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tv   Morning Joe Weekend  MSNBC  April 7, 2024 3:00am-5:00am PDT

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now eyes are beginning to open, questions are beginning to be asked around the country. that is what happened in robert davis's case. >> one not of your life made a heck of a difference. have you ever run into randy snee? >> if i were to see him walking down the street, i will probably keep walking. i don't really have nothing to say to him except for i told you that i was innocent. >> so he was, so he is. that is all for this episode. i am craig melvin. thank you for watching. n. thank you for watching. >> hello and welcome to the sunday edition of mornings or weekend. we have lots to get to. let's jump into some of the most important conversations we had this week.
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>> they were targeted systematically car by car. they kept trying. this happened over 1.8 kilometers. this was not bad luck situations where we dropped the bomb in the wrong place. every country that have nationals die in this attack we need to have an investigation that is neutral. many italians and civilians should never be paying the consequences of war. this is a basic principle of humanity. at the time this looks like it's not a war against the regime anymore, this seems this is a war against humanity itself. >> so many investigations need
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to be done, so many investigations being put off. so many investigations like why are you tracking these trucks from an organization that you know is delivering tons of aid to gaza to bring desperately needed aid, why were they tracking them? why do they fire on them? they were clearly marked. it is the same bb -- benjamin netanyahu government bragging about him point precision and being able to kill iranian leaders just a few days ago. here with pinpoint precision and with their logos on the top of these vans for the world central kitchen, missiles are delivered through the middle of those bands and they are targeted. so many investigations coming after the war is over, we're
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told, benjamin netanyahu says. now was not the time. the hostages who escaped, who took their shirts off and raise their hands after escaping from the horror of being an hamas hostage. idf guns them down. that is an investigation we have to worry about later too. and then netanyahu knowing for a year beforehand of the hamas plans. they had the plans in hand and the government is doing absolutely nothing about it. doing nothing about the illicit funding that trop and netanyahu knew about. the funding sources that kept the war machine alive. they looked the other way. they said don't worry about it. of course as i have said on the
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show and for some reason netanyahu is still not having to answer for this. as i've said repeatedly, netanyahu sent a representative of the doha three weeks before the attack on october 7. the leaders of qatar said do you guys still want us to keep sending all this money to hamas? the answer? yes, of course we do. netanyahu was the chief sponsor of hamas through qatar. it was netanyahu that was keeping the money flowing. we can investigate that until after the war is over. we can't do anything until after the war is over. we cannot ask any questions about why benjamin netanyahu set up a situation where hamas had the weapons, the power and the means to basically walk
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into israel and assault the idf and the famed israeli defense forces with mopeds, drugged up terrorists and paraglider's. benjamin netanyahu did nothing for hours while israeli women were beaten and and killed and grandmothers were beaten and burned to death. babies were shot in their cribs. parents had to watch these terrorists, i would like to call them something else, these terrorists shoot the children in front of them. children were forced to watch as these terrorists shot their parents in front of them.
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one hour goes by and the netanyahu government does nothing, five hours, six hours, seven hours, 10 hours. some places 12-13 hours nothing is done. what happened that day? how did benjamin netanyahu's government allow that to happen? we cannot ask those questions. why would you allow this man to continue running your country when he is responsible? >> i think they're asking that question. he met when he is responsible for hamas being able to run loose in israel and commit the worst atrocities since the holocaust. we know the nature of hamas.
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we know their stated goal has always been to kill and destroy israel. netanyahu is funding them. he had their war plans. netanyahu did nothing. he was asleep at the switch when this happened . it is like scorpions. if you had a nanny put scorpions into your baby's crib you a you know, it is a tough time right now. the baby is in the hospital. we had better keep a nanny. no! in this case the man who was almost singularly responsible for letting israel's cards now because he was too interested in fighting the rule of law in israel. he was too interested in
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dividing one israeli against the other. he was too busy tending to the needs of religious extremists, so much so that he kind of forgot to take care of the secular elements of the idf and the intel services that have kept israel safe since 1948. how long? let's bring in the admiral. i do not ask you to associate with a single word that i said. i do want to know how long? it is my belief, if i am wrong, please, push back. the damage, the harm benjamin netanyahu is inflicting on israel, that he has already inflicted on israel, that he will inflict on israel for years to come because of his behavior since and before
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october 7 seems to me it is so massive we are going to have to leave it to historians and future generations to summon up. i am just wondering how long does this continue? >> let's start with the political. i think the clock is indeed taking on benjamin netanyahu for all the reasons you articulate. no democracy can tolerate that kind of incompetence on display again and again and again. that clock is ticking. i think we are going to hear from the center of israeli politics, the centerleft of israeli politics and they are going to demand answers appropriately to the questions you just posed. i would indeed associate myself very strongly with all of that. i will add in the center of
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that cabinet is the former general, leader of the israeli defense forces benny gant. he is someone that i've worked with consistently during the four years i was the preeminent commander in nato. you are seeing a photograph of him right now. he is steady, deeply respected within that society and he obviously knows the security and the international aspects of all of this. he gets it on how this is damaging israel in the longer- term. you laid out very well all of the internal dynamics and questions. i will give you a couple on the international scene, starting with a tormented and obviously heartbroken leader in jose andres, with whom i have worked on a number of different things in my capacity as chairman of the board of the rockefeller foundation. he is passionate, emotional and
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appropriately furious on the idea that this attack on his forces could be called an accident. it was a deliberate shot taken with bad intelligence obviously, but i will close with this, we absolutely need complete clarity, transparency on the upcoming investigation and no, it cannot wait until after hostilities stop probably months from now. it has got to happen now. >> don't go anywhere. morning joe weekend returns after a short break. short brea.
