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tv   Politics Nation  MSNBC  March 30, 2024 2:00pm-3:00pm PDT

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here's why you should switch fo to duckduckgo on all your devie duckduckgo comes with a built-n engine like google, but it's pi and doesn't spy on your searchs and duckduckgo lets you browse like chrome, but it blocks cooi and creepy ads that follow youa from google and other companie. and there's no catch. it's fre. we make money from ads, but they don't follow you aroud join the millions of people taking back their privacy by downloading duckduckgo on all your devices today. politics nation. tonight's lead, a tale of two cities.
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this week tragedy is in two major united states cities, highlighting the country's most pressing challenges challenges. in new york the shooting death of a police officer has led to a show of grief and frustration. republican presidential candidate donald trump using the wake to call for law and order. the new york governor also attended the viewing and met with the family of the fallen officer. she joins us tonight to share her thoughts. meanwhile in baltimore a shipping accident led to the deadly collapse of the francis scott key bridge. the president has vowed the federal government will help to rebuild that bridge. a roadway vital to an
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economicly at risk community. some republicans on the other hand have ind ul ged in baseless theori, s about what caused this historic tragedy and a majority black urban center. a maryland congressman joins me later to talk about what it'll take for baltimore to rebuild. all of that tonight on politics nation. so let's go. joining me now is new york governor kathy hokel a democrat. governor, let's start with the fatal shooting of a police officer, which has dominated the news in your state since his death on monday. former president trump attended the wake. you went to the wake yesterday as well and you met with family members. the tragedy obviously sparked a debate about crime, guns and criminal justice and many of us
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deplore of shooting of police. you have been consistent with that but also consistent with everybody must stay with in the law. what can you share about your thoughts on these issues as crime stats has gone down in your state but what do we need to do more of? >> thank you for having me back on the show. yesterday and today the day of the funeral its been a heartbreaking experience for all new yorkers. we mourn with this family, especially a young widow with a 1-year-old son who will me raised without his father because of the horrible acts by a brazen criminal. i went to the wake to meet the family and speak to everybody from his wife and mother, faux everybody is upset and there's a lot of anger, there's anger about how these individuals who commit crimes over and over are back out on the streets again. so, that is one of the reasons we worked hard with the
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legislature last year to change the bail laws so that the judges have more discretion and there's a lot of complicated factors here but i understand the outrage of the family. i do. we are working hard to keep crime down. speaking of our efforts, you know what we have done in the subways. we were there to talk about it couple weeks ago. we deployed the national guard which there's a lot of criticism of. these are people that are a presence. crime has gone down since we added them to the force that -- the mayor has brought in reinforcements. it's necessary to calm it all down. we changed the laws last year. repeat offenders are down 40%. we are getting more guns off the street but we have more work to do and that's why my plan before the legislature brings more money for law enforcement, district attorneys, diversion programs, alternative courts to get young people off the streets and this
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to programs before they get hardened and places we can never pull them back from. it's complete. it's something that we are focused on day in and day out. today we mourn the life of this wonderful young man who was willing to put his life on the line to protect all of us so we can sleep better at night. we respect police and law enforcement here in the state of new york. >> one of the things that we try to deal with is the balance because the killing of this policeman is horrible and then we have an nypd shooting of a young man with issues that his family said he had. so the balance of trying -- i don't think it's one side or another. we need to stop all of the violence against law enforcement but also hold responsibility at the same time of law enforcement but let me go to this issue. new york's budget deadline has been pushed back to next week as lawmakers continue to
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negligent item over priorities including funding for education, provide nora fordable housing and protect retail workers for crime. what can you tell us about where the talks stand this evening? >> happy to talk about. they have been productive and i wanted to change the culture here in albany to not be so contentious. to fight for what we believe in but we have to describe for new york and give them a budget. on time was a little bit complicated since the deadline is easter sunday. we knew it was going to go into more days next week accommodate this holy holiday. that's fine. we won't go very late. i want to get this done. one of the biggest problems we have other than making where very enough resources to fight crime and to drive down repeat offenderns is to go after the crimes that are driving people crazy like retail theft. i have a whole package on how we can deal with the people sweeping the diapers off the shelfs and not using them for
