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tv   MSNBC Breaking News  MSNBC  April 14, 2024 4:00am-5:01am PDT

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border and make sure the defenses are robust against hezbollah. that's where we are liable to see more action. >> 20 seconds, what time frame are you watching right now for what may or or may not be happening days weeks. >> maybe both. there may be initial responses, one hopes there are not. but the rhetoric on both sides, that needs to be monitored very, very closely. and that's where american intelligence assisting israeli intelligence will have the greatest impact. >> retired colonel jack thank you appreciate it. that's it for this hour of our special coverage. richard lui the weekend with alise yeah -- bins right now.
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as we come on the air, israel says it has foiled massive iranian attack shooting down hundreds of missiles and drones with the help of the u.s. military. we have experts around the country and the world to break down what it means, including senator tim gains and congressman tim meeks. donald trump will be the first president to face a criminal trial in just over 24 hours. this has he launches new attacks on both witnesses and the judge at the center of the case. it is a massive day of news. grab your coffee and settle in. welcome to a special three hour edition of "the weekend go to. gowe start with the major breaking news in the middle east. iran's first direct attack on israel. launching more than 300 drones and missiles at the country. israel forces intercepted 99% of the attacks.
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the unprecedented assault in response to an israeli strike weeks ago that killed two top iranian military leaders. starting us off, chief foreign affairs andrea mitchell and msnbc and steph twite. good morning, all. >> good morning. >> andrea, we want to start with you. you have new reporting that broke last hour. but about what the conversation was between president biden and netanyahu on the 25 minute phone call. we had readouts from the israeli side and a tight readout from a u.s. side but you learned more. >> from a senior official telling msnbc in addition to telling the prime minister as he's been saying for days, the president told the prime minister that the u.s.' defense is ironclad. that was certainly proved last night with the overwhelming
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participation of the u.s. in knocking down, as you know, 99% of what came at israel from iran. what he also importantly told him alwas take the win. in other words, this has gone well from the initial assessment. no casualties, very little damage. take the win. and don't retaliate. and that the u.s. will not participate in any offensive actions against iran. this goes with the back channel communications between the u.s. and iran since the israeli hit against damascus 13 days ago that have been going on. to say don't escalate. don't overdo it. and the u.s. assessment is clearly that iran took a bigger step than many expected with more than 300 drones, missiles, all going at israel. but the fact is that none of them went to civilian areas. all of them importantly were
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knocked down by this combined air defense. a layer defense of israel and u.s. and regional allies participating to a certain extent. what netanyahu and the war cabinet have to decide is do they take the win given israel's very diminished position around the world because of gaza? do they take that win as the american, most importantly the american , president is suggesting? or do they feel iran overdid it. it was disproportionate to the damascus attack, and they have to hammer iran by driving home the point that iran's missiles were not effective, and they could be defended against? is this the moment to try and do what they've wanted to do t and needed to do because of the nuclear advances and everything else from iran? and go after them in a big way? >> general twite, on that
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point, andrea's reporting to take the win. iran said okay, we've done our part. we have, you know, concluded these activities. do you think they'll also take something from those actions that they've committed to and the response from israel and bring things down? do you think they'll be additional elevation of aggression by iran, which will make it more difficult for netanyahu to take the win? >> yeah. good to be with you this morning. i do not think that iran wants n a war with israel. they certainly do not want a war with the u.s. remember, iran operates mostly through proxies. and the hoothies participated in this operation yesterday as well. and so, what they will do is continue to operate through proxies but won't to take it to
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a tipping point with an all-out war. from israel, i agree. they need to take the win at this point. they need to put the focus back on gaza. every day this war in gaza goes on, we stand the chance of miscalculation like we're seeing here. so we have to get the war in gaza under control. get it finalized, and then next step, let's move to a two state solution. let's put it on the table and get there. that is also causing further instability in the region. >> andrea, there's president biden's direct communication with benjamin netanyahu. what other pressure wipoints do the administration feel they have miat their disposal when i comes to communicating with israel? >> well, the pressure point really is that the u.s. is the chief defender of israel, and is the organizer of the allies. and that the arab world has been so turned against israel, if you will, by what's happened in gaza, as well as europe.
