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tv   MSNBC Breaking News  MSNBC  April 14, 2024 1:00pm-2:00pm PDT

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hello, welcome to a special edition of msnbc reports.
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it is 4:00 p.m. on the east coast t. means it is 11:00 in israel right now. nearly 24 hours after iran's retaliation attacks. almost none managing to get passed the country's air defense. israel intends to respond but no final decisions have been made. an israeli official has said. the u.n. is holding an emergency meeting to talk about it. in washington president biden is praising the joint u.s./israeli difference. he also is calling for restraint. making it clear that the u.s. will not back an israeli counterstrike as he now confronts an escalation in a region embroiled in violent conflict.
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earlier today white house national security communication advisory laid out the white house's case for deescalation. >> the hope is that we can deescalate the tensions. that is what the president has been trying to do. he does not want a major war in the middle east. he is not looking for a conflict with iran. he does not believe to have another war in the middle east where you have thousands of american troops on the ground. >> let's go live now to tel aviv and nbc news correspondent raf sanchez, how are they r responding. >> reporter: the conclusion of the meeting is that israel will respond to this iranian attack but then no decisions were made about the timing of that response or the form that it
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would take. this official says that in the war cabinet among the questions discussed were does israel need to retaliate right now? hoar does it have time to come up with a plan? they said that the idf will be asked to present more options to prime minister benjamin netanyahu and other israeli decision-makers before a final decision is made. one of the other concerns is how escalation with iran would impact israeli operations inside of gaza. so, those are some of the considerations in front of israeli decision-makers right now. but, anna, this is not what the white house wanted to hear. president biden was clear with prime minister benjamin netanyahu when they spoke last night. in his words, take the win. israel with help from the u.s., u.k., other nations fend today
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off 350 cruise missiles and drones from iran. the president urging mime minister benjamin netanyahu not to escalate further. not to respond to saying that the u.s. would not support any israeli counterstrike against iran. the israelis are saying at this point they have no choice but to respond given the scale of this attack. but, that does not necessarily mean that we will see a mirror image of what happened last night going in the other direction back to iran. it is possible that israel's response could be covert. it is possible that israel might not claim responsibility in the same way for that attack near the iranian embassy on april 1st in domascus. the attack that killed seven and that is what iran says they were responding to. >> how are the people responding to what transpired
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in the last 24 hours? >> reporter: so, there was terror here last night, anna. people did not know what was going to happen when the wave of drones reached israel. today there is an enormous sense of relief that the attack was not worse and a sense of relief that the region has not been plunged instantly into war. i am looking out over one of the main roads in tel aviv here, as you said, it is now 11:00 at night. all day i would say it has been quiet back to you. calm here. the israeli military has extended a set of restrictions that it put in place last night. so there is not going to be any school tomorrow, there will not be any educational activities tomorrow. there are limits in certain areas to the number of people that can gather. the israeli military says those restrictions will remain in place for another 24 hours but that they are constantly assessing the situation and that they will decide if and when those restrictions can be lifted.
