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tv   Alex Witt Reports  MSNBC  March 31, 2024 12:00pm-1:00pm PDT

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billion for all the stock in that company. that's just crazy. >> can i ask you why would anyone play $60 for the god bless the usa bible that he is hawking right now ask how much money can he make from this? >> is selling this through a company that has previously sold a bible commemorating 9/11. there are lots of people out there who may well by this bible. we don't know what his share of the revenue is. actual billionaires hog tennis shoes and bibles. people desperate for money to pay the lawyers do the kind of thing. >> david johnson telling it like it is. thank you so much. have a good day. thanks for joining us on anks fthat features an disturbing image of resident biden.
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the wider implications in moments. as i bid you a very good day from msnbc world headquarters in new york. happy easter to everyone celebrating. we begin with breaking news and new reaction on the catastrophic collapse of the key bridge in baltimore. president biden says he plans to visit the city this week. while he is taking strong criticism over a pledge to use federal funding to rebuild, pete buttigieg also pushing back today. >> we are using an authority call emergency relief through our federal highway administration. that is how we got the first $60 million out. there will be more where that came from. >> what would be the pitch to any skeptical lawmaker who says why should we have to pay for this?
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>> the page is your district could be next. this has historically been bipartisan. i am not just reaching back the bygone eras. >> new video release today of the record-breaking biden- harris fundraiser in new york city and a new hand on whether we might see more former presidents obama and clinton on the campaign trail. meanwhile, donald trump aims to raise president biden next saturday at his big mar-a-lago fundraiser. before that, trump is staring down deadlines in his civil and criminal cases with a fellow republican making his position clear on his appeal to the supreme court on community for prosecution. >> do you think the president deserves total amenity, congressman? >> no. all americans have to live by the law. we are all accountable for our behavior. especially after you leave the presidency, if any individual can be held accountable through the legal system. >> meanwhile uncertainty over the future of mike johnston.
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republicans and democrats signaling johnson could be on shaky ground if he brings ukraine aid to the floor. >> it is possible, we have one or two people that are not team players. they would rather enjoy the limelight, social media. >> i stand in support of our leader, hakeem jeffries. he is in those meetings, during the negotiations. if you were to call me and say, look, i would like to have your vote in support of johnson he's got it. if he says to me otherwise, i'm going to follow his lead. >> we have reported as an analyst covering all these new developments. we are going to go to you in washington, d.c. gary, the biden campaign is giving us a new look inside that massive
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new york city fundraiser. what are we hearing? >> president biden got a couple of friends together for a big fundraiser thursday night. much of what happened thursday night was about comparing and contrasting as it relates to policy, personality traits. what was very clear is it was also about the personality and the company each of them keeps. when president trump holds a fundraiser the likes of rudy giuliani, steve bannon are present. when president biden holds a fundraiser it is the current president's. it is lizzo singing, it is stephen colbert hosting, here is what former president obama had to say thursday night. >> at the end of the day what you want not just out of your president, but out of your government is people whose values are rooted in wanting to make sure everybody gets a shot. that is who joe biden is.
