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tv   Prime Weekend  MSNBC  March 31, 2024 1:00pm-2:00pm PDT

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>> judge cannon have yet to set a trial date. he is yet to rule on multiple motions that are crucial. everybody looking at the pattern of rulings or lack of made so far. nobody is betting she is going to fast track this for a trial before the election. we will be seeing virtually, she does have to make quite a few rulings in the upcoming week . >> always good to see you, my friend. thank you so much, michael isikoff. that is going to do it for me. happy easter, everyone who is celebrating. we will be back next saturday and sunday at 1:00 p.m. eastern. .m. eastern. >> [ music ]
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welcome to prime time weekend, i am nicolle wallace, n let's get right to the week's top story is point with less than two weeks to go before he makes history by becoming the first ex-president of the united states to ever stand trial on criminal charges, donald trump is turning to tactic straight out of the mobsters playbook. the ex-president going after the daughter of the new york judge who is overseeing the criminal house money case. in typical trump fashion, his tactics have been foaming at the mouth, rage, and bluster, and conspiracy theories with a dash of information -- misinformation in there. the judges daughter sharing a photo of donald trump behind bars on social media. court officials quickly not to die down, but trump hasn't stopped going after the judges daughter.
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he has posted about her at d least four times since tuesday morning. trump's attacks came one day after judge merchan posted a gag order on donald trump prohibiting him from lashing out against witnesses, jurors, court staff, and prosecutors, although donald trump can make comments about the judge and alvin bragg. trump dancing around his gag order with an appalling attack on the judges family, part of the pattern for donald trump. we will cover him are all too familiar with it by now, trump attacks anyone and anyone in any process who seeks to hold him accountable. inevitably, threats, intimidation, and even violence in superman the situation is so dire and so troubling, so a unprecedented, and such and deep and obvious threat to the rule of law, that a sitting judge is taking the extraordinary step of speaking out pointar that is judge reggi walton, a conservative
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appointed by president george hw bush and george w. bush to the bench. has faced threats because of his work and handling a january 6th defendants and their cases.s here is today and extraordinary public comments just last night: >> it is very disconcerting to have someone making comments about the judge, it's particularly problematice when those comments are in the form e of a threat, especially if they are directed at one's family. we do these jobs because we are committed to the rule of law and we believe in the rule of law, and the role of law can only function effectively when we have judges who are prepared to carry out their duties without the threat of potential physical harm. effects without ever mentioning donald trump by name, judge walton pointed out that anyone with the platform, much less the kind of platform that comes with being an ex-president, and the current presumptive
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presidential nominee, has a responsibility to be careful with what they say. >> i would say that any reasonable, thinking person would appreciate when they say things that can sometimes resonate with others, and i think that is particularly true when you have somebody who has status in our society and they make certain statements, can cause people to act on those statements, even if they don't necessarily intend for someone to do so, so i think it's very important that people in positions of authority be very circumspect in reference to the things that they say, so they are not causing others to act on what they say and maybe cause injury or death to someone as a result of that. >> even more direct, judge walton's former colleague, a friend of this show, michael nd due date, lamented that judge walton even had to do what he had to do there, go on television to defend the rule of law and the justices from an ex-president, saying: the
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nation is witnessing the determined delegitimization s o both its federal and state judiciaries, and the systematic dismantling of its system of justice and rule of law by a single man -- the former president of the united states. never in american history has any person, let alone the president of the united states, leveled such threatening attacks against the federal and state courts and federal and at state judicial officers of the kind the former president has leveled continually now for years. suffice it to say, never in history has any person leveled such attacks and been met with such positivity, acquiescence, and submissiveness by the nation. the threat to the rule of law posed by an ex-president who does not hesitate to target judges and their children is ld where we start today with some of our favorite reporters and friends. former federal judge michael due date is here, former assistant u.s. attorney on msnbc legal analyst kershner is
