is coming into this year saying, you have a show. you have a show. so, i actually do have to work and do this show tomorrow. i thought you are giving me what i consider a night off,
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which is to sit in a group of smarter than me people and say is something every once in a while. >> dam you, meadow -- you raised his hopes! i'm sorry about that. >> a boy. okay. thank you, rachel. i'll get through it. >> i, thanks, lawrence. sorry. by. >> breaking news of the day from president biden came just a few flurries below where i'm sitting right now. at an ice cream shop, where the president shopped after stopping by taping the seth myers show. and that took place a few floors above where i'm sitting right now. in the ice cream shop, which the president could not pass up before getting in his motorcade and walking the gridlock traffic in manhattan, the president said he is negotiating a cease-fire in
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gaza that he hopes will be in force next monday. >> or close. we're close. we're not done yet. and my hope is by next monday, will have a cease-fire. >> the president also confirmed in the ice cream shop that he's going to travel to the southern border in texas on thursday. he said he planned that trip before the white house knew that donald trump also plans to go to the southern border on thursday, 350 miles away from where president biden will be in brownsville, texas. oh, and joe ordered mint chip, and staff ordered honeycomb. >> hi, how are you. you like ice cream to? [laughter] >> you're in for a treat.
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>> -- >> no better combo. >> we've got mint chip, we've got coffee after gotta. >> i'll take mentorship. >> you've got it. >> -- >> sugar can? you've got it. >> i was worried you were gonna be the guy who asked for all the samples. [laughter] >> -- >> well, look at that. >> i'll order a honeycomb. >> would you like a waffle cone? >> sugar cones, please. >> sugar cone. you've got it. >> you've got. it well, joe biden -- making news around the world from an ice cream shop on sixth avenue five blocks away from where donald trump used to live. the people of the state of new york where crushing donald trump in court.
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the people of the state of new york against the -- district attorney alvin bragg is prosecuting against donald trump, which will be the very first criminal trial that donald trump has to go through, beginning on march 25th. it is the trial in which trump supporters might get to listen to the under oath testimony of point start stormy daniels explaining how and why donald trump paid her $130,000 during his first presidential campaign to keep his adventures with stormy daniels secret in a deliberate deception intended to deceive american voters about donald trump before they voted in 2016. having watched enough of defendant trump's antics in various courtrooms, mostly new york city courtrooms, district attorney alvin bragg has seen enough. he found a 331-page motion for
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a gag order on defendant trump in that case. the motion says, to protect the integrity of this criminal proceeding and avoid prejudice to the jury, the people respectfully request that this court issue a narrowly tailored order restricting certain present judicial, extra judicial statements by the defendant. the defendant has a long history of -- judicial proceedings against him, including jars, witnesses, lawyers, and court staff those remarks as well as the inevitable reactions they insight from defendants, follow ways, and allies, pose a significant and imminent threat to the orderly administration of this criminal proceeding. the motion offers voluminous evidence of the danger donald trump poses everyone involved in the case, including witnesses in duress the motion restricts trump's comments about the prosecutors, but it
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specifically does not include district attorney alvin bragg himself as someone donald trump would not be allowed to talk about. district attorney bragg has deliberately not asked the court to protect him. from donald trump's threats. a five-page affidavit appears toward the end of the motion. it's easy to miss that affidavit, for most of the news media describing the contents of this motion. it begins with the name of the person filing this affidavit, and the next sentence says, i am a sergeant and the new york police department. since january of 2022, i have served as the commanding officer of the security detail of new york county district attorney alvin bragg. and monitor threats in coordination with the nypd's threat assessment and protection unit, a unit within the and why pds intelligence bureau. in 2022, threat assessment and
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protection unit logged 483 threat cases of the 483 threat cases -- one involved threats to the district attorney, his family, or his employees. so, the year before alvin bragg prosecuted donald trump, he got only one of the 483 credible threats issued to new york city officials. the affidavit continues. in 2023, threat assessment and protection unit logged 577 threat cases of the 577 brett cases -- 89 involved threats to the district attorney, his family, or his employees. in 2023, the first threat case involving the district attorney, his family, or his employees was logged on march 18th, 2023. here's what happened on march 18th, 2023. we donald trump announced on social media that he, quote, we will be arrested on tuesday by
