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tv   Ana Cabrera Reports  MSNBC  March 11, 2024 7:00am-8:00am PDT

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this didn't go as planned, right? it was put out to coincide with british mother's day. they hoped this would reassure the british public that kate is well, she had her surgery and her recovery is on progress. it's been taken up with this firestorm. they've had to issue this apology. it's about trust, right? trust is the currency of the realm at the moment. this doesn't go well with trust with the british public. >> a lot of questions about people not seeing her as much. >> and charles. >> we'll have more on this tomorrow. that does it for us this morning. ana cabrera picks up the coverage right now. right now on "ana cabrera reports," the intenifying race for the white house. president biden on a campaign swing this week as his rival
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eyes that magic number to officially secure his nomination. all as they trade verbal fire like never before. plus, a massive week ahead in georgia. a judge set to rule any day on whether fani willis will stay in charge of trump's sprawling election case. also ahead, back in court, new jersey senator bob menendez expected to be arraigned again on new charges this morning. later, a new doj investigation into that mid-air scare on an alaska airlines flight. what it could mean for that airline and boeing. i hope you had a wonderful weekend. it's good to be with you. it's 10:00 eastern. i'm ana cabrera reporting from new york. we begin this morning with the intensifying and newly combative race for the white house. president biden planning a big campaign swing this week fresh
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off his state of the union address. with tomorrow's primaries in georgia, both he and the president in that state over the weekend trading verbal jabs and sharing two vastly different visions for america. >> two nights ago we all heard crooked joe's angry, dark, hate-filled address, of the state of the union address. i'm going to bring the country together, i'm going to bring it together. >> we all know donald trump sees a different america. an american story of resentment, revenge and retribution. that's not me. that's not you. >> joining us now nbc's garrett haake covering the trump campaign, nbc monica alba standing by at the white house. also with us, adrienne elrod, former senior aide to the
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biden/harris campaign and rina shah, former congressional adviser. what are we looking at when it comes to trump and the race for delegates and how he's increasing his attraction on president biden? >> we may not see the former president this week. he's on the glide path towards the nomination with no opponents left in the race. he could hit the magic number on tuesday night. it depends on the delegate rules or it might take another week. there's a sliding scale of the temperament and tone of these trump events. what we saw saturday night in georgia was some of the darkest, nastiest train. you u saw him mocking president biden, mocking him for his stutter there. he picked up where he left off in an interview this morning on cnbc, again talking about the state of the union. here is what he had to say. >> i saw a very angry and confused man. i assume he's going to be the candidate.
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i think it probably, maybe was a terrible performance, but i think it was probably enough to get him over the heap, to get him over the barrier as to whether or not he's going to be their nominee. >> ana, there's no heap on the democratic side. there's basically nothing left between president biden and renomination on the democratic ticket as well. he's also on a glide path towards renomination once we get through this next round of states. >> monica, the president making this big campaign push this week, visiting several key swing states. how is the campaign looking to capitalize on any momentum he might have gained in the state of the union address? >> ana, they're kind of ramping up by every possible metric in terms of field offices, there will be dozens opening in the coming weeks, in terms of the staff they have in what they view as the seven critical battleground states. they're upping that from about
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100 stafferers to 350 in the coming weeks and months as well. in addition to that, you'll see this ad blitz, more than $30 million highlighting some of those moments from the state of the union address and also distributing a new ad that really takes on this issue of the president's age as the oldest commander-in-chief ever to serve head on. take a listen to how he did that, which we saw this weekend. >> look, i'm not a young guy. that's no secret, but here's the deal. i understand how to get things done for the american people. i believe the job of the president is to fight for you, the american people, and that's what i'm doing. i'm joe biden and i approve this message. >> can we do one more take? >> look, i'm very young, energy jtic and handsome, what the hell am i doing this for? >> so the campaign is betting that using that kind of humor to make sure they're tackling it and not dismissing this concern, that voters really do have, is going to be an effective strategy.
