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tv   Dateline  MSNBC  March 24, 2024 2:00am-3:00am PDT

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rather she would do it again? >> yes, because i was attacked. at that moment i felt he was going to kill me. if not having remorse makes me guilty, i don't think it should be that way. it's the mat perhaps not, but certainly cindy carballo has years to rethink the question and her answer. >> that is all for this edition of dateline. i am craig melvin. thank you for watching. vin. thank you for watching. >> hello, i am craig melvin and this is dateline. >> she was very carefree and
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loving. she was amazing. i just can't tell you the feeling that went through my mind. i couldn't think of anybody that would ever want to do what they did to her. >> amy jane was an angel, traveling the world with her church to help children. >> they love tammy so much. >> back home something sinister they waiting. a bright young life snuffed out. >> who would do that? >> months later and mother out for a walk vanishes. if karen is gone. i don't know where she is. >> one murder, one disappearance in the same small town. soon the police would discover a freakier connection. >> one of the detectives got his hands on an image. >> the dead teenager and the
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missing mom arm in arm. >> in that moment most of us knew. >> was somewhat stocking the women of this tight-knit church? >> this sounds more like a the type killer. >> absolutely. >> erased to connect the dots revealing the truth darker than anyone could imagine. >> is just evil. st evil. >> hello and welcome to dateline. pendleton, oregon, steeped in cowboy tradition. these days it is no rough-and- tumble town. when a woman was killed in broad daylight the community was stunned. then another brutal attack almost exactly one year later. a terrifying thought started to spread. was there a serial killer on
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the loose? here is keith morrison with someone was out there. >> there are children born into this world for whom the dance never ends, for joy seems content. for whom exuberance is not containable. that was this young woman. a sprite really in a young woman's body who loved adventure and people and who danced to music no one else could hear, which is why lyft >> it haunted me. >> haunted police, haunted the whole town. is there a serial killer around? >> a serial killer with plans for 2 women and one particular church in one particular photograph? >> i was like this is insane and everybody needs to find
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this person. >> it began with that girl, that's bright. >> the freest spirit that you can think of. literally not having a care in the world. >> she's talking about her friend and fellow missionary, talking about her now that it has happened and it is all over. kate and amy jane went to india and nepal together. small town girls. >> she was always ready to give them pour her heart out. just to give everything she had to offer. >> they were there three months for youth with a mission. like tourist that went to the taj mahal. like preachers they spread the word. the children mostly, for home she was magnetic, irresistible. >> they would see her and roll up to her and say sister. >> when the mission trip was
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over. >> she hated it. she was like i don't want to go home. >> home was a universe away from india. here it is, pendleton, safely tucked into a small valley on the rolling flanks of eastern oregon. cowboy country. cowboy country. home to one of the nation's biggest rodeos, which each september celebrates the towns rough-and-tumble past as a cow town. and then good conservative citizens wave goodbye to the parting cowboys and settle into a safe and predictable life and fill the pews every sunday morning without fail.
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people like bill, who was like family to amyjane and her family. >> they brought amyjane home when she was three days old. we were there when she was brought home. >> he knew and adored the remarkable little girl from the very beginning. the family asked bill to speak after what happened, when they sorely needed their church family at pendleton free methodist. ee methodist. >> if she got the feeling that you were left out she would find you and make sure you knew you had a friend. >> when she was far away in india the people who loved amyjane worried a lot and did not breathe easy until she returned to the safety and security of pendleton. >> she was waiting for god to tell her what to do next.
