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tv   The 11th Hour With Stephanie Ruhle  MSNBC  April 5, 2024 8:00pm-9:00pm PDT

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will be the former member of the israeli former israeli foreign minister and the former opposition leader against the israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu's liquid party. the 11th hour with stephanie ruhle starts right now, and i will be joining her tonight. >> millions of feeling rattled after him earthquake rocked the northeast this morning. >> the whole thing shook, >> that is the largest quake to hit the state of new jersey in some 250 years. >> special counsel jack smith and judge aileen cannon trading at thinly veiled threats as they square off over donald trump's classified documents case. >> if the judge were to dismiss down the road based on the presidential records act, the case would be over, donald trump would be acquitted. smith's next that could be to seek for the removal of judge
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cannon herself. >> no labels was looking for a hero. and a hero never emerged. >> that was the biggest waste of $80 million to ruin a brand i've ever seen. >> it's not for lack of trying. that's for sure. >> it was not based in reality, just like the campaign was not based in reality. >> biden world is trying to nuke rfk out of the race. >> a 300,000 new jobs added in march is a great number >> truth social, you've seen on the move. >> it's ridiculous. he has no revenue. >> slamming trump media and its investors, comparing the company to meme stocks with no real value. >> why are you even talking about this? it's a scam, just like everything he's ever been involved in is some sort of con.
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>> good evening once again, i am stephanie ruhle, and we are now 214 days away from the election. this week there was more back and forth in trumps many legal cases, denials of motions to delay or dismiss, expanded gag orders, and jack smith himself making it clear he's had enough with the judge overseeing the classified documents case. let's bring in our very special nightcap crew, my dearest friend, my true partner, ali velshi, msnbc chief correspondent is here, amanda littman, cofounder and coexecutive director of run for something, comedian roy wood junior, also a former correspondent for the daily show, and nbc news correspondent allie vitali. welcome to all, i start with you. trumps delayed train seems to be coming possibly to an end, the hush money case is starting in less than two weeks, do you think there's any chance we actually see a verdict before
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election day? >> in that case, maybe. most reporters know this, but, that's so difficult about watching these court cases, your watching the hush money case go forward, but i think that's probably the one that has the least bearing on americans ability to vote or not vote for trump as if their opinions aren't made already. but things like the documents case and the jack smith january 6th case in addition to what's going on in fulton county where you literally have the guy on tape saying give me the votes i need to win these things, those are the ones that are impactful and those are the ones your watching him kick the can down the road on. the stormy daniels stuff, people had that in their brain from five years ago, i don't think it's changing anything. if you talk to everyone, they agree it's the weakest case in terms of impact, so that might be the one we see but the ones that voters should see are the other ones. >> people think it's that case, it's about his wife, it's about adultery, it's not. it's about paying someone off to hide information leading into an election.
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here's my question. are too many people expecting that if and when there is a verdict, trump will automatically be found guilty? because let's be clear, he might not be. >> and if he's not found guilty, then he is going to use that as fuel to go, see, i'm not guilty on this one, they're all, what his favorite words, witch-hunt? i'm happy that they're spreading the cases out, now, like beyonce albums. because before, it was a logjam, the manafort days. >> you could think about was one this actually is. >> they're fun, i don't know that this is, >> i wanted to talk to ali velshi about this all week long, donald trump even though his delays are ending, this guy gets break after break, whether it's the judge in florida, whether he found a guy to get in the hundred $75 million bond, now, truth social being a publicly traded company that could end up making him hundreds of millions, if not
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billions of dollars, next week he's going to a golf tournament, also stands to make a lot of money. truth social. what is your take on this? >> today with the rest of the market up it was down again, it loses value every day. >> but even losing it's still making him, on paper, a ton. >> on paper it's half of what it was when it debuted. one never knows how this all goes. one of the important points about truth social is that it's not exactly a meme stocks but it's got all the makings of it. it's not institutional investors, not banks and insurance companies and funds and things like that, it's trump vance. and, it loses more money than we thought it lost, $58 million in its first year. the interesting thing here that you pointed out to me, the other day, is that it's partnered with another firm, the largest shareholder in that firm was the largest shareholder, in tick-tock, richest man in pennsylvania,