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we'll see if that bears out in the polling because it's still something that people raise. but in talking to voters after the state of the union, they felt he was a bit more vigorous, a bit more energetic. they want to translate that now to the campaign trail which is why he immediately went to two states he flipped in 2020 in pennsylvania and georgia over the weekend. then he's going to be going to new hampshire today to try to continue some of that messaging in addition to wisconsin and michigan later in the week. ana? >> adrienne, he's got a big schedule. what do you think of that ad? is it effective? is that the best way to handle voters' concerns about the president's age? >> i think it's incredibly effective especially coming off a very effective state of the union address. he's been laying out his vision, by talking about what he's done in the first term. in the state of the union he was able to deliver that message to a larger, more captive audience
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in a grander-scale way. i think it's incredibly effective. what he's saying is age equals experience equals ability to get things done. i think that's a very effective argument. it's something a lot of his surrogates have made. it's something he, the first lady, the vice president have been making as well. to say that in an ad blitz that's costing $30 million and they're spending that $30 million across seven or eight really key states that will ultimately decide this election is incredibly important. i think, again, going on the offense on age and making sure the american people understand that wisdom, experience really enables you to get things done in is a bipartisan manner in washington which in many respects he's done, especially with two of his major economic bills that were both passed in a bipartisan way. >> rena, meantime trump is out there in georgia mocking the president's stutter. why go there? does he think that helps his campaign in some way? >> well, we're just off a really
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intense week. i would submit to you one of the most intense weeks we'll see in this entire election cycle. we sit less than a week out from the pivotal super tuesday results as well as the state of the union. you have to wonder what is the playbook for republicans. for both candidates, the name of the game for biden will be to drive the momentum forward every week from here on out until november. then you look at how the republicans have gamed this thing out. looking at thursday night, the state of the union, they're relying entirely on immigration and border issues and tieing that to crime and public safety. that's all they've got right now. donald trump going for really awful insults that i think any parent, any person with a stutter looks at and says that is absolutely abhorrent, it's a moment at which you know they've got nothing more. when you looked at the congress, you see, again, within the past ten days, you've seen endorsements of haley by collins, murkowski, two senators. senator todd young has come down
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and doubled down on his comments saying he won't endorse trump, he has a disastrous down-ballot effect. more of this they'll see from donald trump, the less they'll want to turn out and click for him. >> adrienne, at the trump event in georgia, we know the former president met with the parents of laken riley, the georgia nursing student who was allegedly killed by an undocumented immigrant. president biden addressed the story in the state of the union and referred to the suspect as a, quote, illegal, a term he tells jonathan capehart he now regrets. >> i shouldn't have used illegal. it's undocumented. look, when i spoke about the difference between trump and me, one of the things i talked about on the border is the way he talks about vermin, these people polluting the blood. >> you regret using that word. >> yes. >> adrienne, the right is now
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seizing on president biden walking it back. do you think the president handled this the right way? >> i certainly did. he obviously said he regretted using the word and showed contrition when he talked to jonathan capehart which i think is something americans love. americans love it when people apologize for something they feel they shouldn't have said. that's something we never see from donald trump. similar to what rina was saying, if you're trying to appeal to swing voters, independent voters, voters maybe still deciding how to vote in this upcoming election, using divisive rhetoric, hateful rhetoric like donald trump does when he describes immigrants, plenty of people in this country, pretty much everybody except for white men, it's not something that appeals to that sector of voters. you have somebody like president biden show shows compassion, a very forward looking agenda, who talks very positively in a very aspirational tone about the united states. you compare that to donald trump who is trying to use fear and
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rhetoric to drive his voters out. it's something that, again, it's going to deliver red meat to trump's base, but certainly isn't going to do anything to corral some of those voters that trump absolutely needs to win this election. >> garrett, we're seeing a little cleanup from republican senator katie britt who delivered the response. >> a little cleanup but there's not much you can do when you get caught in a mess like this. during the state of the union she told a story about a woman who told her her story about having been sex-trafficked as a teenager. the implication was that this happened in the united states. the woman in question was sex-trafficked in mexico and she says and has said in several interviews that the incident occurred burg the george w. bush administration. britt was pressed over the weekend. here is how she tried to clean it up.
