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tv   Dateline  MSNBC  April 20, 2024 12:00am-2:00am PDT

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ew best friends, one of them's missing, a body was found in one of their apartments. how am i doing right now? if i had to put it into one word, all of your new best
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friends, one of them is missing. a body was found in one of your apartment. how my doing right now? if i had to put it in one word, now would be the closest. >> it was a mystery where nothing -- she had been murdered. he disappeared. now, police have two mysteries to solve. >> love triangle? >> the obvious suspect, the missing man. the obvious problem, no one could find them. >> this guy is potentially very dangerous. >> what was real, and what was pretend? >> enter the actors. was the killer really missing, or was he hiding in plain sight? >> i said he's dirty.
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>> somebody knew the truth. and this father refused to give up until he knew it, too. >> everything is based on me knowing the whole story. there's an empty theater, a script full of twists, a troupe places, please. there's a script full of twists , a troupe of actors, and someone who set the stage for an unbelievable tragedy. >> i buying it. i'm buying it hook line and inker. >> all of it so odd, it was hard to tell what was real and what was an illusion. >> i just remember his performance being -- it was very, very real. >> this is the story of a man who seemed to be at the end of his rope.
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>> and looked like he was having some sort of panic attack or heart attack. >> but on this stage, the final curtain, the darkness remained. because this story wouldn't win any awards. this was all real life. >> julie is my first daughter. she was my valentine baby. >> for june, a japanese couple who built their american dream here in orange county, california, their third child came as a pleasant surprise. >> the doctor kept telling me it was another boy, but she was born on valentine's day. >> two big brothers that preceded her. so naturally, it was julie who became an all- star softball player as a young girl. but her passion was dance.
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she grew into a beautiful dancer and a remarkable young lady with the kindest of hearts. >> back and kind of sometimes frustrate me. you are too nice. know? that's what she was. >> that's how she met sam hare, who, like julie, was a student as orange coast college. sam struggled in school and julie would help him out. >> she told me about sam. he's like a big teddy bear and he's always nice to everybody. we get together at his place. you know, a lot of times. >> sam was a war vet who fought in afghanistan and made it home to california after three years overseas. sam lived across the street from the college at an apartment complex. >> is not a dorm, but i would call it a college dorm. >> sam's friendly lid often hung out there with him. >> they always had people drinking.
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>> but despite his surroundings, sam was focused. >> he seemed more responsible. he seemed like he had more of a plan on where he was going. he wasn't just cruising on his g.i. bill and having fun and getting drunk every day. rachel and her fiance live near sam. >> he liked to have fun with everybody and hang out with everybody. >> and everyone liked to be around him, too. but there's something about sam that very few people knew. he suffered from night terrors. a sort of psychic souvenir of the battlefield. sam did share that with ruben, who was also a war veteran. >> he would tell me that sometimes he feels like -- he will be sleeping, and he will wake up in his sleep, and he will be in a foxhole. so he will start screaming or looking for a weapon, you will wake up sweating, and you know -- just very stressed. >> that's tough.
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>> that is very tough. >> but, said ruben, sam seemed to be coping. and then came friday afternoon. julie was going to hang out with her brother that evening. he was getting married, and julie was helping him with wedding plans. >> and then after i was cooking in the kitchen, she said, by mom, i'm leaving. and then she just went out the door. >> julie made it safely to her brothers in long beach. they had dinner together. taka asked julie to be a bridesmaid at his wedding, and gave her a tiara. julie couldn't stay long, because, she told her brother, her friend sam hare needed her. he had been texting her all afternoon. messages that seem weirdly offkilter. can you come over tonight at midnight alone? going out for a bit, very
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upset, need to talk. and then, please -- no sex. i need to talk to someone. >> julie texted back, lol, you, sam, you're like bro and sis no sex. >> sam returned i'm hurting with some bad femme crap. >> julie, as always, was ready to help. that's fine. i'm here for you like family. she left her brothers home that friday evening and headed for sam's apartment. >> did you normally wait up for her? >> i normally do. but she was with her brother and then happened to be -- saturday was my youngest daughters senior prom. and then when i woke up and i didn't see her, i was like -- okay. >> by now, it was saturday morning. june texted julie, then she called julie. still no answer. so judy called her son, taka.
