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tv   Way Too Early With Jonathan Lemire  MSNBC  April 11, 2024 2:00am-3:00am PDT

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referring to but many of them don't. >> 245 calories. >> it's the density and the speed of the descent into absolute hell. there are people in syria, refugees and elsewhere who desperately need our attention as well. in terms of density of population, speed of descent, this is in a league of its own. >> they do truly essential and lifesaving heroic work. thank you so much for your time and all that you do on behalf of the global population. that is our show for this evening. "way too early" with jonathan lemire is coming up next. allowing ovote. there's overwhelming support for ukraine among the majority of democrats and republicans. there should be a vote now. >> that was president joe biden yesterday calling on house speaker mike johnson to bring a vote on ukraine aid to the
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floor. but far right members of the house are threatening his speakership over funding for the war torn country. we'll have more of the dysfunction on capitol hill in just a moment. we'll also bring you the latest from arizona following an emotionally charged meeting in the state legislature over the civil war abortion ban. plus an update on the attempt just days before the jury selection is set to begin. good morning and welcome to "way too early" on this thursday, april 11th. i'm jonathan lemire. thanks for starting your day with us. a day after an arizona supreme court ruled a 160-year-old near total abortion ban is
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enforceable, republicans in the state legislature blocked efforts to repeal thalaw that dates back to the year 1864. the move comes amid several republicans and democrats calling for an end to the law. but the gop in arizona's legislature said they'd be closely reviewing the high court's ruling and listening to their constituents in order to determine how to proceed. republican leaders then scuttled the effort to repeal the law by calling for a recess and adjourning until next week, prompting angry jeers from the democrats. >> i move that we recess to summon the bill immediately. >> you've heard the secondary motion. i heard a second. all in favor of that motion vote aye, all opposed vote no. ayes have it. so ordered. >> shame on you! shame on you!
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shame on you! call the vote! call the vote! >> in response arizona's senate president and house speaker both republicans issued a joint statement emphasizing that the high court's ruling had not yet taken effect and probably wouldn't for weeks arizona's governor, katie hobbs, a democrat, slammed the action of the republicans in the state legislature calling it unconscionable. she assured arizonians an executive order she siped last year does remain in effect. the fight over the civil war era law heads back over its constitutionality. these are health concerns for the women and citizens of
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arizona, but of course there are politics at play. former president donald trump is changing his position yet again on abortion health care in the wake of the decision in arizona. trump spoke with reporters following his arrival in atlanta yesterday saying he would not sign a federal abortion ban, reversing a promise that he made as a candidate back in 2016. and just days after saying abortion policies should be left to the states, trump criticized arizona's supreme court saying it went too far in restricting abortion access. >> yeah, they did and that'll be straightened out and as you know it's about states rights. that'll be straightened out. the will of the people, this is what i've been saying. it's a perfect system. so florida is probably going to change. arizona is going to definitely
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change. everybody wants that to happen. and you're getting the will of the people. it's been pretty amazing when you think. >> trump shifting position in part informed by the electoral college map. florida still likely out of play for democrats, but arizona in the wake of this decision very much on the board again for president biden's team. were he to win arizona, which he captured in 2020, but believe it would be harder this time around, it would really open up his pathways to the needed 270 electoral college votes. meanwhile, in washington house republicans are simply in disarray this morning as congresswoman margery taylor greene continues her push to oust speaker mike johnson from his post. the georgia representative met with the speaker for nearly an hour yesterday. she says how johnson now proceeds on ukraine aid and a surveillance program will determine when or if she pushes
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forward with her threat. take a listen to her comments. >> you didn't make any promises, there's no deal. you didn't walk out with a deal. >> no, we didn't walk out with a deal. i explained to him and he acknowledged that as a republican member of the house, i pretty much have the best view of how the base feels and what republican voters want. we have to have changed behavior that supports the policies that the american people are supporting under president trump. it's not about whether you like president trump or not. the republican party, republican voters are supporting his policies, yet mike johnson's leadership has been completely opposite. >> meanwhile, if greene is successful at removing johnson, congressional republicans are acknowledging they simply don't have a successor waiting in the wings. one house republican told axios any vacancy would devolve into chaos with nobody prepared to fill johnson's place. that same lawmaker warned that
