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tv   The Reid Out  MSNBC  April 4, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT

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world icidents that illustrate these challenges. >> how would i define cancel culture? >> that's part of the problem of talking about this. >> we called it public shaming. we called it rejection. we called it ostracizing people. >> we didn't have a problem with cancel culture when it was the powerful people cancelling the powerless. >> what's the issue? is the issue when people of color start talking back, whether women start talking back, and that's cancel culture? that's free speech. >> we hear this term a lot. this documentary takes a deeper look. we wanted you to know about that. we're out of time. tonight -- >> please rise for the horribly
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and unfairly treated january 6 hostages. >> you see the spirit from the hostages. that's what they are is hostages. they have been treated terribly. very unfairly. you know that. everybody knows that. >> he calls them hostages. many of the january 6 insurrectionists plotted murders. at least seven of the people you see in this video are running for office this year. three legal defeats for trump if less than 24 hours, including an unexpected order from judge cannon in the classified documents case. president biden tells israel's benjamin netanyahu that attacks on aid workers are unacceptable. efforts within israel to oust the prime minister reach a fever pitch.
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we begin tonight in oklahoma. a town that voted this week to remove city council member judd blevins after local activists discovered that not only did he lead an oklahoma chapter of the white national group, but he was one of the neo-nazis chanting, jews will not replace us in charlottesville, virginia, in august, 2017, something we confronted him about last month. >> reporter: you were a leader in an oklahoma chapter of a white nationalist organization. i want to know if you have any explanation to that. why did you march in unite the right? why did you hold a tiki torch? >> he has denied that he has ever been a white supremacist. at a candidate forum last week,
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he said his activism was motivated by the same issues that got donald trump elected in 2016. he defended marching in charlottesville. you may remember that it was led by a man named richard spencer who does admit to being a white supremacist and who has called for peaceful ethnic cleansing of america and advocated for a white ethno state. party like it's 1933, the year that hitler came to power in germany. spencer was a speaker at the 2017 unite the right rally, spouting his ideology to audience of several white supremacy groups. spencer was classmates at duke
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with none other than stephen miller, a senior trump advisor who some of trump's most inflammatory speeches and who helped create the family separation policy that led to migrant babies being ripped from their mother's arms. when miller was given white house role in 2016, spencer praised him saying miller could do, quote, good things for white america. now miller runs an organization called america first legal, which has filed multiple lawsuits aimed at evisceraing the government. spencer is known for coining the term alt right. it's a way of saying white
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supremacist which brings me to steve bannon. he described breitbart news as the platform for the alt right. when donald trump ran for president in 2016, bannon was appointed chief executive officer of his campaign. which ultimately led to a spot as chief strategist in the trump administration, creating a direct line of white nationalism to the white house. the highest level of government and, well, you know the rest. this is how white nationalism has become normalized in american politics. jed blevins wouldn't have been able to get elected if it weren't for donald trump and his ability to make it mainstream. it may be the one thing, besides getting the party of reagan to love russia, that he was able to do that no one else has. this ideology has always existed. people have tried in the past to implement it. many times. they have all failed.
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because they never have been able to attach this rot to a major political party, until now. with trump's help. with his help, white nationalism has grafted itself on the republican party, with almost zero resistance from republicans. republicans just let it happen. because of that utter cowardice, they allowed richard spencer's dream to become a reality. >> brandy, great job. did you get an answer to why he marched in charlottesville? he said he was protecting the statues. why he led a chapter of identity veropa, they spell it with a v because they are pretentious. >> i have talked to him several
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times. he has never given me an answer. he did have to say something at a candidate forum when he was asked for the first time really in public in a way he couldn't wriggle out of it. he said he didn't like the anti-white messaging of the media. he said that he -- for the same reason he specifically invoked donald trump and said same reason that donald trump was elected, anti-immigrant stuff. it is the same thing we have been seeing, the same thing that he said propelled donald trump to the national stage in 2016 and that led him to pick up a tiki torch that day. i think it's something we have seen all too often. i think the thing with judd is that he really was a bridge too far, holding that tiki torch. people are trying to rewrite january 6. some people have tried to rewrite the charlottesville unite the right rally.
