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tv   Alex Witt Reports  MSNBC  April 7, 2024 12:00pm-1:00pm PDT

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♪ good afternoon from
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washington d.c. welcome to "alex witt reports" . i am yamiche alcindor in for alex. we begin with accountant to a historic and rare moment of total solar eclipse across parts of north america. approximately 24 hours from now, a small window of cascading darkness from time zone to time zone. people from out-of-state and abroad are traveling to cities along the path of the eclipse which will stretch from texas to maine . all hoping to see the afternoon sky go dark as the moon blocks out the sun. we have reports from across the country. >> it gives you tingles up your spine when it happens. it is most bizarre. >> we bumped up the entire weekend the first day. >> tim alverson on cystic house and halverson's. normally closed on sundays and mondays for the eclipse, they
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are making an exception. >> it is hard to plan for months for a or joke minute of it. >> she and her children flew into northwest arkansas airport on friday. >> we are here to see the seller? on monday. >> it looks it will be cloudy in the morning. >> the first year astronomy students at university of chicago are hoping for clear skies for monday's out of the world-class. >> i will be looking at it and knowing why it is happening. >> we have reporters at two key viewing spots where anticipation is building. not without warnings as well ahead of tomorrow's big moment. let's begin with nbc's morgan chesky in kerrville, texas. is there and make a sense of anticipation building? >> reporter: estimates say there could be upwards of 100,000 and potentially 150,000 people converging in the town in the heart of texas hello --
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hill country. one of the longest times of totality in the country. the big question right now, will there be plowed or not? we do know if there's partial cloud cover, we could have an incredible show. it could last across the majority of texas. i want you to hear from one city official in grapevine, texas also planning for thousands of people to make their way there from not only all over the country, but all over the world. to witness the celestial >>. >> we are ready for this event. we have a lot of festivals throughout the year. we are used to causing a lot of people. the businesses have embraced the eclipse. specialty items, cosmic cocktails and winery tasting rooms are having launch parties and special rounded -- branded ones. we will have a champagne toast right before the totality moment. it will be really cool. we are all together expressing the celestial >>. it is something we will
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remember for a lifetime. >> no doubt lots of memories to be made. we will be here in kerrville and all eyes on the sky shortly after 1:30 local time tomorrow. has been a state of emergency declared for the county because of how many people are expected to be here. we have seen a serious uptick in the last 24 hours. i had a chance to meet a couple from the netherlands and the trip here. just north of us, a family from germany made the trip in addition to people from all over the country. it is a history making moment. everybody will be gathered in the field behind me. we have a stage of screen and there will be a band if you're going to have a once-in-a- lifetime moment, you might as well take advantage as much as possible. that will be the case come tomorrow afternoon. yamiche? >> that sounds amazing. you will watch it with your family and thank you for your reporting morgan.
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let's head north and east going from central time zone to eastern time zone. following the path of the eclipse to bloomington, indiana and nbc's maura barrett. excitement there is growing. what is it like there? >> reporter: i am in rural indiana in bloomington. a school of 50,000 people is expecting upwards of hundreds of thousands to be here in the area tomorrow. i am on the football field or what is normally the football field. you can see the stage behind me. there will be a big eclipse special going on. william shatner, captain kirk himself will narrate the moments of totality. to name on a will be putting on a concert. goes to john rich these communities are putting into the special moment to. what you heard morgan talk about . at the university, there are lots of academics looking forward to this for decades. we spoke with, astronomer here, the chair of the astronomy department at the school.
