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tv   MSNBC Breaking News  MSNBC  April 14, 2024 8:00am-9:00am PDT

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closer to israel because it's an economically dynamic choice but they know they would be on the battlefield and they do not want that. >> i did want you on the show and i'm glad you came in and showed up. that will do it for this hour every one of msnbc special coverage, you can catch me later today at my regular sleep schedule time 3:59 pm, among my guest former trump white house price press secretary stephanie grisham will talk about one witness in the upcoming hush money trial who could be making donald trump particularly nervous. stay where you are, we pick up our continuing coverage right now. right now. now. we are following major breaking news this morning out of the ismiddle east. where iran launched an unprecedented direct attack against israel. and in retaliation for the israeli bombing of its consulate building earlier this month that killed several of
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the top commanders. israel military says 99% of the more than 300 projectiles including drones, cruise and ballistic missiles were successfully shot down. they reached their targets. that is thanks in large part, important to remember, defensive systems provided by the united states and to a coordinated effort by neighboring countries in the region including jordan. but nevertheless, tthis is the first time iran has launched a direct attacks on israel from inside their own territory. and it marks a pivotal moment in the decades long conflict between the two. the big question now is what happens next. iran issued a statement indicating through their perspective this is over but they are threatening a larger response if israel retaliates. including american bases in the region if the u.s. participates in an attack.
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according to reporting president biden said israel should take the win and in the retaliate and i was not surprised that the u.s. will not participate in offensive operations against iran. comes after top u.s. officials expressed concern es that israel may respond too on quickly. without thinking through the potential fallout in the region. now, brand new reporting from the b"new york times" reveals that israel did call off a retaliatory strike proposed by the war tacabinet after that ca between biden and netanyahu. so diplomacy l might be working in this case. israeli war cabinet is meeting now, right as we are talking, and we will bring you any updates as they come. so while the barrage of iranian drones and missiles that lit up the sky across israel last night is over for now, it remains to be seen if and when israel responds. what the u.s. does if they do respond and all this drags the region deeper into a wider war. we will dig no all of this and
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starting off today nbc news correspondent raf sanchez and ben rhodes and john brennan. raf i will start with you. i know wiyou are busy reporting on the ground in tel aviv. give us a since what you witnessed and the feeling on the ground now. >> reporter: well, there was real terror here last night. 11:00 p.m. local time chief spokesman for the israeli television appears on national television and says the country is under attack. iran launched the first wave of drones at that point. they were several hours away from israel. nobody knew what would happen when they arrived, what kind of damage they would cause and nobody knew whether it was the beginning of war or not. i wcan tell you right now, 6:0 p.m. local time, looking out over the main roads and it's quiet but it's calm here. there are people walking on the beach and there's really a
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profound sense of relief that last night's attack was not worse. and it doesn't igappear at lowe at this moment, that the middle east is tipping into regional war. i can tell you we are not hearing just from ordinary israelis here in tel aviv a clammer for retaliation. i think folks are really letting out a sigh of relief that this was not worst. but thwhether or not israel responds is in the hands of prime minister benjamin netanyahu, and his war cabinet as you said, are meeting about a mile from here at the israeli defense ministry deciding next moves. we have not heard much from prime minister netanyahu so far today. he certainly has prnot given an incation he is planning immediate retaliation. israel has asked for the u.n. security council to meet. the fact they are calling for a meeting of that diplomatic forum suggest that they may not be looking to strike back immediately. there is a lot of condition
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about a 7-year-old girl who suffered severe head injuries. she is from a community down in the south of israel. there was an interception above her house. some of the shrapnel fell and she is fighting for her house and there's damage at an israeli air base in the south israeli military spokesman confirms just now there was no damage to any of the f35 fleet, israel houses there. they say 35that there was minor damage to the base itself. and that it remains operational. but the whole world now waiting, watching to see what happens when that israeli war cabinet meeting wraps up. probably in the next couple of hours. >> absolutely. and as you mentioned, you are a mile from there. so if you learn anything while on the air over the next two hours, let us know. we will be watching that closely as well. thanks we will let you get back to your reporting. so let lme turn to you directo brennan because as he mentioned, this is of course as we woke up this morning, here an successful operation and