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mitch mcconnell says a border deal with democrats is now a pipe dream. a pipe dream. donald trump continues to side with his supporters who stormed the capital on january 6th. the former president posted on truth social eight audio clip from a choir of insurrection convicts singing the star- spangled banner.
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meanwhile the former senior adviser to george w. bush is calling out trump for supporting the january 6th riders. >> what those people did when they violently attacked the capital in order to stop a constitutional mandated meeting of the congress to accept the results of the electoral congress is a stain on our history and every one of those [ bleep ] who did that we ought to find them and send them to jail. one of the critical mistakes made in this campaign is donald trump is that i am going to pardon those people because they are hostages. no they are not. they are thugs. i am a republican. i want a republican president, but we are facing as a country a decision and everyone gets to make it, as to what kind of leadership we are going to have. to me it is a mistake on the part of the trump campaign to allow the presidents impulses
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to identify himself with the people who thought of the capital rather than the people who stand for law and order. >> rate clarifying language in a guy who has been a loyal republican his entire life. he went on to say democrats should use january 6th as a political issue . you know, i was talking about other cable news channels, there are some of the most prominent hose on a certain cable news channel who say january 6th is not a big deal. i watched as other cable news channel a lot just to say you need to see what they're saying. we were watching one show and there was a hose who said you know, for some reason over on msnbc they actually think
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january 6th was a big deal. others on the panel were saying it's not. i'll tell you something, i have a lot of friends, family members who were all in for trump in 60, in 20, and i've said it before, despite the fact that he tried to get me gelled and executed they still voted for trump. you might save perhaps one day i will figure that out. with that said, january 6th moved a lot of them away from trump, and a lot of them. the attempt to have me executed today, but this did. now i suspect some of those people will wonder back into trump camp. we are saying gross political
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cowards going back to trump. for a lot of conservatives like me, a lot of former republicans like me, we are not going to forget this. >> i think there is no question. let me start with this. i worked on the carey campaign. back in the day carl roe was the evil devil incarnate. he is there standing what i would hope most americans would agree with, an attack on our capital and what we are seeing right now is not what we should aspire to be as a country. i think that is a message about patriotism and what our values are. i do think it is central to what the biden campaign's messaging is and certainly
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should be. we also underestimated back leading up to the 2022 election, not any of us particularly, but an underestimation out there of the impact of the democracy argument and how important it is the voters. it was feeling two highbrow. people do care and i think it is important to remember that. if i want to circle back and say you are exactly right. i want to underline this fact for everyone who continues to mock and ridicule joe biden's campaign. in 2022 he gave a speech on democracy. they talked about abortion. i said and i listened to podcast where one person after another mocked and ridiculed him for talking about democracy. only 5% of people care about abortion and then on election night guess what, once again
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biden's critics were wrong and biden was right. >> and people were wrong about voters and what motivated, inspired and excited voters to go out during a midterm election. they have been wrong about special elections too. let's learn the lessons and bet on these issues mattering for 2024. >> let's bring in to this conversation ryan riley. ryan has new reporting tied to the insurrection titled: me some of the violent january 6th rioters. you uncovered an nbc analysis that most of these who have been charged who have not's trial are out. they are not being locked up. only 15 are currently being held before they face the courtroom. talk to us about those who are
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there. >> these are individualized decisions for 15 individuals being held pretrial. everyone else has been convicted either by a jury of their peers or a judge. these 15 have not been convicted, but being held at the order of a federal judge because of some of these factors. one of them allegedly set off a bomb inside of the capital. people lost their hearing for days. another individual who previously stabbed a man to death fired a gun into the air allegedly. there is another individual who was released and then plotted to kill the fbi agents who were investigating him. his co-defendant has already pleaded guilty and admitted there was a conspiracy. there is this idea that i think a lot of republicans want to, with or they don't want to get into the specifics, that would rather talk about this generically as though there are a bunch of grannies locked up in super max for holding a sign reality those in general have been accused of extremely
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serious crimes. for all of the others they are convicted criminals who have been convicted of the offense is. they even admitted to a court they were guilty or were found guilty by a judge when they chose to go to a bench trial or by a jury, 12 individuals got together, looked at the evidence and said this is what happened. to call individuals incarcerated and sentenced to prison by judges who are appointed by members of both parties i would underline hostages is really not in any way reality. i thought that it was important to focus here on those 15 individuals who have not been convicted of anything yet and layout for the american public exactly why they are being held in the well reasoned conclusions judges made about why they should be held pretrial. >> that is such an important investigation. thank you for doing that. >> ryan riley, thank you for that new reporting. we want to mention ryan's
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recent book on the insurrection and title sedition hunters: how january 6th broke the justice system. coming up ahead of the senate considering the articles of impeachment against homeland security secretary alexandra work is -- alejandra my work is we will speak with jeh johnson on the show. on on the show. safari? hot air balloon ride? swim with elephants? wait, can we afford a safari? great question. like everything, it takes a little planning. or, put the money towards a down-payment... ...on a ranch montana ...with horses let's take a look at those scenarios. j.p. morgan wealth management has advisors in chase branches and tools, like wealth plan to keep you on track. when you're planning for it all... the answer is j.p. morgan wealth management. everybody wants super straight, super white teeth. they want that hollywood white smile. new sensodyne clinical white provides 2 shades whiter teeth and 24/7 sensitivity protection. i think it's a great product.
