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tv   The Last Word With Lawrence O Donnell  MSNBC  April 12, 2024 7:00pm-8:01pm PDT

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to motions that were unnecessarily, at least from the outside perspective, i will say that these types of espionage act cases, again, not what we were hearing about today, but, you know, there is a lot that needs to go into these very difficult, complicated cases involving classified information. you add in a former president of the united states, you can understand why it is taking so long. obviously, a lot of people want this to happen before the election in order for those to factor that into the decision. that is clearly not what this judge is contemplating. and, i don't know if that is necessarily inappropriate because that is not relevant to the criminal part of it. for many people, this is going to slough and for many people, it is going too fast. i am just trying to watch it as a matter of law to understand what is happening and eventually we will find out. >> a very generous assessment of
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judge aileen canon. we would love to talk with you more about it but we have to leave it there tonight. thanks for your time. >> and try. >> that is our show for tonight. now it is time for the last word. good evening, katie. >> alex, listen, we just got some crazy news. you know how everyone has been saying how 500 people had gotten notices to appear on monday for donald trump's first criminal trial ? nbc news getting source reporting that 6000 jurors will be subpoenaed next week for manhattan criminal court. more than 1500 for monday. this is not just for trumps trial but because a lot of people don't report for jury duty, they are saying they think 500 will appear on any given day. think about that. >> casting a wide net in this city of ours, katie, or mine. you are a welcome addition. is going to be an interesting process, which we will be covering in detail next week. >> thanks, alex, i appreciate
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everything. donald trump's last ditch effort to avoid accountability, denied. trump will appear in court on monday as we just talked about with alex as jury selection gets underway in the first criminal trial against a former president in the history of the united states. in the first of his four criminal cases and four jurisdictions, donald trump is charged with 34 felony counts of falsifying business records to hide hush money payments he made to cover up affairs that he had ahead of the 2016 election. today, judge merchan denying trump's wish of delaying the start of his criminal trial. trump sought an indefinite adjournment due to "prejudicial pretrial publicity." judge merchan not buying it, running, "the remedy the defendant sinks is an indefinite adjournment. this is not tenable. he was personally responsible for generating much, if not
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most of the surrounding publicity with his public statements, which were often made just a few steps outside the courtroom where the proceedings were being conducted and with his unrelenting media posts attacking those he perceived to be responsible for his plate." donald trump, again, attacking the judge and the trial today while claiming that he planned to testify, which means he would face the choice of truthfully answering questions about his encounter with adult film star stormy daniels or perjuring himself. >> i would testify, absolutely. and testifying, i tell the truth. >> trump, at his florida club today claiming he had an election integrity announcement. election integrity. let's be clear, three and four criminal indictments against donald trump are tied to election interference. judge merchan summed up the
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allegations against donald trump this way in the jury questionnaire. "the allegations are in substance that donald trump falsified his records to conceal an agreement with others to unlawfully influence the 2016 presidential election." and both the federal criminal case in washington, d.c. and the state criminal case in fulton county, georgia center around donald trump's efforts to steal the 2020 election leading up to and on january 6th. donald trump has always attempted to interfere in an election that he might end up losing. he did it in 2016. he did it in 2019 and the phone call that he was impeached for when he tried to extort dirt on joe biden ahead of the 2020 presidential campaign. he did it in 2020 and he's doing it again in 2024.