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themselves but selling them online as part of a larger criminal enterprise. that is what we are going after as well. i'm working out all the details. you mentioned housing. this is one of the greatest challenges we have in the state of new york is to stop people from digging their heels in and being so myopic that we cannot build enough housing for the families, particularly black and brown family that have been fleeing the city because they can't find housing that's affordable. i want new york to be a place where people of all incomes and races can find a home and i want to get that building started now. i'm unrelenting in this. i will continue to work with the legislator and say we shouldn't live here until we show a real commitment to giving people, everybody the dignity of the home and focusing on homelessness and making sure that young people coming in search of the great tech jobs have a place to live. >> switching topics here. you are part of a group of
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nearly two dozen governors defending abortion rights. after the fall of roe v. wade and this week the supreme court heard oral arguments about if access to a drug used in more than half -- of the abortions in the united states should be restricted. with the court appearing likely to preserve that access over the objections of anti abortion doctors it seems like a prospective win for your group. three months after it filed a brief urging the court to do so. what is your reaction tonight ahead of its decision? >> we won't know for sure until june but it's shocking to me that we even had to get to the supreme court. that there was a judge, a trump appointed judge in texas who decided that he knew more than the scientists at the fda. that he could overrule their judgment so i have said leave
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the science to the scientists, the medicine to the doctors and leave women's bodies to the women. let's stop having these conversations and yes i expect we should win in court in june but all the time? energy around this -- when you look at recent polling the vast majority of even republicans want this. you look at it through the political lens republicans -- this is political suicide for you. leave women alone. find a way to restore the rights with the national -- not a ban like trump wants but saying abortion rights are the law of the land. here in the united states of america. women have had. women will mobilize. they are march to the polls in november and there will be consequences for the republican party because they didn't just go after abortion. they went after medication abortion which is almost two thirds of all portions in this country and they went after ivf for the people that are struggling to start a family. there is no limit to the ways
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they have found to diminish women, and i say just leave us alone. >> now the president's re- election said it brought in more than $26 million from it is fundraiser across the street from here at radio city music hall on thursday night. the president was joined by former presidents obama and bill clinton. the three of them showing together and standing -- throwing shots at donald trump and trying to calm pro palestinian protestors who interrupted the event several times to criticize the president's handling of the israel, hamas war. you couldn'ta send a attend but how would you describe the importance that have joint effort for the president and
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the democratic party with the former presidents standing with him on the stage? >> i would have loved to have been there but we are in the budget negotiations. that's the only thing that kept me away from what is a huge pep rally for people to get excited about the buy ten harris presidency and re-election. the timing is perfect. it is the end of march. we have a long campaign time and for the president to be able to stand with his predecessors and talk about the common values of the democratic party which we have never lost sight of and how we stand so apart from what has happened to the republican party. how the issues that should have been just american issues like working to support women's rights and infrastructure projects and creating jobs, how this all gets taken into a different place by the republicans. everything is so political to them. so i thought it was great, it's perfect for the momentum. i commend the biden team for putting this together to show
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there's a lot of energy and excitement about this and i thought the president was spot on. i had a chance to watch it afterwards. he is funny, engaging, warm, and all those trait that are what we need right now to calm things down and get this country back to where it was before donald trump ever entered the political scene. it was necessary. it calms the nerves of a lot of democrats who are getting anxious. everybody just calm down. president biden is doing just fine. i have met with him many times and he will continue to be the voice of reason and wisdom and experience that we need to get through a lot of these challenges. >> before i let you go, new york is one of only three states where the historic total solar eclipse on april 8th will be visible. many of the states, prison inmates have requested to see the generational event. some siting it's religious significance. the new york department of corrections and community
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supervision has planned a system wide three hour lockdown. the department of corrections said that the religious request are under review. should they be granted? >> we are very excited about april 8th. ly be at the center thankful in niagara falls. we are making accommodations for the minimum security prisons in the middle -- but the maximum we will try to find a way. we will have glasses available. we will figure it out. also you know our job is public safety. if there is a three and a half minute time when the prisons go into darkness we have to be smart about how we handle this. we are listening to the request for religious accommodations but i have to say i have to keep -- people safe first and i don't want to be finding out later in got clever about the darkness and were able to do things. we have seen enough prison breaks and i want to make sure we are being smart about this.