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new dove man plant powered body wash. here's to getting better with age. here's to beating these two every thursday. help fuel today with boost high protein, complete nutrition you need... ...without the stuff you don't. so, here's to now. boost. next week house republicans will argue in favor of removing homeland security secretary alejandro mayorkas during his impeachment trial in the senate. mayorkas is the first cabinet member to be inpeached since 1876. the move is raising concerns around it. jeh johnson tells the washington court i fear that other attempts to impeach cabinet officers will follow.
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like supreme court confirmation hearings history teaches once we lower the bar the whole process is permanently degraded. my other concern is given all this no future president will be able to recruit a serious and capable person to protect homeland security. jay joins us now. i think the word of the day is the normalizing of things like this. are you concerned about the department of homeland security being undermined in the long term especially? >> yes. mika, many people forget homeland security is much more than border security. it is cyber security, counterterrorism, aviation security, the protection of our national leaders. it is fema, it is protection of federal government buildings. the secretary at any one time
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has at least 10 different missions including the immigration and border security mission. my biggest concern about this political charade which we are about to undergo is that it first of all degrade the process. it is a constitutionally prescribed process. it degrades the office of secretary of homeland security and makes it much harder to recruit someone in the future willing to step up and protect our homeland. >> let's go back and get one more houseman. we have the morehouse caucus, 40% of all current morning joe guests are more houseman. >> he is a bit younger than me. >> i was the greatest class, class of mine 279 -- 1979. >> given your description would
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you see this politicization of the process a threat to national security, given the level of talent we are concerned about? >> yes. first of all, it distracts the cabinet secretary with the responsibility for the protection of all of these different missions. secondly, it makes it much harder to find someone in the future willing to step up and do the job. the job has become such a political lightning rod. it wasn't a walk in the park when i was there. it has become such a political lightning rod that i worry you are never going to find anyone credible after this who is willing to step up and to do the job. some retired four-star going to say i don't need this. >> defendants made the move to dismiss the charges. >> right. >> they may say we are not
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going to entertain this. speaker johnson says we have these have to go through the process. putting the impeachment to the side and the root of what we are talking about, republicans in the congress and also of many americans. it is not a radical trump position to think that something has to change at the border. as a former secretary of homeland security, what is reasonable to expect to change to have a more orderly system of immigration? >> what we need to have changed down there is what is embodied in the legislation that jim langford, chris murphy and kyrsten sinema negotiated. it is a pro-border security bill. the fact that republicans in congress seem to have pushed it aside in favor of the politics, because they would rather have the issue to campaign on.
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>> trumpet said blame me for everything that happens bad at the border, because this will help joe biden. >> the bill fixes the asylum adjudication system and deals with the backlog, it lowers the bar on the front end. it is very easy to establish edible fear when you first enter the country, which serves as a magnet for illegal immigration, more border patrol agents, more judges and emergency title 42-like authority when the numbers reach a certain level. this was a hard negotiated bipartisan bill that appears to be going nowhere because it is an election year and donald trump does not want it to happen. there are people in these committees across the border, here in new york and elsewhere in crisis right now because of
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this situation. i do not know why more members of congress, including republicans are not saying let's fix these problems. my constituents demand it. >> the border patrol wants it fixed as well. can you help us to understand what is driving politics? people are not hanging out in el salvador going joe biden said this so now we are going to, you know, everyone is going to be flooding north. this started actually in 2017 with donald trump. people do not like to hear it. the reality is when barack obama and joe biden left office illegal border crossings across the southern border were 50 year lows. let me say that again, when biden and obama left office, you were there, illegal border crossings were at a 50 year low.
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>> ahead, a first look at a new ad from a group hoping to reclaim the issue of faith from donald trump. donald trump. one of the millions suffering from pain caused by migraine, nurtec odt may help. it's the only medication that can treat a migraine when it strikes and prevent migraine attacks. treat and prevent, all in one. don't take if allergic to nurtec. allergic reactions can occur, even days after using. most common side effects were nausea, indigestion, and stomach pain. relief is possible. talk to a doctor about nurtec odt. okay everyone, our mission is to provide complete, balanced nutrition for strength and energy. yay - woo hoo! ensure, with 27 vitamins and minerals, nutrients for immune health. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. (♪♪) weeds... they have you surrounded. you're just gonna stand there? or are ya gonna take your lawn back.