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so, to try and change the subject from monday's trial, donald trump called the cameras to the place where he is accused of illegally retaining and hiding classified government documents. alongside republican house speaker mike johnson, who, himself helped donald trump try to overturn the 2020 election. trump attempting to inject more distrust into the electoral system by promoting more baseless claims about voter fraud. >> we will do everything within our power to ensure that we do have free and fair elections in this country. if we don't have that in a constitutional republic, we have nothing. it is the basis of who we are as a nation and we owe that to the american people. what we are going to do is introduce legislation to require that every single person who registers to vote in a federal election must prove that they are an american citizen first. >> this is not groundbreaking, right? first, the 2020 election was the most secure in our nations history, according to top election security experts. second, noncitizen voting is already illegal and extremely
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rare. third, donald trump does not value a "free and fair election." we've heard him claim for nearly 4 years that the 2020 election was rigged or stolen from him. now is trying to lay the groundwork to try to undermine the 2024 election, just as he did the 2020 election. former chair of the january 6th committee, bennie thompson, said in a statement today, "donald trump lost to president biden by over 7 million votes, fair and square. trump still can't admit it. the sham event at trumps country club should remind the american people is a dangerous truth. donald trump is a threat to our democracy and a danger to our constitution. donald trump and mike johnson don't care about election integrity. they care only about helping trumps campaign of revenge and retribution, to regain power at all costs." joining us now, democratic
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congresswoman madeleine dean, a former impeachment manager and second impeachment of donald trump. congresswoman, it is dij@ vu, right ? the conversations that you and i of others have had for years center around the one, the monitor that always rings true for donald trump. false claims that there is something compromised about the elections and the total system that we have. we are on the eve of his first criminal trial for a case that i think a lot of people have always underestimated. it has been labeled a hush money trial. a lot of the snow, including you, this is really an election interference case. it is the idea that he tried to hide these payments that he made so he could influence the outcome of that election. your thoughts about what we are going to encounter on monday? >> katie, i am glad to be with you, thanks for inviting me. look at that framing. with speaker johnson down in
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mar-a-lago. would you or i or anyone of any decency head to mar-a-lago this friday? do you know what we just went through in congress these last several weeks with the feckless speaker of the house, with a majority that can't box their way out of a paper bag ? the kid get support for ukraine, for the border, for fisa? i am stunned at the speakers fecklessness. stunned he would stand next to the former failed president on the eve of this trial. you are absolutely right, it is wrong to call this a trial about hush money of a star. what it is was election interference. let's be plain and simple about it. it is interesting, it is enticing, it is intriguing. it is to say it is something about a porn.
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it was election interference. it was on the eve of the election. when the president knew, the nominee knew that he was likely to be suffering greatly if it was shown that he had had this affair. so, he figured out how to pay off the woman with whom he had the affair, as well as the other woman with whom he had an affair. that will come through in this trial as well. this was direct election interference. for speaker johnson to be so complicit is so against his persona. remember, he is a man of christian faith. he is a smart lawyer. and yet look what he's done. he has become a puppet for the former president. >> congresswoman, one of the critical roles you have played in congress, among many, was serving as an impeachment manager. the crux of that second impeachment trial for donald trump in the senate was entered again around election interference. and yet, you have this, but you
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said, this juxtaposition of speaker micah johnson with donald trump today talking about, of all things, laughably, election integrity. we know trump has used election integrity as a banner to wave to excuse criminal behavior on his part. how does it feel to now see him do it again and again despite your best efforts and others to make sure there was accountability for him back in the impeachment trial's? >> katie, you are absolutely right. i was a member of the judiciary committee, i was a part of impeachment one. you remember the famous phone call with president volodymyr zelenskyy, where he said i need you to do a favor, though. you want the chaplains, you want a meeting in the oval office, i will need you to do me a favor, dig up some dirt on my opponent, mr. biden. and then impeachment two, think
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about it. i literally had conversations with mike johnson, who was a member of judiciary. when we voted for speaker and it was the round with mike johnson, i knew exactly who johnson was and what he stands for. he stands for the tearing down of our institutions. yet, as i sat on the floor, katie, democrats next to me said, do you even know who this guy is? i said yes, i know that the who this guy is. i have seen him perform alongside mr. jordan in a different style but exact same mode in judiciary. you know what was sad? after the january 6th, you know i was there, i was there up in the gallery, hauled out in a gas mask along with all of my colleagues. and, mr. johnson as well. do you know after that, of course, we came back to the floor in the middle of the night, determined not to have the insurrectionist have the last word, that we would do our
