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tv   The Katie Phang Show  MSNBC  April 6, 2024 9:00am-10:00am PDT

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that is the worst thing about this conflict. that is one of those sayings that it becomes so easy to not just dismiss the desires and the ones in the needs of the other side but to dismiss the very humanity. to pretend they are not even human or they don't have the same love for their children that we do, that they are different then we are. you hear politicians in the united states make this argument all the time. kids don't think that way. they just don't have the mental capacity to dehumanize other people. and all you have to do is bring the conflict down to the human level and they will get it. they understand it. >> a lot of people should read this book. not just kids. >> reza is the author of the velshi banned book club feature "a kids book about israel and
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palestine." next month on may 15th, reza and i will be together in los angeles to talk about my new book, small acts of courage which is available for preorder now. that does it for me. thank you for watching. her very shortly. i am katie phang. live from msnbc headquarters in new york city. seven world central kitchen aid workers were killed in israeli strakes on monday. >> among the people that died were my friends. this is the moment the earthquake hit, a magnitude 7.4, according to the u.s. estimates, the most powerful quake to strike taiwan in a quarter centuries. >> this morning, there was a g, 4.8 magnitude earthquake that struck the northeast, felt from philadelphia to boston, especially in new york.
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have a lot of reactions including this one from the empire state building, which wrote "i am fine." we have yet to hear from the statue of liberty. we hope and pray she is well. yesterday, judge rejecting trump's motion to delay the trial until the supreme court un hears his presidential immunity claim. closely watched abortion rulings late today by florida supreme court. the florida majority supreme panel opening the door for a ban on abortions after a six weeks of pregnancy. in a separate ruling, the court will leave it to florida voters to decide whether to restore abortion rights. >> no law shall prohibit, penalize, delay, or restrict abortion before viability, or when necessary to protect the patients' health. florida's amendment to limit government interference with abortion will be on the ballot in november, but until voters passed that the amendment it is ron desantis' six-week heartbeat protection act.
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we will go into the future of abortion in florida later in the show. benjamin franklin famously said in this world, nothing is certain, but death and taxes. if you are donald trump, april 15th just isn't tax day, but it is also the day where he is set to face true accountability in the form of the new york hush money election interference trial. trump's lawyers filing a motion yesterday demanding the judge to recuse himself from the case because his daughter works for and has equity in a company that counts democrats as clients. in the motion, trump c complaining that an appearance of impropriety exists, that questions judge martians impartiality in this case. rules for the, but not for me, because i don't see justice clarence thomas recusing himself from any insurrection cases, but i digress. it is just another way for trump
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to delay, delay, delay, and possibly evade the newly expanded gag order after repeatedly criticizing marchand's daughter and others. joining me now is maia wiley, the president and ceo of the leadership conference on civil and human rights, and glenn kushner, former federal prosecutor, msnbc little contributor. two of my absolute favorites and friends joining me this morning. my akamai would love to start with you, you are here, let us start with that motion to recuse. came in late yesterday. i think there is always a double standard with donald trump and in this particular instance, i think it is being highlighted. but, let's talk about your bu thoughts on the success of this motion to recuse judge marchand. >> i don't think it will have any success. because we have seen no evidence to suggest any conflict, or that this judge is not impartial. in fact, what we are seeing is what we see regularly from donald trump, which is if you
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are on my side, i will defend you. if you are not on my side, i will attack you. we have seen how many judges donald trump has attacked simply for doing the job of being a judge, when it did not service interest, actually putting them at risk and at danger to themselves and even family members. but in this case, what is the evidence? i think we should really talk about, if we want to talk about who should be recuse, we should talk about judge aileen cannon in florida. >> to that point, glenn, i have some serious issues with what er is going on down in mar-a-lago. listen, i get it, the first criminal trial for donald trump will be coming up on the 15th here in new york city, but the bigger question of that classified documents case sits heavily on a lot of us. i took serious issue with judge cannon's order that she entered a couple of days ago denying trump's motion to dismiss pursuant to the presidential records act. i have used the adjective "wiley" to describe the way cannon set up the language in the order. your thoughts about that order?
