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tv   Jose Diaz- Balart Reports  MSNBC  March 11, 2024 8:00am-9:00am PDT

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director. and also took best supporting actor and supporting actor. but barbie still got her moment. billie eilish and her brother won for what was i made for. and ryan gosling broke the kenergy with an epic performance of barbie's i'm just ken that brought down the mojo across the house. ♪ to be the reason, is it a crime if i'm not with me female ♪ ♪ is it finally here, am i dreaming ♪ >> all right. that is ken-nuff for me. reporting from new york, and
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jose diaz-balart picks up the coverage right now. >> reporter: good morning. it is 11:00 a.m. eastern, 8:00 a.m. pacific. we begin this very busy hour with the intensifying 2024 race for the white house. it is growing increasingly contentious. right now president biden is delivering remarks in washington before heading to new hampshire to tout his efforts to lower health care costs. it comes as biden and trump ramp up attacks on one another as the countdown to november is in full swing. >> we all know donald trump sees a different america. an american story of resentment, revenge and retribution. that is not me. that is not you. >> everything joe biden touches turns to [ bleep ]. everything. >> joining us now, vaughn
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hillyard and also monica alba. what can we expect to hear from the president today? he is as we speak right now speaking. >> reporter: exactly. this is the first of two scheduled remarks for the president today. and it is a day where the white house is unveiling its budget plan and proposal. now, every year when we take a look at this list of priorities, we would put it into the context that it is not necessarily something that will become law automatically, it is really a blueprint for where the white house and the biden administration wants to showcase what they are talking about and carrying about most. but in the context of a re-election year, you can really look at it as a roadmap to if he is able to win re-election president biden would want to do with four more years in office. so i believe he is discussing that generally in these remarks here in washington today first when it comes to trying to talk about a fair tax code, that was one of sort of the questions and call and responses that he had
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in the state of the union address when he was addressing people at home directly saying is there anybody watching who thinks we have a fair tax code. so these are kind of some of the things that will be in that budget blueprint and in addition to renewing calls for trying to expand a child care tax credit, to discuss things like paid family leave. and other priorities that haven't been able to be realized in this congress and won't be of course before november because republicans control the house, but it is something that he can try to then run on and try to talk about when he heads to new hampshire later today and when he is in michigan and wisconsin, the president and vice president will be hitting all of the critical battleground states in the coming week and in this month of march action which the campaign is really touting as something that they are doing aggressively and with some wind at their back because they were able to raise they say more than $10 million in the 24 hours that followed the state of the union, which is quite
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haul. and they are trying to ride that momentum on to the trail itself. >> and meanwhile, vaughn, over the weekend, trump launched new attacks on president biden, at times really personal attacks. is this standard trump or he is ramping things up even more? >> reporter: we saw him do this during the republican primary against ron desantis, against nikki haley. and this weekend is just further evidence that he has no intention of needling the current president, joe biden. instead, he intends to bludgeon him in his campaign over the course of the next 7 1/2 months. at that campaign rally in the hometown of marjorie taylor greene in georgia, donald trump went on the attack against joe biden saying "everything joe biden touches turns to" good expletive. he even suggested he coughs as a never us tick. that joe biden is out to undermine the american people. he also went on to mock his
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stutter. so for donald trump, there is one way of campaigning and that is to play offense in the way that he knows and that is to be as aggressive and frankly as mean as he can in order to undermine joe biden's credibility in the minds of the american public. >> just this morning trump weighed in on the efforts to ban tiktok in the u.s. what is he saying? >> this is notable. donald trump who was opposed to tiktok calling a lot of attention on to whether the china-run app should be allowed in the united states. but in the last week he suggested otherwise that in fact tiktok should exist in the united states because if it went away, it would only help facebook which he has been a long time opponent of. take a listen to his new remarks to cnbc this morning. >> the thing i don't like is that without tiktok, you could make facebook bigger. and i consider facebook to be an
