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tv   Way Too Early With Jonathan Lemire  MSNBC  March 19, 2024 2:00am-3:00am PDT

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that does it for us tonight. "way too early" with jonathan lemire is up next. so judge engoron says he wants this $350 million within 30 days. now, i know you're planning on appealing this, but you've still got to put up the full amount pending the appeal.
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does donald trump have that kind of money sitting around? >> of course he has money. he's a billionaire. we know that. >> well, it turns out he actually doesn't have that money sitting around. donald trump's attorneys are now saying he cannot secure the roughly half a billion dollar bond for his civil fraud judgment. that means the former president could be days away from having some of his assets seized by new york's attorney general. that comes as the trump appointed judge in the classified documents case issues a controversial ruling that once again seems to benefit the former president. we'll get expert legal analysis on both of those developments straight ahead. plus, we'll go through what president biden and israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu discussed yesterday in the first phone call between the two leaders in more than a
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month. good morning and welcome to "way too early" on this tuesday, march 19th. i'm jonathan lemire. thanks for starting your day with us. and we'll begin this morning with donald trump's financial problems tied to the massive civil fraud judgment against him in the state of new york. his attorneys say the former president cannot secure a bond for the now $464 million penalty. they asked a judge yesterday for an emergency stay, claiming a bond for the full amount is, quote, a practical impossibility after they reached out to 30 companies. trump and his company need to post the full amount by monday to prevent new york attorney general letitia james from being able to collect while he appeals, which could include seizing his assets. while trump claims to be a billionaire, he clearly does not
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have the liquidity to pay the pond himself. as "the new york times" points out most of his net worth is from the value of his real estate, which bond companies rarely accept as cluratmal. meanwhile in trump's classified documents case out of florida judge aileen cannon issued a ruling last night that some legal experts say could swing the case in favor of the ex-president. the judge issued an order to special counsel jack smith's team as well as defense attorneys requesting they submit jury instructions in anticipation of a trial. in her two-page order the judge said prosecutor and defense team must engage with the following competing scenarios. option one is to let a jury examine every record a former president retains at the end of his or her presidency and determine whether or not it's personal, or jurors must be told that, quote, a president has
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sole authority to categorize records as personal or presidential during his or her presidency. as "the washington post" noted that second hypothetical would appear to be one in which trump seemingly could not be convicted almost under any set of facts of improperly possessing classified documents. and we've got yet another development in a separate trump legal case now. the judge overseeing his hush money case has denied the former president's request to keep two key witnesses from taking the stand. in a court filing last month, trump's legal team sought to block michael cohen and stormy daniels from testifying, but the judge denied that request in a new ruling put out yesterday. we also learned the judge will allow testimony about trump's infamous "access hollywood" tape, but prosecutors will not be permitted to play the video itself. joining us now state attorney for palm beach county, dave
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aronberg. dave, thanks for joining us on such a busy morning. let's start with trump's ability to post bond. it reveals he's certainly less liquid than he would like us all to believe. but walk us through what happened next, if he doesn't get an extension and can't post bond by deadline, what recourse, what steps can the attorney general's office take? >> well, good to be with you, jonathan. don't expect the appeals court to extend the deadline of monday. there would need to be exceptional circumstances such as proof of irreparable harm. but what makes trump different in this situation than others who are hit with large judgments, the fact he's a former president? no, that shouldn't matter. that's why i think the appeals court is not going to stop this. he's not going to get special treatment here. either he's going have to post the bond or sell some assets to raise the cash, but he's not going to be able to sell the
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assets in time for monday unless it's at a fire sale prices. he can appeal bond but without the verdict that means letitia james can start motions. trump could reach out to foreign billionaire, foreign governments. he is still the leading candidate for president on the republican side. >> let's get your reaction now to this judgment from aileen cannon not far from where you are there in florida. we just walked through it giving jack smith and trump's attorneys a choice, if you will, about the classified documents. give us your reaction. does this indeed give the former president a significant advantage? >> well, that was an unbelievable ruling judge cannon
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gave out, and i've been surprised with a lot of her rulings, but this one was the biggest shock because she misinterprets the presidential records act. she says the parties must engage with two hypotheticals for jury instructions. first off, it's way early to start doing jury instructions especially because this case is not going to trial before the election and judge cannon has been slow walking it until now. and both of these hypotheticals she puts out are both legally flawed. she's giving trump essentially special power to designate personal documents under the presidential records act even when they are government classified documents. that's not how any of this works. essentially the two hypotheticals that she's giving out is heads trump wins, and tails, jack smith loses. so the question is will jack smith go to the 12th circuit court of appeals and get her removed from the case? it's a high burden to get her removed from the case.
