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tv   The Weekend  MSNBC  March 31, 2024 5:00am-6:00am PDT

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we had access to the proud boys, the former new york chapter of the proud boys. we had patriots and three presenters. we sort of met with all of them to actually hear their stories and give them a chance to articulate their point of view. and they were happy to tell us about that, because they think that what they are doing is the right thing. they think they are defending the constitution of the united dates. i think they are all patriots. >> that's all the time we have for today, we will be back tomorrow morning at 6:00 a.m. eastern. up next, it's the weekend. it is sunday, march 31. i'm alicia menendez.
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. with symone sanders townsend and michael steele. removing records from the baltimore bridge collapse, we will be joined by governor wes moore and senior adviser to president biden tom perez, state and federal response to the disaster. trump attacks the judge in his hush money case, again. could it be a turning point in the legal system's accountability. >> jamie raskin is at the table. has pushed up jared kushner come before the oversight committee. grab your coffee. settle in. it is sunday. this news breaking overnight. donald trump attacked the judge in his criminal hush money case . calling for him to be, quote, sanctioned and recused. it comes after a week of withering attacks from the ex- president targeting the judge and his daughter, private
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citizen. this week, we will learn whether the judge will expand as partial gag order against trump after a manhattan district attorney alvin bragg asked him to clarify whether the gag order applies to family members. let's start with political analyst and opinion editor tim o'brien and also joining us federal former prosecutor and msnbc legal analyst. good morning to you both. >> good morning. >> what was most concerning for me in the most recent post from donald trump is that the post -- and we didn't put this on the screen, but the post we showed, he also included pictures of the judge's daughter there. the question i had is why? why would he include the photos of his daughter? why does donald trump continuously attacked the judge? perhaps it boils down to he is
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trying to intimidate them. intimidate the judge. intimidate the court and legal system. that's my theory. what do you say? >> it's the donald trump playbook. a war on women and in particular he attacks the female relatives of the judges. we saw him do this with judge engoron. his wife. he also attacked her as a trump heating person, and that somehow showed this judge was also compromised. what is the goal here? his goal really is to intimidate witnesses because when they see this is what happens when you testify, they will be less likely to testify against him. it is tuch taint the jury pool so they view the judge is compromised and corrupt and intimidated and less likely to convict him. i think he is looking to delegitimize any conviction he would get by attacking this
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judge. he is looking to send a message to the public. he is also, i think he cannot help himself. at the end of the day, do not see the judge recusing himself. in august, he already dealt with this motion of the judgment ski daughter and her employment, working for a democratic candidates. he already went to a new york state advisory committee for the judiciary which said, the facts that she has her political views does not mean anything about whether this judge is impartial. we have been down this road. i do not think that's where this will lead, and i do not see him extending the gag order because it tracks closely to the gag order that was upheld by the d.c. court of appeals, and that gag order did not say anything about family members of the judge in that opinion said that the court is fair
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game and not immune from criticism, and this is the daughter, part and parcel are going the judge is compromised. i think what you will see is the position to his pretrial release saying you cannot threaten or incite violence against anyone, and if you violate that pretrial condition, then you will get the stiffest sanction i can impose and that would include jail time. it is so dumb for this defendant to antagonize judges. he got a $464 million judgment against him the last time he tried it. now, he's antagonizing a judge who could have his liberty at stake. next easter, he could be reading -- having nothing to do but read his gut bless the usa bible in a prison cell if he keeps this up. >> on that last point, i'm sorry, i do not believe it. i do not believe none of these
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judges will put this man in jail. for me, at what point do we say enough is enough? i would like to play for you sound from judge ludovic on trump's judicial tactics. >> from the first time that the former president began his attacks, vicious attacks on the federal courts and the state courts and their individual judges, his objective was to delegitimize those courts. so that, when and if, they ruled against him in the various matters that he has been charged with, then, at least his followers, if not a good part of the nation would dismiss those rulings against him as having been politically inspired and motivated. >> tim, it's been a game plan
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since day one. every judge this man has appeared before has known this. he has twisted the system and what he has done, and it's to simone's point, his put his trials on trial. he put the whole process on trial. this is an, donald trump committed a crime and let's go through the regular judicial process. it's the entire system is on trial for trying him. tell me where i am wrong. with all due respect, to christie's point, no judge will put donald trump in jail for running off his mouth and threatening a family member of a judge or clerk of a judge or the judge himself. i do see it. if they were, they would've done it by now. they had lots of reason to do so. >> never say never. i do think, michael, because trump is testing the system the way he is and he's uniquely situated to do it by virtue of
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two things. a former president so he's been given the benefit of the doubt that an average citizen would not get. he is uniquely unhinged so he has no conscious around the things he's doing. he will continue to do it. for judge merchan to put him and jail for violating a gag order, he needs a tighter gag order than the one you should. the one he issued said trump cannot go after the judge or the judgment ski family or after the da. undoubtedly, he will go after potential jurors and witnesses. that opens the door to other possible crimes. witness intimidation and obstruction of justice. judge merchan should issue a tighter gag order and the da's office has asked him to do that and of trump violates it, he should be put in jail. the reason there's hesitancy around this i think is in simply because judges are scared of him. people are worried about political backlash.