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district attorney alvin bragg. the affidavit continues. by march 20th, 2023, the volume of threatening, harassing, or offensive calls and emails increased significantly, exceeding the capacity of the d.a. office investigators and and why pd detectives detailed to the deed's office starting on march 20th, 2023, all such calls and emails were forwarded directly to threat assessment and protection unit for review and assessment. since the d.a. took office on january 3rd 2022, through mid march of 2023, none of the threats received required referral for further investigation and partnership with the prosecutors office. in the three weeks following march 18th, 2023, several threats were received that ultimately were referred for further investigation in partnership with the prosecutors office. one public example of a threat during that time period is documented in the felony complaint in people versus
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craig dilute robertson. the complaint details that -- the defendant did knowingly trends play -- containing a threat to injure the person of another. . . the new york county district attorney alvin bragg. alvin bragg, heading to new york to fulfill my dream of eradicating another of george soros's two but political hack d.a.s. i'll be waiting in the courthouse parking lot with our suppressed smith and wesson 9 mm to smoke -- should never have been elected. i want to stand over brag and put a nice hole in his forehead with my 9 mm, and watch him twitch as a drop of blood oozes from the hole, as his life adds a way to hell. bye-bye to another corrupt battered. that is what one trump
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supporter wrote to alvin bragg the day that donald trump announced that he would soon be indicted by alvin bragg. the affidavit refers to more than 600 emails and phone calls received at the d.a.'s office that were threatening. a small sample is included in the affidavit. march 19th, 2023, leave trump alone, or bragg will get assassinated. march 19th 2023, just shoot bragg in the head and he stops being a problem. march 21st 2023, if you lay a hand on president trump or his family, friends, supporters, or myself, my family, or any patriot, instant death. march 22nd 2023, just watched -- wanted to say i can't wait to watch you swing from a rope and your military tribunal. you are disgusting. george soros puppet. effing money will get you nowhere. you better get on your knees and prayed to jesus christ you're gonna find your makers soon. we have every reason to believe
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that that is exactly what donald trump was hoping for when he announced he would soon be indicted by alvin bragg. donald trump has also attacked the judge in this case, who has to decide whether to impose a gag order on donald trump. donald trump has also attacked the judges family. donald trump's lawyers tried to pursue their appeal in new york today, of the 83 million dollar jury verdict against donald trump in the e. jean carroll lawsuit that accused donald trump of rape. but donald trump's lawyers tried to do it on the cheap, which judge lewis kaplan didn't allow. judge kaplan filed a short order saying mr. trump has moved four and administrative state of -- filing in disposition of any post trial motions that he may file. he seeks that relief without posting any security. the court declines to grant any stay, much less an unsecured stay, without first having afforded plaintive a meeting
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full opportunity to be heard. the plaintiffs shall make -- no later than five pm on february 29th. any reply shall be filed no later than five pm on march 2nd. special prosecutor jack smith has responded to the trump criminal defense lawyers, claiming that donald trump is the victim of selective prosecution in the florida case where he is accused of violations of the espionage act and illegal possession of documents. donald trump's lawyers say that other former officials, including joe biden, after he left the vice presidency, have possessed some classified material, and we're not prosecuted. one of the necessary elements of a claim of selective prosecution is identifying a case where there was no prosecution, but it is so close in every way. to the case being prosecuted that it shows that the prosecutor was unfairly decide -- who gets prosecuted. jack smith's response says, the defendants have not identified anyone who has engaged in a
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remotely similar suite of willful and deceitful criminal conduct and not being prosecuted. nor could they. indeed, the compare taurus on which they rely are readily distinguishable. for example, the primary compared to what is joseph r. biden, whose conduct is described in the recently issued a report by special counsel robert k. her. but as -- itself recognizes, several material dusting rushing -- most notably, trump, unlike biden, is alleged to have been engaged in extensive and repeated efforts to obstruct justice and brought the reform -- classification markings. and the evidence concerning the two men's intent, whether they knowingly possessed and willfully retain such documents is also starkly different. there have been many government officials who have possessed classified documents after the ends of the terms in office,