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as well as the united nations. israel has been more and more isolated. they need the support of the united states. with, you know, this happening. joe biden is under immediate pressure from the speaker, from republicans, to go after iran. john bolton saying this is the moment to go after the nuclear facilities. they'll be a lot of political pressure, especially in the election year. the white house reis basically trying to do what is best in terms of israel's posture as well. they're telling netanyahu, we're your best defender and have your interest at heart. you're hurting yourself around the world. i think that is an important message that has been, as you know, in that previous phone call with netanyahu, where president said he escalated his criticism and said it was a mistake and he was not happy with the way israel was conducting the war in gaza.
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immediately when iran was threatening attack, therm with them. they sent the sent com commander to israel and to the region to help coordinate those air defenses, and they need the air defenses. they have extraordinary air defenses over israel. layer defenses. the arrow defense, which david sling as arwell as the iron dom from the immediate threats from the proxies. they cannot defend themselves the way the u.s. can from the air, from the sea, from the land in the region. and they need that layer defense from the united states. >> andrea, i think there are some people watching this who will say tokay, why if israel attacked iran via the con so lat in damascus 13 days ago, iran is responding with
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attacks. why is the united states at engaged and involved? why does the united states have to tell israel not to respond? can you just lay out for folks? because in the aftermath of october 7th, there has been, i think surprise from some u.s. officials about just how brazen prime minister netanyahu specifically has been in the need to and he reiterated it in his remarks last night. israel has established a pattern, and they will defend themselves. the united states has been clear that israel should, but with some type of restraint. lay out for folks why has the united states been so involved? they declassified intelligence. you heard the president himself talk about this in the lead up to yesterday. they have tried to telegraph and be as clear as possible about this entire situation. >> well, israel and the united states are allies. they have been allies for decades.
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this is a hugely important relationship. the united states was shocked, as israel was. as israelis were, by the lack of intelligences by october 7th and bthe horrific terror, the massacre. it was surprising to some ttha the world turned against, largely turned against israel. the external world. the president's embrace of israel was the bear hug, and he was the last one standing in the white house. i think you would know that from your own reporting. many of his advisers were increasingly uncomfortable. three weeks into the war, i was being told by strong supporters on the hill, democratic supporters how upset they were when a 2,000 pound bomb was dropped on the refugee camp
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causing incredible civilian loss. to get one, according to israel one hamas terrorist in a tunnel, which we did or did not get. we never authenticated it ourselves. the disproportionate way they conducted the war upset the united states and ththe world. protest from the israel and the families they didn't feel like getting the hostages back that that's been the top priority and getting hamas, according to some of the former generals and retired generals. some of them have spoken out very pointedly that getting hamas completely is not an achievable goal. maybe getting some of the leaders, but not getting them completely out of there. as well as the offer from the saudis and other arab leaders organized by blinken on one of his many diplomatic trips. to come to the aid of israel,
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to normalize relations with israel, as long as there is a hope of a tuesday solution. the problem with netanyahu and the belief is in washington and in many capitals is that netanyahu doesn't represent the best interests of his people. there are concerns he is hanging on for his own political and legal benefit. all of that is wrapped up in this. joe biden stuck with him to the criticism of his liberal base, his progressive base, young people. politically very damaging to him. and then finally came to the point where he felt that netanyahu, with the attack on world central kitchen and other attacks and the starvation of the people, the famine that is spreading throughout gaza, that that was a bridge too far. why are they still defending israel? iran is an adversary. iran is developing nuclear
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weapons. unfortunately to the view because donald trump pulled out of the nuclear agreement that had eyes on it and limits on and it close to a breakthrough point. not with something that's weapon analyzed but with the nuclear capability to create a bomb. all of this has created a big threat, and iran is arming all of these proxies and going after ships. iran is not a good actor. they're helping the terrorists and web analyzing hezbollah. it's an enormous threat to israel. much better armed than hamas. they're next to where people are living. so far hezbollah, despite firing, increased firing, they haven't opened a full second front. israel will not be able to handle a second front, given the surprise. one more thing. i just want to make this point. there is great distress in the u.s., s in the pentagon. in official circles of the
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attack on damascus. that twas at a critical point. they were trying to negotiate the hostage relief, and the thought was this was the last best thope. it was during ramadan. they took the shot there. they saw what israel and the united states have done in the past. they see a terrorist and think they got a clean shot, they took it. the timing was terrible. and why they decided to do that was very upsetting to people in the white house. >> we are going to continue the conversation. andrea and general twitty are going to stick around. after a short break. you're watching "the weekend."
