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tv   Alex Witt Reports  MSNBC  March 17, 2024 10:00am-11:00am PDT

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list. what you hope people will look back about your legacy? >> you came here seven years old with her mom and brother. >> i grew up hiking this part. >> if they want to be pro-baby, maybe they should stop stopping food stamps for low income women and young children. i could go on. >> we will all be okay. >> you rock. donald trump promises a bloodbath if he loses the election. ahead, the new word from his campaign about his comments. plus we unpack this headline. w
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why race is an ever present source of tension in donald trump's georgia case. >> ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> the super bowl ad that made a lot of people that actually holds a big clue about whom rfk junior has picked as his running mate. a very good day from the new center here in los angeles. we have some breaking news out of russia where polls are closing in one hour and the last of three days of voting in the country's presidential election. putin all but certain to win a fifth term. the pallet featuring three ll other talking candidates who, by the way, publicly support his policies. earlier today, voters heating one of the last public messages from the late opposition leader alexi novotny by showing up en masse at polling stations to e protest the election.
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joining me now is keir simmons from moscow. what has voting been like a cross russia today and are the crackdowns, unrest? taken away? >> it's really split here in russia right now. we are here at any election night event that you can see is in full swing as they prepare for those results. there is no guessing frankly e what the result will be. we know that president putin is going to be declared the winner in an hours time. one of the questions the kremlin has been looking at has been the turnout and that is now according to russian authorities over 70%. 73%. more than in 2018. there will not be many western observers. we will question mark, as well. we've seen as you say, completely different from this official event, the op ex around russia after alexi
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novotny, whom, of course, died in prison during this election campaign, called for people to go to polling stations and would result in different polling stations around russia, people standing in line, not saying anything but it appears making their voices heard. hear. >> reporter: earlier, we spoke to one of those politicians who
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has been openly against the war in ukraine. he was not allowed to stand in the election, and he told me that he does believe one day there will be free and fair elections in russia but he says that this is not it. i hope it happens before -- while i'm alive, he told me. meanwhile, there have been reports of drone strikes across russia according to the russian ministry of defense. 35 drone strikes they said earlier today in eight russian regions, blaming the ukrainians, saying they are trying to disrupt the selection, if you can call it that. frankly, it's more of a referendum on president putin and his so-called special military operation. everyone we've spoken to this official event is pro-putin and pro-war. alex. >> extraordinary. i'm curious about demonstrations. other than the silent
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demonstrations from those two people that you interviewed. we saw some fires around ballot boxes are in apparent diving into ballot boxes. do you know if there were any arrest is made and how much that type of activity was spread ross russia? >> we have to rely on what we are told the russian authorities. they are saying that they're hoping more than 60 people detained. one of them, an official wearing a t-shirt with alexi novotny's name on it. as you mentioned, there have been arson attacks and die poured into ballot boxes. so very, very dangerous to voice your opposition in this country in any meaningful way, but a number of russians have done that. the truth is that many, many russians to support president putin. he is still popular in this
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country. the problem is that people who don't agree with him have not really been allowed to have their voices during this election. >> yeah. i still absolutely respect the many thousands who showed up or alexi novotny's funeral and you can't help but wonder if the names are on a list, if they're going to be targeted at some point. excellent points, as always. thank you. i'll be speaking with my comic fall, former ambassador to russia in the next hour. two big headlines at this hour. first up for it president biden's reelection campaign announcing more than 53 million dollars raised in february. also reported $155 million on in cash on hand. the president's holding st. patrick's day events in the white house today while donald trump wrapping up dark rhetoric at a rally for republican
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senate candidate in ohio yesterday making references to a bloodbath, to migrants, to january 6th, quote, hostages, and what might happen if he is not reelected. let's go to allie live at the white house. they want to get to is this campaign wraps up and what you have? >> reporter: the general election certainly now in full swing. you mentioned that record of fundraising for the binding campaign which marks the largest fundraising hall in one month since last april. it certainly widens the campaign edge with the fundraising. despite these record numbers, we have new reporting, suggesting that the president behind the scenes still remains anxious about his reelection effort. source is telling our team that he is frustrated with how long it has taken for his economic messaging and his biden on his plan to resonate with voters across the country. he is frustrated by how his
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building this protective bubble around him to prevent any flubs or gaps. we have obviously heard the president say himself that his greatest strength on the campaign trail is his ability to speak one-on-one with voters and here their concerns firsthand. we know his campaign travel is certainly ramping up. several battleground states over the last few days across the midwest. he's heading out west to arizona and nevada this week and one political vulnerability that no matter where the president goes, he is not able to avoid alex. his handling of the israel- hamas war with maniac of us saying they are unhappy with his handling of the war and his continued relations with prime minister benjamin netanyahu. the divisions we've seen between the president and prime minister netanyahu have spelled more into the public eye over the last few months. especially as we have seen the humanitarian crisis in gaza worsen.
