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tv   Chris Jansing Reports  MSNBC  March 22, 2024 10:00am-11:00am PDT

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complete exception is of putin. and would still be in prison but for a pardon from donald trump, mr. manafort, because of his activities involved with russia, putting him back in doesn't make any sense to me. >> senator mark warner, thank you. and that does it for this edition of andrea mitchell reports. follow the show on social media. and you can also rewatch highlights from the show anytime on youtube. go to chris jansing reports starts right now. and i'm yasmin vossoughian in for chris jansing. could we be on the verge of a second speaker showdown in less than a year? marjorie taylor greene issuing what she calls a, quote, warning to mike johnson indicating his days could be numbered. and all this on a day the house
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passed a spending package in an attempt to avert a government shutdown with just hours left before the midnight deadline. and plus the deepening dwid over the next phase in gaza. benjamin netanyahu insisting that military operation in rafah is the only way to defeat hamas. secretary blinken saying it could have the opposite effect. and donald trump attorneys insisted neither he are nor in-else is able to came cover the nearly half a billion dollars. but he may have it after all it so what is going on? and we want to begin with the breaking news as another potential battle for speaker of the house unfolds. last hour republican marjorie taylor greene filed a motion to oust speaker mike johnson. >> today i filed a motion to
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vacate after speaker johnson has portrayed our conference. it is time to choose a new speaker. >> and this is right after the house passed a bill to finish stopping a shutdown. and more members voted against it than for it. this is just other five months after speaker mccarthy was removed. let's discuss. ryan, what happens with this motion to vacate? >> well, at this point it is just a threat. marjorie taylor greene did not make it privileged which means that it doesn't necessarily have to come to the floor in any specified amount of time.
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basically means that she has it there, it is filed with the clerk. what she believes it is time to make a move, she can do that. this is her way of telling mike johnson you're on notice. i'm unhappy and i'd like to see you change course. listen to what greene said after she filed that motion. >> i filed the motion to vacate, but it is more of a warning than a pink slip. i don't want to inflict pain on our conference, but this is basically a warning and it is time for us to go through the process, take our time, and find a new speaker of the house that will stand with republicans and our complain majority instead of standing with the democrats. >> part of the reason that marjorie taylor greene oig may not want to put it on the floor yet is because she may not have the votes to oust speak e the votes to oust speakr
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johnson.want to put it on the f is because she may not have the votes to oust speaker johnson. everyone some democrats said that she would vote to keep johnson in office. so johnson is trying to brush it off. greene saying thathe listens to the members. and so the one thing we haven't talked about yet is that they did pass the spending plan which means that they will likely avoid a partial government shutdown. but no good deed goes unpunished. and speaker johnson facing the wrath of his conference. >> and so any chance that speaker johnson could actually
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call marjorie taylor greene's bluff and bring the motion to the floor for a vote? >> i doubt he would take that risk at least not at this point. you know, margins right now are so small between republicans and democrats. it wouldn't take that much to topple him from office. and if marjorie taylor greene oig can convince two of three of her colleagues, she could do that. he would prefer not to deal with it at all.colleagues, she could. he would prefer not to deal with it at all. and just see what happens. >> and this is a caucus that has already struggled to get things done amongst and amidst the drama we've seen going on in the republican caucus. how much more likely is this to further paralyze that caucus? >> how much more can it be paralyzed? the implication here is not that speaker johnson will see his gavel taken away, if she wanted to, she would have filed
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privilege. she didn't. it is a threat. i think downstream the real question mark is what does johnson do, what does the speaker do about the standalone bill to pass aid for israel, taiwan. that is always a heavy lift. seems that marjorie taylor greene is saying if you go forward with that, i have this motion right here, i will file it. and i will recruit republicans to join me. it only takes a handful. and then at that point the question then can come to democrats, do you move to save speaker johnson in hopes that he goes forward with ukraine. so i really don't being that this was a necessary a reaction to the government funding bill. i really do think this is about future legislation specifically around ukraine which marjorie taylor greene says she does not want to see.
