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tv   Andrea Mitchell Reports  MSNBC  March 11, 2024 9:00am-10:00am PDT

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surprised? >> it was really emotional. it was a privilege. >> we were able to say we're proud of you, we love you. >> reporter: and a reminder of one thing above all. >> back home, we have a ton of these multicultural savings. it is a question you ask what is the most important thing in this world. and the answer is it is people, it is people. for this specific experiment, it is for me, but my hope is that i'm able to do it for everybody else as well. >> because there are good people out there. there really are. that wras up the hour for me. you can always reach me on social media and you can watch the clips on youtube. thank you for the privilege of your time. up next, the new u.s. ambassador to nato will join andrea
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mitchell. that begins right now. and right now on andrea mitchell reports, stuck in port. a massive shipment of humanitarian aid still docked in cypress as gazaens start the day and holy month of ramadan. and the rift between president biden and benjamin netanyahu deepening as the white house sits on a red line on rafah and slams the prime minister's policies. >> israel more than helping israel by making the rest of the world -- it is contrary to anything it stands for. and i think it is a big mistake. so i want to see a ceasefire. >> first dueling general election rallies turn nasty with donald trump in georgia mocking the president's childhood challenge with stuttering. this hour the president heads to new hampshire, another potential swing state. and snl ripping katie britt's
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republican response to the state of the union and her misleading story about migrant trafficking at the border. >> every dedale about it is real except the year, where it took place, and who was president when it happened. >> and haiti in crisis, secretary of state antony blinken in jamaica for an emergency caribbean summit as nonessential u.s. embassy employees are evacuated and criminal gangs run rampant. good day, i'm andrea mitchell in washington facing growing protests and votes against his support for israel. president biden has now sharply escalated his criticism of prime minister netanyahu's military policy. telling msnbc's jonathan capehart we cannot have another 30,000 palestinians dead. and he should not invade rafah. >> do you have a red line?
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for instance, would invasion of raffa, which you have urged him not do, would that be a red line? >> it is a red line, but i'm never going to leave israel. defense of israel is still critical. there is no red line that i'll cut off all weapons so they don't have the iron dome to protect them, they don't have -- but there is red lines if he crosses -- you cannot have 30,000 more palestinians dead. >> netanyahu responding bluntly saying that he would go into rafah to clear out remaining hamas brigades to make sure october 7 never happens again. and that an overwhelming majority of israelis support his policies. with the start of ramadan and no ceasefire nor hostage deal, israeli riot police reportedly used batons against some worshippers. and 200 tons of desperately needed food ready to sail from cypress, but still docked not only awaiting the three day voyage to starving gazans, but
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at least two months for the u.s. to build a floating pier so it can be off loaded. >> we are ready to go and we have our team waiting in gaza to make distribution of what we hope will be the first of as many as possible trips to gaza by sea. >> and we start with richard engel in the port city there in cypress. and also peter baker is joining us. welcome both. richard, before we can talk about the aid we need to address the relationship between president biden and benjamin netanyahu. clearly close to a breaking point. >> well, it is strained but if you listen to that clip you just played, he said that we can't have another 30,000 dead but there is not a red line for weapons. so he left it somewhat vague. he said there is a red line but
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there is no red line when it comes to continuing to supply israel with weapons for example for the iron dome system. so sound td like he is encouraging israel rather than threatening any dramatic action. so clearly there is long tension in that relationship. prime minister netanyahu responded to it quite angry saying that he didn't understand what president biden was saying, that the people of israel support the war against hamas. he said people of israel don't want to be forced in to a two state solution. so clearly tension. but the aid ship is still here. it is packed, ready, it is
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behind me and the organizers say that they are ready to go. but it is still delayed and not heading to gaza. >> and peter, that aid ship, a lot of the world comes from world central kitchen, jose and dress anders incredible effort. and they are not taking the easiest route. according to ngos, they could open a port and not just build one and open another land crossing immediately instead of having to work their way up to the north where the aid is desperately needed.