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when you see the images and those angry white men yells jews will not replace us, that's a hard history to rewrite. it wasn't enough in oklahoma. >> kind of hard to rewrite, hard to say that was a tourist visit, hard to do that. it's true that things that would have been unthinkable in the republican party are now thinkable. this would have been unthinkable. let me show you stephen miller a couple of years, in 2022. an ad like this would have been laughed out of existence ten years ago. now he puts it out there and it's normal. here is stephen miller's ad. >> when racism against white people become okay? joe biden put white people last in line for covid relief funds. kamala harris said relief should go to non-white citizens first. progressive corporations,
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airlines, universities are against whites. it must stop. >> none of that is true. i will put that out there. that was a bunch of lies. you worked in republican politics for a long time. can you ever imagine having seen something like that run by somebody who identifies with the republican party? >> look, i am glad we are talking about. i don't think we talk about trumpism and race enough. all of this nonsense that it's about an economic stress. trump's coalition is 85% white in a country that's a minority majority country. that's the underlying aspect of this. race has always been, i think, the original sin of the modern republican party. we failed at that. when i worked in the party, go back to eisenhower, he got 39% of the black fell, 7% with goldwater. trump got 8%. at least when i worked in the
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party, we admitted it was a failure. the chairman of the party went before the naacp and apologized. there were efforts to try to change this. really, the party failed. the party failed in a policy level to ever put forth a program that appealed to more non-white americans, particularly african americans. now it's become just a full embrace of racism that the republican party is. if you are for the republican party, this is what you are for. this isn't a cafeteria. you can't take from this and this and this. you have the whole buffet. you have to come to grips with that. >> the democrats used to have the klan folks. there was a flight into the republican party. they were all republicans at one point. you are right, there was this shift. i'm old enough to remember jack kemp.
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friends of mine got into -- black folks came in because of jack kemp. it's a very different party now. brandy, you reported about what happened. this say white town run by a conservative republican mayor. what were republicans telling you about why they found this person to be unacceptable? >> it's a very, very conservative republican place. i did talk to a lot of conservative republicans. a lot of them told me, this is not who we are. someone that i talked to yesterday, in fact, said, i was in virginia. i happened to be there after charlottesville, a week after. she said, it was so raw there. people were so upset for good reason. i just don't -- we don't want to go back to that. we want to move forward. you say that this is the republican party. i see what you mean.
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for a lot of folks in oklahoma, that is not what they want. that is not the lower taxes and conservatism they align themselves with. they don't want to be a part of that. that is sort of -- i was inspired and felt hope. i want to say that shame is a very powerful thing. when you give people a choice and you say, you need to pick what you are and what you aren't -- that's what this was. people came out because they didn't want enid to be associated with that. >> do they still support donald trump? >> many of them do. >> it's the same thing. that's the challenge to me. people will say that, this is too far for me, because this guy openly saying jews will not replace us. but donald trump is doing the same things. how do you get people from being embarrassed to be associated
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with somebody like him, to saying, but donald trump is that, too? >> look, this is what we struggle with in the lincoln project. we found one of the most effective messages -- what you are talking about, it's holding up these people and saying, is this who you are? i think donald trump has made a wrong bet about america. i don't think america embraces this. these attacks against mfl, attacks against trying to scare suburban voters that someone non-white might move next door. most suburban people in american families, someone who is a different race moved in, they would show their kids that they embrace that. they are not haters. this is i think what is the core of the minority of the country that is supporting donald trump. it's not a majority movement. i think it's -- the only hope to
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win is the electoral college. we have to go out there -- you have to vote for biden. that's the choice. one of these two people will be president. it's either a guy who is a racism or it's going to be someone who is not. that's really all the choice that we have. >> yeah. it's an interesting thing. if you are for donald trump, it's hard to get away from it. all of the things this guy -- judd, whatever his name is, when he got thrown out, donald trump is saying the same things, such without a tiki torch. people need to figure it out. up next, surprising news from trump friendly judge cannon who delivered jump his third legal loss in 24 hours. however, she's not backing down when it comes to jack smith. that's next.
