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tv   Katy Tur Reports  MSNBC  March 20, 2024 12:00pm-1:01pm PDT

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. good to be with you. i'm katy tur. governor greg abbott has the immigration showdown he has been looking for. if the fifth circuit court of appeals agrees with him, he could win. texas lawyers went against the biden administration claiming there's an invasion at the border. the administers sees it differently that the feds and only the feds have the authority to enforce immigration law. we'll have to wait for what the
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fifth circuit does decide. in the meantime, there is serious concern at the border over how sb4 enforcement would actually work. abbott has spent $10 billion to deploy the national guard along the border. he has bussed more than one thousand migrants to cities like chicago, and new york. and what will he do if sb4 does end up standing? and does he have local law enforcement on his side? joining us now, nbc news homeland security correspondent julia ainsley, and nbc white house correspondent monica alba. if you look at this, texas saying they want to enforce immigration, that this would be a thing that texas law enforcement would want to do, that they would be on board with this. but when you ask local law enforcement, you get something of a different answer. julia, what do they say?
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>> reporter: well, a lot of them say they just don't have the resources. if you look at smaller towns in texas counties, that are stretched so thin. they don't have the resources to arrest people at traffic stops who they might suspect entered the country illegally. it's not clear that they're going to get anymore funding to carry this out. it doesn't just stop with them. they would then have to send that person who's arrested to a prosecutor who's already having to balance whether or not they prosecute the dangerous criminal or the migrant who's living peacefully in the country, although illegally. there are a lot of questions about resources and exactly how they would do this. training is a big question. to us judges who have never been trained in immigration law because that's always been handled by immigration judges appointed by the justice department to ask them to all of a sudden decide who can and who can't stay in the country is really tough. and i think that's part of what we're hearing today in the oral arguments for the fifth circuit,
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on whether the stay should remain. they haven't ironed out a lot of details. >> did you get a sense of where the fifth circuit stands on this as we're listening to the oral arguments? >> texas didn't look so hot today, katy. we saw the solicitor general not be able to answer basic questions. if a migrant crosses the border illegally in arizona and comes in to texas, where does that stand? does texas have the right to arrest and deport that person? and the solicitor general said frankly, i can't answer that question. this was a last minute emergency oral argument session that called together based on the stay because of what the supreme court did yesterday. maybe not everybody was prepared. you would think they might have been given the answers when sb4 was signed into law in the first place. they made the argument, the solicitor general for texas that they're doing this because the biden administration has abdicated their responsibility. the justice department lawyer said that's absolutely not the case. they can point to, you know, hundreds of thousands of arrests
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and deportations that have happened during the biden administration, and so although the fifth circuit does tend to side with texas, today it wasn't faring so well for them. >> it's a pretty conservative court. monica, the biden administration and governor greg abbott have been clashing for years now. this is just the latest instance. what is the administration hoping to do? >> reporter: and the white house has been really clear in the wake of this that they fundamentally disagreed with that decision by the supreme court yesterday, and that they welcomed and are pleased that the appeals court did step in and essentially pause the situation because they argue that sb4, this law in texas, not only would make communities less safe but would also burden law enforcement as you were just discussing and sow this chaos and confusion at the southern border. the white house and the biden administration are arguing that this is just another example of republican officials politicizing the border while blocking real solutions. so this really, if you zoom out,