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the nonprofit organization faith board, a group that says it is dedicated to bringing people to think together to restore the soul of the nation is releasing a new digital ad. the organization says the six
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figure add -- ad is meant to resonate with faith voters. that was a video that depicted the former president as a messiah -like figure. here now is an exclusive first look at the new ad. >> on the sixth day god made all of us and said we can need -- need leaders who stand on morals and values. god said i need someone to protect consumers and farmers, workers, students from crushing debt, homeowners from discriminatory lending. senior some overpriced medicines and loved ones from gun violence. god said i need someone with arms strong enough to fight monstrous evils spreading across the globe. not that i need someone willing to give their life in service. so president biden answered the
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call. god made us all. together we make our democracy strong. thank god we chose a faithful president who does not worship himself nor undermine the constitution he swore to uphold. for such a time as this we pray to god what is true in our hearts, four more years. >> claire mccaskill, a strong, provocative commercial odyssey playing off of the one set up donald trump as an idol straight out of jeremiah. what is your thought on that? >> first of all i think it is powerful. second of all the biden campaign needs to lean into every single area that donald trump is trying to claim including faith. the contrast between these two men and how they live their life according to faith could not be more different and
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bizarre. donald trump clearly is uncomfortable with the contours of christianity. he has never lived it. he has never looked at god's commandment or jesus's teachings as instructions to him. he said that he didn't need to ask for forgiveness for anything. how can you claim to be a christian and say you don't need to be forgiven for anything? it is so unbelievably bizarre. if you listen to senator warnock about the moneychangers, that is donald trump. i really think leaning into his faith, leaning into immigration, leaning into all of the things that donald trump is trying to claim as his
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campaign foundation is the best way for biden to hold on to the oval office. >> the point you make is so critically important here, claire. trump follicles -- followers will say everybody has done this, everybody has done that, everyone sins. growing up in the baptist church what we learned, and it is great in this time after easter to be reminded of it, if you are christian, you believe christ died for your sins. you need to ask for forgiveness. you see the bumper sticker across the south, christians are not perfect, just forgiven. that is essential core belief
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of evangelical christianity. i cannot speak to other parts of christianity, i think it's the same. but for evangelicals it has always been asked for forgiveness. you go through 20 verses of just as i am, asked for forgiveness. it will be given. donald trump undercuts that in a way that no evangelical i ever grew up with would have been okay with. when donald trump says i've never done anything wrong no reason to be forgiven they still fall right in line and say he is the second coming of christ. they idolize him. it is really twisted. again, growing up in the baptist church after all these years i cannot explain it. how they would, kind of like
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this is a great follow-up to what the atlantic article talks about. how do these people that i know, that i knew, that i grew up with embracing god like this who says no, i've never asked for forgiveness. i don't need forgiveness from god. >> it is unbelievable. i am quiet because i want to let it sink in. forget all of the excuses that these evangelical ministers are using. the supreme court, restricting abortion, he's not going to let people use the wrong bathroom. forget all of that. this is a man who said out loud he did not need forgiveness. i do not know of any priest or
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pastor or minister in the christian faith that would let that go and not grab onto it a wait, you need to understand the most fundamental part of christianity. for the life of me, overlook the adultery, overlook the sexual assault, overlook all of that if you want, but how can you not ask for forgiveness for any of its? that is really just a sounding and something -- and by the way, biden is quick to point to his faith. by the way biden goes to mass. biden knows the scriptures. he is not a perfect catholic by any means. none of us are perfect christians, but he understands his faith and his faith is fundamental to who he is. this is something the biden
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campaign should lean into, especially on topics like immigration. what would jesus think of a guy who said these people who are desperate at our borders, desperate, that they are vermin. that they are not people. jesus would be appalled. jesus was speak out on that. on all these topics he is so unchristian like that it is astounding to me that we are not seeing more ads like this. i hope that we do. i think it is really important. >> claire mccaskill, and you very much. the actress sarah paulson on her dark comedy appropriate, now appearing on broadway. bro.
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now i want you to try.
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the lips, the teeth, the tip of the tongue, the tip of the tongue, the lips. >> now i want it faster. >> there we go. e go. >> i'm having a heart attack. >> that was actress sarah paulson teaching jimmy fallon what she does to get ready for her leading role in the hit broadway play appropriate. paulson stars alongside theater veterans michael esper and corey stole in a play that centers around the three estranged lafayette siblings who reconnect after their father died to deal with his
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estate. however, they soon discover things in their father's house that lead them to question the true history of their family. joining us now, the three lafayette siblings. good to have you all with us. it is already a situation fraught with tension. siblings getting together after the death of a parent. a lot of reverting, a lot of tensions. what are some of the surprises they happened upon along the way that made it worse? >> the most significant thing if they haven't seen each other in a very long time. mark is esper who plays my younger brother, frank, i haven't seen him in 10 years. a lot can transpire in 10 years. some of the things we discover in the house itself should not really be revealed here on this
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edition of morning joe. i think you have to come to the theater to witness it. it is a little bit of a -- i wouldn't really call it a sportier -- spoiler. i would rather people discover that in the dark of our theater. >> tell us about your character and what drew you. >> you can say me. i'm kidding. >> i play the middle child. i am very much the middle child, the peacekeeper. >> backstage, you mean? >> life does imitate art sometimes. i read it in 2019. i have been given a stack of all of the exciting new plays and that when really stood out. the writing was so funny and instantly surprising. it continue to surprise as i
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read it. >> michael, i'm not going to give up detail in the play, but it is a play, not to the extent that a play reveals what is revealed. in hundreds of times dad dies, you are going through his things and someone says did you know dad did this? >> unfortunately true. >> are you the ultimate truth teller to these two? >> i like the sound of that. i don't know if that is true. >> i know they were definitely thinking that's not true. i do think i come back knowing something. i come back with a really strong intention and sense of the past. whether or not i am here to tell them the truth or not, you have to just that yourself.