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>> u.s. officials are concerned that israel could launch a counterattack against iran in response to last night's assault and potentially escalate the violence in the region. andrea mitchell and general twitty are back with us. >> general twitty, i want you to do two things for us. set the stakes of what has transpired and secondly, we know the president is meeting with the national security team on and off all weekend. pull back the curtain for us on the conversations that are likely being had in those rooms. the scenarios being laid out for the president of the united
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states. >> sure. first of all, as many folks know, iran conducted a attack on israel. they shot over 300 drones from iran. 99% of them were destroyed. 70 or so were destroyed by the u.s. outside of israel. either from the arly burke or the carney or assets such as the patriots in syria and iraq. now we're at a point where you take a look at this and the defense was highly successful. i will tell you, it was successful because of the u.s. and allies such as the uk and i'm told that france also participated in some way. without the ally support, i think it would have been significant damage here. at the end of the day, when you look at the damage in israel, a
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couple of missiles, and i am told they were ballistic missiles got in through the umbrella and hit one of the bases down south. and i'm also told there was a casualty. a young girl. i don't know the extend of the casualty. one casualty out of this. when you look at this, pretty good success at this point. now the ball is in israel's court. they can look at this as being success. their defense was success. their allies came to help them out. or they can look at this as being provocative and want to retaliate. and so we're in this period of uncertainty at this point. and i'm sure the president, president biden yesterday, he saw it this way as well. you know, he talked it up as a success. i'm told he has spoken to prime
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minister netanyahu. at this point here, what we don't want to do is to create further instability in the region. we have several things going on in the region. mainly the war in gaza. and so the focus needs to be turned in gaza here. keep in mind, there is still three objectives that netanyahu has not completed. one being the destruction of hamas. the second being the capturing of the hostages, and the third, there are still missiles out at gaza that is raining down on israel. so the focus needs to be back on gaza, and we need to tap down on the miscalculation that could further ignite instability in the region. and so that's where we are at this point. we'll see what happens, but i think the next move should be don't retaliate.
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put the focus back on gaza. because we also have to worry about hezbollah in israel. significant combat power. they can bring significant missiles to bare on israel as well as a pretty significant land force. they've been relatively quiet over the last 48 hours. then you have the hoothies down south who participated in some way. they have a pretty sophisticated missile and drone capability as well. we also have the ghiada on the west bank. when you take a look at the situation, as it stands today, high period of uncertainty. we'll see where we go from here, but i think netanyahu is going to be under a lot of pressure to put the focus where it needs to be focused. that is on gaza. >> andrea, i want to pick up on
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the general's point there. the u.s., iran and israel are not the only actors here in the region. so there are ramifications that go beyond just what we're talking about. there's jordan and other players who are not just looking at this but could potentially be engaged in some way. what's your reporting telling you? what are you hearing about that? >> right now, the u.s. has worked with the arab allies so closely. both bill burns, blinken. they were speed dialing for the last week trying to organize the arab allies and making sure that everyone was cool with sending messages to iran that were direct messages to iran. that diplomacy has seemed to have worked to a certain extent. they were surprised by 300 drones coming towards israel.
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that was a significant escalation. the fact they weren't targeting civilian areas was an important fact. the fact that jordan was involved quietly. clearly saudi was involved with the bases we use there. that we used the regional strength that we have worked so hard. that they have worked so hard to develop. since october 7th. and as well as the promise of some normalization and a reconstructing gaza. but now, it all depends on how netanyahu and the war cabinet react. and are they going to now try and reorganize and focus on gaza and look at what they were trying to do? they had not frankly achieved it in compliance with president biden's last request, which was to get more aid in. they did open the arab's crossing in the north. a lot of the trucks is being
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stopped. the aid is not getting to the people. it's not getting delivered internally. you have to have a cease fire for the aid to be delivered there. >> andrea mitchell, lieutenant general twitty, thank you for setting us up and getting us caught up. next, congressman gregory meeks is with us to talk about the congressional response to the attack. this is "the weekend." nothing dims my light like a migraine. with nurtec odt, i found relief.