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enemy of the people along with a lot of the media. >> did you believe tiktok is a national security threat or not? because if it is, and i believe that the emergency powers order that you had put in place at the time suggested that it was. was that not true? >> i do believe that. i do believe it and we have to very much go into privacy and make sure that we are protecting the american people's privacy and data rights. >> of course donald trump there talking about mark zuckerberg and meta. and you will recall that after the january 6 attack donald trump's facebook and instagram account were suspended. and for donald trump he was long critical of article that he is says were censored and kept from the american public in the run-up to the 2020 election. >> and president biden sat down with jonathan capehart, the president responding to criticism from his state of the union address in which he preferred to the migrant charged with killing the woman in georgia as an illegal. does the white house feel that this is a done deal now? >> reporter: the white house and
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the biden campaign heard a lot of that criticism from the president's own supporters and allies who immediately spoke up and rejected using that term which is derogatory and pretty insulting to any human being referring to them as being illegal. and this was something where immediately in conversations that people close to the president had with those allies, they said look, you know who joe biden is at his core, you know and the community knows what he represents and they tried to put into context that immediately after that section the president then preferred to former president trump's own rhetoric when it comes to immigrants and he has used language saying that they are poisoning the blood of our country. still they know this was something that the president wished he could take back and he did concede that in this interview with jonathan capehart in terms of what he would have done differently. listen to that exchange. >> i shouldn't have used illegal. it is undocumented.
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and look, when i spoke about the difference between trump and me, one of the things i talked about at the border is the way he talks about vermin and these people polluting the blood. >> so you greet usegreet -- reg that word. >> yes. >> reporter: so they feel that he owned it, said he should have used a different term, that they can close that chapter, but it is something where they will continue to stress in the outreach to latino voting blocs that they want to put his policy action and his record when it comes to this issue as compared to the alternative donald trump and that is what they are hoping voters will be swayed by and will focus on come november. >> vaughn, monica, thank you both so very much. and for more, i want to bring in the dean of the clinton school of public service at the university of arkansas. she is also an msnbc contributor. and tim miller, writer and
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former communications director for jeb bush's campaign and also a political analyst. victoria, let's hear what trump had to say about the president's use of the word illegal. take a listen. >> he was an illegal migrant and you shouldn't have been in our country and he never would have been under the trump policy. and bine should be apologizing for apologizing for this killer. >> and it was clear that the president wasn't apologiing to the killer. but what does all of this tell you about the role and how the semantics on this are being used in this election cycle? >> jose, it reinforces the importance and centrality of immigration in this election cycle. the same centrality that it took in the previous election.
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but even more so given the numbers at the border. i really appreciate that president bidenage knowledged acknowledged that he made a mistake. the term illegal takes humanity away from individuals. and one of the crises we're facing is that we know longer see a human face to those individuals at our borders. there is a bureaucratic issue that we need to fix through resources, through personnel, through infrastructure. let's not blame the folks trying to look for a better life. just as all of our ancestors. so i think let's focus on the problem and not point fingers and play the blame game. >> there is such a deep divide between what the president said in one word to how the former president refers to them and how the former president refers to
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immigration on migrants who are poisoning the blood of the american people. there is such a vast difference. how do you square that? >> i think crazy how the democratic politicians were canning. in the context what happened, marjorie taylor greene is shouting at him from the crowd and she's saying he was an illegal, an illegal, it was her using the term. and then the problem is respond saying i'm acknowledging the murderer and he is defending my grant dignity and saying there are criminals that are legal, there are some that were illegal. that was the point. it was marjorie taylor greene that was offensive and biden was on the right side of this issue.
