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tv   The 11th Hour With Stephanie Ruhle  MSNBC  April 19, 2024 8:00pm-9:00pm PDT

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uncalled for. i'll see you back here tomorrow on the saturday show at 6:00 p.m. eastern when congressman robert garcia of california will be our guest as we follow the live house debate and vote on the critical package to ukraine and israel that we discussed earlier in this hour. remember, those of the vote that some members of the republican party could cost the house speaker his job it makes you wonder, at this point, who would want that job, anyway? that is tonight's last word. the 11th hour starts right now. >> a defendant like none other. >> this is the most historic thing that donald trump has
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ever done. >> this is not a forum for the defendant. the judge is in control and the jury to decide. >> i could be right now in pennsylvania campaigning. >> president biden is in pennsylvania. >> when i look at the economy, i don't see it through the eyes of mar-a-lago, i sit through the eyes of scranton. >> donald trump could end up with 65% of all the shares in every -- in his company. >> the wnba draft was the hottest ticket in town last night. >> this is something i wrote down on a piece of paper in the second grade. >> we are playing environments where you are having sold-out arenas. >> when you were outraged forcing the salary figures, it is simple by the merchandise,
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watch the games. good evening. we are now 200 days away from the election. the differences between the two candidates could not be more striking. it is the tale of two campaigns. president biden visiting key battleground states, highlighting what he has accomplished and warning about the dangers if his opponent wins. donald trump, sitting in a new york city courtroom as a criminal defendant. there is a lot to get to tonight. let's bring in our nightcap all- stars. >> it is a hot friday night.
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she is a true nightcap all- star, and judy gold. she wrote the supremely amazing book, yes, i can say that. when they come for the comedians, we are all in trouble. on monday, the real meat, the real business of truck's trial is going to start. is the media, is the nation ready for this? >> i think this courtroom is already like a prison for donald trump. he may never see the inside of a prison cell. he gets stuck and he gets reprimanded when he tries to stand up what an incredible contrast to joe biden. he was showing his freedom, almost wanting it by going off and campaigning like a normal candidate in the most abnormal year. >> let's talk about this trial and talk about the jury. the jury selection happened much quicker than people thought. on monday they thought this
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would take five or six weeks, they are ready! but, there is real concern about the safety and security of these jurors. i have a question about the media. do you think we should be reporting, in such detail, this juror is a man and works for an insurance company, all of this information, how does that serve the american public? the judge certainly does not like it. if these jurors start to get more and more comfortable there could be a real problem. >> american journalism does not have that kind of discipline. there is no way you're going to get everybody to agree not to describe the jurors. what we have to do is provide security for the jurors. there are thousands of new york city police officers all over downtown. the least we can do is protect them. i would not restrict journalism, i would say we have to provide security for those jurors. >> we know what's right and
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wrong, we think about what serves the american people and what serves our audiences, our readers work what do you think? >> you want to allow context. it is important we understand who these people are to the degree that it protects their anonymity. but, you understand the area, the place from which they are coming. maybe how well-educated they are, what kind of jobs they are holding down. it helps give a perspective of how they might weigh in on this. granted we have to wait for the whole trial to play out and what happens with the verdict and when they are doing jury deliberations. i find it interesting at the beginning, i would like to now stop it. i think we don't need to know anymore about who these people are. my respect for them, and i'm going to give a little bit away, are people of the week, these jurors. think about what they are sacrificing for this, what they are risking for this and their lives will probably never be
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the same. we have to respect that. >> it is such a sad state of affairs that jurors have to worry about their safety when they are doing their civil duty. >> on a trial for the former president of the united states of america. >> i think they are trying to apply pre-trump rules. they are trying to have thoughtful conversations about how to handle these. then norm is, sure was happening in the courtroom. we live in a different era. security concerns are very real. i applied -- i wanted to go. my grandchildren -- my press pass was denied. when i thought about going, a couple friends of mine said, you need to wear a disguise. that is the environment we are in today. that's the environment these
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jurors are in today. i feel like newsrooms are forgetting we are not in a pre- trump culture with pre-trump rules. >> don't you think the fact that the judge said, it cannot be delayed, what you are saying about everyone thought it was going to take so long to pick these jurors and today -- >> let's talk about the split screen that was referenced at the top of the hour. you have donald trump sitting in a courtroom. trapped in a courtroom. a guy who never abides by anybody else's rules. and joe biden is out there on the campaign trail. do you think these two visuals, do you think they are going to impact independence on the side of voters? >> i think it is cumulative. this plus everything else that is going on. one thing i want to say about donald trump in the courtroom, remember he is not a morning person. he has got to get up earlier than he has ever gotten up for
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and he doesn't sleep very well. so, it is more then he has to sit there all day, it is that his body chemistry, this is why he is going to nod off and fall asleep. it is more than just a contrast of him sitting there. sitting there, really uncomfortable. and, joe biden out on the campaign trail. but it has got to be cumulative. you have to think about all these things added together. >> he has already acted like a tour picture dished like a torture victim. >> i don't think this will hurt him so much. you think about what he does and says outside the courtroom. it is the same donald trump tropism's, he is being maligned, this that and the other. same burbage. same things he says when he goes out on the campaign trail. >> it is not necessarily about hurting him. the people who love him are going to stay loving him.