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and it's the holding is a little bit weird. this guy wasn't that into trump is the first place, he's not his supported him historically, and now all of a sudden the deal is in the works, but he has a conversation with donald trump, they acknowledge they met, they wanted knowledge what they talked about. donald trump's opinion of tick- tock, banding it in the united states, changed. >> there could be all sorts of massive people buying up this stock, potentially currying favor with the next president of the united states. >> nobody buys this stock because it looks like a good investment. what should i do with my 401(k)? i tell people this is not my jam, i can't advise you on that. nobody is advising anybody to buy truth social. or whatever it's called, trump media stock. it's just a weird company that doesn't mean anything. for many years amazon did not make a profit, but you knew something was happening. there was a bet on the idea that jeff bezos was very smart, smarter than most people and
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would find a way to make money. nobody is saying that about donald j trump. >> you can't tell me you're ahead of the game when you're selling bibles and gold sneakers. that's not a person that has a good idea. >> but the craziest thing is, there's a market for it. so is donald trump not the luckiest guy in the world, that there is even a market for the bibles or the shoes or the fact that he has a publicly traded company, that does nothing, that loses tens of millions of dollars, and the whole company is him crazy posting? >> and the investors we saw today, mostly republican donors, someone with a questionable relationship to the russian oligarchs. not a surprising list of people. i do think it's a little, maybe self sabotaging on trump's part but he's taking money from people that could be giving to his campaign and funding his legal fights, and instead directing them to meme stocks. >> is the ultimate way that
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they're giving money to his campaign. >> guess what they can do? write off their lawsuits. they can't write off the campaign contributions. >> max out on the political side and another avenue for funding this stuff, and again, >> and you can do it without anybody knowing your name. >> the influence piece you pointed to thailand again is so important. the thing congress loves to talk about is who was hunter biden doing business with? the thing democrats come back with what i which i think is a fair question is, do oversight of hunter biden's business. do oversight of jared kushner and the investments he's gotten from the saudi's and the deals that they were doing potentially as he was leaving the white house, but was involved in foreign diplomacy. all of this stuff is involved with each other, and, it's worth looking into. >> not a guy ahead of his game. if you are a saudi wealth fund, you have a lot of choices in the world. you can find the best investors anywhere in the world. jared kushner is not on the top
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500,000 of the world's best investors. whatever. >> let's talk about president biden. today, another example should be a great day for him. a bang up job's report, which yet again shows what an extraordinary economic recovery we've had. the economy is strong, but, from a political standpoint, it's still a challenging political story, because we have an overhang of inflation, and life is expensive for people. how does the president navigate this, and get that positive message out, like clockwork? [ laughing ] i'm looking for advice for you. >> let's talk right now, why does this always happen with us? >> always. >> i think the inflation and job news is indicative of what has been happening in the entirety of the biden administration. which is good news that it's able to be spun into something that means nothing.
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when the truth is that they've done a lot of monumental policies on a lot of monumental things, and it's more about, how do you get people to understand why this is good? there is a degree, a lack of what trump has that i think biden did not have, in 2020. with the ability to simplify things. politics is not simple, it's a complicated thing. but because trump is so binary, good, bad, lock up, wall. >> and willing to not tell the truth. >> correct. and the truth is wordy. >> the truth is not, the truth is complicated. >> that's what the administration continues to struggle with. i do not know how they do that, and on top of that, you're still finding the argument about age which i've never understood, because the other dude is only four years younger? two years younger than you? >> that's the question, how do they show it, not tell it on infrastructure, on the way that