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i think he goes back to her and says do you really want to do this, and if she doesn't reconsider, i think he has no other choice but to appeal her and try to get her off the this case. >> in the hush money case, michael cohen, stormy daniels both allowed to testify. let's be clear michael cohen has admitted to lying in court before. what's your sense of it? is his testimony going to help the state's escase or could be potentially problematic? >> oh, it's a big help for the state's case, jonathan, because he's a key witness and he knows where all the bodies are buried. and yes, he lied previously, but if prosecutors cannot put on the stand people who lied previously, when you deal with people -- defendants who commit crimes, you're not going to find mother theresa walking through that door to take the stand. after all, the reason why he lied to congress and was charge asked convicted for it is that he was lying on behalf of donald
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trump. and i think he is a good witness in this case. i think that the others as far as stormy daniels, as far as karen mcdougal, they need to be allowed to testify as well and they will. judge mershawn is a good judge here. by his rulings he gave out yesterday, jonathan, it shows me this case is going to trial before the election. that's a really big deal because he could have indulge said trump further, given more delays. but he wants this to go, and i think it will despite the whole discovery problem that has occurred with the federal prosecution -- for federal prosecutors. >> yeah, the trial pushed back from march to likely april now, but we shall see if indeed it does happen. we'll, of course, have further coverage of all of trump's legal woes throughout the morning here on msnbc, covering a lot of ground for us to start us off, state attorney for palm beach county, dave aronberg. and trump's legal issues tie into big problem for his
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re-election campaign, his fund-raising. people familiar with the matter are telling cnbc that small dollar donors who fueled his last race have slowed this year. in 2023 trump's re-election campaign raised 63% less money from small donor dollars than it did last year. the other problem trump faces comes from big donors. many wealtthy republicans have yet to commit to giving money towards pro-trump pacs or to use their extensive networks to help raise money for his campaign. sources tell cnbc their reluctance stems in part concerns the rnc will use the money not to help elect republicans but rather to pay for trump's extensive legal fees. still ahead here on "way too early," former president trump could be adding a convicted felon to that re-election team.
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what we're learning about paul manafort's potential role within the campaign. plus, trump is facing new backlash after comments he made about jewish voters who support democrats. we'll tell you about that, too. those stories, other headlines, and a check on sports and weather when we come right back. weather when we come right back. (ella) fashion moves fast. (jen) so we partner with verizon to take our operations to the next level.