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>> but to be clear, the story you relayed is not something that happened under the biden administration, that particular person? >> i very clearly said i spoke to a woman who told me about when she was trafficked when she was 12. so i didn't say a teenager. i didn't say a young woman. a grown woman, a woman when she was trafficked when she was 12. >> some rhetorical gymnastics there in the cleanup with a much smaller audience than those who saw her make those claims without much, in fact, any supporting evidence in her state of the union response. >> it was one of the most memorable, most haunting parts of her state of the union response. rina, did senator britt mishandle this? >> we can talk all day long about how she used what is being used as a fund me baby and how she needs media training. all of that is there. the thing that stuck out the most was she didn't ucf any data points. of course, storytelling is the
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core of what all of us political communicators have told our clients to do over the years. in speech writing it was central to me. i think now what she needed to do in that response and what she fell flat on doing was to speak about how trump can make everybody's lives better versus joe biden. he gave some strong data points in that state of the union that cannot be contested. what she followed with was absolutely -- it felt like nonsense at moments, and i don't think it appealed to anyone because it was confusing at times. and also at the end of the day, who was it intended to drive out? it was intended to get to the heart of the base and that's just not the name of the game here. senator britt has definitely lost rising star status here which is sad for her. my husband and many people knew her growing up in alabama and said this is somebody that kind of did everything right. clearly what she's done is at the altar of donald trump and it will keep her out of rooms in
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which she really could have opened the door to to herself. >> rina shah, garrett elrod, monica alba, my thanks to all of you. it's a big week in georgia where we could learn the fate of d.a. fani willis and her investigation into donald trump. plus, a rare look at u.s. marines training near russia's arctic border. how the chilliest relation since the cold war has nato preparing for fighting on skis and snowmobiles. growing tensions between perez and his counterpart in israel after accusing benjamin netanyahu of, quote, hurting israel. later, new scrutiny hitting the royal family over princess kate. what the royals are saying now about a manipulated picture. pul. (ella) fashion moves fast. setting trends is our business. we need to scale with customer demand... in real time. (jen) so we partner with verizon. their solution for us? a private 5g network.
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judge scott mcafee is expected to decide by friday whether district attorney fani willis will stay on the georgia election interference case. meanwhile, $91 million had not silenced donald trump from talking about e. jean carroll. he's saying similar things that got him sued for defamation in the first place. let's bring in nbc news current vaughn hillyard and catherine christian an msnbc legal analyst. trump is still talking about e. jean carroll. what did he say exactly this weekend? >> the political element of this, the general election on his mind. he's got criminal trials on his mind. yet he keeps coming back to e. jean carroll. why? because he's going to have to pay these damages and is trying to get the opportunity to appeal the decision. he was able to post this $91 million bond, but there's a lot of question marks about exactly
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what. >> i just posted a $91 million bond -- 91 million on a fake story, totally made up story based on false accusations made about me by a woman i didn't know nothing about, never heard of. she wrote a book, she said things. when i denied it, i said it's crazy, it's false. i got sued for defamation. that's where it starts. >> it's those very statements that led to the lawsuit of defamation and these very damages. >> catherine, what does this mean? could he get sued yet again and does this hurt or help him on his appeal? >> he could be sued again. that would be ms. carroll's choice and her attorney's choice. this is a duplicate equivalent
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of what he was sued for and lost for. i think this morning on cnbc he referred to as miss bergdorf goodman. clearly he's talking about her. maybe in his mind he's thinking i'm not saying his mind. everyone knows who he's talking about. yes he's committed defamation again. >> does it hurt his appeal process at all? >> it shouldn't. junls read papers and look at the news. it's clearly he is incorrigible. >> let's talk about georgia, vaughn. what are the possible outcomes here as we await this decision by judge scott mcafee? >> the future of this fulton county case and the other 18 defendants is on the line. we're talking about judge mcphee coming out with a decision by friday on whether to disqualify fani willis from being able to prosecute this case. if he does decide to disqualify her, it disqualifies the entire fulton county office which will
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leave it in the hands of another district attorney who can relook at the case, relook at the charges against donald trump and the others. the attorney for fani willis during the evidentiary hearing made the case that judge mcphee is going to have to make the determination on whether there's actual conflict of interest, not an appearance of a conflict of interest. and also noted four of the defendants have actually already pleaded guilty and there is nothing from the relationship that she had with special prosecutor nathan wade that could change the way she's actually prosecuting the case or the actual indictment against these individuals intl the allegations of misconduct, catherine, have certainly derailed the case from moving forward as the d.a. would like it to be. so, are you surprised it's taking judge mcsfee so long to issue a decision? what do you see as the stakes here? >> i'm not surprised. i think he wants to make sure, whatever decision he comes up with, no one can say he did it on the fly. he's taking his time. this is an unforced error by the
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d.a. if the judge decides this case on the appearance of impropriety as opposed to actual conflict, i think that would be the wrong standard because a lot of elected d.a.'s in this country would be disqualified. that's a very low standard. that's what the defense wants. the law is in georgia, there's some dispute, but most of the appellate cases say you have to find an actual conflict of interest, that the d.a. had a stake in the outcome. i don't believe that the defense attorneys approve that. appearance of impropriety? yes, clearly an appearance of impropriety. i don't think the judge will go with that standard. we'll find out by friday. >> if he does, in fact, go in that direction, is there another d.a. to take this on? >> it has to go to georgia to a prosecutor's counsel. if that happens, this case will not be tried this year or ever if that happens. it will just be held in limbo.
