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tv   The Last Word With Lawrence O Donnell  MSNBC  February 27, 2024 10:00pm-11:00pm PST

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leader of the republican party the state, and judges -- from accessing the bank accounts. i'm not don't know what i'm gonna. so this is what happens when you have election deniers in your power party. they don't like ceding power. >> also the people attracted into the infrastructure in the trump area. we all saw in arizona when they were doing their forensic audit and they had the ev to find the chinese bamboo paper in the ballot. those are the people that show up. so those are the people that would take down these parties and big question for me is in nevada arizona michigan, all of which have truly dysfunctional republican parties, how much is going to matter. how much is that gonna matter
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on the ground come november? maybe it doesn't matter in the presidential, maybe in the congressional district level. but those parties are wild, wild situations. >> it's a wild situation led by a wild individual. that is going to do it for us tonight. msnbc's coverage of the michigan primary continues on the last word with lawrence o'donnell. good evening, lawrence. >> good evening, alex. thank you alex and chris for this mini coverage. we turn halfway to our regular program this hour, and a lot of numbers to look at on the screen, but it's another edition of the last word. >> thank you. you >> thank you both. once again tonight, the michigan primary, president joe biden is getting a much bigger percentage of the vote from his party than donald trump is getting from his party. nbc news projects that president joe biden is the winner of the michigan democratic primary and that donald trump is the winner of the michigan republican
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primary. at this hour joe biden has 79% of the vote and donald trump has 66% of the republican vote. let's go straight to steve kornacki at the big board for the latest numbers. >> yeah, lawrence, let's talk about the republican primary, because about a fifth of the vote, one in five votes are tabulated, you can see all the counties lining up in trump's color. on the republican side it looks like trump wins, but look at what haley has been getting so far in new hampshire. she got 43% of the vote in south carolina just saturday, and she got 40% of the vote, she made the idea of 40% kind of consistently, a centerpiece of her of speech saturday. here we are in michigan. same rules south carolina had, no party registration in michigan, nobody registers as a democrat, as a republican, as independent, anybody who wants
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can vote in this republican primary here. and yet some of the strengths that haley had in south carolina, some of the area where she was strongest, there was able to bring up to 40% statewide, and in fact when a congressional district in south carolina, the areas in michigan that are most demographically similar to those areas, she's not performing nearly as well in michigan, and the biggest
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headline will be for haley right now in washtenaw county, a democratic county in the general election, eastern michigan university, i should highlight this one because most of all so much of the vote is in watch gunnar county and second of all because demographically haley has been appealing to voters who have college degrees, voters who live in suburbs, voters who have higher incomes, and that is almost the definition of watch gunnar county and even here was more than 80% of the vote in she is losing to donald trump by almost ten points and this should end very well could be a least best county in the state, and there she is running at her total in new hampshire
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you see the same in oakland county. two thirds of the vote is ian, this is the big big suburb, just north of detroit, you've got oakland here, the white collar suburbs, then you've got macomb county, the blue collar suburbs. this is expected to, go macomb is heavily for donald trump and it was oakland county tonight where nikki haley, if she was going to really get to that 40% level again, this would be the kind of county she would need to be winning. instead two thirds of the vote
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in she is losing it 2 to 1 and if those are the levels she is getting in what are supposed to be her best counties, look at what is happening at county shoe would be the worst of the state. if you draw a line, we'll do it a bit arbitrarily, bay city go north here and we expected just about all these counties to be heavily trump counties. individually they are small, rural, working class, and lots of white voters without college degrees. that's the core of the trump base. these are the kinds of margins donald trump is racking up in the 60 points, 54 points.