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>> it was pretty troubling when in the first instance, katie, judge cannon put these constraints on jack smith. she said, here are two jury instructions and i am directing you to presume they are correct formulations of the law. the problem is, anyone who has been involved in trying criminal cases or assessing jury instructions and knows even a little bit about the presidential records act and our nations espionage laws, can tell you they were not correct formulations of the law. so, when jack smith -- very direct in almost searing language said -- judge, you are wrong. and if you persist, then the prosecution, the people will be deprived of a fair trial. some people pulled out the fainting couch, because we often use very soft language and euphemisms when we are telling judges they are long -- wrong. but, jack smith would have none of it. and as you say, katie, judge cannon responds with, well, you
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know what? and i am going to paraphrase because i want to translate this from judge speak to english. you know what? i am going to basically retain the right to give these instructions -- which by all accounts are not correct formulations of law -- after defense evidence and the defenses have been presented. in other words, after the jury has been sworn, jeopardy is attached and we are in trial and if we dismiss it at that point, guess what, jack smith? you can't appeal it. this is troubling and it is another instance that i believe highlights judge cannon's lack of impartiality. >> maia, i want to jump back to the manhattan d.a. case for a second because i consider you -- you are my de facto new york even though i don't live in new york city. but, you know the new york people. there has been no shortage of high profile cases and trials in new york over the decades of this city's history. and yet, i feel more than 500
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new yorkers have received notices to appear on the 15th to be a part of the jury selection process. there was an ammunition earlier from this week, extended and expanded the gag order when he told donald trump, if you don't behave, not only do i have criminal contempt as a remedy for you in a sanction, but i make withhold under names of the jurors' identities from you, which we know as lawyers, could really impede donald trump's ability to prepare for and to participate in the jury selection process. what are your thoughts on how new yorkers are going to be looking at what has been going on lately with donald trump, vis-@-vis judge marchand? >> i think actually the way new yorkers are looking at this, is for most new yorkers, are we going to get the respect that is due for this trial that is happening here in our city? because remember, this is the trial that was the first case
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where it was clear there was going to be a criminal indictment and a trial. and now, it is becoming the first trial. so much of the debate has been around how unimportant it is. well, there is nothing unimportant to new yorkers about a new yorker who has businesses in new york, who has essentially used that money, used in a corporation here n sitting in our city, to actually interfere in an election we, ourselves, participate in, as citizens of this country. and to suggest that is not a critically important case, is something that i think has been frustrating for a lot of new yorkers. and particularly when there are questions and attacks on an elected district attorney, that new yorkers elected, and in a trial that is going to be peers of donald trump's, who deserve safety and respect for their willingness to be the public servants in this democracy in the way it is supposed to work in our criminal justice system. so, what we should remember
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about this is just how outrageous it is that we have to be concerned about the well- being either of judges or members of the jury, in terms of their safety, because of the recklessness of the way a defendant, in this case, a former president, uses his platform to actually stoke hate, violence, disinformation in ways that actually undermined the appropriate functioning of our judicial process. i think new yorkers are extremely concerned about that and want to make sure they can be saved as jurors, but also, that donald trump is held accountable in the way that any new yorker would be for doing the same thing. >> the same thing. that is the important thing. glenn, i have less than 30 seconds but i have to ask you very quickly before you have to go, does jack smith moved to
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recuse aileen cannon down in florida? or, does he file ona motion to get a dispositive ruling, and then appeal it to the 11th circuit? >> perhaps the latter. he still wants to take every single step short of recusing the motion. but, katie, the american peoplet deserve to have confidence in the outcome of this trial and i don't believe anybody will have confidence in the outcome of en the trial unless the motion to remove her is filed, litigated, and ultimately resolved by the 11th circuit court of appeals. regardless of the outcome, that the 11th circuit takes it up and fully and fairly in the light of day resolves it one way or another, i know i will have more confidence in the ultimate result. but, this issue has to be litigated. >> it doesn't escape any of our notices. maia and glenn, the one judge that has been criticized by donald trump is judge aileen cannon. maia cannon, thank you for getting us started today. we appreciate you, as always. coming up, biden's job boom, the latest numbers showing just how well the economy is really doing, and what the biden administration must do to convince voters the