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>> this decision could mean everything when it comes to the decision of this case. thank you. good to see you both. breaking news just in at msnbc. former trump aide peter navarro is going to go to prison. he's been ordered to report to federal prison march 19th. he'll begin his four-month sentence on contempt of congress charges for defying a subpoena from the january 6th committee. navarro has asked a court to stay his appearance. next on "ana cabrera reports," israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu responds to president biden's new criticism as ramadan begins with no cease-fire in gaza. a rare and up close look on u.s. marines training on russia's arctic border as relations grow increasingly frosty. my hair every time i dried it! only takes a minute.
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he has a right to defend israel, a right to continue to pursue hamas, but he must, he must, he must, pay more attention to the innocent lives being lost as a consequence of the actions taken. he's hurting -- in my view, he's hurting israel more than helping israel by making the rest of the world -- it's contrary to what israel stands for and i think it's big mistake. >> now israel prime minister benjamin netanyahu is rejecting that new criticism from president biden that he's hurting israel more than
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helping. with netanyahu arguing the majority of israelis agree with his policies. the growing divide growing more public as millions of muslims around the world begin fasting for ramadan without a new cease-fire deal in place. also this morning, another holdup on critical aid that's on its way to gaza. a ship carrying nearly 200 tons of food is waiting to leave cyprus. we've just learned it's likely it will not be able to leave today. nbc chief foreign correspondent richard engel is joining us. what do we know about this aid ship and when it can get moving? >> reporter: we don't exactly know. the aid organization that is running the ship, the world central kitchen which is a u.s.-based charity which is really -- i don't want to say come out of nowhere, but in the last several months emerged as a global player in humanitarian relief says it's not their
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fault, they are ready, but they have been held up. many humanitarian aid organizations point the finger at israel. israel controls access in and out of gaza, eej though gaza shares a border with egypt and with israel, israel for security concerns, for its dominance, is not allowing free entry of goods, personnel, anything in and out of gaza. this has been a very long, very slow process. this aid ship, just so we're clear, is not going to solve the problems of hunger in gaza by any stretch of the imagination. it is a relatively small ship. it has been here for weeks while the cargo has been meticulously loaded. israeli officials have been involved in the inspection process. the inspections were carried out
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by sip yacht customs officials with israeli supervision. once the ship does leave, it only travels three miles an hour towing a barge and it will take three days to get to gaza, even though gaza is 200 miles from here. this is a very tedious, laborious process that has once again been delayed. >> seems like they can't catch a break to getting aid to those innocents inside gaza. richard, we continue to see more tension between president biden and netanyahu. i want to listen to more of this exclusive interview with jonathan capehart. watch. >> what is your red line with prime minister netanyahu? do you have a red line? for instance, would invasion of rafah, which you have urged him not to do, would that be a red line? >> it is a red line, but i'm never going to leave israel.