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>> so when i called him, he was like -- what? >> taka told his mom about sam's text. >> i started getting this kind of -- you know, weird feeling. i started to feel like, okay, this is something that is wrong. >> by now, it had been almost 24 hours since she had last seen julie. june started to panic. >> i probably called like 20w2 her cell phone. it wouldn't go connected or anything. it's just like -- no, i can't even leave a message. and then -- >> what did they say? >> she is 23? okay. she might be drinking at the bar. excuse me? >> no, said june. not her daughter. julie was always quick to respond to her text or phone calls. across town, about 20 miles
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away, sam's parents, stephen racquel hare, couldn't get a hold of sam. >> i thought it was a little odd that when we called his phone, it went directly to the answering service. on saturday. >> steve decided to check on his son. >> so i drove down there. i knocked on his door, no answer. >> i had the key to his apartment. so i walked in there and i looked for him to turn on the lights, and the living room looked fine. sam? nobody in there. >> and that's when he saw it. >> what is going on here? i freak out. >> coming up, a father searching for his son finds something he never expected. and no one can find sam.
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>> you think, this guy is potentially very dangerous. he's out there on the street. >> when dateline continues. it helps remove odors 3x better than detergent alone. it worked guys! ♪yeahhhh♪ downy rinse and refresh. (tammy) i used to smoke, i thought it helped relieve my stress. but then i had open heart surgery. my tip is, find healthy ways to cope with stress, because open heart surgery, it's pretty stressful. (announcer) you can quit. call 1-800-quit-now for help getting free medication. head & shoulders bare clinically proven dandruff protection with just 9 essential ingredients no sulfates, no silicones, no dyes. dandruff protection,
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it had been a beautiful california day in orange county. now the sun was setting, and in every sense >> it had been a beautiful california day in orange county. now, the sun was setting, and in every sense, darkness was taking over. steve, would got to look for his son, sam, couldn't find him. but he didn't find something. josh mankiewicz (voiceover): costa mesa police detective ed everett responded to the call. walk into the crime scene and we have a 20 something year old >> costa s mesa police detectiv and everett responded to the call. >> walking to the crime scene, we have a 20 something-year-old
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female on the bed, and she is in a position where it appears she was sexually assaulted. >> police quickly identified the victim -- sam's tutor and friend, julie. before long, two detectives paid a visit to julie's mom. >> one detective told me, please can you sit down? and then i know that he said, like -- okay. your daughter was found in sam's apartment. and i think he said your daughter's body was found, or something like that. and then -- i just -- i think i was screaming like, no, no, that's not my daughter. it's not my daughter. >> julie had been shot twice in the head. her pants were down to her knees, and someone had written on her sweatshirt the words, all yours, f you.
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she was still wearing the tiara her brother had given her the night war. >> i was still in disbelief. that was not my daughter. it can't be my daughter. i wanted to see, and they didn't allow me to. they said i wasn't allowed to go. >> june could barely absorb what she was hearing. julie was dead, and her only logical suspect was her college friend, sam. >> she told me he's taking the same class with her, and then she told me that he's like a big brother to me and to everyone in the class because he's a little older, and he came back from afghanistan. >> this guy that she thought was a big brother suddenly as the suspect. >> i still couldn't connect everything together. >> what happened in sam's apartment that night was
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horrific. julie had gone there to help sam, and now she was dead in his bedroom. and sam was somewhere. >> all of your best friends that you hang out with every day, one of them is missing. a body was found in one of their apartment. this is something that was affecting the whole atmosphere. >> detectives soon found out that sam was a war veteran, heard the stories of his night terrors. they also found julie's phone in the apartment, and that saw sam's text messages to her. sam seems plenty of set this evening, and when they searched his name in the law enforcement databases, they came up with a stunning result -- >> he was arrested along with a lot of other people. a guy was killed in a gang case. >> he was involved in a gang incident. i believe it was in ventura county. >> it happened in 2002. sam, just 18 at the time, was
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accused of luring another young man to a parking lot. the man wasn't attacked by more than a dozen others. while some of the attackers were convicted of murder and received life sentences, sam hair was found not guilty. >> he was innocent and it was proven that way. >> four years later, sam joined the army and put all that behind him, or so his father believed. >> that's why when i found julie, i knew that sam could do this. i knew sam would never do something like that. >> steve tried to tell detectives. >> you said sam didn't do this, and police said, a, he is missing, and b, he was a suspect in a murder case once. >> i understood that. i'm not that naove. that's why it was imperative to start looking immediately. >> steve called sam's friend ruben to see if you talked to sam, and ruben told him a
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curious story. ruben said he had been trying to get a hold of sam, two, because sam was a no-show at a beach party. and he called him, multiple times. no answer. until finally, someone picked up. >> i said hello, and they said, hey, hey bro. >> i said, who is this? the voice was not the same. the voice was not the same. >> the voice on the phone said -- >> i busy right now, having a lot of problems with family. so i called again, no answer. >> he didn't think that was sam, but if not, who was it? and more importantly, where was sam? use a julie's murder was spreading, and soon reached an old army buddy of sam's name miles full. >> when i found out it was julie, i definitely knew that sam had nothing to do with it. because of the way sam protects his friends and his family.