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between president biden and prime minister netanyahu where the president of the united states urged the prime minister of israel to exercise restraint and not retaliate against iran. if netanyahu doesn't heed that warning from president biden, where does that leave the united states? >> i think the president is very clear. i'm thankful that joe biden is the president and not donald trump. because he's the adult in the room. he was clear. we're ironclad, locked in with israel for the self-defense but we don't want an offensive. we don't need to escalate this. we need to make sure we have containment and deescalation and a movement forward as far as conversation and the policies taking place so that iran out of this should have learned that the united states stands with israel. ironclad. israel is going to have the
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right to exist. >> ironclad. there was a but though in your statement. what happens if netanyahu doesn't listen to biden on the question of retaliation? >> biden said ironclad in your defense. in your defense. so no offensive movements in that regard. what should take place here is that there is a recognition from iran. israel has the right to exist. and a recognition for joe biden has been saying all the time is to developing and having a two state solution with the palestinians. now that sets us up for a different middle east. we already have individuals who had been like iran previously, quite frankly. when you look at egypt, jordan. now we're talking to saudi arabia about normalization with israel. israel's right to exist. so we have a moment in history
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right now to change what has been taking place in the middle east for the last 75 years. for the last 75 years, it has been the gulf countries trying to wipe israel off the map. the israels had to defend itself. that's why we'll continue to stand. they have the right to defend themselves. we've also got to acknowledge the right to have a two state solution. that's the way to peace and diplomacy. that's what joe biden has been talking about from the beginning. he's been talking about two state solution. and we have, we're ironclad with israel's right to defend itself. anybody who attacks it, we will be there with israel to prevent it from happening. and that's what happened yesterday. >> you know, congressman meeks, symone sanders here. the president said yesterday, president biden in a white house statement that tomorrow, which is now today.
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he issued the statement yesterday. that i will convene my fellow g7 leaders to coordinate a united diplomatic response to iran's brazen attack. my team will engage with their counterparts across the region. and we will stay in close touch with israel's leaders. and while we have not seen attacks on our forces or facilities today, we will remain vigilant to all threats and will take all necessary actions to protect our people. we can all agree that iran is no friend of the united states and is a real threat to not just the region but to us. that is what is happening diplomatically from other world leaders. italy sent out the call to convene the meeting. congress is allegedly, you all are going to take up some type of legislation this week. congressman scalice said the calendar was changing and he said they would start with israel. do you have an indication that
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the package taken up that the senate passes that includes aid to israel and ukraine? is it just aid to israel? if so, what kind of message does it send to our ukrainian partners? >> the only package that we should be taking up, the only package that i will support is the package that was passed in a bipartisan way. the package that includes giving ukraine what it needs to defend itself. giving israel what it needs to defend itself. giving taiwan what it needs to defend itself and having humanitarian aid for the individuals in gaza and around the world. that's the only thing that can pass. that's needed right now. the only way that you can get something on the president's desk so that all of those items, the israelis, the
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ukrainians, taiwan and humanitarian aid. the only way to do that immediately is to pass one bill. the one passed in the senate. that could be on the president's desk. we pass it tomorrow night when we get back in. it could be on the president's desk first thing tuesday morning. that is what's needed. one bill. nothing else. >> what, congressman, efforts have been made or put in place to get the foreign affairs' committee members briefed up on what's happened so far, what the administration is thinking in terms of moving forward? we've got the forward facing position of the administration in terms of what we've already discussed. what are you expecting in the briefing? what types of questions do you have still so that you can have
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a better understanding and clarification on what the u.s. next steps should be? that ties into symone's question about the types of aid packages that could be or should be going forward afterwards? >> ily say the administration has been first in the classified in a manner keeping me informed on the imminent danger of the attack by iran. so that they have messaging, and we were prepared for it. and they will be moving certain equipment, et cetera there to make sure we knocked it down and defended israel. we are back and forth. i've been communicating with my colleague, the chair of the committee, michael mccord. we've been talking on the phone back and forth trying to make sure. my purpose is we're staying on the same page to talk about passing this bipartisan bill that came out of the senate.