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they've capped insulin prices at $35, that stuff matters. >> here's the wordiness problem. i want to say, the president can't control inflation, but you want to look at the camera and say but look what he has done. he's trying to cap credit card late fees at eight dollars, trying to crack down on closing costs, trying to tackle excess fees on college loans and student loan borrowers and reining in the rental market. that doesn't fit. in a bumper sticker. so how does the president get this into the american psyche, because people are going, life's so expensive. and president trump hasn't offered any economic solutions. him saying i'm going to slap tariffs, that's worse. >> it's actually that on every topic. whatever you think joe biden didn't do well enough on, i'm not sure, with the exception of lowering your taxes, which is a big one, and deregulation, which is a big one to corporations and ceos, that anything would have been done better by donald trump. he wasn't better at any of that
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stuff. remember the time we were covering infrastructure week every time it happened, and he derailed it all within three hours of launching it because he would tweet that somebody's firing or he's changing a law? that's the thing, donald trump is binary, but the one thing that is working against joe biden is that the price of an egg is more expensive than it was a few years ago. inflation is coming under control, but prices aren't going backwards because prices don't go backwards. and if prices were going backwards in our economy that would be a really bad thing on many levels for our economy. but you're paying more for an egg, for a tomato. >> and the cost of housing in the cost of childcare continues to go up, for a lot of folks like myself included, those are your biggest budget lines. those are things that the president can do anything about. >> but he's trying to peer >> he's trying, and it's a hard argument to make because you're trying to tell people, the thing that they feel is real for their lived experience, they're wrong. the economy is great, and if
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someone told me that, it must be good for someone else because it's not good for me. >> the thing that you feel, and the thing that is your lived experience right now, are diverging. your lived experience is a better economic reality than the vibe, and that's the disconnect. >> so as we're saying this right now, on twitter, they're going to be going nuts saying it's the media's fault. you're talking down the economy, your convincing the american people that the economy sucks, you're to blame, but it's actually the lived experience. >> i think that it's hard to tell someone who is struggling that everything is okay. i don't know how you're able to flip that, and biden can't afford to do it, what the campaign is seemingly not interested in doing is going, you're right, it is bad. >> they are doing it now. but, talking about it doesn't necessarily make people feel better. life is expensive. somebody who is out of the
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game, i have to ask you, no labels. $80 million later, all the big ideas, very few tv appearances, nancy jacobson, i'm looking at you. and they're out. what's your take? >> i use my official term earlier, but that was the word that i think i heard from so many operatives who had been texting me nonstop over the last few months being, no labels have done this, and now they finally get to exhale. i think the people who are always taking no labels more seriously were the biden folks. they had staffed around this, they were prepared to launch a full-scale attack to try to keep these folks, whoever they recruited, out of the game. i think they're happy they don't have to do that anymore, but the fact that there was this back-and-forth that there should be another candidate in the first place when the outreach wasn't even really existing, i remember talking to the nikki haley folks who were like, no one ever called nikki haley. even though they were trying to get to her over the media.
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i think it lands them in the right place of, voters know they have a binary even though rfk is in there, he's more of a trump problem than a biden problem. >> they were raising $70 million and not doing anything meaningful with it. i'm shocked to hear that. >> that's a lot of money. but, let's talk about for a minute, roy, >> just a minute. >> saying he's going to pull from trump, what's your take? there are people out there who might not realize who he is or what he's saying or what he represents, but they just feel like i'm tired of politics, i'm exhausted by this whole thing, here's a new face. >> i think there's going to be some liberal voters who just choose rfk just on, call it voting roulette. if you will. for lack of a better option. what's the guy, literally anybody? it's either rfk or literally anybody else. i don't think that it's going to be a bigger issue for biden then trump.
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i think it's definitely a trump problem. he talks about is already, >> you got to be under other side to be accepting the vaccine stuff, the conspiracy theory stuff, the: january 6th people patriots, [ inaudible ] >> your brother campaigning against you. his argument is, not every family gets along about everything, but i'm like, >> just college roommates and everybody who worked with him. >> your family? that's another level. nobody is going anywhere, when we come back we're talking cowboy carter, beyonce's latest album, the reaction, what it says about us, and march madness, the games, the players, and whatever but is talking about. later, the rise of cancel culture in comedy, what happens when it goes too far, when our nightcap on the 11th hour continue, let's stick around. s