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>> so what could it mean for ukraine aid and getting that across the finish line with this threat now looming out there for speaker johnson? >> yeah, i think this is part of marjorie taylor greene's strategy. she knew that there was going to be no scenario in which she would stop the funding bill from going forward. but ukraine aid is one of the things that she's been most insistent about. and she's told speaker johnson that she does not want to see ukraine aid brought to the floor. speaker johnston is open to that. but they won't deal with it until they could back from the two week recess. but i think this is her saying this is on the clerk's desk and if you bring ukraine aid to the floor, i'll take the next step and push this motion to vacate. but i have to tell you, if speaker johnson does put ukraine aid on the floor, i think that you will see a rush of democrats come to support him. i talked to a national security
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democrat, former cia agent, who is in no way interested in protecting mike johnson. but she told me that if he does the responsible thing in her mind and brings ukraine aid to the floor, then she would be open to the conversation of preventing the chaos from taking place again. so there is a balancing act by all sides in this. >> let's think about the position we're currently in in that speaker mike johnson is a fervent supporter of his donald trump. and there is a potential in which democrats could come to his aid, could come to his savior, or saving i should say, to getting a krot the finish line of the ukraine aid. and it is not just greene who is disagreeing with the way in which mike johnson has carried out things.
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let's listen to mike roy. >> there is always an excuse for what we can't do. always a reason. majority is too thin. oh, i'd be there with you if i could wave my magic wand. there is always an excuse for republicans to fail. we're here to say that we're going to succeed for the american people. >> they ousted kevin mccarthy. this is the leadership that they wanted. >> these are people who do not ubz understand or refuse to accept the basic rules of governing. what has mike johnson done? exactly the same thing that kevin mccarthy did.what has mik? exactly the same thing that kevin mccarthy did. and marjorie taylor greene was
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one of kevin mccarthy's supporters and she stuck by him but eventually ousted him. so she's now attacking speaker johnson for doing the same things that kevin mccarthy did. which is understanding that republicans don't have the votes to do any of this alone so that they ever to rely on democrats. mike johnson was clear this week when some members wanted more time to review a bill, he said we have to govern. mike johnson knows that there is only one playbook in the house which is to pass these important bills with bipartisan support. >> and we talked about in the past how this rule of only taking one member to file a motion to vacate the congressman would come back to haunt republicans. and we're seeing the fruits of that now. >> that's right. kevin mccarthy cut a deal with the members because he so badly wanted to on become speaker. and he gave them the weapon that they ended up killing him with and now the weapon is being used against mike johnson. i do think the difference is now
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as ryan said earlier, there is a good number of republicans who don't want to walk down this pathogen even a lot of them more hard line concern members. a lot want to get things done in the house and don't want another embarrassing two or three weeks as houses try to find a new speaker. but zooming out a bitter who, here, this should have been a good day. speaker johnson could have given the opportunity to say hey, we did the right thing. >> and so talk about the uphill battle or challenges ahead in the senate to avoid a government shutdown. >> i think that it will happen,
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just a matter of timing. there are certainly the votes necessary to passes legislation, but as we know, the senate has a very deliberative procedural process and any one senator can hold it up and make it foe over and extended period of time. so what senators are doing, they are huddling behind closed doors and coming up with a vehicle that would appease the small group of senators who don't want to see it passed or at least want to see it moved up. eventually they will get it done. it could take up to the midnight deadline. the recession many are anxious anxious to begin.
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susan collins just lost her mother and they want to get it wrapped up in time for her to be at the funeral. and so i do expect that there will be somewhat of a lag path in the senate. >> and thank you all. appreciate it. and coming up, intentions reaching a new boiling point over how to handle the war in hamas. what we know about the frank and direct meeting between secretary of state and israeli prime minister. etween secretary of state and israeli prime minister there's nothing better than a subway series footlong. except when you add an all new footlong sidekick. like the philly with a new $2 footlong churro. sometimes the sidekick is the main event. you would say that. every epic footlong deserves the perfect sidekick. wanna know how i get this glow?! i get ready with new olay indulgent moisture body wash. it smells amazing and gives my skin over the top moisture! from dull to visibly glowing in 14 days!
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♪♪ see the difference with olay. more than a million are on the verge ever starvation and israel is weighing the possibility of all out assaults.