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>> the biden administration rejected the air drops because they considered it impractical and not particularly useful in getting large quantities of aid in, but they changed their mind after the convoy, 100 deaths at the convoy that we all saw about a week or so ago and realized they had to do something even if it is symbolic. so the real way to get aid is on the ground. you can get hundreds of trucks in there is a day. used to be 500 truck as day before october 7. and now they are down to 150. but it is not happening and they say the government is not making more of an effort to allow them in abouten they are concerned about the material getting into the hand of hamas. but right now the temporary pier at best probably 30 to 60 days away and the air drops are just a fraction of what a land convoy could bring. >> and to richard's point about
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what is the policy difference, maybe it will appease some of his political base, but where is the policy change. >> if netanyahu goes in to rafah, do you think that they would condition aid -- they won't change the iron dome, but would they do something, go along with some of the senate proposals or even a u.n. resolution which they have been blocking? >> takes great question. so far doesn't seem to be any policy change in the offing. doesn't necessarily mean the people around the president might not do that and if they had their druthers, but the president himself is the most resistant to that. and he is getting a lot of grief from prime minister netanyahu when in fact biden is the one person in the united states government right how who is
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doing the most to protect israel from the kind of conditions that they don't want on these weapons. or the kind of resolution that the united states that you are talking about. and so does that change at some point, does president biden get something different? he said that he would have a come to jesus meeting with netanyahu. we can talk about what that means. but it is a moment where he does face tension with netanyahu. but there is widespread support, not just netanyahu, for the military operation there. so the personal relationship is fraught, but doesn't mean if netanyahu wanted to go a different direction that that would go easily. so it is fraught for president biden to use the words red line.
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you and i all remember that use of that phrase in the obama-biden administration and biden didn't follow through. and it caused real credibility issues. so that is a phrase that you usually try to stay away from. he didn't really define what he meant by it. >> it hurt president obama and continues to hurt president biden. arab leaders talk to me all the time about that as it leads to the nerve gas in syria. richard engel, benny gantz came here to would you go and also said that he was determined to go into rafah. so even the political opposition leader that the u.s. was hoping to some day replace benjamin netanyahu supports going into rafah. thereis support for that operation. >> yes, from what i'm hearing, it is a matter of when not if israel goes in to rafah.
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and in terms of what you were just discussing with peter about the inefficiency of the current aid program, it is wildly inefficient. so i was up a few days ago onnen woft aid drops left from jordan and saw how they work. i was on a plane as it flew over northern gaza and they pushed out the pallets. and each one roughly carries as much as a truck. so it is very expensive. very time consuming. each flight has to be deacon fliktsed with the israelis to deliver equivalent of one truck. and so the aid drops can be lethal if they fall on people as happened a few days ago. this aid ship which has not left yet is also incredibly inefficient. it is a relatively small ship. it is towing a barge. when it eventually does get permission to leave and it has already been here for weeks,
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already inspected, it only travels about three miles an hour. because it is towing a barge across the mediterranean which has rough seas during the winter. and then it has to be unloaded because of the slow speed and rough conditions. it is expected to take three days to reach gaza. so this is a terribly inefficient system as well. and this one hasn't even left yet. >> richard and peter, thank you both so very much. head to head, the 2024 general election getting under way with joe biden working to win over democratic voters while donald trump go on the attack. and you are watching andrea mitchell reports. back in 60 seconds. ck in 60 secs . say hello to your fairy godmother alice and long-lasting gain scent beads. part of the irresistible scent collection from gain!
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what if you could go from this to this. with just one step tresemmé silk serum. time for the ultimate humidity test. weightlessly smooth hair your turn. new tresemmé keratin smooth collection. - so this is pickleball? - pickle! ah, these guys are intense. with e*trade from morgan stanley, we're ready for whatever gets served up. dude, you gotta work on your trash talk. i'd rather work on saving for retirement. or college, since you like to get schooled. that's a pretty good burn, right? president biden is heading to another battleground today, new hampshire, after he and donald trump held dual i rallies in georgia over the weekend.