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they are word when donald trump posts an image of joe biden bound and gagged and held hostage in the back of a truck, if the secret service were to show up at donald trump's doorstep for having done that, they work for the department of homeland security, it would be seen as biden using the levers of the federal government go after a political opponent. i say, so what. fair at this point between politics and the rule of law. the rule of law exists to protect us from the more distant -- destructive impulses and our criminal impulses. most of us do not have the kind of destructive criminal impulses that donald trump has which is even more of an argument for holding him to account. i share your, i guess, distress and skepticism about how the system is functioning, and the brakes and i think it's a challenge to the judiciary in law enforcement to treat him like an average citizen.
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it's in front of the mall. he's threatening families as well as the rule of law. >> i like starting sunday morning where we are violently occurring with each other. it's about this frustration, and the fact that judges have some element of protection. there's fear of what this means for potential jurors and what it means for witnesses. this is not contained just to the justices. >> the gag order protects witnesses. full stop. as you said, they do not have personal security. maybe some are someone like michael cohen has security, but i would expect most of the witnesses who will be testifying at the trial do not. it raises those concerns. over the weekend, if not some point this week, the court administration system which is dealing with security for judge merchan, probably is dealing with security for his daughter as well, especially with the photo put up.
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raises security concerns, but at least that gag order covers witnesses, it covers jurors, but it does not cover the court or the da i think the reason why, at least in the d.c. court of appeals opinion, it basically said criticism of the court is fair game. criticism of this public figure, the da, is fair game but it's a fine line. when do we go criticizing them for being compromised or being democrats to out no threats. the problem is when he puts up photos like this, it's an invitation to inflame his basin followers who take things too far. we saw what happened with judge chutkan. she was threatened with a vial voicemail message with racial slurs and with death threats. now, she has been -- that person has been charged criminally. if we go down a slippery slope, and you don't want to think of
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where it could lead. >> i mean, this last point is spot on. joyce fans pointed out earlier this week. she noted the real problem is how donald trump's rhetoric affects the people who do not have abundant security. this is going to be a trial that will have jurors. the jurors are watching this play out which is why -- i share michael's disdain and discussed in what the heck is happening and holding donald trump accountable. the jurors, potential jurors, everyone is looking at this. if the judge cannot protect his own daughter, if the court is not willing to step in for the judgment ski daughter, are they going to step in for me? this crazy man who used to be the united states do what you want to do because i regular citizen, could not sustain the onslaught that would come from a donald trump social media
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attack. i think about ruby freeman and shea moss. it's crazy. >> or the judge in the trump university case. repeatedly during that case, trump attacked him as being a mexican, essentially, and therefore untrustworthy as a judge. and he was born in the united states and of mexican descent, and it was all irrelevant to both his qualifications and wisdom as a judge. trump went at him and that was years ago. it got a huge monetary fine. he got barred from certain businesses but at the end of the day, he kept doing it. >> when do we say enough is enough? >> that's reached a boiling point for me. i will continue to say, i can only imagine if it is not donald trump and it was donnie johnson, what would be going on. you are going to have to stick around.
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we have more to say about this and donald trump's other legal situation later. the president of planned parenthood will be here. she will discuss the fate of the abortion pill. you are watching the weekend . d on the green. not you. you! your business bank account with quickbooks money now earns 5% apy. (♪♪) that's how you business differently. intuit quickbooks. everybody wants super straight, super white teeth. they want that hollywood white smile. new sensodyne clinical white provides 2 shades whiter teeth and 24/7 sensitivity protection. i think it's a great product. it's going to help a lot of patients.