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constitutional duty. what did mr. johnson do in his vote? he voted not to certify, for example, pennsylvania's electors. in a conversation with me a couple of days later, on the floor, right next to george washington, beautiful painting, he tried to defend his amicus brief about the false election and his vote not to certify the election, not to certify the pennsylvania's electors, not to mention the others. the speaker is in a very precarious place. he literally cannot say who is the free and fair winner of the election, did you notice that? when he was asked upon his ascension to the speakership? he is in a very precarious place and he is not acting as a speaker. the former president is acting as a speaker. i guess mr. johnson is just
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down there as his whip. >> depending on what happens in this trial, i guess, we will see whether or not donald trump ends up being a convicted felon yet house speaker to factor donald trump. congresswoman, thank you for getting us started, i really appreciate you, thank you. >> good tp with you. >> today, donald trump's two codefendants in the classified documents case were in a florida court room trying to get those charges dismissed against them for helping donald trump obstruct the federal government from retrieving those classified documents. trump appointed federal judge, judge aileen canon seemed skeptical of the motions to dismiss the charges against codefendants walt nauda and carlos de oliveira, suggesting that this argument should be made to the jury during the trial. this comes as we are learning more from the newly revealed transcript of walt nauda's interview was fbi special agent a few months before the fbi executed a search warrant at trump's florida club and recovered dozens of boxes of evidence. joining us now from miami is
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harry stein, justice department reporter at ""the washington post"," and bradley moss, attorney who present people who work in the intelligence community. thanks to the both of you for being here. perry, it was a quick breakdown of what happened in the courtroom today. >> right, we saw trumps two codefendants make their motions to dismiss the case. i think the best way to describe it is that they said "we are charged with all of these allegations around obstruction. you say we lied to and misled investigators and, tried to block investigators from getting back these documents. but, what their attorneys said is we didn't know that there was an investigation and we didn't, i should say, the indictment doesn't lay out evidence that we didn't, that we knew there was an investigation or we knew that there was classified documents
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in the boxes. so, how can we be charged with a conspiracy when we didn't know what we were conspiring to? and they one the charges dismissed because of that. >> bradley, this is a motion to dismiss. putting aside the fact we are supposed to go to trial may 20th, which is in four weeks, you've got judge aileen canon. you have judge aileen canon doing motions to dismiss now less than a month before trial. she's not ruling from the bench. these are layups, layup motions to be decided and we still want to have a winning on them, despite two and half hours of judge aileen canon asking questions to both science . >> yes. so, when the notice came out on the court docket that the motion hearing had been held, one of the things in this paperless order, orders to follow. i went on to say okay, this year? it really shouldn't be that difficult, as you were noting. as even perry was noting, this
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is not, these are not issues of law for judge aileen canon to be deciding. these are issues of fact. it is the see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil defense. i didn't see anything. that may be true. these are factual issues for you to argue at trial after the government has put on their case and you have tried to win with a directed verdict. it is not a matter of law for judge aileen canon to resolve . she should be easily able to dispose of this. this is the problem. because she takes so long with these things, it is not that i think she's going to throw out the indictments. she is going to drag her feet on getting to it. >> perry, any indication from judge aileen canon to the point of this conversation that we are having that she's going to be willing imminently? >> she did not give any indication this time. we know in one of trumps motions to dismiss, she rolled
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fairly quickly. we just don't know. as you said, like, you know, motions to dismiss our longshots. these were arguments she seemed skeptical of. she also really grappled with issues, was asking a lot of questions for two hours. it is important to note she didn't have to hold a hearing. she could have accepted, ruled from the written arguments. she decided to hold a hearing. again, i don't think that means she is dismissing the indictment. she definitely seemed keen to this hearing, she was prepared, she had lots of questions for both sides. she seemed skeptical. she kept saying these are questions for a jury, not for now. but, she did really seem to grapple with it. >> bradley, when do we get to the point when walt nauda, carlos de oliveira, i'm just going to ask about train 27, when he starts pointing the finger and says trump told me to do it ? >> if this gets pointed toward a true trial date, if these motions get thrown out, if the statements from people like
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evan corcoran don't get suppressed, if it looks like we are legitimately going to trial, carlos de oliveira is the weak link. he has the least amount of stake in this and he has no reason to throw himself onto the bus like walt nauda is. he's the one i expect to cut a deal. does that sink trump? no, but it will certainly hurt and it will look bad from an optics's standpoint, particularly with the media, particularly with the public that one of his defendants is cutting a deal. that is what we are waiting to see once judge aileen canon starts issuing rulings. >> she also has about five substantive motions she hasn't ruled on that donald trump has filed letter motions to dismiss. perry stein, bradley moss, thank you for bringing us the latest from fort pierce, i appreciate it. coming up, vice president kamala harris went to arizona today, where she championed reproductive rights after the arizona supreme court upheld in 1864 long banning all abortions. arizona state senator eva burch shared she had an abortion after her pregnancy was no longer viable. she joins us next. next.