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centrist republicans may vote for democratic leader hakeem jeffries in case of a johnson ouster. the speaker acknowledged this reality during an interview he gave yesterday. >> do you believe that if there's some sort of motion to vacate and she goes forward with this there may be some republicans that jump and go and hukeep jeffries is all of a sudden the speaker. >> if the chair is vacated it's certainly possible you get a democratic speaker because we have demonstrated i think 13 total members ran for speaker before i was elected, and there's -- it'd be very difficult for anyone to get the votes at this stage, which means that position would be open for a dangerous probably potentially long amount of time. >> and speaker johnson was dealt yet another blow yesterday after right-wing conservatives revolted against his leadership and defeated a key procedural vote on fisa, the controversial surveillance law that national
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security officials call crucial to gathering intelligence and fighting terrorism. 19 republicans broke ranks and voted with democrats against the rule, 193-228. the rule set to expire next week. this marks the fourth time a rule vote has failed under johnson's brief speakership. the move came just hours after donald trump waited on truth social saying kill fisa, it was illegally used against me and many others. they spied on my campaign. we fact checked that and it's not true. as of now it's unclear how republicans plan to move forward. >> it's never helpful for a majority party to take down -- what it does ultimately of course is it weakens with the senate in the white house. it's not a good development but we're going to work to find consensus. we have to get the job done. >> late last night house republicans met for a conference meeting to discuss next steps, but the gathering did not produce any real breakthroughs.
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joining us now to help make sense of the chaos congressional investigations reporter for "the washington post," jackie almany. she's also an msnbc contributor. good morning, jackie, good to see you. >> good morning, john. >> another simply wild day on the republican side of the hill. let's start with this effort to potentially push johnson out. give us a sense how real is it. what's the mood in the gop conference? >> well, at this point the chaos we're seeing seems to be standard operating procedure here, but margery taylor greene's threats to issue a motion to vacate to get johnson out of this seat is still a bit of a solitary endeavor that she is undertaking. she doesn't have the support yet of all 19 hard right maga republicans. greene herself has had issuewise the house freedom caucus, and some of these hard right republicans who have come to
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differ with her on her tactics and feel like she is simply out for attention, clicks, and follows, and as you noted there's little contich waens plan here. it's very unclear who would step up to back mike johnson in the case he was ousted, and there's a feeling potentially democrats would step in to save him or that there would be enough momentum to maybe get hukeep jeffries instituted into the slot. i don't think for all the media attention margery taylor greene is getting right now, i don't think we're there yet, but if johnson does push through with quite unpopular things with the maga base, the re-authorization of fisa and ukraine package, which he's working on crafting in this very moment, two things that could happen next week, potentially, then i think we might see a ground swell of people unhappy enough with his leadership to take real action. >> we played at the top of the show president biden again
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calling for a ukraine aid bill to come to the floor, belief if it did it would pass. certainly donald trump came out against it yesterday, but we should be clear there are real national security reasons for this legislation. tell us a little bit about its chances to be re-authorized but also why this is such an example, if you will, of this chaos, another rule vote failing. >> john, it's interesting kelly because mike johnson when he was on the house judiciary committee was actually vehemently opposed to the re-authorization of fisa, taking issue with the 702 position his colleagues on the hard right are taking issue with, which is essentially this 9/11 passion that gives u.s. agencies about to surveil non-u.s. citizens threatening national security. and the major point at issue here is whether spy agencies can then analyze communications with -- that americans at home
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are having with these foreign threats. but in terms of this issue, republicans have been amplifying a lot of misinformation around it. mike johnson has now come out and said now that he's got access to the highest levels of intelligence, that he's in support of re-authorizing 702 as is without this warrant reform as people who have rallied around the reform have called it, which is essentially issuing a warrant so there can be a proper review internally of whether or not certain people can be spied on. but a lot of national security hawks and mike johnson, and a growing cohort of republicans believe that doing such a reform would undermine the essential point of this ability that spy agencies have to prevent potential terrorist attacks. >> an extraordinary busy couple of weeks there on capitol hill. we're so grateful to congressional investigations reporter for "the washington
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post" for starting us off this morning. jackie, thank you. still ahead here we'll have the latest from israel amid new fears that more hostages may be dead than previously believed. what hamas leaders are saying about the ongoing negotiations. plus, for the third time this week donald trump loses a bid to delay his upcoming hush money trial. those stories, a big day of diplomacy at the white house and a check on sports and weather when we come right back. sports when we come right back.
