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tv   Ayman  MSNBC  April 6, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm PDT

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on this now hour, if there is one thing trump is
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consistent on, it is dehumanizing immigrants. his rhetoric is getting worse, teetering on the brink of dangerous. plus the growing movement in washington on the israel policy. and after helping to take away their right to choose, some texas judges may learn the hard way you shouldn't mess with texas women. let's do it. i'm ayman. in 2015, then candidate donald trump launched his bid for presidency at trump tower by speaking in dehumanizing terms about mexican immigrants. nine years later, we saw trump this week campaigning for a second term in grand rapids michigan, flanked by law enforcement officers, he repeated his baseless claim that countries are sending quote prisoners, murders, drug dealers, mental patients and terrorists into the u.s. he
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said of migrants accused of crime, they are not humans, they are animals. in front of a crowd of cheering supporters, he painted a dystopian story of immigrants quote crawling through your windows and ransacking your drawers where they loot the jewelry. the republican national committee isn't shying away from trump's comments. it is capitalizing off of them. the rnc launched a website called that torches president biden's border policy. they are making the dehumanization of immigrants a corner stone of his platform and he campaigned with some former administration officials who helped shape his horrific border policies. time homan was a key guest at mar-a-lago called the border 911 gala. he is best known for being an early proponent of the zero tolerance policy resulting in
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at least 5500 families separated at the southern border in 2018. homan was joined by matt whittaker. former chief of staff at the doj. the family separation policy was so controversial for republicans and trump himself that the former president had to walk it back. eventually signing an executive order ending the practice. but by that point, the damage had been done to thousands of migrant families. >> last year, tom homan
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commented on that controversial policy after reflecting on the lifelong devastating con convinces. >> i'm sick and tired of hearing about the family separation. i'm still being sued over that. i don't give a [bleep]. >> trump has been vague about whether he would reinstate the zero tolerance policy. but if he does win, remember, that he will have the voices of people like tom homan in his ear to push the same horrific agenda that tore apart thousands of migrant families without any regret. and it could even be much worse this time around. let's bring in my panel joining me now are matthew dowd, chief strategist for the bush cheney2004 campaign. amisha cross, democratic strategist and former obama campaign adviser and maribel hernandez rivera, director of government affairs. it is great to have all of you with us. matthew, i'll start with you. trump doing what trump does, doubling down on this anti-
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immigrant rhetoric. we all remember the outrage from 2015. in some ways though, the fact he keeps doing it has normalized it for his base and the shock factor of what he does seems to have worn off on many americans who support this guy. >> yeah, well i think it is past normalization to his base. actually they like it. and the more inflammatory ways he talks, the more they seemed to like it in the course of this. and first of all, a couple of things on this, it is not surprising that there is a politician like donald trump doing this. this has happened throughout our american history. it happened with my irish ancestors and the chinese and with jews. it's happened throughout our history that certain politicians inflame the population. especially if they are in fear over something they point at somebody else, it doesn't look like them. and blame them. the height of this to me is he said this within days of easter. the highest holiday of the
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christian faith in this. he ought to spend some time reading his $60 bible he was trying to hawk. there is a constant thing about loving, welcoming, treating immigrants well. and donald trump seems to have forgotten that or never read that part of it. and the most hypocritical thing about this is the level of support that he gets from white evangelical christians in this while he simultaneously speaks against immigrants which is of course totally against what the bible preaches is such a hypocrisy. it points out the rot in the christian faith. part of the christian faith today. and the rot in donald trump. >> trump was recently asked on fox why he uses such dehumanizing terms and language when he talks about migrants. i want to play you that exchange. watch. >> why do you use words like vermin and poisoning of the blood? the press, as you know, immediately react to that by saying well, that's the kind of language hitler used. >> that's what they say.