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this afternoon, vice president kamala harris, the highest elected female official in our country lambasted trump in a fiery speech in arizona, blasting the state supreme courts decision to uphold a civil rights era near-total abortion ban. >> we almost understand who is to blame. former president donald trump did this. during his campaign in 2016, donald trump said women should be punished for seeking an abortion. don't forget that. he said women should be punished. as president donald trump hand- picked three members of the united states supreme court because he intended, intended for them to overturn roe and as
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he intended, they did. >> if you look at what we've done with roe v. wade, we did something everyone said couldn't be done and we got it done. i give great credit to the supreme court and the justices for having the courage to do it. >> correct? more like cruelty. that is the point. stripping women of their rights to life-saving health care using a draconian law. think about it. 160 years ago, when this law was originally enacted, arizona was a territory. women had no power. vice president harris would have been a. according to the got institute, an estimated 18 million women do not have abortion access in their state. here's the thing, this isn't 1864, it's 2024. women wield power, they hold office. when they speak out, they are heard like arizona state senator eva burch, who shared
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her personal abortion story this week with a stirring reminder that the real power is in the ballot. >> a couple weeks ago, i had an abortion. a safe, legal abortion here in arizona for a pregnancy that i very much wanted. a pregnancy that failed, like many of my pregnancies before it. an embryo that was dying and a miscarriage that was destined to happen. somebody took care of me. somebody gave me a procedure so that i wouldn't have to experience another miscarriage, the pain, the mass, the discomfort. now we are talking about whether or not we should put that doctor in jail. this is outrageous that we would even dignify the consideration of this type of ban, a man drafted when women had no say, when arizona was
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not a state. this isn't what the people of arizona were the people of this country want. we are talking about a small number of really extreme political leaders calling the shots for everybody else. republicans don't want this. independence don't want this. democrats don't want this. we have to look at who our elected leaders are. the time is now. it's done. i've had enough. the people of arizona have had enough. we are electing pro-choice candidates in november. watch it happen. >> joining us now is arizona democratic state senator eva burch. senator, there really is nothing that i can say to follow up after you delivered that incredibly heartfelt, such raw emotion because it is something that is so intimate
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and personal to you. i'm going to offer a small correction 20 said. republicans didn't want this. they wanted this. republicans want to do this but now it is squarely the dog with its teeth firmly on the bumper of that car. they have caught the car. so, now they want to backpedal like kari lake and pretend this is so outrageous and not what they intended it to be. how do we hold them accountable for them wanting, trump being the architect of the fall of rome and republicans being responsible for you having to stand in front of the world and say and explain what happened to you? >> thank you so much for having me here today. i think what is important to keep in mind is that we are going to have republicans voting for this ballot measure when it comes to the ballot in november and plenty of republicans receive abortion care. the point i'm trying to drive home in this is this is really self-defeating.
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the republican leaders and these elected officials who are behaving exactly like we knew they would, who are behaving the way that they have for decades slowly eroding these rights over time. now they are really in a tricky situation. republicans in arizona don't want a democratic building be the solution to this problem. i don't want to allow us to have a win. they don't want us to get credit for cleaning up their mess but they also are not going to be able to put forward a bill of their own because the infighting right now in the republican party is ready intense. so, i'm not really sure what it is that they plan to do with this situation. it is imperative that we hold them accountable. we cannot let them forget that this is a problem that they created it. even if we do come up with a short-term solution for this problem, even if we do repeal this band, they are going to continue to chip away at these rights and to erode these rights for decades to come.