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we are listening to those requests. >> thank you for being with us again. new york governor. i want to turn the attention now to baltimore. you are looking at live pictures of the massive cranes being use today to clear collapsed segments of the francis scott key bridge from the waterway. six immigrant construction workers were killed when a cargo vessel collided with the bridge on tuesday. joining me now is baltimore congressman -- a democrat. thank you congressman for being with us and joining us after a challenging week for the people in your district. to start can you talk about how your community has reacted to this tragedy and what the loss of the bridge will mean for the area in the weeks and months to come and it has national consequences. >> thank you very much for the
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community. it has met a huge coming together. small businesses, community leaders, working with the coast guard. the army corp of engineers. working with elected officials to make sure that as our governor has said many times we remain baltimore strong. this interestingly enough is one of those generational event that you can't really predict. all you can do is react to and i would ask you to imagine a vessel at 1:30 in the morning. the length of three football fields, weighing 95,000-tons, losing power just before 1:30 and then drifting for the next several minutes until it came into the bridge and of course we know that the bridge collapsed totally. it's had a huge effect on the area but it's also now getting ready to have a huge effect on the supply chain nationwide. the port of baltimore exports and imports more new vehicles,
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cars that is than any other port in the nation. we are exporting and importing farm equipment, sugar, coal, a number of retail items, and so the effects immediately are on this region. in long term they are going to affect the entire country. so we look at this as a national event. a national disaster and we have been urging others to do so also. i spoke at length with the president. that very morning who has pledged as you know his many resources and assets as he can bring to bear. i have spoken to the secretary who traveled here that day to be on the ground. yesterday afternoon i spoke to speaker mike johnson to make sure that we can do everything we can so there is a bipartisan effort here to try to restore what was recognizing that he has his own constraints on his side of the aisle. most people realize we have to do this. we have to get it back up and
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running that's been the goal of the community and now i hope that the goal of the nation. >> now with in minutes after the bridge collapsed, on tuesday, we started seeing the flood of conspiracy theories. the tall tales i'm most concerned about came from some of the right trying to pin this on diversity programs. the baltimore mayor was labeled a dei mayor who is in the job because he is black and not because he received 70% of the vote in the city that's more than 60% black. your thoughts on that tonight as baltimore rebuilds. >> petty minds have always come up with petty conspiracies. i think that's what we see now. it is unfortunate but i urge people to pay attention because some of these petty
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conspiracies are people that represent different parts of this country. people who are angered by that should recognize that elections have consequences and that we can't keep electing people that will run out every time something happens. the mayor has done a -- working with all the authorities of the federal, state and local levels to make sure that we are maximizing our efforts to bring about relief here. that's the bottom line. we want to relieve the situation and he is a good strong mayor. he is no, sir affected by the charges but the fact they are charging of dei for a bridge collapse is almost laughable if not unbelievable. >> now donald trump has been largely silent about the key bridge collapse but baltimore was a freak target of his as president. famously accusing his long time democratic congressman, the
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late great, cummings of corruption and calling a rat and rodent infested mess where no human being would want to live. now president biden on the other hand said he will visit baltimore next week with the governor and you, days after the administration set aside $60 million in immediate aid and -- the federal government will pay the cost of rebuilding your bridge. what are your thoughts on the contrast of these two candidates in representing the two major parties in. >> well for me the contrast is stark. it is also revealing because it speaks not so much to what the individual is made out of but what they are not mad out of. donald trump doesn't seem to be made out of compassion or caring. i can tell you the senator has been my friend for 42 years.
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he was hurt to his heart to have those sort of charges leveled by the president of the united states at him or at the city of baltimore and went to his grave unfortunately broken hearted because of that. did donald trump care? no it was all about getting reelected and what he got was me and i'm ready to deal with him the same see you that eli ja h did from this point onward. it's so sickening quite frankly that there is no compassion and the thing that should not be lost in all of this is that there were six families affected. two bodies pulled out of the water and four more that they are still looking for. these were husbands, fathers, they worked two jobs. some had been in the country for 17 years, 18 years, 19 years, these were tax paying citizens that when you attack the city and you attack this you are also attacking them and their families. they gave their lives doing
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what they could do to take care of their families which is i apart of the american dream. they all lived we should work hard, play by the rules, love our country, cherish our faith, respect our elderly and build our families and that's what they were doing. i have not heard a peep from donald trump about that at all. i haven't heard him say very much about the disaster and the collapse. i think it's because he is lacking that human element of compassion and caring. >> and again some of those that died have been here 16, 17 years. not with all of these conspiracy theories people are saying like they just came over the mexican border a couple of weeks ago or the day -- were there because of some dei program or the mayor was there. some of them have been and built their families for years and at least while the families are in mourning you could respect the fact that they were doing days work to take care of
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their families and they were havings of this tragedy. congressman, thank you for being with us again as always. coming up, donald trump is trying to turn the holy bible into another tacky tacky trinket. i have a few thoughts on that in this week's got you. to help reverse the four signs of early gum disease. a new toothpaste from parodontax, the gum experts. try killing bugs the worry-free way. not the other way. zevo traps use light to attract and trap flying insects with no odor and no mess. they work continuously, so you don't have to. zevo. people-friendly. bug-deadly.