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who is it that really sees you and cares about you? i am pretty confident the other guy doesn't. this guy does. that is why we are going to have to fight so hard. >> over the course of administrations how they deal with emergencies is something voters watch very clearly. that is something we are seeing playing out in real time as it relates to the baltimore bridge collapse. we realize it is a whole of government approach and dozens of agencies are respond. pete buttigieg was on this morning thanks $60 million is going to the rebuild and the cleaning up of the wreckage. that is a drop in the bucket of what will be needed. we are told this could be a part of a billion-dollar project by the time it is all said and done and a bridge is rebuilt. this is something causing economic impact negatively
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every single day this bridge is closed and something they're going to want to get fixed very quickly. >> can i ask you something? i am betting 10 bucks a george w. bush would never appear with donald trump in any kind of a fundraiser this election season. do you take the better not? >> i think that is a safe bet. >> thank you so much, gary grumbach. let's talk now about some trials with julian frankel, joining me in studio. trump has been easter sunday on this angry social media bender, posting more than 70 times today he was 73 of those posts firing off this morning alone. a lot of the anger directed at the judge in his new york civil fraud trial and the new york ag. is this a preview of what we can expect ahead of when his $175 million bond is due, which we know he does not want to pay? >> if those posts this morning
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are andy -- any indication this trend is something likely to continue. this is something we have seen for months. the former president criticizing all of his legal battles, casting them as a witch-hunt and nothing more than a means of election interference. i want you to hear what the former president had to say on fox last night. take a listen. >> it is a shame it has to take place. this is third world countries of rather it is borders, they have weapon nicely department of justice, they rated my house. they find nothing. look how well i'm doing. the people understand it. >> we may not have long to wait for the bond payment. we are expecting to see it sometime early next week. >> okay, jillian frankel thank you for joining us. let's bring in right now adam former new york assistant attorney general. let's start with this, tuesday be the deadline for jack smith
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and trumps lawyers to present a very unusual request that jury instructions. what do you expect him to see from these two sides? do you think jack smith is going to do it? when she says something like i want you to consider this, does she have to? >> i think he has to comply with the order. he will get an order back from the court about jury instructions. very unusual this early in the case. there is not even a trial date set. then he will have an appealable order. >> is this putting the cart in front of the horse? there is no trial date set yet. >> this is completely putting the cart for the horse. there is no trial date yet. the judge is signaling, as she has signal from the get-go she does not believe in the case and does not believe it is warranted. she is stacking the deck in favor of the defendant. >> is there anything jack smith
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can do to get this moving along? >> he has successfully appealed prior orders to the appellate court and the appellate court has on multiple occasions reversed this judge. i would expect if there is an order on these jury instructions, as she is already signaling he will go right back to the appellate court. >> let's move to donald trump lashing out at the daughter of the judge overseeing the new york hush money case. there are gag orders there. it is pretty broad. it doesn't specifically say you cannot attack the judge or his family, but court officers and the like, where do you think this one stands? do you think the judge says i am going to have to expand the gag order? could he punish donald trump for what he's done in violating, in his eyes, this order? >> i think he has put him on notice. stop attacking members of the
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court, the members of the d.a.s office. start with these public attacks. it won't stand. if he doesn't going forward i think he would hold him in contempt. >> in this particular case jeff stormy daniels and michael cohen likely to take the stand. both of them are saying that donald trump should be worried. let's take a listen to what they say. here it is, everyone. >> he should be worried about me, the manhattan district attorney, the district attorney of new york and prosecutors. he should be worried about the documentary evidence, all of the witnesses that are going to the coming in to that trial. >> i am hoping with all my heart that they call me. as i showed him the stand against michael abernathy, i don't need someone to speak for me. i relish the day that i get to face him and speak my truth. >> do you think they both get call to trial and should donald trump be worried about the testimony? >> yes and yes. i think the district attorneys
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office, the district attorney will call both of them as witnesses. they are the central witnesses in the trial. their testimony is going to be incriminating. >> okay, let's move to the civil penalty, he has to pay $175 million by thursday. some question it might be by wednesday. where do you see that case going from here? >> once he posts this bond, not exactly pay. he is going to hold the money, pending the outcome of the appeal. from there the appellate court told him moving quickly. he is going to perfect the appeal by september. a funny word for actually do the appeal. ordinarily in new york state court you have nine months. here the appellate state court said if we are going to do this abbreviated bond, you are going to do this appeal on an
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abbreviated timetable. >> does that mean the judgment against the other $275 million or so has disappeared? >> it's has not. the judgment is still in place of $454 million, growing at 9% interest, which adds up quickly. it is still in place. the appellate court will be examining that and can affirm the judgment, meaning a year from now if it is affirmed in full he was still owe $500 million. >> the whole thing. the other question, the hush money case, is that the only one that is going to take place before the election? >> it sure feels like it right now. that is the one. >> but the only one? is it anyone likely to even get going? >> it sure feels like the florida case is completely stalled. the d.c. january 6th case is completely stalled. the georgia case which seemed to like the front runner for a
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while is completely bogged down. it feels like the d.a. bragg case is going to be the only case that is moving. >> thank you for your advice. coming up later a bit later coauthor of find me the votes joins me to talk the very latest move in the case of the d.a. of what is being disqualified including the chances of it going to trial before november. we will see if there are any differences in opinion. meantime, the one thing that truly gave me goosebumps today and you are going to hear it. we are back in 60 seconds. we a. k helps keep your laundry pacs in a safe place and your child safer. to close, twist until it clicks. tide pods child-guard packaging.
