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tv   MSNBC Breaking News  MSNBC  April 14, 2024 7:00am-8:00am PDT

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good morning to all of you it is sunday, april 14 i am alex witt this a special breaking news coverage of iran strike against israel, here's what we know right now, saturday evening local time, iran launched a mess and massive attack firing more than 300 projectiles about 170 drones, 30 cruise missiles and about 120 ballistic missiles that is according to the israeli defense forces. the idf adds that with u.s. assistance, 99% of those projectiles were intercepted and a few of the ballistic missiles hit inside israel causing slight damage. to an israeli air force base. a young girl was injured in the attack is according to the idf,
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in a statement this morning the israeli defense minister said that israel quote thwarted the most significant wave of the attack and did so successfully. it is the first time iran has ever conducted a direct military attack on israel. in a statement, iran's u.n. mission says the attack is a retaliation for the april 1 idf strike on an iranian consulate building in syria. 12 people were killed in the attack including seven high- ranking members of the iranian revolutionary guard. iran's foreign ministry called yesterday's drone and missile strikes quote self-defense and side of the u.n. charter as a legal basis for conducting them. iran considers the matter concluded but that if israel makes quote another mistake to expect a more severe response. u.s. officials say u.s. warships in the region as well as u.s. forces in iraq and syria assisted in the defense of measures. u.s. defense secretary lloyd
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austin said the u.s. shut down dozens of the is rainy and drones and missiles president biden spoke with prime minister netanyahu last night and a senior administration official tells nbc news that biden told netanyahu that while america's commitment to defend israel is ironclad, united states will not participate in offensive operations against iran. biden also said that since there were no casualties or major damage, israel should quote take the win and not retaliate further. now if and how israel responds is now the major concern for friends and foes of israel, a senior biden ministration official and a senior defense official told nbc news that talk u.s. officials are concerned about how israel could respond and how regional and global ripples may come to pass. joining me from tel aviv is national correspondent, despite the size of the attack there appears to be minimal damage inside of israel, tell us about
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the atmosphere on the ground right now in israel, what is it like? >> reporter: well, alex there was real terror here last night, this was a slow-motion unfolding attack, israelis knew well before they went to bed last night that iran had launched at that point it was just hundreds of drones and they knew it would take several hours for the drones to reach israel but they did not know what was going to happen when they arrived, there was real feel fear overnight, that has given way to a strong sense of relief i and is looking out over one of the main roads in tel aviv and is kind of quiet but calm here. what we are not hearing alex is a real clamor for retaliation against iran. from ordinary israelis, people
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i have been speaking to here in tel aviv say they are relieved this is over, they don't want to see further escalation but that obviously is going to be a decision that is up to prime minister netanyahu and the israeli war cabinet meeting not far from here at the defense ministry as we speak. we have heard from some of the more far right members of israel's government that there should be a major response but nothing that has been said by the prime minister or other members of the war cabinet at this stage indicates that israel is preparing to retaliate immediately. there is a lot of concern alex for that seven year old girl from the bedouin community down in the south of israel that suffered a very serious head wound from shrapnel, there was an interception overhead and shrapnel fell on her house she is in a hospital and she is fighting for her life according to doctors. in terms of the other damage caused by this attack overnight i just spoke to an israeli military spokeswoman and he says that there was limited damage done in the southern desert in israel he said none of those impacts which were caused by ballistic missiles
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are actually affecting the operations at that airbase it is a key base where a lot of israel's f 35's are based out of. he says there was no damage to those fighter aircraft or to any other aircraft as a result of that iranian attack. in one of the first indications that ordinary israelis had of how serious this was last night was israel has a government plane called the wing of zion basically the equivalent of air force one and carries senior israeli government officials around, that plane took off from that southern airbase around 10:30 pm last night and it is pretty clear now in retrospect that they were getting that plane off the ground so it would not be damaged by any of these incoming missiles or drones but that was visible to israelis on flight tracker and other sites and it was a first sign at how serious this attack may be. >> i appreciate you updating us on what is happening right now with that war cabinet in israel
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underway, i want to ask you about one statement we got from an israeli official who essentially called iran's attack a failure and said that iran has made a mistake by exposing itself to the world. that kind of rhetoric, is there any concern about ron not taking kindly to it and therefore creating further tension? >> yes i think alex the u.s., president biden making pretty clear, the prime minister netanyahu that they do not want to see further escalation and i don't think it is helpful to have israeli officials crowing as it were but the iranians made pretty clear, even before any of those first drones or missiles landed last night, that this was from their perspective a one and done. but they considered this to be a proportional military response to what they say was that israeli airstrike on them the embassy back in damascus on