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secretary of state antony blinken met with benjamin netanyahu but it didn't seem to close the gap. netanyahu says he told blinken the operation would move ahead with or without the support from the united states. here is blinken. >> we share israel's goal of defeating hamas which is the responsible for the worst massacre of the jewish people since the holocaust. and we share the goal of ensuring israel's long term security. as we've said, a major military ground operation in rafah is not the way to do it. it risks killing more civilians, it risks reeking greater havoc and further isolating israel around the world and jeopardizing the long term security standing. >> oond then there is more frustration for the biden
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administration. coming from the united nations. a resolution authored by the u.s. that laid out the importance of a cease fire was vetoed by china and russia. let's bring in monica alba and also the policy director for mitt romney's 2012 campaign. monica, take us inside the meeting. what more to we know about that meeting. >> and secretary blinken has been traveling to the region so many times since october 7. and really on each of those times, there has been a high level engagement with israeli officials, often meeting with prime minister netanyahu and members of his war cabinet. but each time we've seen a ramp up of rhetoric. there time with the large scale invasion which the u.s. opposes and has been clear for weeks. and today even vice president
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harris saying there is no plan that could relocate the more than 1.5 million civilians who have sheltering there. so not something that ever was feezable. and that is why the u.s. has taken the position that it shouldn't take place. and instead there should be a conversation about more high value targeted hamas counterterrorism missions that occur in rafah that don't put civilians in danger. so some of the proposals that the u.s. would like to see and continue to pitch will be presented in a meeting next week here in washington where israeli delegation is supposed to be meeting with the counterparts. here is secretary blinken -- >> we'll be able to lay out, started to do that today, but detail how those goals can best be accomplished with an integrated humanitarian military
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and political plan. we'll put all that on the table. of course we'll hear from them too. and we'll take it to next week. >> the u.s. has been clear it does want to see the ceasefire on for a six week period at a minimum to try to get the remaining hostages out of gaza. but they also talked about the need to increase humanitarian aid. so that is all a part of the conversation. but the understanding is until this meeting happens in the next couple days or so, there won't be any military move. and i'm told by u.s. officials that the u.s. has not seen any credible evidence that it is imminent, but unclear whether that could happen in the coming weeks as the prime minister has indicated he is willing to do. >> and i think it is important to remind folks how adamant the president and his administration has been about not going into rafah. biden had a phone call with netanyahu on monday i believe. it was 32 days in which they
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hadn't spoken and he said that it would be a mistake. and jake sullivan as well saying this -- >> they have nowhere else to go. gaza's other major cities have largely been destroyed. israel has not presented a plan for how or where they would safely move the civilians let alone feed and house them and ensure access to basic things like sanitation. our position is that hamas should not be allowed a safe slain. but major ground operation would be a mistake. >> and secretary blinken is urging another solution here. it doesn't seen like israel is listening. what happens to this relationship? >> there is a danger that israel will be incredibly and
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increasingly isolated. it is not just the vote we saw earlier, but more broadly the question of who will stand with israel if they make a decision to engage in the ground operation. as you know, the biden administration has not been subtle in expressing their point of view on this. so i do think that it will be a challenge. so the question is there any wiggle room in the presentation of facts, in what the israelis might do with respect to the reaction to the message netanyahu is bringing now. is there a another way for israel to accomplish its goaling on the ground in rfah that does not involve the operation that the biden administration has made is not clear. and the divisions are growing within the u.s. as we.
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>> and there are domestic political turmoil as well. and finding 69% of democrats thinking that biden should be doing more to help positing. so wondering how much of that is a part of the thinking inside the administration as well. thank you both. coming up, a one-on-one with a former supreme court justice, why stephen breyer now believes that the leaked draft opinion on roe v. wade may have changed the outcome of the decision. and former president trump is claiming he has nearly $500 million to post bond with a dead line rapidly approaching in just 72 hours. will it pay. t pay. (christina) with verizon business unlimited, i get 5g, truly unlimited data, and unlimited hotspot data. so, no matter what, i'm running this kitchen.
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welcome back. we're getting new insight into the streak decision to overturn the constitutional right to abortion. kristen welker sat down for an interview with retired supreme court justice stephen breyer. he was one of the three on the court who disagreed with the majority opinion. and kristen welker is joining me now. it is a pleasure, thank you for joining us. give us a sense of what you period on this.
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>> so great to be with you. i sat down with justice breyer in the wake of his new book where he argues for taking a pragmatic approach to the law, considering real world consequences instead of just relying on the text. he argues that that is how for example he approached the deliberations over to western to overturn roe v. wade. and i asked him about the reporting that there had been conversations that were coalescing around a compromise, that would have effectively upheld a part of roe and would have banned abortions after 15 weeks. he chooses his words carefully. take a look. did you think that compromise was possible before the leak around 15 weeks? >> i usually hope for compromise. >> so you were hopeful there could be a compromise.