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so we've been talking in that regard and will continue. i hope to have another conversation with him. i've been talking to my colleagues on the democratic side of the committee. we've gathered, and we've had some meetings and conversations among ourselves and trying to make sure that we update one another. i've been sending out any messages that i'm getting out that's not classified to my colleagues so when we get back to washington tomorrow we'll have an opportunity, and i've requested a meeting, in fact. i've requested and asked for the opportunity at its earliest convenience to have a classified meeting with the white house to talk about what has taking place, what they're looking at and where we're going from here. i think that's important to do. i think as a result, again, all from all that i have received thus far, i will say again, thank god that the president of the united states is joseph
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biden. >> all right. congressman gregory meeks, thank you very much, sir. we appreciate you coming in. after the break, the other major story we're following today. in a few short hours, donald trump's first criminal trial begins. and the man who literally wrote the book on the former president is here to preview it for us. you're watching "the weekend."
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hi, i'm jason. i've lost 228 pounds on golo. ♪ changing your habits is the only way that gets you to lose the weight. and golo is the plan that's going to help you do that. just take the first step, go to >> in a little more than 24 hours, donald trump will become the first ever u.s. president to stand criminal trial. and i don't think that's phased him because he is still attacking witnesses, including his former fixer michael cohen. that's despite a gag order. joining us now is senior executive editor of bloomberg opinion, tim o'brien. he knows more about the former president than most. >> tim, it's good to have you. as we know, the one constant in
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the universe is donald trump attacking just fill in the blank. he's always at it. in the upcoming trial, he's maintained he didn't do anything wrong and that yeah, i acknowledged i gave michael cohen some money, but i didn't know what he was doing it. i didn't know where he was putting it. we had michael cohen to talk about this upcoming trial and the fact that donald trump wants to make him the bad guy. the one who is actually the one who should be on trial. let's take a listen to some of that. >> trump wants to put you on trial. >> right. somewhere along the line, somebody has to inform donald that he's the defendant. i sat in his seat a couple years back and i know what it's like. i wish there was somebody i could have gone ahead and blamed for everything. it's always somebody else's fault when it comes to donald trump. never his. it's always somebody else's. i'm not the one on trial. he is.
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>> despite the deflections, the blaming, it's somebody else's fault, donald trump is the one who is behind is sitting in the chair tomorrow in front of, while they're getting a jury in front of a judge. talk a little bit about what that means for him despite everything else he's tried to do to avoid this moment. it's here and accountability begins. >> well, you know, it's been very interesting, michael, over the last ten days or so how this escalated frenzy to deep delaying the beginning of this case has just gone from hotter to hotter to hotter to boiling point because trump doesn't want to sit where he's going to be sitting on monday. to me, it indicates there might be more evidence that he and his defense attorneys are aware of. remember, he begins allegedly, his affair with stormy daniels
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three months after he has just had a son with his wife. so at a personal, family level, it's disgusting. in terms of responding to allegations that he paid off stormy daniels to stop speaking about this, he's been all over the map. he originally, while he was first confronted with this said he didn't do it. then he acknowledged there was a payment. then he said again that he didn't do it. and then a tape recording came out of him guiding michael cohen to talk to his cfo about the payment. so both on a personal level and an evident level, it's damming for him. i don't think under oath in a courtroom presented with the fact pattern, presented with documental evidence he's going to be able to go into the same kind of performance art he engages publicly when he attacks judges, and i think tries to get involved with
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witness intimidation as he's done over the last couple of days. a skilled prosecutor will be able to filet him on the witness stand. that's something his defense attorneys are wrestling with. he's unpredictable and unreliable witness. this will be four to six weeks or so of, i think, public shaming for him. he's not used to. and in a confined setting with skillful prosecutors, and he's aware of that. that explains the recent temperature around this. >> to your point about perform art and the amount of pressure he finds himself under, he's been out on the stump. i won't make our listeners listen to donald trump this early. this is what you call a communist trial. we don't win this election, this country is finished. he is trying to use this. he understands now the
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courtroom becomes his campaign trail to ramp up his supporters. >> well, what institution or civic process in america has donald trump not tried to poison? he's the most overtly racist president and candidate we've ever had. he's attacked universities, the media and of course the courts. and in the process of that, he's trying to suggest to everyone that something is so deeply fundamentally broken in the united states that he's the only person who can fix it. along the way, he's being victimized for being a hero. when actually at the end of the day he's this tragic comic criminal and outlaw who i think challenges the rest of us to respond to the better angels of our nature. and not succumb to the dialogue he routinely tries to introduce. that's one of his weapons is that like a salesman, he will constantly stay on the most horrific messages about what