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april 1 that was a strike that killed seven senior members of the revolutionary guard and iran says it has the right to respond militarily to that. in terms of where israel goes next, it is worth noting that the israeli government has called for an emergency meeting of the un security council and that appears to be an indication that at least initially they want to talk about this diplomatically and i think if israel wanted to respond militarily they could've done so overnight in the darkness and that did not happen, prime minister netanyahu himself has been fairly quiet today, he put out just a single tweet in hebrew basically saying we stopped the attack and together we will win and he did not commit himself to any kind of large-scale military response and we are expecting president biden and other g7 leaders to meet today,
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so it looks like for now, there is going to be a series of diplomatic meetings ahead and there is nothing at this moment that indicates israel is planning any kind of large- scale response. >> excellent reporting. joining me right now is the ranking member of the house armed services committee congressman adam smith out of washington, good to see you, your reaction to the report there particularly the last part when he talked about no reaction or retaliation of this point from israel. how comfortable are you thinking we are in a quiet period as diplomacy is hopefully taking effect? >> i think there is nothing comfortable at all about the situation, we don't know what comes next i think everyone, there is no cause for comfort in the middle east right now, the conflict between israel and iran and hamas and hezbollah and other proxy groups is in a
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very dangerous place. now, i will say i take a little bit of comfort in israel response claiming that this attack by iran was a complete failure. a slightly different interpretation than your reporter there, as long as israel can say this was a complete failure, it showed iran's weakness, not their strength, that is an argument for saying that israel doesn't have to do anything militarily in response. i think that is the biggest concern, i will agree with the biden administration and say at this point a response from israel would be a mistake. when you look at what israel faces from hezbollah and the battle they have against hamas and gaza to launch into what would be an ever escalating conflict with the iran, i think would be directly contrary to israel's interest in peace and security and certainly also contrary to what the u.s. needs right now. we need it de-escalation, not escalation.
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>> all well taken, that said, iran says that as things stand right now considers the situation over, israel says it's not over yet despite what's happening right now in the war cabinet. we know that has been added, we have a new reporting during the call yesterday, biden told netanyahu while america's commitment to defend israel is ironclad, the u.s. will not participate in offensive operations against iran. so, again using that word comfortable, it is hard to think that it will be able to apply any time soon because the united states cannot control netanyahu. >> we are talking about a couple different situations here, first there is been a conflict between iran and israel for some time now, i mean that's what led up to the strike on the embassy in syria. when israel struck the embassy and killed the iranian leadership, iran has been finally weapons and fighters to some extent.
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into lebanon most definitely with hezbollah but to various proxy groups in iraq and syria and yemen and elsewhere. israel who has been trying to limit that may be that what the strike on the consulates in syria was hardly the first one had been about, that conflict is not going to be over, all right? israel will have to try to figure out how to deal with the threat that iran presents to all of those proxies. but the second situations, the specific situation going on between the strike that israel did in syria against the consulate and iran's response. i think you can say, that should be over and israel needs to go back to figuring out how best to protect themselves against what they were dealing with for the years prior. and what they have been trying
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to negotiate with hezbollah and lebanon is i believe it's a 10 mile buffer zone. in southern lebanon to give some protection to israel and get to some kind of peace between them in hezbollah while at the same time trying to deal with gaza, the west bank and hopefully, get to that peace agreement between israel, saudi arabia and the u.s. that's what can give them greater security, getting into a war with iran right now and i've seen some reports about what we have to respond in order to be at establishing deterrence, we need to destroy iranian capability but let's just say military we are not in positions to destroy capability, this is an 30 years ago when there was something, weak power and didn't have any military, they do, look what is happening in yemen. they have fired those missiles and we have tried to stop the capability and that's just yemen, that is just the small group, but i'm talking about iran, we need to get the motion out of our head to get military option to cripple iran, there is not diplomacy's that will be key to stabilizing the
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situation. not more attacks. >> let me ask you congressman within this last hour on meet the press nbc spokesperson john kirby addressed the situation as it stands right now, let's take a listen. >> an incredible military achievement by israel and quite frankly the united states and other partners that help israel defend itself against more than 300 drones and missiles, it's just an extraordinary example of military superiority that israel demonstrated the whole world last night. and i think israel also demonstrated that it has friends, it's not standing alone. that it's not isolated on the world stage, now whether and how the israelis will respond, that's going to be up to them, we understand that and respect that but the president has been very clear we don't seek a war with iran, we are not looking for escalation here, we will continue to help israel defend itself. >> i take it that you are 100%