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gave a partnership by way of nasa. there been talking about looking for to the studies they get on the outer edges of the sun. the corona what other planets they might see it there setauket about the comments potentially seen. i want you to hear more of our conversation about what they are looking forward to. >> mx eclipse is like no other experience that ties us to the universe in a way that we almost never get to explore. it is dark in the middle of the time in the moon swallows the sun. it is awesome. the connection we have to nature that goes beyond the usual nature we attract with. people who experienced a total clips just find it unbelievably emotionally powerful. >> reporter: the emotional experience and the tie to the universe. also, a tie to other people hundreds of thousands of people coming in to be in the path of totality. estimates show that half of americans can watch the eclipse to paint a picture for you, i
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met a woman on my flight today. she is meeting up with her college roommate she has nothing in 20 years to watch the eclipse here in indiana together. it does speak to have something like this, that is so rare, can bring people together to enjoy it. >> that is amazing captain kirk and janelle monae, you had me there. thank you for your reporting. be sure to catch katy tur as she hosts special coverage of the total eclipse . it begins tomorrow at 2:00 pm eastern here on msb c. started turning back to politics. new today, the trump campaign claiming it raked in big bucks. more than $50 million at a high dollar fundraiser in florida that included several billionaires. katherine koretski is here with more. former president trump is looking to close the fundraising gap between himself and president biden. what was his message last night when talking to the big donors?
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>> a big night for former president trump in palm beach, just down the street from his mar-a-lago golf club. about 100 of the nation's wealthiest political donors in the room with him last night. he said to them we need to win back against president biden in november he spoke briefly before he went into the fundraiser, along with his wife, former first lady melania trump. >> people are just wanting change which people want it. poor people want it. everybody wants change. the country is really doing poorly we are a laughing stock all over the world. will get the change very quickly . it will go down as the most important date in the history of our country. that is november 5th. the most important date in the history of our country. >> at the event, he spoke to the wealthy donors about extending his wealthy tax cuts, as well as other topics on the minds of voters when comes to immigration and inflation. among some of people in the room were former gop rivals senator tim scott, former governor doug burgum and
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businessman vivek ramaswamy. if the numbers are true of the $50 million he brought in, it is almost doubling with the biden campaign in last month at the nyc fundraiser. ahead of a busy couple of weeks for the former president as he takes his campaign trail days to trial days and will be spending a lot of time in the courtroom. starting april 15th ahead of the hush money trial. >> a moment where you will have the former president balancing a campaign and trial. thank you for your reporting. it came as a surprise in the development hard to figure out. what happened overseas that needs explaining. will be back in 90 seconds. se >> tech: at safelite, we'll take care of fixing your windshield. but did you know we can take care of your insurance claim? that means less stress for you. >> woman: thanks. >> tech: my pleasure. have a good one. >> woman: you too. >> tech: schedule today at >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ (sung) febreze! i use febreze fabric refresher everyday.
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allergic reactions can occur, even days after using. most common side effects were nausea, indigestion, and stomach pain. relief is possible. talk to a doctor about nurtec odt. today marks six months since the terrorist attack by hamas against israel. this afternoon, we are following a surprise development that they israeli military has begun pulling troops out of southern gaza . a statement released by the idf military said they would be withdrawing 98 commando division in order to recuperate and prepare for future operations. as the israel-hamas war sees new diplomatic -- development thematically and militarily, we have two new reports first, nbc's hala gorani in tel aviv.