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i can tell you there is not a clammerring, certainly not on the streets of tel aviv for retaliation here. i think most people are feeling a sense of relief that this was not worse. and that they are hoping that israel can now move on without further escalation. >> thank you very much for your reporting, live for us in israel. now, let's go to the white house. monica alba, president biden reiterated support for israel. but also telling israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu that the u.s. would not back an israeli counterstrike. israel signaled there will be a response. what more can you tell us? >> we understand in that phone conversation overnight the president did tell the prime minister that support from the u.s. is ironclad. that the u.s. does, of course,
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support israel's right to defend itself but when it comes to something that can be escalating. he told them make sure everyone is thinking carefully and critically what kind of retaliation action can do in the region that is really the message we are hearing from top administration officials that you saw today and played in your intro. john kirby was repeating this on four of the sunday shows this morning saying that the u.s. does not seek a wider war with iran and that it does not see any kind of a broadening conflict. there is this concern among top officials that the u.s. could get dragged into this conflict in a more brood and intense manner if there is this response by israel to iran. so, they are watching that very, very carefully. they also want to convey that they feel like what happened last night was done in a manner that the u.s. of course aided
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in terms of shooting down some of the drones and missiles that were shot. not just from iran but also from syria and from yemen. and, that is why the president spent time calling some of the fighter squadrons that were involved in that and he commended them for their airmanship and their skill. the president tauting it went well from the military perspective. >> we know the president is busy with meetings and international partners. he spoke earlier with leader from the g-7 following this attack. what are we learning about that call? >> yes, he office that call from the situation room. you are seeing a photo there on your screen of that discussion earlier. and all of the leaders put out a joint statement afterwards effectively condemning iran's unprecedented attack, demanding that iran and any of the proxies stop any future attacks and really hinting there could be future action here if there
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is something that occurs that is considered destabilizing to, of course, a fraught region. it could look like sanctions or something else to response to, again, future moves from eye rap. the president did take part in that call and then he also had a call with king abdullah from jordan to reiterate he is closely monitoring, again, with other allies in the region what could blow up into something larger. the president said he will do everything possible that make sure the temperature is low enough so it does to the get to that point. that is, we understand, his number one priority. anna. >> at the white house for us. thank you for bringing us the latest. joining us now the military analyst retired jack jacobs and former israel ambassador to the united states. ambassador what is your
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assessment to where things stand between war and iran? >> we are not close, anna. israel and iran have been at war for this years now. you can not take out of context the events of the last week. iran and its proxies attacking on nearly every border certainly since october 7th but well, well before that for decades. and, we tend both the united states and israel play by the rules. firing rockets by the proxies. hezbollah and firing and we fire back at the proxies but no one fires back at iran. it looks like the rules of the game are changing. iran will not be able to escape unscathed from the battle in this 30 year war. israeli leaders are thinking, yes, last night was immensely successful and a great act of cooperation between israel and the united states and other allies in preventing this
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onslot of missiles but the defense is not deterrent. if anything they will be very, very frustrated they were unable to present to penetrate the defenses and try it again. they have not done detoured in any meaningful way. interestingly enough, they were showing pictures of a country on fire and claiming it was israel set on fire by iranian missiles. pictures taken of a massive forest fire in texas. >> that is eye-opening. interesting for you to say that you believe iran would be upset by the outcome. colonel, it is true it could have been a whole lot worse considering israel and the allies and the u.s. and u.k. were able to intercept and destroy the 99% of the missiles but is that what iran intended? is iran really done at this point? >> reporter: well, it is an
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argument that they, they set all of those vehicles up there so they get shot down. don't forget they have a domestic audience they have to satisfy. a retaliation was inevitable. they had to do something for the domestic consumption. telegraphed they were going to do it. they had a high degree of confidence that the allies, israel, the united states, france, england, and, other allies in the middle east will take care of most of them. but it leaves the question of what happens next? israel has the capability to do just about anything it wants to. but one has to especially in the military establishment in the military way of thinking decide what the objective is and who the audience is. so, israel can do anything from nothing all of the way up to and including a large assault on iran and probably neither
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one of those is going to be the decision. so, one can expect some black operations. don't forget israel, the united states, all of our allies have the capability of conducting cyberwarfare, have done it before, probably can do it again. limited objective attacks. we have to remember and, and that, a threat is hezbollah and other iranian proxies that continue to attack is israel and their interests. >> not to mention what is happening in gaza, still. colonel, just thinking about this unprecedented attack from iran directly into israel's sovereign territory with hundreds of not just unmanned drones but these ballistic
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missiles, cruise missiles. this was a very scary, could have been extremely disastrous kind of situation. how big of a test was this for israel's defense and what did we learn about it? >> well, they said they can take care of itself, no doubt about that. they have to be resupplied with the ammunition required to protect themselves. it was a substantial test. it was an interesting education for everybody on both sides of this conflict. never the less you raised an interesting point the kind of vehicle that is used for the attack. it is critical. a large number of very fast- moving objects like missiles. both ballistic and guided missiles would be much more of a test than remotely piloted
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vehicles. and, both iran and hezbollah have a large number of things. israel must be on the watch. has been since 1948. but must redouble its efforts to repel even more substantial attacks that may come in the future. ambassador the u.n. security council is holding an emergency meeting over this attack as we speak. i believe we have live inches inside of the meeting. they are calling to condemn iran and designate the revolutionary guard, a terror group. what would that mean for iran and neighboring countries? >> i don't think it will succeed much. the stacks, the cards are stacked against israel in the united nations. were it to be passed then the revolutionary guards are a major force within iran. they maintain a huge control of the iranian economy. and, that would isolate much of that iranian economy from world markets. again, i don't think it is
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going to happen but the fact that israel convened or called for the security council to convene to condemn the attack it is significant in and of itself and expect the united states to support any israeli motion to this event and america's allies, the french, the british who took part in the defense of israel skies last night. >> right, thank you both so much. jacobs and former ambassador: appreciate you both. still ahead, israel promising to respond after last night's drones and missiles launched from iran. does it change anything when it comes to congress passing foreign aid? we will speak to adam smith, next. don't go anywhere will speak t, next. don't go anywhere . with bimzelx. only bimzelx targets and blocks il-17a plus f to calm inflammation.