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let's go to the thumb 34 points there and collectively these do add up to something and they are pending trump's lead. so with this and up to on the republican side here is nikki haley, again, 43 new hampshire, 40 south carolina. she is under 30 and that number has been trending down because if you look at those counties i just showed you, oakland and wash gun, are supposed to be her best in the state, they're disproportionately a large share of the overall statewide vote. their shared vote is going to
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decline as these other counties that are more similar to the big landslides are gonna start filling in. this number could drop further for haley. there's a potential here this trump number could go even higher. the biggest single outstanding variable continues to be this area in the past 2016 primaries this was trump's biggest area of weakness on the republican side and this is an area in general elections that has turned away from plante trump on the republicans and reacted to donald trump. it's a pretty big share of the
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vote about 70% statewide is gonna come out of this. region starting to get votes and it hasn't changed in the last half hour or so because i think it's gonna go a long way to determining if haley is going to get that north of 30% or if that number, pardon, me drops even further. >> steve, what do you see on the democratic side? >> on the democratic side, obviously, biden wins again, and the question has been uncommitted here. two things on uncommitted, first the mechanical question with delegates on the democratic side if you get 50% of the vote statewide, if you get 50% of the vote in any congressional district you can start collecting delegates and committed running just under 15% statewide, but again, take a look at washtenaw county. the republican stayed stands on the -- county. big college county. university image. and i'm committed to the vehicle for folks who are upset with joe biden's israel-hamas policies. that is we've seen so much activision activism opposed to biden on college campuses in places like ann arbor. so you expect this to be potentially the best uncommitted locales statewide for uncommitted. half the vote in what should not county is running at 21% and there's a split within washtenaw county in ann arbor itself, where the university of
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michigan isn't committed to getting 32% of the vote. in the rest of the county outside of ann arbor and committed's only getting 80% of the vote when it comes to this uncommitted question the one thing we're waiting on is within this county wayne county. this is the biggie. this is detroit. for our purposes tonight trying to measure uncommitted the city we're keeping an eye on her population rab american. hiamericunitsee whof dthe demor 80%. that numwill have a that, that this number could up a little bit. and again, a question, if there is a district maybe where uncommitted pithatthe hour, but brstevis senator of opium chronicles on substack. on the democratic side no one's bothering to mention it but there is a human being running against joe biden. that human being, a member of congress, dean phillips, got, so far, 2. 8% of the vote. that is 10% of the vote that nikki haley has gotten. nikki haley is at 28% as of right now, flirting with 30%. and so when you put joe biden up against an actual human being in the democratic party, that human being can get all of
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2. 8% versus donald trump who, when he goes against a human being in the republican primary , loses 30% in previous primaries 40%. the question tonight that we don't know, because there's no exit polls, congratulations exit poll business business, they're doing nothing tonight. the only question that matters on the republican side of that
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primary is, how many of those nikki haley voters will not vote for donald trump in november? and we have no exit poll information to answer that question. >> as you have mentioned, and we've talked on this show, one of the most remarkable statistics we've seen so far in the election is these haley voters in the three early states willingness to not just vote for trump, to vote for biden. it's a big consequential event. but if trump got 60% in south carolina and was involved in a blowout in his getting in the mid 60s here tonight, and it's a big win, joe biden getting 80% is a really big when. a really good night for joe
