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tv   The Weekend  MSNBC  March 24, 2024 5:00am-6:00am PDT

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beach club. the reality is the beach club the show is based on, the real one became mar-a-lago. this world that these people have, that they end up having these parties that are totally out of touch with what is going on in the rest of the country. frankly they do so with glee. >> lee is a good word and there is a lot of buzz around the series. >> that is all the time we have. we are right back here tomorrow morning at 6:00 a.m. eastern to kick off a brand-new week of morning joe. msnbc the weekend picks up a coverage next. enjoy the rest of your sunday. . good morning, it is sunday, march 24, i'm in new york with simone sanders thompson and michael steele in washington, d.c. today, donald trump has near hours to come up with a
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$404 million civil fraud bond. what happens if he can't? plus, biden campaign surrogate joins us as president biden goes on offense. and the arizona state senator who went public on her abortion story. she is here as the supreme court gets ready to hear arguments in the abortion pill case. grab your coffee, settle in, welcome to "the weekend." less money, more problems. the trump campaign and the republican national committee ended february with just under $45 million in cash on hand. that's according to newly filed fec reports. that's less than half the available cash of the biden/harris campaign and the dnc. now, new reporting from politicalo suggests the trump campaign is already looking for ways to cut costs. maybe trump wouldn't be in this position if the funds he raised
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went toward his campaign, not his legal fees. starting off the hour with us, former homeland security and counterterrorism adviser to vice president mike pence, olivia troy, and former executive director of the new york state democratic party. thank you so much for being with us. >> good to have you guys. olivia, i want to start with you on this whole idea. i don't know why everyone is acting so surprised that donald trump is diverting, or trying to find ways to divert his money from the rnc to his campaign. but the deal that the rnc is now struck with them, how does all of this play out? at some point, donors have to go, do i really want to pay for his legal fees while i'm trying to get a candidate that i support elected to office? >> yeah, one would think that when you're donating money, you want to go to the purpose you want it to go to. that's basic 101.
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but i don't think that's what is happening here, obviously, and trump made a living out of filling his pockets with other people's money. i think what you'll see is down ballot and local races, if you're a donor, i would say, pay attention to what's happening here, because that principle person that you think you're supporting is not going to see a dime. it's really just going to the top of the party. >> they are giving their money directly to those candidates. >> stay away. it's all going to what, save america, it's going to the trump national committee. that's what it is right now. and the trump legal defense. >> oh my goodness, i could just imagine as a former state party chair, you're like, oh goodness. the people talk about not giving to giving directly to the candidates. i mean, look, we hear a lot on all across, in the papers, on television, about how donald trump is narrowly beating joe biden in these polls that are more than seven months out from
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a general election. but money is very important here. that is how you can put on events. that's how you campaign. that is how you can buy ads. that is how you can hire people to canvas. trump doesn't have the cash, but joe biden does. what do you think we are learning about the financial picture or lack thereof? >> when you are running a party, and you decide that you want to replace the leader of that party with someone that, you know, you are related to, that you know very well, when the grass roots of that party is resisting you. that's a big problem, because that's what parties are very important in lifting the bottom of the ticket, right? presidential campaigns, in some ways, can worry about themselves because they also have a lot of ies and so on. for all of those state level races, that's where that money becomes really important. so when you have this advantage that joe biden and the democrats have, you can put that money, and find a way to
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put that money into states where you have competitive races, new york, for example, does not play heavily at the top of the ticket. for all of those congressional seats that are going to be in play this year where, you know, hopefully we can get hakeem jeffries to be the next speaker, that money is going to be critically important for all of those constituencies that may have concerns about voting for joe biden and the ticket. this is where he can put money into those states, into those communities, whether it's tv ads, whether it's digital ads. you can experiment a little bit. so there's a lot more flexibility to push out a lot more voters with that cash advantage. >> i'm struck by the fact that there's been this reporting about how president biden and his campaign are not going to touch the donald trump legal issues, specifically the president is not going to speak about them. instead what they're doing is kind of going after this idea that he is broke. this is from the biden/harris campaign. they put out a statement.