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if you spit blood when you brush, it could be the start of a domino effect. new parodontax active gum repair breath freshener. clinically proven to help reverse the four signs of early gum disease. a new toothpaste from parodontax, the gum experts. breaking news in baltimore. workers are making progress in clearing the remnants of the collapsed bridge. the coast guard that the first section was cut and removed. what do we know about this part of the bridge, julia? also, about the last driver
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they made it across that bridge safely?>> reporter: first we will get to new details we are just learning about that 200 ton section of the bridge that was removed. we are told by uniform command there are now two crane barges and 2 cranes actively working on the scene to lift and remove pieces. those will go to transatlantic for removal and it is just unreal, the side of this wreckage. for one driver he is grateful that he was not a part of it, having been the last one to cross the bridge. here is what he had to say about that experience. >> i really wasn't paying attention to much of anything going on, other than watching the road. i got off and i got a phone call from somebody saying you know where you at? i thought i just went over the bridge. they said the bridge collapse. probably around 3:00 one girl
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that i was so glad i saw your truck because they knew i had come over around that time. i started looking on my phone and i saw it and i was like if i had been one minute later i probably wouldn't be here. >> reporter: we are hearing the stories, a lot of gratitude from larry desantis, the hermans baker who narrowly escaped what could have been a tragedy for him, alex. >> one minute later and he thinks he wouldn't be there to talk about it. what are official thing about efforts to fund the rest of these operations?>> reporter: as you know i am from baltimore and i am hearing from port workers they are concerned baltimore might need the port more than the port needs baltimore. they are fully aware shipments could essentially go other places. officials are doing all they can to ensure this is cleared and another is rebuilt and these ports are reopened so that the economy stays in tact.
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we heard from governor westmore today, promising to do all he can to get that federal funding. we are also hearing from the bottom administration making their case to republicans who might have a problem. here is what transportation secretary pete buttigieg had to say about that. >> generally there is bipartisan consensus around the idea of emergency relief funding from the federal government. we have a system and account designed for that purpose. there are many times over the years where there has been a dramatic event and federal assistance has been key. i know this is a divided congress. this is also a congress that came together on a bipartisan basis to get our infrastructure built on in the first place. we can see republicans and democrats cooperate to get the infrastructure package through, surely they can't cooperate to help america in baltimore deal with this tragedy. >> the maryland delegation is
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adamant they believe republicans will ultimately support federal funding for this bridge. you have two senators from maryland producing a bill to ensure the remaining 10% of funding that is not covered in the emergency relief program will go to this bridge here in baltimore. pete buttigieg making the case to lawmakers this could be your district the next tragedy, the next accident could be in your district. while we wait to see how insurance shakes out under maritime law that could be a long, drawn out process. they are saying the government should step in so that this can be happening as soon as possible. the biden administration offering $60 million approved this week, and it will cost upwards of $1 billion to clear everything out and to get the bridge rebuilt.