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welcome back. as we turn to some of the morning's other top headlines hamas reportedly does not have 40 living hostages who meet the criteria for exchange under the latest cease-fire proposal. that's according to "the new york times" which cited a senior hamas official. "the times" reports an israeli official says the claim has been relayed to mediators who are
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facilitating negotiations. it now raises fears that more hostages might be dead than had previously been believed. negotiators had proposed a six-week cease-fire during which hamas would release a group of 40 people that included women, elderly, the sick, and five female israeli soldiers. in exchange israel would free hundreds of palestinian prisoners. it's not know if israel will now demand young men and male soldiers to be released if in fact hamas cannot meet the original criteria. as of now israel believes that more than 100 people are still being held captive in gaza and at least 30 hostages have died, but it's clear those numbers could be changing. he's had conversations with benjamin netanyahu. the president was asked about his relationship with israel yesterday. it comes one day after biden
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called netanyahu's handling of the war a mistake during a pre-taped interview. >> in regard to my discussions with bibi netanyahu, congressman netanyahu, as well as our conversations with israel, i've been very blunt and the fact of the matter is that bibi and i had a long discussion. he agreed to do several things that related to number one getting more aid, both food and medicine into gaza and reducing significantly the civilian casualties and that action taken in the region. and thus far and it's tie today the hostages. the fact is that we're getting in somewhere in the last three days over 100 trucks. that's not enough, but there needs to be more and there's one more opening that has to take place in the north. so we'll see what he does in
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terms of meeting the commitments he made. >> biden's new conference there alongside the prime minister of japan. we'll have more on that summit a little later in the show. the president also spoke about iran's threat to retaliate against israel in last week's deadly blast at a consulate in syria. take a listen. >> as i told prime minister netanyahu, our commitment to israel's security against these threats from iran and its proxies is iron clad. we say it again iron clad. we're going to do all we can to protect israel's security. >> u.s. officials warn a retaliatory strike could be imminent. next up here we'll turn to sports with highlights from the hiflying show in denver as the nuggets battle the timberwolves for first place in the national conference. plus iowa honors caitlin clark after her historic career. caitlin after her historic career.
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a lie flier. >> and maybe give that one a break. >> switching hands in midair. denver again in transition. >> denver guard christian brown with a trio of big dunks and the nuggets win over the minnesota timberwolves last night. nicole yokech led the way. they re-signed drew holiday, the title still goes to denver. they're the favorites. meanwhile caitlin clark's number 2 jersey will be retired by the iowa hawkeyes. the school made that announcement yesterday, hardly a surprise, in honor of the team's second consecutive runner-up finish in the ncaa tournament. >> you all inspired me just as much i inspired you and allowed
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me to live out my dream every single day, and for that i'm very thankful. it's special and this place will always be home to me. there's been a lot of good 22s to play before me. that number holds a lot of weight far beyond my name, and i guess i'm just really grateful. and it'll be a special day when it happens for sure. >> clark's will be the third number to be retired in program history after closing her college career as the ncaa's all-time leading scorer. she's expected to be number one overall draft pick heading to indiana. meanwhile baseball's top prospect made his big league debut for the orioles at fenway park in boston lastnith. 20-year-old infielder jackson holiday selected number one overall in the 2022 draft right out of high school -- wearing his dad's number 7 jersey holiday started second base and batted ninth.
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okay, his first outing with uza bit underwhelming. but the orioles came from 5 nothing down to beat the red sox 7-5. >> it's all i could imagine. i mean playing big leagues, stadium full fans, and two really good teams. i mean i can't ask for more except maybe four hits. that's a lot to ask for, but it was an awesome experience. >> big baseball story here. shohei ohtani's former interpreter will likely be charged by federal authorities in connection to a gambling probe related to the investigation of an illegal book making operation out in california. that's according to two sources familiar with the investigation. ohtani is reportedly assisting with the investigation. the interpreter was fired last month amid allegations he stole millions of dollars from the superstar's bank account to cover his gambling debts. three sources tell "the new york
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times" which broke the story the interpreter is in negotiations to pleads guilty to federal crimes in connection with the reported theft. at the moment no sense of any wrongdoing on ohtani's part. and the world's top golfers are expected to tee off in the first round of the 88 masters tournament. scotty scheffler's success this year has made him the overall betting favorite to win the green jacket. and yes, five times masters winner tiger woods will shoot to make a record breaking 24th consecutive cut at augusta. we should note tee off could be delayed because of heavy rain in the forecast. let's bring in angie lassman with the rest of the forecast, too. >> you mention heavy rain and that is exactly what they're seeing in that region and across much of the southeast right now.