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is not raising the funds needed to reach voters or campaign a good strategy. is trailing your opponent in cash on hand by nearly 4 to 1 and hitting up donors to cover your personal debts instead of funding your campaign a winning formula. >> on the legal issues, yeah, you don't want to bog down the voters. zoom out and talk about values. and the values that i think is coming out here is the man is a hypocrite. somebody long time ago, one of my early political mentors say voters may forgive a liar, but they won't forgive a hypocrite. between the donald trump that ran in 2016 and this billionaire, i've done all of this for all of these people. you get down to it, the guy is actually broke. not only has he lied to you, but he has created this persona that is paper thin and i think
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his voters see that. wow, this guy is just like everybody else. except joe biden, because he is out there talking about, you know, the values and creating these really important contrasts. >> that contrast, simone, sorry michael, go ahead. >> olivia, if voters won't forgive a hypocrite. republicans will spend a long time in confession trying to work that forgiveness thing. i love that line, by the way, your mentor was very, very right and smart on that. how does -- i mean, the money aside, because you know, that's something that in terms of voters, they give in other ways. broad picture. the state of these two campaigns as we sit here on this palm sunday, getting ready to get into the spring part of the campaign. where do you think voters are looking with this idea of the hypocrisy of the republican party versus the values of joe biden? how do you see the assessment
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so far? >> it's interesting, right? like he said, you're seeing the democrats be organized. they are doing what the party should be doing. they should be cultivating, rising stars, they should be running things on the ground. they should be growing their platform and really supporting their voters and what they want. instead, what you see on the republican side is what are they doing? there is no platform. there's no plan. so, where is the future of the gop? it is dying. i mean, that is the issue here. so i think it's going to continue to spiral downhill. you're not going to see candidates win, i think, they will continue to lose. because there really is no grass roots game. there is no support for the party down ballot, right? it's all focused at the top. if you look at it, they're saying every dollar will go to trump at the top. outside of money, there's no growth for campaigning. there's no training. right? actual training, actual preparation. i started my career there. i was doing grass roots
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training for outreach. latino voters, minority communities. that's what the party does. >> that's one of the programs they got rid of. >> that doesn't exist anymore. >> elevated up the program and coalitions and they started screaming because i actually put money into going out and meeting voters. >> imagine that. imagine that. >> that engagement, god forbid. god forbid the republican party practice dei. i mean, can we just talk about, you know, i love to drag a broke campaign. i have been dragged. let's drag a broke campaign. politicalo is talking about, it is brass tax time for cash strapped trump campaign. you have the donors in this politicalo story, talking about that they make an campaign nude , that the needs to build up the war chest. saying that make no mistake,
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it's not going to be easy. that's an under statement. i mean, if we had to just rate the trump campaign's ability and frankly, the republican national committee's ability between now and the start of summer, because you all have until the fall. you have now until the start of summer to get it together. on a scale of 1 to 10, where would we put it? i think it's a 4 for me. that's me personally. >> 3 to 4 is about right, because you know, if you're donald trump, this isn't about anybody else. it's about him. and he is probably pretty strident in telling people that. it's not about you, it's about me. and at some point, the donors will get tired of that. they are already. when they start losing members of congress and the senate races look tighter and tighter, they are going to start making some more noise. >> all right. well, basil, and olivia. stick around. we will discuss the new
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reporting on the billionaires trying to staff a second donald trump term with thousands of loyalists. and also, we'll get into the so- called crazies from trump's first campaign who are now working their way back into his inner circle. you're watching "the weekend." wooo! tools that help protect. alerts that help check. one bank that puts you in control. chase. make more of what's yours.
