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tv   The Saturday Show with Jonathan Capehart  MSNBC  March 30, 2024 3:00pm-4:00pm PDT

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aduated from med school. what? but the good news is... xfinity mobile just got even better! now, you can automatically connect to wifi speeds up to a gig on the go. plus, buy one unlimited line and get one free for a year. i gotta get this deal... that's like $20 a month per unlimited line... i don't want to miss that. that's amazing doc. mobile savings are calling. visit to learn more. doc? that does it for me. thank you for watching. i'll see you back here tomorrow at 5:00 p.m. eastern time. that is right. on east eve sunday we will be live with another hour of politics nation. saturday show with jonathan starts right now. jonathan. you have the dnc chair
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will keep the momentum going. also, under fire for violating a gag order, a hush money trail from the judge's daughter he attacks. here to talk about the danger of donald trump. r and callaway carter, beyonce is the queen of country with a new album that features
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dolly parton, willie nelson andl miley cyrus. the cultural significance of beyonce's latest musical conquest with daniel smith. i'm jonathan kaye part. this is "the saturday show." president biden's reelection campaign is shifting into all new gear he is coming off the biggest political fundraiser in american history and new york's radio city music hall, where he brought in a record $26 million. thursday's lavish event featured comedian stephen colbert and 22-term democratic presidents, clinton and obama, who gave his former vice president a glowing endorsement. >> it's not just the negative case against the resented nominee on the other side. it's the positive case for somebody who has done an outstanding job in the
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presidency. >> all the presents all-star power added to by the's massive edge over donald trump. even before thursday's ahistorical, but it had more than twice the cash on hand is trump. like trump, who is swamped with legal bills, using some of his cash from donors to pay them, but in's box will be spent on his campaign. the biden campaign has already launched a new tv spot urging nikki haley voters to choose him over trump, part of a $30 million nationwide add. >> he is not presidential timber. the world crossed them over. she has gone haywire. >> can you bring nikki haley voters back in? >> i'm not sure we need too many. >> the campaign also unveiled its philadelphia headquarters earlier today. one of the more than 100 field
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offices open in underground states. it's not just the nation's top immigrant who is building momentum. this week, in deep red alabama, a democrat flipped a statehouse seat by openly running on reproductive rights. her decisive win could be a harbinger of how successful the issue could be for democrats up and down the ballot this november. as for trump, the man hit with four indictments on 88 felony counts continues to run on a message of law and order. at the wake on thursday for a new york city police officer killed on duty, he mouthed the words in support of law-enforcement, saying, quote, police are the greatest people we have. nevermind that trump has gone those in jail for physically attacking police officers during the insurrection on january 6th hostages and has placed to free them if he wins the white house in november. trump's visit to long island was his first public appearance
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outside of courtroom and warned that, in a week, all those cases against him are going to be very expensive for trump's campaign. "the new york times" reports, quote, trump has averaged more than $90,000 a day in legal related costs for more than 3 years. none of it paid for with his own money. trump has a big fundraiser coming up a week from tonight at his florida home, an event his campaign claims will top biden's $26 million event. no matter how much is raised, according to the associated press, trump end attorneys will get a cut of that money. this won't be like the democratic jamboree at radio city music hall. ap reports of the main party favor at the mar-a-lago will be a personalized copy of trump's coffee table book, and don't expect any "a" list celebrities or former president george w. bush or trump's vp, mike pence, to share the stage with him.