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katy, is this larger conversation about what the white house can and cannot do when it comes to comprehensive immigration reform. the way the president wanted to approach this is through congress. that's why he set out some of his people to take part in the negotiation with congress and the bipartisan border deal that they wanted to see get across the finish line but that ultimately was blocked by some of the very republicans who were a part of the negotiations. they wanted that to be able to be signed into law because it would have been in the eyes of the white house the toughest measures that we have seen in years when it comes to the border. and it would have provided what they argue is essential funding to hire more personnel to be able to handle the influx of migrants. so because that cannot exist, because it is not proceeding, they say, for political reasons, they say this is something that the federal government still needs to take the lead on, that it shouldn't be up to the states and there shouldn't be this sort of patch work that becomes
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totally confusing when you look at the different states and migrants were of course crossing in multiple places. they are saying they want the administration to be able to -- >> joining us now, mayor of laredo, texas, dr. victor trevino. mr. mayor, thank you for being with us. what's your position on sb4? >> first of all, thank you for having me. i think we are in uncharted waters, you know, it's one thing to visit or see the border on tv and completely different to actually work and live here. you know, we have had several discussions with border mayors. they have great concerns like me. this is not a long-term solution what they're doing. >> well, give me the reality of what it's like to live on the border right now? >> well, on the border, we have
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a great financial relationships, and we know that we pay a huge cost in arresting and imprisoning, deporting these individuals. what is typically a federal responsibility that would burden our local system. and border patrol agents go to the academy for this type of training, and immigration judges here on the immigration cases, local law enforcement are busy doing what they do and what they're trained for, so these are the things that we see here, and that would be totally difficult for them to engage in this type of activity. and mexico has already said that they will not accept deportation from local municipalities and the state of texas. and they are stuck on the international bridge. they be stuck there, all the immigrants would be stuck on the bridges because mexico would not take them. these are real things we have to look at. >> you're saying that logistically speaking, this would be overburdensome for you
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and your officials? >> yes, definitely. you know, and some victims that are victims of crime here that they're not legally here will be afraid to report their crimes because of fear being deported. so that's another thing that crime might increase because of that. >> the state of texas, the governor of texas is calling what's happening at the border an invasion. would you characterize it that way? >> you know, there's different parts of the border, here in laredo, texas, we have the least migrant crossings of the border cities because we have a big bi-national collaboration. we solve problems because we communicate and collaborate. this is the way to do things, and i would encourage the federal government to speak in this fashion so they could coordinate things. immigrants are not here to cause
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crime or just be around. they're here to work, and they are family units sometimes. that's not the reality that's being perceived or portrayed by some people. >> what is the solution, then? i mean, congress, at least the senate, had a bill. senate wouldn't vote on it. house wouldn't take it up even if they did. did you see that as a solution or do you have other ideas? >> we know that immigration laws are antiquated. they're dysfunctional, and anybody that tries to enforce these antiquated immigration laws will fail. so i think the best thing to do is to get collaboration with our partners in mexico because most of the immigrants are not from mexico, they're from south america and other places in the world. two governments had to get together, be on the same page, create a common sense immigration new reform, and i think that's a way to go, rather than putting band-aids or border
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walls. we need to create legal work programs for the immigrants that are here already. >> do you see the federal government, i mean, you're talking about working with mexico. the federal government working with texas or is this too ingrained in politics for there to be an actual solution? >> well, we have to understand that we have to follow the supremacy clause, federal government, immigration is a federal issue, and they have their duties. we're all americans, but we have to follow the laws. the supremacy clause entitles federal government the state, supercedes local laws and at the end, they have to look that everything ties up to humanitarian efforts. >> mr. mayor, thank you very much, the mayor of laredo, texas, dr. victor d. trevino, we appreciate your time, sir. >> thank you, you're welcome.