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and julie was one of them. >> miles was stationed in afghanistan with sam. they fought together. miles knew how sam was born anyone he considered a friend. >> he wouldn't hurt her? >> no, not in 1 million years. i thought it was something in his past that they were trying to do something to him, and try to get him. and the reason why his body wasn't there was because he was off running away from the people. >> miles feared sam was in danger. maybe sam's mom and dad, too. >> i wanted to make sure nothing happened to stephen rachal, so i went to their house, and, you know, during the night i spent there, done by my side just to make sure, i slept on the couch, by their door. >> detectives needed to find sam, and fast. since orange county homicide prosecutor matt murphy. >> he has a dead woman in his apartment, he's missing.
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you think, he's a trained killer after he's been accused of this before, and you think, this guy is potentially very dangerous and he's out there on the street. >> then came a break. sam's atm card was being used. $400 withdrawn about 17 miles north of the crime scene. and security cameras capture the person who was leaving as a cash came out. it was the start of a whole new mystery. >> coming up. >> we were pretty confident he was our guy. >> but sam's father was convinced he wasn't, and determined to prove it, he turned amateur detective. >> okay, we got movement here. let me see. >> when dateline continues. [honking] how's the heart? how's your heart? how's your heart? - it's good. - is it? aah, i don't know. it's okay. - it's okay! - yeah. - good. - you sure? i think so.
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but you can repair it with pronamel repair. it penetrates deep into the tooth to actively repair acid weakened enamel. i recommend pronamel repair. with new pronamel repair mouthwash you can enhance that repair beyond brushing. they work great together. you can enhance that repair beyond brushing. julie kibuishi, her valentine girl, was pursuing fashion design while living at home. it was a mother's dream. >> julie, her tvalentine girl,
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was pursuing fashion design while living at home. it was a mother's dream. >> i was planning a lot of stuff to do with her, so we are going to be the buddies to go shopping, or that's what i told julie. we were planning to do that. it was right before it happened. it is so hard, you know? she was 23. >> 23 years young, and her life taken from her in the most senseless way. >> she loved to kind of design things. she really wanted to be a stylist. >> now that would never happen. police were looking hard for sam hair. detective and everett. >> is on the run, on the wind, and it's our job to find him and he where he's at and ask him, why? >> not a lot of question as to the suspect was at this point. >> we were pretty confident he
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was our guy. >> he was eager to find sam, but for an entirely different reason. to clear his sons name. he began his own investigation. >> why did you feel you needed to do-year-old police work? >> i looked at as a way to find some answers. where could sam be? is somebody helping him? is he running away? is he coming up with foul play? >> sam's cell phone was going straight to voicemail. >> i love you, let me know what's going on. what is going on? >> than a big break, and a puzzle. steve and sam had a joint bank account, so steve pulled the bank records and found that sam's bank card was used at an atm in long beach. then again at a nearby pizza parlor. >> i said, okay. we got movement here. let me see. >> so steve drove down to long beach to check out the brake.