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biden. and i think this idea that somehow this uncommitted movement would somehow alter the democratic's trajectory i think hasn't happened tonight. remember that barack obama in 2012 when he was running for reelection, the and committed gun levin percent of the vote. it's going to be probably 14, 15 tonight. not a huge difference. obama went on to win the general election against michigan native mitt romney by nine points. i don't think things have changed tonight in the democratic party. i don't think this was a good night for the uncommitted vote. it was a good night for joe biden. i will say that once again, we don't have a lot of polling in michigan, the polls that were done in february head trump above, winning by 50 points or more. he's winning tonight by high 30s, low 40s. so once again, based on public polling, donald trump is underperforming the public polls available to us as he's done in the three states in this election cycle. >> as we've seen since 1968, one of the first time whoever saw it, when incumbent president was up for reelection in someone within that party challenge the incumbent president the worst thing that could happen for the incumbent president is that challenger, that human being get votes. that's what lyndon johnson signed new hampshire, jean mccarthy got 42% of the vote. and then in johnson dropped out of the presidential race, not because he thought gene mccarthy could beat him to the nomination. he was sure he would get the nomination of the convention in chicago, becausethat'sbe decdec the primaries. got from the new hampshire vote was i can't win in november. this is too much weakness within my own party for me to win in november. and that's why he dropped out. whenvois one that i fully respect, strategically, and the people who want to cast, to deliver this expression of, this is based on a policy that we care about, we think the president is failing us on this one policy and only on this one policy, and no other policy. this is not a vote for a person. they could have put up a candidate. they could've gone to dean phillips. dean phillips says he wants to see a cease-fire in december. they refused. refused to vote for dean phillips. and they cast a vote that says to the president, we are not with you tonight. that's all that vote says. we are uncommitted tonight. and what i have been hearing, certainly for the politicians
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who have been leading that movement in michigan is, none of them are saying they won't be with joe biden in november against on trump. >> we also have to be a bit careful tonight in not exaggerating the role of the delegate are true. i helped run the delegate operations and the floor of the democratic conventions. having a delegate or two is not a significant achievement. many times during presidential primaries a cause or a candidate will pick up a few candidates here and there. it became a question of how much energy should the biden campaign put it into this to deny in a 15%? they made a decisthat they could handle thbeing this kind of opposition of a delegator to the democratic convention given that there are thousands of delegates. i think it's just very important to recognize that to not exaggerate on our side the significance of what's happened tonight. i also just want to say for the record that joe biden has been for a cease-fire. he negotiated a cease-fire. he was trying to negotiate a cease fire right now. if you look at -- i just looked at the economist gun poll last week and among democrats by the approval on foreign policy is in the upper 70s. is disapproval is in the low
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20s. the party is with him on what he's doing. you can be for a cease-fire and still be for joe biden, backing joe biden is doing in the middle east. this is an important discussion we're having. we're not all together on this. and it's important we're in this out and continue respectful debate within the
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family. it's a big issue. but there's a notion that there's a huge backlash against biden on this issue and it is not been proven in my view. >> i want to do both. i want to give that movement the strategic respect it deserves, especially in including the decision not to put up a candidate, the decision to say, we simply want to deliver this message at the ballot box. we're gonna actively go out and vote and we're gonna vote for a blank. we're going to do that is a way of expressing ourselves. i don't want to say weaker but it's a softer objection then going out there in the way voters went out there for jean mccarthy in 1968, because those voters were 100 percent against lyndon johnson when they cast that vote. there was no way in the world they were gonna vote for lyndon johnson in november. >> right. or ted kennedy in 1980. or some of the haley voters in this election. it's important the distinction you are drying here, which is that there isn't an opposition movement of significance inside the democratic party. we can have a respectful debate. we don't have to agree on everythihealthy debate we're having. the president tonight. wialteth we hto gmanygoing this bwe arei optimistthfademocrats have disc vpossible in alabama. that's next. >> first of all, i've always voted democrat. i caback ithem thinkcomedutyand vote. ome out here and do my civil duty and vote.
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>> voters in michigan began seeing messages like this one on billboards today, proving that donald trump's boast about overturning roe v. wade is the only reason alabama can now ban in vitro fertilization. vice president kamala harris brought that same message to michigan as part of her fight for reproductive freedom tour. >> women have been having miscarriages in toilets in our country, have been denied access to emergency care because of what has been happening. and then as the government said most recently, putting access to ivf at risk.
