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tv   MSNBC Breaking News  MSNBC  April 14, 2024 2:00pm-3:00pm PDT

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. hello, welcome to a special edition of msnbc reports. it is 5:00 p.m. on the east coast, midnight in tel aviv as the israeli government weighs the next steps against iran's drone attacks. israeli official tells nbc news that the country will respond but no final decisions have been made after more than 300 drones and missiles were detoured by israel and its allies. here in new york, the united nation's security council is, right now, holding an emergency meeting. israel calling on the u.n. to condemn iran and potentially designate the national guard. these are live imagessed in that emergency meeting. now, the white house supports it but the president is calling for restraint. making it clear that the u.s. will not back an israeli counterstrike.
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let's go to tel aviv now. joining us is bureau chief martin fletcher. martin, thanks for being here. you were the bureau chief for decades. how was last night's attack different, was it? >> reporter: it was, it was so different it can not be expreltsessed fully in words. this is, as you know, the first time iran attacked israel directly on iranian soil. that is what they face now. how, how to respond to that. all of the pressure coming from the white house from european governments on israel is not to respond physically, militarily, certainly not in a strong manner. but the pressure is so us inside israel is to do something. after all, the leadership of israeli government from the right is pushing for a very,
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very strong response. the president has said it was a declaration of war by iran and israel will occur all options. now the question is what will israel do? will israel base the response and try to do or what iran achieved last night, that is basically nothing. not was not shock and awe. able to stop that massive missile attack on israel from iran. only you can count low many missiles got through on one hand. so the question is can israel translate that triumph into a diplomatic victory the only way to do that is showing restraint. forging that new alliance for the united states and u.n. powers and jordan and that would leave iran as a villain. or defy, everybody, really,
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launch a major attack against iran, risking a wider war. that is where we are tonight waiting for the israeli government to decide what to do. >> we talked about how it was an overwhelming number that were stocked when it comes to the missiles and the drones. not every single one. can you fill us in on the amount of any damage that took place, any injuries that happened? >> well, it is remarkable how little achieved by the massive attack. it is pretty clear, it is pretty clear what they were trying to do. they were trying to attack israeli air force base in the south to the country. and doing the most value. weighing in on that place. several got through. not sure how many. it seems like 4 or 5. all they did was minor damage. not able to stop the israeli air force using that, using
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that base. some of the most sophisticated warplanes are based there. so, that was the only place of any damage at all. only one injury. it was a young girl, a muslim girl who was wounded and by falling debris. not by a rocket, fired by iran. but, debris from the israeli rockets and the iranian rocket itself that fell down on to the ground hitting the girl. so, she is in a serious condition in the hospital. but the bottom line is, little damage to israeli military infrastructure. it was the goal of iran. and, one, not going to say minor it is a significant thing obviously for the girl and her family and friends. she is fighting for her life now in an israeli hospital. actually, mentioned earlier, shock and awe. an attack, an attack on israel achieved almost nothing >> it does feel like this could be a pivotal moment, though,
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where the conflict can go either way. we have direct engagement between israel and iran and israel is vowing to respond. we don't know what that would look like. would israeli people support a counterstrike knowing the potential for this to then go to another level of conflict? >> reporter: great question. israel is so divided at the moment. has been for about a year. beginning when the prime minister tried to introduce the legal system. a lot are calling for the response. iran attacked israel the home for the first time there is a fear that it does not respond strongly, quickly, but also, more reason for the breaks alone from israeli government and the israeli people saying, look, we need to go along with
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the united states of america. if we lose in america we are going to lose a lot of israeli strength. you know. to defy america with america giving such diplomatic support for israel, providing military aid, sending weapon, guaranteeing israel security, at a certain point israel needs to stop defying the united states and the people of israel are looking to their prime minister to stop fighting with america and accepting american aid and advise at this pivotal time which you say it is a significant time in the history of the middle east. >> martin fletcher, we are glad you are safe. thank you very much for joining us. by the way we are continuing to monitor what is happening at the u.n. security council meeting. my understanding it is a representative from iran speaking right now. more on that in a moment. let's go to the white house and
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monica alba standing by. president biden had a call with the four congressional leaders earlier this afternoon that is senators mcconnell and house leader jeffries. any insight with that conversation? >> reporter: we spoke to someone about that call. we understand the president wanted to speak to the so- called big four congressional leaders about a roon's attack on israel and the entire situation -- about iran's attack on the israel and the entire solution for the middle east. and talking foreign aid. we have been talking about this for weeks and months. we know they are giving money to israel and ukraine and other security. if and when it will be up for a vote. that is when speaker johnson come under pressure to see if he will do that or if there is something different that can occur. a stand alone bill on israel.
