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tv   The Reid Out  MSNBC  April 5, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT

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tonight on the readout, >> hello it is laura trump and if you can afford a donation today, i ask you save it for later date when you can donate even as much as five dollars and it will go a long way. >> you don't need that money. the number -- never ending trump graft and she says please give us your last five dollars as he takes a shot at trying to kill his new york hush money trial and also tonight the rfk junior factor. some say he will take votes away from biden and yet some of his big donors are tied the far right extremists and christian nationalists and even insurrectionists from january 6. plus the biden economy and another month of blockbuster job growth which even fox struggled to give a negative spin but they tried. but we do begin tonight hoping
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everybody is okay on the east coast following the 4.8 magnitude earthquake in the tri- state area in new york plus the aftershock 20 minutes ago. if i didn't know any better, i would expect donald trump is calling lawyers to see if there was damage done to the manhattan criminal courthouse in the hopes that could delay his impending hush money criminal trial set to start in 10 days. that is because nothing else that trump has tried has been able to stop the trial. believe me, he has been desperately trying. today he followed through on his latest hail mary pass hoping he could buy some more time before having to face a jury who could hold him accountable for his actions and tournament of the first presidential felon. his legal team filed a 37 page motion calling for the judge to recuse himself. and that may sound familiar because they already tried that before last year with a maine factor being his daughters work as a democratic political consultant.
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to nobody's surprise, the majority of this motion is focused on her as well with trump's lawyers starting to use her name in the second sentence of the motion. but before we get to the latest gripe session, let's remind everybody what happened the first time he tried this. he didn't step down last year but he did show he took his motion seriously and in his decision to deny the motion, he cited guidance he sought from the advisor committee on ethics which wrote in regards to the daughter that this case is an involved either the judges relative or the relatives business whether directly or indirectly and they are not parties or likely witnesses in the matter and none of the parties or counsel before the judge our clients and the business and we see nothing in the inquiry to suggest the outcome could have any effect on the judges relative and the relatives business or any of
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their interest. so what has changed? according to trump's lawyers, the maine difference is he is the presumptive republican nominee and as such his daughter could see financial benefits from developments in his trial and he claims it would create fodder for fundraising for the democratic clients which the company would make a money on through their work. they also claimed that since the last recruit result -- recusal request there was a post with hostility toward trump and that would be grounds for the judge to recuse himself and we are waiting for the manhattan district attorney to file their reply for his recusal motion and ultimately see what the judge does the second time around on this issue. as i have said, if the clock ticks down toward april 15, he is looking for something, anything to make a pitstop and
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even refiling past motions for delays are hoping for another earthquake. joining me now is the former u.s. attorney and professor at the university of alabama law school and a legal analyst. and the dean of the columbia school of journalism staff writer for the new yorker and a political contributor. thank you for being here. i will let you start and what are the merits for this motion? >> i don't think it will be meritorious. i think you hit the key point, which is when the first motion to recuse was filed, the judge took it seriously and he went through an ethics committee and this is a resource all judges have federal and state and some form of advice from ethics experts for when an issue arises they get an opinion from the people whose job it is to study these issues and the judge did it the last time and
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he may even do it again here. ultimately, this decision should be something we see from him very quick fully. i don't expect he will leave the case unless there is more here than meets the eye. >> we have to go through what i did and recite and it is a motion duly filed. he has the right to do it under the law. but we do know underlying it it's the same thing he tried that she will somehow make money because she is stating the guy that works with her and we do know it is bs but we have to go through the motions and talk about that. to me, it falls on how you cover trump world. >> it absolutely does. i think that there is a thing that you want to treat all of this with the professional diligence and even on the judicial side and certainly on
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the journalism side. beneath that, there is also a recognition of what this is which is to make a boxing analogy that there is an old tactic you sometimes see old boxers do when they knew they were you losing to tie up the opponent. >> and in this case the bell is the november election and the hope is if you can throw enough things and obstacles and political or legal motions this thing will drag out and i think we have to on the journalism side given the facts happening and also the context around it so people get a sense of why this is happening. >> i guess the question is how long does the judiciary have to do that? they have to take these motions and go through the motions. but is it possible because this is his last stitch attempt and he doesn't want this trial to happen because clearly his