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often inadvertently, sometimes negligently, and very occasionally willfully. there have also been a very small number of cases in which former government officials who have been found in possession of classified documents have briefly resisted the government's lawful efforts to recover them. but there has never been a case in american history in which a former official has engaged in conduct remotely similar to trump's. leading off our discussion tonight is trayce vance, former u.s. attorney and professor at the university of alabama school of law. she is co-host of the podcast sisters in law. andrew weissmann is with us, former fbi general counsel and former chief of the criminal division in the eastern district of new york. he's the co-host of the msnbc podcast, prosecuting donald trump, and -- the trump indictments, the historic charging documents with commentary. which will be released february 27th. the both msnbc legal analysts. and joyce, you rarely or never
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get to late read a legal filing that says never in history heavily, as prosecutors, or anyone in our court system, ever seen anything like this documents case against donald trump. >> you know, it's so true, lawrence. and one of the things that trump likes to rely on across as cases as this argument that he's being targeted and singled out. no other president has ever been prosecuted in the history of our country. and that's because donald trump has engaged in singular criminal conduct that has to be prosecuted. i mean, folks have done everything that they could hoping that he would walk away and leave the political theater that trump continued to double down and commit crimes. >> andrew weissmann, i want to go back to the situation in manhattan. but feel free to comment on the documents case, or anything else that we just mentioned here. but, as we watched alvin bragg approach this trial date, there
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was reason to wonder -- district attorney's office learning from what we're seeing in the various courtrooms around america that donald trump is infected, especially in new york city, where in one courtroom, things were kind of out of control, in another courtroom, there are very much in control. this filing today seems to indicate that the district attorney's office has fully figured out what donald trump wants to do in the courtroom. in an durand the courtroom. and it looks like they're planning to try to stop it. >> yeah. absolutely. they have learned. and one of the things that they could look to is not just judge engoron, who issued a limited gag order with respect to attacking the judge's law clerk. but they've learned from judge chutkan and the d.c. circuit case, and the recently concluded judge kaplan case involving e. jean carroll.
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and just to focus on the d.c. case, the d.c. case has a circuit court -- for a lengthy decision about that gag order largely affirming it. and they were relieved that the district attorney's office is seeking closely tracks that, including a footnote in the d.c. circuit decision dealing with what the courts power is, to deal with protection of witnesses and jurors out of trial. so they clearly looked at that, and i taking steps. but i have to say, that sort of the small board view of what's going on here. they've learned they don't want to put up with any nonsense, they have a judge, who by all accounts, is very similar to judge kaplan. but in reading this submission, which is hundreds of pages, it is a report card on america. if you want to know what we have devolved into, and what
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trump has unleashed, with nobody who is in this position of responsibility in the republican party saying this has to stop, you know, threatening violence is not an appropriate response. just looking at this submission, it is so disheartening as to what has happened to america. because this shouldn't be an issue of politics. this is just like, you know, russian interference is not an issue of politics. engaging in violence to threaten viewers and affect witnesses is something that is so beyond the pale, and it is completely documented by the district attorney's office. >> and joyce, one of the reasons i wanted to read the affidavit about alvin bragg in particular as he's the exception. alvin bragg is carving himself out as a sacrificial exception
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to donald trump. you can continue to send the death threats his way. donald trump can continue to inspire dot threats against alvin bragg, we call him anything he wants to call him. and -- alvin bragg is trying to protect everyone else in the courtroom. >> it's a really remarkable commitment from alvin bragg. and it shows the kind of public servant that he is. you had the specific threats. people who talk about standing over him with a nine millimeter weapons. but often bragged did something smart here. he tracked, as andrew said, this protective order in the district of columbia. and he did that because when you're a judge, you really like to have a similar ruling that you can hang your head on. you know you're not gonna get reversed, especially when the court of appeals and the district of columbia has already affirmed this sort of an order. you are in very safe territory when you enter it. and donald trump has done nothing but give judge -- reasons to accept this order