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defensing against the retal tore yes attack thanks in part to as i mentioned, defensive systems provided by the united states, others in the region. but this is unprecedented. i mean, this type of attack from iran into israel. i want to get a sense from you on how these discussions might be going within the, you know, within the united states and another regional countries in the region, about the different scenarios that could play out if israel responds and if they don't sprespond. what are the conversations sounding like at this point? >> well, think those conversations are ongoing in many capitals horight now not s just washington and tel aviv but throughout the arab world. and it is clear that israel's military prowless was on stark display in terms of virtually shooting down over 300 of the missiles and drones that were directed against israel. and so, i think in the conversation that president biden had with prime minister netanyahu president biden was
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counseling restraint because no one wants a n regional war that is going to get out of control e and could engull of the region in flames. and quite frankly, although the iranian attack might have seemed quite large, i do think the iranians were signaling their intent not to provoke some type of wider war. those drones were launched several hours before those missiles with launched. and therefore israel knew that they were going to be facing this onslaught from the air. and the defense systems, air defense systems were on high alert and were able to take down these missiles and drones. and so therefore, as raf said, it could have been worse. iranians could have tried to provoke a war. but i d do think this was iran' response to what they claim was attack against sovereign iranian territory in damascus when israel took the strike at what the iranians claim was the consulate in damascus and
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killed senior commanders. >> let mow ask you and director brennan raised this you and i are very familiar with the management of reporting on private phone calls. but, this the reporting it suggest bupresident said take t win, to prime minister netanyahu cording to the "new york times" they called off a row taltory strike but the war cabinet is meeting as raf was saying. what do you anticipate coming out of dthat meeting, and what should people understanding about these behind the scenes diplomatic conversations between joe biden and president biden and prime minister netanyahu. two people who had an adversarial relationship at times. >> well, i would suspect in this case, you know, there's a compart mentallation, right. a lot of disagreement between president biden and prime minister netanyahu but when you are dealing with a crisis like
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this, think that's the freedommence in of conversation. and it essentially it's interesting they are reading out this idea that israel should take the win, what the u.s. is not wanted from the beginning of this round of fighting from october 7th on the u.s. sought to avert a wider conflict that brings in iran directly or that significantly escalates things in place like lebanon. the u.s. tried to avert that. and that's clearly one of the objective of u.s. diplomacy. you have essentially had an exchange. you had israel attack this iranian facility in syria, and kill several senior members of the iranian revolution airia guard revolutionary guard corps and the president is saying you were able to take out significant commanders and in
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response iran launch the attack you successfully defended against. no need to respond directly into iranian soil which is the kind of thing that could continue to escalate this conflict. i am cquite certain that israe will do something, but it could do something in syria again, something in lebanon against iranian proxys and revert the type of proxy war that we have seen between iran and israel across the region. i think that's what the u.s. is counseling. doesn't resolve the situation in gaza which may be in some ways perpetuated by the ratcheting up of tensions with iranp but i think what the president is trying to do avert the wider escalatory cycle directly between iran and israel. >> i want to talk about that impact on the war with hamas. as well, but i want to pull a thread you mentioned the proxy groups. and i remember talking with you on this show reearly on in the days after october 7th one of the things you warned about was these proxy groups hezbollah
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and others and we saw even last night, efforts to launch attacks even as the iranians through the u.n. mission said we are done here. are you worried or should we be worried that they might use the conflict as cover to escalate attacks, hezbollah. >> iran has quite a bit of influence over hezbollah and i don't think they want to get into a large war with israel. because israel would be able to, i think, decimate hezbollah's military capabilities inside lebanon. it would be a very dangerous escalation and something that i don't believe that israel or hezbollah or even iran would want at this point. i think the houthis are more of a question mark. in terms of what they might decide to do on their own because the iranians don't exert the same degree of -- there's an until of groups inside sire yeah and region that could take some actions c against israel to follow on
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with iranian response. but at this point, i think that there there has been said there's an effort to tamp down the retaliatory cycle that could lead to unintendeded escalation on both sides that is something that know president biden and his administration want to avoid. >> so, let me in no question about that. and we will see where -- what we learn from the war cabinet. ben, you mentioned, of course, the impact ongoing war between israel and hamas. help us understand what the impact of this back and forth between iran and israel has on that, how it impacts the u.s. diplomatic conversations, with israel, what do you suspect is happening behind the yoscenes? >> well, you know, it's incredibly complicated three dimensional situation, jenn. first, you've had the ongoing negotiations around cease-fire for hostage releases that's