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as many christians observe holy week this week republican presidential nominee donald trump has found a way to cash in on the holiday. trump has teamed up with country singer lee greenwood to release the god bless the usa bible. a regular king james bible along with the united states constitution, bill of rights, pledge of allegince and the lyrics of god bless the usa.
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the price $59.99. that's right. trump has turned the bible into just another tacky, maga. like the golden trump sneakers or the pieces of his mug shot soup. as a baptist minister i'm not opposed to finding new ways to spread god's word but profiting off the holy bible feels like a slap in the face of a true believer. especially from a guy who in the past struggled to name a favorite bible verse and has been photographed holding the book while armed troops kept protestors at bay. plus i can't help but notice trump's sudden interest in the word of god comes as his earthly judgments and miss deeds have come about and now it includes hundreds of millions of dollars in fines and legal fees. if trump was as rich and as
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faithful as he claims, he should give away the bibles for free but if he is not willing to do that he should at least crack open a copy before they sell out. the words inside just might save him. i got you. i was born with a fire inside. but psoriasis doused my flame. until i got clearer skin with bimzelx. most people got 100% clear skin. some after the first dose. (♪♪) serious side effects, including suicidal thoughts and behavior,
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my frequent heartburn had me taking antacid after antacid all day long but with prilosec otc just one pill a day blocks heartburn for a full 24 hours. for one and done heartburn relief, prilosec otc. one pill a day, 24 hours, zero heartburn. welcome back it politics nation. the un warns gang violence in haiti has reached catastrophic levels. thousands have been killed and even more are trying trying flee. many of them women and children. yesterday members of our organization national action net works, our senior vice president ebony riley attended a virtual briefing the biden administration in the national security council regarding this crisis. joining me now is florida
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congresswoman sheils -- who co chairs the house, haiti caucus. thank you for joining me today congresswoman. >> thank you for having me. >> congresswoman, more than 480 human rights organizations sent a let tore the biden administration on wednesday asking for a stop on deportations to haiti. immediate release of detained migrants and a new designation of temporary protected status for migrants already living in the united states. so far the administration has been reluctant to change its policy toward haiti migrants. why do you think that is and what other options are there? >> i think right now the political climate really has been dictating what's going on. in addition to that if we are looking at do people have the awareness of what's going on? i think that's lacking. we have been washing about what's been going on for the
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last two years. as of right now we have 1.4 million people in haiti who who are facing famine. close to 4 million who are -- food insecure. if we look at the 360,000 who have been displaced we see the path of haiti is not god. especially when we don't have a government in place. so we have been pushing and trying to nudge the administration to do more and to actually have compassion for haiti. especially when we are looking at the root causes of migrants. if he we can stabilize and get the republicans to release the 40 million for the security mission in addition to that partnering with the transitional presidential council we would find those who are willing to stay in haiti and won't be scared of the terrorism of the gangs. >> 1.4 million facing famine. what is the -- united states government going to do as i said there was a briefing on --
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day before -- yesterday and i couldn't -- i was at -- we were baptizing some inmates and the mayor of new york had a -- the jail and couldn't get on the viral. what is being done and the un reported on thursday that gang violence has killed more than 1500 people in haiti this year and described it as a disaster in terms of that situation. this has been fuel in part by a major illegal flow of united states guns usually smuggled in shipments, leaving from miami- dade and port e verglade in florida, paid for with gang profits. this issue has only grown worse despite effort from the biden administration to tackle it. congresswoman, you represent florida and co hair the caucus. what do you think congress and the federal government can do
