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tv   The Last Word With Lawrence O Donnell  MSNBC  April 19, 2024 10:00pm-11:01pm PDT

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in the room and attrition. people are talking about boycotting graduation ceremonies. she handled the hearing may be diplomatically but she hasn't, i don't think she has handled the tensions on her campus well at all. >> good to see you, michelle, thank you as always. michelle goldberg, opinion columnist for "the new york times". that is our show for tonight. before we go, last july on the lcp and book club, we featured a children's story by the actor maulik pancholy. the book was removed from bookshelves in texas and not even a year later, maulik pancholy is facing the burden of censorship once again. this week, a pennsylvania school board canceled maulik pancholy's anti-bullying's beating engagement due to concerns about his "lifestyle." i will speak into the actor, the author, and the activist maulik pancholy tomorrow at 10:00 a.m. eastern on it ali velshi. .
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what -- the cancellation of his book reading. i saw his instagram story about that. wanted to get him on my show but you got him first so that means i guess we will watch him early. >> malik is the sweetest man anyone has isever met. you can't imagine this guy getting banned from a speech about bullying. the world is upside down when you are -- you don't want this kid talking to your kids the world is upside down. >> yeah. upside down and inside out. thank you very much. >> have a good show. this trial is starting. that was the judge's parting thought to the courtroom in the case of the rtpeople of the sta of new york verses donald trump. today the full panel of 12 jurors and six alternates were shown into consider donald trump's fate in the historic first criminal trial of a former united states president. the judge told the court that opening statements would begin
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on monday. that didn't stop donald trump's lawyers from spending part of their day trying to delay the case. the new york appeals court denied a motion by trump lawyers to move the trial to a different jurisdiction. this is at least the 10th time the trump team has been denied a trial delay request. donald trump isn't going to stop the wheels of justice from turning on monday. a key question is whether or not he will be a witness in his own criminal trial. this is what donald trump told reporters today. >> how did your day go? >> are you going to testify? >> yes. >> now this is donald trump we are talking about. his yes can't really be taken at face value, especially when we know what sorts of questions donald trump could be facing from prosecutors. the judge held a sandoval
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hearing where prosecutors revealed the lawsuits they plan on using in cross against ai donald trump to get at his credibility if he takes the witness stand. prosecutors want to ask him about the civil fraud case, all of his gag order violations that continue to grow, the trump foundation case and the sanctions order for his lawsuit against hillary clinton. the judge will rule on the sandoval questions monday but the judge strongly indicated that he would let prosecutors confront trump with this passage from the sanctions t order if trump takes the stand. quote, mr. trump is a litigant who is repeatedly using the courts to seek revenge on political adversaries. he is the mastermind of the strategic abuse of the judicial
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process. prosecutors refused to provide the defense with a list of their next three witnesses, unless your honor orders us differently we are not supplying the name of the witness to a defendant who violates this court's order by tweeting about the potential witnesses in this case. the judge agreed that the concerns are valid and giving trump access to the witness list in advance. prosecutors did make a concession to give the defense the name of their first witness only and that name would be handed over sunday night. prosecutors said if that would be tweetd that would be the last time we provide a courtesy. trump has already violated the gag order at least seven times this week alone giving trump the name sunday limits the timem he has to violate the gag order before court resumes on monday. also happening on monday, 10:00
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a.m. eastern, just 30 minutes after opening statements kick off in his criminal trial donald trump's other attorneys will head just down the street to a different manhattan courthouse for a civil fraud case hearing that could threaten hundreds ofu millions of dollars in his assets. today new york attorney general leticia james asked the judge to void donald trump's $175 million bond in the case siting concerns that the bond company might not actually have the funds to back it up. leading off our discussion tonight adam a fellow at just security who is covering the trial for the last word, also with us joyce a former united states attorney and a professor at the university of alabama school of law. she is co host of the hash tag sisters in law podcast and an msnbc analyst. thank you for being here. all right, trump's claiming he will be a witness. the judge will rule monday
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morning about what from trump's past prosecutors would be allowed to raise at trial. tell us about that. >> as you mentioned jonathan, this is -- the objective of this sandoval notice as prosecutors put forward is to establish a boundaries of cross if trump testifies and how to confront him with what are known as prior bad acts. now, the point of it is to damage his credibility. it's not to raise every bad thing a court has found he has done. as you noted the judge seemed very inclined to grant the motion as to the sanctions order. it's a blistering passage saying that he is a serial litigant who weaponizes the justice system and you are going to see -- i would expect the judge to apply the same kind of care that he has done
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in prior rulings establishing the boundaries of what is fair game, what is too much that would go over the line in his due process rights but also give what the runway to prosecutors to speak to his credit ability. there have been a lot of court findings that he isn't a trustworthy litigant, that he ignores the gag orders, prosecutors are requesting the gag orders to be -- to confront him with those to their requesting to raise the carroll verdicts to the extent that they show -- and this is a fine line that's judge and prosecutors going to walk, it's not about the sexual assault on carol but the defamation is what the prosecutors said to show his credibility that he was found to have lied about the sexual assault and ma lice.