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still ahead, what new york's attorney general says she will do if donald trump cannot post bond. democrats and republicans got their choice on the ballot. surprise, it's the same person. what congressman jared moskowitz was trying to say while wearing a vladimir putin mask in the house today. we are back in 60 seconds. me sq? (shouting) i can't! i'm just telling everyone! ...hey! see your tax refund go further with buy one get one free at visionworks. see the difference. >> tech: at safelite, we'll take care of fixing your windshield. but did you know we can take care of your insurance claim? that means less stress for you. >> woman: thanks. >> tech: my pleasure. have a good one. >> woman: you too. >> tech: schedule today at >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ there's always a fresh deal on the subway app. how about bogo 50% off footlongs? like the irresistible philly. what'd you got to say klay? there's nothing better than a sub— —sorry buddy. this deal is so big,
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precisely why the bond companies were unwilling to accept those assets. joining me now, nbc news senior correspondent garrett haake. so, garrett, do you have a sense of where the trump team actually stand? are they actually having trouble finding bond or is this brinkmanship? >> reporter: i have been told there's some concern and frustration around mar-a-lago and the trump inner circle that this issue has dragged on as long as it has, and they do not have the bond issue figured out at least as of yet, and in fact, that some trump allies, it's not entirely clear who, are trying to figure out if it's possible to get donors to guarantee some of the bond on trump's behalf. there's not a solution here yet. the candidate is known as somebody who doesn't necessarily panic in these kinds of situations but the clock is ticking, and i think you could end up in basically a stare down here between trump and the a.g about how far they want to push the issue. the prospect of trump properties getting sized or agents of the
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state of new york, taking over the properties is exactly the thing that could fire up trump's base. he's fundraising off that very prospect. >> you're talking about fundraising. let's also talk about the money needed to go into the campaign, fundraising for his legal fees, not to mention this giant bond he's looking for. how much is that diverting his ability to campaign? >> reporter: it's hard to say exactly, katy. this is an issue across the board for donald trump right now. he needs cash now. he needs it for his legal defense. he needs it to put up this bond, and he needs it to fund the 50-state campaign, and right now he's behind. he's behind the biden team in terms of cash on hand, and we already know that he's planning a huge fundraiser with some gop megadonors early april. we were able to report this earlier today with an $850,000 asking price. if you want to be a host, basically, of this event. so by the way, that money would also go between the campaign, the rnc, and his save america pack that pays some of his legal
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bills. we have not seen trump on the campaign trail on his own behalf in quite a while. remember that rally in ohio was paid for by a super pac supporting bernie moreno. they are singularly focused on the money portion of this puzzle in mar-a-lago right now. >> a lot of money. garrett, thank you very much. joining us now former assistant district attorney at the manhattan d.a.'s office and msnbc legal analyst, catherine christian. good to have you. what do you expect to happen between now and monday? >> well, the trump attorneys are hoping that the appellate division gives them a stay, meaning they don't have to pay. or says, okay, 100 million is enough bond. and if they don't do that, the attorney general is going to go to court. let's make it clear. it's not going to happen in one day. she'll go to court. send her attorneys, and they will attempt to seize assets in liquid and property. let me also explain, little
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people, i'll say the regular people who have judgments against them in new york throughout this country find that they can't get into their bank accounts, why? because, you know, it's been attached. they have liens put on their homes. so this happens to regular people, so $50,000 to a modest means person is like a half a billion dollars judgment. so the sympathy factor for trump. you think about this happens every day, where people who have judgments against them are having their assets seized. this is not unusual. the amount is unusual. but it's not unusual. >> it is a lot of money. if the attorney general tries to seize, i don't know, trump tower, can she then sell it off to get cash for it? >> well, remember, there is also a monitor that was put in place for the trump organization. the former federal judge who will have some say in that. and the attorney general in their reply said, you know, why
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are you trump lawyers just going to a single bond company from a single surety. why don't you try to get a bunch of bond companies, get multiple bonds, so they even gave them an option. so i don't know if it's brinkmanship, but there are other options that the trump organization, that the trump lawyers have not investigated. that's what the attorney general has said. >> and the a.g. is saying they don't even know what donald trump's team has even been offering, whether they have been offering any surety, any bond company the full scope of properties or if they're hand picking things they know aren't going to get approved as collateral. let me ask you about what happened today in georgia. judge scott mcafee made it so that donald trump and the other codefendants can sue to try to overrule his ruling, deciding to let fani willis stay on the case. why is he allowing this? >> he, i think, in trying to be fair, he's allowing them to appeal to the georgia court of