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in agreement with what was said? >> absolutely. and the other point on this, hezbollah in lebanon, they've got thousands of rockets. thousands. of missiles sitting there, as i understand from the reports i have seen some missiles came from lebanon but very small amounts. if the escalation continues, is has below were to decide to go all in and launch everything they have from lebanon into israel, then israel would be in serious trouble and i agree. with john kirby there in terms of the capability that they have and the allies and partners. that is key point here, iran has been trying to isolate israel and this makes it clear that they have not succeeded. so they better come to some sort of an agreement that ramps down the tensions. >> adam smith, good to see you sir, thank you. national security council spokesperson john kirby will be sitting down with our own jen saki at 12 pm eastern right
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here on nbc, you won't want to miss that important interview but despite causing minimal damage, iran is betraying its attack on israel as a success. we are warning against any response from israel. talking about iran's strategy and what it means for a potential wider region conflict after the break. the break. ines, i get 5g, truly unlimited data, and unlimited hotspot data. so, no matter what, i'm running this kitchen. (vo) make the switch. it's your business. it's your verizon. ♪ ♪ ♪
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>> whether and how the israelis will respond is going to be up to them, we understand that and respect that. but the president has been very clear we don't seek a war with iran. >> kirby says israel's response is up to israel nbc news is now reporting president biden told prime minister netanyahu yesterday the u.s. would not support offensive military action against iran. i am joined now by retired and former deputy commander and a military analyst now, glad to have you general, what john kirby was saying there, talking about the success, put that into perspective for us, 300 cumulative missiles, drones and the likes, 99% of that fended off. how successful is that, how challenging is that to have that kind of a result?
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>> what i will tell you allison, great to be on your show, it is absolutely a phenomenal success when you looked at the number of missiles and drones that were thrown at israel but i will tell you that israel could not have pulled this off without their allies and partners. so my hats also go out to the u.s. military pretty much a patriot fight out of syria and iraq and also off the car need that came out the sea attacks, also you have the uk participating in here also, france participating in some way and jordan and others so this show the depths of the coalition that israel truly has you know, we debated on who stood behind israel, so we are seeing it now.
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and we always know that u.s. support was ironclad but we are seeing the death now. the depth now. as we take a look at the continuing effort it will be interesting to see the decision that is made by israel. hopefully we can say that this is done and we can focus back on gaza. but if an attack occurs by israel, i think you will see a different story here because they have other levers and they have been iran has taken control here, my concern is, is the straight of hamas is shut down your not talking about just a regional conflict. >> or that's going to a west
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then you start talking about economies that will cripple around the globe. >> i want to get your reaction to the news we have gotten inherent nbc news that the war cabinet is meeting right now as we speak in israel, a senior israeli official telling nbc quote from our perspective the situation is ongoing and we do not know if it is over yet, we are still dealing with their proxies in the region and are still in the middle of a war. what's your reaction? >> absolutely, israel has been in a war for quite some time now, iran operates through proxies, has below in the north, i am so that they participated in small ways but they have a lot that they can bring over 150,000 missiles. also they have a pretty formidable ground force that they could use as well, you have the houthis down south,
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100,000 militants and they have been well armed throughout iran, you have the islamists coming out of the west bank, that they play a small role in this fight since october, but they still have not really gotten into israel and to do the things that they are capable of doing and of course hamas there, hamas is still alive and well in the gaza strip, they have not been eradicated by israel. we still have the hostages there and they are still able to rain down missiles on israel. and so we are in a tenuous situation here, and the focus needs to be on the gaza harbor. >> in their phone call, nbc news is reporting that president biden told prime
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minister netanyahu that the u.s. would not participate in offensive operations against iran, is that the right move on biden's part, do you think that came as any type of surprise to netanyahu or would he have expected that? >> i think he expected it. i served as the deputy commander of u.s. european command, that has always been our stance, we will come to the defense of israel. and we will make sure that the defensive, the defense of israel will be there for you, but the type where you don't, we will not conduct and i think that's the right stance of this particular time, i know we are all concerned about iran's nuclear capability but if you are going to go after terrain in nuclear capability, the conditions must be set, we must put all levers into action whether it be diplomatic, informational and not just think about the military arm to be able to go after iran.