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the judge will give the rulings. he will put on record why he thinks it's fair game that if decides to take the stand that all of these findings years of litigation can or cannot be used to confront him. >> and joyce, you know the thought of being crossed about repeated incidents showing you are a liar would be enough to keep most defendants from testifying. i know it would keep me off the stand but what about trump? >> well i guess that's the question here, right? the job for the judge when he looks at each of these incidents he has to determine what the evidence has very important value for prosecutors so much so that it out weighs any risk of undo prejudice to donald trump. those are the two things he has to balance and the courts in new york have said that's a decision that they leave to the
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sound discretion of the trial judges. it's up to him. he is the man on the ground looking at the evidence so you see this act after act where judges have found that trump has abused the legal process or that trump has lied. his lawyers are objecting saying these are facts that have nothing to do with this case and they couldn't come in and that's just not what this argument is about because as adam has done a great job the only thing that's government could use these prior instances for at least on cross is to attack donald trump's credibility to argue you shouldn't believe anything he told you on the stand. he has lied in the past and you should judge his credibility light of all the other times he has been less than truthful. that should be enough to keep him soff the stand but with trump who knows. >> did we learn anything this
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week about the control his lawyers are able to exert over him? >> well i think what we learned is that the judge does not believe that his lawyers can control him. i don't think that the judge was being critical of the lawyers. i think he was just acknowledging the reality that this week prosecutors identified seven additional instances where donald trump violated a clear gag order. this is a client who is out of control. a client who does not understand the bounds of nd propriety, who shows no concern about the safety of witnesses and family members of court people. this not the typical client who listen to his lawyers and there was one jonathan, just one little bit we got from reporting in the courtroom that i thought was telling it was that as jurors -- potential jurors came into be questioned everybody in the courtroom rises. that's what you do in oda trial the jury comes in and out ahead of everybody else. all of outhe lawyer, the
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defendant, everybody stands up to dyshow respect, when the jur leaves same thing. this week the only person in that courtroom who wasn't doing that was donald trump. these were the people coming in to the courtroom who might hold his future. he showed in respect for them. i know that his lawyers would have told him we stand up for the jury both when they enter and leave to show respect. the fact that trump chose not to do that shows just how little he is willing to listen to his lawyers. >> how little he is willing to listen to his lawyers or how much respect he has not only for the jury but for this entire -- this entire process that is -- you know attempting to hold him accountable. the judge seemed to be frustrated by trump's delay tactics saying at this point what is happening is -- what is happening is -- his defense is literally targeting individual decisions one by one by one by one and filing premotion letter that has to end, okay?