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it has been a blistering 24 hours on the legal front for donald trump. he suffered three losses in three separate criminal trials. in new york, the judge overseeing his hush money case, denied his motion to delay it until after the supreme court rules on his presidential immunity argument. this morning in georgia, the judge overseeing the state election interference trial rejected his bid to get it thrown out on first amendment grounds. the most unexpected from judge cannon who is overseeing his classified documents trial. she said it doesn't provide a basis to dismiss. there has been no response from trump on the decision. he did defend her in a social media post this morning before the ruling, calling her a highly
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respected judge. i wonder if he still feels that way. joining me now is lisa ruben. there's so much to get in. start with cannon. judge cannon, she's a puzzle and an enigma. it doesn't feel like she's totally off this idea that she put in the jury instructions, which were bizarre, because she didn't schedule a trial. it doesn't seem like she backed down from the idea that she thinks the presidential records act, a civil law, has something to do with this case. do you see it that way? >> i do. she hasn't backed off. on one hand, while this was a loss for the former president, in that he would have liked to see 32 counts of the florida indictment dismissed, it is also in another way a victory for him. he lives to see another day with respect to this defense. she's saying expressly in this order that two the extent the special counsel was asking her to decide on these jury instructions before the
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presentation of trial defenses and evidence, that's an unprecedented and unjust demand. not only is she leaving the door open for trump to use this defense at trial, she's telling the special counsel's office that any effort on their part to have her decide now that the presidential records act has no role in this case is unprecedented and unjust. i am hard pressed to recall having seen a federal district judge tell a party their behavior is unjust in the context divorced from sanctions as we see here. >> let me play what -- ty cobb used to be his white house lawyer. this is what he said about cannon's actions. >> i think the evidence is too overwhelming. she may be incompetent, but at this stage of the game, her incompetence is so gross that it creates the perception of
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par partiality. >> you have stephen miller tweeting -- this is wednesday morning, the left organized effort to intimidate judge cannon is an attack on the judiciary. there's a campaign for her in trump land. she does this thing that preserved her ability to maybe dismiss this case. right? couldn't she dismiss the case and say presidential records act and no one could do anything? >> she could. she could do that after the conclusion of the government's presentation of its case. she could also leave that to the jury. i want to underscore that the jury has already been impanelled and the government's right to appeal those actions are extinguished. the government was trying to say to her, the presidential records act has no role in this case.
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you need to make a firm and determinative ruling that the espionage act charges we have brought against trump are not impacted by this civil law over here, that he keeps trying to use as an excuse to moot or get rid of the charges. she's not accepting that but she's doing so in a way that could extinguish the government's right to appeal by allowing double jeopardy and giving them no further options. >> there's a couple other things. judge mcafee rejected donald trump's bid to dismiss on free speech grounds. quickly, also -- you were tweeting about this. letitia james questions the bond. give us both of the rundowns on that. >> judge mcafee is positioning himself as anti-cannon. he is a member of the federalist society. he was selected for his role by georgia's governor. he is moving through pre-trial
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motions thoroughly. at the very end of his order, he is saying, trump, you can raise this issue again if after the presentation of evidence you have some basis to say that as applied this was, in fact, interfering with your free speech right. for now, i'm not going to dismiss the indictment based on this. leaving the door open, he did so in a more even-handed, judiciallyjudicial lytemperate way. i need more information. tell me how he collateralized this bond. >> what he put. what did he put up? you are great. thank you very much. >> thank you for having me. coming up, donald trump has been running on free the january 6th hostages.
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one of the most notorious incidents of political violence in u.s. history. the assassination of dr. martin luther king junior, who was shot and killed in memphis, tennessee. the civil rights leader, accused by conservatives of being a communist agitator, had gone to support striking sanitation workers. now, 56 years laterlater, the republican party candidate has warned of a bloodbath if he is not elected. vowed to release people who attacked the capital on january 6. people he calls hostage, as one of his first acts if elected. look at some of the so-called hostages. nbc news analyzed 15 of them. there's a former special forces soldier accused of speering an officer in the space with a flagpole.
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trump posted a screen shot of obama's address. a man set off an explosive device inside a capitol tunnel. joining me is ryan reilly and harry dunn. ryan, tell me more about the so-called hostages. >> reporter: what we tried to focus on was the individuals who are detained. those are the people who haven't been convicted of any crime. that's a reasonable way to look at this. people who haven't been convicted. what we found is that a lot of the people are being -- all of them are held for good reasons. that's usually a risk of flight or a danger to the community.