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>> so i hung around for about an hour, to see if maybe i would see sam or sam's car. nothing happened there, so i went to the pizza place and hung around there for an hour. >> there were no signs of sam. >> i took a two mile radius from echoes pete checked all the hotels and motels around there and didn't see sam's car. >> meanwhile, detectives did something steve didn't do. they got the agency data capturing the person using sam's bank card, expecting to see a picture of sam. detectives were in for a shock, because whatever it was taking money out of sam's account -- it wasn't sam. so who was it? cops staked out the atm, hoping the mystery man would return. they also went to the pizza parlor, where he thought he knew the person who had bought the pizza. and the detectives got a possible address. >> we are set up at that point
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in the house. on each corner of the house. we were geared up. we got our best on. >> well surveillance teams waited, they questioned sam's circle. already knew about the body found in sam's apartment. >> we had discussed the idea of it may be being an accident, like i said earlier, sam seemed like a pretty intelligent person. if it was an accident, he wouldn't have taken off and left his apartment and try to run. >> both rachel and dan told detectives the last time they saw sam was friday, the day before the murder. he was with a friend, they said. a man wearing a back hat. but they had no idea what his name was. it seemed to be a dead-end. but then, back at the house, the cops were staking out a big rake. a pizza delivery.
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>> we probably have 10 officers in the helicopter above, we have the long beach police department helping us with positions behind the home in case someone fled the house. guns out, ready to hit it like someone had committed a murder is inside. >> and that someone is sam? >> yes. >> cops moved in, but sam wasn't there. instead, they found ian. >> i opened my door to go outside and see what is going on, and that's when -- freeze. get on the ground, put your hands behind your back. >> what did this teenager have to do with a murder ? much more than he knew. >> i trusted him, so i said, yeah. >> when dateline continues. and allergists, that helps heal your skin from within. serious allergic reactions can occur that can be severe. tell your doctor about new or worsening eye problems
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it was early evening on wednesday, may 26, 2010. helps deliver the ultimate clean. it was early evening on wednesday, may 26, 2010. the streets in this nice neighborhood in long beach, california, quiets. 17-year-old wesley was hanging out with his friends. they had just finished eating a pizza ordered from a local peep the parlor when -- >> we hear this helicopter circling, and mind you, i'm not
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really a nosy kid, but i'm like, what's going on in my neighborhood? i don't see anything. >> wesley walked outside. >> i legitimately see a dude in the helicopter pointing at me, or pointing towards me. what's going on? i go, hey, guys, there's a helicopter outside and i think is pointing towards me or something, or something is going on. >> his friend may have seemed like a sensible suggestion. >> don't go outside, then. there might be something going on. don't go outside. the helicopter still circling. i look out the window. two squad cars pull up. >> the scene was unreal. like something from a movie. wesley did not yet realize he had been cast as the villain. >> guys, something's going on. things happening out. everyone goes to the window, i
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opened up the door to go outside and see what's going on, and that's when -- freeze. get on the ground, put your hands behind your back. >> cops arrested him, but according to wesley, he had absolutely no clue why. then, police showed wesley a photo. >> immediately, when i saw myself at that atm, i literally knew what had happened. >> detectives wanted answers. what was wesley doing with that atm card? >> initially, he kinda pretrade to us, i don't know what you're talking about. i didn't do anything wrong. once the gravity of the situation was explained to him, he had a change of demeanor. >> the cops told wesley's pizza delivery had landed him in the middle of a murder investigation and manhunt. they believe wesley was hiding sam hair. possibly inside the house. >> once we told him he was
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involved in a homicide, he immediately started crying. >> sitting in front of officers of the law, handcuffed, i am obviously -- literally. i can't say this g rated. my balls were inside of me. i -- myself, and i was nervous. >> is with the cops were counting on. wesley started talking. what he said was not what police expected. >> i didn't know sam. >> wesley not only did it know where sam was, he didn't even know who he was. wesley did have sam's bank card. >> all i said was, yeah, i think the name on the card was sam hair, but i can't remember. >> as to why he had it, that was a very strange story, he claimed. he got the card from someone who told him -- >> he worked for a government agency and he wanted to withdraw money from an atm for legal reasons, that the
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gentleman skipped bail out of town and they were required to withdraw the money, so he was looking for a third party to withdraw the money. >> sound phony, like a con game? apparently, not to wesley. he said he knew the man who asked him to withdraw money, that he was a friend. >> they shall be paperwork. it looked legit, like federal police paperwork. so i assumed, you know, he was good, and i trusted him. so i said -- yeah, you know? >> so, wesley said, he took the atm card and with agreed to withdraw the maximum allowed amount each day, just as his friend had asked him to. his friend also said, it was fine to order a couple pizzas. >> were there alarms going off in your head, but you're hearing his voice on the phone telling you it's okay, it's legal. a teenager? i really trusted him. >> who is his friend?