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there comes a point where you accept my ruling. i have entertained the motion and your argument in good faith. i have handed down decisions but at some point you need to accept the court's rulings. >> and to say that the judge is frustrated with trump's attorneys would tebe an understatement. we have to take a step ulback t see what led e us to this point the reason why we are at this point is that in the judge's own words that trump's lawyers had been innuda ting the court with nearly frivolou, s orders -- saying they have to ask permission to file a motion. that's why they were talking about premotions. now they cannot file motions. they have to file premotions
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requesting permission and they according to tithe judge nearly violated that. he had to warn them that a couple of weeks ago that if they didn't go through that procedure he would sanction them as you know -- we had this whole episode just today where we have the appeals court on the eve of trial rejecting a motion for a stay. a little bit of backstory. that was because the week before jury selection we had a situation where trump's attorneys filed three appeals in one week seeking an ee application for a stay. they were all three rejected all three sparked new appeals. one of kethem was rejected toda so they are delay tactics spawning new delay tactics and it seems very clear there have been enough judges who have seen all of this, that those are just spinning the wheels and that all of them have been
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rejected and enough of the judges have chimed in that it's very easy to see the other ones that are remaining will be rejected. >> and real quickly before we go on monday another set of trump attorneys will be in court for the civil fraud trial hearing to respond to the attorney general asking the -- asking to void the $175 million bond. what should we watch for? >> mainly we should watch for will it be voided? if it does trump has the -- the new york attorney general has asked that the judge give him seven days to find a new bond. now that's going to be hard for trump. it's already a matter of public record that more than 30 different rebonding companies turned him down. the last minute we have night speciality company -- trump's knight in shining armor running to the rescue. it may not be enough. this one may also be voided if the o judge agrees with the
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attorney general that it's not sufficient. so we could be back to the situation where trump is without a bond and a real threat for the seiture of his assets. >> monday is going to be a big old day. adam, joyce, thank you both very much for coming to the last word. and coming up i'm not sure what has been stranger about this week. seeing the first former american president face a criminal trial or reading the reports about that same former american president repeatedly falling asleep during his criminal trial. jennifer and michael will try to help me make sense of all of this. that's next. is some freakin' torque. what? horsepower keeps you going, but torque gets you going. what happened to my inner child craving love and acceptance? how about you love and accept this? p-p-p-p-powershot!
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verdict is in. sleepy don has a nightmare week. that is how the biden campaign summed up the week in which 77- year-old donald trump fell asleep on multiple days during his criminal trial.
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the first criminal trial of a former american president. on monday a jury will hear evidence against trump who is accused of 34 counts of making false business records to interfere in the 2016 election, who history of lying, and multiple civil judgments for fraud and sexual abuse could be raised if trump decides to testify. on tuesday, trump is facing punishment for violating his gag order seven times since monday for posting attacks against witnesses, jurors, some of which was posted while he was in the courtroom. trump has been reprimanded to muttering to close to projective jurors. is there a majority voter for criminal defendants? trump's opponent, president biden spent the week touting infrastructure investments,
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promising to protect women's rights and to provide tax relief for teachers and families. that was after a three day swing through battleground pennsylvania meeting voters and talking about his agenda. donald trump is inside a courtroom where he as a criminal defendant must abide by the rules or face consequences and any miss behavior is in view of the jury. as danny points out, performance art and especially aggressive behavior serves trump well at rallies but in my experience juries don't usually appreciate it if the miss behavior continues they may hold it against him. the jury isn't the only audience, all of america is watching. even outside the courtroom doing his daily ranting and begging for money donald trump
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looks tired. this is a man for whom 46% of americans voted in 2016 when he was still known as a tv and tabloid star and 46% voted for him in 2020 when he had president in front of his name. now as biden campaign will remind voters from now until november, donald trump is not a confident man. is he a desperate man who knows is he losing. donald trump has taken over the republican party to enrich himself and sell out the american people to his billion area donors. it won't help his personal life and it can't fix his broken political campaign. joining me now, jennifer reuben and michael -- nbc news presidential historian. welcome back to the last word. michael, we have become numb to it but trump has made history
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again in the worst way. >> more than in the worst way. probably in about 20 ways. let's -- if any of us is numb to this and i think we probably aren't but in case we are imagine that this was harry truman in court falling sleep and being accused of what he is being accused of and behaving the way he has been. this is something the founders did not exactly have in mind for a future president. they thought they had created a system that would exclude people that would be likely to be accused of criminal conduct though of course we don't know if he will be found guilty or not. the other thing is you remember the guy -- and i think it was a male, i don't want to assume that but the person in the trump group who said you know it'll be great. he can campaign from the courtroom.
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that's a classic example of turning lemons into lemonade and doesn't seem to be happening this guy is on display eight hours a day during this trial and as you said it doesn't exactly suggest that he is fit and ready to be president and the other thingly close with this is this is someone who can't stand being out of control. you know what -- what less control is there than being in a courtroom with a jury and -- and a judge that is going it rule on your fate and potentially put you in jail this is the opposite of campaigning and winning votes. >> you know trump claims that his trial is firing up his base but is it actually helping him to be sleeping in court while biden is out campaigning on real issues? >> i think not. you know donald trump wants to be the big man. he wants to be in charge as michael said. every day he is diminished.