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so on one hand the proponents are saying an individual doesn't have a right to end an unwanted pregnancy, and on the other hand the individual does not have the right to start a family. the previous president of the united states then openly talks about how he is proud of what has resulted. proud that people of michigan cannot sit back and take comfort without also understanding that elections matter and that there is a full on concerted effort to pass a national ban, which would mean the people of michigan would not be as safe. >> joining us now, democratic congresswoman hillary school ton of michigan. she was sitting right next vice president there. if we just had that frame a little bit wider thank you very much for joining us tonight. how much, i mean how important are the issues that the vice president was talking about in what we are seeing in the
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results in tonight's primary. >> first of all, thank you so much for having me, lawrence. it's an honor to be here. speaking on behalf of the voters of my district. they were top of mind for voters is they were heading to the polls. in michigan in 2022 we passed a historic ballot initiative classifying reproductive rights into our state constitution, but voters here know that those rights could all be taken away if a republican controlled majority passes a nationwide abortion ban. i talk to voters everything ever single day for whom this is still a big issue heading into 2024. >> we are getting different reactions from voters today who did vote for joe biden, and i want to listen to andrea in grand rapids. i think the control room has it almost ready. or not. okay, never mind, control room. regular go to grand rapids, because that's a district we're talking about. what we were hearing from biden voters today are concerns about
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the issues like this specifically. and then stressing joe biden's experience and what they call his success in office. and so the achievement list of the biden administration is something we were hearing bits and pieces back from voters today. >> it's absolutely true. and we see the evidence of it throughout my district. the bipartisan infrastructure law at work, replacing lead pipes throughout my district, investing in our airport. and again, policies that the administration has taken to protect women's reproductive freedom. it's on the record. and the contrast could not be clearer, especially in the wake of this alabama supreme court decision surrounding ivf. deeply personal issue to so many people. what happens in alabama is not going to stay in alabama. voters know this. 125 republicans have co
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sponsored a bill recognizing a fetal right to life without an exception, to protect a woman's right to make her family whole, a family's right to make their family hole through ivf. >> that's a bill that if it ever got to joe biden, he would veto instantaneously. there is no doubt about it. and republicans in the senate have also refused to even allow a vote the democrats in the senate wanted to have on protecting in vitro fertilization. >> it's true. senator tammy duckworth is expected to try to bring her bill up protecting the right to build a family, to the senate floor. republicans are saying they're going to block it. i'm a proud co-sponsor of the houses counterpart that bill, and we're gonna do everything
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we can to make sure that that bill gets a vote, including bringing it by a discharge petition if we have to. we're going to hold republicans accountable to this. they are trying to backtrack now. you can hear their tire screeches around the world as they get their talking points memo from the national republican party. but is the first woman and mother in history to represent my district, i don't need anybody to give me a memo on how to talk. about women's reproductive freedom it's a deeply personal issue. it belongs with women and their doctors themselves and not with these politicians in washington who can't even understand the basic biological concepts of how this works. it's been painful trying to listen to them twist themselves into knots about how they can support these bills and also
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ivf at the same time. again, we don't have to resort to hyperbole about these things. the facts speak for themselves. republicans have voted against women's rights, trusting women with their own bodies, these critical decisions, time and time again. and women are speaking out, especially even in places like traditionally conservative wished michigan where i come from. many voters voting for the very first time for pro-choice candidates. >> we don't know yet how many uncommitted voters there are in your district tonight voting that way. truly you know them. surely you have spoken to them, they've spoken to you. are any of them or many of them telling you that they won't
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vote for joe biden in november? and what are you telling them? >> i'm telling them that the beautiful part of this democracy is that they have this process through which they could register their complaints and their feelings. and that is one thing that we have seen in this process. this is democracy at work. i think the numbers will remain to be seen. obviously joe biden was the decisive winner and the democratic primary tonight. we are swearing off again for a trump biden rematch. and i think when voters are presented with that stark contrast of joe biden's record and trump's record, joe biden's vision for america, and trump's vision for america, that contrast will send voters rushing to the polls again for joe biden, as they did in 2022. because we have seen the devastating consequences of a trump presidency. and we know that a second term
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could be even worse. >> congresswoman hillary scholten, thank you very much for joining us tonight. >> thank you so much for having me, lawrence. >> coming up, we'll have more of the numbers, but as of now joe biden is headed to a much bigger victory in michigan among democrats than donald trump is headed for among republicans in michigan. we heard republican voters in michigan's primary today explain their vote for donald trump by repeating donald trump's 2020 election lie. michigan's barbara mcquade's new book explains how trump brainwashed those voters. barbara mcquade joins us next. >> i voted for president joe biden. i feel that we need to continue the success of the path we are on currently and also because we need someone who knows how to be the president and will keep us safe, we keep the people of the country safe, and we'll keep democracy safe. >> do you have any concerns about another biden administration? >> i do not. i feel that both he and vice president harris will be successful together as a team.