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earlier today to determine next moves. a senior israeli official telling nbc news that policy issues were laid out. this comes as president biden spoke to israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu and warned that the u.s. will not participate in offensive operations against iran according to the senior administration official. earlier this afternoon, president biden convened a call with the four congressional leaders on the next steps to come from congress. i want to bring in one of those congress members, democratic congress member adam smith. thank you for joining us, congressman. first, just how confident are you that this conflict between iran and israel is not going to spiral furtherer >> >> i am not confident at all. we are in a dangerous situation, accept one for congress is to pass the package, the supplemental that they passed a couple months ago and the house is dragging their feet on that supports ukraine
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and israel and taiwan. i know the former president trump is running around saying flop of it would of happen if i was not in charge. but he is the one who has stopped congress from passing the aid bill that has made us look weak to putin and iran and china. all of whom are working together by the way. message number one for the house and the house republicans and speaker mike johnson, put the senate bill on the floor, give us a vote so we can support our allies in ukraine and taiwan and israel. >> what if he only puts funding for israel on the floor. >> here is the problem for that. senate passed the brooder package. if we vote for the package it goes right to the president and it is done. whatever he puts up on israel would have to go back to the senate. the is a controversial situation right now. we all know how the senate works in one word, slowly. it would take a lot of time. there would be question of what
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it looks like. so, i hope that house republicans don't screw around with politics and partisanship on this and give us the vote on the senate bill that would go right to the president and get the support for our allies that we need. if he puts a stand alone israel on the floor would you vote for that? >> the stand alone bill they put two of them on already. it did not contain any humanitarian assistance. look, the crisis that is going on in gaza right now it is significantly undermining israel's ability to protect itself. the package, going down that road it is the road to nowhere given how long it would take to move it through the senate and move forward. when we have a vehicle, right in front of us that has been sitting in the house for, as i said, two months now. that we can pass that would directly get assistance to all of the partners who need our
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assistance right now. >> israeli official tells nbc news that israel will respond to iran's attack. no final decisions have been made on the size or the timing of this response. what do you think israel should do in this moment and what should the u.s. do? >> i think that is a dangerous decision now, understand this did not just start with the april first attack in syria and iran said they are responding to. iran has been backing proxies that threaten and attack israel for a long time. that is what they were doing when they did that strike in syria. this is a long going back and forth. now, we all like to live in a world with iran just disappeared as a threat. but that is not on the table. what israel needs is basic security and the biggest thing they need is security from hebollah. there is the possibility of negotiating the outcome.