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new reporting from nbc news reveals influential conservative donors are funneling tens and millions of
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dollars into organizations funding project 2025. the group that is creating a conservative government in waiting for second trump term. one of the main donors behind this financial support, you know who it is? i'm going to tell you. leanard leo who helped orchestrate the takeover of the supreme court. olivia troye and basil are back with us. >> speaking of these efforts, let's talk about america first legal, that is a trump aligned group as the "new york times" writes. they are spoiling for a fight. this was one of my favorite poll quotes. for those that wonder what steven miller has been up to, as a senior policy adviser, the answer is litigating loudly. what does it tell you, olivia, about any effort that is led by the likes of steven miller? >> i saw this firsthand in the white house when i was in the trump administration. i sat in these meetings and i'll tell you this. they file these cases and they don't necessarily do it because they plan to win. they do it because they plan to litigate and keep it in the courts. i saw them do this with the
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travel ban. i saw them do it with the child separation. they will propose extreme measures. when you talk about using the legal system, they used it effectively, they would say, look, we'll get sued. it will litigate. but by the time that it catches up to us, we'll have impacted blocking muslims from the country, we won't have -- those are his words in cabinet meetings to be very clear, and senior policymaking. i just lay that out because that's what the future holds, should these people come back into office. >> i think that is a very important aspect of a lot of the narrative coming out of trump world. not just in recent times, but from the very beginning. there's been -- i've never understood why people don't understand what they are actually hearing and seeing from the people who are around donald trump. not only do they reflect their own particular ideology. they are reflecting the perspective of the man himself,
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and there's an alignment there. so what is it that people don't get about those folks that you worked with who are actually having an agenda. this manifests in this project 2025. there are other aspects and elements out there that aren't even on the surface right now that are also being formulated and put in place, strategies, tieing up the courts, for example, with litigation, or putting out certain narratives. >> yeah, i think the issue here is when people see this, there will be other prevailing minds in the room, right? that's not what happened. i'll tell you, while we had a guardrail in the room and we would have these conversations. it doesn't matter, because steven miller and these people would go behind the scenes. they would have the meetings. trump listens, and he repeats it. so, they are very effective on a number of things. a lot of the time, they will do things behind the scenes.
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they worked on blocking refugees, which we told them was a national security imperative. they did things where they were gutting the afghan translaters, like special immigrant visas, which just got signed right now, an increase in that, which is critical. and you have these translaters stuck in these countries still today that helped us on the ground. but they do it behind the scenes and then they present it at the very end and it's the final product and you are left with, what is the lesser evil of the options that are given to us? >> it's so interesting, because i mean, all of the reporting that we have seen and frankly, donald trump's own words and the people around him right now are telling us that these are not going to be the same folks. we talked about leanard leo. pouring millions into groups prepping for potential trump second term. we just want to highlight some of this. this is literally a government in waiting. there's $55 million from groups who are linked to leanard leo, who currently is being
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investigated by dc's attorney general, by the way. and because of that, again, he's investigating his entire network and the money he has given. there's been investigations launched into the dc attorney general from people supported by leanard leo. i mean, this is something we need to be paying attention to, basil. this is not some back room beltway conversation that doesn't matter. this is directly linked to a number of the policies that donald trump himself is currently, you know, talking about that he will implement if he is reelected president. >> that's absolutely right. what olivia was calling out earlier. there was a time when they were public servants like her, in the room, trying to create those guardrails. in the next term, if trump becomes president, there won't be those guardrails. there won't be public servants. and that's a very important distinction, because that means for all the money that is being raised and the guardrails being
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off, they will do whatever they can to enact some really radical policies. not just from the white house, but they will make sure all of that gets implemented at the state level. where day-to-day, those policies have a much more intimate effect if you will, on the lives of voters. we saw during the obama years about 1,000 democrats in state houses lost their seats. so there was this sort of ground being layed. this preparation, if you will, for the combination of flipped state legislatures and conservative judiciary, so that litigate and legislate strategy means that they will test wherever they can in any state, any of these policies and end up going into the room in a conservative justice likely approve what they are trying to do. the strategy is not just happening between donors and the white house. it is through all of the branches of government.
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as i try to tell voters, particularly young voters, that state level politics matters quite significantly to your day- to-day lives. pay attention to sort of both venues, both vehicles here. >> i want you to really quickly listen to this ad from republican voters against trump. they focus on this idea of former vice president pence putting the country over party. take a listen. >> mike pence knows donald trump better than anyone else and he knows how dangerous a second trump administration would be. >> i will not be endorsing donald trump this year. >> mike pence is putting country over party. and we will, too. >> we want both of your reactions to that, starting with you, basil. >> well, i'm not ready to count mike pence as part of the resistance just yet. but i understand. the man's life was threatened and he thought that the guy who actually worked with would come to his defense and he didn't. so i appreciate the fact he said he's not going to endorse
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donald trump for president. but he is still pretty dangerous from a policy point of view to me and to a lot of folks that i care about. >> olivia. >> you know, i think mike pence has a moral obligation to the country to do everything he can to educate those swing voters and those moderate conservatives who are still on the fence about what they are going to do this coming november. i think that's who he needs to reach. i think he will be effective, hopefully at that, and i think that's why his voice matters in this. >> olivia, troy, basil, thank you so much for getting us started. in our next hour, the national cochair of the 2024 biden/harris campaign will join the conversation. we're going to talk about how they are taking the advantage of trump camp chaos. this is "the weekend," on msnbc. but with prilosec otc just one pill a day blocks heartburn for a full 24 hours.