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pollsters are telling him if he goes through this case, which won't take him a year and he is then found guilty he is then a felon. that will impact his ability to add to his coalition and get independence to vote for him and there is a lot of evidence that people say he won't vote for him if he is a felon. how long does the judicial branch of the government have to keep going through this? at what point did they say this is frivolous stuff? >> i think any judge who wants to and is paying attention appreciates trump is now at this desperate stage of last stitch often not meritorious motions. something i think is tough for people when they do look at trump to wrap their arms around is this notion that judges have an obligation that has nothing to do with politics. they have an obligation to give every defendant even and perhaps especially donald trump the due process that we are entitled to. this judge may have been well within his rights to not hear a second motion for recusal and when you make a request to recuse you don't get to keep
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filing it over and over and if you lose you can raise it on appeal if you get convict did. the judge is being conscientious because there are new grounds and additional circumstances and he will give it a hard look. but i think what is changing with most of the judiciary is they are ruling more quickly there and not bending over backwards to give donald trump the benefit of every doubt and this is a judge who looks like he is serious about getting this case to trial. >> the other thing that is different is we are talking about the judge's family and trump's relentless that he will keep naming this young woman who has nothing to do with this case and he will keep calling out her job which he does for a living and may be naming her and shaming her and getting her targeted is a repeated pattern and he's done it with fani willis and letitia james and at some point is he a danger to people? >> there is another theme which
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is every legitimate process which he has been accountable for or anything he doesn't like he has made to seem illegitimate court try to paint it is a legitimate and the way you do that is to say he is being unfairly targeted and this is what happened in the iowa caucuses in the 2016 election and this is what happened on january 6 and the 2020 election and we have seen it in every institution and journalism is biased and anything that has come out that has been unfavorable to him. i think this is the latest strand of that we see as part of a pattern and i will give you some footnotes here while we are talking. james michael curley in 1946, mayor of boston, ran for reelection while indicted and actually won, served part of a prison term while in office and appointed another person is a caretaker and came out resumed
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the mayor ship and in 1912 eugene debs ran for president while behind bars and received almost 1 million votes which was the highest of any socialist candidate and those are the only two examples i could come up with when i was trying to rack my brain about what happens with political figures who have been indicted but are still running for office. >> what happens here? it is a big question. i don't believe or imagine he will serve time, although i guess he could in theory in this case and it wouldn't be a felony. what you think the prospects are that donald trump will join this very notorious and very brief list we have gotten of historical figures who have served time and in office? >> i spent a lot of time as a prosecutor, 25 years. but something you learn is the
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dynamic shifts after there has been a conviction and after a jury pronounces their decision that somebody is guilty. the only thing left to consider at that point is what the sentence should be. at this point the gravitas of that donald trump has tried to wrap himself in, this i am a candidate line he uses, that really drops off. the judges simply looking at issues involving the conduct and sentences given to other defendants for conviction under this provision. this is a bread-and-butter statute that people use and people go to prison when they are convicted of felonies under the statute. i think donald trump becomes defendant convicted felon trump at that time and is not cloaked as president trump. >> the thing he keeps saying is this is a two-tiered justice system and it is and i can imagine any other defendant given this much leeway and appeals and ways out. he is being super privileged the way he is treated and there
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isn't another american who can get away with it and he is being treated better. >> the fundamental question we should think about in that regard is why none of this happened in the years before he entered politics. so the kind of impunity that attended his long business career while the new york times did a tremendous reporting on the taxes and the various kinds of inconsistencies, we should say in the tax record. >> he and his father. >> right. but somehow that never generated any serious legal jeopardy for him in those years before until the impunity goes way back before the president. >> one wonders why that is and i inc. we could take a guess but we might be accused of something and that is a bad thing. thank you both very much. up next, it is bad enough a leading anti-baxter who has spread anti-theories could doom his election bid and his
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campaign is still flirting with far right extremism as well. that is not.