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to control this crisis? >> the first thing we can do is prohibit the guns going out and we are going to need technology to do that. i took a tour of the miami river and the port of miami and that's where i find out that more than 90% of the gun that go in to the hands of gang members come from florida. 90%. that has been going on since the assassination of the president of haiti. you can imagine how the gangs have been growing stronger having this terrorist rein. we can start by having a reporting. i put a bill forward called the catch act so they can report all the guns that are going and we can see our initiatives are working. the second thing we have to be serious about is making sure and enforcing there no criminals at the table. right now we see that the gangs have united themselves and they released more than 4,000 prisoners from jails and prisons. they have been able to expand and as we are looking at transitional council the gangs now are try neg -- the reason
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why is because if we look at what height has gone through in the past century half has been because of the participation and the policies that the united states has had in haiti and so if we are going to have credibility we have to be partners and say we cannot tolerate any criminals who are going to be part that have presidential transition council and we also have to put our money where our mouth is. as of right now the united states has determined they will give 300 million for the security council and 33 million for human rights. >> i'm glad you brought that up because i have been working in new york with pastor sam nickel its, and other leaders and the fact that -- airports closed, the hospitals are closed. the more news regarding the department of homeland security on thursday speaker mike johnson told the senate majority leader that the house will send impeachment arms against the secretary on april
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10th. however, he is expected to be acquitted in the democratic senate. now, your republican colleagues made this move claiming that the secretary refused to comply with the law by allowing millions of migrants through united states borders however the gop killed the bipartisan immigration bill back in february and still refuse to work with democrats on a compromise. all of this can affect people coming from haiti in this present situation. what do you think this is telling us about the priorities of the gop and congress on this issue? >> this is just a political sham. they are troying to divert and actually not pass a bill that can really help immigration. if they were really interested on the border and making sure that we are not having migrants coming to the border we would be dealing the root causes. we would have an immigration bill put forward and actually fund it so we had agents to process the migrants coming. that's not what they are looking to do. they are looking to fear monger
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and keep talking about an alien invasion. the immigrants are going to invade the country. if we look at even the laws being passed in florida it's more of that fear mongring to be scare bah if they really cared you would see legislation and we are not seeing that. if they cared even more they would actually release the $40 million that we are waiting on right now for that security mission in haiti. >> we talked about that last week on this show. they are holding $40 million and will not release it -- your leigh colleague -- has been really in touch. keep that visibility from civil rights organizations. i want to ask you about some news out of your home state. the florida supreme court said it'll -- is poised to issue rulings on monday afternoon about whether proposed constitutional amendments that seek to ensure abortion rights and allow marijuana to go on
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the ballot in november, the florida constitution gives the court a deadline of april 1th that's this coming monday to rule on whether any initiatives may meet the requirements for the november ballot placement. what are you expecting to see out of the anticipated rulings? >> i'm hoping that the court will respect the will of the people. each amendment had over a million signatures saying they wanted to see these amendments on the ballot. i'm hoping that the courts will not play political games the truth is with abortion on the ballot in -- in conjunction with the marijuana amendment on the ballot we will see more people, more democrats coming out and the potential of that to flip the state is real. if we looked at the last elections in the state when it came close that was by tens of thousands. could you imagine if everybody who signed those petitions, that will be close to 2 million people who would come out to vote and reverse the 15 week abortion ban in which the
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government -- and also to decriminalize civil and criminal penalties. that would actually change the path of your election coming up. >> all right. congresswoman, thank you for being with us tonight. coming up donald trump is bragging about trophies from a golfing tournament at his own golf course. who is he trying to impress? be right back. - bye, bye cough. - later chest congestion. hello 12 hours of relief.