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he tried to do it in the past but not successful with. is this a moment where that becomes a renewed conversation? i am told that the president on this phone call in addition to, of course, the democratic leaders who were a part of this discussion stressed the urgency of trying to brig that package up for a vote in the house as early as this week. that is certainly what they are pushing for. unclear if there was and kind of commitment from the house speaker. but t is clear that they did address and touch on the need to do something in this a rein and the hope is that it could get done soon. there is just a limited number of days in a calendar year that they will be dealing with and as we just saw the need could be great to replenish the defenses that israel used in this attack overnight. in addition to the war in ukraine where, of course, we know, very low on key artillery and on key ammunition, so we know the president did deliver the message.
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we will see what comes out of that and if there is action. the white house is clear on what comes out of this. and again monitoring what is happening there from the u.n. it was the israeli ambassador as we showed that live picture a moment ago. monica, the president also spoke with leaders of the g-7 earlier today. what more are we learning about the conversations with some of the u.s. allies? >> they this conversation, the president participating from the situation room here at the white house. and all of the leaders came together to get the joint staples condemning iran's attack on israel. they demanded that iran and the poxy and they hinted at future action could come if they deem iran takes any move that would
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destabilize a fraught situation. it could look like sanctions or something else. they indicated they are following it closely. if something happens they don't like in the coming days that the g-7 leaders can come together to perhaps respond in other fashion t. is clear from the president's calls today he reached out. he spoke with some of the squadron members who were a part of defending the drones and mizzles from the u.s. side of things last night to commend them for their airmanship and their skill. >> thank you. joining us now nbc military analyst and political analyst who is the former under secretary for the state diplomacy and public affairs. good to see both of you. tell us about the diplomatic statement that might be happening right now as israel considering next steps. what is your sense of the dynamics between those
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advocating for escalation and those for restraint. >> well, hannah it is reported that president biden in his phone conversation would be benjamin netanyahu saying take the win, man. you knocked down 99% of the missiles. took your opponents best punch. don't do anything, the world is on your side. this coalition was formed against iran. iran is the kid in the neighborhood that nobody else likes, they dislike iran more than they dislike israel. form a coalition behind that. but, always been a victim of his domestic issues and domestic popularity and there is pressure inside israel as martin said to retaliate and the eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth. as bide ensaid he should resist that. take the moral victory and form this coalition against iran. that will help what is going on in gaza because it will get support there. that is what i think he should
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do. >> general, israeli fighter jets, striking numerous hezbollah targets according to the idf. targeting the military compounds and terrorist infrastructure and threats hezbollah has a proxy group. backed boy iran. what threats do they pose at a sensitive time like this? >> well, clearly we are at a turning point. no one not the iranians, united states railies or other partners want to see it. it is devastated. cutting off the oil, shutting down the canal commercial shipping so i think the biden administration they are pushing for off-ramp deescalation, the problem is, hezbollah could be a fight for israel's existence.
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and, they may get triggered by iranians if they respond to yesterday's devastating size of their attack on israel. so i don't think that we know what will happen. by the way, one thing that i would object to is saying yesterday's attack really was not serious. 300 something drones, ballistic missiles. telegraph in advance. they sent in the drones in with multiple hours, that was intended to cause catastrophic damage the f-35 aircraft and even struck targets in urban areas. iranians took a serious shot at israel. they are going to respond in some way. i think it will be a muted and delayed response. they got to listen to the united states at some point. >> what kind of response? what are they needing to make?