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appeals. he basically said that the order order is of such importance that the case is entitled to immediate review. one could argue whether that's true. what the judge did say is we're not putting the case on hold. we're going to continue going through unrelated pretrial motions and move this toward trial, unless the court of appeals comes forward and says stop that. so the case is still on track to one day go to trial. that's not going to happen in august. so he did at least say that. >> we also have this really interesting misquote from the case on immunity. donald trump's team is citing in their brief justice kavanaugh, and this is how they're citing kavanaugh. a president who is concerned about an ongoing criminal investigation is almost inevitably going to do a worse job as president. brett kavanaugh. the same conclusion holds that criminal investigation is waiting in the wings until he
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leaves office. but that's not entirely what brett kavanaugh has said. he said a president who is concerned about an ongoing criminal investigation is almost inevitably going to do a worse job as president. one might raise two important critiques of these ideas, he goes on to say, the first one is that no one is above the law in our system of government. i strongly agree with that principle. but it is not ultimately a persuasive criticism of these suggestions. here's the full screen of the further point. the point is not to put the president above the law or to eliminate checks on the president but simply to defer litigation and investigations until the president is out of office. so they're not quoting him entirely accurately. what might that mean for their argument in front of brett kavanaugh on april 25th? >> well, courts do not like it when attorneys file papers that contain inaccurate information,
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and this clearly is not just that it was taken out of context. the way they made their argument is, like you said, exactly the opposite of what justice kavanaugh was saying. so i expect that the special counsel will point that out when they reply, and also i would think that justice kavanaugh, as with any judge would be upset when they are quoted out of context. >> what did you make of the brief that donald trump submitted on immunity. it's largely the same as the brief he submitted and they argued in front of the court of appeals in d.c.? >> they're consistent is what they argued in front of judge chutkan, the d.c. court of appeals and now they're hoping that the supreme court will also, you know, hopefully not affirm the d.c. circuit. it's the same argument, they have to be consistent. i believe it's a losing argument. we'll find out after the oral arguments a april 25th.
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>> catherine christian, thank you very much. is there anywhere left to go? where republicans did and didn't get in their impeachment hearing, and what was one lawmaker trying to get out of wearing a vladimir putin mask? first, though, how both democrats and donald trump got their preferred senate gop candidate in ohio. candidate in ohio.
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chain entrepreneur, bernie moreno, won the gop senate primary in ohio last night, riding to victory on the strength of donald trump's endorsement, but perhaps also on the strength of a democratic effort to paint him as a, quote, maga conservative. meaning both democrats and donald trump have their chosen gop contender. joining us from cleveland, ohio, is nbc news correspondent jesse kirsch. democrats and donald trump wanted the same guy, why? >> reporter: at least some democrats, katy. there was some funding put behind an advertisement to boost bernie moreno, painting him as someone aligned with former president trump. moreno does not shy away from the former president. he campaigned on the trail with the former president over the weekend. we have seen governor kristi noem, kari lake. big name hard right conservative figures have been touts bernie moreno. some democrats think that is a better matchup for senator
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sherrod brown in the fall. they're not the only ones who seem to want moreno. we looked at exit polling. we found that the majority, most of the republican primary voters here in ohio felt that it was important for the next senator in ohio to have support for the former president. and we saw on the opposite side of this match up between moreno and state senator matt dolan, a third candidate in the race. really if you turn on the tv and looked at the advertisements, it was dolan and moreno. and dolan said he differed from the former president on rhetoric. even he was trying to embrace the former president from a policy standpoint, and that speaks to donald trump's finger print being all over the party moving forward. moreno has to bring together moderate republicans to those aligned with the former president, and spoke to that at his victory speech. here's part of what he shared. >> i think what we have to do now is as a fully united party,