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here, plus msnbc legal correspondent lisa rubin joins us, and national affairs analyst john hammons is here. it is time to do something different. we are not going to have this conversation again. i have come on the air with breaking news about requests for gag orders because of threats for judges and their kids more times than i can count today before i got ready e point judge lou dig, i am sorry in advance, but donald trump broke the rule of law, and we should cover a broken judiciary in this country, donald trump managed to delay every federal criminal trial based on facts that he barely denies. donald trump managed to enlist the supreme court and a delayed process, the highest court in the land. nd donald trump brazenly and repeatedly attacks not just judges, and i had the privilege of sitting across not just from you, judge, but judge esther
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solace, whose son was assassinated by a crazy person. judges don't have secret service protecting them, they don't always even have -- i mean, her child answered the door. what are we going to do different, because donald trump sure isn't changing esther mark >> nicole, thank you for having me with you this afternoon. first, we all should congratulate and thank judge walton for his interview last night, coming forward with the perilous state of the federal judiciary. it took great courage for him to do that. he is one of the first, to my knowledge, sitting federal judges ever to appear on television to speak about a need of the federal court system. we all have to understand that from the first time that the
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former president began his attacks, vicious attacks on the federal courts and the state courts and their individual judges, his objective was to delegitimize those courts. so that when and if they ruled against him and the various matters that he has been charged with, then at least his followers, if not a good part of the nation, would dismiss those rulings against him as having beenns politically inspid and motivated. in particular, in most of these instances, politically inspired by president joe biden and his administration, and merrick garland and the department of justice,d that led into what w have today, which is the fact that the former president is now
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actually campaigning for the presidency againng on the delegitimization of america's institutions of democracy and long. now, he is the only one at the moment who is claiming that those institutions are no longer legitimate, but many of his followers believe it today, and they will cast their votes in favor of donald trump in november on the basis that our institutions of law and democracy are no longer functioning. that is the tragedy -- that is the tragedy that the nation faces y right now. we have acquiesced in that two dates. acquiesced meaning no one, not one single person in a position of responsibility to address this issue has done so, and
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until or unless we as a nation address this issue, then we are careening toward the effective end of the rule of law in america. >> well, i mean, judge, let me press you on that. i think acquiescence and positivity are the words that captured my attention in your tweets. i mean, trump has achieved the mission of delegitimizing our elections. steve kornacki's analysis of the exit polls from super tuesday suggested anywhere from 58 to 65% of republicans who participate on super tuesday think donald trump won in 2020. donald trump uses the criminal actions against him as a prod to raise money and to raise fervor, and he has already delegitimized the criminal
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prosecution and the criminal justice system, iofrankly in a matter more successfully than any professional mobster. i mean, the reason that some of the safeguards exist in the criminal justice process is because even a hardened criminal is interested in serving less time. trump isn't. he is interested in winning andt then pardoning himself, so there are no levers inside e american criminal or civil -- i guess the money maybe, but in the criminal justice system, there are no more levers to press when it comes to trump. how do we adjust and adapt? >> you are exactly right, nicole. and as i have said over the past months, donald trump has largely succeeded in delegitimizing both america's democracy in elections, as well as his constitution and rule of law. now, to your reference to mobster, make no mistake, a
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mobster could never pose the threat that donald trump poses to american democracy and the rule of law. it is the fact that he was a president of the united states of america and is now attempting to delegitimize america's democracy, the constitution, and the rule of law. that is the existential threat that faces america today. >> you know, i don't know judge merchan, i don't know his daughter, and i would never lay on to them any perceived reactions to these threats, but i am a parent. when you are a parent and anyone threatens your child, it is a terrifying -- a terrifying and paralyzing reaction that any parent has. n and that is, you know, we give
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these individuals space and we don't platform the attacks, but i think we are post-platform, so i am going to make the decision to read the attacks on judge merchan's daughter, john posted this to his millions of followers: judge merchan it is totally compromised and should be removed from this trump non- case immediately. ca his daughter, lauren, is a rabid trump hater, has admitted having conversations with her father about me, and yet he got to me. she works for crooked joe wo biden, kamala harris, adam schiff, and other radical leftist campaign on getting trump and fundraiser off of the biden indictments. including this witchhunt, which her father presides over, a total conflict, and attacking biden's political opponent through the courts. li that has been disseminated, judge luttig, that is out there.