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the defense of israel is still critical. there's no red line i'm going to cut off all weapons so they don't have the iron dome to protect them. >> so biden is more publicly critical of nun, but that was a little uncertain there. does it sound like a blurry red line to you? >> reporter: he just said there is no red line, so i don't think it was unclear at all. he said he's not going to cut off the weapons supply, he's not going to cut off the supply of weapons for the iron dome system. the iron dome system is israel's missile defense system. without the intercepter rockets that go into the iron dome system, the iron dome system doesn't work. there's been a lot of criticism of the u.s. policy toward israel that the u.s. is trying to provide aid to the people of gaza through this incredibly slow, laborious process that has
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once again been delayed, and at the same time promising and continuing to deliver weapons and now saying that there is no red line. so the criticism that i'm hearing across the region is that the u.s. is effectively playing both sides here. they're trying to help the people of gaza by encouraging this aid, but also sending israel weapons and now saying publicly that there is no red line that would cause the u.s. to cut off the supply of arms to israel. >> no red line that would do that at least he said. richard engel, thank you for providing the clarity we're all seeking. appreciate you. turning now to the growing crisis in haiti where armed gangs have largely overtaken the capitol of port-au-prince. the u.s. military flying in additional u.s. forces to bolster security at the u.s.
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embassy in haiti and airlifting non-essential embassy personnel out of there. over the weekend gangs launched major attacks on at least three police stations in port-au-prince. they have issued a state of emergency and nightly curfews. the situation on the ground has accelerated a humanitarian crisis with the u.n. reporting 5.5 million people, almost half of haiti's population now needing humanitarian aid. turning to russia where the so-called president election is just days away, vladimir putin doesn't face any real opposition and is expected to coast to a fifth term in office. it comes as tensions grow between russia and the u.s. after the death of alexei navalny. nbc's josh lederman is in norway where he got an up-close look at u.s. marines training near russia's arctic border. it looks cold there. what did you see?
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>> reporter: it is cold, ana. it's pretty obvious as you take a look around that the climate in the arctic is nothing like the hot, dry deserts of iraq, syria and afghanistan where the u.s. military has really been focused in the last two decades, particularly focussed on counterinsurgency. deterring president putin and the russian military is a whole different ball game. that's why there are 20,000 nato troops on the ground in this region exercising together as they try to show that deterrence. i spent the last three days in the snow with u.s. marines from the second expeditionary force. here is what we saw. the frosty arctic is becoming the new battleground in a growing military competition between russia and the west. the u.s. marines and a dozen allies joining forces for war games in northern norway as part of the largest nato exercises since the cold war. the u.s. and nato troops are
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practicing storming a beach from the sea and the air as they work to defend nato territory from any threat. >> i'll go ahead and continue maintaining airway and i'll grab a leg. >> reporter: in this mass casualty drill, languages blend together as american and norwegian troops work shoulder to shoulder. these war games taking place not far from russia's border. as global warming melts sea ice, the u.s., russia and china are all seeking to expand their arctic foothold. pour the marines, it's a sharp shift after decades fighting in the hot, dry climates of the middle east. after a rocky journey through the mountains, we reached marinetion dug in on the mountain side. at night, the temperatures can drop below zero. >> we had marines who had never been in the snow before coming to norway. >> reporter: the scenario, repelling an invasion by a major hostile power from the east. moscow is watching. norwegian officials say they
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detected russian vessels nearby spying on the exercises. >> is it easier to hide in a snowy forest than in the desert? >> i would say it depends on the conditions. on a day like this, the snow tracks would be left. >> reporter: these marines spent nearly two weeks here sleeping up to six to aa tent, boiling snow for water, even praying in the snow. >> amen, go in peace, serve the lord. >> reporter: lance coral cooper cory. >> my first time touching a ski pole was here. >> how did it go? >> i fell a lot. i had fun, biggest smile on my face. >> reporter: a forceful message from the u.s. and its allies. >> anywhere we go, i know we can fight. i know we can thrive. >> reporter: ana, when you think
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about what nato is up against, these exercises are taking place not just in norway, but also in sweden and finland, the two newest nato members. that expansion has added more than 800 miles to nato's border with russia. ana? >> fascinating report. thank you so much josh lederman. at noon today my colleague andrea mitchell will speak with the new u.n. ambassador to nato julie ann smith. next on "ana cabrera reports," a new criminal investigation into the scare on an alaska airlines flight in january. what it could mean for boeing. plus why the first photo released by kensington palace of princess kate since her abdominal surgery was given a kill notice by major news agencies. ice by major news agencies