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donald trump mocking joe biden's stutter and joe biden saying he regretted the two illegal who murdered a nursing student laken riley. >> he was an illegal migrant and he shouldn't have been in our country and he never would have been under the trump policy. biden should be apologizing for apologizing to this killer. >> coming off his energetic state of the union address, now with a full schedule ahead of him, president biden continues to make the case for his re-election releasing this new campaign ad. >> look, i'm not a young guy. no secret. but i understand how to get things done for the american people.
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>> and joining us now, robert gibbs, brendan buck and also kimberly atkins. welcome all. so how do you rate the campaign's first efforts? they did raise $10 million they said in just the 24 hours after the state of the union. >> well, i think that it shows the excitement that the democrats want to have about this campaign, the energy that they need to have to win this campaign. ap-i think if you want to grade the efforts of the biden campaign, it has done that. it has energized democrats in having them understand the stakes. we talked about this before. the length of this campaign is important. it will wear on a lot of voters, but it is important for voters to have that time to understand what is at stake. i think that that is what the president is continuing to put in front of voters. and energizing the democratic
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base is probably really step one in putting together the coalition for november. >> and donald trump hosted hungary's prime minister viktor orban at mar-a-lago friday. not a ukraine supporter. orban telling hungarian media that trump's plan is to not give a penny to ukraine. what do you make of the presumptive republican nominee spending at the weekend with orban? >> it is par for the course with donald trump. he is a big fan of anti-democratic movements and strong men. as a police matter of course, i don't know that that alone -- seeing that story alone will do much unless biden campaign decides to take advantage of it.
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donald trump seems to be walking in -- proving once again that is he a very bad candidate, walking in to attacks. i'll be interested to see whether this is something that sticks. i don't know that people have very high awareness of who orban is, but that is why it is incumbent on the biden campaign to draw the stakes, make sure that people understand take there is a real threat to this person thinking president again if you care about democracy. and donald trump once again giving people all the ammo they need. >> and kimberly, let's talk about senator katie britt, the rebuttal that got the full snl treatment this weekend. let's take a listen. >> first of all, we see you. we hear you. and we stand with you. >> to the american people who are struggling right now, know this, we hear you.
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we see you. we smell you. >> scarlett johansson, unbelievable. so the rebuttal really did not land the way republicans had hoped it would. some of her anecdote, one in particular, you know, graphic anecdote about human trafficking at the border, turned out to be wildly inaccurate. something she refuses to acknowledge in her -- even when questioned by fox about it. what do you make about the fallout from this rising star, someone supposed loi a potential vice presidential list? >> i think it spells how long the republican strategists got it on this. they thought she would appeal to women sitting there in her kitchen in a state where
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reproductive freedom has been all but outlawed. and speaking in a soft voice. but it ap-pauled people not the least of which about the misrepresent of a story of a human trafficking survivor and using that to try to land a political punch. and she swung and missed. i mean, that is really horrifying. it shows just how out of touch that the planners were with what voters are feeling right now. you are seeing election after election when reproductive rights and abortion access is on the ballot. you have seen the fall back even in alabama from the impact of ivf research and procedures in that state. it seems that they were doubling down something that was already politically not working. and that spells for a big problem heading into this election year. >> and donald trump in a moment that really reminded me of his
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previous campaign moment years ago when he was mocking a reporter who had a disability in the crowd, when he on saturday took that nasty turn and mocked president biden's speech pattern which is go back to his childhood stutter and he once again went after e. jean carroll after having to pay all that money, you know, just put up a $91 million bond for defaming her during the trial, continuously defaming her. >> donald trump is proving once again that he is a bad person with bad character. i think that the issue is that we know that. and there are a lot of people who already know that. donald trump had a primary field who refused to take him on. being found liable for sexual assault during your campaign should be something that stops anyone's candidacy. but he rolled right along.