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what, in your view, is the appropriate response? >> that, nicole, is the republican party's nominee for the presidency of the united states in november of 2024. the republican party has enabled donald trump up to this point. for the past 3 1/2 years. and it is determined to enable him for the next eight months, until the election in november. at this point, it remands to be seen. at this very, very late point, nicole, it remains to be seen whether donald trump will prevail in his standoff against america. and it's constitution, it's rule of law, and its institutions of law and democracy. that is an incredible thing to
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have to make. >> yeah, i feel like some of this is on us, right? because we have political conversations, and you are one of the few people who is part of both of them, but the legal process was part of trump's message, and maybe for too long, -- let's not politicize it, but trump didn't separate them, and when you look at the numbers of people who think that the elections aren't legitimate, the numbers are probably even higher on the rule of law and the courts in america. >> well, right, nicole. and this has been my question that i asked to people like judge luttig or anyone else who has an actual law degree, unlike me. it's a blessing and a chris, g not having one of those point but you know, it has always been clear, we have to been debating the question of gag
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orders.he what would trump get slapped ou with in these various cases? and we knew that he would act out, that uses platforms to attack potential jurors, judges, judges families, anybody he could attack, and ac there was no way that was ever going to stop, and it was not going to stop in my jaundiced view, there was no way a gag order was going to stop donald trump, he was going to do this thing, and he was going to dare the courts to either slapped giant fines on him, or hold him in contempt and sent him to jail. and my question to the imlawyer has always been, do you really think that is going to happen? ? are any of these judges an actually going to do that? or are they going to be, for one reason or the other, because they are enthralled to pat president, that they think they are still living in the old world where they think nk their courtroom is sanctified and is a place where the law is
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all that rules in the th courtroom, they have never dealt with anything like donald trump before or they think that trump will somehow use it against them if they put him in jail or find them heavily, he will use it against them in a political context and say he is having his first amendment rights slouched and that will backfire in some way. i don't know what is going on in the minds of the judges, but what i heard judge luttig just say is 100% true, and yet not really an answer, because we ly are going to see trump do this over and over again in every one of these legal cases. so, the question i asked again to all of these lawyers is what is it going to take for a judge to finally say enough and either level a giant line th against donald trump or take the step that is within our power in these circumstances if he violates a gag order and tossed him in jail for a period of time. what is it going to take? are we ever going to see that or not? >> lisa ruben, you want to answer that? >> a really difficult question to answer. i am not sure we are going to
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see that, but i am also not sure that issuing a further gag order is necessarily the answer here point lyi had a conversati earlier today with michael cohen, who as we all know is a known witness in this upcoming case before a judge merchan and is covered by the existing gag order. we can talk about all the ways in which a judge merchan and his daughter are not currently protected, and michael cohen is point and his point to me was if you think the gag order changes the universe in which i lived as a witness and a known enemy of donald trump, you have got something else coming. in i walked down the street every day in fear, i get death threats every day. because i am a person known to be involved in this proceeding. and the fact that he can no longer speak out against me, even if he abides by that order, it doesn't change the daily existence for me and my family. so, not only do i want to say to john, i don't know what the