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wesley said it was someone he respected -- an actor who taught him theater. >> it was a good bond. an older dude i looked up to. definitely someone i talked to about certain things in my life. >> the actors name -- dan wozniak -- sam harris neighbor. what could he possibly have to do with any of this? >> coming up, busy acting and just days away from getting married. >> definitely excited. but a lot of stress. >> dan was now also a potential witness in a murder investigation. when dateline continues.
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detectives on the hunt for their prime suspect sam herr traced his atm card to a teenager named wesley. >> detectives on the hunt for prime suspect sam hair traced his atm card to a teenager named wesley. wesley said he got the card from someone he was acted --
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actor and director, dan wozniak. now, police wanted to know -- who was dan wozniak, really? >> i turned to dan on certain occasions for some advice. >> wesley described him as a mentor. >> i looked up to him as my director and a fellow actor. >> dan directed tessier in her high school play. she says the students all loved him. >> i worked with many directors, and he was by far my favorite to work with. he was professional and knew what he was doing. >> but it seems that acting is what dan wozniak was built for. >> he was incredible. with all the one-on-one teaching he gave us as actors, it was right on. >> she was very active in the local community theater world. >> it's hard to fill the male roles and nonpaid community
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theater. so he would get a lot of rolls, do a lot of theater. much more than i ever did. >> that's how dan and rachel met. they were cast in a play together. >> i think the best way to describe him as jovial. and although he didn't have awesome pitch or anything, he had a booming voice. so that right there is enough to get you cast on a lot of things when you are a guy. >> rachel, and actress herself, would also get the big roles. side by side, they take on the stage. >> dan is a very big personality. and she was more, let's get this done. so i feel like they complemented each other in that way. >> dan and rachel moved in together. were you in love? >> i would say shortly after we moved in together, that's when i realized -- oh, yeah, i am in
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love with this person. >> it wasn't long before dan proposed marriage. on the night of julie's murder, dan and rachel were performing together in another musical called mime. you can see their chemistry in this video shot by the husband of one of the other cast members. tessier, who went to see the play on closing night, said that dan carried the show. >> he was on an after show high. we all were. he did an amazing job. he came out and greeted us, and was just laughing and hugging. >> and with their wedding in less than a week -- >> definitely excited, but a lot of stress, because i was doing everything myself. >> he was that typical guy that wasn't interested in the details of planning a wedding? >> there was a couple of things. like, you know -- i don't know. make sure we don't have only
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chicken marsala, or random stuff like that. >> but just two days before dan and rachel's day, young wesley, now in handcuffs and facing serious felony charges, was pointing the finger at his one- time mentor. remember, dan and rachel had already told police that the last time they saw sam was on friday. the day before julie was murdered. and they hadn't seen him since. so how and why would dan have sam's atm card? someone had to be lying. and if that were dan, why? sam's dad, steve, got phone numbers from his son's friends. and on that list was dan wozniak's number. >> so i said, i'm going to call him in the morning and just double check. >> when steve got him on the phone, dan told him sam was nervous when they saw each
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other on friday. >> i said, what is you nervous about? he said, i don't know. he was talking about family problems and stuff like that. and boom. as soon as he said, he was talking about family problems. i said, this guy knows something. i don't know what he knows, but he's lying about sam. >> authorities were developing their own figuring about dan. prosecutor matt murphy. >> wozniak is a guy who is protecting sam. wozniak is the friend helping him get money out. >> he figured the best way to find sam was to talk to dan wozniak. >> coming up. was someone threatening dan? and why? when dateline continues.
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it was a wednesday evening in may 2010. dan wozniak was celebrating his upcoming >> it was a wednesday evening in may 2010. dan wozniak was celebrating his upcoming marriage at his bachelor party. often described as a man's last night of freedom. suddenly, that became truer than ever before when police crashed the party. >> dan wozniak was with a group of friends. >> detectives were following the murky trailer sam hair, a suspect in the murder of julie. she was a beautiful and talented 23-year-old with dreams of becoming a fashion stylist. >> did you think you are going to find sam hair in that restaurant? >> i was hoping you would. i was hoping he would be with daniel. >> not that lucky? >> no. >> immediately when he saw me,
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he turned pale. you can see the blood just draining from his face. >> the plan was to make dan talk, and fast. so they hit him with it heavy charge -- accessory to julie's murder after the fact. and then back at the station, he rolled over like a trained seal. dan everett monitored his interview. dan readily admitted to a crime. >> is alleging that he and his sam came up with this conspiracy to commit fraud and use this wesley could to implement it. >> dan says sam gave him his atm card. the plan was to have wesley withdraw money, and then sam would report the money stolen so the bank would reimburse it. but dan said before they had the chance to make any real money, something went wrong.