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and not to have a theme here, but this is once again where democrats need to understand that donald trump will run a savage campaign against joe biden and if they don't return favor here, people are just going to shrug at it. he is reveals himself that is he a bad person but they won't turn it into votes unless they handler hammer him on it. >> all right. thank all. and members only with tensions between nato and russia at an all-time high, sweden is the newest country to raise the flag and join nato. e the flag and join nato i know what it's like to perform through pain. if you're like me, one of the millions suffering from pain caused by migraine, nurtec odt may help. it's the only medication that can treat a migraine when it strikes and prevent migraine attacks. treat and prevent, all in one. don't take if allergic to nurtec. allergic reactions can occur,
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in brussels, the swedish flag was raised at nato headquarters. a major test of nato's capabilities as tensions are growing between russia and the west. u.s. marines are training in the arctic to repel a potential russian attack against nato's northern flank. and josh lederman is there bringing us this report. >> reporter: the frosty arctic is the new battle ground in a growing military competition between russia and the west. the u.s. marines and a dozen allies joining forces for war games in northern norway as part of the largest nato exercises
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since the cold war. u.s. and nato troops are practicing storming a beach from the sea and the air as they work to defend nato territory from any threat. >> these war games taking place not far from russia's border on nato's northern frontline as the u.s., russia and china are you will all seeking to expand their foothold. russian vessels are spying on the exercises. >> and joining me now is u.s. ambassador to nato. very good to see you. thanks for joining us. so those war games, they are playing out as the war in ukraine is raging. congressional reports from our team there saying any reports are at least a month off. how long can ukraine hold out? they don't have artillery or ammo or air defenses. >> you're right, our friend in his ukraine really need u.s.
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assistance. the u.s. is not the only country providing critical munitions and air defense among other capabilities. many other countries here in europe and around the world are helping our friends in ukraine, but u.s. leadership is indispensable and it is important that we get the supplemental done as soon as possible as we've learned in the past when dictators are not stopped, they keep going. we need to get russia out of ukraine. and we need to also continue the critical u.s. security assistance. >> i know that you are not political, you are a career diplomat, but the context is that viktor orban who finally went along with the eu's contribution, major contribution for money and weapons to ukraine, he was in mar-a-lago this weekend. and the former president's opposition has turned republicans including lindsey graham against their long held
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support for ukraine. lindsey graham told kristen welcome on "meet the press" should be in the form of a loan. >> we're $34 trillion in debt. nobody wants to help oouks morning i do. but president biden is trying to do things. help an a ally but pi us back if you can. the idea of giving and never being repaid should be off the table. he mentioned this i think playing golf, why don't we make it a loan. >> so does a loan go far enough? they need weapons and they need them now. and there will be a supply chain issue anyway. >> well, look let me mention one thing. many countries have provided critical security assistance for ukrainians. and that means that countries in europe are actually investing in american companies that produce
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those capabilities. europeans alone over the last two years have invested $120 billion in the u.s. defense industry. so that assistance that is so critical to ukraine actually comes back in the form of jobs and helps our defense industry. so this is an issue with the implemental that again we need to get done and we need to pass because ukrainians need our assistance now. putin has to be stopped. the ukrainians are bravely and courageously pushing back against the russians. and in order for them to keep doing so, they need important assistance. i will note that the support for ukraine in congress both in the house and senate is deep, there is bipartisan support on both sides. i'm confident if we could bring it to the floor in the house,
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what you would see a strong bipartisan support for ukraine by republicans and democrats. >> the head count is read. just has to get to the floor. pope francis said recently that ukraine should have what he call the courage of the white flagne. which sparked outrage. and saying that their flag is through and yellow and they will never raise another flag. earlier nato secretary jens stoltenberg had this to say about the pope's suggestion. >> president putin started this war. and he could end it today. but ukraine does not have this option. surrender is not peace. >> so how long can ukraine hold out if they don't get this military aid from the u.s.? >> well, right now they do have
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very serious requirements, they have a need right now today for munitions and air defense. they have a variety of capabilities that they have in hand due to the generosity of many countries in europe and across the nato alliance and beyond. we have countries outside of europe even helping ukraine as this juncture. but they can't go on forever without u.s. assistance. it is critical that we get the supplemental through and we get the munitions and air defense systems into the hands of our friends in ukraine. and on negotiation, president biden has been clear, this will ultimately be settled through negotiation, but right now, we didn't see any indication by the russians that they are ready to take negotiations seriously. so our priority right now is to support the ukrainians' efforts to get the russians out of their
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territory. >> ambassador, thank you for your service over there. we appreciate it. and the security crisis secretary of state antony blinken now en route to the caribbean as u.s. forces evacuate nonessential personnel from haiti after gang rye lens. from haiti after gang rye lens (man) excuse me, would you mind taking a picture of us? (tony) oh, no problem. (man) thanks. (tony) yes, problem. you need verizon. trade-in that old thing and get a new iphone 15 pro with tons of storage. so you can take all the pics! so many selfies. a preposterous amount of pano! that means panoramic. and as many portraits of me as your heart desires. (woman) how about none? (boy) none. (man) yea none feels right. (vo) trade-in any iphone in any condition and get a new iphone 15 pro and an ipad and apple watch se all on us. only on verizon.