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>> she wanted more freedom so she moved out of her parents house and got herself a little apartment in downtown pendleton and worked two jobs to pay for it, including a job cleaning motel rooms at the travelodge across from city hall which -- city hall. >> she was a little nervous. >> after all she had never done that sort of thing before or answer to a boss, who, this was on the graph. she went and she scoured and scrubbed those little rooms and then it was on august 14, 2012. >> 911, what is your emergency? >> i'm calling from travelodge in pendleton. there is a girl dead in the bathroom. >> i want to get police and an ambulance headed that way. >> in his office down the hall
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bill listened and felt the dread. >> he gave me a feeling in the pit of my stomach that something was not good about this call. >> remember, bill was a close friend of the brandhagen family, attended the same church, but is also a policeman. >> as soon as one of my sergeants arrived on the scene he requested my presence. i knew then that we were probably dealing with a homicide. >> as he raced to the hotel he could not know what had been started there anymore and whose life had just ended. >> coming up what does -- this veteran investigator was about to find would lead him stunned. >> i cannot tell you the feeling that went through my mind. mind. some things should stand the test of time.
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(luke) this will be a gold mine of local intel. just you wait. ask your retina specialist about eylea hd (marci) right. so, tell us about this corn festival? (stylist 1) oooh you got your corn pudding... you got your corn chowder... (marci) so... is it safe around here? (stylist 2) sometimes. (luke) if a family of eight were to need a cold plunge, where would they find it? (stylist 1) ...and then they dip it in butter, then bam, it goes right in. (stylist 2) ...really cute vampire bar. (stylist 1) the reverend does like a blessing on the corn. (luke) donut shops. how far from here? (marci) no eyebrows? (luke) think of how light it'll feel in the summer. we've got to run. eleven thousand more neighborhoods to go! (vo) ding dong! homes-dot-com. [coughing] copd isn't pretty. i'm out of breath, and often out of the picture. but this is my story. ( ♪♪ ) and with once-daily trelegy, it can still be beautiful. because with 3 medicines in 1 inhaler, trelegy keeps my airways open for a full 24 hours and prevents future flare-ups.
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trelegy also improves lung function, so i can breathe more freely all day and night. trelegy won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. do not take trelegy more than prescribed. trelegy may increase your risk of thrush, pneumonia, and osteoporosis. call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur. ♪ what a wonderful world ♪ [laughing] ask your doctor about once-daily trelegy for copd because breathing should be beautiful, all day and night. ♪ you need t-mobile... ♪ ♪ home internet with 5g. ♪ wait! t-mobile has home internet?
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♪ what a feeling! ♪ ♪ to have t-mobile now! ♪ eggs make all our family moments better. especially when they're eggland's best. taste so fresh and amazing. deliciously superior nutrition, too. for us, it's eggs any style. as long as they're the best. eggland's best. if god had a plan for pendleton, oregon, on the afternoon of august 14, 2012, one could hardly imagine it would be this. the lieutenant prepared himself as he drove over to the travelodge and climbed the stairs to room 231. all the preparation in the world could not have been
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enough. lying on the bathroom floor, her lifeless body punctured with a dozen stab wounds was the free spirit he had known since she was a baby. 19-year- old amyjane brandhagen. >> it felt like someone kicked me in the pit of my stomach . i cannot tell you the feeling that went through my mind. >> almost like she was working at. >> very much. >> he took it upon himself to notify amyjane's parents. >> that was probably the toughest thing that i had ever had to do in my career . i can tell you the feeling we all had. we broke down in tears. >> why would anyone want to kill amyjane of all people? >> i was just speechless. i sat crying in the bathroom for probably the next hour.
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not understanding. >> as word spread so did the questions. her high school youth pastor. early on was there any indication of who may have been responsible? >> i don't think anybody had any idea. i think that is what made it so hard. so many of us know each other. we are a family here. >> the lieutenant returned to the hotel where amy was murdered. it will be pretty hard to take part in an active investigation. >> i couldn't have. >> he turned the case over to detective sergeant rick jackson. >> it was a pretty horrific crime scene. >> it was obvious amyjane fought for her life. her glasses lay on the bathtub, blood splattered the wall. dna of a male similarly her attacker would be found under her fingernails. the medical examiner said it was not a sex attack and it was
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not a robbery either. her purse and cell phone right there on the bedside table. nobody side thing. >> this was during broad daylight with motel room doors open. >> the only potential witness with a painter working at the motel who said that he saw a young man with longer hair, darker skin, perhaps hispanic or native american walking near the back parking lot. >> it may have been the person or it may not have. >> sure. within the first hour of being at the crime scene upwards of 50 people walk by. this is a pretty busy area of town. >> busy as that it with cctv cameras, banks, bridges, city hall, walking trails along the river. detectives painstakingly went through the footage. >> there was nothing.