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understand we have one mission, which is to get rid of sherrod brown. >> reporter: now, the question, katy, is can he fully unite the party. some voters told our team if matt dolan was not the nominee for the republican party, they would not be voting for another republican candidate. so while sherrod brown is seen as one of the more vulnerable if not the most vulnerable democratic senators up for reelection this fall, it's not clear if the republicans will be able to fully coalesce their base around the chosen nominee, which is bernie moreno, at least some people have been put off by the former president. the question is how many of them are there, and will it make a difference in the fall. >> sherrod brown has had the seat for a long time. well known in the state of ohio. ohio has been pretty red for the last few election cycles. jesse kirsch, thank you very much. and a hunter biden no show, lev parnas, a federal prisoner
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serving 14 years for fraud and a democratic lawmaker wearing a vladimir putin mask have in common? they were all part of a house hearing on capitol hill today. naturally. joining us now is nbc news capitol hill correspondent ryan nobles. i say that with a little bit of, oh, god, with an acknowledgment to the unseriousness of the day. what happened? >> reporter: i hope you're not looking to come up with a punch line for your joke there. i'm not sure. >> i think the punch line is just capitol hill. that's the joke. >> reporter: maybe on many levels, but, yeah, i do think there's a big question as to what the purpose of the hearing was today. all of these witnesses in some form or fashion have already testified about what they know or don't know about this allegation that the house republicans have basically established here, that joe biden was complicit in his son's foreign business dealings, what we're still falling short of,
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though, is evidence. and one of the ways that democrats tried to rebut the claims that republicans have made is by bringing lev parnas into the conversation. he, of course, was a former associate of rudy giuliani, who served as donald trump's personal attorney, and lev parnas said that he was asked by rudy giuliani to specifically go to ukraine and dig up dirt on joe biden, try and find this hard evidence that republicans have been in search of for the better part of eight years. this is what lev parnas told the committee today that he found. >> i found precisely zero evidence of the biden's corruption in ukraine. no credible sources ever provided proof of criminal activity, not the fbi, cia, nor the nsa. >> and what republicans did, though, is they did outline some of the different pieces of evidence, circumstantial evidence that they have uncovered as part of their investigation through their star witness, tony bobulinski who talked about a speakerphone
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conversation and other examples of where he believed that hunter biden was using his father to influence peddle around the world to drum up business interests. a lot of tony bobulinski's connections came after joe biden was already out of office, and they still have yet to demonstrate any sort of hard evidence that joe biden used his office of the vice presidency to help his son in any way, shape or form. the big question is, do they have the goods to bring this impeachment inquiry to the floor for a full house vote. when you talk to most republicans, they say the answer is no, katy. >> ryan nobles, you wrapped that up well for us. thank you very much. and still ahead, what president biden is dropping on arizona today, and what reaction he is getting for it. there he is. first up, though, an arizona lawmaker got very personal. what she told her colleagues in a speech on the state house floor. floor. wiffle tennis. pickle! yeah, aw! whoo! ♪♪
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two years ago while i was campaigning for this senate seat, i became pregnant with what we later determined was a non-viable pregnancy. it was a pregnancy that we had been trying for and we were heartbroken over it. but now i wish i could tell you otherwise, but after numerous ultrasounds and blood draws, we have determined that my pregnancy is once again not progressing, and is not viable. and once again, i have scheduled an appointment to terminate my
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pregnancy. i don't think people should have to justify their abortions, but i'm choosing to talk about why i made this decision because i want us to be able to have meaningful conversations about the reality of how the work that we do in this body impacts people in the real world. >> an arizona lawmaker got personal on the state house floor on monday, telling her colleagues she was pregnant, or is pregnant with a baby who will not survive. she described the multiple blood tests confirming her doctor's diagnosis, the clinic that forced an invasive transvaginal ultrasound that neither she nor her doctor wanted and painful conversations about abortion alternatives as if her baby would survive when she knew that was impossible. everything that women now have to go through in the state of arizona to get an abortion before 15 weeks. experiences she called cruel. joining us now, linda d. and timothy j. o'neill, professor of constitutional law and global
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health policy at georgetown law school and author of "policing the womb," invisible women and the criminalization of mother hood. michelle goodwin. it's really good to have you. this is clearly difficult for her, and we're told some republican lawmakers in the state house left as she was saying it. what is the point that she's getting across here? >> well, she's humanizing an experience that far too often amongst those who are antiabortion seek to turn away from, just as you were mentioning colleagues in that chamber leaving as she was talking about it. the real world implications of what it means to be pregnant. something that's been divorced from the abortion ban, from lawmakers who want to ban abortion and even from our supreme court. what she's speaking to is something that the supreme court in 2016 acknowledged which is that a woman is 14 times more