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grass is not going to be greener under a second trump term. plus, fundraising face-off, trump's high-stakes fundraiser tonight as the biden team reports yet another blockbusterc fundraising record. you are watching "the katie yo phang show" only on msnbc. ms a perfect day for a family outing! shingles doesn't care. but shingrix protects. only shingrix is proven over 90% effective. shingrix is a vaccine used to prevent shingles in adults 50 years and older. shingrix does not protect everyone and is not for those with severe allergic reactions to its ingredients or to a previous dose. an increased risk of guillain-barré syndrome
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and other historic jobs report for president biden with job growth numbers even stronger than expected. according to the labor department, employers added 303,000 jobs during march in what is the 39th street month of job growth. it is also worth noting that the unemployment rate fell to 3.8%. the biden campaign wasting no time taking a victory lap, releasing a statement saying, "well president biden is growing the economy from the middle out and working to lower costs for americans, trump is running to cut social security and medicare and push through another tax giveaway for the super rich and big companies."
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meanwhile, donald trump is spending his weekend raising campaign cash in palm beach, florida, where he claims he is set to surpass fundraising from the biden campaigns radio city music hall event. joining me now is daniel moody, the cohost of the new abnormal, and democracy-ish podcast. danielle, it is so good to have you here, especially onset. let's talk about whether or not those amazing job numbers are being heard, by the american voters. i'm going to silence, mute, block, whatever the word is the magas and republicans that tried and they say this, because these are actual, definitive numbers. but, to the americans feel it enough? >> i don't think so and that is the point of having surrogates and biden getting out on the campaign trail and having as many conversations as possible because he needs to break
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through the noise. the noise is 24/7, donald trump. where is donald trump? what court hearing are we having today? what has he lied about? what bible, or shoe, or drifting product is he selling? that is the noise he has to break through. we know numbers are good. unemployment at 3.8%? we have the best economy right now out of the global pandemic that other countries would be enviable of. so, that is the narrative that needs to be spoken about by everyone that is on the biden campaign, like nonstop, everywhere they go. >> the other thing that biden is doing well, this just came out this morning, in the first quarter of 2024, the biden campaign raised more than $187 million, and now they have announced they have more than $192 million cash on hand for this campaign. i mean, again, the numbers support the idea that biden has the support, financially and otherwise, of the american people. and so, where should this spend go? what are the targeted areas, the people that perhaps the biden campaign should be
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focusing this money toward? >> it needs to go toward generation z, and is to go toward women, black americans, and is to go toward latinx americans. biden needs to shore up the founding of the democratic party, which is fractured in many ways. there are people that have their issues they are most focused on and don't feel heard. but, what we do know about biden and the amount of money he is raising, it is not going to defend him in court. right? we know that money is actually going to the campaign. it is going to these communities that need to be heard, that have issues that need to be heard. so, he needs to spread this across all of the states where we know abortion has won on the ballot, and have those conversations, and getting out the voters in black communities and latinx communities because these are the people that will decide this election like they do every election. >> let's talk about a group of people that maybe doesn't get
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talked about enough, that is the female vote, but i am talking more the white female vote. charlie kirk -- i had to bring this up for you, because this drove me nuts -- charlie kirk saying this week, women in their early 30s are not as attractive and past their prime. he also said some horribly gross stuff, which is typical for charlie kirk. but, that type of misogyny is very typical for the republican party. how can that possibly be seen as courting the female or the woman vote? >> i don't think that it is. i don't think that they are trying to court votes. what they are doing is using a bullhorn to tell us, the american people, what they think about women, what they think about people with uteruses, where they want women to be. when you saw the state of the union rebuttal, and you see a senator -- this senator, oh, she is sitting in a kitchen because that is what is going to appeal to women? seeing another white woman in a kitchen is going to make me
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think i should go back there, too, and the shackles there because i have no bodily autonomy? it is a joke. so, i want people to pay attention and listen to what they are saying because they are not mincing words. they are not using any type of nuance. they are telling you directly, women should not have bodily autonomy, they came for ivf, they are going to come for birth control, and they are going to put women back into a place of pre-1974. you know what happened in 1974? women have financial freedom. they have the ability to get a credit card without their husbands or their fathers' approval. that is the world that the republicans want us to go back to, and we won't. >> so, i did have to ask -- every once in a while, there is a blip on my radar screen by this man named rfk jr. and i don't give him a lot of attention because i don't think he merits it. but, i will say, a recent quinnipiac poll -- and again, i don't put a lot of weight into polls, but i want to pull up this number -- it says kennedy's support is about 13%.