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>> sarah, this is a familiar idea. what sort of residence are you finding with audiences in terms of how they can relate? >> i certainly think one commonality is everyone is a member of a family, rather of origin or creation. that sounds really intense and i don't mean it that way necessarily. i certainly think every person can see themselves reflected up there. i think that is a really unifying experience that someone can have as an audience member, to be able to connect to what is happening up there. it also is very funny. >> what has been the response of audiences? you are a couple of years coming out of the pandemic and broadway feels like it is back. it kind of took a while, what has the response been like?
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>> incredible. i've never had a reaction like that on stage before. there are some gasps and some laughs that feel like a sonic boom hitting you from the audience. there is something remarkable when you have a group of people who are all strangers and somehow coalesce into this unit. there is this incredible sense of relief and excitement every night. every night. >> last words for everyone of you. >> it is an astonishing experience on both sides. i think doing it is a real gift. i wish everyone has a chance to ask with these two. it is really quite something to do and to watch. >> that was generosity. >> i've got to say a pretty special way to end it. >> let's leave it right there. you can catch appropriate right here in new york city now
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through june 23. thank you all and congratulations. stick with us this sunday morning, another hour of morning joe weekend on the way right after the break. right after the break. with the freestyle libre 3 system... know your glucose levels no fingersticks needed. all with the world's smallest and thinnest sensor. manage your diabetes with more confidence and lower your a1c. try it for free at
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welcome back to this second hour of the morning joe weekend. let's look back at this week.
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>> there is a reason i only went to business school for one class, econ 101 and i sat in the back reading sports illustrated. it is because this is just so maddening. in economics, bad news is good news and good news is bad news. i will admit i was hoping the number would be a little bit lower so we could good those interest rate cuts in this economy would cool down. you cannot cool this economy down, andrew. to some extent, this is a good news story with more people coming into the work workforce than before with lower unemployment numbers and higher wages. you are finally having wages outstripping inflation which is a good trendline, especially with the political
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dynamics that represents. i note there was an expectation earlier in the year that the fed may lower the interest rates in this june, i think that may be off the table and the betting markets, that is getting pushed off a little bit too in those areas. >> that is coming off of the post covid economy. my concern is, yes, good news but at the same time, inflation still could go up. oil over $90 now. again, this is an economy that could heat up and i find it hard to believe the fed will lower interest rates twice this year if the economy keeps growing like this. >> andrew is right that good
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news is good news and there is a stronger report with even an immigration story written here with all of these people coming into the country. employers are scooping them up and there are jobs to be had. the important point is how americans feel and the inflation point. it is great that wage growth is moving faster and higher than inflation and that is great on paper. let's remember this. when people get more money and get a raise, they credit themselves for it. when life is expensive, which it is, they blame the government. at the grocery store when things cost a lot of money, i could say even with the best economic recovery in the world, people say, i was planning to move to spain and it's more expensive there. when my son gets a job making hoagies at $17 per hour, he is going to think he is great at it.
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they are not going to lower prices anytime soon. life is expensive and that is what makes this challenging. to andrew's original point, no one can argue a bad economy, we have a strong one with a difficult political story to tell because life is expensive. >> ignoring your son's hokey making ability, let's just allude to it. the president put out a statement about how this report marks a milestone in america's come back. there is danger here and there is good news and worse news, how should we look at this? >> you have an economy on every level with the stock market and unemployment and the jobs market is high in consumer confidence is high and even manufacturing is at a high. if you ask people how you are doing personally, better than i have been doing but how is the economy? the economy sucks.
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one of the major reasons the economy sucks is because things are expensive. if i am biden were the democrats, the simple question you have to ask is why are you better off today than you were four years ago? they are. the reality is you are better off and they take it from an abstract economy to you, the voter. >> you have to show it to them because people will go to a restaurant and say -- >> look at your ira in your savings accounts. look at the value of everything in your life . it is up and you are better off in making higher wages. your children are better off than you have to make that story . >> and you have to deal with the base. one thing good about this report is when you go for over 9% unemployment and double digits among blacks and latinos
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. now, you have another month where black women are less unemployed than they were. you talk to those women who are single mothers, some of them, trying to make ends meet. saying that two years ago the unemployment rate was this way. if you look at blacks and latinos with regular employment , it is still higher than whites but in some cases it is half in some states from what it was. if you are looking at a political argue, the facts speak for themselves. people need to say, don't take for granted you have a job and that your mother is going to work. i did that by doing what i did with the infrastructure bill and inflation reduction. you have to connect to the base . >> some of those people not feeling great about the economy is the young voters with credit card debt or and able to afford a home. those are real issues
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right now that contribute to americans not feeling great about the economy and not giving president biden any credit. >> there are some stories young people are not feeling good about the economy because of tik tok with a skewed perception of what is happening for them. it is true that housing costs are out of control and unaffordable for young people and nothing compared to what it was when i left college. then let's look at food prices. we have seen gas prices come down but the wall street journal had an analysis of food prices. sugar is 50% up in food prices over the last four years are higher than they were four years ago and it is something people are feeling every time they go to the grocery store. they are not coming down soon. commodity prices have come down but why are not food prices
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going to come down? >> with food prices there is a labor peace and what i was going to ask that relates very much to what you just said about the inflation story. it is really a branding question or marketing question, almost. the trendline is all in the right direction but i think in truth, especially for those middle-class and those below in our economy today, if they actually looked at where they are today versus where they were economically three years ago, even with the trendline moving in the right direction from an inflationary perspective , they would say mathematically they are behind. that is the piece that i think actually is what makes it so hard to make the argument politically. >> don't go anywhere. morning joe weekend returns .