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answer is, but i will tell you, that even further expanding thee mechanisms that we already have doesn't seem to be an answer for those people who are already protected, because for them, the damage has already been done, and that is because the real threats here now are coming from the mad the world. i think about three words, there abigail joe shrike, the woman who called tanya chutkan's chambers shortly after the federal election interference indictment was handed down, and made a threat to her voicemail that is so ugly that i won't repeat it here, except to say she is now under indictment herself. we used to live in a world where the threats to judges wherefrom actual litigants before them, that is the situation in which judge solace found herself when her son was murdered by somebody who had been a litigant before her. that was also the case in the case of federal judge joan, who still serves on the bench, and
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whose husband and mother were murdered by someone who had been a litigant before her, and even years before then, there was a federal district judge in new york who was murdered in his backyard by the father of a woman who had a case against him that he had dismissed, but we are far from that now. the threats to judges and their families are no longer even coming from actual litigants, they are coming from adherence to every word that those litigants utter and words that they might not be uttering at all, but people in their universes are uttering as surrogates on their behalf, without any fingerprints on it without any even overt encouragement or direction. that is the atmosphere in which we are living now, and i fear that the gag order itself is insufficient for the times in which we live, nicole point >> glenn kirschner, we have hadn a lot of conversations, donald trump made a mockery of an insurrection, of the mueller investigation, of our elections, donald trump has
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made a mockery of every institution he has touched or talked about. he has now made a mockery of the rule of law, and i wonder what you think the rule of law and those who care about it do in response. >> you know, there actually is an answer to this problem, there is a solution, but none of the institutions of government, none of the judges, none of the prosecutors have thus far been willing to do it. in 30 years, every single time i had a grand jury returned felony charges against the defendant, i had a decision to make. i had to decide whether to file a motion for pretrial. the only factors that entered into that decision were is there clear and convincing evidence that the defendant is a danger to the community or even one person in the community? if the answer to that question was yes, i was obliged to file a motion for pretrial detention. i was obliged to do it to
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protect the victim, i was obliged to do it to protect the community, and i knew that it was a lawful vehicle to mitigate the danger. no institution of government, no judge, no prosecutor has been willing to apply that law the way it would be applied to you, me, everybody on this panel, and virtually everybody else in america who wasn't named donald trump. donald trump is the single most dangerous defendant who is on pretrial release in the united states of america. he is a danger to the community, he is a danger to the witnesses, he is a danger to the jurors, he is a danger to the judges and their staff, he is a danger to the prosecutors and their staffs, he is a danger to the family members of all of those groups, and thus far, the institutions of government and the good people that populate those institutions, have been willing to sacrifice the safety of all of those people.
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indeed, they have been willing to bet the future of our democracy on it rather than hold donald trump accountable as the law provides in the pretrial detention arena. that is the solution to the problem. i think, nicole, part of the challenge is donald trump almost has too many criminal cases up and running at the same time, and there are four judges and four teams of prosecutors, saying well, maybe one of the other judges or the prosecutors will apply the law of pretrial detention as it was designed to be applied, and thus far, nobody has applied it. >> [ music ] smile! you found it. the feeling of finding psoriasis can't filter out the real you. so go ahead, live unfiltered with the one and only sotyktu, a once-daily pill for moderate to severe plaque psoriasis,
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the manhattan district attorney is asking judge merchan whether at the gag order imposed on trump does apply to family members of the judge and the prosecutor. all of this in response to trump's repeated attacks against the daughter of judge merchan.