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america is about. >> you know, tim, as we noted, as michael noted in the intro, less than 24 hours, 12 hours and counting until this case really gets underway. we're not going to see any witnesses take the stand on monday or even later on this week. the start of this trial is really a jury selection. donald trump will be in the courtroom for that. what are you going to be watching for on monday? understanding that what we will glean and see from what's in that courtroom will come from readouts of the great journalists and the reporters in the room. it will come from sketches. there will not be cameras to televise these proceedings. >> it might just be a little bit boring for starters. the first inning might be boring, symone. it is jury selection. you know, however trump has complained he can't get a fair
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hearing in new york. that he can't get a fair collection of jurors who are going to be open minded about the prosecution that he's facing. i think the reality is that the american judicial system, with the jury in this case will rise to the occasion. i think that once we get past some of the early miss nations around this and the trial begins, that's where the rubber will meet the road. i think the witness list is very interesting. hope hick asks being called. hope hicks at one point provided cover for trump. either willingly or unwillingly, but she said what happened didn't happen. and it's interesting to me to watch whether or not she has had a crisis of confidence in herself as many people in trump's world do and uses this venue to come clean. i suspect trump suspects some
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of that is coming. >> all right. we will be watching. tim o'brien, thank you very, very much. next, folks, we're turning back to the other top stories we're watching this story. we're going live to israel to get the latest on what's happening on the ground. this is "the weekend." ♪ ("good feeling" flo ri♪ this is a hot flash. (♪♪) this is a hot flash. (♪♪) but this is a not flash. (♪♪) for moderate to severe vasomotor symptoms due to menopause... veozah is the first and only prescription treatment that directly blocks a source of hot flashes and night sweats. with 100% hormone—free veozah... you can have fewer hot flashes and more not flashes. veozah reduces the number and severity of hot flashes day and night. for some women, it can start working in as early as one week. don't use veozah if you have cirrhosis, severe kidney problems, kidney failure,
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>> back to the developments overnight in the middle east. hundreds of iranian drones intercepted with help from the u.s. military. joining us now is nbc chief foreign correspondent richard engel. >> richard, the administration made it clear, you take the win. there's no further retaliation here. but what are you hearing and seeing on the ground? are the iranians repositioning? what's the latest you're
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finding happening there? >> so the iranians have said they're done. they said that last night. they said that again today. in iran officials have been celebrating what happened, even though almost all of the drones and missiles that iran fired were shot down. 99% of them, according to the israel military. and they've given out a breakdown. they said there were 170 drones fired. none of them made it into israel air space. all of them shut down. 120 ballistic missiles, much more powerful system. nearly all of them shot down. a few, however, did get through israeli defenses and exploded on a base in southern israel, but according to israel officials causing minor damage. one young israeli girl was injured, but it doesn't seem, it's unclear if she was injured
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intima shrapnel. we only know she's in serious condition. and 30 cruise missiles, all of them also shot down before entering israeli air space. so, yes, the latest reporting from washington is that president biden said take the win. 99% of the incoming shot down. only one person injured, potentially by the air defense systems themselves. no significant damage. why escalate this further when,after all, it was israel that started this particular round. it's a long chick and be egg if iran is responsible for starting this level of tension or israel. this particular round began two weeks ago when israel carried out a strike on a diplomatic building. the consulate section in damascus. we don't know if israeli prime
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minister netanyahu will agree. there's a cabinet meeting taking place in the next 45 minutes or so. the reporting we're hearing is it this stage it doesn't seem like they're going to escalate this further and carry out offensive strikes against iran and that president biden, specifically conveyed that message to prime minister netanyahu last night. that the u.s. won't participate in any offensive operations, should israel choose to do one to retaliate to iran's retaliation. >> all right. richard engel, thank you so much for the update. we appreciate you. our breaking coverage of iran's attack on israel continues at the tom of the hour. senator tim kaine joins us to discuss congress' next move. you're watching "the weekend."
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5:00 am
>> welcome back to "the weekend." we're following the breaking news after iran launched the first attack on its soil on israel. israel and its allies were able to intercept the vast majority of the 300 project isles. there are major concerns of escalating conflict. today president biden is expected to meet with fellow leaders of the g7 to discuss a response. joining us now is tim kaine from virginia. he's also the author of


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