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both have declined to endorse trump. join me now, jamie harrison, in chairman of the democratic national committee. chairman harris, it is always thank you for coming to "the saturday show." take us inside a radio city. what was the mood like? >> it was electric, jonathan, but we were unified in purpose, and seeing the three presidents on the stage -- these were the things that popped in my head, honesty, decency, integrity. those are three servant leaders. that's something that donald trump doesn't know anything about. these were people who understand that this country is about hope over fear. ou it's about progress over chaos, and it was amazing to see them there together, unified, and frankly, that is something -- you mentioned this in your opening -- that is something you won't see on the republican side. i don't think you are going to see george w. bush on the same stage as donald trump, because
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people understand that trump has become a cancer for american democracy. they don't want to be affiliated and to stand up with him. >> i mean, you just touched on this a little bit, but i'm wondering, politically and nationally, what message does it send that the president has the support of two former e president, but also pop-culture icons like lizzo? >> it is important, because people know what's at stake, america's freedom, america's role as being a beacon of freedom as hope, not only for the country but for the world. all that is at stake. these are presidents who have been in the oval, who have had tough times and understand the hardships of having that weight of a country on them, but they also understand that these are unprecedented times we are in, and we, as a country, cannot afford to have donald trump -- a man who really was at the
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heart of the insurrection that we saw january 6th -- a man who has said that he was to be a dictator on day one, a man who believes that immigrants poison the blood of this nation -- and this is a nation built of immigrants -- right? he is fundamentally against everything that we stand for or want to represent in the world. everything that is good, donald trump is contrary to that, and these two other presidents decided to stand up with joe biden because they know he's a good man. he's a decent man. he is a man who wakes up every day taking about how to make america better for all of america's people, not just a ic select few. >> we can still talk about donald trump today, he posted a video online of an image of president biden tied up on the tailgate of a pickup truck. the communication director of the biden/harris campaign responded by saying, oquoting, trump is regularly inciting
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political violence. it is time people taken it seriously. just ask the capitol police officers who were attacked when protecting our moxey on january 6th i think, for good reason, k, we're not going to show the image, chairman harrison, borders your response to trump doing such a thing? >> you know this is a medic, jonathan, of who trump really is he is a good, small, thin skin, wannabe dictator is calling for a bloodbath when he loses this election in november. this is a man is presently inciting political violence. people and to understand that these threats need to be taken e seriously, and we should make ri sure that this man does not get anywhere close to being able to go back into the white house, and that's why immigrants are working night and day to do what is best for the american people, and we are looking forward to november when we rw will show trump, once again, once and for all, that there is no room in our democracy for his extremist behavior. >> as i mentioned in the intro, chairman harrison, reproductive rights is still proving to be a
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very salient issue. just this past week, a democrat running openly as for reproductive rights, for a state house he. now, there was a powerful and released about a whole republican, josh kelly's opposition to ipf. listen. >> after years of trying and disappointment, struggle, and health scares, i just had this beautiful baby, and i held her, and i knew i was meant to be her mom. now, there are efforts to ban ibf, and josh hawley got them started >> so, how important -- am i overstating it? will reproductive rights be a help to democrats up and down the ballot this november? >> jonathan, we saw it in ruby red alabama, we've seen it in kentucky, we've seen it in pennsylvania, we have seen it in florida, and i think lucas'
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added demonstrates a we all know, what americans in every corner of the nation already know, that trump and his maga extremists are dedicated to ripping away the type of procedure that allowed women like jessica, anne, to bring new life into this world, that they are fundamentally ripping away women's reproductive freedoms to control their own bodies. you know i am 40 years old, and in my lifetime, we have been gaining rights up until this moment in which this right-wing supreme court ripped away the women's rights to control their bodies. we know that this is a slippery slope, and we have to stop it. we have to nip it in the bud right here, and that is why d this election is so important, and that's what we got to compete in every corner of the country. i don't care if you are the reddest state, the reddest district, we need folks to step up, to run for office, and to make sure that this is a core component of their message to the american people. i think we will win with that. >> yeah. i just want to correct myself.
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i said, ohio democratic, i said but meant missouri to critic candidate. more time, chairman, we are already overtime, but the dnc put out a diss track directed at literature, culture of the rnc, who released her own music the same day as cowboy carter. we will play this real quick, and then just play real quick. ♪ laura trump what's going on your running the rnc ♪ but it's a sad song fundraising's low can't meet ♪ the market rabach republicans losing it's getting ♪ dark laura laura what have you done ♪ ♪ >> mr. chairman, you've got 10 seconds to answer this question. are you worried about trying to upstage beyonce? >> no. not at all. what we want is laura to keep focusing on her music career while we focus on winning
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elections over at the dnc. they are embarrassing, unserious, and a big waste of money. >> dnc chairman, jimmy harrison, as always. thank you for coming to "the saturday show." up next, in trouble waters. the massive effort to repair the port of baltimore harbor and the racist response from some on the right. why some are trying to blame a tragic accident on diversity. prepare for the next pandemic four years after covid became a national emergency in a new document through that reveals how the public health system probably saved your life and the changes it still needs. d brush that hair off. bounce, it's the sheet. ♪♪ when you're a small business owner, your to-do list can be...a lot.