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>> they took dna from dozens of guests to check against the samples taking from her fingernails. so detective jackson went to the people who knew amyjane well or perhaps romantically, though stab wounds all focused around her heart, which often indicates them sort of crime of passion. >> i think most of the males that we spoke to view themselves as her protectors. >> the pendleton police chief hurried home from his abbreviated vacation and encountered a case going nowhere fast. >> everybody they knew her characterize her the same way, she knew no strangers and didn't have an evil bone in her body. >> as the investigation entered its second week amyjane's family prepared a memorial service. >> amy loved thunder storms. one of her favorite things was to go out barefoot in the rain and dance.
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the morning of her memorial service there was a large clap of thunder around 6:30. several of us heard it. i think we knew. >> up there dancing in the rain somewhere. >> i think she was. >> hundreds crowded into amyjane's church. many were amazed by the stress of her parents. >> they were hurting deeply, but they were not looking for vengeance. >> me on the other hand, i was ticked. i was just like this is insane and everyone needs to find this person. >> they were certainly trying. even at the very moment. >> we had about 10-12 undercover officers looking for anybody that was strike us as odd. >> but no one stood out. one month after the murder the famous roundup filled the
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streets as usual and then they emptied again. as the autumn wind turn raw detective jackson's investigation chased down every lead and got nowhere. >> we call them rabbit trails. >> the holidays came and went. holidays for other people, not detective jackson, not chief roberts. >> it haunted me. >> and then a spring breeze dipped into the valley. it curled its warming fingers into secret corners and came out whispering a name. >> out of the blue a tip. it is the name the police know well. have cops found their killer? >> we go out and we find his girlfriend. she goes i always believe he could've done this. uld've done
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>> six months after the murder of amyjane brandhagen investigators finally caught a break. a county jail in may looking for a deal got word out to the cops. he claimed to know who kill amyjane. >> we have gone for months with nothing and now this. >> there were two of them set the m.a., both well known to local law enforcement, who soon confirmed the men were in the
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area the day of the murder. they found torres 1st and it looked like they were onto something. he said yes, he was in on it, but didn't kill her. it was the guy he was with who went into the hotel room and came out very bloody. >> he basically tells them i was driving the getaway car. >> it was his buddy who did the killing, he said. >> we go out and we find his girlfriend and she is going i always believed he could have potentially done this. he is aggressive and he has these journals, entries about defiling women, killing and burying them. >> they found a question him and he said he understood why he was a suspect. >> have you ever thought about killing someone? >> i never planned it out. >> but after a few minutes
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jackson had a familiar sinking feeling. >> he was very much so enamored by the fact that the police were giving him attention. >> he was playing it? >> he was getting a little street credibility for it. >> the dna confirmed it was all an act. two unpleasant man who seemed to be enjoying themselves at the expense of the cops. so back to zero. by august 2013 it had been almost a full year since the murder of amyjane brandhagen in pendleton. investigators have exhausted hundreds of leads and themselves. >> i knew that it was having an impact on my health as well is my mental health. >> on august 8 the chief took his family out of town for some r&r. the very next day a woman named karen laying happened to be a member of amyjane's church announced to her husband she was going for a walk.
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>> she came down and i will never forget what she said. she said i was thinking we could maybe go out for dessert afterwards. >> she was an accomplished singer and vice president of the local community college. her walk was an almost daily habit. it was 4:30 p.m.. lots of sun left on a warm august afternoon. >> the last word she said was i guess we'll have a nice boring evening. >> dan went back to tinkering on his motorcycle and lost all track of time. it was dark when his son walked into the room and asks an innocuous question. if where is mom? i said well, i don't know. i'll give her a call. i tried to make a phone call and i couldn't get a hold of her. >> it was after 9:30 p.m.