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let's continue this conversation about project 2025. that's the conservative effort to install a government in waiting for a second trump term. here's how the group talks about the issues. they say abortion is not healthcare. they say our deficit problem is a medicare and medicaid problem. they say we should delete the terms sexual orientation, gender identity, diversity, equity, and inclusion. abortion, reproductive health, reproductive rights, out of every single piece of legislation that exists. they say so much more. it's organized into four pillars. it's crazy. well, it's organized and crazy. >> that's the thing. i think that is something folks need to really understand, that there was a lot that was learned over the four years with donald trump. one was, okay, who are true loyalists versus those who are pretend? and two, organizationally, and infrastructurally, how do we go about remaking this government? and the way you start to remake
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the government is not through policy, it's through people. it's putting in the people who, you know, are your ride or die. the word that comes out of the white house is what they are going to implement. and you know, the ♪ [ this is what the project 2025 stand up is all about. standing this process up and then organizing it, not just the federal level, but also having it play out at the state level as well. you need the two in alliance with each other and it's well coordinated. it's very smart. it's well funded. and it began by a wholesale takeover of heritage, which was always sort of the brain trust of conservativism going back to the days of buckley, and others to what it is today. you can see this sort of ark.
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to simone's point, the policy, you know, taking out medicare and medicaid, who is talking about that right now? you are running for the u.s. senate. project heritage says we want to get rid of medicaid and medicare. is that true, senator? that's going to have to be the narrative in order to sort of stand up what they want to do against those senators, for example, who will be running in some tightly contested races. >> make all of them own these policies and get on the record about whether or not they support them. there was something that was said to me this week, the ways in which, even those of us that tried to call out authoritarianism can fall back, saying something like, you know, if donald trump wins and he has four years in office, if he is saying he will be a dictator, what makes you think he will run fair and free elections four years in? when you're talking about something, like project 2025, it's because they think they have a lot of runway.
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they are not just talking about '25 through '29. how they remake the u.s. government in their image. that project is a much longer tale than any four years. >> i read the project too many times, michael. pillar two is about a personnel data base that allows candidates to build their own profiles so they can put in, so there are people out there that put into the profiles. pillar three is a presidential academy that educational experts go in and train folks on what these policies are. and pillar four is the play book. they are forming agency teams already. this is not your normal transition effort. this is a takeover. >> and it's an important one, people need to be mindful of. it is a dangerous ploy, and i've already seen the trump 3032 button. so get ready. >> my lord. i need something else in my cup. >> i already got in mine.