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when while his opponent is planning mass deportation camps. that is his plan. they used the word camps. so for democratic politicians to try to make a stink about this and create a bad news cycle for biden where now we're talking about this still four days later and pretend like they were defended, like when you know what is in the president's heart and what his policies are i think a reasonable compromise trying to figure out how to secure the border and while recognizing the dignity of everyone including migrants, i think it was obvious to anyone paying attention that the president was not doing anything offensive. >> and there is a new ad where he uses humor saying he knows he's not a young guy but he knows how to get things done. is this more effective way to communicate on this issue? >> absolutely.
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the president here needs to own it. in politics if you don't own it, if you don't define yourself and your issue, someone else will do it for you. so yes, it is an issue, but what is the flip side of age. again, we saw this in the last campaign where it is experience. but you can use it to show deliverables. look what this experience has brought forward in the last four years. so it was well overdue. and really important in terms of getting the general election campaign season going. >> and so do you they should as president biden taking a page out of the reagan/mondale moments about age? >> he has no issue. i think doing it with humor is
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smart. and i think the contrast is so important for him and one that they will have to keep driving all year long over and over again. i might be old, but i actually got stuff done. and this other guy who is also old by the way talked about getting infrastructure reforms done every week. there is a joke about infrastructure week during the trump years. he never did. biden actually got it done. it is the results and impacts on these communities in states all across the country, that is what actually matters. i think that is a good contrast for him and they have to continue to drive it. to a lot of voters it hasn't sunk in yet. >> and so thank you both very much. and we're back in 60 seconds. up next, bob menendez appears in court on new charges connected to his alleged bribery scheme. plus what would could happen next after president trump criticized e. jean carroll again just da days posted a $91 milli
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bond for defaming her. and princess kate apologizing after multiple news agencies withdrew a family photo calling it manipulated. ly photo calling it manipulated with nurtec odt, i can treat a migraine when it strikes and prevent migraine attacks, all in one. don't take if allergic to nurtec. allergic reactions can occur, even days after using. most common side effects were nausea, indigestion, and stomach pain. ask about nurtec odt. zyrtec allergy relief works fast and lasts a full 24 hours so dave can be the... deliverer of dance. ok, dave! let's be more than our allergies. zeize the day with zyrtec. my frequent heartburn had me taking antacid after antacid all day long but with prilosec otc just one pill a day blocks heartburn for a full 24 hours. for one and done heartburn relief, prilosec otc. one pill a day, 24 hours, zero heartburn. with nurtec odt, i can treat a migraine when it strikes and prevent migraine attacks, all in one.
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don't take if allergic to nurtec. allergic reactions can occur, even days after using. most common side effects were nausea, indigestion, and stomach pain. ask about nurtec odt. 15 past the hour. new jersey senator bob menendez is in a new york city courtroom where he is being arraigned on new federal charges. this is now the third time he and his wife have been charged since their initial bribery indictment was announced in september. he is expected to plead not guilty. joining us now is tom winter. what is happening at this hour? >> reporter: good morning. yes, the hearing has already started or is about as to start. our reporters are inside the courtroom right now. and what we anticipate happening here is for the senator to face -- or be arraigned rather on the two new charge the which is conspiracy to ob structure
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obstruct justice and okay obstruction of justice. this goes back to what he did once subpoenas started flying and what the senator has to answer for is whether or not he will plead guilty or not guilty and it is entirely expected that he will plead not guilty and he professes innocence throughout. but this idea that he had his attorney relying on menendez' information go to federal prosecutors and represent the checks that he issued back to two new jersey businessmen, that those checks back to them were loan repayments. but prosecutors say no, they were repayments for bribes. and when you have your attorneys come to us and make those representations, you were in fact breaking the law. that is where the obstruction of justice comes in. so these hearings typically don't last all that long. we know that he will be out on bail. this is a nonviolence crime. he has been out throughout the
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entirety of this. he's been speaking on numerous occasions a part of his congressional duties. so i think this is a short proceeding but it does underscore the legal jeopardy particularly now that one of his co-defendants has pleaded guilty. if you look at the language in the superseding indictment, it very closely matches what he told a judge he did in federal court. >> tom, thank you. and now the latest developments in the legal draw in a surrounding former president trump. e. jean carroll had until 11:00 a.m. to decide whether to oppose the bond trump put up. they did not oppose it, but have posted a new filing. trump has since spoken about carroll at least twice including these comments during an interview on cnbc this morning.