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karen usually walked for less than one hour. she had been gone for 5. in some people anxiety stokes panic. dan is not like that. he made another call. >> around 10:00 and night i made another call. >> woman of the friends of amyjane from church? karen always parked her car in front of their house when she took her late afternoon walks. >> she says is karen at your house? no. i just got home. i asked lisa if she had been over? she said no, i haven't seen her. >> i looked outside and the car was still there. we went out to the car and she wasn't there. >> they grabbed flashlights and walked a couple of blocks down to the river levy. they are in the parking lot that in pendleton policeman. what should i do, they asked? >> he thought that it was unusual enough that he got a
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hold of dan. >> as the officer left he and lisa kept looking in the dark. >> there is a fear of not finding anything in there is a fear of finding something. >> when i got to where the policeman was we were talking and he said you seem to be awfully calm for your wife being missing. at that point i thought holy mackerel. if there is something bad that happened to her i could be a suspect. >> from his patrol car the officer was able to pull up images from cameras. no sign of karen. her cell phone provider sent a ping to her phone and it turned up about half a mile from the river in the parking lot of walmart where again the officer could not find karen. what was going on? around and around the riverwalk they went, pointing their
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flashlights. >> i did go home at about 5:00. i wrote an email saying karen is gone. i don't know where she is. i just have to go to bed. i just cried. >> he did not sleep long. the phone call that startled him away brought news. some good, some very bad. >> coming up. amyjane's murder and karen's disappearance could be connected . investigators are about to uncover a disturbing clue. >> in that moment most of us knew that wasn't a coincidence. e provides 2 shades whiter teeth and 24/7 sensitivity protection. i think it's a great product. it's going to help a lot of patients. want more from your vitamins?
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don took its own imperious time on the morning of august 10, 2013. by that time karen lange had been missing more than 12 hours. and then finally the morning sun lit up the banks of the river. >> a policeman called and said we found your wife. >> she was found and alive. but what the policeman said next was terrifying.
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>> when he said we found your wife and she's alive. that was a great relief. he certainly made a sound like it was a tough thing. >> it was. karen had been struck from behind by a heavy, blunt object. her skull was crushed. the wound was massive. right away the detective called the chief and described the way they found her. did he think she was that already? >> he thought that she was dead. he indicates he reaches for her wrist to see if she has a pulse in her leg moves and she gasps. >> it didn't look like she would be alive for long. detectives drove dan lange to the hospital and told him to prepare for the worst. as he arrived at the emergency room he ran into a nurse that
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he knew. >> she took one look at me and it was so heartbroken that i of course broke down. then i had a chance to see karen. >> the doctors gave her a slim chance, she was airlifted to a bigger hospital for specialized care. as dan kept watch at her bedside he remembered an odd comment karen made a few days before she was attacked. her boys were in college, nearly grown. she wasn't sure what her purpose was anymore. >> i really wish i could be more useful if i'm going to remain here on the planet. i would assure her that god has a plan. you will be used. >> but what kind of use was this? if she lived she might never regain consciousness. if she regained consciousness
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she might never be the same. how useful could that be? and then finally the case of amyjane brandhagen and the attack on karen lange seem to take on a new and terrifying meaning. the chief return from vacation and was handed this autograph, taken four years earlier. >> one of the detectives got his hands on an image of amyjane brandhagen and karen lange together dated august 14 . amyjane brandhagen was murdered august 14. karen lange was assaulted on august 9, one year after amyjane's murder. >> is someone targeting them or someone within the church has a strange motivation? >> it could be a member of the congregation or somebody they provided outreach services to. >> in pendleton were spread quickly. >> i think in that moment most
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of us knew that wasn't a coincidence. i cannot tell you how we knew. >> small town, same church. >> we all knew each other. >> in a town where murder is rare two women, one photo, and dates that lined up message. >> it certainly crossed my mind. i think it crossed everybody's mind. >> detective jackson and the others scoured hours of video recorded by dozens of cameras, looking for a suspect. when amyjane was murdered in broad daylight those videos turned up exactly nothing. and then the lock turned. they saw this, recorded by one of the cameras stationed around the riverwalk at 6:31 p.m. karen lange out for her walk. following her, a man with what looks like a pipe hidden behind his back.