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>> you will put words in my mouth. i'm careful what i stay on this. because i say our interests are different. i don't want to make -- i've written what i thought. if you think there is news in here or in dissent, go right ahead, but i don't want to say anything in addition. >> just to be clear, did you think a compromise was possible? >> i always think it is possible. i always think it is possible. usually up until the last minute. >> the other part of this conversation that was so fascinat fascinating, i asked him his reaction to the leak itself. he called it disappointing. i attempted to discuss a number of the cases currently before the supreme court. there again, he chooses his words very carefully. but we did discuss a range of different issues. everything from his concerns about the current state of our democracy to his feelings about his own retirement, as well as
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some of the ethical issues facing the court. and a little bit of a tease, i did ask him who he thinks is behind the leak and whether he was in any way behind this. you have to tune in sunday. >> that is quite a tease. so i'll be tuning in to that. there are so many questions surrounding that leak and ramifications it has had. so be sure to check out of more of that interview on "meet the press." three days before moon's deadline, donald trump suggests that he has the cash to satisfy the $464 million civil judgment, though the interest on that total is increasing daily. in a post on his social media account this morning, the former president writes i currently have almost $500 million cash. and then in an earlier message posted just before 2:00 in the morning, trump made a reference to what he called a large amount of cash which he claims he was
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planning to use to fund his presidential campaign. i want to bring in carol lam, legal analyst and also vaughn hillyard as well. so he says he has the cash. his lawyers says he didn't. but he says he has over $500 million. >> news to everybody. and apparently his attorneys too. so who is telling the truth? that is the outstanding question. but his attorneys earlier this week in that motion in which they wrote that it was an impossibility to get an appeal bond because of the refuse affiliate the bond companies to use his properties as collateral, that they wanted cash to be used in order to get this bond, that this was an effort by his attorneys to effectively stay him having to put up the full amount of that
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$454 million. either delay it in its entiredy or put up a bond for smaller amount like $100 million. and so donald trump this morning here at sunrise just undercut the effort of his own attorneys and potentially at a time when latitia james is already putting judgments in to westchester county to seize his seven springs and he is state as well as the trump national golf club up there. >> when you read through both of the i think dimts, he cites donald trump's posts and uses them against him and build a time line to what is happening. is there a possibility that they could use this to say you've got the cash?
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>> no question that this is nightmare for donald trump's attorneys. from a legal perspective, what he posted this morning is a lose-lose proposition for his legal case. might serve a political purpose for him, he is double down on the statement that he is a richest man and he is a great negotiator, but from a legal point of view, it is a lose-lose. he either now has to post the $500 million that he claims he has or his attorneys have to get up in court and acknowledge that they said something that was untrue to the court. so it is very hard to see in the legal world how this gets him ahead. by promising that he has this money that he would have used for his campaign, but now he will have to post for a bond, he is really locking his legal team into an unfortunate position. >> so he has been kind of fundraising off this idea as well that he has wanted to use fundraising cash along with any
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cash that he has for his campaign. today he posted that latitia james was setting her sites on trump tower saying that setting her sighs on my iconic properties. and keep your filthy hands off of trump tower. any prohibition for using campaign cash for a civil penalty? >> generally speaking the general rule is that you can't use campaign funds for personal uses. that is to pay your children's school or to buy a bigger home or a yacht. here it is a little cloudier. and the consensus seems to be that because in many instances he can claim that these are really some kind of campaign purpose for using these funds that the federal election commission would be hard pressed to take action. but those -- that point of view is more generally supportable
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for the january 6 related cases and programs even for the mar-a-lago classified documents case. a little harder to make that case for his actions with respect to real estate dealings. or the stormy daniels hush money case. but federal election law is very complicated and again, we don't know where some of these funds are coming from. we don't know whether these were contributions to pac or super pac or just gifts to donald trump from some rich mega donor who we haven't heard about yet. so very tough to say whether action could be taken on this. >> and he is hurting for campaign cash right now. >> right. it is not just the personal a piggybank but his current campaign as just over $40 million cash on hand. so in save america which he has been using to cover legal related bills, only a few
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million left in the bank. so even if he were to try to use campaign or pac money, it would just be a small percentage of the $464 million judgment. >> and not to put vaughn hillyard on ever a brilliant blast, but when he comes onset, he brings social media's social posts in big texts to remind us of what is happening. we appreciate you. and still to come, new development in the boston bomber case that could lead to the deathtence being tossed out. and now passengers are being told that they are possible victims of a crime. what it could mean after this. e what it could mean after this. (man) excuse me, would you mind taking a picture of us? (tony) oh, no problem. (man) thanks. (tony) yes, problem. you need verizon. get the new iphone 15 pro with tons of storage. so you can take all the pics! (vo) trade-in any iphone in any condition and get a new iphone 15 pro and an ipad and apple watch se all on us.