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josh mankiewicz (voiceover): they rushed out of the apartment, dan said. and as they drove, sam dropped a bombshell. >> they rushed out of the apartment, dan said. and as they drove, sam dropped a bombshell. dan said sam told him everything. photos of his friene and became upset. then, when julie came over-- according to dan, sam started looking at photos of his friend julie and became upset. then, when julie came over -- couldn't believe it. dan said that at first, he couldn't believe it. and then, dan said, sam
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threatened him. dan sent an angry and frightened sam needed help withdrawing all the money in his bank account to finance his escape. in return, sam said he would slide dan a few thousand dollars to help with his wedding. and dan felt he had no choice. then, dan told detectives he dropped sam at a shopping center parking lot in long beach. and dan said, that's the last time he saw sam. he later ditched sam's car, and dan said he was sorry he had lied to police at first. when he told them he had last seen sam in the company of a man wearing a black cap.
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dan said he was frightened of sam, and that he admitted he had given him money for his wedding. it seemed he had fooled them with everything so far. but police pressed dan for the most important detail of all. but he said he didn't know where sam was. he can't tell you the location, dan was cooperative, but he said he didn't know where sam was. >> he can't tell you the location, or he won't tell you the location? >> didn't know at that point. >> so they applied a little more pressure. >>
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josh mankiewicz (voiceover): when the detective explained what he planned to do with the dna sample, dan paid very close attention. >> when the detective explained what he planned to do with the dna sample, dan paid very close attention. josh mankiewicz (voiceover): dan seemed worried they might find his dna in sam's apartment.
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detectives wanted to know why. and the tone of the interview changed. dan seemed worried they might find his dna in sam's apartment. detectives wanted to know why. and the tone of the interview changed. josh mankiewicz (voiceover): they circled back to the dna. they circled back to the dna.
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josh mankiewicz (voiceover): but dan did seem scared and angry. he insisted he only helped sam after the murder, and then only under duress. but dan did seem scared and angry. he insisted he only helped sam after the murder. and then, only under duress. josh mankiewicz (voiceover): detectives were frustrated, but-- we were still hoping to find sam, detectives were frustrated, but
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-- >> we were still hoping to find sam. and thought he was going to lead us to sam. >> it sounds like you thought dad was telling the truth about everything except where sam was. >> we were taking him at his word because he was involving himself and incriminating himself as an accessory to this homicide. >> he wasn't telling you, i don't know anything about it. he was just saying, yeah. i helped him after the fact that i don't know where he is. >> right. the longer he went on, the less believable his story was. >> and they now also strongly believed that not only was dan covering for sam, but dan was also perhaps involved somehow in julie's murder. they tried again. they brought dan back to the interview room for one more crack at it. but dan didn't waver.
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and then, a reality check. josh mankiewicz (voiceover): coming up, the interrogation act 2. >> coming up, the interrogation , act ii. an actor confessing what he says was his role that night at sam's apartment. >> he said he could see two gunshot wounds. >> that's when the gun went off. >> when dateline continues.
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me ] josh mankiewicz (voiceover): this was a long day's journey into night and back into day. detectives have been awake for more than 50 hours,
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this was a long day journeys into night and back into the day. detective have been away for more than 50 thundershower and they were exhausted. but they could not give up on dan. after a break, they brought him back into the interrogation room and told him he was under arrest for accessory to murder. dan tried negotiating. i will talk to you about anything if it gets me to my wedding on friday. >> what did you want to tell me? >> i'll tell you anything that you want to know. >> is the truth. >> my god. >> geed ahead, we're listening. yes i helped sam get away. i did not know what he was planning till then. yes, i lied to you guys
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earlier. yes, i did stuff that i'm not proud of. that's it. i'm a better guy than this. i'm sorry that i took money and cheat the system. >> reporter: but they thought dan knew more than he was saying. >> you got the answers. you can help us. >> i don't know what else you want me to say. i don't know. >> tell us the truth. >> you're not that good of an actor. you can do your stuff. this is your chance to clear the air. >> they kept pressing. >> where is sam? >> deadlocked, till... >> he came down and said help me, and i saw [bleep] is that what you want to hear? >> that is the truth. >> tell us what happened.