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what will he discover that is going to help him? he lost the last presidential election. while his base is loud, it is not currently big enough for him to become the next president. >> i can't even believe you have to ask the question, what will he discover that help sam by being a criminal defendant in a court of law. >> it is a legit question. the fact that we are even asking it! >> he is a victim and he loves being a victim. >> it reinforces the victim thing. i have got to say, everybody is going to be watching this. we are going to pick off people that we didn't pick up before. >> i disagree. there are no cameras in the courtroom. i think only political junkies are paying attention. i worry it will not seep
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through to everybody else. for now, trump's voice is the dominant one. it is the one speaking the loudest. >> but this is my media question. i was talking about the split screen. when i said it, i thought, is there a split screen? all eyes are on trump. if his trial wasn't going on, we are not sitting outside his home, everyone is sitting outside that courthouse. i wonder, how is that going to impact campaign coverage? >> maybe president biden will read the transcripts of court proceedings every night. >> he has been using it a bit. i hope he takes this opportunity that he has, biden, to do something good and to express look at me, i am out on the campaign trail because i am not in a courtroom because i have committed crimes.
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>> you are also talking about the national press. all politics is local. he is going around the country getting local coverage, reaching out and talking to people >> right. >> i think the only thing, back to your original question, will be a guilty verdict. >> lots of people are assuming there will be a guilty verdict. it has been months and months. when is there going to be a trial. doesn't mean he is going to be found guilty. and if he is not, then what? >> oh, boy. i don't even want to think about it. >> then we have respect for democracy and the democratic process. >> do you think we are ready for that? >> that was such a responsible answer. >> i am a college president, i have to be responsible here. >> this trial is happening in manhattan. donald trump, the boy from queens spent his entire life
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trying to be the king of manhattan. when you think about new york city in the 80s, it was donald trump coming out of a limo. how extraordinary is it? these two are never, ever getting back together. >> 150,000% >> is that donald? >> luckily it is not a family member of mine. i love when they call and i'm like, seriously? >> that is a devoted mom. >> it is like he has wanted to be the cool guy from manhattan and he is not. he is the criminal in manhattan. i hate to say it, but i love watching it. >> being judged by his peers. i know 10 people that fit all the descriptions of those jurors. >> how can you be unbiased?