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and ables was looking for a hero and the hero never emerged. who are you going to vote for? >> who am i going to vote for? well, no label does not advocate for or against political candidates. >> for you as a person, what would you do? >> for me, as a person, i would vote for biden over trump. >> that was no ables. >> after months of trying, the move comes as the group failed to find any candidates to lead it. he had worked to gain access on the ballot across the country and claimed to have done so in 21 states for a long shot bid for the white house ended. speaking of third-party
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candidates, robert f kennedy junior's presidential campaign is disavowing its own email threatening the insurrectionist of as activists strip of their constitutional liberties. in a message to supporters yesterday signed by team kennedy, the campaign compared the situations of january six defendants to a wikileaks founder. the campaign spokesperson sought to distance itself from its own message claiming the email was inserted by a new marketing contract there and an error that does not address mr. kennedy's views. since launching his campaign, kennedy has repeatedly downplayed the violence on january sixth and has refused to call it an insurrection. >> what is more dangerous to our republic? the yahoos that invaded the
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building on january sixth which by the way, what is the worst thing that could've happened? what is more dangerous? the president of the united states so instructing social media sites. >> if you eliminate the constitution, there is nothing left of america. >> you characterize january sixth as an insurrection? is that a word you would use? >> i don't know. i have seen all sort of contrary evidence. i have not drilled down on it. >> rfk junior looks more of a threat to the trump campaign and more of a disruption in this campaign that no labels seem to be. what if no labels says they can't find a candidate and they are off the ballot?
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>> i think the fallout is as the conventions come in the summer that trump's trials start and i think they are going to have to make a choice and they will move away from third-party candidates. when you have robert kennedy who i have worked with issues on in the past saying this is not an insurrection and we are getting ready to see the trials, people are already in jail for what they did and people calling for the death of the sitting vice president and they were sitting behind the speaker's desk and desecrating the very chamber of the house and the senate and you cannot call that an insurrection? i think people will say wait a minute, i don't think this third-party candidates that are left are not a duplicate of the same thing. when you see robert kennedy getting money from guys who supported trump and giving
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excuses on january sixth, are you talking about and turn it if or an exit ramp that leads you back on to the same highway as donald trump? >> he is not a candidate but making plenty of money off of that. speaking of money, we opened the show weighing in on whether or not it was a real thing or not. in fact, he did a scam and the people buying the stock were dopes. what are your thoughts? >> it breaks my heart you are not playing it again. when you talk about truth, nobody likes to go on tv and drop a truth bond bomb like barry does. it is the company cockamamie or whatever word you want, this company is absolutely not worth what is currently valued at on paper. it is interesting. in
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the last 24 hours, donald trump is pumping it up on his platform . earlier this week, it was funny because to donnie's word it was offbrand. donald trump's entire universe is talking up his game and now with a public company, he could get himself entangled in huge problems with the sec. he talks about how great his company is and how often it is and that is materially different from the fundamentals of the company. he could have shareholder lawsuits and the sec could come after him. it will be interesting to see how he plays this. it shows how maniacally clever this organization is. he is not actually on the board. so he cannot come out and pump up j.p. morgan without anything that's
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not true because they come after him. donald trump owns 60% and suing cofounders because he thinks he should own more. he is not an officer and may have found a loophole for himself where he gets the upside and none of the downside, a true trump special. >>, why the biden campaign is calling the battleground state of florida winnable. we will be right back. ght back.
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welcome to the wayborhood. with wayfair, finding your style is fun. [ music playing ] yes!
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season-opening to gaining ground to this november. release just moments after the state supreme court handed down those decisions, the campaign calls florida winnable state where they look to make inroads . calling the extreme agenda as one of the reasons they believe they can flip it. democrats have seen success making reproductive rights and abortion healthcare a key election issue. moments ago, the biden campaign released a campaign ad that goes after donald trump's attacks on reproductive freedom. take a look. >> for 54 years, they were trying to get roe v wade eliminated and i did it. >> now in 2024 he has running to pass a national ban on a woman's right to choose and i
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am looking to make roe v wade the law of the land again. donald trump doesn't trust women and i do. i am joe biden and i approve this message. >> the ad is part of a $30 million spring add targeting candidates in the battleground states. we have nbc news national affairs commentator. and simone sanders townsend and former white house advisor, jennifer palmeri who is cohost of a msnbc podcast. you were just in michigan and so i want you to talk a little bit about what we are seeing with voters in michigan as it pertains to the southern border and do they understand that donald trump had republicans hold back on legislation that would have closed the border to an extent
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or are they following his lies. >> i did a tour of ohio, michigan and wisconsin just last week to talk about the biden administration investments in those states and i did three stops with her. and governor whitmer in michigan and what does come up is breaking through on infrastructure. people, particularly in the state of michigan where she did an event about the workforce initiative for electric vehicles and reopening a nuclear power plant in western michigan. real investments being made there, that is breaking through and broadband investments are breaking through. insulin being cheaper because president biden did something about it. being the other thing is the national abortion ban. they passed a ballot initiative last year to time that right in
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the michigan constitution but they are very aware and will parrot back to you the concern and what it means for republicans in congress and for trump to get elected. but the border, i didn't hear about. >> i'm going to go from gentoo simone and michigan to florida and both of those states. what happened in florida yesterday, feels like good news and bad news but the bad news first because in the next few months, it's going to be unimaginable what women in florida will have to face particularly if the six- week ban goes into effect, as expected. will those stories fueled the drive to turn the state blue in november? >> as you said, turning the state blue, everyone feels that florida is not of blue place, really. it used to be purple