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if there is a constant escalation, john bolton making the argument vow. only respond to their strength. you must escalate. if both sides have that viewpoint there is no end to the escalation. iran it is not some, you know, weak backward power they have missiles and allies and drones. we got a deal with the world as it is not as what we would imagine it to be. i hope israel will look for a way to get to peace and they are in a dangerous neighborhood. if they choose to fight them all at the same time it puts them in danger >> in terms of a u.s. response again iran, your republican colleague and committee chair mike turner talked about red lines. take a listen. >> i don't think at there point the united states should be engaged in military action directly at iran. but, i do believe that if this administration fails to step up to the plate and understand
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that we have an escalating conflict and make it clear that there are red lines and that the united states will defend israel and will not allow iran to be a weapon state that we will be in a brooder conflict and we will have less options. >> congressman do you agree? >> i think we already made that clear. we had the attacks that iran was launching through their proxies in iraq and syria. we responded aggressively against those. those attacks stopped. we also, it is worth noting, negotiating a deal so iran would not build a nuclear weapon. a deal that trump tore up. now we have republicans telling us, my goodness, iran might get a nuclear weapon. we came up with a way to block the path that they chose to walk away from. biden administration is already doing what congressman turner has said in making the red lines clear while not stumbling in to a direct conflict with iran as even turner said we
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should not do. >> what are those red lines? i don't know if those red lines are clear to the american people. >> well, of course not. it is an incredibly complicated topic. you will not pick it up by reading a couple newspaper articles, iran has proxies all over the place and you want to be careful drawing too many red lines, what the proxies in iraq and syria attacked a military base and killed three, that was an salute red line. so, i think that is very clear to iran. even in iran's response. look, hezbolah has tens of thousands of missiles, they could of launched all television and no way they would of stopped that and the war would of exploded. they did not do that. don't under estimate that the biden administration is having
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these conversations with iran and others to make it clear how not to escalate this conflict. >> congressman adam smith appreciate your time. thank you for joining us. just ahead, the other story we are following. the historic criminal trial of former president donald trump tomorrow. who is on the witness list. did trump violate his gag order? much more to come keep it here on msnbc more to come keep it e on msnbc old spice? oops. ♪ (old spice mnemonic) ♪ sara federico: at st. jude, we don't care who cures cancer. we just need to advance the cure. it's a bold initiative to try and bump
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. tomorrow, the new york criminal case starts with jury selection. it is one of four trial cases that he faces. a potential witness list for the prosecution shows about a dozen people could take the stand from stormy daniels to michael cohen to aids and trump organization employees. joining us now is former federal prosecutor and msnbc prosecutor, as we gear up tomorrow, walk us through how this is going to go. what can we expect? >> reporter: what you can expect tomorrow morning is that there is going to be motions that probably both sides raise. lawyers are good at coming up with twists and turns that they want the judge to decide before the jury is all tebrought in. and, there is also a bit of activity that starts just before a trial gets underway. that is because the lawyers
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want to have all of these issues sort of ruled on by the judge before the jury is brought in. once the jury is brought in a certain formality it takes over the courtroom and you don't have time for a lot. so expect some of that to happen before the jury selection gets under way and quite a few days of jury selection because of all of the fraud issues here and once the jury seselected then opening statements will actually begin. >> thousands of potential jurors have been summoned. the jury questionnaire has 42 questions, some are multipart. and, really, get if jurors are pro or anti-trump without asking how they vote. what are the key questions do you think that jurors need to answer. and some of the more obvious ones are what associations did they have, are they a member of the cowboys? that is an obvious question.
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they the parties do avoid asking the questions who did you vote for, for example, that will not allow on a questionnaire. but sometimes it goes into what sort of news shows do you watch? what sort of literature do you read? how near are you with the issues in this case because both parties are trying to determine if a predetermination has been made by the jury about the guilt or innocence of the defendant. >> michael cohen is expected to be, perhaps, the star witness because he was directly involved in the payments. the jury will have to make a judgment on his credibility. here is cohen this weekend here on msnbc. >> donald and his legal team are trying to do is every day to discredit me. they think it is a winning
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strategy for getting a overturn of whatever conviction that a jury may or may not determine. that is not the way that you run the trial. have your own defense. that is what they think is going to be the successful result for them. >> what is your take on that? >> well, of course, attacking the prosecution's witness is a defense strategy. it is used frequently because there is a prosecution that has the burden of proof beyond a reasonable doubt to prove the guilt of the defendant. but, in this case, michael cohen is really, he is more of a narrator of the story. the prosecution does have a lot of other evidence. they have the checks that were signed by donald trump. one check, he has been president of the united states. they will have the temperature of all of the players that took part in this scheme to have
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money go to stormy daniels in return for her silence about the affair. so, you need to have somebody sort of knows the story from beginning and end. because the checks were written to michael cohen. it is the one. you know, there is, there is a saying that plots hatched in hell don't have angels for witnesses, you have to be able as a prosecutor to corroborate everything that the witnesses says and that is what they will have to do with michael cohen >> trump went after him, disgraced attorney, felon, does that violate the gag order. >> i think it does technically violate the order, the gag order, it is, the prosecution has been clear about who will be called as a witness and michael cohen is on the list. i think the judge has a little bit of a harder time with this