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>> well, martin fletcher just said, i think, the smartest thing going, israel simply can not publicly deny u.s. advice at this point. it be madness for them to do it. if they are diplomatic, political, economic, military backstops. so, they are going to have to listen to u.s. advice. there will not be an f-live strike with 9 tons of aircraft on strategic targets. that will not happen. i think they are going to do something that will be known, hopefully not publicly but known to the iranians that they did respond in some clever way to send a message. but, the new normal, it can not be allowed to remain that massive attacks in israel are okay as long as the defense works. they have to respond in some way. >> i am thinking as you say that about what wenessed in
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gaza and how israel has not always followed through on those conversations with the u.s. in which the u.s. pushed them to take certain actions in gaza pushing more humanitarian aid in when it comes to going into rafah and the u.s. saying don't go into rafah and israel saying we are going into rafah. would israel strike back without support from the u.s.? in this situation against iran? >> i would agree. i would think it would be suicidal to ignore the u.s. at this point. but, the threat from iran it is much more of a threat to israel than the threat to hamas. even though hamas is a proxy for iran. so, if the u.s. is saying now, look, we helped put together this coalition, remember, american planes that intercepted those as well. the u.s. brought in jordan.
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probably there was help from other city nations as well that disliked iran. so, i just think it would be not in his interest to ignore the u.s. at this point. he has to play to the domestic audience but i think he will listen to biden. he has a bigger problem in gaza that he has to figure out and he has paused the invasion of rafah which he has telegraphed and i would hope that he would figure out something else to do. >> the u.n. security council is holding this emergency meeting over the attack as we speak. israel has called for the council to condemn iran and to designate the revolutionary guard as a terror group. does iran really care what happens here? >> you know. having dealt with the u.n. when i was in government and before. you have in this case all of the participants in what is
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going on in the middle east pretty much ignoring the security cons and i will what it does. the u.s. using its leverage and the security council to block israel. it did for the first time allow that resolution to go forward asking for a ceasefire. but, i think the u.n. is just, you know, a lot of hot air. this will be decided on the ground. >> retire army general thank you very much. appreciate the conversation. still ahead on msnbc reports. andy kim on the future of the foreign aid bill in congress now that israel is vowing to respond to iran. stay with us vowing to respontod iran. stay with us all of the things that you're looking for in a pad, that is always discreet. look at how it absorbs all the liquid. oh my gosh! and locking it right on in. look at that! totally absorbed. i got to get some always discreet.
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immediately or could afford to wait and what impact any escalation against iran would have on israeli operations in gaza. this comes after president biden told israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu that the u.s. will not participate in offensive operations against iran according to a senior administration official. and earlier this afternoon. president biden, we now know convened a call for the four leaders on the next steps from congress. democrat that sits on the armed services and foreign affairs committee. thanks for joining us. what is your take on the israeli officials for today's war cabinet meeting. are you concerned about the type of response that you can see for iran's attack? >> well, i am concerned about the dynamics here. yesterday it was a salute game changer in terms of the security situation for israel. certainly as someone's work i worked in diplomacy in the
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middle east in national security. given what we saw yesterday it was unlike coming that i had seen in my career before. we have to make sure we are careful about what next steps happen and that the united states and israel need to be in lockstep and understanding what comes next. and, i very much urge caution here to make sure that no significant actions are taken unless there is a clear strategy and what it will be and the objectives of the actions would take. these are difficult and challenging times and i very much urge all of the leaders to be careful and thoughtful about what next steps we take. >> you say israel and the u.s. should be in lockstep. the biden administration publicly stood by israel. nbc news is reporting that behind-the-scenes the white house is worried about a hasty israeli response that would escalate this conflict, what are you hearing? >> reporter: well, certainly understand the challenge on
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that front. i mean, right now, what we need to think through when it comes to next steps is about the coalition building. yesterday was remarkable. so far as seeing jordan aircraft shooting down drones and missiles heading towards israel. that was extraordinary. that showed me a lot of sense of, of what possibility there can be in terms of a new regional coalition that can support israel's security. and i very much think that needs to be a top priority going forward in terms of the conversations with saudi arabia, building off of the abraham accords. so, i very much hope that is at the top of the list of what to do to build that co expligz that will give time for the development of a strategy of what comes next and a sense of a tool in the tool box to address it. not just the tools to which to be able to counter.