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we need to talk about robert f kennedy junior, the independent presidential candidate who can imperil president biden's chances in hand the white house to president trump. a lot of this positions and fans are straight out of the maga playbook and take his latest exploits. his campaign disavowed its own fundraising email calling january 6 defendants activists and the appeal said this is the reality that every american citizen faces from ed snowden to the j6 activists sitting in a dc jail cell stripped of their constitutional liberties. it is worth noting that julian was australian and faces extradition for violating the espionage act and snowden sent
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himself into exile after leaking security secrets. rfk junior's campaign said calling the people who stormed the capitol activists was an error in that doesn't reflect his views. but it is part of his core argument for why he claims resident biden is more dangerous than donald trump and he is pretty consistently downplaying january 6 once calling it an obsession of democrats. >> it was more dangerous to our republic and the yahoos who invaded that building on january 6 which, by the way, what is the worst thing that could've happened? for me, it is much more serious if we are starting to censor free speech. you can rebuild the capitol , that if you eliminate the constitution, there is really nothing left of america. >> what's the worst thing that
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can happen? hanging mike pence? i can't believe i have to say this but these are not just bumbling yahoos and a crowd and they were violent and armed and one of them is charged with stabbing an officer with the flagpole and another attacking officers and launching an explosive device into a tunnel. today kennedy put out a statement that didn't really dispute his previous comment saying among other things, i haven't examined the evidence in detail but reasonable people including trump opponents saying there is little evidence of a true insurrection because to rfk junior the real danger isn't people who obstructed an official proceeding to overthrow the democracy and hang mike hands but the biden administration encourage social media companies to take down his anti-vaccine nonsense and he was particularly upset about one flag tweet that suggested that hank aaron died at age 86 from the covid vaccine.
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a tweet was never actually taken down and he is also mad he was banned from instagram for sharing debunked claims about covid and vaccines and getting riled up about social media free speech than about mass death or a coup attempt is made him quite popular on the far right and his candidacy was reportedly encouraged by all the worst trump people and they said steve bannon spent months encouraging him to get into the race believing he could be both useful chaos agent in the 2024 race and a big name who could help stoke anti-vaccine sentiment around the country and kennedy denied ties to him and another part where he is money from trump supporters and the recruits of billionaire tim mellon has spent millions donating to his campaign and previously spent millions on trump and today david corn reports for mother jones on some of his fundraisers that
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they hosted a fundraiser for kennedy last month but the personal politics of them illuminates the weird occurrence propelling his bid and since the pair have hobnobbed with christian nationalists, election deniers and other pro trump extremist. and now we are joined by the washington bureau chief for mother jones and a political analyst and tell me about this. >> they are a couple who have been involved in all sorts of pro trump far right activity and she's in anti-baxter -- anti-vaxxer. he was at the capitol on january 6 but he posted this is a staged event and he said it was fake news and there are photographs from that time of imposing with militia guys, two of whom ended up being
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convicted for their participation in the riots. and it does go on from there. she is a part of the reawaken america tour and i'm sure you spent many hours at these events and michael flynn and alex jones, laura and eric trump all pushing the most far right trump and conspiratorial agenda there is on the far right. again and again, looking at their recent past, we see this tremendous intersection between them and the anti-vaccine movement. but really, the alex jones q and on -- qanon world. it just pushes these currents that are pushing this campaign down the road. steve bannon and roger stone is a big fan and the campaign wouldn't comment on their involvement or how much they raised for him or whether they would raise more money but also
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he was arrested in 2009 for defrauding hurricane katrina victims but the case was dismissed and i don't want to call anybody a grifter but it's only a part of this very weird far right which is out of sync with some of the previous positions that kennedy has taken in favor of the environment and in favor of working-class programs and things like this. and with those comments you quoted including the one you made or he made which he called the january 6 activists demonstrators. and then the other day he said biden is a worse threat than trump and it says he seems to be working in this far right trump lane and he doesn't say anything negative about trump. >> the reality is and it's a weird thing because he is
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taking at the moment equally i guess in some polls from both but the question of why anybody on the democratic side would be interested in him because he is clearly in anti-baxter and somebody who seems to me that steve bannon would see is jill stein and can do the same damage to biden and how do we explain that he is pro-crypto and is he using these things to pull in people from the left? >> what he has said recently is that biden is bad and the left is bad. and they censored him for this disinformation he was putting out and the conspiracy theories he was putting out and calling dr. fauci one of the worst in american history. that seems to be addressed. >> he is against the mmr
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vaccine. >> he also lies about it. he has all these crazy notions and just recently he said i never said i was anti-vaccine and then on twitter you get this clip from a podcast from last july where he said there is no such thing as a safe and effective vaccination. >> he also said inks like video games and the drugs people get for adhd are the reason for mass shootings and not guns and people may be drifting on that with israel and is further to the right. >> he has insulted the palestinian people and let's go to 9/11 because recently there are a lot of wacky ideas including and 11 and he said he never said anything about it and then three, two, one and there is a podcast which he pushes a conspiracy theory about the collapse of building 7. >> no labels has not gone away and they tried to get everyone in the even tried the rock and
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what happened? >> we have been talking about this for six months and it was a dumb idea and the theory was they could magically find a unity ticket, a republican and democrat that would excite the public and win easily but when they started saying that joe manchin was there guy that was the tell and whatever you think about him, he is not somebody that the american public is yearning to put in the white house. >> maybe if they had gotten the rock that would have been fun. thank you very much. coming up, after four days israel's military has concluded its investigation into the airstrikes that killed aid workers in gaza saying they were carried out in serious violation of military operating procedures. and world central kitchen has hit back saying that isn't good enough. stay with us.