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don't wait- call today. first, we need to continue to focus on recovery. second, we need to clear the channel an open vessel traffic to the port. third, we need to take care of all of the people who have been affected by this crisis.
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fourth, we need to, and we will, rebuild the key bridge. that was maryland governor, wes moore, this afternoon on his top priorities after a cargo ship crashed into the francis scott key bridge, causing it to collapse. moore said this is a 24/7 operation in the bridge can't be rebuilt until the record is clear. a huge crane arrived on the scene yesterday to help with one of the biggest salvage missions ever. one that will be a lengthy and complicated process. the bridge is an important part of the nation mikey economy, and this accident has paralyzed shipping in and out of baltimore. president biden called for the federal government to pay the estimated $2 billion reconstruction of the bridge and has announced that he will travel to baltimore next week. the bodies of two construction
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workers who were fixing potholes on the bridge have been recovered, but four others are presumed dead. the men were from mexico, guatemala, honduras and el salvador. we mourn their deaths and the sacrifices they made, and as the search for answers to what happened continue in the work of rebuilding begins, some on the right are shamefully trying to somehow blame this on diversity. anthony sabatini, republican candidate for congress in florida, wrote on x, quote, de i did this. join me now, rachelle robinson, president of color of change. shot, as always, thank you very much for coming to the show. that remark by the florida congressional candidate is especially telling since the mayor of baltimore is black, the port commissioner in baltimore is black in maryland, and the governor of maryland is black. so, wrist shot, what's going on
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here? >> what's going on here is a strategy to deny opportunities to black and brown people, to people who have been capped out, to close the door to education opportunities, to close the door to government contracts, to close the door to employment. this is part of the strategy of attacking diversity , attacking inclusion, and attacking those things all not talking about things like unearned opportunity, unearned access, the accelerators that allow for privileged to exist, that allow for folks to be in positions that they didn't actually earn. so, what we're seeing with these attacks and leaders because of who they are is part of a larger strategy, in part of an effort to turn us backwards to a time where people of color, women, or people who were not privileged did not have opportunities. >> the comments haven't just
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been racist like the we just read, there were also some anti- lgbtq attacks on secretary people judge. listen. >> secretary pete buttigieg. he is young, he is -- why do i mention that? that is how he got the job. >> no human being on earth believes that people judge, former mayor of south bend, got his job at d.o.t. because he was the most talented person out there. the president appointed him because he checked a very important box. >> the bottom line with the judge is that he is worried too much about personal pronouns, worried too much about di policies. >> wrist shot, what is the main elevation of those attacks? >> once again, the main motivation is to distract us from all the ways in which diversity and inclusion has and continues to make our country stronger, that the investments
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in communities, the investments in actually finding the very best and lifting up the very best for all sorts of positions in not being hindered by someone's gender, not being hindered by someone's race, not being hindered by someone's second orientation, you are going to open those doors up. the folks who have always had a leg up now want to have a conversation, but i didn't hear any of these people having any conversation about other opportunities when jared kushner and ivanka trump were inside of the white house with absolutely no qualifications or background while lifting up of the american people and the taxpayers. so, once again, we have to call this for what it is it is racist. it is homophobic. it is antiwoman. it is about turning back this country to a time where only some people had opportunities, but only some people were going to be in positions of power, and that simply will not fly as we move forward in the future. you know, jonathan, so, i
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think, for people who are watching this and thinking, how do we tell a news story -- right -- i think it is also in the language, the stories that we tell about inequality, the inequality that we see is not unfortunate like a car accident. it is manufactured.oftentimes, behind every piece of inequality is someone who is profiting, someone who is benefiting. when you think about this conversation on fox news, think about who benefits and profits from being able to close the door to people of color, to close the door to women, to close the door to lgbt americans. they are about their bottom line. if they can close the door to all of us succeeding, just more for them and less for everyone else. >> rashad robinson, president for color of change, as always, thank you very much for coming to this show. coming up, a rare public review from a federal judge as donald trump steps up attacks on a legal system trying to hold him accountable. and the bay i miss all of us.why some say copley carter may be beyonce's best album yet.