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i didn't know that. but that's what they say. because our country is being poisoned. >> i didn't know that, but that's what they say. i didn't know that's what hitler said but now he does know. what do you make of his explanation there? >> it wasn't one at all. no apology. this is how he views immigrants which is ironic because the only immigrants it seems he does like are the the people that he married, in addition to a couple who actually worked on his campaign. boris epstein and sebastian gorca. in boris epstein, someone who was also a refugee who goes out and says very similar thing to what we hear donald trump say on the campaign trail. when it comes to being anti- immigrant for black and brown people, because he definitely puts a different ire of immigrants of color than immigrants from europe, we need to be very understanding of where he is coming from, not to make sense of it, but to seek also why people kind of rally
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around that. because we are seeing from the immigrants, the migrants who have been sent from texas, from florida, to cities and towns across america, chicago being my hometown, but new york an other places where the strain on the system, whether we are talking about schools or health or any of these other areas of focus, those people though they may not be embedded in the same rhetoric of donald trump are very upset about what they have seen happen. i think he is playing on suppression. and anger of people in cities that can't control and don't have enough fund to support what is happening right now. but he is also preying on something matthew alluded to a little while ago. the evangelical base he loves for the votes, they have often been racist. they have pushed out immigrants and black people. descendents of slaves who were never immigrants to begin with. the bible won't stop them. they were using the bible when
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they were burning crosses in communities of black people across this country. they are absolutely fine speaking matthew, mark, luke, and john until it cobs to a person of color. >> what is trump signaling by appearing with these anti- immigrant hawks who were both essential in shaping family separation? >> thank you for having me, the first thing is we know that the trump campaign, their main tactic is using fear. dividing us. which is why they use dehumanizing language when speaking of immigrants. we are talking about human beings. we are talking about children, mothers, fathers, people who are contributeing to our society and our economy. but this is not just rhetoric. this has real life consequences so in his administration, we saw the real life consequences of his rhetoric. what did we see? children ripped away from their
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parents and caged. people with a legal right to seek refuge not being able to protect themselves so what can we expect in a new trump administration? the same and even worse. he has already said it. he said he was going to do that and more. i want to make sure we are clear this has real life consequences and not only affects people who are immigrants but u.s. citizens. and people voting in november. so we need to make our voices heard. >> matthew, trump made it clear he will continue his harsh border agenda if he wins. he has been a little bit vague about the specific zero tolerance policy. do you think he is just testing it out with his supporters, pivoting to a general election mindset or is he going to perhaps even up end that policy with something more extreme?
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more dangerous? >> well, i think every single indication is that donald trump will be more cruel and hateful. i don't think he thought i did too much. and now i'm not going to do enough. he will make it worse. donald trump will be far crueler and far more antiimmigrant than he was in his first four years and that is a dangerous thing, not only to those people, but also our economy as has been studied the last two years, our economy has grown as deeper and wider than any other european economy. and the main reason cited is immigrants into the country. >> trump also said in michigan this week at a rally that he spoke to the family of ruby garcia, 25-year-old woman who was allegedly murdered by an undocumented immigrant. though according to garcia's sister, trump never spoke to
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them and criticized him for politizing her sister's death. no surprise that donald trump would exploit this family, this grieving family for his own agenda. and lying about the fact he spoke to them. >> yes. we see him lie again and again. cruelty is in the a solution. cruelty is not a policy that we should be pursues. what we should be pursuing are real solutions. what are those real solutions? well, we can improve processing at the border. what else can we do? support cities welcoming immigrants. what else can we do? we have dreamers waiting for a lawful pathway to citizenship. it is because of immigrants we didn't have a recession and the u.s. economy is growing so we need to put aside the lies from
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trump and loot at the facts. we need to step away from cruelty. >> if trump is ramping up his anti-immigrant rhetoric, his team is reportedly plotting to change the government's interpretation of civil rights era laws to focus on quote anti- white racism rather than people of color. it is pretty obvious what is going on here and what he is trying to do. again, political exploitation with the grievances of his base, the predominantly aggrieved white male. >> absolutely. the devil works hard. but donald trump and his white supremacist base work a lot harder. the civil rights act and all the policies that came out of that are now subject to reversal and we are seeing it happen in states across the country. in trump appointed judges who are upholding these rulings. we saw it with, we watched the downfall of affirmative action coming out of the supreme
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court. we watched redistricting happen across various places. we are watching the anti-crt movement. and we are seeing donald trump ratchet up hate not only for the immigrant population, but the person of color population broadly. he is attacking directly, brown immigrants and he is attacking black people. and he is doing it in a very cohesive manner. it is very frustrating to watch because this is 2024. this is not my grandmother's era. this is not the era of the civil rights movement or the era of reconstruction. however, donald trump and his base would like to take us back there because white males don't want to compete for jobs and why males don't want anyone to inch closer to leadership. they don't want anyone to inch closer to having a vote. they don't want women to have the right to choose. at this point, it is trying to take society back to a very scary place because they don't believe in democracy. donald trump is an autocrat. and he is running on autocracy.