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we like to keep the conversation we were having going.
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this whole thing about trump and his approach to the rule of law and breaking it is important. kristy greenberg and tim o'brien are back with us. symone and i are in the break pulling on this a little more because, kristy, and i appreciate your first point at the opening of this hour, but it resonated with me in a way that said, we have to take this system and say do the job. take the risk of doing the job. yes, donald trump people are going to get past, but the american people are more. how do we overcome this situation so the application of the rule of law against donald trump is the same for everybody else. mikey mike doesn't get to call out a judgment ski family members as his leaving the
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courtroom ago in front of a bank of cameras and call out a clerk. >> not leaving the building. >> the judge would haul his behind back into the courtroom. help us try to navigate this a little more cleanly to understand. jurors are watching this, to symone's point. there thinking, i'm not going to play. >> in some respects, because he is running for president, going back to a year ago when this issue was first raised, the potential of a gag order, he said, this guy is running for president. he has first amendment rights and i'm not going near a gag order. now fast-forward, and is made so many threats against so many different actors and in d.c., a gag order was upheld by the court of appeals which is not binding on new york that would help if this got appealed. i think it gave him courage to
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impose a gag order. even then, he is being careful of what's in the gag order, and knowing, yes, he gets to criticize the court and criticize the da, if you are a public figure, you can be criticized. he is unlike anyone else not only because his running for president but because of the platform. any other criminal defendant doesn't have the reach and followers and people who are willing to go to bed to him to harass and threaten based on any criticism haley provides. he puts targets on people's backs in effect. that's what makes them different than anyone else. what do you do about it? i'm not sure that gag order is the vehicle to do it. i think it's the terms of his pretrial release. if you can seek clearly in the pretrial release, anything you do that is a threat, anything
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that's inciting violence, not just criticize -- criticism. you get to say his a democrat and compromise. you get to say that, and if you want to save because his daughter has worked for democratic candidates, that compromises the judge, that's probably within bounds but you are so close to the line. when you get to the point where you're threatening something like the photo where he tied a president biden with a rope and showed him being kidnapped? that's way crossing the line. he needs a visit from the secret service to tell him that is completely unacceptable and he will be charged if he does that. anything that approaches threats for incitement to violence, you will be thrown in jail. that message needs to be clear from this judge on monday. >> okay. >> we brought up the secret service a couple of times. i think it's worth noting that this is -- feel free to fact
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check me on this but i feel confident in stating, it's a current protect the of the u.s. secret service. donald trump. who is issuing the threats against another protect the of the united states secret service, the current president joe biden. the secret service doesn't have to visit donald trump because he is under secret service protection. the folks on his detail, there with them all the time, you can't possibly expect his detail to reprimand him. i think this begs the question, what's the director the secret service, the folks at the top, what are they doing? joe biden is the president of the united states of america. not donald trump. it is joe biden, president, directly threatened by someone that -- you can say donald trump will not carry out the attack, but someone is potentially could. they have visited folks for
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less. tim, i don't know what the view is -- you know trump world then better than anybody. what is the view from trump world and do you think we are going to see anything from the director of the secret service or congress maybe should place a call? calling, democrats in the senate. >> we have to make a distinction between criticism and inciting violence. donald trump, because he's not an average citizen and maga followers who have demonstrated that with a minimum amount of incitement, that they will become violent, makes him a different person. when he talks about the court and says the judgment ski daughter has tried to smear me publicly, that's not an average person criticizing the court. someone with millions of social media followers who are politically passionate and it demonstrated they can become violent. he's in a different category.