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the flood watch in effect for 7 million people, but we do have flash flood warnings for southern portions of of georgia and florida at this hour. this is the storm system we're going to watch. as the day goes on, i think we'll see some improvements across the southeast, but we remain wet from michigan through portion of the midatlantic where we'll see unsettled conditions. by tomorrow still some showers wrapping around this system as it starts to kick out, but you'll notice it's a little cooler than it has been across that area. here's the severe weather we're watching today, 20 million people included in this, a bulls eye across the ohio valley. the good news is our tornado threat not quite as impressive as it was yesterday, but we'll still see some of those stronger storms across parts of the ohio valley and the southeast. finally the system will be out of the picture as we get closer to it weekend. >> angie lassman, thank you so much. still ahead on "way too early" we'll get to president biden's state visit with japan's prime minister as the
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administration looks to put a focus on countering china. we'll be right back with that. . we'll be right back with that. if you have chronic kidney disease you can reduce the risk of kidney failure with farxiga. because there are places you'd like to be. farxiga can cause serious side effects, including ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration, urinary tract, or genital yeast infections, and low blood sugar. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop taking farxiga and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infection, an allergic reaction, or ketoacidosis. ♪ far-xi-ga ♪
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welcome back to "way too early." it is 5:30 a.m. here on the east coast, 2:30 out west on this thursday morning. i'm jonathan lemire. thanks for being with us. president biden hosted the prime minister of japan yesterday at the white house for the fifth state visit of his presidency and the first by a leader of japan since 2015. numerous up grades to the u.s.-japan defensive alliance
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were announced including a process to optimize information and data sharing between the two militaries and a plan to leverage both country's domestic industrial bases. japan will also now be considered for membership in aukus, the security partnership between britain, australia, and the united states which focuses on advanced capability projects. in the evening president biden hosted prime minister kishida and his time for an official and lavish state dinner. >> we stand at an inflection point for the decisions we make now are going to determine the course of the future for decades to come. a future that the kids of our two families and children and all of our two countries will remember. but i also know that japan and the united states stand together and everyone should know that as well. to our alliance, to our friendship. and in the words of those young students in japan, to the same
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future we share. cheers. >> joining us now white house reporter for "the wall street journal," sabrina siddiqui. good morning, sabrina. give us more of the big picture announcement here by the two leaders. although the word china was mentioned two times, there's no question beijing shadowed the entire proceedings. >> good morning, jonathan. you're absolutely right. some of the bigger announcements we saw were really in the defense space. you pointed to of them in your introduction just there, but there was also an agreement to change the u.s. structure in japan, to getter integrate japan and u.s. forces, establishing a military industrial council that would essentially look at and identify area wheres the u.s. and japan can cooperate on defense production, and efforts to improve integration in
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anti-missile defense between the u.s., australia, and japan. and to your point while china was not specifically mentioned, that's what this is really all about. president biden has now held a state dinner for each foreign leader whose country comprises of the so-called quad, this informal partnership between the u.s., australia, india, and japan, that is really designed to counter china's growing military and economic influence in the endo pacific and more broadly. and that had really been the top foreign policy priority reining in beijing before the president took office and these conflicts of tension including russia's war in ukraine and after the israel-hamas war and the humanitarian crisis in gaza. this is an effort to refocus i think some of the agenda on china. >> it's a great point president biden came into office saying
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this competition with china would be the defining one of this entire century, and yet he hasn't been able to really focus on it because of other events. he is at least for this week even though there are still developments in europe and the middle east. today leaders of president biden and kishida will be joichbed by the president of the philippines for a trilateral summit. first one of those. talk to us what we're going to be hearing about today and why this going to be a bulwark. >> that trilateral summit is once again really another effort to increase cooperation in the indo-pacific, and, again, try and provide a counterweight to china. what we're also going to see today is prime minister kishida delivering an address before congress, and i think that's also coming at a really interesting time because republicans in congress and republicans, of course, who control the house of representatives have been increasingly skeptical of america's role overseas, how much of an investment the u.s.