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we know he tried once not to leave us of from the office, and we have no guarantee he won't try to avoid a peaceful leave of office if he loses again. i have thoughts on the biden administration. i know the nation can survive bad policy. we can survive a president who is willing to torch the constitution. >> a president who is willing to torch the constitution. former republican congressman liz cheney is continuing to sound the alarm on the dangers of a second trump term. this week, once again, he showed just how great of a threat he poses. as i mentioned earlier on friday, trump showed a video on social media featuring a fake image of president biden bound and restrained in the back of a pickup truck with the truck but on with the words trump 2024. we're not going to show you that
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video. meanwhile, the disgraced former president continues to escalate his assault on the rule of law. following a gag order issued by a new york judge, merchan. in trump musculus, case, trump last, both the judge and his daughter on social media, going as far as labeling the judge rescue daughter, quote, a rapid trump heater. it is worth noting that neither judge merchan nor his daughter is explicitly covered under the gag order. trump musculus attacks on the judiciary have now drawn a rare public review from a sitting federal judge. thursday, republican appointed judge reggie walton spoke out against trumpet's latest threats. >> very disconcerting to have someone making comments about a judge, and it's particularly problematic when those comments are in the form of a threat, especially if they're directed at one's family.
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if we don't have a viable court system that's able to function efficiently, then we have tyranny. >> joining me now, former republican congressman, david jolly, also an msnbc political analyst and melanie campbell, president of the black women's roundtable . thank you both very much for coming to "the saturday show." david, it's an extra ordinary move for a sitting federal judge to speak out . in a news interview against bob and his attacks on the rule of law, why it is important to hear directly from a judge on this? >> because donald trump is inciting violence, and he actually, arguably, is violating the conditions of his multiple bales. you know, if he was any other defendant, he might be thrown back in jail, and his bail would be revoked for inciting violence.he is a candidate, he is a former president, but perhaps, the u.s. secret service, in addition to looking out for him, should be looking at him. we have seen this before. this is what caused january 6.
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in the case of the judiciary, the federal marshals have jurisdiction to ensure that the court personnel, judges, and others, are protected in many ways, though, jonathan, in addition to all of the's office i'm serious. i think, perhaps, there should be a hearing on his bail conditions. we need to see the judiciary and that alone for the mechanisms begin to tighten the screws on donald trump for inciting violence. anyways, he is holding a mirror to ourselves, because this is normalized not just by republican officials, but by republican voters who, once again, decided he would be the nominee of their party. ms. cheney is right. he may not leave office peacefully if he is reelected. the american people get that decision, though, this november. >> all right, melanie, trump's team is already downplaying that video she shared of a fake image of president biden hogtied in the back of a pickup truck. they will want to
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dismiss trump's violent rhetoric in the past, but the message trump was sending here is pretty clear. isn't it? >> very much so. as an african american, quite friendly, just the idea of being hogtied on the back of a truck since chills down my spine for the history of this country with african americans being attacked in so many ways, hung, drove on trucks. it has a -- it hits it different, quite frankly. the fact of the matter is, the fact that people have also said others who want to vote for -- i'm not try to get into all of that -- i'm nonpartisan, by fax or fax. they think that violence is okay. we are at a turning point in this country of what we want is democracy. for african americans, the judicial system has been in places where we were able to go to find federal intervention history. >> right. federal protection. >> yes. >> david, the rnc is leaning into trump's bogus claims about the big lie, asking of effective for employees in interviews if they believe the 2020 election was stolen. lauren trump said it is passed disputing the 2020 election.