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i just don't know how you can be a new york resident and be unbiased. >> i think i could pull it off. >> eye. >> if you are really looking for truth and fact. >> the most interesting part of this case will be trump office defense. we all know the prosecution and we all know the arguments against trump how will he defend himself? that's what i want to see as a juror. >> i want to talk about something else. we keep hearing he is in the worst position ever and he is losing on top of losing. i want to talk about dj t. this company that has now gone public. we now traffic -- track it every single day. he stands to make billions of dollars on this stock that has been gifted to him if he keeps
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traffic flowing and if he keeps the stock moving. this is extraordinary. i don't even know why you bought the stock, but you did. >> i did buy some shares. i put in $30,000. i sold as soon as i made $100 profit because i was too petrified. >> why did you do it? >> it was an easy flip. a couple weeks ago you could make an easy buck. now, you are going to suffer. that is why i sold it within a day. this company is too sketchy. i do think the stories of people, of men putting their life savings into this company are downright sad. >> are they sad? hold on a minute. are they sad? >> you think they know what they are buying. >> when you buy a stock, it is buyer beware. this stock, this company is not fundamentally sound. it is a scam business. there is no other company like
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this that has gone public with no technology, no offerings, no management. there is nothing there. if people are choosing to take their money to buy into the maga dream. >> i was part of the problem but only for a day or two but now it has rebounded a little bit. is there potential he will get his fans buying? >> why do you think it has rebounded, because he is in the news? >> there are a couple technical reasons. we will see where this ultimately goes. but if it is his bibles, his sneakers, if there is a market for it and people want to buy it, why would they be victims? >> it is remarkable to me that the stock has not performed were successfully. it had a couple good days, but where are the millions of loyalists buying these shares. >> they are not in the market. >> the other reason is, you are seeing so few, you're seeing so
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few shares trade because real money managers, insurance companies, pension funds, are not buying this stock. they have a fiduciary responsibility to their investors. they can turn to their investors and say this is the reason i purchased this stock. that is why it is only mom and pops and individuals. i read the washington post story, as well, but donald trump has been a grifter in business for decades and decades. he has gone bankrupt six times. the last time he had a publicly traded company it went down. >> you want to buy this and i am supposed to feel bad for you? >> yes. you talked about people putting their life savings into something like this. you have to have some sympathy for people that are going to lose their pensions or whatever they are investing. >> i did donate my $100 profit. my hands are clean.
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>> fine. >> -- ripped off lots of people. the penny stocks, all of these people that have deceived ordinary people by trying to sell them, i have got to be sympathetic to them. i want to tell them the facts and tell them don't invest in this, but once they do, i just can't write them off. >> i am not writing them off, but if you're going to buy a stock it is incumbent on you to do your homework and the news is out there. we walked through this every single day explaining this company. if you're going to buy into this nonsensical dream, sorry. when we come back, trump's far right allies are now saying the quiet part out loud. we will not be laughing in this segment. we will dig deep into the blueprint they have made for
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trump office second term and how it could completely alter our government as we know it. and, we are breaking serious boundaries. that is when we continue. conti sometimes your work shirt needs to be for more than just work. like when it needs to be a big, soft shoulder to cry on. which is why downy does more to make clothes softer, fresher, and better. downy. breathe life into your laundry. i told myself i was ok with my moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis symptoms. with my psoriatic arthritis symptoms. but just ok isn't ok. and i was done settling. if you still have symptoms after a tnf blocker like humira or enbrel, rinvoq is different and may help. rinvoq is a once-daily pill that can rapidly relieve joint pain, stiffness, and swelling in ra and psa. relieve fatigue... and stop further joint damage. and in psa, can leave skin clear or almost clear.
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this week we started a
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deeper dive into project 2025. get to know this thing. it is a 900 page trade book manifesto from some of trump's closest allies, laying out 22nd trump presidency will look like from day one. here is an example. conservatives should gratefully celebrate the greatest profamily win in a generation. overturning roe v wade that for decades made a mockery of our constitution and celebrated the deaths of unborn children. >> donna, you are the person i want to talk about this with. during the clinton administration, your secretary for the artman of health and human services. project 2025 wants to got it and rename it the department of life. you know exactly what this agency does and how important their work is. what is your take on this plan?
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how alarmed are you? >> i am not very alarmed because most of the things they are recommending have to be approved by congress. you cannot change the name of the department, you can't eliminate a department, you cannot eliminate a program without permission from congress. they set up cabinet level departments. this one is scary because it is so outrageous, but have you heard about the american first policy institute? there is another one that is close to trump that has people who worked in the white house that are also doing the same thing. before the election, it will probably have two or three more transition groups identified. we will have two or three, four may be, then the regular transition group will be put together and they will all pylon and try to influence the ongoing transition.