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we heard a few days ago that netanyahu approved the idf's plans for a ground invasion of roth the or over 1 million palestinians have been sheltering over the last few months. spokesperson admiral john kirby was asked about that this morning. listen to his response here. >> you would not support this operation unless or until they have a credible, executable plan to take care of the 1.5 million refugees that have been pushed into rough the because of the north and gaza city further to the north. they said they have plans for such an evacuation. talk about humanitarian islands in gaza. we would welcome the opportunity to see if that is actually executable and doable. >> notably, he refused to say whether the united dates would condition further military aid to israel if netanyahu went through with these plans of ground invasion in gaza without solidifying the plan.
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>> thank you so much for that. joining me now, jillian frankel from columbus, ohio. on the flipside, donald trump made him very inflammatory remarks. tell us what he said. >> reporter: former president trump was here in ohio yesterday rallying on behalf of senate candidate ernie marino, set to face off on tuesday in the primary here in ohio. while he was here, he made some notable comments saying that there would be a, quote, bloodbath if he is not reelected. for added new context, this came up as he was talking about the possibility of a trade war with china over the automobile industry and auto manufacturing plant. he also talked a lot about immigration, it is is in president joe biden's, as he calls it, open border policies. let's hear more from the rally particulars and. >> if i had people teaming with
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ms-13 and all sorts of people that they have to take care of for the next 50 years. young people are in jails for years. if you call them people. i don't know if you call them people. in some cases, they are not people in my opinion. but i'm not allowed to say that is the radical left says it's a terrible thing to say. if i don't get elected it's going to be a blood bath and that's going to be the least of it but it's going to be a bloodbath for the country. >> reporter: and alex, former president trump has vowed to launch the largest domestic deportation operation in american history. something coming up on the campaign trail as he looks ahead to the possibility of a second term in office. >> okay. thank you very much for the latest there from ohio. let's bring in don calloway. democratic strategist. founder of the national voter protection action fund. and republican strategist and political analyst. i guess david has the hour off.
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that's okay. i'm glad to have the two of you and i want to have your comments about what we just heard from trump. it is clear he is trying to eight peel to a very specific section of his base. how can he think that any of this will help? is he just appealing to people who are already in his camp? >> there is no reason to think that it would not help because it has been working for nine years now since he has politically ascended in this country. let's be very clear about something. to the extent that we still exist in a two-party system, donald trump is the undisputed leader of one of those two political parties. if you have any doubt about that, look at how he was virtually unopposed in taking over the financial and restructure mechanisms of his arty by installing his daughter- in-law and saying every penny will go to his reelection efforts. donald trump is the actual leader with 50% of political dissipation in this country. what we have now is no longer implicit but an explicit
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invocation of political violence. i've worked in politics for many years and studied 10 years before that. the way i was raised and i believe you, is that what differentiates this country from the rest of the world, uncivilized or civilized, developed or undeveloped it is that we do not believe in political violence. we don't endorse it. we don't tolerate it prudent what we have right now is 50% of the political participants party wise in this country by their leader not only encouraging but inciting violence. bloodbath. it's not something that has not happened before. it happened on january 6. it's important that i point out he so doubt in the 2016 election which he actually won. of course his people don't believe that he actually lost in 2000 and he is saying if i lose in 2024 which will very likely happen again because he never won the popular vote and