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msnbc legal correspondent lisa rubin, who may have thought she was done with us, is back for the breaking news. lisa? >> nicole, this is one of the situations where the filings in this case really complicate our jobs as newspeople, because we heard first from the trump side, but in reality, this request was initially made by the d.a.s. team. i understand it was made yesterday morning, and that is important because it was before the most recent of trump's posts about judge merchan, the judge who is overseeing the hush money case, his daughter. and what they're asking judge merchan to do is to clarify or confirm that is gag order from tuesday of this week not only extends to his family, but also extends to family members of the district attorney himself, that is important because it is largely understood that the district attorney and the judge are themselves not covered by this gag order, so in this request made again yesterday morning, the d.a.s office is
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not asking for the expansion of the gag order or a new gag order, but instead, asking judge merchan to clarify or confirm that his daughter and the family members of the district attorney are themselves covered. we earlier in this hour covered that trump's lawyers have responded, saying that that is inappropriate, that other outlets have reported they aren't covered, and they dropped a footnote, say in the event that judge merchan is considering making his daughter subject to this gag order, a full briefing is necessary because of the implications for former president trump's first amendment rights, and then they take a swipe at judge merchan's daughter, who is as i understand it, well into her 30s, is leader of additional strategy firm, employed by both political campaigns, and nonprofits. and they said because she is engaged and providing support
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to the enemies of former president trump, it is totally appropriate for him to talk about her. certainly, we are waiting for the judge to have some word here, but this is already hotly contested between the two sides. i just want to say one thing about the judge's daughter, because nicole, like you, i too am a parents, and i am outraged that a defendant of any kind would go after a member of the judiciary's family member, but here, the family member is a grown person in her own right. whatever you might think about judge merchan's daughter, her father is no more responsible for a career choices and our clients that my father is a retired principal and school administrator, is of mine. and i find it extremely a offensive when we are talking about a grown woman who should lead agency to live her life on
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her own terms, but instead is being subjected to tax by the former president of united states, using the largest megaphone in the land, second only to the incumbent president, perhaps. >> a message to the voters, is this who you want? someone who is going to threaten the safety and security of someone's adult daughter? >> he is a bully and a thug and you have to stand up to a bully. i mean, i am someone who actually believes that the voters are going to have the most powerful say here in november, i think that is really important to issue a vote of no confidence, no interest in trump. at the same time, it is this behavior that is the exact reason why i think it is so important to hold donald trump accountable. there are some people who have said that this case in manhattan is maybe not as serious as some others, and in some ways, that might be true. in other ways, he is operating with the same kind of impunity we have seen all along, and that is -- he cannot be above the law, you cannot have a
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president sitting in the oval office who is above the law, so you should be held accountable. >> i think that when you look at the fact, the uncertainty, that someone would be responsible for their 30-year- old daughter and that that daughter would even be mentioned, i have two daughters in their 30s, they have nothing to do with what i do in terms of the decision. they both are activists, but i mean, it is just absurd. it shows how callous and low this man will go, there is nothing off in the midst to him, not only is he a thug, he is a thug that has no boundaries. >> you must think he is really screwed in this case. >> the one that is not convinced is donald trump, because he will not be throwing all of these accusations out if he was not convinced that this could be serious. >> [ music ] one of the happiest babies you'll probably ever meet.
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i think it is a win for families, for alabama in general, i want to get down there and repeal the bad then on no exceptions abortion, i want to protect ivf and contraception. it feels like it is the start of the change here. >> that was marilyn last night after her victory in a special election to fill a vacant seat and alabama. she didn't just flip a seat from red to blue, she won by 25 points, and she did it by campaigning openly as you heard in that clip on reproductive freedom. it is an issue that has brought together voters all over the political ideology called spectrum. since roe versus wade was overturned. with no sign of its power subsiding. this issue is likely to serve
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democratic candidates better, and make things worse and worse for the republican party as november nears. president of reproductive freedom back with us. i don't want to be surprised, because i want to have faith in that which unites us, but were you at all surprised by her victory and her margins? >> the margins, absolutely. we felt really positive about the campaign she was running, the messaging, the strategy. the margins can i get, they were really honestly kind of a shot in the arm we need it again. to really make sure we are staying on track with reproductive freedom messaging. that we are seeing the real- time impact. when you have candidates like marilyn who didn't just support reproductive freedom, she made at the centerpiece of her election, and she told her own abortion story in an ad in the campaign. this was just a really empowering moment for the movement and for women in alabama, but also a really critical strategy lesson that
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when you lean and or candidates lean in and personalize this, it is really compelling and it is a winning message. >> you know how much i think of amanda, but i also think it is women taking the most horrible and painful tragedies they have experienced in an effort to have families that has changed the conversation. i want to show our viewers some of what you are talking about, this is her ad telling her story: >> today and alabama, women have fewer freedoms than they did 20 years ago. i know because two decades ago, i faced the hardest decision of my life, too. my baby had, you know, an underdeveloped brain, heart, lungs point the doctors all advised that i terminate the pregnancy. all three doctors said this is absolutely what you need to do, your health is at risk. but this isn't just my story,
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this is our story, and it is the story of millions of women who live in places where maga extremist are devising new and cruel ways to further erode our most basic freedoms. >> antiabortion extremists didn't have a plan for dealing with these women who want these babies desperately, but before they suffer and endanger their own lives, they have to make excruciating decisions. she did this with three doctors in the room. this should be accessible, safe, and available to women in every circumstance, but this was one of the story is, this was the story she told, and this seems to have galvanized and resulted in that margin you are talking about. >> yeah, it's a good point. the antiabortion extremists have known about these stories for decades. let's be clear. and we have been fighting about abortion access, who can provide abortions, how it gets funded for decades.