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we really have to make our voices heard in november electing pro-choice candidates is our only solution. >> vice president harris stating today in your state of arizona that trump is to blame for this. he is the architect of the fall of rome and she attributed a lot to the fact that we have three supreme court justices who were appointed by donald trump during his administration. i've always said, senator, that the fall of rome didn't happen overnight. there was a little bit of some complacency that went into the idea that there's no way it could ever happen because there have been decades of resident. admittedly, we got snowed during this confirmation process is and during confirmation hearings. how important is it for people to understand that the judges that were making these decisions, some of whom are elected into the offices, some of whom face merit retention votes, like in my state of florida, for example, that the judges need to have a good ability for what is happening?
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>> that is 100% true. we have republican appointed judges who are responsible for this decision that happen. in arizona. i think that is where the conversation has to shifted to the down ballot races. it is very important to focus on the top of the ticket. this happened because of donald trump. there is no question about that. that is an important part of the conversation. what happens in our local government and local legislatures and with our local judges is equally important and can have just as much, if not more of an effect. we see it happening state after state after state as these rights are being withdrawn and taken away and then solution time and time again is for citizens to be able to come and take that power back. we know these fights are going to continue and that we really need to obtain majorities and retain the white house in order to make the difference that we need to make after november. >> i do want to share my sympathy to you, senator, for your loss and the fact, again, that you have to be, you have to be so transparent about
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something that is so personal to you and yet you are doing it so that i can have an opportunity to have access to reproductive rights, my daughter can have that access, that this can be something. i can't begin to express how much i appreciate what you've done to be able to speak out about this. i know it hasn't been easy for you. my sympathy. >> thank you so much. i appreciate that. what i will say is that women should not have to retraumatized himself over and over and over again to be able to access appropriate health care, to be able to have the rights that they deserve. i also think that it is so important for those who do feel comfortable speaking out to speak out loud and as broad of an audience as they possibly can. we have to have these conversations because this
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moment is so critical. if we don't tell our stories, the people who are controlling the conversation are wrong. what they are saying about abortion is wrong. what they try to, the picture they try to paint of who the abortion patient is is wrong and we have to take back the narrative, we have to take back to the story and i am grateful for the opportunity to do it. i am sad that my pregnancy didn't progress. we have tried and tried to have a baby and to grow our family. i don't know how people in arizona are supposed to feel comfortable trying to grow their families when we are in this really inhospitable environment for pregnant people right now. this is a hostile environment to be pregnant in arizona, not knowing whether or not you will be able to get the care you need if something goes wrong. it is unacceptable and we just have to do something about it. this is the best that i can do and i'm going to keep doing it. >> it's more than just good, it
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is amazing. again, thank you so much. arizona state senator eva burch for being here and for sharing your story and for being such a strong advocate so we all can have a chance. thank you so much. >> thank you for having me. coming up, one year after the covenant school mass shooting in nashville, tennessee, senate republicans just passed a bill allowing teachers to carry concealed guns on school grounds. the tennessee house will vote on this bill monday, including our next guest, tennessee state representatives justin pearson. that's next. on. that's next. ♪ i have type 2 diabetes, but i manage it well ♪ ♪ jardiance! ♪ ♪ it's a little pill with a big story to tell ♪ ♪ i take once-daily jardiance ♪
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this is irresponsible. the public school teachers don't even want the bill. they are not even asking you for this. we just passed legislation to have school resource officers in every school, can we see if that works yet? i am upset because i don't like you all individually but because i'm mad because this will put my child at risk and all the mothers i hear that just got put out. they are sending their children are at risk. look at that gallery. they are asking you not to do this. put partisan politics aside. asq this all the time. this bill is dangerous. don't do it. teachers don't want it, the school districts don't want it, nobody doesn't want it. it's not going to work, it is going to cause more school shootings. what happened today is a gallery full of mothers who are concerned. we put them out because you are trying to put guns in teachers hands. we ought to be ashamed, mr.