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includes in that group is someone who threw the explosive device into the tunnel where some of the worst attacks took place. and officer had a stun gun driven into his neck. that's where that violence took place. a lot of the individuals who were in the tunnel at that time had ringing in their ears for days. they lost hearing temporarily. officers told the fbi that they believe they were going to die. they were in a space being attacked by the mob for hours. then that explosion goes off. there's another individual who nbc news reported about two years ago but wasn't arrested until this year who fired off a gun twice outside of the capitol on january 6. he is one of the individuals now being held in pre-trial detention. one of the ones that sticks out is edward kelly. he is the fourth person to go inside that day. he was in paramilitary gear. he allegedly assault aid police officer outside, broke the
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window, busted that fire door open so the rest of the mob could come in. nevertheless, he was released pre-trial. that's how most of the cases have been handled. he was rearrested because the fbi alleged that he was plotting to kill the fbi employees who were investigating him. his co-defendant in the case has pleaded guilty to the crime, admitting they conspired to kill fbi agents because of the investigation into them. edward kelly pleaded not guilty. that could go to trial. that's separate from the january 6 charges. >> harry, your thoughts as a former police officer, of donald trump saying these people, that you heard ryan describe, are hostages who he is going to release upon becoming president if he does. >> i'm incensed listening to what ryan said.
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he is uncovering the truth. he used the word allegedly. it's not alleged when we saw what happened on tape. push back a little bit there. donald trump -- think how it changed. it was antifa to no big to a tourist visit to we need to move on and donald trump campaigning off of it. think about the maga faction. they are all over the place with what they want to be. it's a slap in the face to law enforcement, to me, to my co-workers, to the brave men and women of the metropolitan police department who protect this democracy. it's ridiculous that is where they are going right now. >> some of the people are running for office, right? >> reporter: that's right. one was endorsed by a sitting
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member of congress. derek evans pleaded guilty to charges and served three months behind bars. i remember sitting through his hearing. he was extremely apologetic for his conduct on january 6. he did it via zoom. he had the opportunity to put a photo of his children in the background to make a sympathetic appeal to the judge there. i think the judge, who has spoken out about the need to bring people back to reality about what happened on january 6, i think was sympathetic to him. he did seem apologetic. he reversed course and is now running on this notion that this was all a setup and that the election was still stolen and that joe biden is going after the patriots who were supporting donald trump on january 6. a real reversal of what he said in court versus what he is saying on the campaign trail now at this point. >> harry, there's also donald trump saying he plans to jail his political opponents if he comes back in. he wants to free the violent
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felons but jail the political opponents. we know some of the january 6 committee members feel they have a target on them. your thoughts? >> going back to what you said about the individuals that are running for congress, so is this good buy right here. it's very important to fight back against it. if we get people like that in congress. the individuals that are running, as i come out and speak about and fighting against maga, maga money entered the race i'm in. you have a group that supports maga insurrectionists and funded. donald trump donating money in my race right now. as far as what donald trump -- the target on lawmakers' back,
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you are right. they should be afraid. we gotta start taking donald trump at his word. the fact he said he will be a dictator. he is makes threats. at what point do we take it as a joke? we have to act. we have to stand up. it's important to get involved. that's one of the reasons why i'm running. lord forbid, we get three people that storm the capital on -- capitol that length late our government. what are we doing? >> thank you very much. coming up, today president biden spoke with israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu after expressing his outrage over the israeli strike had a killed seven world kitchen aid workers. we will be right back. world kid workers. we will be right back.
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but finding hope just got a little easier. sign up at all: be heard. be hopeful. be you. let's pause for a moment and think about what we mean when we say, gaza is hungry. children, dizzy from hunger, their ribs exposed, families eating bark, grass, or feed made for donkeys, to stay alive. children dying from malnutrition and dehydration, a situation so desperate that gazans have drowned trying to retrieve aid from the sea.
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"the washington post" laid out when the body will turn on itself when starving. the skin can peel off. the digestive system is one of the first to shut down. the heart shrinks. it can fail. along with respiratory function. then, finally, the brain. the result is a vicious wasting away of tissues and eventually death. the seven aid workers from world central kitchen were trying to prevent this horrible fate. the killing of those seven workers by the israeli military has prompted multiple charities to suspend food delivery in the area. it elicited a horrified global response. most of the workers were foreign nationals. one was a dual american canadian father and military veteran named jacob flickinger. his father, john flickinger, spoke of his family's loss in the context of the wider suffering from gaza.