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let's go ahead and initiate the political violence, which i'm calling for as the leader of 50% of the electorate in this country. that's extraordinarily dangerous and we are in an unprecedented and dangerous new territory in the country as a result. >> to that i say, preach, don calloway. let's move to you, susan. how dangerous is this rhetoric that presumptive nominee of the republican party? how do you interpret the bloodbath comment? >> it is a hard thing to struggle with. as far right as i am, to see that language coming from a nominee for president, it is donald trump and it kind of just goes with who he is. we have heard this rhetoric from him before. fully, in 2020, he lost a lot based on this type of rhetoric. and i want to touch on something that you mentioned earlier. this does not help him beyond his base. this is the behavior that made independents and suburban women
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turn away from donald trump. so maybe they are seeing something in their polling that they need to really firm up more of who voted for him in 2020. or he is just even more unhinged. there is a difference in him campaigning in 2016, 2020 and 2024. he is worse. i think it just emphasizes everything that he is about. >> yeah. all right. both of you, please stay with me because we will talk about what happened in georgia on friday and just a little bit, but first, new worries about a potential tick-tock and are back in 60 seconds. you don' so, here's to now. boost. with nurtec odt i can treat and prevent my migraine attacks all in one. don't take if allergic to nurtec. allergic reactions can occur even days after using.
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most common side effects were nausea, indigestion and stomach pain. talk to your doctor about nurtec today. (christina) with verizon business unlimited, talk to your doctor i get 5g, truly unlimited data, and unlimited hotspot data. so, no matter what, i'm running this kitchen. (vo) make the switch. it's your business. it's your verizon. this breaking news renewed talks for a cease-fire in gaza gearing up the first time. leaders from israel and hamas are direct me negotiating since the start of the muslim holy month of ramadan. joining me now, nbc's josh
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letterman. what's the latest on these negotiations and on getting more aid into gaza? >> those negotiations are acted to pick up in earnest tomorrow in the qatari capital with the israeli delegation led by the head of the mossad. before the text is, tonight he is really war cabinet expected to meet for a session aimed at giving guidance to the israeli delegation about what their bottom line should be as they enter into these fraught negotiations with hamas and tarp. we know hamas has presented a proposal in which they would like to see a roughly 10 to 1 ratio of palestinian prisoners released in exchange for israeli hostages in the gaza strip. they also want to be part of a multi-phased process that would eventually see a full israeli cease-fire and withdraw from the gaza strip.
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israel has made clear it is not entertaining at this point in time. he is really prime minister has not said much publicly about what the latest negotiating position is but he is speaking very publicly about those comments from chuck schumer who give that remarkable speech essentially calling for a new government in israel. here is what they had to say about the speech from schumer. >> if we were to have elections now before the war is one, we would have at least the expense of national paralysis means we would lose the war. if we don't win, we lose the war. that would not only defeat for israel but america, twos because our victory is your victory. we are fighting these barbarians -- >> on the war winds down. >> will you commit to new elections? >> i think that's something for the israeli public to decide. >> schumer also said it was totally inappropriate or -- i'm
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sorry, netanyahu said it was inappropriate for schumer to give that speech. wanted to give you an update on the humanitarian aid. yesterday when we spoke and we talked about those 200 plus tons of aid that arrived on the ship. today world central kitchen, the charity run by jose andre says that all this aid is still sitting in the warehouse in gaza yet to be distributed to the people who so badly need it. the latest indication of how dangerous it is to try to get this delivered to the gaza strip and the massive logistical challenges they will continue to face going forward as well as ongoing questions about who was actually going to be responsible for getting aid from those warehouses to the people in gaza who need it most. >> as you know there was talk about them having to have some sort of security escort to get the aid for fear that hamas would siphon it off and did not get into the people who actually need it for that's unfortunate thank you for updating us nonetheless.