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speaker. >> that was the scene in the tennessee senate this week. state senator london lenmar with her eight month old baby and a microphone in her hands making republicans not to vote to put more guns in schools. yes, more guns, not less. this week, republican lawmakers in tennessee advanced legislation that would allow some teachers to carry concealed guns. last april, just days after three children and three staff members were killed in a mass shooting at the covenant school in nashville, donald trump gave a speech pushing for armed teachers. so, a year later, tennessee republicans have decided to their solution to gun violence in schools is more guns in schools. during this week's legislative hearing, there were vocal protests against the bill before state troopers. state troopers removed those protesting from the senate gallery. also in the senate were parents
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of survivors of the covenant school shooting. the tennessean reports "beth gilbert watched the senate proceedings tuesday with tears in her eyes, alongside several other mothers of students at the school. she said her children, nine- year-old ava and 12-year-old hudson survived the shooting because of well-trained teachers and police officers doing their job. she can't imagine a teacher having to also deal with confronting a shooter, especially one armed with an assault style rifle. a handgun will do nothing against that. if what had happened on march 27th at gun down the way that it did with the teacher armed with a handgun attempting to put the perpetrator out, my children would likely be dead." the tennessee house of representatives is expected to vote on the bill on monday. joining us now is demographic state representative justin j pearson of tennessee and tennessee mom, beth gebhard.
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i want to think that both of you for being here. you are both obviously concerned about the future of the children in tennessee. beth, i want to start with you. i can't imagine, you have a nine-year-old and a 12-year- old. they still attend covenant school. you were at a senate hearing. you were a part of that gallery. the mothers, the parents, they were removed when they were speaking out about wanting to protect their children? >> it was appalling. it was truly the most outrageous experience i've had in my life, really. there was just such a level of confusion and pain and just we felt discarded. it was bizarre and painful. >> representative pearson, i know you are familiar with being silenced when you are trying to speak out in that
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home. what is the justification coming from your colleagues on the other side of the aisle to vote on a bill and approve it that is not wanted by anyone? it has been tried before in some other counties in tennessee, hasn't worked. i understand there is an opt out in this legislation. i understand maybe that the forces in support of this essay there is training and there's a certain component of it but how is it possible that they are so tone deaf about what it's really wanted to protect the children in the schools ? >> this is a dangerous piece of legislation that puts at risk every child in our schools, including putting our teachers at risk as well. you don't have a single teacher in our district or in this state who are asking the legislature to pass this type of legislation. they certainly aren't asking for us to do it by kicking mothers from the calories and those who are advocating on behalf of their kids in the
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process. what we are seeing is the cowardice of the republican party in our state refusing to address the epidemic of gun violence, which is the number one killer of children and instead of ending the epidemic by doing something about the guns by being proliferated in our communities and doing something that would stand up to the national rifle association, tennessee firearms association, they are attacking parents and making our schools less safe, they are bringing guns and gun free zones. this is only going to have her and its ramifications for children who will access these weapons and these guns, for teachers who might accidentally harm or shoot their students. these are the real challenges that are going to come from this terrible legislation. >> beth, i don't know what you think about now. when you think about your children being in a classroom
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where, despite best efforts, accidents happen, as the representative talked about, but more importantly, you've had to live through the trauma of a school shooting for your children. this had to go through that, and they survived it. spoken about the fact that these teachers were focusing on the kids and making sure they stay safe. these teachers were not focusing on let me grab a gun and try to get into a shootout in a hallway at the kids classroom or in the school. >> spoke with my sons teacher about that day. my son was in the second grade. he was adjacent to the third grade, we are most of them shooting and damage occurred. in talking to her about this, she explained that in that circumstance, there was absolutely no way that she was going to leave 14 innocent children alone to go confront the gunmen. the bottom line is that our educators need to be educators. they do not need to also wear the hat of law enforcement officer. it does not make any sense.