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so, next congresswoman sarah jacobs who sits on the house foreign affairs committee is with us, we're excited about that. later, we'll speak with the arizona state senator who shared her abortion story as a warning for her fellow state legislators. this is "the weekend." and camellia flower oil your hair will love. and none of the things it won't. hair that feels deeply nourished, soft and lightweight. new herbal essences. okay everyone, our mission is to provide complete, balanced nutrition for strength and energy. yay - woo hoo! ensure, with 27 vitamins and minerals, nutrients for immune health. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. (♪♪) oh no. running low? with chewy, always keep their bowl full. save 35% on your first autoship order. get the food they love. delivered again and again. (♪♪) [thud]
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(other money manager) ok, then you probably sneak in some hidden and layered fees. (fisher investments) no. we structure our fees so we do better when clients do better. that might be why most of our clients come from other money managers. at fisher investments, we're clearly different. so, have you noticed, house republicans are struggling to govern? after barely avoiding a government shutdown, speaker mike johnson now faces a fight to keep his job after marjorie taylor greene introduced a motion to vacate yet again. according to axios, republicans are livid that all this chaos is threatening to cannibalize their house majority. former speaker nancy pelosi told politico, the chaos is so unfortunate. adding there's no respect for the integrity of the house, but it's a logical consequence of
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what kevin mccarthy had to do to get elected speaker. joining us now, democratic, sarah jacobs. she's a member of the house committee. >> so good to see you. i want to ask you to pick up where nancy pelosi left off. this isn't just bad news for the republican caucus as it relates to their politics. it's bad news for the american people. there are actual stakes, whether you are talking about international aid. talking about the domestic affordability crisis. the fact they kent their ducks in order, that doesn't matter just for them. it matters for their constituents. >> well, that's exactly right. and i think everything that we've seen from the house republicans this past year, plus, has been bad for the institution of congress and has been bad for the country. i mean, every single time we've had to take a consequential vote to help the american people. it's been democrats who had to put up the votes to put it up
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against the finish line. republicans have shown time and again that they cannot govern and this chaos is not good for our country. it's not addressing the things that americans need. like the cost of living, like making sure we are helping our allies and partners around the world. frankly, we are starting to be a laughing stock to other countries as well. >> you know, congresswoman, senator patty murray, as right before the bill, the $1.2 trillion appropriations bill finally made its way through the senate, she asked after all of that delay, how different ultimately was the outcome? i thought that was an interesting question. politico teased out even more and said how different is it? from kevin mccarthy to now? it seems like the same things continue to happen. no matter who is in charge of the republican caucus in the house. the inability to govern without working with democrats is just a stark, stark situation for
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them. >> well, yeah, look, they are down now to a one-person majority. they have many members of their caucus that are not going to go along with what the majority of their caucus wants, no matter who is in charge. so yes, they have to rely on us to get things done. the senate is in democratic hands, so the white house is in democratic hands. this is divided government and that means you can't get everything that you want. there are many, many in the house republican conference who refuse to accept that reality and therefore, leaves it to whoever is in charge of them to have to work with us to get anything across the finish line. >> your work on the foreign affairs committee has you looking not just a lot of domestic issues, but more globally as well. in light of the recent terrorist attack in moscow, what is the latest that you've been hearing? has there been some level of updating or briefing to members of the committee?
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how is that, you know, situation right now being viewed by members of the house? >> yeah, we haven't yet gotten a full briefing on that attack. in large part, because we were focused on getting the mini bus passed and not here in session for two weeks. one of the things we were told very quickly was that we do not assess this is the ukrainians and as we saw isis, came out and took credit for it and i think that's largely in line with what the united states believes to be what happened. but i don't think it changes anything in regards to the fact that we need to pass assistance to ukraine immediately. you know, this was a terrible, tragic event in moscow and the russians are doing terrible things in ukraine and it is up to us to make sure that we are helping our partners there and standing up for democracy around the world. >> i'm sorry, there was a
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detail in the recent package that you all were able to pass. this is from nbc news. although the $1.2 trillion, thousand page package does not mention barring pride flags from flying at u.s. embassies. tight tax embraces a republican led effort to prohibit the display at government buildings. you have the white house spokesperson telling nbc, the administration fought against the inclusion of this policy. i ask about it because it's not just flag, right? it is about values, respect, of inclusion, and a desire to chip away from that not just here at home, we watched it play out here at home. but also for america as a leader on the world stage. believe you were a member of the lgbtq+ caucus in the house of representatives. i understand that there are, you know, things like this that get slipped into what are essentially mini omni buses.