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he is running on that. and his base and quite frankly the republican party is doing absolutely nothing to stop him. >> please stick around amisha, thank you maribel for your time. after this break, how wisconsin voters are taking a stand against the israel hamas war and president biden. d presiden.
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48,000 wisconsin voters sent biden a loud message of disapproval this week over his handles of the israel hamas war. protest votes against the president sailed past expectations in this week's primary. more than doubling the goal of around 20,000 so-called uninstructed votes which reprints the margin of his victory. this is not a one off. we have been seeing momentum built in other battleground states. in total, more than half a
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million democratic voters are telling president biden that the assault on gaza needs to end. joining me now to discuss this, it is great to have you with us. so listen to wisconsin. your group more than doubled your goal of 20,000 unobstructed votes. what message do you think this sends to president biden? >> well i think it is a very clear warning sign. 48,162 votes as you mentioned is over double the amount that the biden administration won wisconsin by in 2020. and we have very clear demands for this multiracial multifaith multigenerational coalition that in two weeks managed to pull almost 50,000 people to the polls in the cold rain, sleet, and snow to say without an immediate and permanent and
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unconditional cease fire, and without serious steps toward peace, there may not be a pathway to the white house or pathway to victory in wisconsin. this is an issue they want to see policy change in right now. >> there is the perception that the people behind it as it started out in michigan were arab or muslim. you are talking about a multiracial coalition. do you know who makes this coalition? >> for the past six months, there has been a coalition of over 60 organizations that have been part of the wisconsin coalition for justice in palestine. members of that coalition represent every single faith background. every grass roots organization
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that represents minority groups. especially in the past two weeks we got the endorsements of over 20 advocacy organizations that include some of the latina and black, young voter organizations in the state that have determined every single progressive election in the state. particularly within the presidential election in 2020. these are the votes that secured the election. this is not a state where we have arab or muslim population only. this coalition has said this is the moral thing to do. and this is an issue which we heard the majority of americans calling for a permanent and immediate cease fire but we don't see the biden administration responsive at all and that kind of discontent is echoing in every part of the state. >> wisconsin is obviously a key battleground state as you just suggested. new polling from the wall
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street journal shows biden and trump tied in a head to head matchup. this movement that may force people to sit out. and by extension his loss, the demise of american democracy with the reelection of donald trump. >> yeah. we would say that the biden administration ignoring the call for immediate cease fire. voters demand an end to the war in gaza. in order to impose that cease fire. this is the white house putting the netanyahu far right administration ahead of americans, american interest, and our democracy when a majority of voters are saying enough is enough. this is not what it looks like
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to secure freedom, dignity and justice for everybody. that is what people said april 2 when they voted. i would also say in wisconsin, it is head to head every time. that because the coalition of voters that need to be brought to the table, the multiracial multiethnic, multigenerational coalitions that secure the vote in wisconsin. less than 1% of the vote determines a win in wisconsin. we don't need delegates. we just need 20,000 people to show up. so the ball is squarely in the biden administration's court to respond to voters to listen to voters who made their voices heard for policy change and made it clear that their mission is not about political figures. they are democrats within his
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party. his constituents calling on him to make a change. >> can i ask you about that specifically? how does the president earn your vote between now and november? you are calling for a cease fire and a change of policy. to earn that after everything that has happened the last six months in gaza. what would the president have to do, have to say for you to feel that there is a genuine change that earns your vote and others from wisconsin. >> we have done the polling on this. in wisconsin, we found that 17% of voters in this primary said biden's handling of the war in gaza was going to determine their primary vote and they were strongly disapproving of his handling of it. we also found that roughly one in four voters with democratic voters in the state said they would or may change their vote
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in november. that means this is a key, this is a key issue for our electorate. voters are making very clear what they want. we have seen the biden administration change tune. they have a point. there should be more humanitarian aid going in. then plans to prepare fighter jets to continue the genocide ongoing and the continued famine. forced famine of around million people. we are tired of seeing 13,000 innocent kids killed on screen. we are tired of being told that is what it looks like to secure safety for anybody in the region. voters have said, their vote, it is determined partially by
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this issue. we need to end the siege, we don't want to see the context for further violence going forward. biden holds the pursestring sos that is why military aid to israel is a key part of this. we need to make sure the biden administration isn't putting this regime ahead of our democracy. by continuing to support it when voters made the case that they need a change in policy in order to win his support. >> thank you so much. in texas if you mess around, you find out, as they say, you will see what one organization is doing to turn anti-abortion anger into political action. -abortion ango political action. sound like you? nah...not me. in a relationship. if you're sexually active and unvaccinated, it could still be you. i'm too old if you're under 45, you're not. for most people, hpv clears on its own.