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secretary of state antony blinken is about to land in
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jamaica for an emergency meeting of caribbean leaders as haiti is plunging further into chaos. this weekend the u.s. military evacuated nonessential employees out of port-au-prince with gang violence surging. and joining me now is gabe guttierez. you know the situation well. it was a disaster long before the earthquake and long before this, but it now has no government at all. it is basically becoming somalia in the western hemisphere. >> reporter: that's right. there has been political instability in haiti for decades. but now with secretary blinken heading to jamaica today, i'm told by a u.s. official that there is a growing sense of urgency within the administration after the events of last week.
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i'm told that the prime minister remains in puerto rico and that senior administration officials are in contact with him. but are not assisting him in any way in returning to haiti. so the white house is walking a very fine line here. repeating and reiterating to me once again today that they are not asking the prime minister to resign, but they are trying to facilitate a political transition here. and that is part of the reason that secretary blinken is heading to jamaica to speak with other caribbean nations about the multinational security force that supposedly will be led by kenya and also to expedite the political transition. but yes, as you noted, the situation there in haiti on the ground is getting much worse. >> they have been trying to get the multinational force in there because the u.s. doesn't want to have boots on the ground. they have said they won't. but we've seen this movie
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before. i was there in the 90s with the u.s. peace keeping force. they had free and fair elections. and jimmy carter went there on behalf of bill clinton going in with colin powell and sam nunn and then of course the earthquake. what a disaster. >> that's right. and haiti has had to go through many disasters both natural and manmade especially within the last few decades. as you noted 90s and back and forth there, the coup and the peace keeping force that was needed, there are major concerns here that the u.s. might be dragged here into a wired conflict and that is certainly something the biden administration does not need especially with everything going
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on around the world and israel. and as well as ukraine. but the white house has been steadfast in saying that they don't plan to send american boots on the ground in haiti, but they are trying to work with the countries in the caribbean to try to come up with some solution here in order to bring down the temperature. but those armed gangs in haiti control around 80% of the capital port-au-prince. and speaking with human xwran humanitarian aid organizations, it is a desperate operation. >> and gabe, thank you so much. and joining us now the special envoy for haiti. daniel foote. this is a tragedy upon a tragedy. you've got in 2021 a judge investigating the murder of the former haitian leader, charged his widow among others including the prime minister.
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>> this is a huge complicating factor. henry won't survive if he goes back to haiti. the entire country is united against henry. and we talked about 30 months ago and at that point the situation was urgent and the entire country wanted him to step down and the u.s. has stood blindly by him the past 30 months. the situation continued to deteriorate. and remember, he is a suspect in the assassination and so he has a huge interest in staying in power in haiti because he will have to face justice if he doesn't.