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nicole: our family is forever grateful for donations big and small because it's completely changed our lives and it's given us a second chance. elizabeth stewart: saint jude's not going to stop until every single kid gets that chance to walk out of the doors of this hospital cancer-free. narrator: please, don't wait. call, go online, or scan the qr code below right now. [♪ music playing ♪] welcome back to politics nation. let's discuss the biggest topics with my panel. rick tyler, political isn'tist and co founder of foundery strategies and dana millbank for the washington post. next week president biden plans to visit baltimore with the governor following the deadly collapse of the francis scott
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key bridge. after a ship collided the bridge early tuesday killing six people. meanwhile the biden administration has approved $60 million in immediate federal aid to help clean up the wreckage. i want to give both of you your thoughts on how well the boy den administration is handling this. dana you first and then rick. >> i think it's what you would expect and want presidents to be doing. essentially guaranteeing that the federal government will foot the bill for this. showing -- the empathy, being out in public and it really -- strikes an extraordinary contrast with what you have seen from the maga right and the republican party. the -- on fox, you have seen just this profusion of conspiracies that may be it wasn't reamy an accident as it so obviously was but maybe
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there was foul play, maybe as alex jones said there was some kind of cyber warfare or that it's because we have an open border or it's because there are diversity initiatives at shipping companies. that must be what caused it. i think that anything by contrast would look favorable but the biden has been as he so often has been through -- presidential. >> rick. >> conspiracy of the tide water moving a ship that lost power into a -- i don't mean to make fun of it. when a tragedy happens presidents like should respond and they should help to get the traffic moving again and fix the problem that's happening in the first place. it's not the only bridge that's at risk to this -- the washington post had an article about eight other bridges around the country that are at risk to this very type of
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accident happening. >> dana and -- in your latest piece, don't tell anyone i read your pieces but in your latest piece you were. >> your secret is safe with me. >> in your latest piece you awarded donald trump the trophy for pretrial self sabotage as you mocked him for bragging about his trophies from a golfing tournament at his own golf course this week. you referenced how trump lashed out at the judge, a day after he imposed a gag order in his criminal hush money case and took aim at the judge's daughter who works for a democratic consultant firm. even republican appointed judges condemned his actions calling them assaults on the rule of law that could lead to violence. meanwhile trump shared a video of a social -- he did this on social media on friday that
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included an image of president joe biden bound and restrained in the back of a pickup truck. how harm. is trump's rhetoric and his willness to amplify disturbing images among a rise in political violence? >> i mean more than harmful. it's just appalling and maybe if -- his golf clubs would give him more trophies he would spend more time out there and do less harm than is he doing right now to the country. you know there is the -- violence but -- you know it's just a foolish thing to be doing considering he is in two weeks from now he is going to be facing a trial before this judge. what does he do? he goes after the judge's daughter? i mean going after a family member of the judge. now the judge imposed a gag order saying leave the -- the jurors alone, the witnesses alone, the employees who work for the court. he did not include himself or his family in that so trump will test that out a little
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more. he will go attack the judge again. not only is this an assault on the judicial system but on common sense and reason. that's why i think he gets a tro phy for self sabotage. this happened in a space of three days and we will have another seven months. >> the biden campaign is expected to release a new ad to try to sway supporters of nikki haley. do you think they are open to biden or will somehow they go back to trump? >> certainly some will go back to trump. i think they will very open. there's a lot of people who voted in the primary that didn't want trump to secure the nomination. you saw that in state after state where nikki -- didn't win and lost she was getting 20 --
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sometimes 20 plus percent of the vote. i think that the biden administration is very smart to go after these people because don amend trump is a threat to the united states for all the supporters who carry around supposedly a constitution in their pocket they should read it because don amend trump said he would suspend it among many other things that he said he would do as president and he is -- a threat but i got to take issue with dana's article which i read today. you forget to mention his tromhy for the most golf games, the most jobs lost, the most businesses closed as president and on and on and on. what does dana say to that? >> all right. >> another trophy. there. was much more i wanted to ask you but for now we are out of time. thank you for being on. coming up an hbcu is under
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finally tonight a story i have been following out of tennessee. this week republican lawmakers replaced the board of trustees at the state's only public hbcu. tennessee state university. under legislation signed into law by republican governor bill lee. now i have spoken at tsu many times. i taught a class there and even received an honor ary degree. it's president has been a guest on politics nation several times. republicansargue the school has mismanaged government money, handing out too many scholarships while failing to address housing shortages. but democrats say tsu has been under funded by more than $2
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billion in the past four decades. one detail not in dispute is the fate of this college is being decided by a group of lawmakers who are mostly white and right wing. and what happens to tsu is in my opinion a threat to historic black colleges all over the country and it fits in to the context of banning books, of trying to fight against black history being taught in many places. i spoke at length this week with professor professor crenshaw about hue they went after her with critical race ttheory and other issues that we see that academia is being attacked for any way they educate and try to up lift black students. we must fight back. we will be right back.
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