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welcome back. new reporting says that former president trump is expected to hire a convicted felon political consultant paul manafort for his role in the 2020 campaign. "the washington post" reports the job will be focused on the rnc convention enmilwaukee this july with the prospect of a fund-raising role this campaign. people familiar with the talks say trump is determined to bring
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manafort back into the fold because he feels loyal to him because he served jail time. manafort chaired trump's 2016 campaign, led the convention that summer in cleveland, and later he was ousted and some time after that convicted of bank fraud felonies. those charges came from special counsel robert mueller's probe into the 2016 election interference. he was then, and a bipartisan senate investigation into russian interference in the 2016 election found that manafort's openness to russian outreach was a, quote, grave counter intelligence threat that made trump's campaign susceptible to russian influence. the trump campaign has not responded to "the post" report. elsewhere republican senator tommy tuberville of alabama was
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asked directly about the misleading anecdote told by senator katie britt from his home state in her "state of the union" response. in her speech britt linked a graphic account of a young woman's sex trafficking to president biden's immigration policies. but the abuse actually occurred during president george w. bush's administration nearly 20 years ago, and it happened in mexico, not the united states. here's what the other alabama senator had to say about britt's remarks? >> well, that obviously didn't go over too well. i would think that our leadership would have admitted that a bit more because i would imagine they helped her with that. again, that's a mistake made, but it was a good point of emphasis of what really goes on at the border, and i think that's what she was trying to get over more than anything. elsewhere in washington, the
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biden administration has announced a new executive order aimed at expanding research of women's health care. the president signed the order yesterday along with more than 20 new actions and commitments by federal agencies. that includes $200 million for research at the national institutes of health. >> ever taken to improve women's health and i'm going to ensure women's health is prioritized across the entire federal government. not just women's health, the national science foundation, defense department, environmental protection agency. across the board this is really serious. and i will spearhead new research and innovation for breakthroughs on a wide range of women's health needs. because it really matters. >> the white house says this is the first step for the administration in keeping the promise of a fund on women's health biden called for during
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his "state of the union" a few weeks ago. next up we'll turn to sports and we'll bring you what could be the best dunk so far of the nba season. plus, a cy young winner finally finds a new team just a week from major league baseball's opening day. we'll have all of that plus a check on the forecast when we come right back. k on the foreca come right back. when you have chronic kidney disease... ...there are places you'd like to be. like here. and here. not so much here. farxiga reduces the risk of kidney failure which can lead to dialysis. ♪far-xi-ga♪ farxiga can cause serious side effects, including ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration, urinary tract or genital yeast infections, and low blood sugar. a rare, life-threatening
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only had one shot attempt in that first half. another turnover for utah. >> goodness, that's minnesota's anthony edwards with what might be the dunk of the year. with an absolutely vicious slam
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that left the jazz four with a head contusion and ruled out for the rest of the game. edwards was also a bit banged up on the play. he damaged his left ring finger but returned after a quick trip to the longer room. what a dunk that was. and t-wolves beat them. ovechkin started slow this year but knocked back-to-back power play scores in the second period to become just the third player in looeg history have to 20 goals in nine consecutive seasons. he's got a chance to catch wayne gret skpgi's all-time goal match. reigning mlcy young award
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winning blake snell has agreed to a deal with the san francisco giants. with san francisco set to epup its regular season against the san diego padres next thursday. a couple free agents still out there. and march madness, it's here sort of it. it tips off today with two of the men's first four tournament games. that action begins with wagner and howard facing off for the right to move on number 16 on the west to play top seated on thursday. the winner there advancing as the tenth seat in the midwest to face number 7, texas. time now for the weather and let's bring in meteorologist angie lassman for the forecast. angie, it's the first day of spring but doesn't feel like that everywhere. >> the tore cast says late winter. we've got freeze warnings including major cities of little
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rock, tupelo and atlanta including charlotte. this is going to be something you'll deal with really this morning only across this region. we've got 30s on tap, 35 degrees in atlanta, memphis, hattiesburg, 38 degrees. we'll warm up a bit, be low across the region but not chilly like we are right now. as we get into the next couple of days as you're missing the 70s in this region, you will be happy. we've got them back on tap wednesday, thursday. we see a bit in atlanta but overall a much milder forecast here as we get through the rest of our workweek. meanwhile warmth out west and midsections of the country. those snow showers another indication it's not spring just yet when it comes to the forecast. we've got snow showers we'll deal with. the lake effect snow will be mainly the worst erie and lake ontario.