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there is a point at the trial today where he stood up like he was going to leave the courtroom before the judge did. he said sit down mr. trump and like a sheepish child he had to sit down again that. just sums up where he is. he can pout, question fall asleep whether that's an intentional snub at the proceedings or not. he can try to mumble and smirk but is he not allowed to do these things and he will be called out and he will have to sit there. donald trump is not one to control himself. when people like michael cohen, like hope hicks get on the stand and start testifying against him i find it hard to believe he is going to sit there. i suspect he will start muttering. he will start gesturing that will get him in trouble too. everything that he does because
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he is donald trump is not likely to work to his benefit in the courtroom. let's remember his base is his base. they only get one vote and they probably won't be swayed by anything that happens in the courtroom and anything that he says on the courtroom steps. he has to get a majority and as you pointed out at his peak he got 46% and he is not making friends. is he not impressing people outside and meanwhile joe biden is not only campaigning but he is getting a little feisty. is he getting in his digs. is he noting these things like he is sleeping. is he noting that trump is otherwise occupied as he put it on one occasion this week. i think the biden campaign realizes they have this guy trapped. he is cornered and they are going to keep sticking it to him and giving him little ja bs and that too will weigh on trump because he can't stand
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being mocked. >> yeah. he really hates it. you know what, michael. bennie thompson introduced a bill to remove secret service protection to anyone sentenced to jail saying would lift a conflict. i hear you laughing. finish the thought. what do you think about this? >> you know i got into this career decades ago of all the things i thought i would have to think about, you know, the idea of a fist fight between officers of the secret service and the bureau of prisons at -- you know -- some federal prison somewhere is not something that i had exactly on my bingo card. you know the other thing and i want to endorse what jennifer just said. you know, the other thing that shows so much in this scene and actually the last number of
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months in 2016, that was in many ways a di abolical campaign. trump stood for horrible things but he was fairly well disciplined. this year he is much more about making himself feel better for the next 60 seconds than running a disciplined campaign for president with a winning message. i think that to tell people in advance this if they elect you he wants to take away their rights, be a dictator for a day, pit the justice department and the defense department against his enemies and possibly take us out of nato and let putin run riled through europe. my guess is that's not a disciplined winning message. it's i almost feel we should applaud donald trump for his transparency but if americans understand that this is a choice between our system of more than two centuries of
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democracy verses a lethal dictator i don't see a majority of americans voting for that. >> jim. we have seen overtime how the presidency ages men only because it's only been men up until this point. how do you see trump's post presidency legal and financial issues weighing on him? >> i think he is truly exhausted. he is not a disciplined person and to have to sit there and listen and we already know he doesn't sleep well. we already know that in the oval office he had executive time until about 11:00 in the morning. i think this is a physical as well as a mental and emotional strain on him and you can tell he does look tired. he does look diminished. let's face it. even before this trial he was not doing what president biden is doing. president biden was out three days in a row campaigning. he gave speeches. he meets with voters. is he doing the country's
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business. trump does not have that kind of energy, does not have that kind of money to put together a real campaign. so in a sense this is all he has. what else will he do in it's not like he will go into a swing state and give speech after speech on the issues. that is not what he is capable of. i think this is showing the limits of his physical capacity and his mental and emotional capacity. by the way, to bennie i think the bureau of prisons will accommodate the secret service. i am sure they can find a place for them. >> i want to see the fist fight. >> yeah. you know i'm -- look. when you were talking about that i mean -- no disrespect to the secret service but i think the bureau -- the folks at the bureau of prisons may have a little more experience with that kind of fight. jennifer. >> you're probably right. thank god for american history.
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that's true. >> yes. jennifer, michael, thank you both very much for coming to the last word. coming up, this week one of the more challenged members of the house republican caucus fought with one of this program's smartest frequent guests. you will see it next. , it is gentle on your skin. it breathes life into your laundry. ( ♪ ♪ ) start your day with nature made. the #1 pharmacist recommended vitamin and supplement brand.
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democrats once again will be the adults in the room. i'm so glad republicans finally realizes the urgency with which we must act. guess what, mr. speaker? you don't get an award around here for doing your job. >> that was the lead demon the house rules committee speaking today before the house voted 316-94 to advance a $95.3 billion aid package for ukraine, israel and taiwan. more democrats voted for the rule than republicans rescuing speaker mike johnson. the house will vote tomorrow on that ukraine aid that has been stalled for months by what liz cheney called the putin wing of the republican party. our next guest, timothy schneider testified about that on wednesday in the house oversight committee. >> if we follow chinese
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propaganda we notice that's political warfare themes which has colleagues have said are meant to pass through us have in fact done so first. ukrainians are nazis, a russian theme picked up and repeated on the house floor. second it's all about nato enlargement. third ukraine is corrupt. a russian theme picked up by china and repeated on the house floor and in the senate. 4th, that the democracies can't do anything about ukraine. that it's all pointless. a russian theme repeated by china, picked up in house discussions. 5th we should pay attention to the border and not do anything about ukraine. a russian theme picked up by china repeated in both chambers. 6th, the biden bribe.