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putting aside any type of questions about the poll itself, is there anything about rfk jr. that anybody should be worried about, in terms of the biden campaign? >> no, i don't. his own family is not backing him. right? you can't get your own family to support your run for the presidency, and so, they have come out for biden and strongly. do i think we should ignore rfk jr.? no, i don't. because i think right now, what people have to understand is that this is not the time or place for a protest vote. you can do that in the primaries and i appreciate the people that are doing that, but when we get to the general election, come november, your protest vote is a vote for donald trump. so, looking at these candidates, whether it be rfk jr., whether it be cornell wessler, whoever it is, now is not the time. now is the time to hold onto our democracy so we can live to fight another day. >> amen. danielle moody. always delivering the truth. thank you for being here. i really appreciate it. >> thank you. a quick programming note, msnbc presents "xcld" the
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story of cancel culture, latest installment of the turning point documentary series from executive producer trevor noah. the film examines the social phenomena through incidents that made headlines, and offers expert commentary about navigating this cultural moment. watch "xcld: the story of cancel culture", tomorrow at 9:00 p.m., eastern onto msnbc. and still to come on "the katie phang show", trump's laughingstock , inside the chaotic week for trump's publicly traded media company. and the lingering campaign contribution questions behind trump telling his cold to buy his stock. his stock. ne attacks too. that's why my go to is nurtec odt. it's the only migraine medication that can treat and prevent my attacks all in one. don't take if allergic to nurtec. allergic reactions can occur even days after using. most common side effects were nausea, indigestion and stomach pain. now i'm in control. with nurtec odt i can treat a migraine attack and prevent one. talk to your doctor about nurtec today. so, what are you thinking?
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if you spit blood when you brush, it could be the start of a domino effect.
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who in the world would invest in trump media? because so far in its very short life, the stock has had a turbulent journey on the market. after an initial booming debut, it cleansed this monday after reporting a $58 million net loss of revenue last year. and losing nearly $2 billion in value, it closed out the week at the lowest level since the company went public. but, nevertheless, trump continues to use truth social to pedal the stock to his rabid supporters. joining me now is allie felson, i say you are the hardest working men in tv, just working -- >> we never get the time to talk together, so this is fantastic but, talk about this stock because yesterday, it tumbled another 9% before the close of the market. why is the stock continuing to crater in value? >> because it is stupid. it is important you ran that because barry diller owns almost all these internet brands, consumer brands that
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you use, the travel companies, all that kind of stuff, so he knows about things that are overwrought. but, of stock prices, meant to be a reflection of what the company earned last year or what it is projected to earn next year if it is very different. it is a calculation. so, you always know what a stock should cost. you might pay up for something because you think there is more potential there. perfect example, jeff bezos and amazon. for years, amazon digits make money, lost money, but people knew there was something there, there was a goal because it was best in class. donald trump is not best in class. this is a dumb social media platform that doesn't have revenue. it loses a lot of money. and he is basically the future. it is his vanity license plate platform. so, there is no real benefit to investing in this. now, a stock that is strongly supported by banks, insurance companies, institutions, things like that. this is like a meme stock.