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from the d.a.. >> joyce vance and andrew weissmann, thank you both very much for starting off our discussions tonight. thank you. >> thanks. >> coming up, republicans were in favor of banning in vitro fertilization. and now that alabama republicans have done it, republicans in the house and senate are lying about the records on that same issue. that's next, with senator tina smith. senator tina smith. nutrients for immune health. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. (♪♪) sometimes jonah wrestles with falling asleep... he takes zzzquil. the world's #1 sleep aid brand. and wakes up feeling like himself. get the rest to be your best with non-habit forming zzzquil. ♪ ♪
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we've seen a lot of desperate backpedalling over the past few days from republicans trying to sound reasonable and supportive on procedures like ivf. because it's dawning on them that their agenda is highly unpopular with most americans. republicans own what happened in alabama. republicans own the disasters of roe v. wade. and republicans will learn when it comes to attacks on their personal freedom, american people do not easily forget. >> last week, alabama's republican state supreme court ruled that frozen embryos are legally children in the state of alabama. the ruling has completely shut down in vitro fertilization in the state of alabama, including for parents who are in the middle of the process. after a few days of public outrage, some republicans have realized the enormity of the problem they have created.
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donald trump was the first republican to publicly disagree with the alabama ruling, followed done by alabama's republican senator tommy tuberville, who had to reverse himself after fully supporting the decision that frozen embryos are children. and most republican members of the house of representatives voted for a bill saying exactly that. that embryos are children, including representative nancy mace, who is now saying, i will stop any and all efforts to ban ivf. nancy mace was one of the 167 republicans who cosponsored the life at conception act in 2021, which defines a human being as, quote, each and every member of the species almost peons at all stages of life, including the moment of fertilization. cloning, or other moment at which an individual member of
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the human species comes into being. embryos are fertilized eggs, which means that nancy mace, and most of her republican colleagues in the house of representatives, we're in favor of exactly what many of them now say they oppose as soon as it got the public's attention. the same thing in the united states senate. -- lost both of her legs serving in iraq conceived her two daughters with the help of ivf. senator duckworth introduced a bill to protect the right to in vitro fertilization in all 50 states. and republicans blocked the bill from ever coming to about. not a single republican senator supported that bill. >> it's been crickets since the alabama ruling. and let's make it clear. republicans will say whatever they need to say to try to cover themselves on this. but they've been clear, and
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donald trump has been the guy leading this effort to eliminate -- so this is the next step. and by the way, not a single republican has reached out to me on the bill. >> republicans are also opposed to contraception, and what some of them call recreational sex, which invites the question, if it's not recreational, what is it? professional? such as the twisted provisions of the republican mind in the house of representatives, or 195 house republicans voted against the right to contraception act. that's right. the overwhelming majority of the republicans in the house of representatives are opposed to contraception. according to a new national poll, when voters were informed that house republicans are opposed to contraception, 64% said they would be less likely to support the republican
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candidate for congress. it seems that the path to winning majorities in the house and the senate for the democrats now involves nothing other than telling voters the whole truth about republican candidates. joining us now is democratic senator tina smith of minnesota. she previously served as executive vice president of planned parenthood in minnesota, north dakota, and south dakota. senator, thank you very much for being here. it's so fascinating that the situation in alabama has illuminated what republicans have actually been up to in the senate and the house for a while now. that they are hell-bent to ban abortion and they can't walk away from what their pass
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actions have been when it comes to banning in vitro fertilization. as you just went through, there are so many examples of how they have said, basically, our judgments, our judges, our politicians should be the ones deciding what happens to women's bodies and their lives. it's laughable that they think they need a message memo to explain to them that americans want to be able to make these massive decisions by themselves. here, they don't have a message problem. they have a policy problem thatm no message memo is going to fix. >> on an beecher for a za'shawn -- republicans are, you know, now running away from everything they had said, every position they've taken on in the past because it's only now getting attention. is that basically the manual foh campaigning against republicansn this year? simply showing the voter but