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>> if i didn't win on appeal, the most ridiculous decisions, including the ms. goodman, i have no idea who she is, except i got sued. from that point on, independent wow, that is crazy. i got charged, i was given a false accusation and had to post a $91 million bond on a false accusation. >> with us now to talk more about this and other things, lisa rubin and david aaronburg. >> and so they don't oppose the bond. what they did say is that they had limited concerns about a provision in the bond that would have seemed to allow chubb insurance to take 60 days or a little bit more to pay e. jean carroll in the case she wins on
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appeal. that has been narrowed so now she can be paid within 30 days of any appellate judgment that upholds that jury verdict. their concerns are now they say alleviated and so there should be no need for a 3:00 p.m. hearing today. >> dave, what do you make of this move? >> i'm not surprised. e jean carroll just wants to make sure that the judgment is secured, that there are guarantees here. but this is like child's play compared to the bond for the civil fraud judgment in new york. so it wasn't i think a surprise today. i think it is just more bewildering why he continues to put his hand on a hot stove and defame e. jean carroll knowing that he will get sued again. right now i bet her lawyers are talking about another lawsuit against trump. that will likely succeed. so you will have more sequels than police academy pretty soon.
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but this is trump's lack of self discipline, and why his former cabinet secretaries say he should not return to the white house and much of the country simply shrugs. >> the former president spoke at least twice about carroll over the past 48 hours alone. is it a possibility what they are saying that the legal team could be bringing up a possibility of another legal suit? >> i think one of the things that they have to think about is what would be the damages. even if the goal is to punish former president trump for his continued defamation, they have to show in the first instance that she has been damaged. so for example, they might have to wait a little while so determine whether she is damaged by new rumors spread about her
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on the internet or disparaging things said to her that caused damage to her as a career as a writer. if they can stab that, and particularly given the comments on cnbc this morning might give them reason to sue in new york, i think that you can expect e. jean carroll's lawyers to at least look at whether a future lawsuit is necessary and also to consider whether they should ask the court for in-jink difference relief. that is something ruby freeman and shaye moss, the two election workers in georgia, have asked for with respect to giuliani. they have never asked a judge to force him legally to shut up other than to pay money judgments. now however they might be considering whether that is a viable and good option for them as he continues to say the sort of things for which he has already been punished. >> what would injunctive relief literally look like in this case? >> it would look like an order
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for donald trump to stop saying the things about e. jean carol that have been found previously to be defamatory, namely that he doesn't know her, that the story is made up, he's never seen her in her life. all the things that he keeps saying now including this morning are part and parcel of the same statements that have already been ruled to be defamatory by two different juries.first finding that he sexually assaulted her and then as a corollary, that his statements were therefore defamatory. and second jury was told that the statements were already defamatory on, but they awarded damages to her based on similar statements made at a different period of time. it may be that future jury is told similarly that they should understand trump's statements now to be per se defamatory, but that additional damages are theirs to consider. >> and dave, meanwhile all of this comes as we continue to wait for the judge overseeing
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the georgia election interference case to decide whether fani willis should be disqualified for prosecuting trump and his allies. here is what the judge had to say about the state of his decision making process just recently. >> i gave myself a deadline because i knew everyone wanted an answer. and i'll tell you, an order like this does takes time to write. there's a lot i have to go through. and so i've had -- and i'll emphasize this -- i've had a draft and outline before i ever heard a rumor that someone wanted to run for this position. so the result won't change because of politics. i'm calling it as best i can and the law as i understand it. so i still feel like i'm on track to having that done by the deadline that i put on myself. >> and he was referring to a fact that he is running for re-election and that there is another candidate for judge that came forward as a consequence of this. it seems like he has already made pretty of the decision on
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this. what do you make of what he had to say? >> i do trust judge mcafee do the right thing. i think that he has been pretty thoughtful so far. he's shown a lot of gragravitas. he is just 34, one benefit of a receding hairline. but the question to me, what standard is he going to adopt. he's said in court that it is about the appearance of impropriety, but that is not the standard in georgia. it is whether there is an actual conflict. and i don't believe that there has been proven to be an actual conflict here. the problem is that fani willis and nathan wade injected this other issue of whether they are lying. nathan wade submitted an affidavit saying the relationship took place after he was hired and that he was reimbursed by fani willis. if that is untrue, then they have lied to the court and then they will get bounced in my view. so it is not about a conflict, it is about laying.