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should be making overseas, kind of dove tailing off of former president trump's america-first approach to foreign policy. and even showing less interest, i think, in some of these more traditional u.s. alliances and priorities including with respect to china. and, you know, there's this $95 billion aid package the president has sought so far been at a standstill because of opposition from republicans on capitol hill primarily over their opposition to more funding for ukraine. but that also includes money for taiwan, and again, that is essentially designed to counter some of the threat that is posed by beijing in the indo-pacific. there's going to be a lot i think interesting themes that kind of tie together. you know, again, some of the conflicts we've seen over the past couple of years that have
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dominated the world stage, and we'll see, of course, how congress reacts, but it'll be an important moment i think especially as the prime minister is making the case before republicans in congress for further investment in the u.s.-japan relationship. >> and we'll certainly be watching those developments later on today. reportr for "the wall street journal" sabrina siddiqui, thank you. next up we'll go live to cnbc for an early look what's driving wall street. plus inflation worsens, rising higher than expected. significant economic and political consequences there. we'll dig into the latest report on the state of the u.s. economy when we come right back. on the state of the u.s. economy when we come right back.
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as wall street looking ahead to a second key inflation report. give us a read on the early morning hours. >> so at this stage as you pointed out futures suggest it could be a lower start to the trading session on wall street. and that after the dow moved during wednesday's session. just to give you an idea the dow ended the session down by about 1%. and all of that also as you mention off the back of the hot cpi print. we'll talk about more of that in a moment, but the key take away is they're already today looking at the early stages of the earning season, so that is also starting to play a little bit into the mindset of investors. and i would highlight actually that we're going to get get earnings of the big banks tomorrow starting with jp morgan, wells fargo, and citi group. all of that is in the minds of investers as they try to figure out how to position themselves. >> as mentioned surging gas prices and sky high mortgages
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and rent sent inflation rising far more than expected on real surprise news yesterday, some political ramifications certainly for the president's re-election effort. but also the next question for everyone, on everyone's mind is what does this mean for the fed's potential rate cuts campaign? silvia, what's the latest? >> absolutely. let's digest the number. the cpi precipitate, the headline number came in at 3.5%. that's better than some of the readings we had seen last year, but it came in above what markets were expecting. off the back of that as a result we saw downward pressure on equities. we saw treasury yields moving higher, and perhaps even more importantly we saw investors repricing their expectations for fed cuts. they have now moved their expectation of the first rate cut from june to september. and just as a reminder to our viewers, at the start of the year investors were expecting six rate cuts from the fed.
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at this point they're only pricing in three rate cuts. let's see how many we'll get in the end. and indeed at one point the fed will actually start cutting rates. >> yeah, we'll see if that happens at all. important story to be sure. cnbc's silvia amaro live from london, thank you as always. next up here we turn back to the news, and donald trump loses another bid to delay his upcoming mush money trial. we'll break down the new york appeal's court's ruling when "way too early" returns. rulingn ay too early" returns. es. the rash can feel like an intense burning sensation that can last for weeks. shingles could disrupt work and time with family. over 50? the virus that causes shingles is likely already inside of you. don't wait. ask your doctor about shingles today. tide is busting laundry's biggest myth... that cold water can't clean. cold water, on those stains? ♪♪ cold water can't clean tough stains? i'd say that myth is busted.
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welcome back. for a third time this very week donald trump has lost another attempt to delay his upcoming hush money trial. in an emergency hearing yesterday, trump's lawyers presented an array of arguments as to why the proceedings should be put on hold. his legal team brought up their fight to remove the judge presiding over the case and the challenge to the gag order that
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has been imposed on the former president. multiple outlets report it took the judge less than han hour to deny the request to delay. jury selections still slated to begin on monday. joining us now former assistant district attorney for man maton, christian catherine. she's also a legal analyst for nbc news and msnbc. catherine, good to see you this morning. this is as noted the third attempt to delay the start of this trial. trump's lawyers are kind of grasping at straws at this point. give us your sense as to do they have any other plays they could -- they could try here? do we think this is going to start on monday? >> they could try it, but under the new york state court rules when an attorney files a motion, the primary purpose is to delay or prolong the litigation, that's considered frivolous and sanctionable.