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but has become red. particularly with the special run act election in jacksonville , florida, for mayor when the first time ever woman is the mayor of jacksonville. the second democrat to lead that city and 30 years and abortion was a part of that story. democrats in florida have been organizing and because they are organizing, they have seen gains . ruling in favor of the 15 week abortion ban and last year when republican legislators passed that six-week abortion ban and they passed it because people were coming to florida for an abortion because it was only one of the places left in the southeast to get the abortion care you needed. he pressured the legislature to pass a stricter abortion ban and they wrote in if the supreme court ruled in favor of
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the 15 week that the six-week would automatically go into effect and that's why we have 30 days. i just read that before we came on that the democrats are launching in florida today and their field hearings and their house democrats are down there with a host of democrats. florida democrats and also folks like barbara lee who is been a champion for a long time . as part of a six-month campaign that house democrats are saying to make florida ground 04 the reproductive rights fight and reproductive freedom when you combine that with the biden ad, democrats think there is a path for them in florida. i don't think they are wrong given the extremism we have seen. >> donald trump does take the credit for overturning roe versus wade. there is a
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momentous decision taking away 50 years of right. i just want to point out as we turn to john on all of this, you know, the far right and trump republicans and the right to life activists have poisoned the word abortion. they make it sound like some sort of crime. by some sort of lazy woman that is immoral. the hypocrisy is incredible. i won't digress and you don't want me to do that. at the same time, i think democrats need to be smart with their words. i would take the word life. i would take the word life, life of the mother. especially with the cases with unviable pregnancies and we see the mothers' lives at risk. the right to life with ivf in the right to have a family. i would take their word and i
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would tell them what to do with it. but it is abortion healthcare and it is part of our normal healthcare that needs to get out there. that message needs to be sent to democrats and republicans who will vote on this issue because it impacts their every day life . john hellman, michigan and florida, go. >> well, first of all, i think the message you are putting forward there, that is out there and there are democrats hearing that message and we see that with the politics. just to reemphasize that in florida which is the news here and i will try to do that first. florida emphasizing the human cost of this and you said the good news and bad news and yesterday was bad news for women in florida and for everyone who loves women in
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florida and bad news for women's care in florida. for the time being, as a political matter, i've got simone on one side. florida is a state that barack obama won twice and hillary clinton lost it via point and a half in 2016 and job biden lost it by three points or three and half points in 2020. trump increased his margin there. why did that happen? almost entirely for one reason which is the hispanic vote in florida. donald trump performed to anyone's eczema patients and 2020. trump with the polling that we have has gotten stronger with hispanics than he was three years ago. this is why a lot of people in the biden campaign have looked at florida and until this day they have looked
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at it and said it is not a battleground state that will swing the election. the caveat to that is this era and inject abortion to the debate in florida. it will bring new democratic energy as we base it on everything we have seen. the question is where will we be when we get to december? >> coming up, the trump world behind the scenes planning. should trump get reelected this fall. that's next. (♪♪) again. come on, let go. (♪♪) and again. (♪♪) and again. (♪♪) good luck. get whatever they love delivered right on time.
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after an appeals court lowered the bond trump has to pay in a civil fraud trial, donald trump alleged, with no evidence, that both the judge in the new york at 10 the general are engaging in election interference and both should be looked at. rolling stone reports that behind the scenes, various lawyers in the upper crows including several close to the former president have been crafting novel legal schemes that the justice department could use to go after the new york prosecutor should trump win reelection. joining us now is one of the reporters behind the piece.
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i am curious just how far they mean when they say that person should be looked at? >> well, one thing that is clear about the trump 2024 campaign for anybody looking into a behind-the-scenes and also focusing on what trump and his ideological allies are saying practically every day is that revenge and retribution are not going to be an appetizer but an entrie of a second trump term if he returns to power again. particularly as he and his people want to own the department of justice as a wholly-owned subsidiary. one may they would want to do this is the prosecutors who have been going after donald trump in recent years are fairly high on the list of the individuals they want to go after.
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it is not just jack smith but of course new york attorney general letitia james. the thing that takes this to the next step about trump on his social media platform and campaign rallies into something they want to do if he is reelected did is attorneys who are close to him have been briefing him on ideas they have been cooking up in the maga legal brain trust . this is something trump is aware of and he is being kept abreast of. exploring specific parts of the u.s. federal credit code to go after that she should dreams if the department of justice is ever truly modified again. it includes, if i am remembering correctly, 18 u.s. code 555 which is public officials whether local, public or state using or abusing their
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powers to interfere with the election of a president, vice president or other federal candidates. reading that, you may think that is more suited to the federal government stepping in to keep a segregationist governor in the south in the 1950s or 1960s from interfering with the election of an american president and i think that would be reasonable to assume for that. in the maga legal orbit, they can twist that in the u.s. criminal code to someone like lakisha james and argue wrongly in the case against donald trump and the trump organization as election interference. i am not the only person in there are various legal experts who think that is a tenuous interpretation of that part of the u.s. criminal code.