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that's not really true. is it? >> no. they're passed disputing the truth about it because they have accepted the doctrine it was stolen. perhaps that was wordsmithing by laura trump. we saw this in the exit polls from all the republican primaries. even when you include people who did not vote for trump, it is"/3 of republican voters believe the 2020 election was stolen. i'm not sure we have come to grips with how much the false election narrative about 2020 is now doctrine among republicans, and is actually a tenant of their patriotism, and this is what makes the november test between trump and biden authors but between those who choose to vote for a republican and those who choose to vote for a democrat so consequential. republicans actually believe false conspiracies, and they consider it part of their patriotism. that is a movement that must be defeated at the ballot box and defeated strongly. >> monday, organization, black women's roundtable, partnered with essence the survey black
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women. black women registered voters. the olmec revealed that, while 55% support president biden for the 2024 election, 17% remain undecided or are not voting at all. should the biden/harris team be worried about the numbers? >> yes. very much so. because, black women -- especially around generational lies -- both are black women over 50, are strong on the current president, but younger women are not. so, there deftly has to be a lot more done if you are talking older or younger, the economy, costs of living, really high on the list. other issues around rights and freedom are there, but they don't surpass issues around cost-of-living, inflation. you can see in our poll, they are getting a little better. you can see, dissatisfied, the economy. so, what they do when they walk in the grocery store, perhaps, the cost of what it
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costs to live, transportation costs, those kinds of things are real for black women, especially younger black women. >> that's interesting. so, any amount of messaging or anything -- but the biden/harris campaign is a messaging thing, or is it i've got a feeling at the supermarket thing? >> i think it is both. one is if you are try to get a second term, you have what? unfinished business. why don't you lay out what your plan is to address the concerns, the politic concerns >> well, we have unfinished business, because i have got to end this block and go to a break. former congressman david jolly, melanie campbell, both, thank you so much for coming to "the saturday show." coming up, the invisible shield. a new government resealed the lifesaving role of the public health system and the challenges it still faces four years after the covid-19 pandemic first rock to the world. two of the experts featured in the series join me next.
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four years ago, the united states was grappling with the beginning of one of the deadliest pandemics in modern history. covid-19 claimed more than 1 million lives in forest schools and businesses to close and shipped to remote learning and remote work. not everyone was able to stay home and stay safe no. our essential workers, including those in healthcare, transportation and retail, received some much deserved recognition for their in-person work. but covid-19 also exposed the systemic challenges we continue to face when it comes to public health, notably a severe lack of funding, resources and support her to make matters worse, misinformation and widespread skepticism towards scientific facts have exploded. now, a new four-part the commentary entitled "the invisible shield" is tackling these challenges and shedding light on the critical role of public health in saving lives.
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take a look. >> public health seaview like today but you didn't know it. >> viruses, pathogens threatened to bring us to our knees. >> we need to tell the public this story of public health >> we are not here to be prepared. >> pandemic was the root cause of illness. >> trust level is broken. >> the politicization is killing us. the foundation of our houses cracking. our next two guests feature the docuseries. just a second meson dr. frank, president and ceo of the beaumont foundation, and abigail hawk, enrolled member of the culmination, seattle indian health institute. brian, abigail, thank you both much for coming to the saturday show." brian, the clip that sticks out to me from the clip we just played, public health saved your life today from doctor
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josh johnson with the bluebird school of public health. and he says, but you didn't even know. explain to viewers at home how vital public health and its workers are. >> so, public health helps every person in every county of every corner of this country almost every day. when you think about driving to work, you are in a safe car. when you get to work, you can actually work there safely. safe air, clean water, all of this is about public health. the problem is we invested, focused on an expansive and expensive healthcare system. it's not medicine that extended our lives, it's public health and policy. >> and abigail, it's public health and policy. one of the things, abigail, goes into public health and policy is worked to gather data nationally for indigenous community during the height of the pandemic you have spoken about how the lack of resources for this community caused real harm, including