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these positions they've actually held? >> i think these republican candidates are dramatically out of step with what most w americans believe. most americans believe that most should be able to make their own decisions about their own bodies and their own lives. time after time, you have seen these extremist republicans in the house and in the senate take steps to be on the other side of that. let's be really clear, there is a direct line from donald trump all of the way through to that in be true decision in alabama. what he did to stack the u.s. supreme court so they overturned roe makes it possible for the alabama supreme court to call that decision that they have just done and the impact it has on women in alabama. there is no running away from the reality that their actions have put us in the position that we are in today. that is why, in this election, it's going to be so important
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to have people turned out to make sure urthey get their own responsibility, their own si control over their own bodies. >> sarah tina smith, thank you very much for joining us tonight. >> thank you, lawrence. . >> coming up -- sweden's 200 years of neutrality was tested almost to the breaking point many times. now, in the face of russian dictator vladimir putin's threats, sweden's joining up military alliance jofor the fir time. that's next with yale history professor, timothy snyder. professor, timothy snyder. it helps remove odors 3x better than detergent alone. it worked guys! ♪yeahhhh♪ downy rinse and refresh.
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democrats agree. no. we would love to join you. conservative republican steve garvey is the wrong choice for the senate. ...our republican opponent here on this stage has voted for donald trump twice. mr. garvey, you voted for him twice... as your own man, what is your decision? garvey is wrong for california. but garvey's surging in the polls. fox news says garvey would be a boost to republican control of the senate. stop garvey. adam schiff for senate. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message.
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200 years of neutrality is coming to an end. sweden has maintained 200 years of military neutrality, but decided to join nato in the face of russian aggression led by the russian dictator, vladimir putin. today, hungry finally voted to approve sweden's membership in nato. it would make suede in the 32nd country to join that military alliance in which each country pledges to defend any other country in the alliance which suffers that attack. sweden's prime minister said, we are joining nato in order to defend what we are and everything we believe in even better. we are defending our freedom, our democracy and our values, together with others. saturday, during a meeting with the united nations security council, poland's foreign minister responded to russia's
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ambassador this way. >> ambassador, it's been called kyiv the clients of the west. actually, kyiv is fighting to be independent of anybody. he calls them a criminal kyiv regime. in fact, ukraine has a democratically elected government. he calls them penalties. well, the president's jewish, the defense minister's muslim. they have no political prisoners. he said ukraine was following encryption. well, alexei navalny documented how honest and full of probity his own country is. he said he is -- a phobia. phobia means irrational fear, yet we are being threatened almost every day by the former
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president of russia and by putin propaganda's with nuclear annihilation. i put to you that it is not irrational when russia threatens us. we trusted. he is saying, we the west are somehow trying to persuade the russia could never be beaten. well, russia didn't win the crimean war. it didn't when the russo japanese war. it didn't when world war i. it didn't win the battle of warsaw. it didn't win in afghanistan. it didn't win the cold war. they failed to subjugate us that, they will fail to subjugate ukraine and us now. >> joining our discussion is professor at yale university. he's the author of the road to an freedom, russia, europe, america. professor snyder, when i was listening to that very tight recitation of russian history and russian failures, i was thinking of you and wondering, how does that russian mind
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process those facts? >> in putin's russia, those are the facts that are avoided. the vision of the past that putin has tried to supply is one in which russia is simultaneously never defeated and nevertheless always the victim. this is why it is so helpful to have a good polish government, a saudi government in one of russia's neighbors. something about history. it reminds us that the moments when russia has made good policy choices have been moments after defeat, after defeating crimea, after defeating japan. these are the moments when it seemed like something russia could change. we should remember that russia has been defeated, but also take courage in the thought that russia ought to be defeated also for the good of russians. >> when you hear the post formalist are saying these things, there is such a clarity to it. i'm sure everyone there agrees.