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as none of that has been set and established and so i say, the presidents correct here. >> lieutenant general steph twitty, thank you for your time. coming up next, a member of the armed services committee representative seth moulton will be joining me now, more of msnbc's special coverage right after this break. ter this brea i noticed i was having some memory losses. i discovered prevagen. since i've been on prevagen, i've noticed more clarity, more sharpness. the recall mechanism is a lot more concise. i've been taking prevagen for almost 10 years. it's wonderful. prevagen. at stores everywhere without a prescription.
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directory approaching the bottom of the hour if you are just joining us iran launched over 300 projectiles towards israel saturday night. but israel's military says 99% of them were intercept did and no casualties have been reported, the only serious injury so far according to an idf spokesperson was a young girl who was hurt by shrapnel. the u.s. and israel had been bracing for this. .
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>> if this escalates into a wider war, they have to focus on the war that they have on the ground in gaza and we need to stand by their side as we always have to defend israel from further attacks. and we have to restore deterrence against iran, but a wider conflict in the middle east is not in our national insecurity interest it's not in israel's either and i think frankly at the end of the day iran doesn't really want that, they have to respond to what they saw as a direct attack on them and their leaders when israel hit the higher commanders in syria, but i'm not sure that they want to escalate this further either so
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let's take the opportunity to de-escalate and focus on what israel has to do to keep itself safe. >> that last sentence there is in direct contrast with what john bolton is suggesting now what it is that it's the time to take out iran's nuclear program and if he is saying that on television, you are not saying anything additional. >> how difficult that might be and what the long-term consequences of that could foretell. and the reality is that we had iran's nuclear program under wraps and under supervision under the iran nuclear deal, trump pulled out of that deal and because of that, iran is much closer to making a nuclear bomb now but they've also done a lot to secure their program to protect it and ensure that it can be reconstituted so i'm not sure that trying to do that military action which would unquestionably escalate this conflict into a wider war in the middle east is in our interest or in israel's interest even though of course
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i agree with even people like john bolton that we do not want iran in the long run to have nuclear weapons. >> for the last 10 years or so, sitting from this anchor desk i have asked officials like you and others, if we know how close iran is to having a nuclear bomb? sure, they have ia and ea inspections but do we know if they are completely revelatory in those inspections, do we have a precise calculation on how close they are? >> we do not have a precise calculation, our intelligence is very good. but the bottom line alex is that we do not know as much today about their nuclear program as we did under the deal because part of the iran nuclear deal was very close maintenance of supervision essentially, we are talking cameras in facilities in iran, with united states eyes on what they were doing. and that went away when trump pulled out of the deal so this
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is another example of how that trump has a lot of bluster but in actually making things worse in terms of our national security. there is no question that iran is much closer to a nuclear bomb than they were under a deal and there is no question that we have much less clear intelligence on exactly how close they are. >> so, how would a nuclear armed iran change the equation in pursuit of peace in the middle east? what defense maneuvers would have to be taken? >> well, this was an incredibly successful defense, against the iranian attack, 99% of drones shot down but if you're talking nuclear, one that gets through that, 1% could be absolutely catastrophic. so nuclear armed iran, would not change the situation. but again the problem is that you might be able to take out a lot of their nuclear facilities quite quickly if they are able
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to reconstitute them deeper underground than the long run you having to eliminate their program and you have actually made iran more likely to use it, at the end of the day what we want with nuclear weapons and let's not forget that israel has had nuclear weapons undeclared for a long time, what we want with nuclear weapons is to actually keep things safe and to further decrease the chances of escalation. in some ways, a lot of the people thought that if we supported ukraine, it could result in a nuclear war with russia but i would argue that because of russia and the united states, have a balance of nuclear power, that has not happened. and while we have been able to successfully support the ukrainians in pushing back russia, it's also helped maintain a level of conflict that has not escalated into nuclear war. >> always great conversations, thank you for this one.