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it is retail buyers who like donald trump, or who might think there is some opportunity here. or -- and here is the important one, the third category -- guys like jeff yost, that is the group that trump media partnered with to take the stock public. he is also the largest noninstitutional shareholder in tiktok, or bytedance, the company that owns tiktok. donald trump was anti-tiktok for a while, then the two guys admit some even, now trump is pro tiktok. so, could it be a good influence by the company? neither of them make sense. i think it is rich in your investing in trump social because you are going to curry favor with donald trump, or you were just not very good at this and you should get out of the market. >> so, what about this run of shortselling, though, on the stock? because when you are doing that, you are literally banking on the stock to continue to go down. how much of a fool's errand is this fruit -- for people to continue to buy this stock? >> because it is not a very liquid stock, shortselling successfully depends on there being a lot of stock available
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and a lot of movement. it actually has been hard to do on this stock but there are people who are shortselling it because they fully believe the stock is going to go to possibly zero. so, we have seen donald trump's paper wealth on this thing go from $6 billion-$3 billion, whatever it is. he can't catch it for six months. it could be nothing in six months, and that is what the short-sellers are betting on. but, if you are not a short seller, if you are actually buying the stock, i have many other things to sell you. i have ali velshi bible coming out on may 15th point >> ali velshi golden sneakers. >> yes, but, it is nonsense. at least when you buy donald trump's sneakers or bible, in theory, you actually get sneakers or a bible. >> you get something tangible. >> i would be very, very, very cautious about this stock. it is a crazy world, anything can happen, you could see it pop and then go down, but there is no intrinsic value, there is no intrinsic value to this. i will give you another example. you by ford, maybe ford is not doing so well, but you own stock in a company that has
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plans, equipment, and inventory. that is called book value. there is nothing here. >> so, do you hear that? ali, that is the s.e.c. is the s.e.c. coming knocking for donald trump? two of his top investors in this company pled guilty to insider trading already. he is out there peddling and hawking his wares for something that doesn't have value. so, should the s.e.c. -- >> we know the fbi is involved because of these two guys who were insider trading. we are not sure what the connection is, we are not sure whether donald trump or anybody in the company knew about it. that said, the s.e.c. does have rules and nothing donald trump does generally sounds like a guy who is equipped to follow those kinds of rules. so, i would imagine the s.e.c. is looking at it very closely. i have been studying it closely, there is nothing i have seen that is clearly an s.e.c. violation, but it is awfully messy. if you are going to run a public company, there are actual rules and if you violate
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them, the s.e.c. will come after you. don't know what it is. everything that i talked about right now seems to be legal, including jeff yost involving himself in this company, possibly for the benefit of his tiktok stocks. but, i would assure you there are some people at s.e.c. who are watching it closely. >> quickly before we go, i do have to ask this, too, trump has been using his pacs to fund his legal fees. but, this could mean independent money of those pacs for donald trump. but, if it is locked up for six months, the timing is really interesting, because that could be on the eve of the november election. >> it could be, and that is true. >> is that too much, too late? >> i actually don't know if it will be worth anything in six months. that is the bigger issue. by the time he is free to sell his stock, i don't think -- these meme stocks have a lifetime for themselves and they are usually a few months. we will see what happens. book me again and we will talk about it six months from now. >> i will put you six months from now -- you are not going to put it on the ali velshi bible? >> yes, i will swear on the ali
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velshi bible. >> i am buying it for $49.99. i get the friends and family discount. ali velshi, my friend, truly the hardest working man in tv. thank you for being here, my friend. >> my pleasure. coming up next, foreign aid fight, new jersey congressman andy kim about how congress can hold israel accountable as international criticism grows over its operation in gaza. but first, it has been six months. tomorrow, that is six months since the october 7th massacre. plus, new concerns that iran may strike back inside israel after the killing of several senior official iranian officials. we will talk about it after a quick break. quick break. after advil: let's dive in! but...what about your back? it's fineeeeeeee! [splash]