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but i just want to underscore, it's not just about the flag, right? it's about everything that the flag represents. >> that's absolutely right. look, i think my youngest sibling is trans. these are things deeply personal to me. when i'm traveling around the world, it's so important when we're talking to young people and we're talking to the lgbtq+ community and all these other countries that when they look to the united states, they see freedom and that includes freedom to be who you are regardless of who you love and how you identify. it's shameful that republicans put this in and used the fact that we had to avoid a government shutdown to get this thing through. that is going to harm so many people around the world and erode our standing as a defender of human rights. >> yesterday, we had the ranking member of your committee, congressman meeks, on. michael really got into the details with him on what is happening in haiti and the
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united states government's response. you know, it is a harrowing situation. the ranking member talked about the fact that well, could be coming in, but there needs to be appropriations. money from congress to do that. you talked about the war in ukraine, russia's war in ukraine. where do we stand on funds for haiti, for ukraine, for taiwan? frankly, for israel, but also humanitarian aid in gaza, because in that mini bus that elisie just talked about, unra funding, that does the humanitarian aid support in the gaza strip, that funding was restricted. like basically, defunded. >> yeah, look. the unrwa funding, the fact republicans insisted on us not being allowed to give them funding as part of this package is unconscionable. we have people starving and
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dying. we will be able to give support to other organizations. it's not a total cutoff of all u.s. funding to people in gaza. there's nothing that can replace the kind of scale and infrastructure that unrwa has in gaza and being able to work in difficult circumstances like this before. now i think we need to pass the full comprehensive security supplemental that passed the senate. the senate is not known for acting quickly. the idea of doing anything besides what they already passed to me doesn't make any sense. and i also believe that keeping it all together is the only way we're going to get more humanitarian assistance through. >> before we let you go, follow up on the point you just made about unrwa. can you identify or was there any communication from republicans why they wanted to gut that funding that humanitarian funding? was it just because it's the u.n. or was there something
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more? i'm curious. >> we saw the allegations by the isreali government, that there were unrwa employees involved in the september 7 attack. suspended assistance as a result of that. we are waiting to see the results of that internal investigation. i think, you know, if it's true, which it looks likely, then those employees should be, you know, should be terminated and there should be increased vetting as needed for unrwa employees. that doesn't mean we should punish the entire palestinian population in gaza because a few people who work at an organization were part of something really horrible. i think that's a key part of humanitarian law, right? we don't punish whole populations of civilians because of what some actors do. and frankly, that has been something that i think we have to keep emphasizing when it comes to this conflict. >> congresswoman sara jacobs, thank you for coming in.
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good to see you. after a quick break, folks, we'll look ahead to this week's arguments before the supreme court on a critical abortion case. this is "the weekend." this isn't charmin! no wonder i don't feel as clean. here's charmin ultra strong. ahhh! my bottom's been saved! with its diamond weave texture, charmin ultra strong cleans better with fewer sheets and less effort. enjoy the go with charmin. you know what's brilliant? boring. think about it.
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challenging federal policies and expand access tomifepristone. allowing the pills to be prescribed online and mailed to recipients. someone say telehealth. tuesday's arguments will the first time the justices considered an abortion related case since the conservative majority overturned roe v. wade. joining us at the table here in dc is georgetown law school professor and on the issues podcast host, michelle goodwin, invisible women and the criminalization of motherhood. also joining us is arizona state senator, eva burch. >> i'm so glad you are able to join the program. we were all moved by what you shared this past week about your own experience. i want to take a listen to what you said. we'll talk about it on the other side. >> first, i was required to have another ultrasound at the abortion clinic. i didn't have an ultrasound
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because my doctor thought i needed one. i had one because legislation has forced me to do that. then i got to sit through an exhaustive list of absolute disinformation that was read off to me. i was told that there were alternatives to abortion, parenting or adoption among them. as if delivering a healthy baby is an option for me. from where i sat, the only reason i had to hear those things was in a cruel and really uninformed attempt by outside forces to shame and cohearse and frighten me into making a different decision other than the one i knew was right for me. >> senator, i am sorry for what you have been through. i'm sorry that we live in a country where women are constantly called upon to excavate their own pain in the interest of being seen and treated as full people. i want to know after you shared those remarks and shared your experience, if you heard from colleagues who have not traditionally agreed with you on this issue, that you were able to change their hearts, to