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joining me in the studio, democratic congressman from california, a member of the house foreign affairs committee. glad to have you here and to a you about senator chuck schumer in the comments that he made there. the fact that he has been seen as the most pro-israel, being the highest ranking jewish american and elected to office for quite some time. benjamin netanyahu. you heard his response to all of this. what he is saying is an obstacle to use. what you make of the change in tone from senator schumer and what do you think it might represent down the road? could it indicate any change in u.s. policy? >> i think chuck schumer said the quiet part out loud. he said there are more obstacles to peace. hamas, a boss, israel's right- wing coalition. netanyahu. we have been negotiating right now for the release of
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hostages. unrealistic. saying he's going to invade rafah and says he's totally opposed to a two state solution. in terms of the invasion of rafah which has been looming for quite some time now. he has seen them and approved them. they would like to see them. in addition, the white house has said renewed within about a week or so how we are using american military, the supplies that we are giving you. we want this to be in accordance with international law. what if they don't get that information a week from now or they find that the way american military supplies are being used is not within international law confines. what then? >> yeah. i am deeply concerned about netanyahu's plan to invade
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rafah. it will stabilize and erode diplomatic relations in the region. we now over 1 million people are in rafah and they have nowhere else to go. cover world has been bombed. we know that the hostages are presumed to be in rafah. that's putting their lives at risk along with innocent civilians. we also know as you said there has been no plan that we have seen. biden has said i needed certified assurance that any country including israel that receiving military aid is doing it abiding by international law that we have an accounting of how it is used, and that he will give an accounting of that the congress. lastly, maybe most importantly, you know, egypt has had that invading rafah is a third rail. this is a country that's been original partner and l.a. at the negotiating table from the beginning. they are saying that invading rafah could erode the camp david peace treaty accords that they signed 45 years ago. >> stopping the influx of migrants and refugees running into egypt. >> how do you deal with that
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and humanitarian aid? how do you make sure that you do not have a lip this right? it would be a hot mess as they say. >> let's get to tik-tok and the fact that 352 members of congress voted for the parent company to have to sell its part that reflects the united states use of tik-tok, a chinese owned company. you are one of the 65 lawmakers who did not sign and voted no against that. why do you have this position? >> i voted no along with the ranking member of foreign affairs and also the ranking member on intelligent. i have issues with this bill. it will impact millions of creative's and content creators, shut down their businesses. in fact free speech and expression for 170 million americans but most importantly it does not address the national security issues. so those involved influence operations for the dissemination of
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misinformation, hackers, data brokers, the selling of americans data, uprooting our privacy. and the bill does not address that. so it is taking a small slice of a very large slice that we should be talking about as it relates to our national security. >> what about right now in haiti with the prime minister announcing he will resign tomorrow. it and overrun by gangs at the capital there. you are a member of the house haiti caucus as i understand. should the u.s. be involved with the elections and putting forth a new leader for haiti? >> a month johnson for not releasing the $40 million necessary to help deploy this multinational security mission. security support mission. to help. the security conditions necessary for haiti to have free and fair elections. they need that mission. it should be deployed. that's in concert with this
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high multinational counsel that will be designed and hopefully, that can include hades civil society so that they can play a role in what happens next for that government but we need to get them that money. >> okay. duly noted all this. it's awfully good to have you here. my fellow california girl. >> thank you. why the donald trump trial calendar was thrown into the garbage this week and what happened there. and my next guest says judge mcafee went too far in friday's fanny willis ruling and she will ask ny next. next.
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my name is oluseyi nausea, indigestion, and stomach pain. and some of my favorite moments throughout my life are watching sports with my dad. now, i work at comcast as part of the team that created our ai highlights technology, which uses ai to detect the major plays in a sports game. giving millions of fans, like my dad and me, new ways of catching up on their favorite sport. now for a look at trump's newest legal calendar, full of western marks, where in most cases, they were previously fixed trial dates. the new york times notes this. installing a time-tested legal strategy that keeps working for trump. politico asks the big question. will there be any from trials?