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still see some in the picture tomorrow, not quite as hefby. and when it's all said and done, i think we'll pick up an inch or two in those regions. we could see higher amounts anywhere from 6 to 8 inches as we get to wednesday. finally hopefully we'll wrap up the snow forecast for the season and get back to those typical spring conditions. >> it is indeed spring. still ahead on "way too early," amid escalating tensions president biden and israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu talk on the phone for the first time in a month. we'll go over what the two discussed when we come right back. the two discussed when we come right back want luxury hair repair that doesn't cost $50? pantene's pro-vitamin formula repairs hair. as well as the leading luxury bonding treatment. for softness and resilience, without the price tag.
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welcome back to "way too early." it's a couple minutes ahead of 5:30 a.m. here on the east coast, 2:30 out west on this tuesday morning. i'm jonathan lemire. thanks for being with us. prime minister benjamin netanyahu of israel is sending a team to washington to discuss his country's plans to launch a major military operation in rafah. president biden asked netanyahu to send officials to the white house during a phone call yesterday. it was their first time speaking in 32 days. biden voiced his concerns about deploying ground forces in the southern gaza city. national security advisor jake sullivan told reporters the president warned netanyahu the rafah operation could be disastrous and lead to many more
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civilian deaths. this as palestinians have taken refuge. >> gauze post office other cities have been largely destroyed, and israel has not presented us or the world with a plan for how and where they'd safely move those civilians let alone feed and house them and ensure access to basic things like sanitation. the president like he did today the straw man that raising questions about rafah is the same as raising questions about defeating hamas. that's just nonsense. our position is hamas should not be allowed safe haven in rafah or anywhere else, but a grown operation there would be a mistake. it would lead to more civilian deaths, deepen the anarchy in gaza, and further isolate israel internationally. >> sullivan largely saying when the administration has been voicing for weeks but doing so in a far more methodical and forceful way. a team from israel should arrive from washington within a week. meanwhile, donald trump says any jewish-american who votes
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for democrats hates their religion and hates israel. the presumptive 2024 republican nominee made those comments yesterday during a podcast interview. take a listen. >> why do the democrats hate bibinetanyahu? >> i actually think they hate israel. when you see those palestinian marches, i'm amazed how many people are in those marches. and i think to him it's votes more than anything else. he's very anti-israel. now, any jewish person that votes for democrats hates their religion, they hate everything about israel, and they should be ashamed of themselves. >> trump talking to sebastian gorka there. this is not the first time the former president has expressed similar beliefs.
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he posted that liberal jews were voting to, quote, destroy america and israel. as president he also said american jews were showing great disloyalty by voting for democrats. in a statement yesterday one of trump it was 2024 campaign spokespeople took things even further calling the democratic party, quote, a full-blown, anti-israel, anti-semitic pro-terrorist cabal. joining us now deputy managing editor for politics at politico, sam stein. our friend sam stein is with us. you wrote about comments yesterday for politico. adding her own incendiary remarks. sam, just give us your take. what is this? >> well, i mean it's -- to your point, jonathan, he said this before. the idea that if you are jewish you have to support israel regardless of its government is something that trump has articulated and called to
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question the dual loyalty of jews. you noted the rosh hashanah comments as well. the idea you can't be jewish and also at the same time critical of the netanyahu government is, of course, rather absurd because they are tot the same things. the netanyahu government is a political entity undertaking controversial war campaign in gaza. the jewish faith is not a model that's made up of people who have to support the government of israel. but trump has often equated the two. the statement from his campaign suggested he sees no downside or he's going to keep going at it -- >> yeah, certainly, it's a campaign pitch here from donald trump and certainly the war in gaza shadows this election. you know, sam, we reported
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yesterday, of course, on president biden's call with prime minister netanyahu again warning his israeli counterpart about a full-son assault in rafah. but talk to us -- set aside the foreign policy, the mechanics of that invasion per se, but how do you see this playing out politically if this war stays in headlines? >> that's the million dollar question. we've seen bideb and his team drifting, more openly critical of netanyahu and the government. the president himself getting caught on the mic by saying he's going to have a come to jesus conversation with bibi. it's there out in the open continuously, and yet what we've not seen is that conditioning, a full break with the netanyahu government, is a robust call for a permanent cease-fire and not just a temporary cease-fire, but