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>> that is just the start. okay, julia jester, thank you so much. coming up next the wider implications of the messages and videos donald trump shares from social media, especially one about president biden. dia, one about president biden. we texted her when we were on our way. and she could track us and see exactly when we'd arrive. >> woman: i have a few more minutes. let's go! >> tech vo: we came to her with service that fit her schedule. >> woman: you must be pascal. >> tech: nice to meet you. >> tech vo: we got right to work, with a replacement she could trust. we come to you for free! schedule now for free mobile service at >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ okay y'all we got ten orders coming in... big orders! starting a business is never easy, but starting it eight months pregnant... that's a different story. i couldn't slow down. we were starting a business from the ground up. people were showing up left and right. and so did our business needs the chase ink card made it easy. when you go for something big like this, your kids see that. and they believe they can do the same. earn unlimited 1.5% cash back
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new concerns today former president trump will incite further incidents of political violence following a social media post friday featuring a disturbing image of president biden with his hands and feet tied together.
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the image and its accompanying video the latest example of trump's increasingly inflammatory attack on biden also echoed by trump supporters. >> these people are demonic. they are destroying our country. on the evening after we have won, the accountability project is going to start. it is one to be thorough this time. it is going to be deep and meaningful. it is not going to be the peter navarro's of the world that will be in prison. they are going to be in prison. yes, prison. >> joined me now is denver riddle men. most glad to have you on the broadcast. give me your reaction from what we just heard from steve bannon. >> i think it goes along with everything your think out there right now. it is good to be here and by the way, happy easter. i went and i bought the citizens got the fifth generation warfare by mike flynn and downloaded project 2025. we are parsing that through
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a.i.. talking about the global is, spiritual warfare, these are all demon possessed individuals that are against the far right or the gop. that really is the talking point. we look at what president trump it with actually posting that photo of president biden hog- tied, i think we are going to see a lot more of that type of imagery. i think the violence you are seeing really is a spiritual warfare components. i am pretty troubles. as far as a christian nationalist, this bizarre western chauvinism look at what is happening in the united states, looking at a toad like steve bannon saying these things, they mean what they are saying. even if they are trying to be hyperbolic, they still mean what they say. there are people out there, this ignorant mass of individuals that think steve bannon has a point and they are happy about the joe biden picture the trumpet up. alex, my worry is as you see
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this dehumanization of an entire force of the population based on the fact that they are not following some spiritual leader or that the spiritual leader's trump should make people feel a little threatened. also, it is time to step up and push back against this type of rhetoric. >> given your position as a former congressman, a senior adviser to the 16 committee, do you worry at all that you could be a victim of this accountability project? >> my thing is, alex, you've talked to me a few times to bring it. if you want to come at me just remember, there are people out there who took the oath of office that our military individuals who have looked the data. you talked about the january 6th committee, the same conspiracy theories that ran that committee are the same things with the hunter biden laptop fiasco. but also the conspiracy
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theories you see with the bridge collapsed. it is the same hogwash that has been pushed for years. now it has been normalized not just by the president trump, but the little stalins pushing this trope. when you hear this type of language about an accountability project or violence or retribution, when does a spin-up to where you have these attacks frequently? is that the end of summer 2024 windows that begin? when you see somebody like steve bannon who, you know, probably one of the worst belly crawlers that we have out there saying these types of things there are millions of people who sort of rely on that ignoramus. i think that is something we have to worry about. >> what you have are trump folks trying to dismiss this image the donald trump posted of president biden being hog- tied, suggesting it is just on
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a pickup truck, perhaps a bit more subtle. might that prompt some of his followers to considering acts of violence? do you worry about that actually happening? >> yes. we have to go back to the pelosis, on january 6th, with gretchen whitmer . a lot of people act in a way based on how they are feeling at the time. going back to ping-pong when the government thought hillary clinton was peddling children out of the bottom of the basement. what's going on here? the spring from that. do you know what i found out, alex? the saying is the rule of law, there will be rules of law to take down this individual. i think that is magical thinking. i think we have to realize those who believe in conspiracy theories have plans and that is why there is project 25 and the