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as i mentioned earlier, president biden and prime minister netanyahu spoke last night and we have important new reporting about what they discussed and what it could mean for how israel would respond. we will head to the white house for the latest next here on msnbc. on msnbc. upfront pricing. with usps ground advantage®. ♪♪
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we are continuing our special coverage in the wake of iran's attack on israel, and last night's call between president biden and netanyahu,
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he told the prime minister that the u.s. commitment to defend israel is quote ironclad but the u.s. will not participate in offensive operations against iran. we have been told that biden advised netanyahu to take the win and said that israel should not retaliate any further against iran. joining me now is nbc news white house correspondent, allie, biden said america will not support any further retaliatory actions, is there a gauge on if netanyahu will listen? >> really the outstanding question now as the world watches and waits for how israel will respond to iran's attack which it has repeatedly vowed to do. we saw john kirby with the national security council make the rounds on the sunday shows this morning and he stressed that how israel decides to
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respond is up to israel and not for the u.s. to decide, he also emphasized that the u.s. does not seek a wider war with iran, notably also not giving a definitive answer to questions on whether the u.s. would stand by that commitment to support israel if it retaliates directly against iran and one other piece of this to remember is that the u.s. has asked israel to give u.s. officials a heads up and even assay before any decisions are made, not asking questions whether it has been received from the israelis or not but kirby also said today on meet the press that the u.s. will continue to work with prime minister netanyahu advising him and making clear to him that the u.s. will help and continue to defend israel. >> thank you so much. we heard from democratic representative adam smith and seth moulton, this hour up next, we are going to head to capitol hill for more on how the attack is expected to
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said in a statement quote the house of representatives stands strongly with israel and there must be consequences for this unprovoked attack. it is not immediately clear what the house will vote on or what it means for a broader senate foreign assistance package which would pair funding for israel with aid for ukraine and taiwan. and which has stalled in the house. joining me now is nbc news congressional correspondent, julie, so what kind of timeline are we looking for with an aid package for israel, what did republicans want to be included in it and then here's the big question, are all republicans on the same page about it? >> know they are not, they haven't been on the same page on this issue for months and if anything the iran strikes against israel yesterday only strengthens and sharpens that divide, very publicly by the way, for example the intelligence chairman in the house mike turner told our own kristin welker on meet the press this morning that he expects speaker johnson to put
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the senate pass on the floor where version of that perhaps, but he does expect he said aid to ukraine and israel and the indo pacific to pass then you have steve that statement in part that you write at the top of this segment alex singh that the house will actually turn to legislation it only provides aid for israel and maybe include some provisions to have proxies on the region, the details of that are not clear and i looked at the schedule a couple moments ago and the only thing on there so far as a resolution affirming support for israel and to send out president biden's comments from one sided approach towards gaza for example but not all democrats are on the same page either because you have many democrats who no longer want to send aid to israel that is unconditional that does not have humanitarian conditions attached to it, one of those democrats disagrees with that approach though and senator
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john fetterman, very forceful comments standing with israel as he has for the last several months and also criticizing president biden to, watch this. >> how it is astonishing that we are not standing firmly with israel and there should never be any kinds of conditions to all that. when a nation can launch hundreds of drones towards israel, and i will not be talking about conditions. ever. >> a senior administration official tells cnn that president biden told prime minister netanyahu that the u.s. will not participate in any offensive operations against iran, do you think that's the right call? >> i don't agree with that. and i am just, i think we should follow and have israel back in the situation, i don't agree with the president. >> this is a real moment, a
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real test for speaker mike johnson i know we keep talking about that in the last six months of his speakership but this is the moment because sources have told me even leading up to this week the next week was going to be the one to watch for speaker johnson to decide what he's going to do on foreign aid, will he continue to put messaging bills on the floor trying to put democrats in a tough spot for example when it comes to israel or is he going to stand up and act the way republicans and leadership and those with national security want him to act and that is to put the senate passed package on the floor to aid israel and ukraine and the indo pacific and of course provide humanitarian relief for gaza as well. >> okay we will see if it gets there, thank you so much. more of msnbc special coverage of iran's attack on israel after a quick break. quick brea. -where did he come from? -yup, with me you can screen at home. just talk to your provider. [both] we'll screen with cologuard and do it my way. cologuard is a one-of-a-kind way to screen for colon cancer that's effective and non-invasive. it's for people 45+ at average risk, not high risk. false positive and negative results may occur.