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>> lisa, dave, thank you both so very much. really appreciate it. up next, we explain the rising tensions between president biden and benjamin netanyahu. and plus haiti in crisis, the secretary of state antony blinken just left for an emergency meeting in jamaica as they race to rescue nonessential personnel from the u.s. embassy in port-au-prince. in port-au-prince. (ella) fashion moves fast. setting trends is our business. we need to scale with customer demand... in real time. (jen) so we partner with verizon. their solution for us? a private 5g network. (ella) we now get more control of production, efficiencies, and greater agility. (marquis) with a custom private 5g network. our customers get what they want, when they want it. (jen) now we're even smarter and ready for what's next. (vo) achieve enterprise intelligence. it's your vision, it's your verizon.
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the muslim holy month of ramadan is under way as the israel-hamas war continues. president biden says benjamin netanyahu was hurting israel more helping. and was asked if israel's potential push into rafah was a red line. >> it is a red line. but i'm never going to leave israel. the defense of israel is still critical. so there is no read line that i'll cut off all weapons so they don't have the iron dome to protect them. but there is red lines that if he crosses -- you cannot have 30,000 more palestinians dead. mean sxwl meanwhile on sunday the prime minister of israel vowed to defy biden's red line on rafah saying he intends on moving ahead with operations there. and raf sanchez is joining us. what is the latest on this back
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and forth between the u.s. and israel? >> reporter: the one that has really struck a nerve here is the one that you cited, president biden saying that prime minister benjamin netanyahu's leadership is hurting israel more than helping. the prime minister has done a series of interviews responding to that. one of the things that he said today in an interview on fox is any perceived daylight between the united states and israel is not helpful to the israeli war effort nor to the going negotiations to try to get a ceasefire or hostages out and more aid in. the prime minister also insisting when it comes to rafah, he is not acting alone, he is not going rogue. he says the majority of the israeli people are behind him and the polls do show that. two-thirds of israelis support pushing ahead into rafah. and those same polls also show
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majority israelis want early elections and a small minority want netanyahu to continue in office. the president also saying that he would pressurize really to get more aids into gaza. a ship departs from virginia heading to the coast of gaza to build a temporary military pier. and the idea is that that will be a base for getting more aid in. >> raf sanchez, thank you very much. good to see you. appreciate it. up next, secretary of state antony blinken heads to an emergency meeting in jamaica amid the horrific scenes of violence and death on the streets of port-au-prince. we'll talk to the head of doctors without borders about the conditions in the capital. you know, when i take the bike out like this, he different do
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. secretary of state antony blinken is traveling to kingston, jamaica for an emergency meeting on the growing crisis in haiti. right now the country is under a state of emergency, gangs just reeking havoc in the capital of port-au-prince as they call on the prime minister there to resign. marissa has more. >> reporter: an evacuation amid a country in chaos, a u.s. military operation air lifting nonessential embassy employees out of haiti, a move approved by
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president biden who a u.s. official says remains deeply concerned. the administration also boosting embassy security. u.s. southern command saying no haitians were on board the flight. >> you think about food, health care, clean water and other forms of critical assistance through the nga partners to help people in need. >> reporter: the state of emergency extended to next month. 5.5 million people almost half the entire country's population are in need of humanitarian aid. years of political violence came to a boiling point when gangs attacked the capital, port-au-prince, and set free thousands of violence criminals from the prisons. the prime minister still in puerto rico forced to land there. as calls for his resignation now growing louder. haiti's main airports shut down leaving haitians stranded. >> it has been bad before but this is probably the worst. i think we're reaching peak
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crisis. >> reporter: mercy corps is working to reduce violence since 2019. >> the situation in haiti is delicate. it is important to make the right decisions moving forward and i'm sure the u.s. government like all governments don't want to make the situation worse. >> thanks for that reporting. and i want to bring in the head of doctors without borders in haiti. sophie, thank you so much for being with us this morning. what are the conditions on the ground right now in port-au-prince? >> thank you for the invitation. right now it is a city that has seen high number of injured people and displaced thousands of people since the last ten days. and as we know the state of emergency we know for one month.