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generation warfare book by mike flynn. that is why you have the cpi, you have all these groups. you have all of these groups out there putting out a plan for what is coming, and a have something like the accountability project. people think rules are going to be the ones to be abided by. these individuals do not care about that. i think those who are saved need to match the energy of the crazy and start pushing back in a very directed way. >> let me ask you about lara trump, the rnc new cochair who this past week that this past week the party is done with claims the 2020 election was stolen. however, her father-in-law and some gop types are definitely not. here is marjorie taylor greene this week. >> when president trump got on the phone with our secretary of state brad raffensperger and said can you find the boats, where are they? he was basically looking for
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balance. these ballots have been lost in the mail. there was nothing wrong with what president trump said. as a matter of fact, i think that he will be vindicated easily by a lot of the work that i am doing and the proof i will be showing pretty soon. is lara trump expect anyone to buy what she said and why can't they let this go, denver? >> for them this is an incredibly well polling question. the fundraising is fantastic when it comes to stolen elections. we are talking 3 and half years of judicial process and what has happened since january 6th. marjorie taylor greene is an idiot using air quotes. let's be honest. she must have the same proof in the 60+ lawsuits presented or any of the ridiculous stuff that you see on the reawaken america tour. marjorie taylor greene is one of trump's right-hand, left-
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hand babies, or whatever you want to say. you have so many people making the pilgrimage to mar-a-lago. that is truly what this is. it is fealty to president trump. this is a party with lara trump now in charge of the rnc, donald trump the nominee for the republican party, it is a party directed by trump and the violence that you see in that type of rhetoric, it's no longer that we have to worry too much about context. once you start showing pictures of a president hog-tied and there is laughter and you start to layer all the ridiculous deep state conspiracy theories. there is that somehow there are a bunch of demon worshipers in the democratic party that the humanization is going to cause violence. >> can i ask about the new report in the rnc that
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interview recently many of the staff members recently laid off. africans are being asked if the election was stolen and about election integrity in 2024. what does that tell you? >> loyalty over intelligence and ignorance over facts. and that is what should scare people. you have this big wave, this tsunami of idiots that are trying to overrun all of the actual saying individuals with gas lighting, with stories and propaganda, with this loyalty pledge based on fantasy. i have said it before, these are the people who believe lord of the rings is a documentary. they are nuts and that is what we are fighting. >> it is always sobering talking with you, denver. i really appreciate your candor. thank you so much. no information about internet yahoo's health and the impact it could have on his job and cease-fire negotiations.
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israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu is undergoing surgery under full anesthesia tonight. this coming as he faces mounting pressure over the war in gaza. today thousands took to the streets calling for a cease- fire and the release of the hostages. john sparks international correspondent for our partner sky news is in jerusalem with the very latest.>> reporter:
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the protest here in west jerusalem, i would say a couple thousand people. some people starting to drift away now, but a very big protest. a lot of people here unhappy with the government. the one issue they have united around is a definite range of groups, and it is about the hostages and getting them home as soon as possible. i can tell you the prime minister has just done a press conference. interesting because later on this evening he will have a hernia operation. the justice minister will temporarily be in charge of the country. in this press conference netanyahu said he would return to work soon. he said that his heart breaks for the families of the hostages. that is something we have heard from some of the people here. they were very dismissive. a lot of people thinks he has
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not prioritized the return of the hostages and has been concentrating on other things like the prosecution of the war. he said hamas would be happy about a new election in this country. another thing strongly dismissed when we talked to people here. netanyahu is in a precarious situation. he does not want a new election. he went on to say the rafah operation, the israeli defense force operation that is planned for rafah where there are more than 1 million civilians crowded into the southern section of gaza. he said that would go ahead. that will cause concern for the americans, concerns for the british, the international community and the international agencies, some of whom have been warning about a bloodbath. he has said this sort of thing before. i do think it is significant that he is saying it.