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>> let's talk what conversation can do. republican house speaker johnson is under pressure right now to pass an aid package. in an interview just today, republicans are working on details in a package but it does not appear any bill in the house will resemble the one passed by the democratic senate what is your response to that? >> well, look, this is just, it is excruciating to see the lack of responsibility. the speaker dragging his feet, acting cowardless here and following some of the extreme member presidency of his caucus. anything that is other than what the senate put forward will extend the amount of time it will take for us to get support and aid out on our partners and our allies. we will see what happens. there is a clear path here. and what we need to be happening through right now is
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focus on our national security and national security of our partners and that is clearly not what speaker johnson is making as his top priority by showing his willingness to delay this process. >> back at theup right now. iranian ambassador is making his case. explaining the attack. should the u.s. have any red lines when it comes to action against iran? >> you know, look. what we saw yesterday was a significant escalation. you know, seeing hundreds of drones and missiles directed at israel, again, that is something that has been, you know, certainly a major step in something that we have to be careful about. i think i think we have to assess that. i will be heading down to dc tomorrow. talking through our leadership at the pentagon and now squared. so i want to get a sense of
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what the latest is before we assess what our best aces are. again, the major thing that we have to focus on is ensuring that we are crystal clear about our objectives and showing that we can build a wide location in which to engage and whatever matter that is. otherwise i very much worry about the success and effectiveness of what those next steps would be like >> do you see any scenario, though, where the u.s. sends in traps or takes direct military action against iran? >> well, we saw, certainly, the defensive capabilities. and i expect that would likely continue on but when it comes to anything offensive or anything regarding the u.s. troops that is a very, very significant step and certainly one that we have not had and conversations about. at least none that i have been engaged in. that would be something that would be of the up most concern. very concerned about those
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types of conversations at this point. >> thank you very much. appreciate your time. >> thank you. let's keep it touch on this issue. up next, former president donald trump's criminal hush money trial set to begin tomorrow. what we know about the witness list and if we might see trump take the stand in his own defense. don't go anywhere stand in his defense. don't go awhnyere lowering bad cholesterol can be hard, even with a statin. diets and exercise add to the struggle. today, it's possible to go from struggle to cholesterol success with leqvio. with a statin, leqvio is proven to lower bad cholesterol by 50% and keep it low with 2 doses a year. common side effects were injection site reaction, joint pain, and chest cold. ask your doctor about twice-yearly leqvio. lower. longer. leqvio® ava: i was just feeling sick. and it was the worst day. mom was crying. i was sad. colton: i was diagnosed with rhabdomyosarcoma.
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in this country. the first criminal trial of a former president and current presumptive republican nominee in the 2024 race begins. jury selection gets underway in the morning. trump's new york hush money case. several key figures, crucial to this case are on tap to testify including stormy daniels and former trump attorney michael cohen and former trump white house aids, and trump organization employees. set the scene for us for jury selection and how it will work tomorrow and what you will be watching for >> new york state courts have a jury selection pros threes is different from other jurisdictions in particular federal court. when you are there the judge almost does everything. lawyers, we don't speak up unless the judge lets us. the judge is in charge. in new york, things are different. the attorneys get to speak directly to the jurors and question them and believe me,
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questioning them they are trying to feed them their version of the case. they are trying to educate the jury on their viewpoints. so, there is a lot of things to be accomplished when the lawyers all take part in questioning the jury. before that happens, there will be a 42 questionnaire that has been carefully crafted by the judge. does not include the question, who did you vote for. let's face it. a lot of the questions in there. giving you a good idea. are you or ever a member of the proud boys, the answer to that might give you a general idea where they are leaning politically. >> and have you or your friends ever been to a trump rally. have you every been to an anti- trump event? those are the questions that can help determine the jurors's mind sets and any opinions they may have formed. you can not win a case during jury selection but you could lose a case during jury