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they're a very high volume court, so it's no surprise the emergency appeal -- the emergency writ was handled quickly. but there are 21 judges on this appellate court, it's called the appellate division. one is assigned each day for duty day, and that's why you had three different judges. they're not going to allow donald trump and his attorneys to try 18 more times. so there's going to come a point where the attorneys are going to get their legs chopped off. they're trying. but as i said it's reaching the point of being frivolous. >> so barring something truly unforeseen, this is slated to begin on monday with jury selection. what will you be watching there during that process? educate our viewers a little bit as to how it will play out. >> well, we're all going to be watching to see how donald trump is going acting in the courtroom. we're also going to be watching quite frankly donald trump's lawyers have said he can't get a fair trial in manhattan. we're going to actually hear the jury's -- well, there's no cameras in the courtroom, but
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we're going to get reporting on the questioning of the jurors and what their responses are. i believe he can get a fair and impartial jury in manhattan. it's going to take some time. it's not going to be done within a week. >> so that, of course, will be historic when this former president takes -- takes -- appears in a courtroom on monday for a criminal trial. it comes against the backdrop of a presidential campaign, one also being shaped by the issue of abortion. i wanted to ask about arizona's supreme court issuing that near total abortion ban. the state legislature blocked an appeal yesterday. what's your sense of the legality of the order and the state's governor attorney general's decision not to enforce it? >> well, first of all, this is the unsurprising consequence of the united states supreme court overturning roe v. wade and sending it back to the states, that now you have states saying, okay, we're going to do it our way. now, the governor yesterday said she was going to bring it to the legislature. you just heard the republicans
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blocked it. the attorney general said she's not going to enforce the law. the problem with that and, you know, she can do that is you have local district attorneys. you also have civil, you know, professional agencies that might fine the doctors. so it's going to be a big problem in arizona. abortion is on the ballot. that's not just a talking point. >> no, it certainly is in arizona and other states. we appreciate you this morning, former assistant district attorney for manhattan, christian catherine, i'm certain we'll be speaking to you again soon. >> ahead deliver remarks together on the subject of election integrity. even as trump continues to repeat false claims about the 2020 election being stolen and johnson keeps backing him up. then, coming up on "morning joe," we'll bring you the latest out of arizona, where, as mentioned, republicans there blocked an attempt to repeal that state's abortion ban. democratic senator mark kelly will weigh in on the fight for reproductive rights in his
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state. and democratic senator ben cardin of maryland will also join the conversation. "morning joe" just a few moments away. you didn't live this strong, this long to get put on the shelf like a porcelain doll. if you have postmenopausal osteoporosis and are at high risk for fracture, you can build new bone with evenity®. ask your doctor if you can do more than just slowing down bone loss with evenity®. want stronger bones? then build new bone; evenity® can help in just 12 months. evenity® is proven to reduce spine fracture risk by 73%. evenity® can increase risk of heart attack, stroke, or death from a cardiovascular problem. do not take evenity® if you have low blood calcium, or are allergic to it. serious allergic reactions and low blood calcium have occurred. tell your doctor about jaw bone problems, as they have been reported with evenity®. or about pain in your hip, groin, or thigh,
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welcome back. house speaker mike johnson will travel to mar-a-lago together where he is expected to deliver remarks alongside former president donald trump. johnson says the focus will be on, wait for it, election integrity. as well as free and fair elections. johnson faces a razor thin majority in the house, as well as pressure from marjorie taylor greene who continues to threaten to force a vote on his potential ouster. joining us now, msnbc political analyst brendan buck. he was communication strategist and former aide to house speakers ryan and boehner. good to see you. let's start with the nonsense here. these two men are going to appear together to talk about election integrity. donald trump, of course, is still pushing the big lie. he is still refusing to acknowledge he lost the 2020 election. and we know johnson was the
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author of some of the legal briefs that supported that and still backs it. give us your sense. >> yeah, i'll be curious to see how they're defining election integrity. there are the dynamics you explained. donald trump has been talking about the trials as election interference and whether or not there's some angle where they're talking about the house doing more oversight of the trials. so that's very curious to me. i'm also just sort of curious as to how this came about in the first place. i understand, of course, why mike johnson would want to stand next to donald trump right now. he's fighting for his job. donald trump is the most popular person in the party. i'm not exactly sure why donald trump feels the need to stand next to mike johnson at this point. this is not somebody who is particularly popular, and someone who has been pushing a number of policies, or trying to, through the house that donald trump opposes. whether it's the foreign spying bill that failed yesterday or his push on ukraine, donald trump is opposed to. i'm concerned donald trump is trying to get something out of