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been the principle focus of american diplomacy in the region including with israel. i think that this kind of ratcheting up of tensions with between israel and iran probably makes it more difficult to obtain that kind of cease-fire in part because it is ratcheting up israel and i think probably feeding a sense in israel that we are besieged and we have to continue our military operation and now is not the time to be taking our foot off the gas. and so, i am concerned that actually one of the outcomes of this cycle he retaliation with iran is it becomes more difficult to get to that kind of cease-fire. and we also saw obviously, hamas leader political leader in the negotiations his family
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was killed inside gaza. there have been terrible reports not that many hostages alive and this puts the cease- fire in exchange for six weeks of calm makes that more difficult. any time you have things being ratcheted up across the region like this, i think it detracts from efforts to get at the underlying o escalatory event t war in gaza. >> no -- thanks for trying to unravel that. a complicated issue. thank you foboth for joining me this morning. i appreciate it. we are just getting started. mark kelly is standing by and served as naval aviator during and is on the senate arms services committee and joins me when we come back. and joins me when we come back. ...without the stuff you don't. so, here's to now. boost.
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her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for. there's no question that congress is keeping a very close eye on what's unfolding in the middle east right now.
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house is shifting schedule this week to take up legislation to support israel. following last night's iranian attack. but what exactly is it is going to look like is unclear at this moment. the senate passed a foreign aid package in february that included aid for israel but as well as ukraine and taiwan. lawmakers on both sides of the aisle have been waiting since then for the house to take up that bill. and the bipartisan pressure has increased after the events of the last 24 hours. joining me is arizona senator mark kelly who served as naval aviator during the gulf war and is on the arms service and intelligence commitos. we were going to talk about abortion and other things and i hope we get to that. i am grateful you are here to discuss what we have seen over the last 24 hours. i just wanted to start with some of the reporting from "the new york times" because according to "the new york times," israel called off retaliatory strike last night after call between the president and prime minister netanyahu. the war cabinet is meeting now.
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and is there hope as i think we all hope for this to de- escalate. is there hope they come out and decide they are not going to retaliate? >> yeah, thanks for having me on. my hope is we don't want to see this to escalate. we don't want a wider conflict in the region where not only israel our ally continues to be at risk, but it puts our own forces at risk. you know, last night was a serious escalation by the iranians, i think it demonstrated that israel has the capability especially with or assistance we coordinated a lot of the defense last night. and they have the ability to defend themselves and it's hard to strike from 1200 miles away. i've got a lot of experience with this, from my 25 years in the united states knave which. >> i wanted to ask you about, i mean israel, this was a statement issued by iran's mission to the u.n. that seemed to indicate that they are done. but they included in their warning to the u.s. and given
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your history and your background and your role in the armed services committee i want to ask about your level of concern about the security and safety of u.s. military bases around the world. >> well, yeah, i mean, we have got bases in the middle east but also in other places. i was in asia last week in an u.s. military base iran is untree tickettable with proxys that have launched strikes against us the houthis against shipping in the red sea, hezbollah, in the north, and north of israel. and they are dangerous. and we have got to pay close attention to this and we have to make sure israel has the capacity to defend themselves. the the speaker has a bill on his desk sitting there for two months now, he could take this up tomorrow, get it passed and
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send it to the president's desk and we can assist not only israel but ally with eu crepe and also help in the western pacific. >>i know you and many others have been waiting for the bill to pass for those who need assistance. steve scalise announced without details plans to move forward with an aid package to israel. it's not clear how ever that it includes aid to ukraine. are you concerned that means there's another vehicle. >> two months ago we passed with strong bistartson support an emergency supplemental with aid to israel, ukraine, humanitarian aid and other things. it is sitting there and ready to go with bye partisan support in the house of representatives. all the speaker has to do is bring it to the floor for a vote and it will pass and the president could sign monday
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night. >> no doubt about that. most people would like to see that happen. to go back to the conflict on the ground between iran and israel, i know that members of the senate get along well together both parties that's part of the senate but senator blackburn for president biden to launch aggressive retaliatory strikes on iran. but obviously, that's not de- escalation. she is not only one, what is your response to suggestions like that? >> i think it's irresponsible and it's not thinking about what the consequences are to, you know our forces. i am going to always look out for our troops and national security. and i think a wider war in the middle east escalation that you know the senator is propoing is not the way we should be handling the situation right now. >> last night you were doing an event a campaign event i believe, you talked a little bit about the conflict.