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death. how did the country fail vulnerable populations? >> for example, the seattle indian health origin in the pandemic work searching for ppe. instead, the federal government sent us body back. that was an in my face example of how this country has treated the blue-collar, specific american indians, alaska natives, to give us resources to bury people but not to ensure our lives. so, we have seen a lack of investment, we have seen a lack of cultural understanding and resources that are meant for our communities and informed by our kennedys. but we needed to see, instead, was in the communities leading the effort. when we did, for example, in the covid-19 vaccine, we found that, canadians, alaska natives, got vaccinated because of messages from the community's. african americans, the same. the same within the hispanic populations. in our kennedys are the ones leaving the public health
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efforts, whether they are informing it, we know that we can ensure the health, life, and well-being of them. >> ryan, speaking of that documentary, it exposes the widespread distrust in the united states regarding vaccines and signs. what are other ways to address the mistrust and misinformation out there? >> this is a difficult time. now, some of this mistrust is being fed by physicians who are spreading false information. so, as much as we invest in creating a vaccine, we didn't have a commensurate investment in communicating with the american public. communication has to become a key skill for public health practitioners. we need to start meeting people, talking to them, not judging, and really focus in on how we communicate the value of public health. when you think about it, jonathan, things we did to save some of his life. if there was a young kid on the street, car was coming, we would risk their own life to get the kid out of the way. the people weren't taking vaccines to see people lives.
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we have to communicate why that's important. >> abigail, public health seems to only come into the spotlight when there's already a crisis. how do we shift our mindset from a reactionary approach to a proactive approach? >> there are a number of exams that can be taken straight from indigenous community's and other cultural community's. one is never gonna folks vaccinated office for temple -- tribal community's, the very first, face mask and, all of that, that we already knew how to do public health it is who we are. so, this country needs to take lessons from the communities within it that already had and were doing this already. we need to make a substantial investment. investments that aren't just one-year, two year, three year after the pandemic, but what does it look like 50 years to go from now, when hundred years from now, we need consistent investment and need the policy presented of recognize that public health is essential. >> you know, brian, same question to you. >> we have to start talking about public health every day. when we teach our children, they have to learn about public
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health. when we actually figure out that our personal is inevitably tied to our communities' health? probably not until college. we play nurse, we play teacher, we play those things as kids. no one plays epidemiologist. if we want to build strong community's and have a healthy people and a strong economy, many public health. it's the engine that keeps our society going. so, we have to invest in it. dwight eisenhower said that the health of the people is the essence of our vitality, our strength, and our nation's progress. dwight eisenhower, a republican president, gutted this, and we are still struggling with it. we need to stop immediately the politicization of public health. if we are debating public health, we are in trouble. >> abigail, the name of the
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series is "the invisible shield," on cbs. thank you both very much for coming to "the saturday show." we lost one of the hollywood great this week. oscar-winning after the wisconsin jr. died friday at the age of 87. he was only the second leichman to receive an academy award. in 1983, the reward for best supporting actor in the film "an officer and a gentleman." at the brooklyn new york native started his career in theater, 20 the original cast of lauren hansberry's "a raisin in the sun." he later started the iconic miniseries, "roots," earning an emmy for his role as an enslaved physician, fiddler. and most recently seen in a remake of "the color purple." his costar, fantasia marino preaches legacy, writing, quote, you will be missed, but man did you live a blessed life. next, queen bay, smashing
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one-day record after dropping her highly anticipated eighth studio album, "cowboy carter." award-winning journalist daniel smith says even 1/4 of the songs are perfection. we don't often talk about that. she talks about it more with us next. bladder leak underwear has one job. i just want to feel protected! especially for those sudden gush moments. always discreet protects like no other. with a rapid dry core that locks in your heaviest gush quickly for up to zero leaks. always discreet- the protection we deserve! - i'm norm.