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it's not just criticism. when you get into free speech, incitement to violence and to commit crimes are not protected speech. if you live on a block full of democratic houses and day republican lives in and you say, i don't like having a republican on the block, let's burn their house down and rob a bank to pay for the gasoline, that's not free speech. those are crimes, and that's what donald trump did on january 6. it's what he's done in georgia and what he's doing in new york and what he's done with the federal judiciary, and we should be clear that given his power, his rank and passed, what he says isn't just speech or criticism, he is inciting people to commit violence and to erode the system of governance and the rule of law and he should be held accountable immediately. >> i was going to say say less,
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but please say more. thank you for kicking us off this morning and channeling our passion. the democrat who does won a long-held republican seat in alabama, maryland lands is joining us on her winning message on reproductive rights. follow our show on social media. l media. >> tech: at safelite, we'll take care of fixing your windshield. but did you know we can take care of your insurance claim? that means less stress for you. >> woman: thanks. >> tech: my pleasure. have a good one. >> woman: you too. >> tech: schedule today at >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ all of the things that you're looking for in a pad, that is always discreet. look at how it absorbs all the liquid. oh my gosh! and locking it right on in. look at that! totally absorbed. i got to get some always discreet.
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threatened the future of in vitro fertilization also known as ivf. democrats hope they can use this as a blueprint for swing districts across the country. alabama state representative maryland rands -- marilyn lands joins us and also his planned parenthood president and ceo alexis mcgill johnson. >> good morning to you. i know you ran in part due to your personal experience of seeking reproductive care that obviously resonated very much with voters. i am curious, when you are on the stump, was a government overreach that was resonating with voters there was a choice specifically? >> i think it was both. what i found is people felt that we have gone too far this time. and also the power of stories that we used in this campaign and we have seen many people come out and talk about their
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own experiences. i think people connecting the dots that maybe abortion is not what they have traditionally thought. i think the power of telling stories has been helpful. >> representative, congratulations. it's such an incredibly important victory on a number of levels. from a messaging standpoint as you mentioned, and how voters received what you said. your district is, i think, an important lesson that goes beyond your state, particularly for republicans. remind me of what happened in kansas and in ohio. how do you assess the narrative going forward? voters seem to resonate to the personal nature of your story, for sure, but the personal impact this issue whether it's
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ivf or abortion, per se, that is something that cuts closer to them than a purely economic issue or a zoning issue for a local race, if you will. how do you assess your victory? >> well, i think it is an indicator for what's to come in the future. i very much think it will play a role in 2026. i think we will see more of this state go blue, but i think people are waking up to the fact that state and local politics are really what impacts people most directly. and we have seen the importance of this in my race. organizations like the democratic legislative campaign committee helped out and they will be pushing for other winds.
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we want to capitalize on the momentum we've got here. my supporters formed a pac, respect alabama, to help recruit and support women candidates. your viewers can visit respect alabama to learn more. >> this is such a pivotal moment across the country. i think if we sat here one year or two years ago and said district 10, the seat in district 10, will go blue, folks would have asked what was in my cup this morning. you talk about the power of stories. politico published a piece on friday and noted you are one of a growing number of women and state legislators from georgia, arizona to georgia who choose to speak openly about their own
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abortion experiences. it's an emotional experience that help shape the abortion debate and drives boaters to the polls. as you were talking about recruiting more women across the state to run for state offices, local offices, because policy is made in state legislatures. i wonder what you think about this push and pull between telling personal stories, how much do you share? it is a personal decision. parts of me as a former strategist feels candidates, especially women, shouldn't have to bear their entire soul and tell all of these painful, horrible things about them that has happened to them in order to voters to connect with them so they can get elected. obviously, you telling your story, the representative in arizona telling her story in arizona, these things have made a difference. >> most definitely.
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i was very much at peace with my decision to share my story. other people might not feel that way. i think my decision to tell my story was based in part from hearing alyssa gonzalez story and the similarities between her two stories and the difference being 20 years later she didn't receive the care i did in my community. it felt like the contrast of those two stories was so compelling that it had to be shared because it highlights beautifully where we are at, and it's a terrible lease to be. >> something captures a moment we are in in america where you have this win out of alabama and the supreme court listening to the case on mifepristone. the judge speech on the idea
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that you start with mifepristone and it could have implications for other pieces of the fda approval process, but this about the calm stack act and the fear that alito and thomas will zone in and see an opportunity. what was your big take away? >> very similar. justice ketanji brown jackson's point underscored why the pharmaceutical industry was filed an amicus brief because they understand the ripple effect around innovation, this disruption that can happen and medications that we need and depend on having them litigated by the courts, takes it out of the purview of the experts. that was a critical thing. as well as the calm stack act.