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you said that you anticipate there could be escalation or could be activity from iranian proxys from the coming days. i was talking about this with my earlier guest, are you concerned it could give them cover to escalate the attacks whether it's the houthis or hezbollah, and others. >> yeah, well, against israel the obvious would be you know from syria iranian proxys in syria or hezbollah. the proximity makes sense and houthis tried to attack israel and saudis have shot down those cruise missiles essentially. so, yeah, i would expect something like that to happen. but israel does have the capacity to defend themselves against hezbollah. the geography is important here. iran at eye tehran is 1200 miles away and
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demonstrated how hard it is to conduct a strike from that range this me can't do an air to ground mission we would do off an aircraft carrier. that's not an option. hezbollah option is out there. but israel does have the capacity to defend themselves, and i think the consequences to hezbollah would be significant. >> there was since i have you, there was of course a huge development in the state. you spoke about it this week the arizona state supreme court ruling that in 1864, near total abortion ban is enforceable. abortion rights advocates in your state say they have enough signatures to add a ballot question to protect rights of abortion and there's been a lot of activity on the ground. help us understand how you think this could impact turnout and the politics in arizona leading up to november. >> well, let me start by saying it's a disaster for women in arizona. arizona women deserve of the right to make their own decision about abortion.
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that ended and that's because of donald trump. and then the legislature failed on doing something on this this week to fix it. we have an 1864 law now that will soon be the law of the land and it draconian. punishes doctors possibly sending them to jail for 2 to 5 years and prohibits abortions right from the beginning of a pregnancy even in the case of rain and incest. it is -- it's one of the worst things i think that's happened in the state of arizona since i have been in office certainly. and it's because of the former president. we have an opportunity to fix it in november but my biggest concern is what happens to women in arizona between now and the election. and i mean, women could die because of what the former president did by getting rid of roe v. wade. he said it just the other day he broke couple days ago he said he broke roe v. wade. he has taken responsibility for that. we know it's because of his presidency, and we have got to
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work hard between now and november to make sure joe biden is reelected and we fix this at the ballot box. >> senator mark kelly, my 5- year-old wants to be an astronaut so i will tell him i spoke to an actual one. appreciate you joining me here this morning. i greatly appreciate your expertise. >> give him my best. >> i will. i will. coming up next, what are the factors benjamin netanyahu is weighing as he considers if and how to respond to this iranian attack. former u.s. ambassador to israel and andrea mitchell are standing by and they join me next. we will be right back. next. we will be right back. so when minds grow, opportunities follow. ♪
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in the aftermath of eye rap's unprecedented bombardment of israel we are waiting to see what happens next. israeli defense minister said despite the atang the military campaign is not over. adding last night we must prepare for every scenario and israeli war cabinet is meeting