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there was a very expect did outcome when an organization investigates itself and say when a military clears itself of committing war crimes or when a police department accuses its own copse of shooting an unarmed black man and we determine we are innocent moving along. today israel's military released findings of its own investigation of the fatal attack on a world central
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kitchen humanitarian convoy that killed seven aid workers and those findings were released in a seven paragraph statement and only four days after the attack and pretty swift for an incident of this magnitude and the impact it had on world public opinion. the findings from the investigation of itself concluded that the attack was the result of errors and contrary to military procedures and those who approved the strike were convinced they were targeting armed operatives and not wc k employees. two officers will be dismissed and commanders reprimanded and essentially a slap on the risk. -- wrist. the world central kitchen said "the idf cannot credibly investigate its own failure in gaza." the killing of the aid workers could be the tipping point for president biden who told the prime minister of israel that the u.s. policy hinges on israel's immediate action and we are waiting to see what
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israel does in the ultimatum and so far they have committed to directly bring in food assistance at a newport an open crossings to get aid into rafah and northern gaza where the hunger is most dire but here closer to home president biden has his own party to contend with and allies in the senate of biden are piling on the pressure to halt israel eight over its conduct of the gaza war including senator of delaware a long time supporter of israel and one of biden's closest democratic allies in congress. joining me now is a human rights advocate and former biden donor. thank you for coming back and i do want to ask you what you make of this investigation and its speed. >> hello and thank you for having me back on. first and foremost, i want to emphasize that since october eight there have been over 100,000 casualties of
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palestinians in gaza, and casualties are murders, deaths and injuries. what we will find on the day we finally get investigations and reports into all those will be very similar to what the reality is with regard to the targeting and murder of the world central kitchen staff. in terms of the report, as you mentioned, it was produced rather quickly. the speed of it shows and it is shoddy. anybody with any background in this field can poke some holes in this report. i do want to us by saying i have been doing humanitarian deliveries into war zones for every major war in the last 20 years and i have been in similar situations and, luckily, i have survived them. in this case, the relentless
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bombing was worse than anything i have ever seen. so about the report we can go into any number of things and i could bore you to death but basically, the idf is that a problem with command-and- control for years and it is according to the u.s. field army manual the process of overseeing fire munitions and for anybody who has delivered aid into the occupied territories, they are familiar with that and the idf will basically pretend to take coordinates and some department will have those coordinates and very often they will pass them on to the relevant operational command and that is somewhat mentioned in the report and i raised that with you earlier as one of the issues and one of the many issues and when
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investigations are done into the murder of palestinian civilians, we find out they also operational command in the field and commanders having the ability to fire at will. another problem is they do claim that they couldn't see. that is something called intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance. i can tell you that they can see. i am very familiar with what the drones are capable of at night or day from any distance. they very much can see the logo on top of the car and the know who is in the car. that is just devastating. i could go on. for example, i had the chance to review some of the text messages over the last few
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weeks. damien sobel is the polish staff member from world central kitchen and experienced and he delivered aid in many countries and i was familiar with his work in ukraine because we were there at the same time. so he had actually reiterated too many of our mutual friends and colleagues the links they go to to inform them of their movement said they were very clear he would never actually move anywhere near gaza city without informing the idf. so informing their counterparts and now what they did with that information, we really don't know. there are many problems with this report. but there are many problems actually with the operations of the idf on a daily basis which is what comes out when this happens. it is a tragedy that it happens
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and the tragedy that 100,000 casualties haven't raised these alarms with the lack of command- and-control and the lack of intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance. >> at the same time that is happening, and i will note that the prime minister met with republicans on thursday to reiterate his opposition to a two state solution and ask more money be sent and sent more quickly and if that does happen, more money sent and more quickly, and this was after the airstrike, he also reiterated that he will do anything to stop a palestinian state from coming into being. what you make of that statement in light of that? >> well, calling for more money and weapons i guess they literally have everything and they have apaches and reaper drones and predator drones. they have just about everything you can possibly ever need.