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tomorrow marks six months since the mosh -- hamas launched its brutal attack on israel which led to its devastating military campaign on gaza. six months later, desperation and threats of escalation are everywhere. this week, israel announced plans to open new aid routes into gaza, where the majority of people are facing famine. it comes just days after its defense forces killed seven world central kitchen aid workers in a strike they are now calling a grave mistake. all of this as another family of a hostage learns that the idf has recovered the body of their loved one, kidnapped that day, nearly six months ago. joining me now is msnbc contributor from tel aviv. what can you tell us about this hostage, elad katzir, and how his family is responding to
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this news? >> well, first, let me set the scene for you. i am in tel aviv at an anti- tran09 protest. the demonstrators here are saying that they want benjamin netanyahu out, basically. they want immediate elections and they want the release of the hostages. they don't trust that he is the man capable of waging this campaign and getting their loved ones and fellow citizens out. as far as elad katzir, the 47- year-old, we understand from the idf that he was found in the gaza strip and he was buried. we understand that his body was retrieved, taken back to is really territory, and his sister issued a statement, the sister of elad katzir, blaming, essentially, the government and israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu. in particular, "we will not remain in uncertainty," she issued in her statement. "he could have been saved if a deal was reached in time.
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our leadership is cowardly and driven by political considerations and that is why it did not happen." it is important to note that islamic jihad, who are suspected of having kidnapped katzir did put out two separate videos of him alive in captivity, so you can imagine the frustration and the devastation of his family, knowing that some sort of deal had been made earlier, he would have been able to come out of the gaza strip alive, and not in a body bag. his mother was released in november as part of a prisoner swap. his father was killed on october 7th near the cupboards that he was taken from. so, that is the latest. we are seeing more and more people gather here, some of them trying to listen to what i am saying. i have spoken to a few demonstrators who told me they were in jerusalem last week, that they are in tel aviv this week, that they just want something to change. one lady told me she understands this may not be the majority view in israel, but that waging these wars every 5
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to 10 years is not doing anyone any good, palestinians or israelis, and that a more permanent solution needs to be found for the populations to live and coexist peacefully. >> thank you so much for joining us live from tel aviv with the latest. for more on this conversation, i have the honor of having new jersey congressman andy kim here. he is a member of the house armed services and foreign affairs committee and a united states senate candidate. congressman kim, thank you for being here. we just saw ourselves, the protest which earlier this week, saw the footage of the sheer number of people coming out of israel in opposition to benjamin netanyahu. go back to congress this week, right, washington, talk about aid to israel, pressure from u.s., pressure from israelis themselves. is that going to extract flexibility from benjamin netanyahu? >> first of all, this is my first time hearing the statement from the family of that hostage. that was unbelievably powerful, and just the loss that they are experiencing -- you know, i think it is important for us to
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hear these voices from the israelis about what it is they want to see, and the fact that they have these disagreements and these debates, it is important for us to take on more. certainly in congress right now, there is a lot of activity, a lot of engagements with the biden administration about what comes next. but, i think what is very clear is, we don't have a sense of what the strategy is coming going forward. what is it that benjamin netanyahu is trying to accomplish at this point? yes, we want to see security for the israelis, we want to see security for the palestinian people, we want to see hostages released, but right now, we are not seeing what the strategy is and how they are going to get there. >> and it has been six months to the day tomorrow that they had the october 7th massacre. it is not just aid to israel, there is also aid to ukraine, that is a very real threat to our domestic security in the united states. if you have any optimism that any of these foreign aid
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packages will get beyond the finish line? >> one of the things that just bothers me so much, when i talk to leaders in other countries, they asked this question of, is america a reliable partner? and they know the answer to that, they say, you are not, you are not reliable, you are not credible, so we could have the largest military in the world, the largest economy in the world, but when we are not seen as reliable, that is when our american leadership is on the decline. so, when they see what happens with ukraine, when they see that we are not willing to be on the stand with them, when they are not asking for our troops, they are not asking for us to risk our lives, but, the fact that we can't stand there with our european partners, it really is embarrassing, honestly. and humiliating. it is something that we need to change, to show what it is we stand for. >> and let me be clear, unfortunately it is your republican colleagues that are standing in the way forgetting aid to ukraine. >> a number of my republican colleagues do actually want to move forward on this. if it went to the house of representatives floor for a