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right now. the reality is any significant response from prime minister netanyahu and his government has the potential to pull the country into an even larger regional conflict. at a time when the country and its people are already in the middle of a war with hamas. these are images from hours before iran carried out its strikes. thousands of israeli citizens in the city of tel aviv demanding netanyahu and the government do more to reach a deal and get remaining hostages taken on october 7th home. and those israelis are not alone in frustration. accord from a poll in a top news outlet they think he should resign immediately or after the war. in comfortable truth when conflict in the region cools, netanyahu will have to face the people of israel. meaning the political fate may be tied to the length of these conflicts. joining me is nbc news chief foreign affairs correspondent andrea mitchell and tom knight. between the two of you you could write a great book what's
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happening in israel. andrea, you had reporting on nature of the call between president biden and prime minister netanyahu. tell us about the dynamics right now between them and anything people should understand about the history of those dynamics. >> well, history is terrible because they have had a bad relationship going back to the expansion of settlements at the moment when then vice president biden was arriving in 2009 for his first trip as vice president. and so that is the history. but they worked together and they are allies and they have worked together. you saw the bear hug the embrace where president biden reacted immediately on october 7th and there after. and was the last person probably in the national security cabinet to stick with netanyahu at all costs. and not be you know more concerned let's say about the hostages and civilian cost of it all. that said, we have seen an escalation of his rhetoric, the mistake when he said on the
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call of the one before this last call, when he took a hard line with netanyahu. and said civilian casualties are too high that more aid has to get in and really made a push strong push for opening crossings to get more truckloads in. still, when it comes to iran, iran is an adversary and i think the u.s. skillfully worked the diplomacy, the arab partners that tony blinken and sullivan have been courting and building and burns most importantly, adding them to the hostage talks and all that, so all of that working them to communicate directly and indirectly with iran to say you know worker don't want this. we don't want this to spread and to get the communications back that iran doesn't want a wider war. and i think that's also what you saw retaliation was bigger than expected. for damascus. and there's u.s. concern-
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happiness with the hit in damascus they were terrorists, all of that, but the timing was terrible with the hostage talks right on the verge of hamas accepting something. however, that said, last night what the president was saying we are with you, we showed this, you have succeeded take the win. you succeeded beyond all expectations, the layered defenses worked our defenses helped and work and we had the allights ready to fire on the jordannians helping and saudi quietly helping as well. so take the win and don't retaliate. we will be with you to defend you it's ironclad. but we will not join in you in any offense actions in iran. >> very important. and i am going to ask john considery about that. you are familiar with the reality israel doesn't listen to everything every american diplomat says. it feels like calls between
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president bideinen and netanyahu have had an impact in the immediate aftermath. but there's a war cabinet meeting right now we are waiting to see if there's developments from it. what are you hearing from people you are talking to on the ground in terms of what could happen next. >> i think it's important we step back and understand the unprecedented nature of what happened. hundreds of rockets were sent directly from iran for the first time in to jerusalem the home of the holy sites, and i spoke to many of my friends in jerusalem who are hiding in shelters last night. i don't think anyone expected this. one thing i think is important to understand is, israel did something unprecedented as well last night. they defended their country in a way i think people step back and say wow, and it was because of israel's defense with the iron dome and the sling and all the stuff that we have united states helped them create.