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today, the reports that israel is pulling troops out of gaza. tell us what we know about the move and what is driving the decision. >> reporter: it is pulling ground troops out of southern gaza, the southern half of the enclave. it is relocating them to the north and also tasking the remaining single brigade inside of gaza with securing the bifurcation line they israeli military has created and why didn't , which essentially cuts the gaza strip in half. what does that mean for israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu's promised assault on rafah ? where more than 1 million gazans are seeking refuge from the violence. it seems as though with this move, it is unlikely that any such ground invasion is imminent. highlighted on your screen in pink is 1.4 million people seeking refuge there. we know the biden administration has warned the israeli government against conducting such an operation, which could result in an even
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greater humanitarian catastrophe than the one we have witnessed of the last several months. it is important to note, these are ground troops. the israeli military is very much conducting an air operation. the american-supplied 2000 pound bombs, those linked to mass casualties, was to be used in terms of how the israeli military conducts this operation in gaza from the air they were just talking about the ground operation. i wanted to highlight something we have heard from the world central kitchen's founder. aid operations inside of the gaza strip, as we marked six months since the terrorist attacks inside of israel at the start of the war, have had to suspend much of their operations and activity inside the gaza strip since the israeli strike that killed seven world central kitchen employees jose andres has been speaking out a few days after the news that his workers lost
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their lives in gaza. he said he finds it- he thinks it should not take the depths of foreigners for people to pay attention. >> in a way, i am sad it had to be the killing of six foreigners that brings all this outrage. sometimes history is written from moments like this. but, if there is anything the lives of these six heroes and brave souls can bring, it is the real understanding of what is really happening in gaza. the answer of why all the destruction cannot be because hamas is in every building. we cannot be winning a war destroying the livelihoods of 2 million people. >> reporter: in tel aviv i went to a anti--benjamin
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netenyahu rally where the families of hostages are saying bring home the hostages now. it has been six months. any price we need to pay is a price worth paying there is a lot of frustration and anger directed at the government of israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu when it comes to the hostages and the fact that they have not all been released at this point. >> such a heartbreaking situation. thank you for your report from israel. now to aaron gilchrist following the president in wilmington, delaware. what are we here for the white house today about israel's decision to move troops from southern gaza? >> reporter: a lot of the questions around this have been- space or is this a representation in a change of direction for the israeli army? the white house position is it does not see that being the
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case. the national security council's john kirby spoke on several programs today addressing that issue saying he sees it as an operational shift in terms of how they are positioning people for a period of time. not long-term. i want you to hear what admiral kirby had to say. >> the indications that we have been getting this morning is that it is largely rest and refit for troops on the ground consecutively now for four months. they need a chance to come out. what they will do with the troops after rest and refit, i cannot speak to. all i can do is say what i said before. we do not support a major ground operation and rafah and has a changed. we look forward to having conversations about alternatives to those operations . >> reporter: i think the major ground operation, the idea of it not happening is something the administrator continues to push. we've been told several times now that they would like to see the is released do something more surgical rather than sitting in a massive ground
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force into rafah to weed out hamas. the administration supports the idea of destroying hamas, but it does not believe that israel is moving in a way that protects people and civilians who are living in the area. more than 1 million at this point. there is the concern about humanitarian groups. with the deaths of seven aid workers last week, the biden administration has set the expectation now is that israel will do all that it can to make sure more aid can flow in to southern gaza. it will be watching to make sure israel does not. the president himself has said there could be consequences if they do not see israel has been changing their direction and their strategy in terms of making sure that people can survive in gaza, despite the war going on there. yamiche, we know there is going to be a meeting next week , rather, this week or the week after involving a delegation from israel coming to the united states. the u.s. wants to present them
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options for how they could go in to potentially rafah without having a massive ground operation. something that is much more surgical, which the biden administration has been pushing for some months now. >> it has been interesting to hear john kirby talk about the fact there needs to be a change. it is not clear what the consequences of them not making the change will be. coming up, a new twist and jack smith about this saga with judge aileen cannon. not everyone agrees on what jack smith should do. h should do.