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a russian theme picked up and repeated by china, discussed in this very chamber. >> committee member green a member of the so-called putin wing of the republican party said this. >> it's amazing to me that just in a few years time it's now considered misinformation to talk about the nazis in ukraine. >> i would like to thank the representative from georgia by making clear with her comments that any discussion of political warfare has to include russia why, ukraine and america. she just demonstrated that point powerfully. on the question of nazis i have written two books about nazis and the holocaust. on the question of ukrainian national. ism i am the leading scholar and have been writing about it for 20 years. if the chamber is interested in
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the degree of far right participation in ukrainian politics you can be assured that no far right party has ever crossed 3%, 3% in ukraine in elections. of course there are bad people in every country but by any comparative standard it's a very small thing. in russia on the other hand the army includes openly nazi formations; the government itself is facist in character and it's carrying out a war which includes deportation of children by the tens of thousands, the open intention of destroying a state as well as mass torture f we are looking for facism and if there is anyone who is concerned about halting it you would wish to halt russia. >> marjorie taylor green has been threatening to remove mike johnson because of his support for aid to ukraine. speaker johnson said this about her threat to remove him from
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the speaker ship. >> if i operated out of fear over emotion to vacate i would never be able to do my job. this is a critical time right now. critical time in the world stage. i think that providing legal aid to ukraine is important. i really do. i believe the briefings that -- i believe putin and xi and iran are an axis of evil and i think putin would continue to march through europe. >> joining us now, timothy schneider, profess or of history. professor, thank you very much for being here. what does it say that believing united states intelligence -- united states intelligence about putin and russia puts the republican speakers job at risk? >> yeah. it says that an important part of the republican party has gotten in the habit of
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repeating things that are are propaganda tropes. it's not a matter of american intelligence but just a matter of objective reality. what the speaker said is true. the war is at a critical state. the front could break. ukrainians are fighting bravely but we have not passed a law to support them for something like 480 day at this point. it is not even a matter of intelligence. it is just a matter of taking reality into account. >> you know i want to listen to what the chair of the house intelligence committee, mike turner and republican don bacon had to say about their fellow republicans. >> we see directly coming from russia attempts to mask communications that are anti ukraine and pro russia messages. some of them we hear on the house floor. >> the russians will be in
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kyiv. few of my colleagues would like to see the russians win. >> you know how pervasive is the problem of russian disinformation? the congress? >> the problem to be fair, the problem is bigger than that. the problem is that social media favors disinformation over information, twitter in particular. there's a specific problem with a few members of congress who repeat these tropes over and over again such as marjori, taylor green or jd advance vance. i think they are now -- some of them what they their mistake had been. i think in the last few days we are seeing a kind of separation between the people who are doubling down on the russian story and the people who are beginning to take steps away
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from it. >> you know here is the kind of coverage green gets on russian state tv. watch this. >> congresswoman marjorie taylor green is proposing for the united states to withdraw from nato. she believe that americans should help putin win. so what can putin accomplish knowing that he has compromised the united states congress? >> i mean the session that i was invited to talk in was about political warfare and the reason that was so important is that the chinese idea of political warfare means that they are using media, law to get you to do thing that aren't in your own interest. the russian idea is very much the same so this stuff only works with if americans take in russian or chinese tropes and repeat them and then they become meaningful and then the russians can pick them up and then the cycle begins and it starts to all seem normal.
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i think that clip shows a kind of deflation because until recently the hero of television was mike johnson who is a much more important figure and now that mike johnson has taken a art important turn they are forced to go down to the level of marjorie taylor green. it's not a good sign for them actually. >> thank you very much for coming to the last word. and coming up some republicans are trying to run from the chaos they helped donald trump create overturning roe v. wade and some republicans promise -- they promise you they will stop abortion. they aren't coming for more of your rights but other republicans are saying the quiet part out loud. that's next. there's the family name. 1892 wow. that one here is the boat they came over on. yes. wow.