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an israeli defense force operation will go ahead in rafah. he says this is the only way to defeat hamas. what will people make of that at this protest? it is a diverse range of groups. i will show you very quickly overhear a small group of protesters who take a very strong line on the war. i spoke to one person who said look, the war is genocide. that is not something that you hear in israel very often. the people in israel say they do not hear about the 32,000 palestinians in gaza who have been killed. it is not in view that you hear widely. i think that a lot of people are primarily concerned about getting rid of netanyahu and also the hostages. that is the one thing that is finding people. >> thank you for that report. beyonce's new album kabwe
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to launch what is now a record- breaking album.>> reporter: johnson, a texas native with louisiana roots putting her powerful mark on a genre by black artist, but hasn't always embraced them back. the trackless artwork seeming to reference the shipment circuit, a network of venues where black musicians safely performed during the jim crow era. beyonce herself writing the criticisms apace when i first entered this genre forced me to propel past the limitations put on me. >> joined me now is the codirector of the black opry and author of this new msnbc op-ed. i saw beyonce get booed at the cma's and i have been waiting for kabwe carter. welcome, so glad to have you. thank you for spending time with me. tell me about that moment, what did you see and hear? what got people so upset?
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>> my experience back in 2016 was one that i don't think i will ever forget. i have always been a huge fan of country music. i have listened to the chicks ever since i was growing up, six, seven, eight years old. to know that beyonce was going to perform i was overwhelmed and filled with so much joy. once the moment came when beyonce and the chicks graced our presence, i was really excited to see what was going to happen. i knew daddy lessons from lemonade and was so thrilled to see it played at the cma's. very shortly after they were performing unfortunately i experience the moment where a fan directly in front of me says something that i will necessarily stay on air, but you can read the article to see what that person said in retaliation against what the essay and the chicks were displaying.
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it immediately took away any joy that i had in that moment. from that moment on i wanted to find a time in which i could exist in the country music space and not feel that way ever again. >>'s so what was your reaction? did it immediately feel like she was maybe seeking justice? >> beyonce has always been country. she is from houston, texas. her mother has always been very outspoken about her roots within country as well. with her coming up with this project, i think it is her ultimately letting the world know she has always been country and she should be able to express her way in that genre herself. the criticisms that have come with beyonce saying she is not country enough or doesn't fit in the genre is not true anymore with this project being out and seeing the response it has received. we can only hope that is going to bring more visibility to the
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amount of other black country artist that exist currently. >> in your article you write a common experience among the country artists and fans is feeling welcomed. many of us were told it wasn't meant for us. country music as a genre has black roots in its origin. why is that? >> i think a lot of times when you think about the origin of country music from the very beginning there were ways in which black and white artists were separated when it comes to charting on billboards. you have race records and you have hillbilly music which evolved into country music. from the very beginning of country music it has been marketed as a genre may specifically for white people unfortunately due to the white supremacist foundation that it was founded on, however, the basis of country music was originally done by black and african enslaved people.
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>> this album features several legendary establish an up-and- coming black country artists. how significant is that when it comes to representation? >> we have already seen such a huge amount of uptick in streams for a lot of these artists. what i'm looking at people like the spencers and brenda roberts. we work with some of these artists on some of our shows. we have had brittany spencer perform at a fundraiser that we have done. it is great to see them get recognition on this project and ansi streams be upped. the thing is, we need their careers to be uptick as well and we need support from the audience. that is only going to happen from the audience. unfortunately, country music is one of the last genres that relies specifically on radio. although the streaming is amazing it is not going to translate unless country radio gets on board. now we have to turn to the
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industry because the author has released this project what you want to tell the black audience and the huge amount of audiences that she has what you are going to do in this industry to allow other black people to do this? >> i guess we will see the answer and time. take you for joining me. and reports as fani willis won't be hiding in the background when the donald trump trial finally gets underway. gets underway. >> tech: at safelite, we'll take care of fixing your windshield. but did you know we can take care of your insurance claim? that means less stress for you. >> woman: thanks. >> tech: my pleasure.