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one because michael cohen has been so publicly out there criticizing donald trump, very, very recently. so i think it is a little tougher for the judge to come down and punish donald trump for violating that gag order. although it is a violation of the gag order. this judge has a lot of things to do and michael cohen seems to be out there taking care of himself. he is not a witness who is shying away from the cameras. so, we will have to see what the judge decides to do in this case >> trump on friday says he would absolutely testify in his own trial. he is not required to. do you think that would be in his own best interest? >> i think we are all agreed on the legal analyst side but trump is not taking the stand in this case. we are also not surprised that he is saying he will take the stand because it, it is meaningless to him to say if he is or is not going to take the stand at this point if he decides nothe to take the stand that would be the wiser thing
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to do in this case. he has made so many statements and once he decides to testify the doors kind of open for the prosecution just to get in there and expose his inconsistencies and false hoods and lies in the past. but, he will ultimately say he will not take the stand and he will say this whole thing was just a witch-hunt and it was meaningless for me to take the stand. he knows how to take the fifth amendment. he has done that in depositions. i don't think a lot of people are putting weight on it >> he took the stand in a couple of the civil trials in which he was involved. carroll case, the fraud trial, if he does not take the stand who else do you think could be a witness for the defense? >> that is a good question. a lot of times the defense chooses not to call any witnesses because, again, all they have to do is a the prosecution has not met its burden of proof in this case. and, they can do that in a number of ways.
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they can say the facts don't amount to enough evidence to convict the defendant in this case but they also have legal arguments that they might raise. in fact, i am almost sure they will raise it. saying these are not the types of crimes that the statue alleges or the prosecution did not list or give the kind of evidence that you need to get to get a conviction in this case and they may just decide not to call anybody. that is probably the safer course for them and just save these issues for appeal. >> all right, thank you very much for being with us and offering your expertise. up next, the impact trump's time in the courtroom could have on the campaign trail. and the new polling showing president biden shrinking trump's edge in the election of 2024. keep it right here on msnbc of 2024. keep it right here on msnbc
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. welcome back. in less than 24 hours donald trump will be in a manhattan courtroom for the start of the first of his four criminal trials. security will be extremely tight as jury selection gets underway in the new york hush money case. the historic nature of this trial, not lost on anyone. joining us now. a special correspondent for vanity fair and contributor of the podcast and "new york times" reporter. thank you both for being here. molly, tomorrow it is a historic day when you think
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about it. it is the first time a former president, the man who is the current presumptive nominee for the gop for 2024 is going to go on trial. a criminal trial. what is top of mind as we head into tomorrow? >> reporter: you know, unprecedented to have a former president do this and then have the current republican nominee do it. two sort of unprecedented things happening simultaneously. we never had a president get close to something like this. the closest would be nixon who resigned when he was being impeached. i think there is no, you know, we get cynical because there has been so much of trump getting away with things but you have to realize the optics of a presidential candidate for a major party sitting to a criminal trial can not be overstated. >> of course, he has tried to frame this as sort of him against the system. >> right. >> he will be facing a jury of
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his peers, i am wondering, you know, for the next couple of months trump will be off of the campaign trail. he will be spending most of his time in this manhattan courtroom. what effect might it have on his presidential run? >> when you are running for president generally speaking it is good to be on the campaign trail, meeting people, taking questions and showing yourself in probably the most presidential and flattering light beinged in of a courtroom, being, you know, prosecuted it is definitely not something that most campaign managers say they want their candidate to do. however, it is trump we are going to see if he can turn this trial into a campaign setting. you will not see him sitting there. we will not see him at the table. not see him in the courtroom. what we will see because of cameras, we will see him coming out and making speeches afterward. two things it poses a challenge for the court. one, will he violate gag order and say things to jeopardize
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the case. and whether or not americans decide that is what they want to see in their president. >> molly, trump has seen huge momentum, right? with his republican base. just since these indictments started coming. this was the first one. this case, a little over a year ago. he got this big boost in frond raising. it seemed to really propell him forward as he moved through the prime airs as well. do you think his supporters will be watching closely what happens at this trial? >> well, look, there is a theory of the case that says trump won the primary on being indicted. i don't know if i believe that. i think trump won the primary on having a lot of candidates who were pretending to be sort of less good, less authentic trumps, so, i actually don't believe that. but i do think it had some effect with rallying the base and i would say republican base voters, the trump, sort of, the
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people who are baked into trump are not the people that biden needs to win in order to win it. i think those people may be effected by the optics of this. he can say this is the deep state but the reality is michael cohen was his lawyer for a long time, right? he was his fixer. it is not the deep state that hired him. he can deny stormy daniels but these are people from trump world coming out and telling trump stories. >> and another trump insider worked closely and always loyal. she was at the white house. she could be forced to take the stand and tell the truth. >> reporter: right, you can not create this out of nothing. this is from things that he has done. so, i do think ultimately, you know, when you are looking at swing voters are they going to be, you know, moved by a candidate sitting as a defendant? i don't know that is the message that swing voters want.