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>> republican primary voters in warren, michigan, memorized donald trump's lie about the 2020 election and recited it earlier today. >> it was all rigged, i think. i think it was rigged. with the ballots. >> i just know that everyone i spoke to voted for donald j trump. and it was a lot of people. >> our next guest, michigan's barbara mcquade, right on her new book, attack from within, how disinformation has sabotaging america, that the trump election lie, quote, provide justification for the coup attempt of 2020 and his
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given rise to the election denier movement, which remains in place to justify future anti- democratic power grabs. as of april, 2022, fully 68% of republicans, millions of americans, we're still under the influence of disinformation about stolen elections despite the fact that congressional investigations, audits, and court challenges had turned up no evidence to support the claims. joining us is barbara mcquade, former u.s. attorney and a law professor at the university of michigan law school. she's co-host of the podcast or hashtag sisters in law and is an msnbc legal analyst. she's the author of the new book attack from within, and disinformation is sabotaging america, which is out now and i'm happy to say in my hands. there it is. there is the camera. barbara, what is so fascinating about this for me years, you get into a thing that i've just been thinking about vaguely, and mostly in wonder, how do you get these people to believe
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this nonsense? why can't they separate fact from fiction? but you actually get in here and show which wires connect to what. >> yeah, so if you look at history, what mussolini and hitler did, their tactics really haven't changed. maybe the delivery mechanism has changed a little bit with social media, cable television. but the messages are very similar to the ones that we saw hitler and mussolini use, very simple messages. repeatable little slogans like stop the steal. what hitler wrote about in mein kampf, make the lie big. everybody tells a little lies, but don't have the audacity to tell a lie about so significant. the fact that the trump has told, the lie about a stolen election, it becomes more believable the bigger it is. those tactics have been documented throughout history. >> the reason why i always thought or thought we could just assume away that part of history, is that those dictators all controlled the news media. there was no other voice in russia than stolen in the stove soviet union or germany than
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hitler. but what we have here, what's happened is, the voter has selected, in a way, to shut off other information sources and take the fox propaganda and all the right-wing trump propaganda. >> we've assorted ourselves into news bubbles where we listen to one side of information or another and social media. you heard that woman say all my friends voted for donald trump. i'm sure she is in a facebook group with a group of people and perhaps she watches fox news. so all she ever hears is the repeat of these ideas of redirection, that the investigations against donald trump are voter interference. and so she lives in that eco sphere. in some ways you raise a good point, that it replicates some of those control medias of prior decades. >> how do you penetrate? it >> a couple of ways. one is, we have to get people out of their basements are not the internet in into the real
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world. we need to be engaging with people on a human scale and not just talking and each other online. online people are horrible. we are horrible to each other, we hide behind false purse owners, or even just the nastiness that can be there when you've not seen a human being face to face. so i think we have to see people face to face. i also think we have to understand that when someone has been duped, the last thing they want to hear is how foolish they have been. when i was a prosecutor we often dealt with crime victims, people who are the victims of fraud. they felt shame for in having fallen for these things. so we have to show people grace. we have to ask them, what is the evidence that they are citing? and point to it to reach their conclusions or try to help them see that evidence is necessary for us to reach conclusions.