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beyonce's highly anticipated album cowboy carter " is finally here. her announcement during the
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super bowl sent the beehive into a frenzy, with the speculation renewable would be entirely country. as queen bay stated herself, quote, this ain't a country album. this is may i say album. from country to pop to funk, beyonce spent the past five years creating a masterpiece that doesn't stick to just one music genre. "cowboy carter" also pays homage to greats like dolly parton with a remake of "joline" and a cover of the beatles song "blackbird." listen. ♪ joline jolene joline jolene i'm wanting you don't come for my man ♪ ♪ ♪blackbird singing in the dead of night take these broken wings ♪ and learn to fly ♪ ♪
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>> joint, now, daniel spence, editor-in-chief at five and author of shine bright. very personal history, black women in pop.there is no one is going to talk to about this album but you, daniel. i'm glad you were free. dolly parton has praised beyonce's remake of her song" joline." what did you think of beyonce's take on the country classic? >> i think the thing is, what i think about the entire thing as an album -- i wanted to say, i have four things i think are important to say. >> go ahead. >> one is this album is an intergenerational genre- shattering hoedown. it is a road trip, it is a talent show, and it is an american extravaganza, and it takes a couple of things clear, really, four things. one, the race-based musical genres, country, r&b, pop, these are artificial categories. also, this whole thing of millennial, boomer, gen x, we more porous and way more
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cooperation, then we are made to believe. but importantly, to me, what beyonce is saying with this album, even beyond the music, with the imagery, is that the idea of america as a country, it's rural spaces, it's cowboy culture, it's red white and blue, it is very much a flag, but those things are not the property of any one group, no matter how loud that group may be. >> those are four incredible points. so, now that you have gone out the four points, which one is your favorite track? come on. >> i have to be honest.for me, i have listened to "miley and beyonce" all day. i am a california girl. they are singing about smoking cigarettes on the 405? are you kidding me? i could listen to it all day. it takes me back to those great duets of the 1970's, like barbra streisand, donna summer.
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you know what i mean? >> yes. >> i know you meant. enough is enough is on my favorite songs. i should have known. i was given. go on. >> exactly. exactly. it just reminds me of these moments of, like, peer created an emotional and vocal collaboration, and when these moments happen, they are absolutely magical. they take a lot of work to put together. >> the name of that track is " two most wanted." >> "two most wanted," heavy on the petal, jonathan. >> my favorite, i have two. "yaya," and "bodyguard." >> okay. so, for me," bodyguard" is not like in love, but compared to" yaya," like a matchup, five different clubs, four different
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venues, 17 different decades.we wrote working, we're jerking, we're jelly circuiting. i could listen to that back to back-to-back. you can put that on at a party, play at 17 times in a row and send everybody home tired. >> the thing that i found very interesting, daniel, you know, has been talking about this is a country album, but as beyonce said, this ain't a country album. this is a beyonce album but it has been incredible, the number of people who have shot video, the range of people who shot videos dancing to "texas hold 'em," the number of people have seen today, saying, they, like you, have been listening to "cowboy carter" on a loop all day long and how much of a gift it is to them, how serene it makes them feel. as we close out -- because i have forgotten how much time we have left in this conversation -- but talk about the cultural significance of this album and beyonce being the one who has
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done it. >> there are new geniuses in this world and in this country, and we have to claim them. we have to lift them up. beyonce is that genius. she has surrounded herself with a crowd of geniuses from different races, different generations, different spaces in their careers, and she has just wrapped up up in a and said , for you all, and in these times, when everything can seem so -- oh -- tough, you know what i mean? it's just lovely to just open a gift and hear these voices that just say, welcome, and say, love , that say, we're all in this together. >> on that point, the vice president posted a message, saying, beyonce, thank you for reminding us to never feel confined to other people's perspectives. you have redefined a genre and reclaimed
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country music's black roots. your music continues to inspire us all. daniel smith, you always inspire me. thank you so much. as always, thank you for coming to "the saturday show." that will do it for me today. thank you for watching. be sure to tune in tomorrow to "the sunday show," when reverend dr. jackie lewis, senior physician from new york joins us live to talk about donald trump selling $60 bibles during the holiest week on the christian calendar. that's next on msnbc. follow us on tiktok, thread and x and catch clips of the show on youtube. keep a right here. next up is "ayman."
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