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over the next few weeks former president trump is preparing to run his election campaign from new york starting next week. monday he is required to be in court for his first criminal trial in the hush money case. trump is inspected to blend campaign and courthouse as former members of his inner circle testify against him to join us now is catherine christian former senior unit leader at the manhattan district attorney's office and a partner at abramson. and also msnbc analyst. what. is going on at the manhattan district attorney office. one week to go before the trial. what you think prosecutors are particularly concerned about right now? >> they are concerned about any last-minute hitch for this case
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not going to trial. all cases, even cases like this, a date certain for trial and sometimes things happen. they are very prepared to start this on monday the 15th, april 15th, as is the judge. if donald trump -- with donald trump, things happen. i do not leave any motions a file will be granted by the judge. they could keep filing motion after motion. it would now -- not be because the judge suddenly grants a motion. they will be prepared to start looking forward to getting the case over with. >> you so with donald trump, anything could happen. yesterday, something interesting happened. donald trump compared himself to nelson mandela and declared it would be an honor if he was jailed for violating judge merchan's gag order what does it tell you about what former president trump might do after the trial gets underway next week? >> it could be his usual
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bluster or he is signaling he intends not to behave. saying it will be a badge of honor to serve in jail, that might happen. if he does violate the gag order, the judge probably will not throw him in jail the first time i will give him a warning. but he should be treated like anyone else who intentionally disobeys the mandate of the court. if he said he wants to go to rikers island, so be it. >> so be it. i want to say former president trump, we have seen him file practically every possible motion to delay the hush money trial. so far, he has not been successful. if you were advising team trump which maybe wouldn't maybe you would is there one thing you could tell him that could derail the trial? >> there is not anything but for a genuine illness for major party.
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that happens in other trials. they have done every motion they can do. defense attorneys should file every legitimate motion. there comes a point when they become frivolous or your filing the same motion over and over again. and is not doing your job. it is crossing the line. motions are fine there is no other motion they can file. they refiled the recusal motion and it will be denied again. there is nothing more that they can do to legitimately cause a delay in this trial. >> if the trial goes forward, hope hicks is one of the witnesses that may testify as a prosecutor. would you have any concerns about whether hope hicks and former president trump may still be in touch with each other ahead of the trial? >> i would not be concerned. you could find that out. i hope the testimony of hope hicks is valuable.
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she was the campaign press secretary. if she has personal knowledge about discussions going on between donald trump and allen weisselberg and the national enquirer about the hush money payments that were made two- story downloads -- to stormy daniels and the playboy playmate. she would be able to show the motive and intent that donald trump had to falsify the business records in order to cover up the payments that he made. because he did that allegedly to keep negative information away from the public. that is the point of it being election interference. you kept us away from the public so that you could successfully become president. >> i had to ask you about jury selection. usually people do not want to sit on juries. they can get creative.
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with this trial, it might be different. do you think they will be the usual creativity avoiding jury duty or will there be some jurors that want to set on the first trial for former president trump? >> you never want people to say they want to be on this. you're concerned about why they want to do that. didn't want to convict or want to quit -- acquit. the jury questionnaire was sent out to filter out people who have a bias. you do not people that said no matter what the prosecutor says, i am voting to convict. you do not people to say, to what the prosecutor says, i want to acquit. the standard is someone who is fair and impartial and will follow the instructions and will base their decisions on the evidence they hear a trial. >> catherine christian, thank you for all of your analysis. coming up, this article with the pool suggesting a big change in the electric. are they right? we will discuss applications
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lawmakers are headed back to washington d.c. after two recess. them along to do list waiting for them. house republicans are grappling with a razor-thin majority. this year more than 20 members are putting in their notices., get anything done. nbc's julie tsirkin is back here with us. one of the items on the to do
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list is ukraine aid. which could cost house speaker johnson his job what are we watching for? >> reporter: when it comes to democrats , they are reportedly likely to save johnson if he puts ukraine aid on the floor and have someone like marjorie taylor greene buttons his job, it looks like the list is growing. my colleague allie vitelli who was angry today spoke to adam smith, the top democrat unarmed services committee in the house and listen to what he had to tell her. >> if marjorie taylor greene or anybody else brings a motion to vacate the chair and if speaker johnson gives us the boat on volodymyr zelenskyy i and a whole lot of other do not support that motion. we will not remove speaker johnson. far from that. >> you would back them up? >> i would if he gives us about an ukraine.