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and, it would have been utterly terrifying for child. when i think about him and how much he needed her, she told me that in that time, she went to bring the shade down and the shooter, the back of the shooter, was in the hall. she was right there. and, our teacher knew in that moment or one job was to keep herself silent and her children silent. and, that is what they did. they practiced breathing. they watched her breath go in and out, her chest rise and down. she told them to follow her and they held hands and they waited it out. if she had left that room, there is no doubt in my mind my children would not have survived. >> i have a nine-year-old who is in third grade. i don't even know how you are
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able to share this. i am grateful that you are and then i hear this and, you know, representative pearson, i want to harp on this for our viewers to understand, mothers like beth gebhard, to talk about this experience that they are being silenced. these are not politicians, right? these are not lobbyists for anti-gun anti-second amendment oppositions, these are parents that only want to keep your kids safe and yet they are being silenced, they are being removed from a public forum because they just want to share their concerns about really flawed and dangerous policies and legislation that is getting past in your state? >> this is the way the tennessee republican party works . they silenced the forces of dissent in order that they can corrupt, be corrupt and use their power and be corrupted
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absolutely using it and they wheeled it against anybody that they believe is going to stand up against them. this is why representative jones and i were expelled, this is why the mothers are consistently being kicked out of the gallery and kicked out of committee rooms, even during our special session to address public safety. they are not interested in the safety of our kids. they are not interested in the safety of our teachers. they do not want to end the gun violence epidemic, they want to proliferate with bad policies and legislation supported by the tennessee firearms association, supported by the national rifle association. they are not interested in making our communities safer and we have a responsibility to continue to show up. i think and all the mothers like mothers over murder and other organizations that are standing up in this moment to say there has to be a better way and this is not the way for us to move forward. this is on part with how the republican party abuses its power. this is not new to me. it is not surprising to me.
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the removal of people from the galleries anytime that day, sometimes they are clapping or speaking up in the building their tax dollars before. the republican party, karen sexton, william lambert, they work hard, lieutenant governor mcanally, to silenced those voices of dissent and that leads to terrible and awful legislation that is going to lead to more kids losing their lives to being past and being pushed through in our state house. >> what is the solution? >> the solution, first, for this bill is it does not need to go forward. we need to put this down and we need to listen to teachers. we need to listen to parents. we need to listen to those who are saying let's make our community safer. we need to pass safe storage laws. we need to prevent guns from getting to the schoolhouse store by preventing people from being able to access weapons of war and being able to get weapons in our state and firearms in our state without having a permit or taking educational classes. there are so many research driven into databased things we can do to make our community safer and and the proliferation of guns and the epidemic of gun
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violence. the republican party first need to be humble enough to listen and realize i got this one and they make our state and our communities and our schools a lot less safe. >> beth, my apologies, i did not realize i had cut you off. please, the last word. >> i wanted to thank were presented of pearson. we are all so grateful for people like him that are speaking up for what we all want to see happen. but i was going to add is that, for me, this is new. it is not new for him, it is very new for me. i have, unfortunately, put a lot of trust in our elected officials to be reasonable, to be the voice of all of us and what i have seen is appalling. it is as though a confederacy of dunces is at work here. they are passing laws that we have to live by and die by. and, it is appalling. it is outrageous. so, i would add that next week,
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there is, like he said, an opportunity, you know, it may be up for vote through the house and if folks like me in the state of tennessee recognize that this law is dangerous and should not be made into law, they can text tn to 64433. it will walk you through it, it will connect you to and hopefully just say we want to vote no on house bill 1202. >> tennessee, critic representative justin pearson and beth gebhard, thank you both for being here and spending the time with us on this important topic. i appreciate both of you very much. >> thank you so much. >> we have to keep fighting.
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coming up, the biden, harris, and trump campaign's have very different strategies when it comes to almost everything, including how to reach minority voters. the biden/harris campaign is opening offices to reach voters in swing states while the trump campaign is closing doors to offices in these key areas. that is next. that is next. if advanced lung cancer has you searching for possibilities, discover a different first treatment. immunotherapies work with your immune system to attack cancer. but opdivo plus yervoy is the first combination of 2 immunotherapies for adults newly diagnosed with non-small cell lung cancer that has spread, tests positive for pd-l1, and does not have an abnormal egfr or alk gene. opdivo plus yervoy is not chemotherapy, it works differently.
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states and 100 offices in parts of the country that will decide the 2024 election, according to details provided by the campaign. crucial to the election are asian american voters as a voting block. they are doing the opposite. the nevada independent reports republican outreach centers closing in that state after the 2022 election. in georgia, the journal reports the strip malls the pot for the republican committee passed the lunar new year celebration is new to something decidedly more spicy. catering to an upscale crowd. the space is part of a wave of rnc outreach centers that of closed in recent years, including two others in the suburbs that republicans have opened two great fan for -- fanfare for minority outreach. tonight's last word is next.
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