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selection, do you agree with that? who do you think maybe has the bigger challenge going into this? the prosecution or the defense? >> so, your first question, can you win or lose a case on jury selection? i can say yeah, jury selection is based on nonsense. i can tell you about different ideas, does trump want a worker class guy who has not been to college on that jury? maybe. but jurors surprise you. each person is an individual. most of these generalizations are based on things like race and gender, very unreliably. maybe a little more reliable is job. i think job is significant. employment, income, maybe gleam some things from that. but if you poll jurors after a trial i am always surprised by them. yes you can say jury selection wins or loses a case. i think there is something to that. there is a case of you don't know who wow would of gotten
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otherwise? that missed juror. other times, a lousy case. it does not matter. you can find another analyst to come in here and say cases won and lost in jury selection and you are probably right >> trump is facing 34 counts here. falsifying business records. remind us of the legal theory on this case. it is not just about hush money payments. the da, he is trying to really cast this as an election interference case. >> he has to. that is the way he gets to felony land. on its own the falsecasion of business records in new york is a misdemeanor. it only gets elevated or aggravated to a felony if the falsecasion is in service of concealing another crime. his theory of the crime was to cover up campaign contributions and they were the benefit of silence. paying people off and trump reimbursing cohen was a benefit to his campaign as opposed to, and i imagine the defense will
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push this theory, that, hey, look, it is a remember john edwards trial. the reason he was paying these people off because he did not want his wife to know, he was stepping out on his wife allegedly. that was the reason and nothing to do with the campaign. he denies any of it happened period. but, the point is that it is not an easy lift for him to get this up to a felony. first he has to prove the falsified business records. and that it was in service of concealing a crime. >> does he have to -- he has to prove that secondary crime as well? >> he does not need to prove it beyond a reasonable doubt. thereat say good point, too. he committed himself to a kind of trial within a trial. he may not be charged with that additional crime. he needs to prove that the concealment, the business records concealment it was in service of the secondary crime. so, in a sense he has placed an additional burden on himself to
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elevate that to a felony. so, this is really a challenging case for the manhattan da. they have gotten passed the pretrial motions that i think are the best shot to throw it out together. now that we are at trial the odds move up a little more in the da's behavior. a tough lift, the weakest against trump >> i talked to many who say michael cohen will be the narrated for the district attorney. he was really the one directly involved in these payments to stormy daniels. and trump was going after michael cohen. there is a gag order and making it against the witnesses it is a bad idea. and a violation, i think all judges in all trump cases are really, really cautious. they would prefer not to punish trump for violation of gag
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orders. all of them are constitutionally suspect. even really good ones. and, number two, do you really want to be the judge that gets into an escalation war with trump over a gag order? yes, it tarts with verbal, it goes to a monetary fine. at the end of the road is jail. jailing someone who is misbehaving and violating a gag order. i think trump is daring judges to do that knows that no judge wants to try to put a former president in jail administratively that would be a might mayor. they just want to get to trial and not deal with gag orders >> again, 6-8 weeks is how long we expect it to last. jury selection could last days or weeks we will see. you will be our guide along the way. much more to come. >> this conversation to be continued my friend, thank you. up next, trump on trial, new polling showing biden is closing the enthusiasm gap with trump among voters. plus, the impact that the hush money trial could have
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. welcome back. in less than 24 hours donald trump will be in a manhattan courtroom for the first of his four criminal trials. jury selection will get under mon way tomorrow in the new york hush money case. this trial it is expected to last 6-8 weeks during a pivotal
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time during the close race. now, joining us now chief correspondent for the "new york times." charles, this is a first in this country. your thoughts on how unprecedented this moment is to have a former president and the current presumptive gop nominee on trial. >> you used the right word, unprecedented. the important part, american voters on the right and the left baked a lot of it into their consideration of donald trump and the election that is coming in november. so the wiggle room of people to be convinced is narrow. women are looking to be blocks of this, the issue of abortion, but in the trial what you will
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see is trump was disrespectful to his wife and stormy daniels and you will hear a lot of that in his own voice those clips in his own voice or writing will compete with any new sound bite he tries to make. i think, you know, when ex- presidents leave of the office i think it harms him as we nibble away and some democrats that may not be happy with biden >> trump is going to spend most of his time in this manhattan courtroom away from the campaign trail for the next six to eight weeks, do you think he is concerned about that? look, a legal procedure unprecedented but a campaign unprecedented.