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this one is just crazy. it is the heritage foundation. >> doesn't their intent worry you? >> oh absolutely. when you read these words and understand what they want to do. >> we know what they want to do, they want to destroy the government of the united states. that's what that small group in congress wants to do. do they worry me? sure. i just want to point out that there are other groups associated with trump. there is a lot of this going on. when the regular transition group gets set up, usually after the election but sometimes they start before, that is what we are seeing now. i have read their report. much of it has to be approved by congress. >> i know you think about this and care about this. when donald trump was president, he used to threatened that he wanted to revoke the licenses of broadcasters because he was unhappy with the news reports. how real is this threat if donald trump were to win? >> this came up on our show
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last night. we are watching here. the parent company is licensed by nbc just like fox and abc and all the other broadcast networks. i think these threats are very real. what would trump's efforts against the media look like? i think trying to repeal licenses is just the beginning. i am more concerned, actually by what you just described about this idea of the department of life and this warping of the term pro-life. emergency rooms refused to treat pregnant women leading one to miscarry. pregnant women are turned away from care because hospitals are afraid that they might provide some service that could be construed as something that is violating antiabortion laws. one of these babies in north carolina died. a woman was sent to have the
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baby in her car. these stories should be national news.'s thanks to the ap today, they are. most americans when they hear about this, they don't want it. isn't that the most important part x most americans don't want these. >> what about all the americans who don't hear about this? those people -- most people don't have any idea about project 2025. these 900 pages are a public document but the majority of americans are not going to hear about it >> i look through it and i think, they are so organized compared to 2015. they have learned from their mistakes and they have learned from the chaos of the first administration and they are thinking, we are going to come into this organized and ready to go, except, they are not ready to go. a lot of what they are putting forth is to try to put out their views and the reality is, they probably can't legally do
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what they say they are going to do. >> but they can influence the regular transition that will take place. they can put people in place that can change regulations, for example. it is their attitude and their goals that are scary. they are training people at the same time. they are training regulations and how you change regulations and how you deal with bureaucracy. a lot of this is training individuals that will go into the administration, as well. i do want to say something about emergency rooms. there is a case before the supreme court in idaho. in which, idaho, which is almost no abortion is stopping people who have all sorts of medical problems with their pregnancy, from coming into an emergency room. there is a federal law that
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makes it very clear that everyone who walks into an emergency room has to be treated, has to be stabilized no matter whether they have insurance or not and no matter what their status is. if they are undocumented, they can walk into an emergency room. that case is before the supreme court. if the supreme court upholds that, that will affect every emergency room in the country whether or not you have abortion on your ballot or anything else or whether you are still allowing legal abortions. >> if you are the biden campaign, he is chock-full of campaign dollars. do you take the 900 pages of project 2025, do you take this case in idaho, do you take these stories down to north carolina and wallpaper them across the country to make people aware?
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>> 100%. fear is so powerful. that is what the republicans have always run on. fear they are going to take your guns away or take this away, we have got to take something from their playbook. this is truly what is happening. if biden doesn't talk about it, take this opportunity. most people are pro-choice. most women are pro-choice. >> even carry like, apparently, this week. >> this week. >> i have to say as a free speech advocate, the assault on journalists, putting our first amendment rights in this position, trump wanted to investigate saturday night live. it's ridiculous! this is just beyond the pale and, i really do believe the
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biden administration, as we were saying, trump is in front of the courtroom or in front of the courthouse, go out and talk about this. >> this is what vice president harris has been charged with. she is doing a smashing job going out across his country and talking about this. >> she was promising four years of scorched earth when donald trump takes this. >> you know who would and should the test scorched earth? fortune 500 ceos. if you are a major corporation, you want consistency. you want stability. there are a lot of people right now scratching their heads because it seems like more and more business leaders are open to trump. do you believe they are open to trump or really, they just want to keep their heads down and mouths shut because they don't want to make an enemy out of
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him if he were to become president. >> it is as simple as that. they are in hiding. they are groundhogs. >> do you think that president biden isn't necessarily getting as much credit from the business community? he does not spend very much time with them. >> of course he is not getting enough time from the business community. some of these other issues, watch florida. we have abortion on the ballot. we have a bipartisan coalition. our polls show, we have to get 60% of the vote >> you think florida is winnable? >> i don't know if it is for the president, but i think we can win the abortion issue. >> wow . >> when is hoopes getting a jolt of excitement and cannot last long enough to get these ladies the pay they deserve? we will get into it when the 11th hour and nightcap continue. ap continue. is smart here, right?