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we talked about what we needed to talk about, ellis talk about what we want to talk about, must with beyonce's album, cowboy carter, now officially out for one week. this was supposed to be her country music debut. but what we got was so much more. >> i think what we got in addition to the music was a history lesson about the roots
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of blackness in country music. and a time where all we love to do is reject the truth about the origins of so many things in this country, and i think that's the conversation that i've been happy, to see happening around the album is the fact that, not only am i going to come into this genre and do something new and inventive, i'm going to put on my back a lot of black people who are in the genre and were the beachhead, long before i got here. dolly parton, come on over, let's do a remix. i think that's what made it so enjoyable when she goes on to her. we need to buy stocks in cowboy hats. whatever company is making cowboy hats, that's the stock. >> don't say it too loudly, trump will come out with cowboy hats. >> beyonce's not going to get 1619 for doing it, the story of the black contribution to country music, not even contribution, ken burns did a
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lot on this in his documentary, is that his first episode of this documentary was called the rub, it was about the black and white origins of country music, that evolved into a country that didn't want to share origins. they decided that country music was the white thing and r&b was the black thing. but in fact so many of their roots were the same place, the same type of music for the same type of stories about love and loss. and i thought that was interesting. conversation died down for the last couple years and is coming back in. >> do you think this is a political album? it's in everything. >> it's beyonce. the more important thing is, as we get used to this, we will understand that when black people have country music hits, it's not a stretch. it's not going into someone else's world, it's going back to your own. there is no novelty. >> what's your take, amanda, on the criticism, there's not a lot of it but there is some that's loud, from the far
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right, which i don't even understand why, but what's your take? >> some of it is targeted toward a black woman is amazing at what she does because she's a black woman who is amazing at what she does. some of it is well thought out. there were some songs that were better than others, but they're all interesting. so much there. she gives us essentially a history lesson. you'd describe it as the great american novel but in music form. it is beautiful. some of the critiques are super racist and problematic, but i think there are some more interesting conversation happening around the music, because she gives us so much to dive in on. >> how about the fact that some of her biggest supporters on this album are the collaborators? the original artists? paul mccartney, dolly parton, >> dolly parton said three years ago, i think it was to trevor noah, i hope that one day beyonce covers jolene. >> the fact that miley cyrus was saying, i can't wait to see
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beyonce and now she's part of this project. i think it's a beautiful thing when you watch people who are considered as deep roots in country like dolly parton, being able to say this is absolutely a beautiful take and where the country music genre needs to go for there. i think it's getting rid of the novelty factor. there are so many brilliant black musicians who have been in this space and who are now talking about the beyonce bump of their streams going up, then being recognized as artists in their own caliber, for being featured in this way. some people who say that beyonce might have, there are some critics out there saying it's too commercial, not enough country, it's beyonce. this woman is mainstream and she is huge, that's how she's going to do it. if other people can grow with that. >> if your album gets nominated, all those people get nominated, what an incredible thing to do. >> it's going to be at the cma's, if beyonce wins country music awards. now you're going to have purists who act like there aren't other commercialized
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country music artists. >> it's a broad genre, there's a lot of country music. >> as a swifty, when taylor got big in country. >> you are using beyonce crossing genres to try to uplift your narrative that this is some sort of attack on whiteness. and it's not. and to act like anybody of only one specific race can do one specific genre, that's wrong. >> jolene has been getting attacked for the last 50 years. [ laughing ] >> it's jolene's fault and she deserved to get stomped on acoustically. sorry. >> let's talk about some other extraordinarily powerful women this week. i'm talking march madness, is this a turning point for women in sports? traditionally when women don't get paid or they don't get the resources, it's always, well, they can't sell out arenas. they don't have the audience, but boom.