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how did that play out? and what did you do once you got up there? >> detectives reached into the tool kit. they just taken a dna swab from dan. they didn't have results. but they decided to bluff. >> what's that? >> because i was over the body. >> how did your dna get on her? >> i don't know. >> i didn't do anything. >> and then, something out of the blue. >> what did you see? >> i saw two gunshots in her head and i saw her pants like cut. i saw like [bleep] written on the back of the shirt. >> was the seasoned actor suddenly forgetting his lines? >> where were the two bullet wounds? >> sam said that he sat her twice. >> you told us that you saw two
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bullet wounds. >> stop. how did your dna get on her. >> i saw two bullet wounds to her head. >> you cannot even keep your lies straight. i saw two bullet wounds in her head. >> first he said he only helped sam after the fact. and then he admitted that he saw julie's body. then he contract contradicted himself. he seemed to put himself closer to the actual murder. >> he saw two gunshot wounds. meaning that he was there when
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she was killed? >> yes. that is when the lightbulb went off. but now he admitted he did help sam clean up the scene. >> i went to his apartment. sy sawi saw her and i freaked out. and he saw the two shell casings and he said get those. >> why did he write the message? >> i don't know. he said that he was seriously messed up and had three our four pills. >> and her pants? >> they looked cut. he said that he used them to cut. he was blacking out. he didn't remember everything that he had to done. >> this statement seemed to match the facts. her autopsy said that she had
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not been sexually assaulted. but the scene was staged to make it look that way. >> detectives felt that sam was finally starting to cooperate. you're a good guy. you got yourself in a bad spot, man. >> so want to do the right thing. i know you do. >> i do. >> all you got to do is put us over the scene and let's close this chapter and it is done. >> where is my phone? >> if he was waiting for a call from sam, it never came. but dan, from the police station, did call his bride-to- be rachel and a strange story now took yet another turn.
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>> don't. don't. don't. >> coming up, as news of dan's arrest starts to spread, some seen more rattled than others. >> he freaks out and has this like of fear in his eyes. >> what dateline continues. eye >> what dateline continues. it works after your detergent to fight deep odors 3 times better than detergent alone. i love that. try tide fabric rinse. some people just know that the best rate for you is a rate based on you, with allstate. because there are people out there who aren't you. a lot of them. and you don't drive like... whoa. i don't want my child being raised by a robot! other drivers are not you. yes, thank you so much to all 50 of my subscribers. nope, definitely not you. save with drivewise and get a rate based on you. you're in good hands with allstate.
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rachel buffett and dan wozniak, two talented actors who had costarred in plays, then fallen in love,
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rachel buffet and dan -- two actors that met in a play and fell in love. they were supposed to walk down the aisle. but instead, dan was in jail. and rachel was left to break the news to family, friends and invited guests. >> i go to my friends and knock on the door and i started bawling. >> rachel went to her parents' home to tell them what was going on. >> my mom lost it. she cannot speak. she's bawling. >> reporter: it was a mess, not only because of the cancel wedding, rachel's oldest brother noah was under suspicion. >> you think that noah knows
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where julie is? >> yes. >> that has to be a brutal conversation with your parents? >> my mom is breaking down and hyperventilating just by me saying we need to cancel the wedding and dan and noah are in jail. >> what happened with your brother? >> noah said they questioned him for a while. and the main detective said get this guy out of here, he doesn't know anything. >> reporter: turns out, he really didn't. noah was released and never charged. rachel notified dan's parents and describes a reaction she did not expect. >> it was just his dad. his mom was at work. i complained what was going on with him. he has the opposite reaction. he was completely so mellow. he didn't even hear me. i remember one of the phrases that he used was something like
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he was a really good son. he was a good kid. did you just hear what i said? >> as she and a friend were leaving, rachel said that she had another strange encounter. >> dan's brother and his girlfriend pull up and kind of wave us down and i go out and walk up to the car window and tell them dan that be arrested. he freaks out has this look of fear in his eyes. >> reporter: a short time later, her phone rang, it was dan calling from his jail cell. the call recorded by the police. >> what did you do? >> i helped sam cover some stuff up and get some drugs. i didn't murder anybody. >> why would you try to cover
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for him? >> because we needed the money. >> no, we never need money. we needed good people and just have each other. >> i'm sorry. >> reporter: rachel revealed that she had new information for the detectives. my mom is canceling the wedding plans now. and i need to make a phone call to detectives now. >> why? >> because tim is involved. i need to contact the detective first because i need to call him and let him no before they catch me on this recording device because it looks like i'm not trying to tell him right away. tim said that he has evidence or he knew where he was or something. >> reporter: with that information, dan's mood
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suddenly changed. >> i'm doomed. >> what? >> tim said that? >> do you know that tim has some evidence? >> yes. oh, god. oh, god. it is the voice of a man in a trap. >> this is ridiculous and i have to tell detectives the truth. >> tim didn't speak up. >> reporter: only to me so far and it was in passing. i'm going to the police station right now and i said that danny was freaking out. >> don't. don't. don't. >> dan sounded desperate. >> no, baby. i'm going to do it. >> trust me, please. dan begged rachel to come back to the police station. he said he was about to do something that was going to change everything.