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>> john, jump in. >> it's a great piece in your coverage of this and it is always consistently strong. >> i guess the notion that trump, if reelected, is going to use the justice department in a way we have never seen an american president do it before . there will be a knocking down on the wall of independence with the doj. it is something he has been arguing for and he did some of it in his first term and will do it more now. two exact replica of roush and against specific individuals who pcs as having persecuted him is horrifying but not surprising . on the basis of your reporting and cast on a broader view, where do you think that goes in a broader application?
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with the retribution president, is the justice department you imagine in the trump administration is not just seeking retribution against high profile characters currently pursuing him but a wider swath of americans who he sees as critics of his in the news media or democrats who have taken him on. to use the criminal code and the justice department to go after everyone who he sees as an enemy? >> i think a lot of things are indeed on the table. the time has long since passed that we can't say we should not take him seriously or literally . we should take him and his people seriously and literally with using the federal government. in ways that are explicitly and emphatically for vengeance. >> still ahead, the faith
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welcome back to rick morning joe weekend . let's jump in with another of this week's conversations we thought you should not miss. >> it is what i have been wondering for years. if you have what we christians consider to have, the greatest story ever told. especially as we move past easter. a story, a life, a savior who needs no embellishments. if we have that and that savior has changed so many people's
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lives in completely rewritten the history of western civilization time and again over the past 2000 years, why did you have to make things up? why do they have to embrace cuban non-and a failed reality tv host and take him on as their other savior? >> first of all, thank you for covering the faith factor in this election. what i call the faith factor, i think it can be decisive. so, the old story has often been distorted and manipulated and used for purposes of power and it is used again. we face in this crisis, a test of democracy, indeed. also a test of faith. the integrity of our faith community is really at stake here. politics is fine but we have to go deeper than politics.
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because every nation has its angels and demons. donald trump and what i call the false white gospel is marketing our worst demons. marketing our worst demons. how do we engage our better angels? i mention easter. as you no, easter is not just a day, it is a season and we enter the easter season as i began this nationwide town meeting to work about faith in democracy. this is about easter. it's about resistance and hope at the same time. >> i will asked the same question. why do we find ourselves where we are? with
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people of faith who, again, have all they need in the four corners of the bible? why do they seek false idols and false prophets. to say it out lied out loud that he is the other christ in their savior, why? >> you know, there is a complicated history in our country. we talked about the tradition of american liberalism. historians talk about traditions in america and the religious scaffolding to that. frederick douglass's talks about the slave auction block being next to the church steeple. the compromise that infected american christendom. before a shell was shot it fort
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sumter, the church had split over the issue of slavery. there has been this issue of race at the heart. i would really love to ask you, what is the substance of the false white gospel? >> and two, how do we respond to this. in the book, you give wonderful passages from the bible and you take us to the word as a way to respond. give us a sense of what we can do in the face of all you describe. >> as we no, our demons are racial demons. this is the time to bring the story back. to bring the story back. there are six iconic biblical texts. no the truth, says jesus, and
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the truth will set you free. the opposite of truth is not just lying, it is captivity. >> don't go anywhere, morning joe weekend returns after this break . k .
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guy no hear a clear understood meaning. >> there are like 20 definitions. >> we called it public shaming. we called it ostracizing people . >> we did not have a problem with cancel culture. when it was the powerful people canceling the powerless. in the started punching back about the cancel culture in this is awful. >> what is the issue here? is it when people love color start talking back? it is free speech and the freest kind of speech and you get back and forth. >> that was a clip from a new film, explore the rise and the consequences of cancel culture.
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it is called canceled and the latest installment in the turning point docuseries from the producer. now the director of the film. thank you very much. by the time at the end of the film and we just had a clip of it there. did you come up with a definition of cancel culture? >> i was afraid you would ask that. it is a complicated thing to define and i don't know if i could define it any better than the people in the film did. it is subjective for every person and it lacks nuance, in many cases. you know, that is my easy way out of that question. >> isn't that the danger? certainly i agree with some of what i saw. people saw it was all right when it was the powerful on the powerless and now it is equal
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but certainly different. isn't there a danger that anyone, then cam and jump up and cancel anyone because the use of it can come around and victimize? >> that is one of the main complaints and problems with it . judy gold who was in the film who had a book and a show, yes, i can say that. she said in the old days your crazy uncle would be in the basement making these comments and no one would hear it and now you posted on social media and you can find 10,000 people to back it up. i think that is where people get upset about it. there is no regulation to it.
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>> i think it is such a fascinating topic and it is so important because we have had this back and forth. i feel like the pendulum is sort of swinging back now. it is fascinating it has been comedians. like dave chapelle and bill marr and people who have been associated with the left for a very long time who are punching back against cancel culture. it is sort of turning politics on its head. and someone like fran leibowitz who told martin scorsese, yeah, i'm not going to invite these people over to dinner. i want to hear the record. if the guy is a good conductor, i want to hear the conductor. if he is a horrible human being, stay out of my house but i will still listen to the music. >> and when we did an interview, he said in the same way, if somebody has cancer and
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they go to the doctor who has the cure, they don't say, can i look at your tweets? where we fall on thinking about people who are long gone, it's an issue. cancel culture is different with comedians because with comedians it is, you know, i think they feel like they want to say what they want to say on stage or to be able to try out something on stage where with other art forms you can't do that. >> that's all the time we have for today. we will be back tomorrow morning. april 7th. to


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