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>> reporter: smith also said that johnson is not kevin mccarthy. democrats did not help save him when a group of republicans voted to oust him from the speaker's chair. now they are saying they do not like johnson's policies but they can work with him. they are all repeatedly saying johnson knows he needs to put aid to ukraine on the floor we expect that to happen in the coming weeks and he knows the clock is ticking. he has spoken to ukranian president president volodymyr zelenskyy over recess. how does he package it in a way that saves his job as well ? you need all democrats to join two republicans to kick him out from the speaker's office. it doesn't a popular idea on either side of the aisle. gave other items to content. aid to israel, aid to gaza and aid to the indo-pacific. you have democratic factions now perhaps splitting up on how they feel about israel aid and related items like reauthorizing
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the foreign surveillance program the fbi so heavily relies on. you have a lot of items on congress' to do list and not a lot of time to get it done committed, the razor thin majority for republicans in the house. down to one with mike gallagher, the congressman from wisconsin retiring early. congress returning to a full plate not watch. >> certainly a full plate. interesting to see a democrat that may help the republican house speaker keep his job thank you for your reporting. static is not simple or easy. one thing president i didn't need to do to regain some of the youth vote. vote. i own a lemonade and ice cream shop in florida, so i can feel and see that my lines have gotten deeper just from a year out in the sun. i'm still marie and i got botox® cosmetic. i did not want a dramatic change. i wanted something subtle.
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with no odor and no mess. they work continuously, so you don't have to. zevo. people-friendly. bug-deadly. early 2024 polling is showing a huge shift in the electorate. report in political today highlights the generational shift from past elections. president biden is facing challenges with younger voters the president is performing better than most democrats with older voters. joining me now is the president of nexgen america. all the with us is senior politics reporter for axios. eugene, based on your reporting, what you think is causing this change? >> thanks for having me yamiche. there are quite a few things . one, we are dealing with individuals not as connected to the messaging from the biden campaign as the president would
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like. we have seen reporting suggest that most young people get their news from tick-tock. it is only recently that the biden campaign has gotten onto to. connecting with these individuals with the message you want them to hear is not easy if going about it during a different strategy. we also know that a lot of young voters are not that familiar with the biden presidency or even the trump presidency. when you're talking about or two-year-olds-sorry, 18-year- olds, you are talking about people that were still in middle school when trump was first elected. some of the talking points that biden is leaning in helping to deter voters from city turmp- backed to the white house, these individuals do not remember and therefore, they are not as hostile to the former president as biden would like. >> christina, he's talking about messaging as well as straight up how old they are. when it comes to young voters, how much is their views of president biden connecting to
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his handling of israel? is it one of the biggest sticking points? >> eugene rings up critical points. what is important to remember is in 2020 item was underwater with young voters. even though he overwhelmingly won the youth vote in 2020. that is because young people like the older white guy bernie sanders and what they care about is progressive policy. on climate change, student debt and on gun control the biden administration has delivered. a lot of young people still do not know about that. only look at the issue of gaza and palestine it is one issue where young people really have a different vision with some polls showing 70% of young people wanting a cease-fire. will continue to see young people organize and push the administration like they did on student loan debt and climate change until they shut the position. >> talk about progressive policies, how much you think the issue of abortion or student loan relief could provide a message that would resonate with young people for president biden? >> around the country's largest
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youth organization we endorsed joe biden. we looked at the core issues young people care about. but it was abortion, lgbtq rights, climate change et cetera. it was night and day between the candidates. the republican party and donald trump for us, it did not matter if he was 50 years younger. his policies feel straight out of the 1950s. the administration, the biden administration has passed some of the most progressive policies in my lifetime. if they can get the message out to young people like eugene said, on tik toc with influencers, they will reach millions of young people. gen z and millennials make up the largest generational voting block in our overwhelmingly progressive. you cannot expect them to turn out unless you spend the time to message and reach them. doing that through social media platforms is a key way to do that. >> eugene, if we look at polls more broadly, former president trump is leading president
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biden and multiple surveys in the last several weeks, the margins have been narrowing. is it a sign of the biden campaign gaining momentum, or is the trump campaign losing it? >> there are a few things. one, polling of young people is respectfully not as reliable as many of us would like. we know younger people are harder to reach. we are not dealing with landmines. when you do see polling using cell phones, young people are much less likely to answer a call from a number they do not recognize. one of the things you had to remember is that trump has become more vocal on the campaign trail. he is saying many of the things that made him unsuccessful with the young voters in 2020 and 2016. these individuals are hearing more of what the former president would do if he was to go into the white house again. and some of them are saying this is not what we want. it is benefiting joe biden.