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in the supreme court, at the federal level, at the state and local level, we have surfaces of movement. these types of exact stories, again, for decades point so, if they were unprepared, it was callous disregard, and they really thought people would not speak out. there has been so much stigma around abortion and towards women telling their abortion stories. i think they really thought a lot of these women would stay silent. and i agree with you, amanda, marilyn, even some of the male candidates coming forward and talking about abortion stories in their families, they are heroes and they are doing really critical work connecting the dots between public policy on what is happening in real people's lives. >> it is so important, i hope we get right to the tectonic shifting. i have to sneak in a quick break first, we will all be right back. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪
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>> when many used the term public policy, it made me very excited, it's what i do it. as much as we talk about money and politics, history is replete with people with money that lose elections. i always say message comes before money. when i was reminded today about carolyn mccarthy, whose husband was killed and severely injured in a shooting on the long island railroad in 1993. the republican in the district doubled down after that shooting on the second amendment. carolyn, who was a nurse, is that i have to do something about this, she ran and she won. and it reminds you that issues really do matter, and if you are consistent, if you actually bring in allies, which she was able to do, which is true in this race that we are talking about, when you bring in those allies, when you bring in that new coalition, it can propel you forward in ways you didn't even expect. this is very is amazing to me
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because it is about issues and it is about digging deep into those issues and actually creating a movement around it. which is so special and remarkable. >> what basil is saying is it is about story, and that tragedy and strife are so many women is this is our story, this is what happened to us, to our sister, to our best friend. and whether it is an abortion, an unplanned pregnancy, a nonviable pregnancy, they need to trans ivf or fertility issues, this is every woman's story. >> and you are going to see the campaign, both of the biden- harris campaign, as well as up and down the ticket in the state races, the campaign committee were really instrumental in this case and have decided that for the second cycle in a row, abortion is going to be an issue for all of their candidates. you are going to see a lot more content ads of real-life women telling their stories, of families that have been impacted as these ban's have been longer and longer, we will
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see more and more folks coming out, and it is going to be a critical piece of the message going into this election. >> for all of us, having this conversation, this is to be continued thank you so much for your time today. donald trump the latest not so humble brad about his golf trophies is much more serious than a punchline it has become. rick o'reilly will be here, he is the author of one of my favorite trump books. he is our next guest, don't go anywhere. >> [ music ] >> [ music ] [music playing] tiffany: my daughter is mila. she is 19 months old.
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she is a little ray of sunshine. one of the happiest babies you'll probably ever meet. [giggles] children with down syndrome typically have a higher risk for developing acute myeloid leukemia, or just leukemia in general. and here we are. marlo thomas: st. jude children's research hospital works day after day to find cures and save the lives of children with cancer and other life-threatening diseases. tiffany: she was referred to st. jude at 11 months. they knew what to do as soon as they got her diagnosis. they already had her treatment plan drawn out. and they were like, this is what we're going to do. this is how long it's going to take. this is how long in between. this place is like a family to us now. like, i can't say enough how grateful we are to be here. medical bills are always a big thing to everybody because everybody knows that anything medical is going to be expensive. we have received no bills since being at st. jude.