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welcome back. there is sad breaking news out of tennessee where the body of a missing missouri student was bound in the cumberland river. he went missing after being kicked out a bar. he told his friends he was headed back to the hotel but he never made it. police saying there is no evidence of foul play at this time. next month will be 11 years since the deadly boston marathon bombing and today there are new legal developments in that case now being investigated for juror
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bias where could determine whether the death accept sense for sar will still be thrown out. he was convicted for his role in the bombing.sar will still be t. he was convicted for his role in the bombing. "we've identified you as a possible victim of a crime." that is what the fbi is telling passengers who were board the flight that suffered the blowout of the door. and there is a criminal investigation into boeing over the innocent. tom costello is here with more on this. startling to hear. walk us through what we know. >> yeah, to be clear, the fbi is telling the people who were on board flight 1282 back on january 5 that they may be victims of a crime and
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perpetrator may be boeing. not alaska airlines, boeing. here is the letter we've been talking about. he says that you may be the victim of a crime. let me lay this out for you. as you know, this flight was on its way over portland, oregon whenever it suffered the midair blowout of the door plug. and now multiple investigations. the faa, ntsb as well as the department of justice. alert confirming that the criminal investigation is under way. why is boeing the subject of a criminal investigation? this dates back now a few years. remember we had the max 8 crashes overseas that killed 346 people. and in order to avoid criminal prosecution back then, back in 2021, doj and boeing entered into an agreement where boeing agreed it would report any reports of fraudulent behavior on part of his employees and comply with compliance laws and
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it would strengthen its own quality assurance program. quality control. and clearly that has broken down. boeing admits it. the faa says it is clear that is what happened. the ntsb is investigating how and why. so the question then becomes, if they have a breakdown of quality control, if they had a breakdown of fraudulent activity and they are pledged to ensure what happened, does that violate the previous agreement and would defer criminal investigation. >> the max 8 crashes. the fact this very may have violated the previous agreement. and they could face criminal prosecution stemming back to the company's behavior with the max 8 crashes and now max 9 crash. and so this is an ongoing investigation. reportedly a grand jury is
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involved. but the doj is prohibited from fromming a acknowledging that. >> tom, thank you. and coming up, birth control backlash.a acknowledging that. >> tom, thank you. and coming up, birth control backlash.cknowledging that. >> tom, thank you. and coming up, birth control backlash. misinformation spreading online. and shohei ohtani is the face of a major theft scandal the allegations against his interpreter. s against his interpreter. [dog whimpers] [thinking] why always the couch? does he need to go to puppy school? get his little puppy diploma? how much have i been spending on this little guy? when your questions about life turn into questions about money... there's erica. the virtual financial assistant to help you spend, save, and plan smarter. only from bank of america.