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judy, you are a basketball mom, a basketball fan. we are now four days out from the draft, from all this. i'm going to call it misguided outrage of people comparing wnba pay and in be a pay when it is beyond apples and oranges. do you see this as a great opportunity to actually change the game? >> 100%. we spoke about about this and i loved your article. it was so right on. when you look at, the wnba is 27 years old. i was at the first wnba game. >> the nba has a 50 year head start. >> if you look at it when it was 27 years old, it was in the toilet. now, the amount of people who
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viewed, the ratings went through the roof for the women's finals. we have social media now. they did not. we have these heroes, they are celebrities, it is purely an economic decision or, look, you work for one company that has $20 billion in another company that has $500,000. sorry, the workers are going to get paid more at the company that is doing better. >> the nba is going to bring in $13 billion this year, the wnba is not >> but i am hopeful! >> i want to talk about the outrage this week. i get how fans can look at this and their first instinct is to be mad. we saw experts say it is laughable what katelyn clark is getting paid. look how many people watched the wnba draft. it does not matter how many watched it, there were 3 million people. nobody is getting an extra dollar after the fact it is about the next media contract
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and the great opportunity ahead. >> it sounds like a white guy just wanted to be an ally and say the right things. you look at the finals in the draft, 2.4 million fuel your -- viewers, that is quadruple last year. that kind of growth doesn't happen anywhere in this industry. when you see the charts, you wonder how weekly can the pay catch up? >> donna, we are talking about fairness and pay for pro athletes. a lot of them come from colleges where they bring in huge dollars and they are not paid you ran schools with major teams, miami, wisconsin, what you take on student athletes getting paid. >> they are getting paid, now. in a different way. in a wild west market. i would like to see some more discipline in that market because i would like more of them to get paid. but that is not going to happen unless there is an antitrust
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exemption that we see congress pass. student athletes at the major universities have always gotten paid. room, board, tuition and a stipend. if they get pell grants, they get even more than that on top. this new legal system allows some athletes to get millions and some athletes to get $1000 a month. i think getting some control over this to even it out, particularly for the olympic sports, i am concerned not about football or men's basketball, but i am concerned about women's tennis, soccer, and all the other sports. i do think it is economics on the wnba, on the women's basketball program. >> we should all tune in and buy tickets. >> by merchandise, go to the games. >> i was the first ticket holder of the mystics.
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i bought a whole bunch of tickets for hhs secretary's. everybody use the tickets. we went to lots of games. >> it was so exciting in the beginning. >> this is a beginning for a whole generation. >> this could be the moonshot. >> by the way, you're supposed to play basketball. >> but i would also go to the nba and say put some money into this. >> the nba has been subsidizing the wnba for years and years. >> they could put some more money into it. you know we did with u.s. soccer, we took the fifa money and divided it more evenly. the men's players agreed to that so we could actually support the women's program, which was the much better program. >> i want to talk about another woman who is on top of her game, taylor swift. she just released her 11th studio album today.
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it is full of surprises. lots of songs about exes, settling scores, she is already breaking records. with every release, it is clear, this woman is in charge. is taylor swift the most powerful person in music? >> yes, and maybe in all media. she is burning so bright in the last six months, i figured there would be a lot of backlash. you know how our culture is, we build people up just watch them fall. there have been reviews that have had their critiques, but i love the new album. a few too many f bombs for my taste, we have the cd coming tomorrow for my six-year-old daughter. >> when you think about music, even in the last month, two people have not just dominated
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music headlines, it is like every story. it is beyonci and taylor swift. >> what are they calling it, the girl pops bring? it is fantastic. i think it is great she is a girl who obviously loves hard, sings hard, lives hard and works hard. completely. i love listening to her. i think she puts it all out there. i think it is fantastic. i am glad she seems to be an a really happy place, now. the songs about some of them are sad and mad. but --. >> we should acknowledge that it is the power of women. >> that's right. it is the power of women supporting women. you see beyonci at taylor swift's movie premiere. gone are the days when people believed there couldn't be two powerful women. one had to take down the other. the support you are seeing from these icons, that is new.