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they do. what do you think in this moment? >> the fact that people like shack and others are saying that angel reese and caitlin clark are the most talented people. >> saying he doesn't even know the names of the men playing. >> same. i love that. i love that we're talking about it as just basketball and not women's basketball as much anymore. these are just amazing athletes, and i'm excited for the fact that there are so many young kids, not just girls but also boys, who are clamoring for caitlin clark jersey, who are clamoring to be like angel reese. that is the dream right there for anyone who is little. i had randy justine and i was in. the fact that kids are going to have all of these different women to look up to in sports, from sue bird, megan ruffino, these amazing women, i love this. this is amazing, i'm thrilled. and i hate basketball. [ laughing ] >> how does the wnba keep this mojo going? how do they take this excitement, and bring this
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excitement to arenas for professionals? >> that's easy. when caitlin clark goes presumably number one, to the indiana fever, whoever had the first pick, you start putting those tea games on tv, you make sure that you have women that are the face of the league and you put faces to these teams. they started that process. it continues because now caitlin gives you the hot rookie to follow into the pros. the issue with the men's game is that so many players are one and done, and il has you playing hopscotch from school to school so you don't have a relationship. the fact that this was a revenge game, there's no men's basketball game where you can say last year, he did this and this year, it's turned. that dude got drafted, he's gone. >> that's the interesting point. is that good or bad? it's good for the momentum we have right now, but ultimately, is not that a weird answer that this works because women don't, don't get drafted. >> we've seen their story for
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the last four years, do you think that's what's so special about this group of women? we know their stories, we followed them, we love and hate them. >> angel reese announced she was entering the draft with a beautiful photo shoot in vogue. amazing. amazing. you're going to see her and caitlin clark and her at a moment where they can capitalize on this story. last year the liberty games in brooklyn are some of the most fun places you could see sports. we're going to see more of that next year. women's sports is going to break $1 billion in revenue for the first time, it's just the beginning. and the olympics, we got simone biles coming back, it's going to be a good summer. i want to talk about a different kind of storm, i guess you could say. late this morning there was a 4.8 magnitude earthquake that struck the northeast. it was felt from philadelphia to boston, especially in new york, it got a lot of reactions, including this one from the empire state building. which wrote, i am fine. we have yet to hear from the
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statue of liberty. we hope and pray she is well, it's one of the reasons i'm happy, you're a survivor, you are one of the first to post on social media today. i'd like to know, around the table, where were you when the great quake of 2024 hit new york? >> i was on the toilet. >> so you didn't know that it had. >> i knew, it's a very sensitive toilet. but i lived in l.a. for eight years. everybody in los angeles is laughing at us, and i think that new yorkers need to understand at some point, you can't just make everything, oh, my god, because you lose the new york grit. the point is we can survive anything. shake off 4.8, why are you on twitter crying? >> did you shake it off? >> i didn't even feel it to shake it off. >> we are too low to the ground. we don't feel anything because it doesn't move.
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i'm sitting in the morning offices and i knew it happened because there's tvs everywhere and i was like, there's an earthquake, here in new jersey. >> you and i are too short. >> i was shaving, and i saw the mirror shake in front of me, it's always a full deal. and, my first thought, because i'm a man of a certain age is, laundry, i thought the towels. you can do them both. scrubbing. and, when you put the towels in, but, i have a front loading machine, so it couldn't have. i thought i put it into the dryer. i did everything except think it was an earthquake. than i thought, is somebody running into my house? truck, subway, laundry, it didn't feel like an earthquake. >> did immediately walk onto twitter to see what was eric adams going to respond with. i haven't. >> all the proposed responses were fantastic. >> going to send the cops to
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the core of the earth because people aren't paying their fares on the subway. >> it was some good stuff. >> the good news is everyone has survived, and everyone is staying right here to tell us their mvps of the week. before that, punished, silenced, disappeared, the rise of cancel culture and what happens when it goes too far. comedian and nightcap regular ways in when the 11th hour nightcap continues. nightcap continues. deliver ren and visibly improve damage of the intestinal lining. serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections or a lower ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine or plan to. liver problems may occur in crohn's disease. control of crohn's means everything to me. ask your gastroenterologist about skyrizi. ♪ control is everything to me ♪ learn how abbvie could help you save. you know what's brilliant? boring. think about it.
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how would i define cancel culture? >> sorry, i need a second. >> when people talk about canceling and cancel culture, i don't hear a cleared understood or shared meeting. >> that's part of the problem. >> what is cancel culture? we all hear about it all the time, but as you just heard first from some theoretical experts, what it really comes down to it, it's hard to define. but do not worry, msnbc is exploring the social phenomenon in a new phenomenal documentary. canceled, the story of cancel
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culture. premieres this sunday at 9:00 p.m. eastern on msnbc, my dear friend judy gold joins me now, she is featured in canceled and is a comedian, actor, and author of yes, i can say that, when they come for the comedians we are all in trouble. judy, i'm so glad you got involved in this project, because you and i have talked about this many times. where do you come out on it, how do you define cancel culture? >> i believe in free speech, all speech, i think, that you should be able to say. we live in the united states of america, we should be able to say whatever we want, and you'll have to suffer the consequences of what you say. and that's just the way it is, because you cannot, who decides what speech is appropriate? >> but what does that mean? you have to suffer the consequences of what you say, because cancel culture has often meant, we don't like what you said, we don't like what you did, you're banished forever. people don't just get called out, they get removed.