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you can envision even more fissures if the invasion goes the way the netanyahu government said would go. obviously he's been faced with this protest vote from within his own party that's been materializing in a couple different states with the uncommitted line. does that -- do they complement and come back into the fold or stick to their point this has to be conditioned on a permanent cease-fire -- call for a permanent cease-fire? my guess is that as biden drifts more critical of the netanyahu government he'll win some back but not all of them because their position is that he's allowed this situation in gaza to unfold by simply aligning with the netanyahu government. >>, read every word, especially sam stein's
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piece. >> only the ones written by lemere and stein. >> that's okay. we can do that. sam stein, deputy managing editor at politico, thank you for being with us this morning. still ahead we'll go live to cnbc for an early look what's driving the markets this morning. plus japan raises interest rates for the first time in nearly two decades. we'll dig into the policy reversal when we come right back. y reversal when we come right back
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[cough] honey... honey. nyquil severe honey. powerful cold and flu relief with a dreamy honey taste nyquil honey, time now for business, and for that let's bring in cnbc's charlotte reed who joins us live from london. good morning, charlotte. the markets are up slightly this morning ahead of some new guidance from the federal reserve. are analysts expecting the fed to make any significant changes to interest rates this month? >> absolutely, john, good morning. yes, futures kind of flat and
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european market also subdued because indeed the much awaited fed meeting is starting with a policy decision expected tomorrow. so what fed is not expected to move rates at this time around. all eyes on its economic projections and how many rate cuts it expects this year. and of course that comes after a hotter than expected inflation readings came in last week. a big mover in europe, though, is the food giant unilever and cut 7,500 jobs and hope to improve that performance that has been sending their shares higher in london, john. >> meanwhile, as we just teased before the break, some interesting news here, japan raising its interest rates for the first time in 17 years. tell us why they did it and what global impact it could have. >> indeed.
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the bank of japan ending eight years of negative interest rates in moving japan ffs first interest rate hike in 17 years. so the negative rate policy and other interest easing have been put in place to fight chronic deflation in the country as they try to stimulate the economy. the boj kept it close to zero and were not in a rush to raise the interest rates in the future. as i said japan's economic recovery is still fragile, but the move did spark a setoff in the yen against other major currencies. the bond yields slipping and the nikkei index closed slightly higher. >> lastly a major consulting firm is launching the largest restructuring in its global operations in a decade. tell us more. >> the biggest shakeup of its global operation in a decade according to the financial times. under the plan the businesses will be cut into four from five.
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currently the organization will modernize and simplify its strategy as well as cut costs and the structure expected to be put in place by june 2025, and of course this move comes after the four big accounting firms have been under pressure after demand after the pandemic as well as a series of missteps and scandals. >> all right, cnbc's charlotte reed, joining us live from london. thank you very much. still ahead here, several states will hold primary elections today as president biden and donald trump continue to shore up support among voters, but there's also some key down ballot races we're keeping an eye on. that will be next on "way too early." next on "way too early. ah, these guys are intense. with e*trade from morgan stanley, we're ready for whatever gets served up. dude, you gotta work on your trash talk. i'd rather work on saving for retirement. or college, since you like to get schooled. that's a pretty good burn, right?
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holding political primary said today. the top of the ballot stuff is pretty much settled. donald trump and joe biden to be their party's nominees. but there are also some congressional races to watch for. in ohio republicans are competing to take on incumbent democratic senator shah brown. brown up for re-election in november. trump has endorsed bernie romeno while mike dewine is supporting state senator, and frank lurose also running but polls are putting hemip a distant third place. and in california there's a special election to replace former speaker of the house kevin mccarthy. his seat opened up in december when he stepped down following his own party's decision to oust him as speaker. voters will see nine candidates on the ballot. whoever wins will serve out the remainder of mccarthy's term which is until january 2025. so we're looking at another election there in november. joining us now politics reporter for semafor.