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♪3, 4♪ ♪ relief is possible. ♪hey♪ ♪ ♪are you ready for me♪ ♪are you ready♪ ♪are you ready♪ jimmy, john, and jane [bleep]ed around with her
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ability to have more kids. jimmy, john, and jane [bleep]ed around with their ability to see one's doctor. what's next? you, me, what's next? jimmy, john, and jane are up for reelection this november and they are about to see what happens when you [bleep] around. you find out. you'll find out from all of us what attacking our freedom means. >> oh man. that ad represents texas women fighting back against the state's draconian anti-abortion laws. the campaign trying to direct voter anger to the justices themselves. this is the same court that ruled against kate cox's request for an abortion. her fetus was diagnosed with a fatal condition and she was forced to go out of state. jimmy, john, and jane are up for reelection. they will find out what happens
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when you mess with a woman's ability to control her body. what is a powerful ad, gina, really straight to the point. really powerful. you said texas is provideing the play book for the entire country. talk us through how you have seen this conservative play book reverberate in other states and the urgency to stop these restrictions from harming any more women. >> thanks again for allowing me to come on and say a little bit. this that is our website as well. certainly sign up for emails to keep up to date on what we are doing. our mission is simple. as was highlighted in the video. we will unseat jimmy, john, and jane. these folks are elected. they can be unelected. and i think even since we have started, the alabama supreme court has shown that these partisan state supreme courts are not going to stop at abortion rights.
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they are going after ivf and birth control. the best thing we can do is talk about how folks can channel that energy to unseat these three folks in november. texas is providing the play book. even before roe fell, texas already had in place a six week abortion ban before roe fell for almost a year. there was that new york times article announcing the former president's support for a 15 week abortion ban. it cited exactly what happened in texas to kate cox to demonstrate how even with exceptions, you can make those optional. it is our texas supreme court giveing the country the place the do that. >> as you just said there, your goal is to unseat these republican justices. how hopeful are you for that
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outcome? texas democrats have been democrats haven't elected any officials for years. do you think because there is more at stake this time, it is going to be different? >> so, three things. one, this has never been done. we have never gone after, though these folks are partisan elected officials, they run statewide, these are the races that really fly under the radar. but let me be clear with your audience and everyone watching. the kate cox factor is real. it is real. people are upset. and again, as was demonstrated by what was happening in alabama, birth control and ivf are also on the ballot. we are encouraged by what we have seen, kansas, kentucky, ohio, the list goes on. where even in these conservative states when this issue is on the ballot, folks turn out. and then lastly, texans are with us on this issue. polling after polling shows when you look at the importance
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of exceptions, texans support that. the university of houston school of public affairs published a survey. 82% support a medical exception. it is high in the high 70s . so it is not even close. these partisan elected officials are so extreme. they are out of step where texans are which is why we are going to unseat them in november and folks can go to find out to learn more about what we are doing and certainly contribute to help us do that. i will also say, let me say one more thing, the gap between president trump and biden in 2020, that was 630,000 votes. 630,000 votes. that might sound like a lot. that is a gap that was half what it was in 2012. half. right? so that half in just two elections, we have the number one issue in the country.