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likely to carrying a pregnancy to term than by having an abortion. roughly about 20% of pregnancies, 20 to 30% will not result in the delivery of a child, even for people who want that experience because of miscarriage and stillbirth. what she's relating to is that there's a kind of falsehood that everybody conception, every pregnancy ends in a birth, a perfect birth. and that just simply isn't the reality, and it hasn't been since there have ever been human beings on this planet. >> and is she also trying to say that every abortion is not an abortion because someone just didn't want the baby. abortions come for all different reasons. >> well, that's absolutely right. i mean, part of the strategy that is, i mean, she's telling a heartfelt story. she's delivering the story that she shouldn't have to. and for those who are coming forward in those stories, they
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are really trying to help dispel what had been some of the stereotypes, the stigmas associated with pregnancy stories that lead to abortion, including the fact that here irresponsible women, women who engaged in sex when they, you know, should have been more careful, she's telling a story like so many others we have heard from texas, tennessee and other states, people who otherwise wanted their pregnancies. she wasn't trying to get pregnant. she's a mother of two. she was surprised by this pregnancy. but she's had a miscarriage before, and she's trying to tell a story about people who want to have a pregnancy, who yet still won't necessarily survive a pregnancy or the fetus that they're gestating will not necessarily survive the pregnancy either. and she's trying to normalize that story. she's trying to humanize it, because we have become so far removed from the realities, the scientific, the health
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realities, the human rights realities, too of pregnancy. >> how do you see this? i know democrats are relying on this being a motivating issue in november, and they see this as something that they can make -- they can force change on if biden gets a second term. what could biden do in his second term? >> that's a really good question. if biden is reelected to a second term, what may actually happen is that there may be republicans who turn back to old guard republicanism as it relates to pregnancy. let's remember roe v. wade was a 7-2 opinion. five of those seven justices were republican appointed. the justice who wrote the opinion in roe, just blackman was put on the court by richard nixon, and planned parenthood versus casey, you have justices o'connor and kennedy, both republican appointed that further reaffirm roe v. wade. think about the former president, george h.w. bush,
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when he helped to get title 10, which has reproductive health care for americans, this is basic health care. nixon agreed, and his father prescott bush was the treasurer for planned parenthood. one possibility, with a second biden turn, it may turn republicans who thought this was a winning issue to realize that it's not. let women control their own reproductive health care. much in the same way that the old guard republicans understood and appreciated decades ago. >> that's a really interesting point. michelle goodwin, thank you very much. and coming up, what president biden is announcing in arizona as we speak. and baseball is back. first game played in south korea today, and that right there was not the only first. we'll show you a pretty crazy blooper when we come back. e com. when i have customers come in and ask for something for memory, i recommend prevagen.
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president biden is in arizona today where he just announced nearly $20 billion in tech investments to that state. the administration says the money will bring semiconductor chips manufacturing back to america, and 30,000 jobs along with it. and maybe if they're lucky, they say, joe biden back to the white house. joining us now from chandler, arizona, is nbc news correspondent vaughn hillyard. that is the sub text of today's announcement, is it not, vaughn? >> reporter: absolutely is. this is an official white house event that just took place, but
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this is part of the campaign message, particularly in a pivotal state like arizona that the biden administration was effectively able to create manufacturing jobs here in the united states of america. today's announcement of this $8.5 billion award to the intel corporation here in arizona goes directly towards two new semiconductor chip manufacturing plants here in chandler, arizona. more than 3,000 actual manufacturing jobs, 7,000 construction jobs, of course this comes two years after intel announced a $20 billion manufacturing chip facility in ohio that is currently under construction. this is part of what the biden administration's pitch is to the public at large, and i can tell you here, katy, that when we're talking about chips, you know, for a long time the chip designs have come -- have been made domestically here but have been outsourced for actual production, particularly to taiwan, where more than 60% of