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c'mon, bear. ♪ ♪ ♪ you don' don't have to worry... ♪ ♪ be by your side... i'll be there... ♪ ♪ with my arms wrapped around... ♪ abortion will be on the ballot in november in nevada. a state key to president biden's re-election campaign and to democrats plan to keep control of the senate. the nevada independent reports that the nevada supreme court has ruled in favor of granting ballot access to a broad reproductive freedom ballot question seeking to enshrine rights to a wide range of birth control, fertility and abortion options into the state constitution. now donald trump is in trouble on reproductive rights because he created the extreme conservative majority on the supreme court that overturned roe v. wade but despite trump's
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efforts to lie about the republican position here is what republicans actually say. tennessee senator blackburn wants the supreme court to overturn the right to birth control. >> constitutional unsound rulings like griswold verses connecticut. >> trump endorsed brett crane wants to ban birth control. >> how about abortion pills by mail or iud or plan b? would you hear legislation to ban those? >> i would. absolutely. >> to be clear iud's and plan b are birth control. this trump fan is coming for birth control, abortion, and my marriage? >> like abortion and things like gay marriage are outside of the christian moral order and they lead to chaos and
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destruction. >> it's very ugly but this is exactly what supreme court justice clarence thomas wrote he wants to do. we should reconsider all of this court due process precedents including griswold, lawrence and gay marriage. we have a duty to correct the error. joining us now, the president of pro choice america. you have changed the name. it's -- >> freedom for all. >> reproductive freedom for all. thank you very much for being here. trump and some republicans are trying to make it seem like there's a moderate republican position. to plead that you have to ignore the context. what animateds animateds the right is the so- called moral order and that includes everybody's private life and clearance thomas spelled it out in his dobbs
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decision. >> the court has been very clear in where they stand. it was just this past week in addition to all the really stark examples you laid out, jonathan, that arizona republicans could not get it together to repeal their prestatehood total abortion ban from the 1800's despite kari lake and trump calming on calling on them to do so. all these positions extremely political. we know where donald trump stands. we know where the gop and house stand but they know they are losing race after race so they are trying to obscure their positions but just tomorrow we are -- i'm sorry. just next week we are going to see the supreme court hear a case to decide whether states are allowed to deny emergency medical care including abortion that's based on the biden administration's effort to
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enforce the rule and maga controlled states like idaho and texas challenging the rule. so, right now in very right in front of our faces the court is yet again taking up abortion rights and republicans are yet again defying what people want which is emergency medical care. >> all right. now let's talk about the politics of all this. florida, arizona and now nevada will have ballot measures regarding reproductive rights. how important are those ballot measures in november? >> they are critical. nothing is much more urgent right now than florida and arizona. nevada, it's a really big step. they have protected abortion access. they will have to go to the ballot twice to get this in the constitution. so it's really, really important but what is hair on fire urgent are florida and arizona where you have florida a six week ban about to go into effect which is as we know before most people know they
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are pregnant and may as well be a total ban and arizona this wild, 1800's abortion ban that's a total ban. voters this november can fix that, can stop these bans in their tracks and for the next couple of months we will have outcomes for pregnant people in those states, particularly in florida. florida is a critical part of the southeast part of this country where it was one of the last few places you could access care and now you will have to go up to virginia to get that care in the south. >> you know there continue to be reports of horror stories isn't emergency and pregnancy care in states where it's restricted. i know some republicans are shocked to discover it but you ever find real people, real voter who are surprised about the broad him play indications of the bans? >> yeah we do. i think there's a lot of voter who just are beginning to dial n you in.
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they understood roe but it's shocking should understand as i said in this case that's going to the court next week that emergency care that has already been available to so many americans could be denied for a pregnant person because those doctors and those er's are so terrified of being prosecuted or investigated by their states. you know the lengths in which these maga gof ban states going to punish doctors and patients and make care so unavailable even in the most shocking cases like the amanda case where she almost went into seps is this is shocking the american conscience. it's not just about the medical active abortion. it's all the other consequences, attacks on ivf and birth control that you have covered. >> president of reproductive freedom for all. thank you for coming to the last word. and tonight's last word is next.
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i'll see you back here tomorrow. when robert garcia of california will be our guest as we follow the live house debate and votes on the critical foreign aid package to ukraine, and israel that we discussed earlier in this hour and remember, those are the votes that some members of the republican party say could cost the house speaker his job. makes you wonder at this point who would want that job any way? that is tonight's last word. the 11th hour starts now. >> this is the most historic thing that donald trump has
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ever done.