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>> they cross the small footbridge. there is a short stretch of maybe 50-60 yards where there is no visibility unless you are on the path. right there is where he attacks. she was found about 30 feet down the path. >> then they found this video recorded by another camera about one hour after the attack. the same man enters a park bathroom and minutes later emerges to use a drinking fountain. >> i immediately said this is the same guy. >> weight? who? chief roberts remembered after amyjane was murdered the only witness who saw anything, they recorded a young man with dark hair wandering near the hotel. >> the description was fairly generic. a male, twentysomething, dark hair, and little longer with dark toned skin. now we have the second crime a year later and here is a male profiler image on our network camera system to fit.
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>> but who was he and why was he targeting women from the same church? within hours a very unusual pendleton roundup was underway. the order was clear, bind him, fast. >> coming up, the evidence that was about to send this case into overdrive. when dateline continues. to ove when dateline continues. i didn't know it then, but it can progress to ga, an advanced form of the disease. his struggle with vision loss from amd made me want to help you see warning signs of ga, like: hazy or blurred vision, so it's hard to see fine details, colors that appear dull or washed out, or trouble with low light that makes driving at night a real challenge. if you think you have ga, don't wait.
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treatments are available. ask a retina specialist about fda-approved treatments for ga and go to [♪♪] looking for a moisturizer that does more than just moisturize? try olay regenerist for 10 benefits in every jar. olay visibly firms, lifts, and smooths wrinkles, by penetrating the skin, to boost regeneration at the surface cellular level. try olay. ♪you're the one that i want!♪ nexgard® plus helps you protect your dog from fleas, ticks, heartworm disease and more... all in one delicious, monthly soft chew. use with caution in dogs with a history of seizures or neurologic disorders. nexgard® plus. the one you want for one-and-done protection. (qb) this is it. one play. this is when we find out... nexgard® plus. (luke) hey, quick question. student body math proficiency,
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would we say it's good? fair? satisfactory? (player 1) what? (luke) like a percentage, if you had to guess. (players) hey, get out of here man. get off the field. (luke) understood. (players) security! grab him! (marci) great student-teacher ratio... (luke) marci! we've got to go! marci! we have got to go! we bring you the real, in-depth school info. (marci) what were you thinking? (luke) i don't know. i. don't know. (vo) ding dong! [coughing] copd hasn't been pretty. it's tough to breathe and tough to keep wondering if this is as good as it gets. but trelegy has shown me that there's still beauty and breath to be had. because with three medicines in one inhaler, trelegy keeps my airways open and prevents future flare-ups. and with one dose a day, trelegy improves lung function so i can breathe more freely all day and night. trelegy won't replace a rescue inhaler
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for sudden breathing problems. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. do not take trelegy more than prescribed. trelegy may increase your risk of thrush, pneumonia, and osteoporosis. call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur. ♪ what a wonderful world ♪ ask your doctor about once-daily trelegy for copd because breathing should be beautiful. >> when the free methodist of littleton, oregon, went to the
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weekly worship sessions they offered prayers for karen lange, lying in a portland hospital in a coma. her husband a constant presence at her bedside. the prognosis was poor, but dan optimistic by major struggle to hang on. >> it is the faithful attitude that says no matter what happens, it is god's plan and his plan is to prosper us. even if i were to lose karen i had to hold onto that and realize that. >> in those first two days since karen was found shocks read like bad electricity. >> someone came up to our senior pastor and that i think i'm glad i'm not a part of your church after all of these things that have happened. we are thinking is there a serial killer around? >> not fear exactly, not yet,
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but someone was out there or among them who have killed once, perhaps twice. the unease group. dark places were avoided. >> the odds of a stranger picking two people that were connected difficult to wrap your mind around. >> this sounds more like a zodiac type killer. it's like one of those weird puzzles. >> as you are working these investigations you are thinking those things and trying to determine what connection is there between karen lange and amyjane brandhagen? >> it seemed very likely the mancini in the surveillance was the man who attacked karen lange and might have been the killer who stabbed amyjane to death in that hotel room one year earlier. who was it? the chiefs asked history cops to look at the video. and what do you know one of them recognized him.