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it is a bit difficult to take that seriously. >> thank you very much and we do appreciate you and thank you for coming back. we will have you come back again, hopefully. up next, bidenomics sends a tremor through the job market. did you see what i did there? stay with us.
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to hear marjorie taylor
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greene tell it, the earthquake that most of us felt on the east coast was the result of god's wrath for our sins. or maybe it was the result of the block buster jobs report that showed 303,000 new jobs added in march instead of the 200,000 expected. that news left the people at the fox comfy couch shook. >> unemployment rate unexpectedly drops from 3.9% to 3.8% and immediate reaction in the market? i seeing futures moving a little bit higher and that is all i am getting at the moment and i am trying to get my rates and stronger-than-expected at the surface reports and we are looking at a market up but off of the highs and we are losing steam and losing it fast. >> losing steam a fast. and now here is her chief correspondent. and christina
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greer and susan, a republican strategist and political analyst and she still allows herself to be called a republican. you are up first. they were sad. >> yes. maria actually said the economy is strong but is it too strong? it is what it is. when you cover these things, some months it is good and some months it is bad and the interesting thing is we usually when you get a strong employment report, stocks go down because business owners think that it's very hard to parse the economy and find the systemically broken parts and it is a good economy and it's tough for people who don't want
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it to be so. >> let's talk the politics and what are the politics for the republicans? they can't say the economy is bad?'s >> they shouldn't but it won't stop them and they will say inflation and here is the part that hurts the democrats is there still is a narrative out there that the economy is in strong and now add we see certain things that don't fall into the inflation index like gasoline or housing costs still going up and people feel it. so people are still feeling a harder economy even though they are doing better but i do believe it will catch up in a few months because the economy is that strong and people will be like, wait, we are all kind of doing pretty good. >> my husband and i drove in today and my brother as well and as we are driving you see the biden bucks are being spent all over and infrastructure projects from here to maryland to dc and you can't go into an airport without seeing all the spending. at some point, does it catch
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up? housing costs are still and issue in billionaires buying up housing it and re-renting it. >> the average american doesn't really know what the economy is. they go to the polls because of pocket book issues like groceries more expensive for gasoline or is my rent going up or wages keeping up? the problem with the biden administration is the same thing as the obama administration. the work is done in progress is there but the articulation of all this infrastructure that you see and new jobs that i did this. you can't keep relying on pete buttigieg to talk about this but you do need to name it and barack obama america rediscovery back to work act and nobody know it was but instead something simple and the new deal or the great society. >> or donald trump who said i made it better.
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>> whether it is true or not, joe biden and his allies and associates and surrogates need to be clear and articulate what they have done and what they are doing and what they will do and those three things and make it very clear. when somebody says, i don't know, what have they done for me? you can see what they have done. >> i am somewhat obsessed with this but the question of how much we experience as inflation is actually greed and how much is profit-taking or billionaires buying up housing and re-renting it? >> all of that is true and we have seen companies and last year this furor about theft and shops and lo and behold i think osco came out and said we are not seeing this. and they did make up costs because people were stealing things but once prices go up and once you get society use to affect whether they like it or not, the prices go up and your local shop and restaurant, the prices are going up because
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wages are but everybody thinks that so you get away with it. >> here's the kicker. when the president put out the inflation reduction act, that translates into prices going down and prices don't go down. except for supply chain issues and i will set that aside. so that is part of the problem with the messaging is people expected prices to go down. >> eggs are going up and i have to play this because the price of my pillow is going up. take a look. $25 extravaganza with a pack of my of multi use my pillows just $25, my pillow sandals, $25, sixpack towel set, you guessed it, $25. their new four pack dish towels, $25, >> is that for real?