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vote, it will pass. it will pass in large numbers. this is a failure of speaker johnson. this is some -- something where we see the cowardice of him, unwilling to be able to stand up to donald trump, unwilling to stand up against some of the most extreme elements of his party and do the right thing for our national security. as someone who worked in diplomacy before, i always said the last place partisan politics belongs is in our national security. unfortunately, it is injected right into the heart of what speaker johnson is trying to do and it is hurting our national interest. >> congressman, there is a photo of you that is, in my mind, iconic. one of the most memorable from january 6th, in the early morning hours after that insurrection, you spend more than 90 minutes, almost two hours, kneeling, picking up the trash that was left by the rioters. one of the statements you made is, i feel blessed to have this opportunity as a son of immigrants, to be able to serve in congress. and yet, the hallowed halls ended up like that on 1/6. i wanted your thoughts on how it feels to be a first-hand
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witness to january 6th, the aftermath, and the fact that donald trump still hasn't gone to trial yet for his role in the january 6th insurrection. >> yeah, thank you for raising it the way that you did. you are right. i am a son of immigrants. my mom and my dad came to this country 50 years ago, to this year, and it was my parents that brought me to the united states capital for the very first time when i was a child. they taught me to love and respect that building, they taught me to revere what it stands for as a temple of our democracy. so, when i did what i did in clinic the capital on january 6th, i didn't think about it. it was just muscle memory, it was just instinct of what my parents taught me about how grateful we are for being in this country and these opportunities. the fact that that is now disgraced, i always say, the capital is a physical manifestation of article one of our constitution. to defile and disgrace that building is to defile and disgrace our constitution.
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the fact is, look, what we saw on january 6th, it wasn't just about one person, you know? and donald trump was certainly someone that instigated it, and we see him back on the ballot, but we have real problems deep to the bone in this country and the fact that donald trump is back on, it is scary in terms of what comes next. i am a father of a 6-year-old and a 8-year-old and i don't want them to grow up in this broken america that we see right now. so, i hope to be able to fix it, but we have to be able to in these elections this coming november point >> we hope you will be able to fix it because you are running for the united states senate. he made history in 2018, the first asian-american elected to congress from the state of new jersey. you are running for the united states senate seat. talk about how you want to translate the culmination of an american dream and your hard work in the american senate? >> my parents taught me, they set a line that service isn't just a job, it is a way of life. they told me it is not
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something you do 9-to-5 and hang it up. i have dedicated every minute of my career to serving this country and i hope to serve this country for every minute of the rest of my career. you are right, i am stepping up to run for the united states senate. i have a real opportunity to be able to do that. i will be the first korean american ever in the senate, the first asian-american elected to the senate from the entire east coast of america. but in general, i think there is a hunger for a new generation of leadership to step up and let someone like myself that comes with experience in national security, and foreign policy, to be able to step into this moment of such historic chaos, and conflicts, and crises that are out there. so, i am excited about this opportunity. i hope the voters of new jersey give me a chance to serve the state that has raised me and where i am raising my two boys now. i just cannot even imagine what it would be like if i can step onto the floor of the senate and be able to represent not just my state, but as you said, the story, show my stories, not just as a korean-american or an imation american story, but fundamentally an american story and i hope to be able to have
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that chance. >> for what it is worth, i am very proud of you and i am proud of what you represent for my korean american community and you are right as an american and fellow american, i am proud of you for being somebody who represents our values, so thank you for being here. >> thank you for having me. >> don't forget, you can get the best of msnbc sent straight to your inbox each day. you will find expert analysis and video highlights from your favorite shows, plus previews of original podcasts, documentaries, and written perspectives from newsmakers. scan now to sign up. coming up, demanding accountability. things in florida may have taken a grim turn this week when it comes to abortion access, but the sunshine state has voters that will have the chance to enshrine abortion access into that state's constitution and kick out the state supreme court judges we seem committed to taking away women's reproductive rights. i am going to explain, next. like here. and here.