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>> he looked at the image for a second and said that is danny. >> how did he know? because he had encountered him four times in the previous year. minor infraction so they never confirmed his name actually was danny wo. >> he had a distinct tattoo on his left wrist. >> he is a marine? >> that was my initial reaction. >> while that she didn't know who he was or where he was or why he targeted two women he knew they had to track him down right away. >> this was a community on edge. >> and now he's out there. >> and we got to find him. >> the chief canceled all time off and called in every available officer. a man hunt was on. and in a bit of luck. the very same detective who
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found karen noticed something odd. a wooden panel on the back of an old batting cage behind the riverwalk looked not quite right. the officer reached behind the loose panel and found a pipe that appeared to have blood on one end. the dna confirmed it with karen's blood. and then when the crime lab compared the dna sample from the other end of the pipe with the material found under amyjane's fingernails . >> i get that call on a sunday afternoon. now we have connected the dots. >> the man who assaulted karen and the killer of amyjane were one in the same. right away the police chief share the news with the d.a. . >> i was at home. the chief asked if i was sitting down? he told me the dna from the pipe match the dna found underneath amyjane's fingernails and he gave me
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chills. >> the officers scoured the town and found nothing. hours piled up, days, more than a week. the anxiety. >> you didn't leave garage is unlocked. >> you feel kind of like there is a serial killer in town. >> and then a call from the local convention center. two catering company employees told the dispatcher they had gone into a side door into the kitchen. >> and here says this person who they recognize as this danny woo that we had disseminated images. he was sitting there drinking a coke. he basically picked up his stuff and disappeared into the facility. >> so he is in the building somewhere. >> within minutes the police surrounded the convention center. they set up a command post outside one of the centers
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window. >> one of the dogs is barking at the door. the oregon state trooper behind us as i can see a leg hanging out of the ceiling. i take about two steps back and i can see it. i give the command to enter. they enter and go straight to this location in the stairwell and there he is. >> minutes later the suspect, the man known as danny woo. the man who may have murdered one woman, possibly even two and terrorize the town of pendleton walked out in handcuffs and into the flashing cameras of the local paper. later officers took this video of his hiding spot in an air conditioning duct in the ceiling where he had a blanket, a radio and some clothing. >> and looks like a nest and it looks like he had been there for a while, hiding in plain sight. he had been here all year. >> but now what he tall? lawyer up? would he reveal who he really
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was and why it appeared he was targeting the women of the free methodist church? >> coming up, revelations that would leave this town and these investigators shattered. >> i didn't know to cry or to scream. i was just dumbfounded. st dumb r your plan benefits. get credit every month to pay for healthy food... -hmm! utilities... and more over-the-counter items at no extra cost to you with unitedhealthcare. after advil: let's dive in! but...what about your back? it's fineeeeeeee! [splash] before advil: advil dual action fights pain two ways. advil targets pain at the source, acetaminophen blocks pain signals. advil dual action. [♪♪]
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murder case. but even the most seasoned officers were not prepared for what their suspect was about to tell them. here is keith morrison with the conclusion of someone was out there. >> here he was, the man they knew as danny woo. the man detective sergeant rick jackson has been chasing for a year. >> i know that i am not dressed like a normal police officer. >> jackson was out hunting elk when they caught lukah chang -- danny woo and rushed in. >> are you willing to talk to me? >> to a certain point. >> the chief and the d.a. watched. >> i expected him to ask for a lawyer. i wasn't sure how he was going to respond. >> but all of them were in for
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a big surprise. >> what is your name? >> my name is lukah chang. >> sure enough, not danny woo. lukah chang, the son of christian missionaries. a deserter from the u.s. marines who drifted into town without a plan, stayed in that downtown motel where he encountered a made named amyjane. >> did you talk to her? >> no, only in passing. >> soon chang was broke, living on the street, spending his days at the town library. >> i saw her working. i just walked away. >> along did you have to wait? >> probably half an hour. >> you are thinking to yourself what? >> i'm going to do it. >> you grabbed her and then what happened? >> i stabbed her.