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welcome back. a criminal investigation is now under way into that scary door
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panel blowout on an alaska airlines flight in january. the airline is cooperating with federal agents contacting passengers, pilots and crew members on that flight. nbc news correspondent stephanie gosk has more on this for us. the ntsb and faa were already doing investigations. what triggered the doj investigation? >> this is a criminal probe. that's an important distinction. alaska airlines say it's pretty typical when there's an incident like this that the donl might come in and do its own investigation. beyond that we don't know much else, anna. we know what happened that day on january 5th, the frightening moment when the door panel blew off at 14,000 feet on that flight. thankfully no one was injured, but dozen of passengers hired attorneys. one of the attorneys said over
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the weekend that those passengers want accountability, and whether that comes from a donl investigation or whether that comes from other investigations including the ntsb remains to be seen. you did have last week the ntsb accuse boeing of not providing documents and information it had asked for. boeing wrote a letter to senator maria cantwell saying those documents don't exist even though it is company policy to create documents for a door panel like that. apparently they're not there. it gets confusing. but the ntsb chair the fact that the document don't exist could be a problem at all. >> we've been following this for so long because it was so, so
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alarming. so are boeing or alaska airlines saying more about steps they're taking or how they're handling all this? >> boeing has not commented, the doj has not commented. alaska ar lines says it's not the target of this investigation. >> thanks for staying on it for us. a race against the capitol hill clock for creators on tiktok. thousands of users on the popular social media app have now started a #keeptiktok campaign claiming they've built their livelihoods on the app. president biden said he would sign a bill to ban the app if bytedance doesn't sell the app. at issue is china's connection and possible national security risks. here is former president donald trump on this issue earlier on cnbc. >> i could have bannedtiktok. i had it banned just about, i could have gotten it done. i said, you know what, there's a
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lot of good and a lot of bad with tiktok. the thing i don't like is without tiktok you're going to make facebook bigger. i consider facebook to be an enemy of the people along with a lot of the media. >> this bill to essentially ban tiktok is expected to receive a full house vote sometime this week. we'll keep you posted. next on "ana cabrera reports," new jersey senator bob menendez back in court for an arraignment next hour after being hit with another round of charges. plus new details from the historic trial of a father facing potential jail time for his son's school shooting. g. fre. we are appreciated. ultra hydrated. glazed and glowing. confidence overflowing. vaseline lotions 90% more moisture for my one-of-a-kind skin. and there's no other skin i want to be in. my frequent heartburn had me taking antacid after antacid all day long but with prilosec otc just one pill a day blocks heartburn for a full 24 hours. for one and done heartburn relief, prilosec otc.
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(vo) achieve enterprise intelligence. it's your vision, it's your verizon. just moments ago new jersey democratic senator bob men den dez arriving back at a federal courthouse where he's set to be arraigned in the next hour on a new set of charges that he and his wife conspired to obstruct justice in the bribery case against him. he now faces a total of 18 federal charges. he's pleaded not guilty so far. nbc news vittive correspondent tom winter joining us now. explain how these new charges differ from the ones he was already facing. >> the judge will ask him how he'll plead to conspiracy to obstruct justice and actual obstruction of justice. this is tied to a number of revelations in the super seeding indictment that pertained to the
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actions he took once he realized there was a federal criminal investigation, once the search warrants were done, once the subpoenas started flying, what were they doing then? a key part of this according to federal prosecutors, they am ledge that the senator and his wife started to issue checks to some of the individuals involved in this alleged bribery scheme saying, oh, this is a repayment for a loan. all along, federal prosecutors say, they darn well knew this was actually repayment for a bribe. that's what they're alleging here. that's the central part of this. it involves a couple of new jersey businessmen as you and i have talked about before. one has recently pleaded guilty. that's something we'll continue to watch. >> he has somebody who was a co-defendant working with the investigators now? is that how we believe this is going? >> right, working with federal prosecutors. if you look at some of the language changed in the super seeding indictment, they actually talk -- almost exactly