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but if he returns to haiti, he won't survive. and i'm not talking about as prime minister, i'm talking about his heartbeat. >> and so if the u.s. is desperate to avoid becoming responsible for haiti, but the kenyans are not that eager to get in either. the gangs are now taking over. >> and the gangs have been in charge for a long time. and what i worry about is weeks ago nobody cared. but now it is an urgent terrible situation. the moment he resigns the gangs will simmer down it to some extent. they are breaking things as a signal for him not to come back in. the haitian people need time and space to come up with their own political accord and solution. that is why haiti always devolves in to chaos because
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we've never let the haitians self determine their way forward. and i'm highly troubled by the fact that tony blinken and the whole world is getting together but where are the haitians? come on. >> so why is the u.s. not pressing him to resign? >> i would posit that he was a their choice and they don't want to admit that they were wrong. >> so how do you grow any kind of political system there? i was there when the elections were held and you notice how that ended up. >> i believe -- let's just between 2010. clinton administration put their finger on the scale and got him
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elected. moise was elected in disputed elections. never legitimate. the u.s. backed him ashe let parliament dissolve. and then we install henri and let him run haiti into the ground. so the hitian people are saying why can't we come up with our own solution. there was a solution. civil society called the montana agreement for an interim agreement and roadmap toward restoring a government and eventually handling elections. the u.s. has ignored that. it has unravelled to a certain extent. but i'm confident if the haitians are in power, that they will reach a political agreement in which you will have a foundation to maybe build a haitian government that the haitians would have foot first time in history let's let
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haitians mess up haiti for one time. i guarantee you they will not mess it up as much as the united states and the international community has. >> ambassador foote, thank you so much. and princess kate apologizes for a photo. we'll explain next. e apologizes for a photo. we'll explain next we're still going for that nice catch. we're still going for that sweet shot. and with higher stroke risk from afib not caused by a heart valve problem, we're going for a better treatment than warfarin. eliquis. eliquis reduces stroke risk. and has less major bleeding. over 97% of eliquis patients did not experience a stroke. don't stop taking eliquis without talking to your doctor as this may increase your risk of stroke. eliquis can cause serious and in rare cases fatal bleeding. don't take eliquis if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. while taking, you may bruise more easily or take longer for bleeding to stop.
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just filed a motion to adjourn the hush money case. joining me now, barbara mcquaid. the case supposed to start march 25th. and he is asking that this be delayed until the immunity case is heard and decided i guess by the supreme court. the hearing is is not until april 25th. what do you think? >> i think that if the prosecutor wants to go forward with the case as is articulated, trump has a decent argument. which if there is presidential immunity, some of the acts would be subject to that same immunity. but it is such a small sliver of the case. if you were alvin bragg on, i'd say i agree, i won't include any evidence that relates to post-presidency or during the
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presidency conduct because most occurred before he became president. so he wants every bit of evidence that he could use which might mean delaying the trial or letting it go forward as is. i'd go forward. >> barbara, thank you. and princess of wales forced to do damage control after releasing a photo with her three children on social media. marking mother's day in the uk which was idea. the first official picture of kate since having abdominal surgery in january. but multiple news over concerns it was manipulated. princess of wales apologized for any confusion posting, quote, like many amateur photographers, i do occasionally experiment with editing. joining me from london, nbc news
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foreign correspondent matt bradley. matt, she was not supposed to be back in the public eye until april. there's a lack of specificity about the medical condition, which is typical of the palace. now they seem to have made a tough situation a lot worse. >> andrea, the blowback is kind of remarkable, don't you think? this clearly was made, this photo, to try to tamp down all the online speculation and conspiracy theories about kate's whereabouts and her health. instead, it really inflamed all of those things. andrea, i think you know as well as i do, when you beerg drold online, on social media, you're getting attacked, people are talking about you. the best response is almost no response at all. it's undoubt that the palace knows this and this was a major calculation. they decided they were going to put out this photo, probably, again, to tamp down speculation. the fact that kate middleton came out 24 hours later and said she had, indeed, manipulated
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this picture, shows there's probably a lot of conversations going on behind the walls of the palace trying to decide what to do about this picture. now, again, these conspiracy theories, most of them over the past several months, they were mostly jokes. the best ones were kind of hilarious about kate's whereabouts. the fact is there was all this speculation. when it comes down to it, the pal lags, when she had surgery back in january, they said they aren't going to be offering regular updates about her health, and they haven't. so they could have just stuck to that line which is what they said several weeks ago. they stuck to the line. they weren't going to be getting regular updates on kate's health. it seems the speculation, the conspiracy theories got to much which is possibly why they released this mother's day photo yesterday. again, kate middleton has said she was just trying to take a good picture. she manipulated it so it would look better. that's probably understandable to any of us who have tried to take a picture of one child much
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less three children, getting them to sit still. maybe she did decide she wanted this picture to look better. the fact is, we're going to have to leave this to our audience. whether or not this is a castle conspiracy or whether this is, as they say here, a storm in a teacup. andrea. >> adding to it all was they said prince william had actually, the duke of wales had actually taken the photo yesterday. now she is saying she took it. we'll leave it to kensington palace. thank you very much matt bradley. oscar night. up next. history was made at last night's ceremony with the war in ukraine the spotlight. this is "andrea mitchell reports" on msnbc. this is "andrl reports" on msnbc. they focus on our safety... so we can focus on this little guy. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ some migraine attacks catch you off guard, but for me a stressful day can trigger migraine attacks too.