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♪(clapping)♪ ♪(percussion)♪ ♪cause you're free♪ ♪to do what you want to do♪ ♪do what you want♪ ♪do what you want♪ accountability. it means different things to different people. it can mean getting a prison sentence for breaking the law and breaking an oath, losing the privilege of serving constituents in public office. what we can all agree upon, though, is a time when a decision can make life or death, accountability takes on new meaning and voters in florida have decided to take accountability into their own hands when it comes to reproductive rights. after the fall of roe v wade, a hard-fought effort was launched
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to obtain enough signatures to get a constitutional amendment on november's ballots. will almost 1 million florida residents signed a petition to wrestle their right of abortion away from ron desantis and republican far right lawmakers. on monday, the florida supreme court ruled voters will get a chance to approve the constitutional amendment, which would protect abortion rights up to the point of fetal viability, between 22 and 24 weeks. a battle win, yes, but not the war. there is still the requirement of a 60% super majority of voters saying yes to amendment 4 to get it across the finish line. until then, florida will be one of the most restrictive, draconian, and deadliest states in the nation when it comes to reproductive rights. the florida supreme court also approved on monday in 6-1 ruling, a 2022 law that bans abortion after 15 weeks. down from the previous legal threshold of 24. that 15 week abortion ban was challenged as being unconstitutional, and the legal battle wound its way for two
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years through the court system. by upholding that 15 week ban, however, the florida supreme court then automatically triggered a six week abortion ban that will take effect on may 1st. six weeks! how many women even know that they are pregnant by six weeks? and even if they realize that they are pregnant, in florida, it requires patients to complete two in person doctors visits with a 24 hour waiting period before obtaining an abortion. this six week law also bans abortion by telemedicine and any abortion pill must be dispensed in person. although the law does contain exceptions for rape and incest, anyone seeking an abortion under those exceptions must provide a copy of a police report, a medical record, or in order to prove it. like i said, draconian. but, ron desantis and his far right majority wouldn't be able to exercise such control over women if it wasn't for the explicit consent by desantis' florida supreme court
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appointees. three of whom, i want to bring to your attention today. justice is renatha francis, and meredith also. these three judges were the only dissenters in the time constitutional amendment ruling and supported the 15 week abortion ban and by default, the six week ban. they are desantis' three most recent appointees to the bench. they are all relatively inexperienced and young. one of the most fascinating common denominators here, they are all women. women who publicly and vocally twisted themselves into intellectual legal dishonesty with their dissents. justices francis, gross hands, and since oh all argued that the proposed constitutional amendment failed to clarify that it would strip equal protection rights from fetuses, which these justices described as "natural persons." as we recently heard in the recent alabama ivf ruling that extended personhood status to frozen embryos, these three justices believed that fetal personhood is a constitutional right. but, it is not just the abortion amendment on the
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ballot in november. justices francis and sasso are also on the ballot. they are privileged to serve on the florida supreme court, it is dictated by florida voters. although, ron desantis gets to initially appoint them to the bench, their ability to stay on the bench can only happen if florida voters want it to happen. so, it seems accountability may also come home to roost for conservative judges who fail to support what 62% of floridians demand, reproductive rights. so, when voters go to the ballot box in november, they will decide for themselves what they want their future to be. accountability, meaning different things to different people, but for florida voters, accountability means taking back their power and having their voices heard. thank you, all, for joining us today. you can catch me back your next saturday at noon, eastern. remember to follow us on social media, following our handle. you can also catch clips of the show on youtube.
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