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>> so it is a state of chaos and violence, what does that look like? >> there is in some of the quarters, deserted population trying to move into several places. we have a lot of displaced people in some areas in the schools or in the places, open places. so the population is trying to find a safer place to move and do not stay in between the situation. >> and just so tragic because there are very few places that the displaced population can go to and not find chaos and violence. your organization recently shared the results of a mortality survey from the summer and it found that more than 40%
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of deaths in haiti have been caused by violence. how much worse has it gotten in the last 48 hours or so? >> i will not be able to tell you the total. but i can tell you that the consequences that we're seeing and facing here. for example we have a hospital running furious now. it was 750 beds capacity. and we had to increase 25%, so now at the same time we had to increase hours because we had more patients and more victims to come also. so we have to increase capacity because clearly there is a high number of injured people coming
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day by day. >> just to think the increased capacity when you are literally under the same circumstances and conditions that the rest of the population is living under. so how can the world help haiti? >> to try to find a way that we can have a common understanding. because actually we are facing a lot of issues and consequences is the high violence we are having here. so we need to have peace and make sure that the population can live in peace and be peacefully in the town. at the same time we also have a lot of humanitarian response because as everything is closed as you mentioned, airport closed, port closed also, so all the supply is fading. we have the hospital, we have
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stock in pharmacy for sure, but if we don't have dollars to fill the stock. and so we also need to make sure that we can have access to the outside to bring supply. >> sophie, i thank you so much for being with us. it is on a regular day a very difficult job that you and the organization carry out. these last couple of days has made that so much more complicated and dangerous and i thank you for what you do. appreciate it. up next, the latest on the criminal investigation into that door plug blowout on a boeing max 9 plane. 14,000 feet in the air. plus major news agencies issue what is san antonio as a kill notice for the new family photo of princess kate and her children. what happened here? we'll try to figure out what exactly did happen in this picture next. is picture next
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this as another incident is unfolding overseas involving a boeing flight headed to talk auckland international airport. stephanie gosk is with us. great seeing you. let's talk about the alaska airlines thing. what is the doj looking at there? >> the doj hasn't commented on what their investigation is, it is a criminal probe. we do have a statement from alaska airlines and they say they are cooperating with the investigation and that it is in their words normal for an investigation like this to happen after the terrifying incident that you just described at 14,000 feet, the door plug flying out. thankfully people weren't injured. but dozens of people have hired attorneys and one saying that his clients hope this investigation and the other investigations surrounding this
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incident bring accountability. that is what the passengers are looking for. >> and what happened on the australian to new zealand flight? >> for people who fly a lot, this is the kind of thing that scares is you, anyone that flies quite honestly. this was a flight on its way from sydney to auckland, a boeing dreamliner plane. and it appears to have suffered from dramatic turbulence and there is what they call a strong movement in the air. on the ground there were a lot of people injured according to that official. 50 people treated. 12 people went to the hospital. one in serious condition. bo who obviously has been talking about it saying that they are looking for more information into the incident itself. >> stephanie, thank you so much. up next, the latest on the british royal's photo scandal, what princess kate is saying this morning.