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>> we are two people who suffer because we have lost our only son. be we are only two. there are thousands and thousands. five other world central kitchen aid workers killed in this attack. there were 200 aid workers in gaza that have been killed. >> today, president biden spoke with prime minister benjamin netanyahu in the first call since the aid workers were called. he told netanyahu to make changes or risk losing u.s. support. on top of this, we are learning how the first lady really feels about the conflict and what she wants the president to do about it. president biden told attendees that jill has been telling him to stop the war, saying, quote, stop it, stop it now.
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joining me now is david the columnist for "the daily beast." people feel stop it, stop it now, as first lady jill biden does. the question is how to convince president biden to use the leverage that the united states has to stop it. do you see any window into maybe doing that? >> it may be that this horrific attack on the world central kitchen workers is a bit of a turning point. it brought a lot of attention to the famine. it's brought a lot of attention to the plight of the people of gaza. but also of the 200 humanitarian aid workers that have been killed. still, yesterday, there was a report that the president expressed outrage, but didn't plan to change policy yet. i think that's a big mistake. the united states needs to use all the leverage at its disposal
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to do exactionly what the first lady is saying, end the fighting. get a cease-fire. rush aid. a million are at acute risk of famine. it's a human choice. this is the thing that's most troubling, i think, to me as an american. we are complicit in the destruction and the war that has reduced this ungodly suffering. we have to stop that. i think the biggest leverage we have got is to stop the provision of offensive military weapons to israel until the cease-fire is achieved, until the humanitarian aid is delivered, and until we can find ourselves on a path to peace. that includes a two-state solution. this is a big departure. it's what we have failed to do
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for six months. maybe, just maybe, we can seize on this moment. >> if we can put the pictures back. it's untenable morally. every american who knows tax dollars are going toward an effort that is not producing a single hostage release. the israeli citizens know that. they demanded the hostages be a priority. netanyahu wants to hurt people. he believes that that is to his political benefit. this is a morale catastrophe. people can to longer watch this happen while we send more money, more bombs. there was a piece that talks about how joe biden has been four square in support of israel and cold to the palestinians. he doesn't see them. he doesn't have the same compassion for them.
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he sees the palestinians the way that netanyahu sees them or the way they are portrayed. if that's the case -- even his wife can't get him to stop -- what do we do as the american people? >> i think we have to make our voices heard. i think people in the administration have got to step up. i think his advisors need to say, it needs to stop. they may need to say, if you don't stop this, then i'm out. i cannot be complicit in the horrific destruction, the tens of thousands of lives lost, the 70,000 people injured, the million people at risk of famine, that right now we have are complicit in. make no mistake about it, on the day the world central kitchen attack took place, we were delivering more weapons, more bombs to gaza. it's hideous. it's particularly uncomfortable because so much of the biden foreign policy legacy has been good. so much of what he has done here
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is good. re-electing him is essential to our country and democracy and freedom around the world. yet, he has this blind spot. we as a country have this blind spot. it has to stop. we have to use everything tool at our disposal to bring an end to this horror. >> yeah. the reality is, we heard reports the rafah crossing is opened. who would feel comfortable bringing aid in through the rafah crossing knowing that the world food kitchen, the saintly organization was bombed systematically, one truck, one truck, one truck, one after the another. why would anyone feel safe know knowing they could be attacked. coming up, when florida's six-week abortion ban goes no affect, donald trump will have built the wall with his supreme court and republican lawmakers trapping anyone almost zero
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access to abortion case. with november november's ballot measure, their only hope of restoring the rights. stay with us.
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a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop taking farxiga and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infection, an allergic reaction, or ketoacidosis. ♪ far-xi-ga ♪ her uncle's unhappy. an allergic reaction, or ketoacidosis. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for.