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>> which is beyond ridiculous. if we took it, just in comedy, think about it. when someone is on trial for murder, their sentence is determined by their intent. what were they thinking, do they really want to commit this murder? when you tell a joke, you have an intent. this is what i'm trying to say. but someone could take it the wrong way, and then decide you should never be able to tell that joke again. in this country, we have gotten rid of nuance, we've gotten rid of context, especially on social media, and intent. and it's really, really dangerous. >> how complicated is it when you put it through the prism of comedy? some people say people are being too sensitive, and the nature of comedy is to push boundaries. >> exactly. >> and all the time, we talk about shows, movies, programs
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that we've loved over the years, things that, as basic and as pg as programs like the office, and you couldn't make that today. but you couldn't. >> you couldn't make all in the family, you couldn't make mod. >> some of the most iconic american shows. >> that changed. that changed the conversation. the fact that we're not having the conversations, there's less discourse, it's not facilitating any kind of evolution. you look at, all right, i know. you're going to get mad, but, some people. look at the republicans. >> i love doing that. >> okay. they are against cancel culture. that's all they talk about. and yet, they're banning books, they're banning, how hypocritical is that? your banning books, you're
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telling people what they can talk about in their classrooms. a teacher can't say my husband, my wife, if they're . what is this? it's mind-boggling. >> but at the same time, celebrities or ceos or people who have gotten canceled, the far right has now made them heroes and celebrities. >> right, but have they really gotten canceled? that's the thing. who has really gotten canceled? >> is there anyone that has been canceled that you think we should bring back? >> no. well, i don't think, >> but isn't that the issue? that there's people we don't like, and cancel them, >> but i don't believe that. i believe let them continue on, and they'll get, they'll suffer the consequences. >> suffer the consequences, but
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they're not funny, the audience will show up. >> these people all have fans, there's different styles of comedy. you have to realize, stand up comedy, this is the interesting thing. george carlin said i like to find out where the line is, cross it deliberately, and then make the audience glad that i did. but most comedians do not know where the line is, until they are in front of the audience trying out their material. it is the only art form where the audience is part, a significant part of the creative process. so, we're trying to find the line. we're taking a risk we're talking about something, and if the audience is saying, but we don't know that until we get in front of the audience. >> george carlin is the perfect example. is material from 20, 25 years ago that seemed crazy at the time has played out word for word. >> right. and it's so relevant today.
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go on social media. that's the other problem. we have the social media where people have a soapbox that don't deserve a soapbox, things are taken out of context, and it was like, your uncle who said the crazy stuff and used to be, just go in the basement. now that person goes in the basement, gets online and finds 10,000 people who agree with them. >> do you feel like you can't fully voice your opinion because people have put you in a category, and you can say x or you can say y and that's limiting the discourse that we should have? >> i am at an age where i don't care anymore. >> hold on, was there ever an age when you did? >> that's true. >> i've been a fan for a long time, was there ever an age when you cared? >> i think comedians are truth tellers and brutally honest. and if you're going to talk about a supers are subversive talk it, then make a great joke. make sure the joke is funny. don't be lazy.