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dave, good to see you this morning. so let's start with the ohio race. the associated press had some fascinating reporting in recent days, and they have that moreno's e-mail address was used to create an account on the website back in 2008. tell us more about that, and what's your sense of it? has that story helped or hurt moreno's campaign. >> a lot have done what donald trump endorsed candidates have done. this is also a story passed around in ohio political circles for quite some time, for a few weeks. a lot of media organizations looked into it, the ap went with it, with this contrast between the existence of the profile and the way moreo was running
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itself. he stuck to that defense and even though matt dolan, the state senator tied immediately started running ads about it. it shook up the race but his strategy is to say like donald trump i'm being lied about, like brett kavanaugh i'm being lied aboutch. >> these candidates to try to unset senator brown who's a democrat who keeps winning in ohio, which has become more and more of a red state, what's the perception from democrats as to the potential opponent and how close will this race become the general in november? >> well, democrats do want to run against moren, they've said so with their super pac spending a couple million dollars in the final weekend on ads promoting moreno. this friend finder story aside, they think he's a weaker
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candidate. he's flip-flopped on a number of issues over the years. he was a critic of trump. he's now maga. they think for various reasons he's more mallvable. only round one of the elections which were pretty good cycles for democrats. he's the last democrat standing in ohio. he and john tester of montana are the highest senators to defend this circle. they want a weak candidate in this race, they're not getting the weaker candidate they wanted in montana. ohio there narrowly hopeful to not make mistakes the way some candidates did. >> give us one or two other races from a state you're watching tonight or what sort of lessons we could learn from tonight's results we could apply to the presidential contest in november. >> yeah, the other races that are worth watching are mostly in illinois. in chicago danny kaydavis he's
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82 years old, not as active as he was. he's a progressive challenger apac is spending against. that's sort of a fight for the democratic party wrenching some of the older members out of office and replacing him with more progressive members. you have the incumbent facing a more conservative challenger running against him for spending bills. in ohio, though, you've got a couple of safe seats that are open, and each of them, these are safe republican seats, the incumbents them, the issue in the race is who is more like trump and who is more supportive of him? you're learning just how reinforced the maga brand and trump's personal power is in the republican primary, in these races. the people who are going to be running even in swing seats in ohio, running toward trump, too. in the ninth district, that's one we're going to be watching in november. marcy captor.
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it is a seat republicans gerrymandered to get her out of it, to be republican. the entire race became a mess for republicans because the candidate they recruited criticized trump on tape, enough for elise stefanik to drop the endorsement and have another candidate jump into the race. if you're tired of hearing of how the republican party is defining itself by trump, that's too bad because that's going to be the story in these primaries. the apec dollars being spent against progressive challenges will be the story for the next four, five months. >> it is donald trump's party. it grows more so by the day. semifor's dave weigle, thank you for joining us. >> thank you. congressional leaders reach a tentative deal to avoid a shutdown, but they face several hurdles ahead of friday's deadline. we'll get into that. coming up on "morning joe," donald trump is a few days away from potentially losing his
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business empire after failing to secure a bond for the $464 million civil fraud judgment against him in new york state. what trump is now saying, and the options he has left. plus, we'll hear from biden/harris campaign national advisory board member, democratic senator alex padilla of california, about the party's new efforts to mobilize latino voters as the president heads out west. "morning joe" just a few moments away.