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joining me now, this former federal prosecutor and university of alabama law professor, msnbc legal analyst and cohost of the podcast sisters in law. you said that the last week has been a decade of legal news read in the last few days, we have the judge in the stormy daniels hush money case renting trump a hearing on his motion to dismiss the charges in the long shadow now over the cases, from the u.s. attorney. so you're a former u.s. attorney. what do you think is happening here? and is it a serious threat to this case being able to go forward? >> the short answer is we do not know yet and that is where the judge has scheduled his hearing on the 25th. he wants to determine whether anyone, and by anyone, we mean the manhattan das office who brought this case against trump, has failed to uphold their obligations to turn over discovery to donald trump
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created is complicated because of the involvement of the u.s. attorney's office. trump sent them a subpoena. if turned over more than 100,000 pages of documents which sounds like a lot until you understand that lawyers use software's to make this process of determining which of those documents are relevant relatively quickly. but the judge will want to see whether the manhattan das office laden a role in not turning over documents or whether this is simply a squabble between trump and the u.s. attorney's office. >> hang on a second. he said they have software that can make this a relatively quick task and it's been a year of trying to get these documents. why a year? >> yeah. i'm not sure if that's an accurate characterization. the manhattan da asked the attorney to turn over some set of documents. we do not know exactly what. those were provided to trump's people months ago.
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instead of going back to the da and asking her more which is what you would expect if the defendant thought they were entitled to information they did not get her the trump lawyers seem to have sent a subpoena directly to the u.s. attorney's office. there's a lot of restrictions on u.s. attorney's office is turning documents over to a defendant in a case that they are not involved in under a set of regulations. in the justice department indicated this to trump that there were some delays in turning over documents which the trump lawyers agreed to, by the way. and ultimately, we have seen this rather recent development for the attorney's office has given documents direct way to the trump lawyers at their request. >> thank you for that answer because now we do not have to ask that question again. i appreciate that and let's talk about ap, which is out with a new look and the judge who is handling the hush money case. trump has called him a trump hating judge.
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he received dozens of threats after that but at that, quote, there is no agenda here. what are you expecting at this hearing eight days from now? >> this judge by all accounts is a straight up. i think we are being met here. he is a professional. he calls the balls and strikes. he does not weigh in on behalf of either party. i think it is and tractive that he's asked both of the parties to provide him with their timeline for how discovery proceeded to you can make an independent decision about whether anyone was at fault and if so, who? this is a judge who is good control of his courtroom. he will not entertain theatrics from trump your key won't let the prosecution get away with a roughshod over the defendant's right. his the best for the case. >> let's move to the fulton county case where the judge ruled that willis is not disqualified but still issued the ultimatum that either she withdraw herself or the
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prosecutor from the trial and nathan wade has since resigned. do you think judge mcafee overreached in this case? why? >> there is a very interesting situation. georgia law is clear and it says only a conflict of interest that wires disqualification if there is a financial conflict of interest. the burden of proving that financial conflict of interest is on the defendants in this situation and they completely failed to establish that. even if you give them the best inferences, there is just no financial incentive here are the judge was concerned about what he called the appearance of impropriety in the situation. this goes beyond what the law strict he requires. this is a judge, though, who is protecting his record. he had this full-blown evidentiary hearing which was painful for willis and certainly pride into her
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personal life more than was strict and necessary. on the other hand it's limited stunned. to hear the matter on appeal even if the judge would issue this. got 10 days to do that a week from monday. just because the facts are so clear. which in some ways, i think are overreaching. >> education and clarification and much completed. thank you. you can feel the frustration of donald trump critics after a wild week after anything was completed or started before the election. election. oriasis. otezla can help you get clearer skin. don't use otezla if you're allergic to it.
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the future of the trump trials hangs in the balance today after a series of delays. the latest case to hit a roadblock is the new york hush money case which is now postponed until at least april due to a legal squabble over documents. this comes as the georgia case is about to restart. the federal election interference case in the supreme court ruling and donald trump's challenging the legitimacy of the classified documents case. let's bring in don and susan.
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susan, does all of this make you wonder how donald trump keeps dodging these trials? >> we have seen him dodge it for years now. he is the master of delay. his attorneys have been able to do that. i think there is very little doubt that the georgia case, the documents case probably would not have happened before the election. the election interference seems mostly because of the supreme court, to be delayed for a long period of time. but the new york case should go forward. they are setting a 30 day delay potentially. but i think this case will go forward. here's the acre. should he be convicted, it will not matter but it will not matter to his voters. >> you are a lawyer.