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including possibly, secretly, even members of the russian delegation understand what he is saying is actually true. >> of course that is the case. one of the things that is so refreshing about foreign ministers presentation is he accepts with us that there is truth. it is worth responding to propaganda, not with more propaganda, but with recitations of what is going on and what has gone on. of course, when you accept that truth matters, you're also accepting that you are making the truth. but you are taking responsibility for what is happening, whether russia wins or doesn't win, has something to do with the things that you do because when you apprehend that truth, as opposed to listening to propaganda, you begin to think about what you can do and what you should do. poland, the europeans, the americans are in a position to do a lot to make sure that this war turns out the right way. >> how should we be thinking
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about this war, and what is now the two year mark? >> we are now the weak link. the ukrainians have shown that they can do an awful lot with the little we have given the. right now, we are giving them nothing. we should be thinking about this as a lawnmower, a hard war, as a war for the ukrainians doing the suffering for us, as warn which the ukrainians are maintaining peace elsewhere for us, as war in which we should be thanking them, as a war in which we should be doing the things that we can do. all we have to do is supply them with what they need, and that way and they and everyone else will reap the benefits. >> going forward, chuck schumer certainly, president biden, they're continuing to push every angle they can on to ukraine. how does ukraine see what is happening in the united states? presents lucky and ukraine's government see the current mass of american democracy on this within congress?
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>> well, i mean, they, of course, have to be diplomatic about things. they, of course, try to find friends wherever they can. in fairness, they do have a lot of friends in their republican party, as well as on the democratic side. although, of course, almost all the democrats are their friends. what they, thankful the, of course, the top of government is going to say this, what they think is that a great deal of american political life has been captured directly or indirectly by russia. unfortunately, a lot of what is going on in our country isn't about the border, about domestic politics, or about polarization or partisanship, that it has too much to do with too many people who are repeating what russia says, repeating the kinds of things that form ministers sikorsky so eloquently rebutted and acting, unfortunately, from the point of view of russian interests. in the interest of weakening democracy in general, that's what i should've said earlier, the strike over democracy in ukraine, for democracy in the u.s., are really one struggle.
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>> gilbert besser, timothy snyder, thank you very much for joining us. thank you. coming up, joe biden won the democratic south carolina presidential primary with 96% of the. donald trump won the republican south carolina primary 60% of the vote. still, some of the news media can't tell which of the candidates is stronger within his own party. that's next, with simon rosenberg when he joins us. n rosenberg when he joins us. i know what it's like to perform through pain. if you're like me, one of the millions suffering from pain caused by migraine, nurtec odt may help. it's the only medication that can treat a migraine when it strikes and prevent migraine attacks. treat and prevent, all in one. don't take if allergic to nurtec. allergic reactions can occur, even days after using.
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do you think it is responsible for democrats to put him at the top of the ticket given those concerns? >> responsible, i revere his record. what he has done in three years has been a master class. host of the 2 million jobs. that's eight times more than the last three republican presidents combined. the economy is booming, inflation is cooling, it's 0.6% more than it was in the summer of 2020. it just 3.1%. wait a minute. we have american manufacturing coming back home all because of biden's wisdom, because of his temperance, his in capacity to lead in a bipartisan manner, which is an representative point. great confidence moving forward. the answer is, absolutely all in in terms of the next four years for joe biden. >> it's also worth noting that california governor gavin newsom has exactly zero money to spend on a presidential campaign.