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now to two new headlines at odds against each other in donald trump selection racketeering case. a new report suggest fulton county district attorney fani willis plan to take a leading courtroom role in the prosecution while trump and a co-defendant are asking an appeals court said her saying judge maccabee was wrong to not disqualify her. my next death has literally written the book on this case. find me the votes, a
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hardcharging prosecutor, a rogue president in the plot to steal an american election. michael isikoff is doing to me now . i am glad to see you. what is happening here, michael? which side is going to prevail? >> to be determined. as my coauthor reported for cbs this week, fani willis is determined to retake control of this case herself . she may well actually, if it goes to trial, try it herself, be there in the courtroom. it is already clear she is taking over the role nathan wade had of directing the prosecution, reviewing every motion and every issue. she feels she has been wronged. she feels while she has acknowledged the relationship with nathan wade it was completely blown out of proportion and had no impact on the defendant whatsoever.
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the judge himself found that. at the other end you have the trump defendants, including trumps lawyer himself appealing the decision by judge mcafee to allow fani willis to continue on the case to the georgia court of appeals. they have 45 days to decide whether they are going to take the case or not. and then, if they do it is assigned to a three-judge panel. it is a conservative court. no way of knowing how they will process this. the important thing is judge mcafee is moving forward with motions. he has not yet set a trial date. he is trying to at the court case back on track. >> while trump's team is trying to delay. apparently they have done a good job so far. willis says she wants to put trump on trial before the election. do you have a sense of when the trial might actually take place? when you put all the pieces together, what sure best guess?
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>> impossible to say. probably not before the election. for no other reason then there are plenty of motions that judge mcafee has to get to. what the georgia court of appeals is going to do is a wildcard. it can also be affected by what the supreme court rules on the immunity issue. if they grant some sort of partial community does that impact anything? we don't know. here is one thing really important to remember. if trump gets elected we can assume the federal cases against him brought by jack smith will likely go away. most certainly, he would appoint his own people at the justice department and they would drop the case. georgia does not go away. while there is a question of whether trump, if he was elected could be tried as
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presidents, all the other co- defendants in the case like rudy giuliani, mark meadows, on and on the list goals, would still have to go on trial. the issues at the core of the case, whether there was this massive conspiracy to overturn the results in georgia, that could still be tried, even if donald trump is president. he himself might not be in the courtroom. that would have to wait, but his many alleged co- conspirators here would still have to go to trial. >> let me move to liz cheney, who was, got the supreme court in trumps trial delays. let's take a listen together to some of what she's said. >> i think it is very important that the supreme court recognize that what he is doing is a delaying tactic. taking action that will result in a further delay in preventing the american people from seeing that evidence in
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open court is itself suppression of the evidence. >> is this fair criticism, michael? >> well, a lot is going to depend on what the supreme court does. they are set to hear oral arguments on april 25. do they move quickly? do they wait until the end of the term which could be the end of june-early july. if they do that that can make it difficult for the federal case to be tried before the election. you know, we will see what the supreme court does if liz cheney and her potential criticism holds. it is hard to say. >> i got about 30 seconds and i want to ask about judge cannon's request. the jury instructions are due on tuesday. give me quickly your assessment of the concerned this could be a pro trump gambit?
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>> judge cannon have yet to set a trial date. he is yet to rule on multiple motions that are crucial. everybody looking at the pattern of rulings or lack of made so far. nobody is betting she is going to fast track this for a trial before the election. we will be seeing virtually, she does have to make quite a few rulings in the upcoming week . >> always good to see you, my friend. thank you so much, michael isikoff. that is going to do it for me. happy easter, everyone who is celebrating. we will be back next saturday and sunday at 1:00 p.m. eastern. .m. eastern. >> [ music ]


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