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>> we don't know the out come of this trial yet. a jury of 12 people will ultimately decide trump's fate weighing in there in november, if trump is found guilty what are the political implications do you think? do we have a sense based on what we know in terms of polling on this? terms of base or people that your colleagues have been talking to? >> we know the race is tight. people that love trump they will continue to love trump. that is his base. what the swing voters will do, to bd. there are unknowns about this trial that we can not determine now. one, is that if he wins he did two things not just about paying off with am to stay silent. it will be because of a campaign and there was a larger
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plot that included the national inquirer to keep stories, not just out of the inquirer but using catch and kill to keep things out of the public. that could be a real question on how he is going to run the campaign. and if he is able to prove those things it will be interesting to see how the american people respond to that, this is what trump will be doing or could be doing. and the other thing that we don't know is if there will be violence during this trial that could impact how voters feel about trump the fact that there is so much security around this courthouse. the fact that we need to see this much security around the courthouse and the trial could go on for several weeks. if is going to be interesting to see what happens around safety. what we saw after january 6th was that there was a turning away from trump. now, we can all hope and i hope, hopeful and expect that there will be not be another january 6-like event outside of this courthouse. this is as something to us not
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only about trump but supporters and, again, we can not know how voters would respond to any kind of violence. now, showing the race between trump and biden today remains very, very close. 45-46% well within the margin of error. but i wonder, molly. how the biden campaign will handle this time during trump's trial. how they will try to capitalize, what will you be watching for? >> so, i will be watching what sort of, how much this goes through the news cycle. there are things that we in the industrial complex know about that normal voters don't necessarily get to. will the news get out of political news into real news, into local news, 6:00 local news. that may change hearts and minds.
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i also think that, you know, trump violated the gag order already this weekend with his truths. he does not tend to be held to the same account as a normal defendant. but, you have to wonder. there is polling that shows, again, i am mixed about polls, but there is polling that shows if he does get a criminal disiement that it actually shaves a couple points off of him. i don't know. but the reality is, like this story, it pays off an adult film star after the, you know, his third wife delivers his fifth child and then, you know, there is a lot of evidence that people changed, people decided their vote is very late in the campaign. a couple days before the 2016 election >> this is after we learned of the access hollywood tape. >> right. >> so, there could have been, it could have effected the outcome of the 2016e expleks it is money that would have technically been a campaign donation. so, i think there is a lot of
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things there that have seemed questionable. >> and that is why, also, the manhattan d. a. is framing it as an election interference case from the 2016 election. it is going to be fascinating to cover this moment in history. ladies, thank you very much for this conversation today. we'll be right back. for this conversation today. we'll be right back. i'm thinking... (speaking to self) about our honeymoon. what about africa? safari? hot air balloon ride? swim with elephants? wait, can we afford a safari? great question. like everything, it takes a little planning. or, put the money towards a down-payment... ...on a ranch montana ...with horses let's take a look at those scenarios. j.p. morgan wealth management has advisors in chase branches and tools, like wealth plan to keep you on track. when you're planning for it all... the answer is j.p. morgan wealth management. wanna know a secret? more than just my armpits stink. that's why i use secret whole body deodorant... everywhere. 4 out of 5 gynecologists
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