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welcome back. congressional leaders have reached a deal on funding the government for the rest of the fiscal year. two sources familiar with the talks say negotiators have an agreement in principle for the homeland security portion of the package. that had been a sticking point. the rest of the legislation had been agreed to the end of last week. the dhs funding had been contentious as the clock ticked to friday's deadline. according to two sources, democrats were pushing for additional border security funding while republicans wanted more cash to go toward the
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agency's core mission, without elaborating as to what that is. joining us now, congressional reporter for "the hill," mychael schnell. thank you for being with us. tell us more about the deal. about, what hurdles still remain between now and the deadline on friday? >> hey, jonathan, good morning. really what we know right now about this agreement is that there is a deal on the table. the deal, in principle, to fund the department of homeland security through the end of the fiscal year. this was the final puzzle piece to the package of bills needed to avert a government shutdown. on friday, the details are still being worked out. crucially, the legislative text is still being written. there's going to be some time until we see the particulars here, but there's a host of hurdles in averting the shutdown. the deadline is friday at midnight. conservatives had been adamant in the house they need at least 72 hours to review any legislation that comes to the floor for a vote, particularly
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appropriations bills, especially as conservatives oppose these government funding bills. we have heard vocal opposition. with the 72 hours, if text is released by friday, by wednesday, we could be looking at a friday or saturday vote. just in the house. the senate is its own, you know, can of worms. you need 100 senators to sign on, unanimous consent to speed up the process. you don't get 100% agreement on anything in the senate, let alone a government funding bill. >> good progress but not done yet. let's look forward a little bit. if this, indeed, gets done, the government stays open, leadership suggested they'll move toward maybe ukraine funding next. you have some new reporting on that. what do you have? >> yeah, speaker johnson on a number of occasions has suggested, indicated that once government funding wrapped up -- and, remember, we are five and a half months into fiscal year 2024, so it should be wrapped up
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soon conventionally speaking -- the house would move to tackle ukraine aid, which has bedevilled lawmakers in the house for months. it's been a politically prickly topic. johnson says he'll attack it head on, but that raises questions on how exactly the house will go ahead with sending additional aid to ukraine. speaker johnson has thrown cold water on a number of occasions at the senate foreign aid bill which included aid for ukraine, israel, taiwan, and -- and taiwan. we've seen house conservatives throw cold water on that. johnson says he plans to move ahead with the ukraine aid bill but it'll look different from the senate bill. he told "politico" in a subsequent interview this will be standalone. critically, he expects it to move under suspension of the rules, requiring two-thirds support of passage.
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it means you're getting the buy-in from democrats. of course, we heard johnson on a number of occasions saying ukraine aid must be paired with border security. how does he expect a package to includes the ukraine aid and border security and still get democrats on board? it seems the more he talks about his expectations for the package, the more questions it raises. >> certainly, the white house pushing for the ukraine funding for quite some time. lastly, you mentioned border security. democrats are really going on the offensive right now. it's part of this deal that should be worked out to week. also, they're trying to make it part of the upcoming campaign. tell us more about that push. >> yeah, we've seen in poll after poll, jonathan, in recent months in talking about the 2024 election, voters are most concerned and interested about the border and immigration. it's surpassed the economy in a number of polls. it's surpassed abortion and women's reproductive rights in a number of the surveys. both parties are trying to go on the offensive when they discuss border security and immigration reform. of course, for months, we've
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seen republicans do this, really hammering at the biden administration for the situation at the southern border. we've also seen democrats try to use this topic to their advantage, particularly in new york last month when tom suozzi notched a win with the district, from red to blue, largely because he went on the offensive about immigration reform. saying the senate bill should have been passed. saying democrats should attack this issue head on. as we see voters become increasingly concerned about immigration and the border, expect both parties to try to, you know, make gains on that and really capitalize it on the campaign trail. >> yeah, the biden re-election team believes the same. i think we'll hear from the president when he heads to arizona this week. congressional reporter for "the hill," mychael schnell, thank you, as always. appreciate it. thanks to all of you for getting up "way too early" on this tuesday morning. "morning joe" starts right now. former president trump's lawyers said that trump is unable to pay the


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