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the republican party is waging a war on women, this week's decision by the florida supreme court is another catastrophic reminder of how they will stop at nothing to impose their minority views on the majority of the country. on may 1st when the six week abortion ban goes into effect, the women and girls of florida will become part of a southern reproductive healthcare desert. according to the washington post, the closest clinic where abortion will be legal after the six week mark for someone living in florida's southernmost tip will be a 14 hour drive to charlotte. for patients whose pregnancies have progressed beyond 12
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weeks, the point at which north carolina bans abortion, they th will have to drive 17 hours, to southern virginia. let me repeat that for those in the back. if you're a woman in florida who cannot afford to take a leave of absence or get on a plane and is bleeding out because you're suffering a miscarriage, the closest place where you can get legal healthcare might be at least 14 hours away. a florida woman who nearly died after she was denied an abortion under the existing 15 week then told the post that women in florida should run, because you have no help here. the law is pretty draconian and allows abortions up until 15 weeks as long as you can prove assault or incest happened. which is hard if, let's say, your father is the one assaulting you. they include a ban on providing abortion pills through tele- medicare. all is not lost because florida women will have a chance to fight back with the ballot measure in november that would
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allow abortion up until viability. but that, too, could be in danger if they choose to vote for donald trump, who could very well, and is promising to impose, a national abortion ban. joining me now, florida state representative, great to see you, representative. your governor, ron desantis, has said that he does not believe that this measure to approve abortion in the constitution will pass. he says that, and also the amendment for recreational marijuana will fail. he says they're both extreme and radical and there is not a 60% threshold for either. your thoughts? >> it's great to see you. i wouldn't ask ron desantis to make predictions, as he is a loser himself, he doesn't know what winning looks like. to be clear, we will achieve 60% on reproductive rights, in fact, in the sunshine state, much like around the country, poll after poll tells us across party lines that support for reproductive freedom and support to remove political
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interference is successful, it is a winning issue, and i feel very confident after collecting more than 1 million verified it signatures with 35% of those being signed by republicans that we will be able to protect abortion in the sunshine state. >> i want my viewers to listen, the way conservative men talk about women. this is a factor, the way they think about women. here are a handful of them, charlie kirk, and joshua hayes, take a listen to them. >> the roe v. wade issue is an issue that we should win. was sent back to the states, the states are going to dominate. >> birth control really screws up female brains. every single one of you make sure that your loved ones are not on birth control. increases depression, anxiety, suicidal ideation, it creates angry and bitter young ladies and young women. >> will women have the vote tomorrow if you wave that magic wand? >> no.
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>> why not? i want to get into why not. >> because if we had a christian nation tomorrow, and women did have the right to vote, we would not have a christian nation within 50 years. >> it's a beta male convention. i just wanted to show that because to let people understand where this is going. representative, you laugh but since i've been in high school, people on the right have been saying birth control is a human pesticide, it should be illegal, they do not believe women should have the right to vote because they believe you took the right to vote with women they could have their magic white christian f no state, and they do believe that women should be punished for getting abortions. in texas right now they're meeting with a group that says women should go to prison or get the death penalty. this is the end game, it's the handmaid's tale. do florida voters understand that? >> to your point, it would be funny if it wasn't so scary. because this is the extremism that got us where we are today.
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governor ron desantis signed a deeply unpopular six week abortion ban because he was trying to appeal to that base. for his presidential ambitions. i do feel like floridians understand what's at stake, here, and is a six week ban goes into effect and we see women and abortion seekers having to travel, as you noted earlier as far as north carolina and virginia to access care, it would be a reality check for many who may be didn't know that florida has a 24 hour mandatory delay, that florida has forced ultrasound requirements, state-mandated counseling, and now a six week abortion ban with very narrow exceptions that will lead to people dying. i know that's going to motivate people and understand how important this election is. >> the telemedicine ban means that you can't do a self medicated abortion, it's a sneaky way to stop you from using that, without telemedicine no one can send you that. i guess the last question is, do you think as a democrat in a
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state that has had a rough go does this impact the rick scott re-elect? he's for a national abortion ban, too. >> governor rick scott, his first year in office signed five antiabortion bill into law and hosted a party to celebrate. we need to do our part to remind voters of the extremism and how republicans are out of touch with their own base. i feel confident we'll get that done. >> put that map up as we leave, this is the map, this is the handmaid's tale. they built the wall, and trapped women in the south where they have no rights over their own bodies. state representative, that is tonight's readout. tonight, on all in. >> bad or slow isn't enough of a reason to get her off the case. >> a new ruling from trumps florida judge, and a quandary for the special counsel. >> the next question really is, what is jack smith going


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