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at the end of the day, this is not a partisan issue. they might be on separate sides of this, but at the end of the day, people know going to the doctor, being able to trust what their doctor is telling them is in the best interest of their health and making decisions about their own body, those are not partisan issues regardless of what the party says. which is why we are being very clear, show up in november. let's get our state back on the right track. >> so what do you fear might come out if something isn't done to stop the anti-abortion measures? does it stop with anti-abortion measures or do republicans have their eye set on other aspects of controlling women and social issues in this country? >> i think what has surprised me is how quickly the conversation has changed. these folks are blatantly talking about should women vote, no. the fact people would actually say this in public, right in
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there are these types of issues, the way ins which our attorney general has gone after the lgbtq community as a member of the lgbtq community, i'm quite fearful of what could continue to happen if this state supreme court, if the seats are not flipped and we send a strong signal about what we think is important. when you look at what is possible not just with this court, but who holds the presidency. right? again, this state's supreme court has shown their willingness to really pave the way for some of the most extreme measures not only in our state. we have the resources to do it and the votes to do it. and that's what we are going to work to do in november. >> gina ortiz jones, thanks for joining us and sharing your insights with us. greatly appreciate it. >> thank you. next up, robert f. kennedy
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jr. and tommy tuberville are up for worst of the week. stay with us. the week. stay with us. ♪ limu emu ♪ ♪ and doug ♪ hello, ghostbusters. it's doug... ... of doug and limu. we help people customize and save hundreds on car insurance with liberty mutual. anyway, we got a bit of a situation here. ♪♪ uh-huh. uh-huh. ♪♪ [ metal groans] sure, i can hold. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty liberty liberty liberty ♪ ghostbusters: frozen empire. in theaters now. (♪♪)
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it is time for our worst of the week. the conspiracy theorist edition. we have robert kennedy jr. the kennedy in name only is now claiming president biden is the bigger threat to democracy. not the man who incited an insurrection once he lost an election. the reasoning for this? something about him being censored as a huge peddler of anti-vaccine misinformation. >> i can make the argument that president biden is much work threat to democracy. he started censoring not just me, 37 hours of he took the oath of office, he was censoring me. what president has ever tried to sensor political opponents? >> kennedy who has been condemned by his own family, his own wife for his comments on vaccines and the holocaust
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is now claiming they were taken out of context. next up, tommy tubberville. in a recent campaign stop, tub areville said quote i have traveled all over the country, all 50 states. i have been in good places. bad places. the one thing i saw, we are losing our kids to a satanic cult. tuberville elaborated in a totally normal x post reacting to a debunked story that banned children from submitting easter eggs with religious themes. the ban has been in effect for decades including during the trump administration. but when the easter bunny is away, the devil comes out to play. sorry, i think i got that from trump's bible. not a real one. matthew and amisha are back with me. amisha, who is your worst of
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the week? rfk jr. or tommy tube rville? >> rfk jr. is really crazy for lack of a better term. we have seen this time and time again. anti-vax, all things anti- immunization. he has walked back at least five different statements in the past 24 hour sos he is moon walking to no end. tuberville supports white supremacist and cannot find white nationalism synonymous with racism. he held up military because he didn't want women to have the right to choose in the military. this is really frustrating at this point. these are two guys who are two sides of the same coin. one is openly crazy and the other one, he has a little bit of common sense, but refuses to use it. >> matt, who are you going with? >> i'm going with hoping his families are watching this show and they do a mental health intervention on both of them.
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i mean, i would say tuberville, but when you elect a football coach with no experience in office and you defeat a senator who is doing a really good job, this is what you come to expect. it is almost to me like when he calls the democrats a cult, while he is operating and he is almost like david, it would be like david karesh calling the dallas morning news saying you are in a cult. rfk jr. because of his last name and the only reason why we are talking about him is because he has that last name. otherwise, we would be saying he should be in a circus act somewhere in the course of this. rfk jr. to me is when you are going to, if the only people that voted in this election were kennedy family members and you would lose in a landslide, you probably ought to not run. >> we like to mix it up every once in a while. worst of the week. there are so many of them these
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days. we threw in guy reshenthaller. he said as international travelers fly through the airport, there is no better symbol of freedom and strength than hearing welcome to trump international airport as they land on american soil. i for one would literally take the furthest airport out. i would do that just to avoid an airport just with trump's name on it. >> let me say first, this to me is so funny. while simultaneously, buildings are taking down trump's name. republicans are trying to put his name on the airport.