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>> we laugh, but it's our democracy. we laughed, but donald trump and his sycophants are inching closer and closer to the white house if we aren't clear about the vision that biden is putting forward. the fact that we had family members running the rnc, we would always say look at those other countries, that's ridiculous. but, we've always had a myth about who we are as a nation and donald trump has exposed that. and so now that we have, his daughter-in-law running the rnc, it may not work out for them the way they planned, but if it does, it's really dangerous. >> you might have to swipe your card to get into the white house. >> i've never heard anybody talk so much about foam pillows in my life. >> and they're crap pillows. they're a bad pillow. talk about this idea of renaming dellis. it might be the worst airport in america, republicans say listening that after donald trump. i love the fact that it's named after one of the most diabolical secretaries of state
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who destroyed iran. >> let's make that worse. >> the democrats have said let's name a prison after trump. thoughts? a prison in miami? >> that is fantastic. >> they had to remove it when he went to jail, but, it was, it was up there for a while. >> i was wondering when you see hospital wings named after pete, i wonder if it's the same thing. >> i think this is a great opportunity for the nerds of the table to talk about allen dulles and his brother, john foster dulles, and both of them were involved in destroying guatemala and iran. i feel like that's important. >> we've already, they've already renamed national reagan which i refuse to call. but the naming of airports and institutions is really important, so something like dulles as we rethink the naming of certain institutions, it's a
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very valid conversation for us to have, but donald trump, because he's still an active member of politics and also still an active client or defendant in several court cases across several states, i don't think we should be having that conversation. i would much rather, we both have ties to florida, i'd rather the florida democrats focus up, think about how you can deliver florida for the democrats in 2024 and get a governor in there. >> allie, christina, and susan, it's a hostage situation times three, they're sticking around to tell us, but this sunday msnbc films prisons canceled, the story of cancel culture. here is a clip from the latest installment on the turning point documentary series from trevor noah. >> we didn't have a problem with cancel culture, powerful people canceling the powerless. it's only when the people are punching back, all of a sudden, there's cancel culture!
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>> what's the issue here, is the issue when people of color start talking back? when women start talking back? and that's cancel culture? no, that's free speech. that's the freest kind of speech. you're actually getting a back- and-forth. >> canceled airs this sunday at 9:00 p.m. eastern on msnbc, you want to watch that. we'll be right back. type 2 diabetes? discover the ozempic® tri-zone. ♪ ♪ i got the power of 3. i lowered my a1c, cv risk, and lost some weight. in studies, the majority of people reached an a1c under 7 and maintained it.
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4:58 pm
okay, we made it to the end
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of another week, a little shaky but we made it, which means it's time to play our favorite game, who won the week? who won the week? >> 15-second. go read an amazing book i've still got my notes in there, and the rest of it is the earthquake because for a few minutes today, those of us in new york and up and down the east coast but in new york stopped talking about crime, rats, subway invasion, and a remarkable increase in violence that but he talks about around here. the earthquake got us a few minutes. >> all my students have to have two favor cities, one in the u.s. and when internationally. my favorite u.s. city is baltimore so i'm going to say, mayor brandon scott. he held it down, he held it down, and the city is going to stay strong, and obviously will figure out infrastructure, but he's been great. >> i love that. it's up to you, susan.
5:00 pm
>> the florida supreme court came down with two rulings this week i'm going to focus on the good one, the bad one was banning abortion in florida. but there will be a constitutional amendment on the ballot that they fought hard for, and the people of florida can change it, and i think they will. >> i have decided that who won the week? the women of the ncaa, nobody cares about the men's, they just care about the women and baltimore strong, angel reese from baltimore, katelyn clark, page beckers, you name it, these sisters were bawling, they are some of them about to get into the wnba and make the wnba hot, the women of the ncaa ones of the week. thank you, christina greer, susan, be sure to watch allie's show tomorrow sunday morning at 10:00 eastern as i do every week, that is tonight's reid out, a special inside with jen psaki starts right now.


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