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new ways of catching up on their favorite sport. the secretary of housing and urban development marcia fudge is stepping down. she announced her retirement, only the second cabinet member
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to leave during bride den's tenure. it was a big night for hollywood at last night's 96th academy awards, an even bigger night for ukraine with "20 days in mariupol" documenting the russian siege of the city, winning the award for best documentary. ukraine's first oscar. in his acceptance speech, director mstyslav chernov -- >> i wish i never made this film. i wish to be able to exchange this to russia never attacking ukraine, never occupying our cities. >> and sill cillian murphy for
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oppenheim. >> i'd like to dedicate this to the peacemakers everywhere. >> chloe, chairnov said he stayed behind because he felt a journalistic duty to document the horrors. let's listen to more from his speech last night. >> we can make sure the history record is set straight and the truth will prevail and that the people of mariupol and those who have given their lives will never be forgotten because cinema forms memories and memories form history. so thank you all and thank you all, thanks to ukraine, slar
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ukrainian. >> what was the reaction to those, those difficult words. >> reporter: at one point you heard the audience erupt into applause, andrea. clearly this movie resonated with academy voters. just the footage that he was able to get of the maternity ward and the people looting and just the atrocities taking place in ukraine and how he shrined a light on this, very deserving on this win for best documentary feature, and really award season has been apolitical. you haven't heard too many people say much about israel and gaza or haven't heard much about the ukraine war, but you did last night. >> also, such a big night for christopher nolan's "oppenheimer" which took home several award where cillian murphy, the irishman, talking about how this is a movie devoted to the birth of the nuclear weapon and, of course, the world has been living ever
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since with the results of that and calling on the peacemakers as we heard. there were also protests as people were entering, right? >> exactly. you heard from christopher nolan who won the oscar last night for best director for "oppenheimer." he said, look, first of all, i'm so happy that film has been around for only 100 years, and to be a small piece of that, who knows where the film industry will go. to be acknowledged at this time means so much to me and his wife who is his producing partner. also, yes, there were protests that slowed down the start of the show. it also made it hard for some of the celebrities to make their way into the doll by theater. you saw some celebrities wearing red lapel pins calling for a cease-fire in gaza. this was a moment that had political undertones. you even had the host jimmy kimmel calling out president trump's comments on truth social for slamming him as a host.
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it didn't overtake the entire night. yes, "oppenheimer" has swept awards season. this solidified its moment. it's the most popular movie since lord of the rings. this is a movie that really has put big blockbusters back on the map. it made over $900 million internationally at the box office. "barbie" making up the other part that took it over $2.4 billion worldwide. really doing a lot for the box office, andrea. >> a big night for ryan gosling as well. there was a lot of glamour and glitz and great performances. chloe melas, thank you so much. that does it for this edition of "andrea mitchell reports." remember follow us on social media @mitchellreports. you can rewatch highlights any time on youtube, just go to "chris jansing reports" starts right now.