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but yes, i am fearless, but there are comedians coming up, and there are clubs that are saying, if you talk about this you can't work in our club. that's ridiculous. >> judy, you are fearless and fabulous. and i'm so glad you are here. great to see you. when we come back our nightcap returns with our mvps of the week. you don't want to miss it, when the 11th hour and the nightcap continues. but now i have rinvoq. rinvoq is a once-daily pill that reduces the itch and helps clear the rash of eczema—fast. some rinvoq patients felt significant itch relief as early as 2 days. some achieved dramatic skin clearance as early as 2 weeks. and many taking rinvoq saw clear or almost-clear skin. rinvoq can lower your ability to fight infections, including tb. serious infections and blood clots, some fatal, cancers, including lymphoma and skin;
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nightcap is here, it is time for my favorite part of the program peered the mvps of the week, the person doesn't have to have the best week, but they certainly need to have a big one. who do you pick? >> i'm picking the princes of januvia, anne hathaway. >> when she said the princes of januvia, i knew that was committed any of you know? thank you very much. i'm sorry for it. julie andrews, anne hathaway. >> you need to be wanting in prep for your show tomorrow. >> 100%. >> anne hathaway. i feel like this woman is just in her era of being herself, knowing herself, we love someone who can go and do an amazing cover where she looks almost villain asked, vogue, and know that she knows
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herself, she knows that she's not a villain and she will self advocate and dance at parties and have fun and look fabulous doing it. i'm in my anne hathaway era, i love her and forever are a queen. >> she's not just on the cover of vogue because she's a beautiful, brilliant actress. >> she's there to know herself and speak to the fact that she can self advocate and not be a bad person who is villain eyes for that, in hollywood as we've seen so many times. >> they are not the same thing. roy? >> my mvp of the week is angel rees, from louisiana state university. they had a good week, not the best week because they lost to caitlin clark, but she's going to go to the nba draft and more importantly, the issues with regard to online harassment of angel, not only that but her teammates coming out and defending her, and helping to start a conversation about the specificity of difference, the idea of, you're going to hate on the athlete because they
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lost, fine. when you start getting into higher levels of harassment, i won't even get to, the fact that she was able to handle that with poise and set an example for so many other young women, that level of character is going to carry over to the next level, the fact that it showed us that there are so many people willing to speak out and defend that young woman. >> do you think people should be apologetic or ashamed? do you think those women speaking this week, in any way, caused an industry, journalists, at large, to say how have we covered this young woman? what have we said? >> there's a difference between your lost and you are sad versus, i'm sad because i know that you are going to harass me, and it is frustrating and it is driving me up the wall and it is starting to break me. that part of the game cannot be allowed. >> for a 21-year-old woman. >> for any woman, especially for one that's just young.
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>> the pressure in the public eye. amanda? >> the organization i run has a bunch of candidates up in elections this week. 27-year-old carrie libeled was a brain cancer survivor and community activist who is running for the cross county board in wisconsin. she ran and beat, in a landslide, this guy, who was a former county republican chair, one of the fake trump electors, election denier who refused to admit that biden won the election fairly in 2020 until a lawsuit forced him to. she was able to kick him out of power. little win, big win for democracy. >> i love that. beautiful. the bar is high. >> i'm going to draft off of amanda, a place called enid in oklahoma. a town called enid. my mvp is connie vickers. something called the enid social justice committee, which figured out that a guy on their city council who had been there since 2013 had been part of the
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charlottesville rally. >> he was a participant. sort of astride these guys. so, enid and folks started a petition to get rid of this guy. they had a recall in the election, this week, it was on tuesday night, and they won. and his guy, met named judge blevins, is no longer a member of the city council in eden, oklahoma. small matter, nobody knew who he was in the first place, but this is how you change things. this group of people, connie vickers, changed things in their city, and made people realize we don't want to be associated with this. if that were to happen in the stuff that you do happens in little places across america, that's how we save democracy. >> that is extraordinary. my mvp is someone i have always looked up to. i'm guessing everyone at this table does, especially this week, after absolute tragedy. jose andres, his world central kitchen lost seven aid workers in gaza after an israeli air
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strike. one of them was a man named damien sobel. my other mvp. damien worked in the same kitchen i did when i was in poland, when i volunteered with world central kitchen a few years ago. it is always a tragedy for a loss of life. it is so important to understand the kind of work that this man, damien, and others continue to do, they are running to some of the most dangerous places in the world to provide aid, food, and relief to people in the most desperate and tragic situations. the people who lost their lives are simply the best of humanity. so, to damien, to those with him, to jose andres and the entire world central kitchen family, my deepest gratitude and condolences. this is a truly tragic story, and we've got to get better. i did not mean to end the nightcap like that, roy, can you tell us a joke?
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>> that's sincerity. >> i am sorry. allie, amanda, roy, again, the problems you must face on the internet. i was seeing, i assume you receive all my love. >> i do a lot. it's amazing. there you go, thank you all so much, and thank you all for watching. on that note, i wish you a safe and great night, you can watch the nightcap fridays and most saturdays 11:00 p.m. eastern on msnbc. from all of our colleagues across the networks of nbc news, thanks for staying up late. late. i'm aline and i live in castle valley, california. my husband, barney, and i have been married for 32 years. i think the most important thing in life is to stay healthy.
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her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for.
9:00 pm
okay. the year donald trump left office, the year he left office, 2021, deutchebank


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