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jesse james airport. that would be the equivalent. >> you have any thoughts on this one? >> this is wild. when i saw this news, i thought it was a april fool's joke. what matthew just said, every place that has had donald trump's name on it has been an epic fail. most of them have declared bankruptcy. it is bad juju to add donald trump's name to anything you do at this point and it just makes absolutely no sense. after january 6th, i don't know why anybody in their right mind would want to name something after donald trump, but most republicans, especially those in the house, tend to not have minds at all at this point. >> i was going to say, i thought this was actually a very smart move from the democrats who responded with this counterresolution. the bill was introduced by congressman jerry connelly who represents the district that includes dulles airport.
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i would argue that is a little bit more fitting for donald trump for his name to be on a correctional institute. >> it makes sense. >> yeah, i was going to say, if there is anything, it should either be that or maybe a sanitation facility somewhere. matt and ameisha, thank you. always appreciate it. up next, we have a fond farewell that we are pleased to bring you and we will tell you about that next. about that next. if it's covid, paxlovid. paxlovid is an oral treatment for adults with mild-to-moderate covid-19 and a high-risk factor for it becoming severe. it does not prevent covid-19. my symptoms are mild now, but i'm not risking it. if it's covid, paxlovid. paxlovid must be taken within the first five days of symptoms, and helps stop the virus from multiplying in your body. taking paxlovid with certain medicines can lead to serious or life-threatening side effects or affect how it or other medicines work, including hormonal birth control.
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before we go, i have tragic news to share with you. no label is no more. that's right. the self-proclaimed centrist group has finally woken up from their bipartisan fever dream. in a statement on thursday, they announced it had abandoned its long, lonely search for a unity ticket. to quote the wall street journal, it was just the presidential nomination that ultimately no one wanted. that includes politicians themselves. over the past year, no labels approached i think about 30 potential candidates and was literally rejected left, right, and center. people like republican presidential candidates chris christie, nikki haley, then the former massachusetts governor duval patrick. mr. bipartisan himself and none
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other than senator joe manchin, the so-called democratic centrist and synema of arizona. those rejections forced the group to think, and let's say creatively about everyone. they approached none other than businessman mark cuban. a retired navy admiral william mccraven. even hollywood wasn't safe. they reportedly tried to recruit dwayne the rock johnson to head their ticket but even dwayne couldn't smell what they were cooking. maybe what he smelled instead was that despite billing itself as a voice for the politically homeless, no labels at best a big megaphone for billionaire backers. many democrats actually feared the group's unity ticket because it could ultimately help donald trump. it is not a good sign when even your cofounder is in that
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group. john avanon running for congress as a democrat later told the guardian no labels had been flirting with a quote reckless gamble with democracy. now, luckily for us, that gamble failed. so, we bid farewell to you, no labels. and all that you have done or i should say, we haven't done. after months we hardly knew you. here lies no labels. the most aptly named political movement. now with a tombstone bearing everything it stood for. no candidate, no movement, and now, no future. no labels, gone, and likely forgotten. thank you for making time for us, make sure to join us tomorrow night at 7:00 p.m., we'll be talking to congressman jamaal bowman who is being targeted by pro israel lobbying groups and his decision to cosign a letter to president
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biden urging him to halt sending further military aid to israel. in the wake of this week's attack that killed aid worker ins gaza. and we will talk to investigative journalist and film maker yuval abraham about the israeli military's use of artificial intelligence in gaza. until then, i'm ayman. have a good night. night. we're looking for adults 45 and under to be in our hpv vaccination ad. sound like you? nah...not me. in a relationship. if you're sexually active and unvaccinated, it could still be you. i'm too old if you're under 45, you're not. for most people, hpv clears on its own. but for those who don't clear the virus, it can cause certain cancers. wow... gardasil 9 is a vaccine given to adults through age 45 that can help protect against certain hpv-related cervical,
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6:00 pm
>> thanks for joining us this hour, right off the top there has been some breaking news in the last hour. reaking news in and a couple of the


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