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that is true of every other democrat not named joe biden or kamala harris. presidential candidates mutz begin raising money for the campaign at least three years before the election. then there is the obvious fact. no other democrat actually wants to run for president. some commentators are forgetting that a prerequisite for running for president is wanting to run for president. it is two years too late for any other democrat to begin planning a presidential campaign. every other democrat is not polling as well against donald trump as joe biden pulls against donald trump. so, every other democrat has a right to believe that he or she would lose to donald trump because they are pulling worse than joe biden. every other democrat can easily calculate that the best time for them to run for president is three years from now when there
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will not be an incumbent president running for reelection. meanwhile, joe biden won the democratic south carolina presidential primary three weeks ago with 96% of the vote. on saturday night, the republican south carolina primary, donald trump got 36% less than what joe biden got within his party in south carolina. donald trump got 60% of the vote to nikki haley's 40% of the vote. as i said on our saturday night coverage of the republican south carolina primary, that was a disastrous result for donald trump, but who cares what i think about it when we can ask simon rosenberg. joining us now is simon rosenberg, longtime democratic strategist and author of hope chronicles and subset. simon, i've been waiting to get your analysis of what we saw on saturday night and south carolina. >> yeah, listen, there has been a basic pattern in our politics since the spring of 2022 in the jobs decision was leaked and was
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enacted, which is democrats continue to overperform expectations all across the country and republicans have struggled. you saw throughout 2022. you saw throughout 2023. we are now seeing it in the early part of 2024. donald trump has dramatically underperformed public polling know in all three of the early republican primary states. in iowa, there was an uneven turnout. another sign of weakness. alarm bells should be going off. donald trump is burning through more cash than he's raising. kate is losing in all of his core cases. the rnc is broke and placing their leadership. house republicans are abandoning ship and retiring at in record numbers. their thing is broke and broken right now. i think that this idea that somehow you can look at all of that and see something that is strong rather than weak is kind of, you know, a little bit hard for me to imagine. i think donald trump is a much weaker figure in 2024 than he was in 2020. as gavin new sunset, joe biden is going to have a very strong
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record to run on this november. >> so, we didn't have an exit poll asking haley voters, would you not vote for donald trump in november? fox's reporting they have some analysis to indicate that it's a majority, a majority of haley saying that they will not vote for donald trump in november. you only need a small slice of haley voters to not vote for donald trump and it becomes impossible for donald trump to win. >> well, it's not only that they are saying they won't fall for donald trump. they're saying they will vote for joe biden, right? lawrence, we haven't seen polling like this, probably since the 19 80s or 1984 election where so many people in one party have no said repeatedly, in the early states, where they see, as they see candidates, where they are engaged and having to make intelligent decisions, right, they're not in some state that's not going to see a candidate, they're not really checked in. where republican voters are
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checked, and there is a clear openness among a big chunk of the republican elector, we will see it 45% of the overall elector in the united states, republicans were now opening to voting for biden because in disgust of trump. something really broke in the republican party back in spring 2022. the republican party became too ugly and too awful and too dangerous, even from republican voters. that's what they have continued to struggled to bring the coalition back together. trump is worse than he was in 2020. we've gone over some of that in the show tonight. so, if you are a wavering republican, right, there is a lot more reason to waiver that there was four years ago when he lost the election. yeah, i think there is all sorts of early warning signs. if you want to look for them. if you are interested in looking for the warning signs about trump's and the gop right now, they are blinking bright red, making loud noises that this is a troubled candidacy, a trump party against a strong incumbent. >> that is before the democrats
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run a single campaign commercial about in vitro fertilization, which is that newest madness to enter the campaign to the republicans. simon rosenberg, thank you very much for joining us tonight. >> thank you, lawrence, thank you. >> we will be right back. you, you. >> we will be right back. from rsv r rese in people 60 years and older. it's not for everyone and may not protect all who receive it. don't get abrysvo if you've had an allergic... ...reaction to its ingredients. a weakened immune system may decrease your response. most common side effects are tiredness, headache, injection-site pain and muscle pain. ask about pfizer's abrysvo®. because every breath matters.
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i can't wait to see what submarines and show biden are up to an late night with seth myers at