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it was a question in the conversation. what i thought was interesting is the court was forecasting or they could come back. find someone who has harm and come back so standing is not off the table. it's personhood away to come back around this conversation as well as harkening back to a 150-year-old law that is saying, we are not done. i think what alabama showed us in this moment is that the south has something to say, places we had written off, in terms of building state power. particularly around this issue shows it's an issue that cuts across so many demographics and parties. >> can i follow up on this, comstock act.
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it is a sleeper. >> [ laughter ] >> i don't think people appreciate with those two justices are doing. we've seen this movie before. it's how we got to dobbs and how we've come to outnumber of other decisions. are you and the network of women and men around the country really looking and getting ready for the case. that's what's being farmed right now. the case that will align with comstock act and get in front of the court. what are you anticipating, what are you seeing out there in terms of potential lawsuits and cases that could rise to that level that could put this 170- year-old piece of legislation back in the forefront, but updated in a main part of the abortion strategy. >> can you summarize in 30
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seconds? >> absolutely. there is an interesting point during the hearing where justice alito is whispering sweet nothings to the conservative base around using the statutory language as opposed to calling it the comstock act when talking to the solicitor general. comstock act is a 1873 law, 150-year-old law, that prohibits the use of mail for lewd and lascivious items. around pornography, contraception, and they are trying to invoke this act as a way to enforce the inability to mail something with mifepristone. congress, the doj have said repeatedly that they do not believe that the comstock act covers lawful abortion which would include the sending of
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mifepristone through the mail. it opens up this can of worms. it does say, as a reminder, they're not done. dobbs was just the beginning. they are continuing to come after contraception and ivf and they will continue to come after abortion through this law, and they can do it by electing the former president and allowing an enforcement policy that could come through the executive branch. when we say abortion is on the ballot in 2024, when we say reproductive freedom is on the ballot in 2024, is because the powers that could be conferred to the former president and powers he has already used to install three anti-reproductive freedom justices could really be the end of access as we know it which is already limited. >> representative lands and
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alexis mcgill johnson, we thank you for being with us at the table. maryland governor wes moore joins the weekend live from baltimore county. cleanup begins after the deadly bridge collapse and where maryland goes next from here, that is the question. we will find out right here on the weekend . ahhh! with flonase, allergies don't have to be scary. spraying flonase daily gives you long lasting non-drowsy relief. flonase all good. also, try our allergy headache and nighttime pills. (screams) bleeding gums are serious, jamie. dr. garcia? woah. they're a sign of bacterial infection. crest gum detoxify's antibacterial fluoride works below the gumline to help heal gums and stop bleeding. crest saves the day. crest.
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at least 377 people and are working around the clock to clear the baltimore harbor after tuesday's collapse of the francis scott key bridge, tragedy that took the lives of six people. president biden is by the federal government will cover the cost of rebuilding and maryland governor wes moore has warned the recovery will be long in the impact could be philby on the state's borders. joining us from baltimore county's maryland governor wes moore. greetings. >> good morning, it's good to
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have you. happy easter to you. this is a trying time for a lot of marylanders. your administration in alignment with the city of baltimore and the federal government have been really putting the pressure on a couple of things. one, recovery. recovery of those lost. two, renewal. fixing things and getting it back in motion to get the iron out of the water, as they say. where are things at this point? you have the president coming in this week to visit. how are you assessing the progress so far on behalf of of your administration in cooperation with the other two jurisdictions, the federal government in the city of baltimore, to get the cleanup process started and getting the economy deese -- stabilized. it will have a real impact, not just on maryland but the
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commerce up and down the eastern seaboard. >> thank you so much. first, our prayers continue to go out for these families and the families of first responders who have been working 24/7 to support. the state has shown what it means to be maryland tough and baltimore strong in this moment. i laid out four directives. we have to focus on recovery and bring essential closure and comfort to these family members who are suffering right now. the second, we have to get the channel open. this commerce, it's not just about maryland's economy. it's impacting the nation's economy. it's the largest port for new cars, heavy trucks, agricultural equipment. it's impacting people all over the country. third, we have to take care of people. first responders and families and small businesses impacted and the fourth is we have to get the key bridge rebuild.