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>> provide. >> biden administration stepped in and basically said in words and actions we have got your back. and not only did the administration we had the centcom commander was on ground and there was help as andrea reported by other allies. that's hugely important to the state of israel and security to the state of israel. what's the feeling on ground? people are scared, and relieved and understand the importance of the security and relationship with the united states. and every day they say that the idea of this administration support of israel is ironclad and now they understand we mean it. so i think it's important for people to understand and what we think about this going forward. >> do you think they will take the win? i mean, meaning stop and not retaliate at this point in time? >> listen, i am not going to get into the minds of netanyahu and. >> what are the factors he considers. >> i think that they clearly the importance of what the administration is saying to them, listen guys, we have your
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back. okay. proven by last night, and success that you have had basically taking on unprecedented barrage of rockets, we have got your back. this administration biden and harris and blinken and sullivan on the calls with netanyahu and gants and for the last 72 hours. so they understand we are heavily, heavily vested in this. so they don't have to weigh all that together to what they can and should do. listen, this is a scarry moment for the state of israel and they have got this going on with iran and we will talk about i am sure what sure's going on in gaza so they are on edge and focused. >> you have been covering the region for decades. you know so much more than many of us will know if we studied for long time. what is the impact of this -- of this over the last 48 hours on what is an ongoing war between israel and hamas, and hamas rejected the proposed cease-fire deal last night. it was a lot of dynamics safe
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to say. what is the impact. >> exactly. and one thing i think we have to consider, which we can't assess yet, you showed the images from tel aviv the huge protest on the eve and hours before the attack. iran's attacking territorial israel as tom said jerusalem, when i saw that last night when richard was reporting from jerusalem it was stun something holy sites. fortunately, they didn't hit anything, and it was you know, israeli air defenses that knocked them out there. but what israel is realizing is we don't know what the israeli public is saying. immediately after october 7th it was rallying behind obviously the hidous attack the massacre from hamas. it was rallying behind net in the and now again, the protests and the anger about the hostages, and the anger about the civilian casualties with a good portion of israeli public. tom has a better feel than i have and spent so much time
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there in the last couple of years. but, i think we have to assess now is that israel knows that they have layered defense and arrow and the david sling but they cannot stop everything coming at them. from all directions. the way the u.s. did. the u.s. in the air on the sea, you know land based. we have those kinds of defenses. in the region that they don't have. and, they cannot stop an iranian attack if it escalates. they have to worry about hezbollah which so heavily armed in the north. if his bow lamb opens another front with them coming back to gaza and folded back they are not prepared for a northern front and people in the north till not even back in their homes, the mixed signals sent about whether to get in or out of there, safe houses last night, their safe places last night. because they didn't know what
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was coming at them. they know he knows, gantz knows what they can and cannot do. they want to get rahah and wants to go in against u.s. hopes but want to get the last hamas battalions out and there and he issued a statement that i just saw and i think tom is aware of. faced with a threat of iran we will collect the price from iran in the way and time that suits us. and netanyahu as strong as he is he is not a commander in chief and has to listen to some of the generals. >> it's all a lot to watch. i could keep talking to both you have, but they are telling me i have to take a break that's how it goes in the world. thank you very much investor tom and andrea thanks for joining me this morning. and breaking news conference continues after a break stay with us. ng news conference continues after a break stay with us.
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iran's mission said they were responding to israel's attack two weeks ago adding the matter can be deemed concluded. and just hours ago iranian foreign minister confirmed it ran has no intention of continuing its retaliation against israel. but that could change if israel strikes back. joining me to help us understand what that means is a senior fellow at carney endowment for international peace and u.s. foreign policy and also with us founder of zivy media and does a great news leader everybody should read. we have been on more trips and we used to work together. let know start with you, because i think we are trying to read into the statements and the commander of the iranian revolutionary guard called it more successful. i assume that's for a domestic audience. u.n. statement is interesting how to you read all this in terms of what's going on with the leadership in iran right
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now? >> well, iran is one of the only governments in the world that its ideology is more committed to oradcation of another nation than it is the advancement. >> as in israel. >> exactly. than it's own nation. you don't hear leaders say long live iran but death to israel is a mantra at every official rally. i thought the statement which they put out through the mission to the u.n. was interesting. because basically, it's like going up and punching someone in the face and saying okay, i consider this to the matter to now be settled. >> the fight is over. >> and obviously, israel has to decide. at the end of the day, iran is on hand committed to the ideology of replacing israel with palestine but it is committed to staying in power. it's not -- it's homicidal regime but not suicidal. if ies race chooses to retaliate they will put again in the situation of whether or not they should respond.
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>> you spent decades explaining to people carefully parsed statements how did you read statement from the u.n. mission and leaders in israel as well. >> well, agree with karim it was like and don't forget they went to the u.n. in advance and you can say you don't trust iran but they take the u.n. membership seriously. and they said we are going to respond, it's going to be over and we will all move on. right? you made your attack, we are going to make our attack, and then the whole thing did seem a bit choreographed in way that the way they were i'll to take it down, president biden knew it was coming. and so for iran to now say, okay, we did what we said we are going to do, we are done. and let's move on. and kind of set a warning. you know, this might have not been so damaging but if you do it again, if you respond, then it's really going to be on. >> including a threat to the u.s. in there. >> that's why. >> it's concluded except if the u.s. gets involved.