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>> the more they learn about former president trump, the more they dislike and in some ways. eugene, when it comes to third- party candidates, a gop holster is predicting robert f kennedy jr. will likely take more votes from former president trump men president biden. is the conventional wisdom way to look at this, or, is it off- base to you? you think that the famous kennedy name. maybe democrats will say i want to go for him without knowing his politics. >> that is what we found to be true axios. i helped oversee the axios swing voter project. when i spoke with swing voters, people who backed trump in 2016 and biden in twin 20, many of them are considering kennedy in 24. they do not want trump back in the white house, but they are not sure what to get behind biden. the kennedy name is helping them give him attention that a third- party candidate with a lack of
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familiarity with the c -- washington d.c. would not get as we get closer to november, we will see if the popularity remains in place. he has really set a number of things that fall outside of what is considered mainstream views on january 6th. on vaccines and other topics of voters are paying attention to heading into the election. >> christina, do you perceive a trend toward robert f. kennedy jr. when you think the fact that eugene put out all of the facts he put out about his politics. >> there could be people there swayed by his name that do not know a lot about him. young people, as they learn more about his considers the theories and positions on immigration, they are very unpopular positions with young people and they will come to see that voting for him will not move forward progressive policy. voting for him could elect donald trump. i think that message will resonate with young people, especially young people that care very deeply. this is the most diverse generation in american history.
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the positions of kennedy did not speak to that, especially when you look at the core issue of immigration and a stance he has been taking. >> you bring up diversity and there are other third-party candidates. there is cornell west and jill stein. you hear people talk about them? >> we are seeing a few young people talk about the green party or progressive candidates. still in the single digits. i think third-party candidates have to be taken seriously. that is why the biden administration has to do so much with these young people that we look at the inflation reduction act. the thing guess that single largest investment to tackle the climate crisis is overwhelmingly popular with young people. many young people do not know the past or what's in it. i do not blame them. we need to reach them and connect with them so that they know about what could happen with the supreme court. not just an abortion, but contraception. the extreme position of donald
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trump and his potential nominees for the supreme court will set us back not just 50 years, but it could set us back 100 years when it comes to contraception. >> eugene, you say you oversaw the voter project and axios. could third-party candidates make a difference in the swing states like michigan or ohio? >> absolutely. with local people in arizona and wisconsin and north carolina. we know because we were paying attention in 2020 and 2016 that this race will be decided in the margins. it will be a few percentage points in some of these places. whether or not biden is willing or able to win and maintain the white house will be in part because of the popularity or continued popularity of a third- party candidate. is was about happen in 2016 and it could happen again here. >> thank you to christina and
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eugene for what is a robust conversation that will continue on. next, the instagram post from a grieving mother that stopped me in my tracks a few days ago. days ago. if you're like me, one of the millions suffering from pain caused by migraine, nurtec odt may help. it's the only medication that can treat a migraine when it strikes and prevent migraine attacks. treat and prevent, all in one. don't take if allergic to nurtec. allergic reactions can occur, even days after using. most common side effects were nausea, indigestion, and stomach pain. relief is possible. talk to a doctor about nurtec odt. everybody wants super straight, super white teeth. they want that hollywood white smile. new sensodyne clinical white provides 2 shades whiter teeth and 24/7 sensitivity protection. i think it's a great product. it's going to help a lot of patients. oooh! i can't wait for this family getaway! shingles doesn't care.