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mirrors what jose uribe, what he said to the judge and the types of crimes that he said he did. when you look at this it's like, okay, he's saying one thing and all of a sunday this is the superseding indictment. clearly prosecutors are relying on the testimony that these were, a, bribes, and b, there was conspiracy to obstruct js tis when menendez's attorneys went to the southern district of new york and said, oh, these are the checks, they're just repayment for loans. that was an effort to mislead prosecutors they say, and they're relying in part on that testimony. >> thank you for the update, tom. from d.c. to michigan where the trial of james crumbley is under way. he's the father of the oxford high school shooter who killed four classmates. james crumbley has pleaded not guilty to four counts of involuntary manslaughter. we just learned james crumbley's communications from inside jail are now limited because of
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alleged threats he made from behind bars. nbc's adrienne broaddus is covering the latest from us. what do we know about these threats that james crumbley allegedly made from jail? >> reporter: here is what an oakland county sheriff's department spokesperson said, in part, crumbley's jail phone and electronic messages have been limited due to threatening statements he made while on the phone and in electronic messages. this spokesperson didn't provide any additional details so we don't know who these alleged threats were made toward. we do know crumbley can still communicate with his lawyer, clergy and can use his tablet for research purposes. today is day three of testimony, and the trial continues. on the stand right now at sean hopkins, he was a guidance counselor at the time of the shooting back in november of 2021. hopkinss testified that he called james and jennifer crumbley hours before the shooting to alert them about disturbing images he saw on a
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math worksheet, images their son had drawn. we're talking about a handgun, bullets and messages saying in part thoughts won't stop, please help me. james crumbley is facing four counts of involuntary manslaughter, one count for each child who lost their life that day, the same charges his wife was convicted on about a month ago. only thing different in this case the jury. back to you. >> and how long do we expect the trial to last? >> reporter: the judge said she expects the trial to be wrapped by the end of this week. we don't know how long the jury will deliberate, but she told us this case was moving quickly and she expects things to end this week. >> okay. thank you. and next here, princess kate apologizing after news agencies said the first photo released of her in months was manipulated. what she's saying now.
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saying it appeared to be manipulated. now the princess is apologizing saying in a tweet, like many amateur photographers, i do occasionally experiment with editing. i wanted to express my apologies for any confusion the family photograph we shared yesterday caused. let's bring in matt bradley in london. matt, seemed like this photo was meant to clear up questions about the princess' health. how much did that backfire? >> reporter: i mean, it backfired hugely and rather elegantly. they were trying to kind of tamp down some of the online speculation about kate's whereabouts and her health. two questions that have been looming the past several months. you mentioned the last time she had -- this is the first time she had been seen since the surgery. this is the first time cease been seen in public, really photographed at all, ever since her appearance on christmas with her children. so it has been months. so there is some reason why there is so much speculation. but for those of us who have
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been on the brunt end of social media hatred or abuse or harassment, they know -- everybody knows very well that the best thing to do is to say nothing at all. the palace and kate middleton, her husband and all of those officials around them, they definitely know that too. so this had to have been some kind of calculated decision to release this photo. now, whether or not it was actually manipulated at nbc new, our own photographer here, head of our photography department, says it does look like it has been manipulated in certain parts. the princess' acknowledgement that she manipulated it herself because she'sen amateur photographer, it depends what you believe. we'll let the audience decide whether this is a conspiracy in the castle or whether this is just a storm in a tea cup. >> also, does it make sense in terms of what was manipulated. can you explain what we think was edited? >> reporter: from our own shop here in london at nbc, our head
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photographer editor here, he looked at it and said there was a little bit of what looked like some blurriness and some problems with formatting that didn't look like they worked in real life on the wrist of kate middleton's daughter. and if you look at one of her son's feet, it looks as though there is a cut in the picture where manipulation might have happened. i got to tell you, if you ever try to take a picture of kids, they don't always come out like you want. maybe she did just try to make it look better. >> okay. matt bradley, i don't think the story has seen the ending just yet. thank you. speaking of endings, and hollywood, it appears that the academy has picked a side now in the barbie debate.
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christopher nolan won for best director. and also took best supporting actor and supporting actor. but barbie still got her moment. billie eilish and her brother won for what was i made for. and ryan gosling broke the kenergy with an epic performance of barbie's i'm just ken that brought down the mojo across the house. ♪ to be the reason, is it a crime if i'm not with me female ♪ ♪ is it finally here, am i dreaming ♪ >> all right. that is ken-nuff for me. reporting from nyo


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