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mike johnson, and what that will be, i guess we'll find out. >> yeah. i mean, trump, of course, as you said, has scuttled some of johnson's agenda. remember the example of kevin mccarthy, who tried to cozy up to trump and, at the end of the day, trump didn't come to save him. >> yeah, if he is banking on donald trump to be a reliable partner to save him, yeah, kevin mccarthy would like to have a word with him about it. this is a bizarre pairing here. i mean, as much as kevin mccarthy was an ally of donald trump, i don't recall them having a press conference like this together. my former boss certainly never did. it feels to me like there's some type of trade going on here, what's going on. yeah, donald trump can certainly protect mike johnson to a certain degree, but i don't know that marjorie taylor greene is necessarily going to step aside. you know, as we've seen, she seems dedicated to coming after mike johnson. i'm sure she'll say she's just
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as close of an ally to donald trump. i don't know this saves him, but i'm worried what mike johnson may give away to donald trump. perhaps scuttling ukraine, for example. >> keep an eye on that tomorrow. let's talk more about marjorie taylor greene and her threats. we played sound earlier in the show. she's very much on this, saying that johnson's leadership on issues like fisa and ukraine make her think, more or less, he's not up for the job. do republicans, though, will they really want to go through this process again? will she have support? >> they don't want to go through the process, but they didn't want to go through the process with kevin mccarthy either. that was really unpopular in the conference. all it takes is one member who can force them into it. what this feels like is she is trying to build that requisite support to go there. this is all good politics for marjorie taylor greene, where she comes from. she's never cared about being popular within her conference. it'd be absolutely chaotic, and that is the argument mike
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johnson is trying to make. do we want to go through this again? obvious reality, doesn't matter who the speaker is. when you have a one or two-seat majority, you're not going to be able to impose your will on a democratic senate and democratic white house. she doesn't seem to care about that. but it does seem very possible that she could bring this chaos in the house. as we've discussed before, it ultimately comes down to whether democrats want to save mike johnson, which is a terrible place to be in if you're the house republican speaker. >> dysfunction seems to be the order of the day frequently for house republicans, brendan. yesterday, one of the more chaotic yet. the fisa bill goes down, the marjorie taylor greene threats. give us the big picture. you spent so much time in this chamber. have you ever seen anything like this before, and do you have any hope at all it'll get better? >> i've never seen it. we don't need to get too much into the procedural weeds here, but they can't even bring bills up for a vote. that's what happened yesterday on the floor. they didn't even vote down the foreign spying bill.
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they weren't able to bring it up. the house is quickly turning into the senate where you need huge, bipartisan support to do anything. sounds nice. but the house has been able to skate by without donald trump getting involved in their business until now. kevin mccarthy was able to pass a big, bipartisan debt limit increase with donald trump largely staying quiet. now, donald trump is front and center. this is the reality that i lived in for two years, where he wades in casually, usually half-informed on what we're doing, and takes things down. like yesterday, the fisa reforms that were in there, the things he asked for, he ends up scuttling the bill by doing a simple post on his truth social site. >> lastly and briefly, speaker johnson yesterday acknowledged the possibility that some moderate republicans might vote for hakeem jeffries to be speaker if johnson were ousted. do you see a scenario where that could happen, a democrat could lead this chamber? >> i don't. i think that's johnson grasping at straws. there's a scenario where
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johnson -- or jeffries could end up with the most votes if republicans vote present, which you've seen them do a few times. it's a simple majority of the people voting. that's not going to happen, even if jeffries somehow ends up with the votes, they could vote to remove him with the majority they have. johnson doesn't have a lot of great arguments right now. he knows he's dealing with someone who is irrational, and i don't think that's going to dissuade her from going after him. >> covering a lot of ground, brendan buck, thank you. thanks to all of you for getting up "way too early" with us on this thursday morning. "morning joe" starts right now. get this. today, former president trump held a fundraiser in atlanta. on the way to the event, he stopped at a local chick-fil-a. look at this. >> can i have 30 milk shakes? also some chicken. >> after trump placed the order, the cashier said, we're going to need to see the money first. we heard


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