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do you think there is a chance that any of the trump trials reach a verdict? do you agree with susan that it will go forward to potentially reach a verdict? and potentially starting before the election and how frustrating is that the democrats? >> very frustrating. ultimately violet the principle that no person in this country, even the president of the united dates, is above the law. i think it is very important to recognize that donald trump has successfully delayed in at least three if not all four of these matters on the procedural merits. it's extremely important to recognize that he has not won on any type of the meritorious claims, whether it's election interference, new york, georgia, the insurrection stuff in d.c. or the documents in florida. he has not yet won on the merits. but i think susan makes an extremely important point.
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everybody who is going to vote in this election is well aware of the 91 counts of indictment in the to impeach and send everything else that surrounds the universe of donald trump. whether or not these things actually come to fruition in any of the four jurisdictions, electorally, it will probably mean very very little. in the electorate, not in the broader or democratic electorate. >> let's turn the focus back to georgia. the new washington post article is wanting out the racial undertones of that case. hard to argue about the controversy since launching the investigation into trump more than three years ago. she has faced a torrent of violent and racist threats that forced her to move out of her home. now she unabashedly cast questions about wade's qualifications for the job and cause the behavior racist.
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do you agree? is race fueling this case? >> it's part of everything in the country. the way i see it showing up in the matter of fanny willis and the georgia presidential prosecution is that there is ultimately a spotlight placed on their behavior that we probably would not see across jurisdictions in the instance of prosecutorial misconduct. i think that any willis and nathan wade will be regret their personal behaviors throughout their timing being engaged on this matter. as an objective observer who happens to be a lawyer, i think we can all agree that there were personal missteps in judgment here. again, to be clear, none of the relationship has anything to do with the merits of whether trump and his men election in georgia. so much public time and thought calories on this probably has something to do with race and
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the attempt to scrutinize these african american distinguished professionals in a way that other professionals we don't see that other type of spotlight. >> there was a sideshow. there you have it. >> reporting behind the scenes, joe biden has gone angry and someone anxious about the reelection effort. this all comes as the president's campaign raised more than $53 million in february. that was record-breaking. >> kaman is fantastic. i don't believe he is using any of it to defend himself in a court of law against a federal indictment. he's got that going for him. besides that, "the president is frustrated about is not getting out there. he likes to be on the campaign trail. there could be a reason why they keep him in this type of bubble or it sometimes, and incumbent president, you want to have a rose garden strategy meeting that presidential until the last possible minute.
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come september, they get in there. at this president likes being out there and he is good when it works for him. but i think there are probably legitimate concerns and the president right now has a very political team. just kind of has to let them do their job. especially for the next couple of months reaching out to the base. >> it's not lost on me that you changed your sweatshirt. you put on a darker shade of green for st. patrick's day. he went from mint green to real green. just saying. i saw that. all right, guys. thank you much. >> a lawmaker on why tik-tok should not be banned. next. ed. next. complete nutrition you need... ...without the stuff you don't. so, here'ow. boost. hey, dad. i got an a on my book report. that's cool. and i went for a walk in the woods and i didn't get a single flea or tick on me.