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you just have to get in the seat. welcome back. for the first time, med cared will cover wegovy. but patients must have a proven risk of risks in order to get the prescription. those who want it solely for weight management will still have to pay thousands of dollars a year out of pocket. and christine romans is joining us with more on this. i guess i kind of wonder what the breadth of this, who it will reach. and if you think about those who suffer there cardiovascular issues, it is likely higher. >> i think millions of people it opens this up for millions and to have it paid by medicare part d. when you look at how many people are overweight or obese, it is 70%. you look at the leading cause of death in this country for
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everyone men and women, it is heart disease. and so this is specifically medicare saying for heart attacks, strokes and other serious cardio vast could you -- vascular disease problems, this is a weight loss drug, but they go together. and so for the heart ailments, now pardon d will cover this. >> but is it accessible? there are so many people that i know that are on it. oprah did a special on it as well. oprah did a special on it as well ozempic, first a diabetes drug and used in this instance as well. are people able to gettae it w so many getting prescribed? >> demand is through the roof, no question. more people want this and can't get their hands on it. the company is,ei would go thei factories around the clock to, it will be available. there have, had been some shortagesbe earlier but they're
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working on it. i've been talking to people all day today watching my coverage saying iwa have a prescription d can't get it. some pharmacies, have to shop around, look toaround. gook to this company, all of the drugs and find out helpful tools whetheran your private insuranc covers it. groundbreaking covering it for heart conditions once medicare covers something private insure ers tend to follow. it can open up forre more. >> a real life-changer for many who struggled so long. >> a lot of people can't tolerate peit. those whoto can, can find it, g it covered or afford it, a big life-changer. all the accessibility. word used. one of therd issues overall for this class of drugs. >> christine romans, thank you. doctors warning about birth control that could lead women to stop using the pill and iuds as
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well. doctors and researchers are finding more patients coming in with misconceptions about birth control fumed by influencers and conservative commentators. some of what's posted on sites like tiktok and instagram. >> having a period is so stupid. why take birth control and skip the placebo. what? i used to do that, too, and i can't believe how brainwashed we've been as women. >> birthe control gave me bloo clot. >> truth is, birth control is going to give you a lot of symptoming. >> i want to talk about this. with mean author of that piece, "washington post" health and science accountability reporter laurenac weber to talk more. speaking to a lot of health care professionals veryof concerned about this misinformation online. what areth theyis telling you? >> so these physicians tell my colleague that they're seeing women come in with completely different conceptions of a form of birthon control. seen the videos absolutely
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vilified it. the way social media works is seeing videos over and over and over again. the concept of the ri risks and side effects is out of proportion to medical reality and seeing women who switched to natural birth control. timing to your menstrual period without realizing that's not a great method. then women are coming in seek abortion because they did not realize their birth control choice koss have different impacts ons them. >> how did this phenomenon take off? >> we've seen an explosion of mistrust of physicians since ph covid. inin general a long history on these drugs for women and physicians when it comes to birth hecontrol. historically physicians haven't done the best job explaining side effects ort taking the ti to walk through with women as they maketh that choice of birt control. so in this kind of gray area of
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confusion and under-funding, scientific studies for women's health. misinformation from influencers or conservative commentators have skin in the game really is exploding. >> talking aboutly i in this pi how women of color are particularly vulnerable to this misinformation? >> well,s absolutely. i think we all have to think about the fact that it wasn't too long ago, just a few decades ago, that forced sterilization particularly of woment in the south was a reality under government programs. there is absolutely more mistrust towards medical professionals that reinvolves around fertility and health care issues and reproductive issues when it comes to birth control. >> target by age. teens, a certain demographic targeted by so many misinformation platforms. why is that?y so >> well, i mean, look. a lot of people don't want to talk to their parents or to a
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doctor. they may not trust the doctor or know a doctor, about such personal decisions, like birth control. especially considering how much birth control has been stigmatizedh historically. they find themselves scrolling on their phone and see these stories from women or from influencers that they then receipt because theen way algorithms work stories come over and w over and over again. they're conception of what may beti effective or safe becomes veryfe skewed. >> how do you combat this misinformation especially now a distrust in the medical system since covid?y >> i think that's the question society has to answer. i thinkto a lot of the experts spoke to said there really needs to be a push by physicians to spend more time with patients. to make sure they're walking them through possible side effects so they feel like their physician is listening to them. i think other experts say there needs to be more sex ed in this country, more conversations around what birth control looks like what forms of available for
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you. evaluating what, what you are prioritizing when choosing that. the question remains, this is -- this isai what's happening and many physicians are concerned they will see more patients, choices that may not about what they intend it to. >> thank you. important reporting. appreciate it. much more newspo coming up after the e break, everybody.te stay with us. you're watching msnbc. it ing ms. -unentered sick time? -unnecessary! -go! -unnecessary! -go! -unnecessary! -when you can take this phone, you'll be ready. -make the unnecessary, unnecessary. let your employees do their own payroll. (christina) with verizon business unlimited, i get 5g, truly unlimited data, and unlimited hotspot data.
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11:00 am
we begin with major breaking news out of london. the princess of wales who has been absent from public life since undergoing abdominal surgery back in january announced diagnosed with cancer and is undergoing chemotherapy. the announcement moments ago


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