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change their minds? >> thank you so much for having me here today. i'm so glad to be able to participate in the conversation. i've not heard from my republican colleagues. i will say that doesn't surprise me tremendously. we have a very, very slim republican majority in the arizona legislature and it can make things very tense in that environment. but i did feel very strongly that the wrong people were controlling the conversation about abortion. i think because it is a very private experience, that people can be reluctant to talk about. that it leaves the door open to a lot of assumption. and i tend to be an over sharer anyway. i felt this was my opportunity to bring people along with me and to break open the conversation and really show people what abortion care looks like and cut through some of that stigma. >> i want to look at the -- i
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guess almost the philosophical underpinnings that drives a lot of the legislation. i mean, you know, someone who has been inside the party, understand the pro-life movement, and all of these attributes that, you know, were once a big part of the narrative. independents, choice in a different way, if you will. >> even in this way. >> even in this way. >> yes. >> how did it bend the way it did, so the individual right and liberty and freedom to make this decision. this was the foundation of the argument we made in 2010 on obama care. no government should stand between you and the decisions you have to make regarding your healthcare. >> well -- >> now that narrative seems to have changed. >> it's been an abandonment of fundamental republican principles and let's be clear. they are human rights principles. as i say, roe v. wade was a 7-2
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opinion. five were republican appointed. justice blackman, who authored the opinion was put on the court by richard nixon. the former president, george h.w. bush, provides reproductive healthcare for the poorest of americans, when planned parenthood would say, we do breast screenings, that was george h.w. bush. nixon said that was fundamental healthcare. this had been the position of the republican party for the longest time. you know, even planned parenthood, 20 years after roe v. wade, who saves it? who affirms roe? it's justices kennedy, o'conner, again, they are republican appointed. when ruth bader ginsburg goes through her confirmation hearing, she talks about abortion. she talks about racial justice. she talks about voting rights. there were only a few no votes. republicans applauded her and
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her legacy of helping to strike down sex discriminatory laws. they didn't run from the fact she was going to be a justice who saw equality, fundamental principles of equality as attached to abortion rights. >> you know, this case is coming up. we talked a lot about mifepristone. this is coming before the supreme court. the justices are going to consider about the fda's approval, ability to approve certain drugs and one of the arguments that the petitioners have made in this particular case is that the fda -- they didn't adequately consider the harmful side effects of mifepristone. the other piece, that is going to be decided here, is about whether the mailing of mifepristone through the mail and they have dusted off anti--
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laws. professor, explain to the people, what are the implications here? >> let's be clear. this was form shopping, finding the one lone judge who is a trump appointee whose history had been antiabortion, and let's be clear, the challenge that the fda rushed to the market with this drug is absolutely untrue. the fda, saying it was approved. it had taken three times the length of time to approve it versus other drugs at that same time. mifepristone has been on the market for 23 years. the statute of limitations is three years. people claiming to be doctors, one of whom has a master's degree in theology, is itself absolutely absurd that these individuals even have standing, claiming they would somehow be able to call to perform abortions for people dissatisfied or who are harmed.
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the question as to whether mifepristone is harmful. also something that is absolutely false. it is safer than tie tylenol. you ask a great question. what about other drugs on the market? what ability people who don't like covid vaccines? could they find a judge that would do the same? what about parents who are antivaxxers, finding a judge that might agree with them as well. that is what is dangerous in this and of course, calling on a law that is more than a centuries old, which had been pushed to the side by the very fact we have contraception that has been made lawful by the supreme court and so much more. >> senator burch, kristen welker had the attorney to set down with justin. i want you to take a listen to their exchange. >> do you think a compromise was possible before the leak,
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around 15 weeks? >> i usually hope for compromise. >> so you were hopeful there could be a compromise. >> you want to put words in my mouth. i'm careful what i say on this. because i say our interests are different. i don't want to make news. i written what i thought. if you think there's news in here, go right ahead. i don't want to say something in addition. >> just to be clear though, did you think a compromise was possible? >> i always think it's possible. >> uh-huh. >> i always think it's possible. usually up until the last minute. >> and yet, senator, we know how that ended and one of the things we have heard is no, this would be up to states. don't worry. we have seen that is not true. you are living with the implications of that not being true. as someone trying to legislate this in states, what is your message to those who say, oh,
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don't worry. this is just about state rights. >> well, i think we have to really look at how donald trump kind of weaponnized the supreme court at the united states against women and restricted access to abortion for millions of people through that ripple effect of state law changes that are being made by extremist republicans and they have fundamentally changed the narrative about what abortion looks like, who the abortion patient is, and i think that is exactly the goal. i think that's exactly what they were trying to accomplish and just not having an honest conversation about what the intent is. i think that is only going to continue if we were to ever see another trump white house. >> professor michelle goodwin, state senator eva burch. we have another hour of the weekend coming up. ping to prott their money with chase. woah, a lost card isn't keeping this thrill seeker down.
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