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>> with what? >> a knife. >> when detective jackson tried to get into his head the conversation veered off into a cold and disturbing place. was lukah chang rebelling against his parents? against god? the detective asked the question on just about every mind . >> why? >> to see how it felt. >> to see how what felt? >> taking a life. >> why? >> i was curious. >> how did it feel? >> empowering. saddening. >> empowering and saddening at the same time? >> yes. empowering because i took a life. saddening because i realize at the same time life is precious. >> that was it? >> i didn't understand that. i've never heard that from a
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killer. >> why the second attack? did he target those women because they taught bible school together? because they appeared in that photo? >> not really. >> but that was just about it, said lukah chang. >> she was walking by. i noticed. >> he was a brick wall. if the relapse and was buried in his religious passed or failed religious community we were not to know ever. >> do you feel remorse? if not really. >> why is that? >> i got tired of feeling emotions and stuff. i got tired of feeling feelings. so it's like all right, let's just cut that out. >> and then having had his say the man the police have been chasing for so long was safely tucked away in a jail cell, soon to plead guilty to murder and attempted murder and to
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begin serving 35 to life. >> i can't describe the relief. >> i didn't know whether to cry or to scream. i was kind of dumbfounded. >> across the state in portland and tran i told his comatose wife they caught him. of course she couldn't hear that. but then a few days later he turned on his video camera and, well, see for yourself. >> karen, can you raise your hand again? there you go. very good. >> to the astonishment of her doctors, life flighted back. >> i'm doing very well. i feel great. >> just a year after that vicious attack here she was. karen lange, the woman whose ordeal wound up catching a killer. not exactly the purpose she expected when she talked to her
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husband that day. >> i told him not long ago don't ever pray for more to do with your life. boy do you get anson on that. >> her recovery took a long time, three hospitals, surgeries to rebuild her skull, once in a protective helmet. but of that awful night, she has no memory at all. what was the sense that you recall coming out of this blackness into life again? >> well, a lot of it was just a feeling that i didn't know what was wrong. i didn't know why i was in the hospital. i didn't know i was in portland. >> a few months after dan brought karen home he was diagnosed with cancer. a skeptics question. >> you two have been through so much in the last year.
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i mean, has this not damaged your faith? are you not angry at god for picking on you? >> no. >> is a plan for you is it to be so brutalized if an attack and by cancer? >> we also see the blessings. we see how it has passed such a positive affect on people and how it could be so much worse for me. i see it as it will be a season of recovery for us. >> and then in september 2014 it was pendleton roundup time. the emcees voice boomed through the arena. miracles happened. >> for our national anthem please welcome mrs. karen lange ![ cheers and applause ] applaus]
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>> i looked at it as an opportunity to really thank the people of pendleton for all of the support and things they did for me and my family. y family. >> two years later karen found herself in the arms of the community again when dan died and pendleton was once again a smaller, sadder place without dan and the girl who always reached out to the lonely, the strangers, just like the one who drifted into town and killed her. >> pretty remarkable, i mean, isn't he exactly the sort of person she would've thought out? >> i find that very ironic. it is also the same person that if she were here today she was
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a take the way of forgiveness. it is the better way. >> and every sunday the faithful still fill the pews at the pendleton free methodist church. and a barefoot sprite who loved to dance lives on at least in memory. >> amy's life was great. i think the people who knew her would want to live better lives because of knowing her and knowing who she was. >> that is all for this edition of dateline. i am craig melvin, thank you for watching. for watching. >> morning and welcome to this sunday edition of morning joe weekend. it was another fast-moving newsweek and here are some of the key conversations you might have missed. >> through the coming days i will invite


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