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but i think we have to do it with grace and not with dumping on people by telling them i told you so. >> michigan is one of the great places to study this. since there have been those people to try to kidnap and murder the governor, there's been this outburst of the most fanatical kind of behavior at the extreme end of what this book is about. >> yeah, and when the points i make in the book is how disinformation is creating dangerous to public safety and the rule of law. and so when people are out there ginning up false claims, people become very angry. why is this happening? why is a lie enforcement doing something about it? so they become inclined to take the law into their own hands, which is what we saw with the plot to kidnap governor whitmer and make a citizens arrest. or what we saw in january 6th, at the u.s. capitol.
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people thought it was so unjust that they took the law into their own hands. that's when things become chaotic and very dangerous. >> you studied this more closely than the rest of us, so where are you in the hope versus hopelessness curve? >> i worry that it's gonna get worse before it gets better, but i do think there is hope. i think there are a couple of things we need to do. when, as we need to change some laws and have more regulation in social media. we have a lot of these giants to go up in. they've created wonderful in degreed with product but without regulation they will defeat us with artificial intelligence -- but i also think that we need to persuade people about the importance of truth. i think some people have been duped by the lies that have been fed to them in recent years. but i think there are many other people who are willing to go along with the combine because they are choosing tribe
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over truth. and so they want to align themselves with a particular party and it doesn't matter to them what the facts are. don trump could shoot someone on fifth avenue and not not lose any voters, and i think he's right. we need to care again that are going to have a democracy, then facts matter. >> how much of it is donald trump when donald trump goes away? which is either next year or four years from now? does this thing, there's this stuff start to deflate? >> i don't know, but he was the disruptor who caused it. we now see a lot of people who have watched and learned his tactics. i worry that the next one that comes along could be even better at it. but we see people like jim jordan in congress who is leading with investigations into the weaponization of government, which is, of course, turning investigations on their head. we've seen members of the republican party try to impeach joe biden based on not just a lack of information but false information. and so i worry that now that this tactic is in their hands that we can see other people
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try to wield it. >> barbara mcquade, thank you for being here and michigan's big night. thank you for joining us. barbara's book is called attack from within there. right here. it is available right now. and coming up, we will get the latest numbers from michigan and see how joe biden is still winning a much bigger percentage of the vote in the democratic primary that donald trump is winning in the republican primary. that's next. >> paul kugler in his article said he was going to vote if new york times article said he was going to vote for biden and he could give the answer in words, and they were donald trump. i think there is a better reason to vote for biden. i think he has a continuing vision of where we can go. and it's with a vision not a vision that donald trump gives, and here's is one that i wouldn't buy into and i don't
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would say. but the pattern is pretty much settled in where in most counties here, uncommitted is hovering somewhere around 10%. there are a couple exceptions, we have talked all about -- washtenaw county we are ann arbor, ann arbor is uncommitted at just over 20% right there, about half the vote in. the big unfinished piece of the puzzle here in michigan, the biggest by far is in wayne county. almost a quarter of the democratic vote comes out of wayne county. detroit is the heavy hitter. but so here is dearborn, michigan. we have talked about dearborn, with the majority arab american populations -- and wayne county with a large arab american and muslim populations -- the 12th congressional district, where it's possible, we are
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uncommitted might take delegate, otherwise biden on pace to win here possibly all the other delegates in the state. so you see biden 80%, there wayne county is the big thing. you just want to see if we are following the story of uncommitted on the republican side here, trump is sitting at you see a 67, and haley number a slow but it continues to fall. we made a note when she fell under 30, now she has fallen under 28% of the vote. again, about a third of the vote has come in here. the problem for nikki haley's she's losing by this margin, but the thing she was trying to emphasize in south carolina and new hampshire, is there is a 40% she was saying of the republican party in these primaries that wants to vote as trump, that is not what you're seeing here. the problem for her is that the votes from what we're supposed to be her strongest counties, we talked about oakland county, for her washtenaw county, places like, that they have a lot of college educated voters, high higher income suburbs, she did very well there in south carolina, very well in those places in new hampshire, but she is not hitting anywhere near those levels in those