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we wage in effect from the witness stand in a courtroom and on the courthouse steps. he will look at it to discredit the allegations against the voting public. certainly his voting public. it may work. so far, obviously, we have seen the indictments themselves did not hurt him among republicans. i don't think we know. if this is the conversation about trump, does it peel off people in the right states does not have to be a million votes changed in all of this. the election that we saw in the college poll, the two candidates are tied, one point apart. if you get the right number, michigan, pennsylvania, arizona, that can make all of the difference in the world t. is kind of an unknown question
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here >> peter what do we know about president bidden and his campaign plan to handle this first trump trial. >> well, i think you will see them saying nothing about it. does not want to play into the idea that this is anything to do with politics, anything to do with biden administration. it is a state prosecutor. trump accused the state prosecutor, a democrat, of doing the bidding. there is zero evidence to that. none whatsoever. that is a case that former president trump will try to make in order to defend himself and pretend it is all about politics and not about the law. so, president bid zen not want to do anything to feed into that by commenting on it and looking like he is taking advantage of it. does not mean the democrats mate >> the. the campaign himself -- democrats might not. the campaign will remain silent on it >> let me ask you about that, charles, the "new york times," the poll, it shows this race
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between donald trump and president biden remains close. 46% to 45% right now. well within the margin of error. what do you think democrats should do as it gets underway and how they can use it to their advantage. >> listen, i actually take the point here, i believe that is true. not to way in on it. i am -- weigh in on it. i am not convinced. if the biden administration is running on the premise that trump is a threat. all of the things he has done in service of being that threat that he is now on trial for or will be on trial for doing. i think that has to be part of the conversation of the campaign. you can not say that the man is a threat to democracy and have no comment on the threat itself. if he is making this case into a campaign financial violation that is actually a part of the
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deceiving the american public. that is part of the issue of eating away at democracy. you have to at some point, as you said, maybe it will be the surrogates, and i think they will have to engage on that issue >> do you think charles it is an advantage for president biden to not have trump on the campaign trail? does that give him an opportunity to meet with voters when trump can't? >> i think the idea that trump will be on the campaign trail is a misnomer. trump will get more free media from these trials than he could possibly pay for. every day i suspect that he will come out and make a statement. and, because the trial will be of such interest because it is historic much of what he says will be carried and live and that means that he will get a
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huge bump in publicity. now, it will be negative publicity coming as well but he will have the ability to talk directly into the mic faster than you can fast check it. that will be a bonus for him. i don't think he is off of the campaign trail. it is just a different kind of campaign >> we will cover all of the twists and turns on the trial. there will not be cameras in the courtroom. we will be reporting out through our google document and then to air what is happening, who is saying what, what the judge has done, you know, in terms of motions and rulings and so forth. peter, what else is top of mind as this trial gets underway. what are you most curious about? >> by the way just to point out what you just said it is right the fact that there is not a camera in the courtroom is the important factor. the voting public will not have the opportunity to weigh the credibility of witnesses, listen to the evidence and hear it all presented by the prosecutors and listen to the
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defense for themselves who their own eyes and ears that is a shame in a way. they will not be able to make that judgment and see what they are getting in terms of a presidential candidate. but the other point, coming pack to the point of democracy. this is such a keystone moment in our democracy. you can sook at it in different bays. his argument will be, a bad thing for democracy. one politician party, prosecuting the outer party candidate that wants to return to the white house. that is suspect and, you know, causing credibility problems for the system the other side will say wait a second. our side is about rule of law. no one is above the law. including former president. trump should not get away with it because he was elected to office where he is a candidate for office right now. and that he should pay the same price for anybody else if he is convicted. these two competing ideas really hold a great deal of
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consequence for the future beliefs of the voting public in the credibility of our system. >> thank you very much. >> really appreciate your thoughts, we'll be right back. thoughts, we'll be right back. anthony: this making you uncomfortable? good. when you've got type 2 diabetes like me, you have up to 4 times greater risk of stroke, heart attack or worse death. even when meeting your a1c goal. discomfort can help you act. i'm not trying to scare you.
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good evening, i'm live in new york, we are following breaking news in the middle east, and unprecedented moment. iran


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