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oh, hi! have you tried tide fabric rinse? it works after your detergent to fight deep odors 3 times better than detergent alone. i love that. try tide fabric rinse. the reactions today from republican to trump's a series of controversial remarks on the campaign trail in ohio last night. it began with a song by the so- called january 6 person choir, his actions he praised. >> we see the spirit from the hostages. that's what they are. hostages. first weekend in office we will save our country and work of the people to treat those unbelievable patriots. >> i don't believe there hostages. i believe in our judicial system. some cases have been overturned. even the legal construct of a
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number of these cases have been overturned. obviously has very strong personal use funds. >> joining me now, robert garcia. member of the house homeland security and oversight committees. thank you for joining me. when you hear that, when you hear donald trump saying what he is saying and when you see people like republican mike turner having to try to i guess navigate very carefully, right, to avoid an onslaught of who knows what coming his way if he opposes the president to forcefully. what does that represent the republicans in congress who may be opposing donald trump? how many do you know that it just and are bold enough to speak up? >> first off, the comments that he made about the insurrection are shameful. i'm one of the few democrats who have visited the insurrection in the d.c. jail
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along with the group that went earlier in the year. they are traitors to this country. they should not have -- they do not have any sort of respect for the fact that he has rewritten our national anthem with their voices are somehow caused them hostages. these folks, by the way, are treated just like anyone else. they can communicate to the outside world. marjorie taylor greene was in there giving them hugs, high- fiving them, treating them like rock stars. when there are republicans in the congress who quietly opposed trump understanding the problems are going on, but they are cowardly. they need to come out and take trump on for the traitor that he is. >> to expect that will happen? >> no. he can trolls completely of the republican party. they've been reimagined in doldrums vision. they worship everything he does. he controls the agenda.
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mike johnson listens directly to what trump says on what we should or should not do. >> this week a white house lawyer sent a letter to house speaker mike johnson basically saying you have to move on on these efforts to try to impeach the president. they are over. speaker johnson says it's up to congress to decide all that. you are a member of the oversight committee that led the charge on this inquiry. is this the charade the white house plays it to be? >> it's a total political sham. the largest political stunt we've seen in the modern era. zero evidence that links the president to any sort of wrongdoing. if you look at the witnesses of folks who have come before the committee. they brought chinese spies, disgraced business people, folks who are under investigation over the guy. there is no one critical witness who has presented
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anything against the president. this entire thing has been a waste of time. these efforts should be better placed in trying to lower the price of insulin, get folks affordable healthcare. they are not interested in those actual issues that help people. they are interested in anything they can do to damage president biden and help reelect donald trump. that's all this is about. >> let's talk about what was looming. finding the government. there is a deadline coming up very shortly and it is the fifth time, i believe, that congress has had to do this in september. what is your prediction? it could really hurt national security. >> first, let's be very clear. the house majority can barely govern. this is a complete house majority on the republican side. lately dysfunctional. we have now been on the brink of a government shutdown multiple times. there are millions of jobs on the line. there are many more people, millions more that are dependent on these government sources and were up against a deadline. why are we up against this deadline? republicans are obsessed with
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inserting into these bills and budgets attacks on lgbtq plus people and women's reproductive freedom. attacks on the ability of seniors to get health care. that's what they are focused on. we should be passing these bills, getting the budget in place and actually helping. >> what talk about something that has the youth of this country talking which is tik- tok and and the potential of being banned in the country. you are not among the 300 52 in congress who signed saying yes, we support the bill to have it be banned in the country unless bytedance, the owner , were to at least sell off the u.s. portion there. tell me why you voted the way you did and do you not think that americans risk over private information in some sort of violation by funneling information to china back >> 170 million americans use it read one third of all americans.
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businesses use tik-tok and millions more use it to attract business. the rush on this bill without considering the immense influence and power that tik- tok has in the american economy. especially young people. i think it's a huge mistake. the lead democrat also voted against the ban. they've been clear that there is no public evidence that links or looks at china. of actually taking our data. further concerns about tik-tok and data privacy? absolutely. i share those. i also share concerns about elon musk and x. this bill in my opinion was rushed to congress without consideration of all the complexity of the challenges.
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if we don't disrupt a 170 million americans, especially young people, who, in my opinion, not only do i believe this is a bad policy decision but a bad political decision for us and our work to attract young people and get them engaged. >> you are welcome any time. we like you on this broadcast. thank you very much. the ohio primary pics. after this. after this. >> woman: i have a few more minutes. let's go! >> tech vo: we came to her with service that fit her schedule. >> woman: you must be pascal. >> tech: nice to meet you. >> tech vo: we got right to work, with a replacement she could trust. we come to you for free! schedule now for free mobile service at >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ with nurtec odt i can treat and prevent my migraine attacks all in one. don't take if allergic to nurtec. allergic reactions can occur even days after using. most common side effects were nausea, indigestion and stomach pain. talk to your doctor
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