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we are continuing to monitor the reactions out of the middle east following iran's unprecedented attack against israel yesterday and an act that has raised concerns about the possibility of a larger regional conflict. it joining me now is peter who is editor at large for the magazine jewish currents and is
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in msnbc political analyst now i am happy to have you here, minutes ago we were told that the senior israeli official told nbc news that there is a quote or cabinet meeting on underway right now. adding from our perspective the situation is ongoing and we do not know if it is over yet. that said the official also called the irani and attack quote failure which ranking armed services member adam smith told me earlier, it could be a sign that israel may not directly retaliate. >> what's your take on this? >> so the biden administration i think has been handling this right over the last couple of days, we helped israel defend itself and think goodness, these attacks from iran did not kill many israelis or any other israelis, i think that makes it easier for israel not to respond but the biden of administration has to keep the pressure on them not to respond.
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given that actually this is played out pretty well, for israel they've actually gotten away with what was a very reckless attack when they attacked iran's embassy in syria, they essentially have gotten away with that because the u.s. and other countries help them shoot down these iranian drones and if they escalate further, we do not know what will happen and he is a very white rank government, right wing government. they have to make sure that doesn't happen. >> so clearly peter as you mentioned, president biden and others have been advising netanyahu and yet he has been accused of being reckless sometimes in his analysis and his military maneuverings, so when you say it's important for the united states to keep the pressure on sure, but to what guarantee of efficacy? >> the u.s. has a lot of leverage, we are israel's number one diplomatic partner. >> that we are willing to use?
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>> this is what is important about what joe biden said, like with every other country in the world, the united states has to be willing to use leverage to protect our own interest, when israel attacked iran's embassy on april 1, they used u.s. f 35's, the u.s. intelligence divisions have said that the war in gaza has increased the terrorism risk against the united states and israeli attack on iran would be seen by many as something that the u.s. was involved in because they would be using our weapons so america has a responsibility to its own security to use its leverage here, i am glad we helped israel shoot down those drones and rockets, god forbid anyone in israel should die. but now america for its own security needs to make sure this stops. >> the fact that this was unprecedented in terms of israeli attacking, really iranian land if you will. >> it is diplomatic and
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technically in syria but the fact that that happened and now we have the converse there we have iran attacking iranian soil, sorry, israeli soil, the unprecedented nature of all this makes everyone concerned as we watch that it is the beginning of an escalation from which there may be no turning back. >> historically netanyahu i am not a fan but he has been considered fairly cautious in the military risk that he has taken but after october 7, just like the united states was willing to take on much more risk and do things that in retrospect we see as reckless, israel has been doing things that i think even some israeli is reckless, in december they killed an iranian general in
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syria, and this attack at the embassy which they had to know would produce a response, this recklessness needs to end and the biden ministration needs to use leverage to make sure. >> how? how do you see things going from here? how do you see them using pressure to de-escalate things in the region? >> i would have the biden administration say, we will of course continue to give you the defensive systems like aero and iron dome that allow you to protect your citizens from attacks, that's unconditional but when it comes to offensive military systems that could be used to start a regional or even world war in iran, or to continue to devastates gaza and lead to mass starvation, no. we are not going to allow you to unconditionally use those kinds of weapons because we don't think it's good for you or us. >> how loud our other partners allies in the region telling netanyahu the same thing? how loudly? >> i suspect privately they are saying the same thing, there are a lot of countries in the region that fear iran, some of these countries have grown closer to israel and want to be
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closer to israel because it's an economically dynamic choice but they know they would be on the battlefield and they do not want that. >> i did want you on the show and i'm glad you came in and showed up. that will do it for this hour every one of msnbc special coverage, you can catch me later today at my regular sleep schedule time 3:59 pm, among my guest former trump white house price press secretary stephanie grisham will talk about one witness in the upcoming hush money trial who could be making donald trump particularly nervous. stay where you are, we pick up our continuing coverage right now. right now. now. we are following major breaking news this morning out of the ismiddle east. where iran launched an unprecedented direct attack against israel. and in retaliation for the israeli bombing of its consulate building earlier this month that killed ve


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