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>> it is sisterhood. sisterhood at the highest level. you would not have seen it a generation ago. these are not queen bees. >> i come from a period of time where if a female comedian was on a show, there would only be one or, and we never got to travel together. we never went on the road together. >> why? >> they would never put more than one woman on a show >> oh, the token. >> if they put a woman on. it was . >> i'm glad to be the only man here to balance out this work >> courtney love this week came out and was denigrating taylor saying she is not that special. >> she actually said she is not important. what is stunning about that, check yourself, courtney love. everyone is. but that is an old school approach. >> they set up the system so
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when one would be like, there is only room for one of you. that is how they set up the system. >> before we take a break, i have a surprise that i want to share with everybody. it is a music video i cannot get enough of. i have been watching it over and over. even before taylor's release. watch this. >> have you seen the news lately? the world is going so crazy. we have so much here can't we see? [ music ] let's not over analyze baby open up your eyes. >> not only was that fabulous, not only was that not taylor's
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lift, i need you to know the name of the band. give us the honor entellus the name. >> misses robinson. >> i love it! i thought we were friends, okay? can't you give that often vhs? >> we are not friends, we are is yours. -- we are sisters. >> when we come back the mvps of the week. week. you know what's brilliant? boring. think about it. boring is the unsung catalyst for bold. what straps bold to a rocket and hurtles it into space? boring does. great job astro-persons. over. boring is the jumping off point for all the un-boring things we do. boring makes vacations happen, early retirements possible, and startups start up. because it's smart, dependable, and steady. all words you want from your bank. taking chances is for skateboarding... and gas station sushi. not banking. that's why pnc bank strives to be boring with your money.
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our night cap is here. who had a big week? >> i try to be funny and creative, but i couldn't get past the trump jurist and everything they have gone through to get to where they are and what we know lies ahead. i would probably say the trump trial jurors for the next six weeks. i think everything, honestly that they are going to have to way and do, brutally upholding democracy, upholding truth, upholding all these things that want to be taken down by this man they are going to be hearing about.'s, it is not going to be easy. >> the --, the president of columbia university. she nailed her -- she testified before congress and then goes home and has to do a very
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painful act and that is have her students arrested because they were disrupting on the campus. she is really a first-rate leader. >> and she learned from harvard and penn. their mistakes were pretty profound. >> they were. >> monday was tax day. not always the most pleasant day of the year but i loved mark cuban's sentiment. he posted his tax bill. he said i am paying $288 million to the federal government. this country has done so much for me i am proud to pay my taxes every single year's accountant said, your bill is actually only $275.9 million seeing his tweets made me feel a lot wetter. >> he also believed -- i believe said tag a president who doesn't pay. >> we have at least one corporate leader. >> there you go.
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>> a lot of corporate leaders pay their taxes, they just do everything humanly possible to get them whittled down to almost nothing. >> i decided to be happy and pick someone, a positive thing that happened this week and that is mariska hargitay she was shooting in the park and she was in the middle of a scene. and a little girl walks over. she saw the badge and said, i can't find my mommy. i am paraphrasing. she stopped the shooting and went and reunited the little girl with her mom. of course people are like where is the mom?
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>> sbu, celebrating 25 years. she is olivia benson. >> she is. i love that story. and she is so nice. >> she is extraordinary. >> my mbp is in the entertainment realm, as well. kevin bacon. you might not know why. 40 years after he taught high school kids that it is not a sin to dance, look at him. the star of footloose is going back to where it all happened. students at this high school in utah, they led a two year campaign to convince kevin bacon to come back to their school, that included re- creating scenes from the movie, raising money for his charity, and it they did it just in time. the school will be torn down early next year. this is going to be the last prom where footloose was filmed. the dancing will always live on.
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>> thank you all. you are fantastic. for you at home, i wish you a very, very good night. remember you can catch the nightcap most days. for now, from all of our colleagues across the networks of nbc news, thanks for staying up late with me i will see you again monday. again monday. do you want to close out? should i? normally i'd hold. but... taking the gains is smart here, right? feel more confident with stock ratings from j.p. morgan analysts in the chase app. when you've got a decision to make... the answer is j.p. morgan wealth management. higher shipping rates may be “the cost of doing business...” but at what cost? turn shipping to your advantage. with low cost ground shipping from the united states postal service. ♪♪
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over the past four days this week, like in many other cities across the country, hundreds of


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