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>> exing atly. that's why you hear the message from the u.s. they are not saying pub click take the win, but that's really was the message of john -- you will speak with johnny and tom nides saying listen, you did so well, we were all there for you. you created the deterrence you need. there's no need to show anymore strength. now whether prime minister netanyahu is going to follow that advice, probably not. but i think the ball is in israel's court as to whether eye wants to escalate because iran is clearly saying it doesn't want to. >> i want to come back to that because it's so much about what comes out of the war cabinet meeting and hours ahead. one of the topics we have been discussing this morning i was discussing with director brennan and others is the proxys. and people need to understand the leadership in iran has a lot of influence, control, whatever you want to call it, over hezbollah, and other proxys attacking israel and there were attacks overnight on israel.
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explain a little bit that dynamic and how that plays out. iran says we are done and hezbollah is attack israel help us understand. >> if you look at a map of the middle east now, iran is the most powerful country in the region. and it's dominating five arab lands. syria, lebanon, iraq, yemen and gaza and palestinian territories. and they call it access of resistance. it's an access of misery and they are essentially failing or failed states. and all of you know iran and its prokeys are far more dedicated to eradication of israel than well-being of their own population. this is a challenge here for both united states and israel because, if for example, hezbollah starts to launch rockets against israel and other proxys and a military retaliation iran does well when it builds from the rubble and there is conflict and chaos in
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these power vacuums. >> when they are under duress or feel nd attack we are the victim. that's interesting dynamic. so let's talk -- ask you about the dynamics in the war cabinet. because they are meeting, we don't know when it concludes. sometimes they are hour long and sometimes shorter. talk about who is the key players in there and what are the factors that are impacting their decision about what they should do? >> well, there's the security dynamic right. and then there's the political dynamic. and everyone is saying, and i think there's truth to it, the longer this goes on, this is good for prime minister netanyahu. and i don't think he necessarily undertook this attack to divert from gaza and to keep him a little more popular in rally the flag around him but certainly that's a little bit of the effect. so i think he will have an interest in keeping this going. i think really to look at what benny gantz and defense minister says, you know that you heard about the
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conversation this week with the defense secretary austin and defense minister gantz and we weren't thrilled with that attack and we weren't thrilled with the lack of heads up. so i think, you know, people like gallant and benny gantz will be much more attuned how the u.s. is going to be there for israel. you know, think prime minister netanyahu would be happy to escalate it and to keep it going. i think gallant and gantz know they have a lot of ground they need to finish off hamas and ward off from hezbollah and worry about these proxys and so i don't think they are going to be eager to escalate right now. but i do think they want to make sure that, you know, israel is defended. >> so, i mean, we are waiting to see what comes out of israel if they retaliate or if they don't retaliate, it seems like iranian leadership is saying we are done we will see. if they do, are there scales of their retaliation that could prompt a sponsor not prompt a response because it seems like
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they don't really want a war with israel. >> we have entered uncharted waters and never before did iran launch an attack against israel and when you look at this conflict through a geographic lens eye -- when you look through a military lens israel is ga lying at and israel is david. and israel is significantly more powerful and the reality in iran is it's a population which there's a huge gap betweens aspiration of the population and aspiration of the regime regime likes to be like north korea and they want to be like south korea. i don't think they have a popular mandate to start a conflict with israel. that's not something iranian population is going to support. >> which is interesting and important for people to understand. we do have to go to a break. i want to thank you both so much. appreciate you helping us understand this part of the
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dynamics which so important as well. and we have a lot more to get to today white house national security communication adviser john kirby is standing by for a conversation at the top of the next hour and we are back after a quick break so stay with us. . here in hawaii, there is always time. time to spend with family. time to share with others, or lend a helping hand. here, we have all the time in the world, but no time to waste. [coughing] copd isn't pretty. i'm out of breath, and often out of the picture. but this is my story. ( ♪♪ ) and with once-daily trelegy, it can still be beautiful. because with 3 medicines in 1 inhaler,
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