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we have been working systematically since this happened to make sure we are coordinated, there's a unity of effort and unity of command, and knowing in this moment we got to move safely and also move quickly to get us back to a sense of normalcy in the area. >> a number of conspiracy theories being peddled by right wing media all too stupid, too cruel, to repeat. what impact do those lies have in your efforts to recover and rebuild? >> truthfully, i've been too busy to deal with -- we've been working on making sure were bringing families the comfort they deserve. we are keeping things safer first responders for out here to doing heroic work to bring us back. we are working a coordination with the federal government, state government, having a unity of effort to ensure we can get the economic engine
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going again. we cannot underestimate how difficult this task is. its unprecedented we have ship that's the size of the eiffel tower that is stuck in the channel, that has the key bridge which is 3000 tons of steel stuck on top of it. it's a complex operation. frankly, our focus and time has been focused on the and nothing else. >> governor moore, i am wondering, you have proposed legislation to help offset the hardship the families of the workers who died in that bridge collapse, that they are experiencing, i wonder where that legislation stands and concurrently i know the legislature is drafting a bill, i think there's bill text right now, or a bill that would help the port workers because there's so many who depend on that port that are currently
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not working because of the debris in the harbor and the bridge being closed. >> yeah, we are proud of the fact, and maryland we work in partnership with the general assembly, and working in partnership to pull together legislation that will do things like support the children of our lost individuals to make sure they get the educational supports they are going to need. that we support for workers, there are over 8000 people who are being impacted. 8000 workers impacted by the shutdown that's happening within the port of baltimore. providing legislation that provides additional levels of flexibility. this will continue to change. we are going to assess and reassess in my administration will need flexibility to do that. we are working a partnership with the general assembly to make sure we have the legislative guidelines and legislative authorities to do
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what we need to do to keep moving maryland forward. >> governor, where are things at this point while all the things you are talking about are proceeding, four points you listed, the other side of that is what happened. how did it happen? where are things in the investigation and what occurred on that ship that had the power outages several times before the impact into the bridge, it affected its navigational control and ability to be steered. how is it going? is it being carried on by the department of transportation? is it our state department of transportation? a combination? how does that fit into the other four areas you talked about? >> the investigation continues to be ongoing. ntsb is the one taking the lead on the investigation. they are looking at everything
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that happened that led to this tragedy. all the actions happened as it was occurring and the aftermath. that investigation will be ongoing and we need for that investigation to happen because we all need answers. we need a certainty and understanding. if we are going to rebuild, we have to have a basis of what exactly happened and people need to be held accountable, they need to be held accountable. that investigation will take place. this is on a bipartisan basis, something people say where's the maryland delegation? the entire general -- delegation is ensuring congress can move with the speed and intentionality that will be required because getting the port reopened and the channel opened up has got to be a national part when we talk of the impact on the nation this will have. >> your message to republicans
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in congress who do not want to approve federal funding for the rebuilding of this bridge because they say, it's just about baltimore, and maryland. >> i want people to understand who this is impacting. don't support this because you think you're doing maryland day favor. we do not need favors. understand what it means to all the workers and small businesses all around the country. it's not just impacting maryland. it's impacting the farmworker in kentucky because the largest port for agricultural equipment is the port of baltimore. it's impacting the auto dealer in ohio because the largest port for new cars, heavy trucks, it's the port of baltimore. it impacts the restaurant owner in tennessee because the largest importer for spices and sugar is the port of baltimore. a variety of different elements that the port of baltimore
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leads the country on. the reason we need bipartisan support, the reason we need congress to act, don't do it because you're doing maryland day favor. we need you to make sure the american economy continues to grow and thrive and take leadership in this moment. >> governor wes moore, thank you so much for what i'm sure is a busy morning. senior adviser and assistant to president biden tom perez will be at the table and talk about the white house's response to that bridge collapse. the dogs real food, not highly processed pellets. the farmer's dog is fresh food made with whole meat and veggies. it's not dry food. it's not wet food. it's just real food. it's an idea whose time has come. we all need fiber for our digestive health, but less than 10% of us get enough each day. good thing metamucil gummies are an easy way to get prebiotic, plant-based fiber. with the same amount of fiber as 2 cups of broccoli. metamucil gummies the easy way to get your daily fiber.
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folks, do not go anywhere because there's another hour of the weekend coming up in a moment including how the secret service should react to donald trump posting a video of president biden's effigy tied up in the back of a pickup truck. we will be joined by civil rights attorney and a former congressman and congressman jamie raskin and senior adviser to president biden tom perez. that's all coming up straight- ahead on the weekend.
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