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this week, donald trump proudly announced that he won two of his own trophies at his very own golf course in a single weekend. wow. never mind what journalist rick o'reilly told us about trump and his golf game in 2019, that the golf club, he got so used to seeing trump kick his ball
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back onto the fairway, they called him soccer player. forget what other celebrities have described malik balls miraculously recovered nearby. dry as a bone. in the end, golf is just a game, but the way that one conducts themselves while they played golf is not, because if you cheat in the little things, just imagine what you do with the big things, the stuff that actually matters. joining us now, the expert on this particular matter, the author of so help me golf, why we love the game. rick o'reilly is back with us. my interview with you really got me through so much of the trump presidency, because i think how a man or woman involves is how a man or woman lives. take me back about what you reported about the book, trump cheating at golf. >> golf is like bicycle shorts, it reveals a lot about a guy. >> thank you for that.
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[ laughter ] >> this guy cannot lose, he has to win, and he will do anything to cheat. and i know because i played golf with him once. [ inaudible ] he has done tournaments where he is not even in the state when the tournament is played point he won one in north korea when he was talking to kim jong-un. he won the one in florida. he couldn't have been there. i think it was this year, he won a two day tournament, when a one year he was at diamond's funeral or whatever that was. one of the two days, he wasn't even at the tournament. what he does is he calls in and says i usually beat that guy, give me the trophy. and i know this because when i play with him, he says, you know what i do to win these championships, don't you? i like, please tell me. he goes, anytime i buy a new
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course, i play the first round by myself, then i declare myself the club champion. what a guy this is. he has never won a championship. he says he has 23 or something. he has never won a championship at of course he doesn't own and operate point he has played in pebble beach, he has played in the tahoe one, where there are rules and judges and cameras, and he knows he is never fitted for the top hat. so, he wins when anybody who disagrees that he won is out of the club. >> rick, what does it say to other -- a 12-year-old, we don't let him cheat at golf. can you just talk about sort of the ethos of the sport it is, to achieve so audaciously. >> i don't know about politics, but i know about golf, i have covered it for 45 years, it is not a sport where you cheat, it is just not in the game.
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because nicole, if you are 100 yards over here and i am 100 yards that way, i trust you are not going to fizzle it, and you trust that i am not going to, and that is the only way that you play, because there are no referees, you can't possibly cover that much territory. but not only does trump cheating like a mafia and dealer, he gets your ball and throws that in trouble. there are stories of him kicking his opponents a balls into bunkers. because what he does is he has golf carts, always gets a turbocharged golf cart that goes three times as fast as yours, so he is always 200 yards ahead, and that gives him time to cheat, take your ball, throw his out. one time, i was playing $50 a whole with these three guys, he hits it in the pond, they see the splash. by the time they get there, it is in the middle of the fairway. he goes, it must have been the
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tide point >> let me ask you not a political question, but a golf question. doesn't it take enablers to let someone cheat? does the sport usually prints out a cheater or does the sport just rolled his eyes at someone like him? >> when i have asked people how did you let him cheat, he has cheated against tiger woods, dustin johnson. when i asked them, why did you let him cheat and take the 20 bucks, they all say the same thing, i wanted my own story about trump cheating. >> that's amazing. >> it's freaking amazing. and so, that's not how we do it in golf. that's why i was so disappointed to see my hero, jack nicholas, at mar-a-lago last week for this phony baloney, fake as velveeta cheese, ceremony where trump gave himself two championships. jack nicholas was there,
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>> trump is bad at golf and sheets, that might be the one that makes him the most mad, we will see. this has been prime time weekend, i am nicolle wallace. please tune into all of our prime time shows, weekdays on msnbc. >> [ music ] get a light scent that lasts with no heavy perfumes or dyes. ( ♪ ♪ ) ♪♪ when you're a small business owner, your to-do list can be...a lot. ♪♪ [ cellphone whooshes ] [ sighs ] that's why progressive makes it easy to save with a commercial auto quote online so you can take on all your others to-dos. already did. see if you could save at ♪oh what a good time we will have♪
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