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chips globally are actually manufactured. of course when we're talking about china aggression and a potential chinese invasion of taiwan, that's particularly where the concern around u.s. domestic chip production comes in to play. just about 10% of chips globally are made here in the united states, and 0 of actually the most sophisticated, most advanced chips here, and that is why that bipartisan 2022 chips and science act piece of legislation, the biden administration touts, is so key. when you're talking about the impact on voters, i can tell you, as the son of a 28-year employee of intel himself, who my father was a chip engineer, i can tell you, jobs are a big deal in places like this, and i was talking to the mayor of phoenix, gabe gallego who told me, look, it's more than those 3,000 jobs, but it has a ripple effect on other semiconductor manufacturing plants, smaller companies here. i was talking to one who has 35 employees, and it's a trickle down effect on the communities
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much larger than even though 3,000 employees in the chandler area. >> you're talking about remembering, thinking about your dad issue i know i'm not the only one out there every time we say chips, thinking of a bag of doritos, you're making me very hungry, vaughn. vaughn hillyard in arizona, i'm going to leave it there. thank you very much, my friend, and coming up next, don't go anywhere, because we're going to do baseball, and we're going to do it with a very special guest, and i, believe it or not, am going to do some highlights. don't go anywhere. feeling claritin clear is like... ♪♪
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now. you'll see why. opening day came early this year. the los angeles dodgers and san diego padres faced off in seoul, south korea. it was mlb's first game in the country. baseball is big in asia, perhaps bigger than here. let's go to the video tape. tied at 2-2. ground ball right through the glove of the padre's infielder. dodgers up 3-2. take another look right here. the ball actually goes through the glove. this is not the right one. this is not why i do sports. we have the go ahead single here. it was an electric debut for othani who just signed the largest contract in baseball history.
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co-host of "cbs mornings" and husband to me joins us to talk about this. i'm nervous having you here. >> i just came from the make-up room where we met. one of our first dates was to a mets game. this is my almost ten-year anniversary return to msnbc. >> let's talk about baseball. the debut game in south korea. i know this is a big deal. you talk about it incessantly. >> baseball is probably bigger in asia than america. the world baseball classic last year korea versus japan, that game got 62 million viewers in japan. it's not just america's past time anymore. it's global. i feel good about baseball here in the u.s. you heard me go on these rants. baseball is not dead.
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baseball got 70 million people to buy a ticket and walk through a gate last year, that's 50 more million people than went to a basketball game. a tuesday game in milwaukee gets ten times more people than a baseball. >> they have night games. how do they get kids to watch if they can't stay up to watch a game. >> millions of kids, including our son, play baseball. korea is a great example of how much fun a baseball game is. you have seoul, they have drums and fight songs. ohtani, a billion dollar contract for him. it's a bigger business than
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basketball. baseball's doing great. this is an example of it. i'm so excited for the season and our dodgers, katy, are going to go all the way. >> you blew that question. let me ask this question. i want to show the blooper again. is this a ball that is hit so hard that it broke through the glove or is this -- >> it's obviously not hit very hard. it's like a two-hopper. i don't know the deep psychological history here, but i don't think he was tying the strings tight. it might be an old glove. it might be a lucky glove. >> have you ever seen that happen before? >> people will say this is why baseball is not exciting because this is a slow roller to first going through the mitt. it's a past time. by the way, the rules, shout out to the commissioner, the rules to speed up the game have worked
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wonders. >> have they worked? >> it's faster. you have plenty of time to eat hot dogs and drink beer, which is the point of baseball. it's a 180-year-old sport. >> you think the dodgers are going all the way. what about the other team close to our hearts, the mets? >> the mets, there's not a lot of hope for the mets. there was a lot of hope last year. they spent a lot of money and did terribly. >> how about the orioles? >> there's the most optimism for any team in the country. we're doing it. we're going. we're taking a road trip. >> oh, baseball is in good shape. you think there's a strong future for it. are the dodgers going to have another -- i don't know. i feel like i have trauma from past seasons.
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>> ohtani -- there's a good chance he's going to be playing in october because he's on our dodgers. he's protected. he has mookie betts in front of him, freddie freeman after him. they have to go after him. he's a dh. he's not going to have to pitch. you'll see him hit all year. >> i'm giving you the wrap sign. >> we'll finish it over dinner. >> now go home and pick up your socks, my love. tony, thank you for coming in and saving the day and talking baseball. that does it for me today. "deadline: white house" starts right now. ♪♪ ♪♪ hi, everyone. it's 4:00 in new york. i'm alicia menendez in nor nicolle wallace.
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the disgraced,


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