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plus a college basketball player get as a surprise of her life while taking to the court. i'll have that for you next. ourt i'll have that for you next. (man) excuse me, would you mind taking a picture of us? (tony) oh, no problem. (man) thanks. (tony) yes, problem. you need verizon. trade-in that old thing and get a new iphone 15 pro with tons of storage. so you can take all the pics! so many selfies. a preposterous amount of pano! that means panoramic. and as many portraits of me as your heart desires. (woman) how about none? (boy) none. (man) yea none feels right. (vo) trade-in any iphone in any condition and get a new iphone 15 pro and an ipad and apple watch se all on us. only on verizon. [dog whimpers] [thinking] why always the couch? does he need to go to puppy school? get his little puppy diploma? how much have i been spending on this little guy? when your questions about life turn into questions about money... there's erica.
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55 past the hour. we're following a developing controversy involving the british royal family. princess of wales is apologizing after major media agencies pulled photo of her with her three kids amid concerns that it was manipulated. an nbc analysis shows two inconsistencies. this is the first official photo since her surgery in january. she wrote in part like many amateur photographers, i do occasionally experiment with editing. i want to express my apologies for any confusion the family photo cause offed. mad bradley is joining us.
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what confusion did it cause and why? >> reporter: confusion and backlash. looks as it was to try to tamp down speculation that something happened to the princess, that she was in the midst of a terrible illness or somehow not able to be seen in public. but sounds like a decision to try to tamp down all the conspiracy theories. but most of these things, best one on the internet, were jokes. but there was a lot of speculation, a lot of people saying something had happened here. but by releasing this photo that clearly had been manipulated, kate middleton admitted it in a tweet today, and it looks as though there was a lot of blowback because now the attempt to try to tamp down the conspiracy theories and spec lays has only birthed more conspiracies and speculation. i don't know what is going on here.has only birthed more conspiracies and speculation. i don't know what is going on here. we are asking why don't they just release the original
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picture. they haven't really responded to anybody not just us, but this situation could go on for quite a while. there is a huge amount of interest in the princess and whether or not she's safe. but the fact is have you ever tried to take a picture of kids, you know, it is hard to do. maybe the princess just didn't like the picture. should try to move it around a little bit. we don't know. but the question is whether this is a real castle conspiracy or whether this is just, you know, mundane. >> and she's had no pin appearances since january. >> and she really hadn't been frfed in public since christmas day. so that is why there is the speculation. royal watchers stay top of this stuff. they like to see their royals. that is why they call them royal watchers. so speculation and conspiracy theories just went crazy.
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>> when i get a picture taken, i want the matt bradley filter, but i haven't found it yet. matt bradley, thank you. >> there is one. and before we go, some good news. a huge surprise on the court from more than 7,000 miles away for a college basketball player. >> this moment caylee never expected. that is her on senior night. the new see land native surprised by family and friends who performed a ceremonial dance at an important part of their traditions. the surprises though weren't over yet. her parents flew thousands of miles from their home in australia to utah to give their daughter a night she's remember forever. >> i was in tears. it was very special and emotional and i loved it.
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>> what was it like to see her surprised? >> it was really emotional. it was a privilege. >> we were able to say we're proud of you, we love you. >> reporter: and a reminder of one thing above all. >> back home, we have a ton of these multicultural savings. it is a question you ask what is the most important thing in this world. and the answer is it is people, it is people. for this specific experiment, it is for me, but my hope is that i'm able to do it for everybody else as well. >> because there are good people out there. there really are. that wras up the hour for me. you can always reach me on social media and you can watch the clips on youtube. thank you for the privilege of your time. up next, the new u.s. ambaad


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