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this next segment is sobering, painful and very important. a few days ago i was going to instagram and came across this
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post and it made me stop. and mother, username this grieving wife, posted about her daughter saying, i and the grace marcas grant was born on this day 18 years ago. should read about all the joy she brought her and her family. anna was one of the 21st graders and six adults murdered by gunmen at sandy hook elementary in connecticut of 2012. >> ♪ ♪, and pray over us ♪ ♪ amen ♪ ♪ >> joined me now is the author of the post, she is a grief and trauma specialist and activist and in residence of -- at the yale school public health.
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>> thank you for having me. >> your beautiful daughter's anna graces voice. you wrote in an 11 survivor once told me after 10 years no one cares again. this year 12 and know your has need me in the groin like this one. it is the year of prom, graduation, college- please always care. you wrote that and tell me what you want people to know about your beautiful daughter and a grace and how this year has been the hardest one without her. >> i think people remember anna more than they remember grief. especially for those that sit at the intersection of grief and injustice. like non-violence survivors do. it is not something you can just heal from. they say time heals all wounds and that really does not apply to folks who sit at the intersection of grief and injustice.
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i want desperately for people to remember my daughter. i think they do that, but i also want them to remember that we need to support survivors of gun violence who live long after the cameras go away. >> how do you think people can show that they care about anna and all of the students that were murdered that day? >> i think it is hard enough when we know someone that lives a long life and i do a natural death. for folks that live in the intersection of grief and injustice, someone who has lost someone to covid someone has lost one to gun violence, we have to remember that pain does not go away unless we do two things. number one, we support survivors by showing up. number two, we try to go into whatever the injustice is. >> you talk about ending the injustice. you made a call to action in your post. you said, if people pray for you they should do the completed work of the prayer at
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the polls. with your hands and feet committed to ending the injustice that took on the grace's life. it is an election year. what is at stake in your mind this year as you, your daughter and other families and frankly, gun violence? >> what is at stake is the completion of the prayer. there is a reason people have such a negative reaction to the phrase thoughts and prayers, right? while i believe many times it is meant for good, the completion of the thoughts and prayers as at the polls. we know we need more funding for research i work at the yale school of public health where we have injury prevention initiative. the purpose is twofold to support survivors and the other is to be able to research what works. how do we prevent injury and lessen death. how do we evaluate what works? how do we do the things that support the things in communities?
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when people say to me, i am so sorry for your loss. my question is, are you really? if you are really, you will be doing the right thing and voting for the candidates and the races that make sure we have the resources to support people. i want more than and i am sorry for your loss. i want an i voted for her life. >> a powerful way to put it. i want to ask you, because i follow you on instagram and you've built a legacy for your daughter do the work that you do, and also, you are so vulnerable about your continued grief journey. what has sustained you as you've done this work in the name of your daughter and what has motivated you to have the courage to be so open about your grief journey? >> i think our faith sustains. our faith has been essential part of our legacy and our strength. i think also, as a puerto rican woman, i am just here to show up in the way that i am in
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every way. i do not think our grief has to be a negative thing. my grief is my superpower. my ability to tell the truth and my ability to be transparent. as i tell my truth i free other people to tell their truth in their grief process. grief proc. process, i free other people to tell the truth in their grief process. people do not want to be apologized. most of us are grieving for the right reasons. we're grieving because the thing that happened to us is not fair. that's why i say at the intersection of grief and justice. and not just grieving the loss of a child but grieving not having justice in the wake of this terrible thing that has happened. there is superpower in grief g and i want people to know that. what a strong and powerful message. >> thank you so much. >> thank you. >> that will do it for me. thank you for watching. alex will be back next saturday and sunday. next, msnbc prime


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