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counties in michigan. there is are supposed to be her best counties in the state. also, those counties right now are disproportionately making up the statewide total. they are right now punching above their weight in terms of the total vote in the state. you can see all of these blank gray counties here in the upper peninsula, they are small in terms of population, but collectively they add up and trump is getting 75, 80% more of the vote in counties like this. it is a long way of saying a third of the voters in right now, but if you start to look at the pattern that is taking hold here, you see trump at 67, haley now under 27, i think it is possible trump could move this 70, percent maybe over 70% before all the voters in. this nikki haley number could fall to about 25% or so. again, there is an x-factor here in western michigan that we know, outside those counties i showed you in southeastern michigan, we figured this would be stronger struggle for trump here based on the past, even in this part of the state, look at that, he has that -- 61% in
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ottawa. this was basically his worst county in 2016 the last time he ran. so he could end up, 70% is not impossible for him. >> steve kornacki, thank you very, much we appreciate it. we will be right back. ill be r. -- number one, you've got to take a look at the other guy. he's about as old as i am, but he can't remember his wife's name. [laughter] number one. number two, it's about how old your ideas are. look, this is a guy who wants to take us back. he wants to take us back on roe v. wade, he wants to take us back on a range of issues that are 50, 60 years solid american positions. and i really mean that this sincerely, i think it is about the future. every single thing we have done, i think we have gotten some good things done. everything, they told us we couldn't get done, because things were so divided, and i
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think everything we have gotten done he -- this friendly state, he wants to do away with if he gets elected. i really think his views on we're to take america are older than, anyway -- i don't want to get it -- >> [laughter] >> i mean listen, donald trump is old, a just nothing but a number, i listen i'm 61, do i feel it? no. joe biden is getting it done. age is just a number. age is just a number. to actively repair acid weakened enamel. i recommend pronamel repair. with new pronamel repair mouthwash you can enhance that repair beyond brushing. they work great together.
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nato is a bulwark against russian aggression, and he was ready to walk out of that. there are other ways he treated the people of muslim religious background, his dirty mouth. i think he is pretty much a to quote a phrase. and it is is terrifying to me, an 80, to think that he would be one of the last presidents, he could decimate social programs that i have been committed to and worked on for a very long time. and so, there is a whole variety as well as his personal way of dealing with people and the world. >> the latest returns in michigan show that joe biden is
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winning at this hour, 80% of the democratic presidential primary vote. donald trump is waiting at this hour, 67% of the republican primary vote. nikki haley is taking 27% of the republican primary vote away from donald trump. there are no exit polls tonight to indicate how many haley voters intend to vote for donald trump in november, how many will refuse to vote for donald trump in november. president biden has just issued a statement following his win in the michigan primary, the unsurprising win, saying i want to thank every michigander who made their voice heard today, exercising their right to vote and participating in our democracy is what makes america great. the president goes on to list all of the biden harris administration achievements that he believes relevant to the people in michigan,
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domestic achievements, then he says, president biden, says for all of this progress there so much left to do, donald trump is threatening to check drag us even further into the past as he pursues revenge and retribution, he proudly brag that he is the reason roe v. wade was overturned in this country, because of donald trump women's lives are at risk. doctors face the prospect of criminal penalties are doing their jobs, and families desperately trying to help have children are having access to fertility treatments ripped away. now donald trump wants to man ben abortion nationwide including here in michigan. that is president biden's, part of president biden statement upon winning his now 80% vote in the democratic the presidential primary in michigan. that is tonight's last word. the 11th hour with stephanie ruhle starts now. tonight, the results are in from michigan. what we learne