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and he wanted rachel to be there for it. >> i have to tell the truth on what i did. i think you now know what it is. it is bad. imagine the worst and that's what i did. >> reporter: coming up, dan, alone in the the spotlight. >> he's beyond himself as we bring him into the interview room. he sits down and starts pulling out his air. >> reporter: you said that you wanted to talk to me. what is going on? >> my immediate reaction was did i just hear what i think i heard? >> reporter: when dateline continues. reporter: when datee continues. aya. it's not another drop. it's the first and only nasal spray for dry eye. tyrvaya treats the signs and symptoms of dry eye disease fast by helping your body produce its own real tears. common side effects include sneezing, cough, and throat and nose irritation. relying only on drops? not me. my own real tears are my relief. ask your eye doctor about tyrvaya.
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because a lot can happen in 48 hours. the plot line was as complex as anything on stage or screen. a young woman brutally murdered, her apparent killer the plot line was as complex as anything on stage or screen. a young woman brutally murdered and her apparent killer vanished in thin air. and at the center of it all, the actor electronic the director, dan wasniak in orange county, california. >> reporter: the process of back and forth with dan was exhausting? >> yes. >> reporter: it was a grand elaborate performance. but they still did not know what the real story was.
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and the actor himself suddenly seemed to drop character. dan wanted to speak with the detectives again. what do you think is coming this time? >> you think he's going to give us more bs and add or change his story. >> reporter: but he's not going to give you the truth? >> no, no. >> reporter: what is his demeanor at this point? >> he's beyond himself as we bring him into the interview room. he sits down and starts pulling out his hair. you said that you wanted to talk to me. what is going on? >> i'm crazy and i killed julie and sam. >> reporter: you didn't see that coming? >> no. >> reporter: he dropped a bombshell on the detectives. sam was not a murderer on the run. he was already dead. he, daniel was the killer of
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both sam and julie. when he said that, what is your reaction? >> did i hear what i just heard the? >> reporter: dan said that he went after sam thirst. they first. they drove together in a theater. dan said that he needed some help moving some heavy items down from the attic. >> i said you need to help me. i shot him. he said i need help. something hit me. it felt like an electric shot. >> reporter: and then he said, he fired again. >> he started bleeding and wasn't moving. he was not talking. >> reporter: dan said that he took sam's cell phone and drove
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to the theater to face and audience. in this video, shot by a cast member's husband very night, you can see dan and his fiancee, rachel performing. this is different from where sam's body lie. and dan, who just committed murder hours earlier, showed no signs of stress as he played the starring role apparently effortlessly. dan told detective that he texted julie from back stage. those are the odd texts that interrupted julie from her brother's house. >> i need to you come over tonight. >> reporter: after his twin performances, one on stage and the other as sam hair, dan drove back to the apartment
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complex and waited. julie arrived, wearing the tiara her brother had given her that evening. >> i said sam just called me and he was going through some stuff. i said me too. i opened the door and let her in. i went into the bathroom and prayed because i was really nervous. loaded gun back in. >> did you see this in sam's bed. >> she said what? she's freaking at it. she leaned over and i put two bullets in the back of her head. >> reporter: dan admitted to criminalling the nasty words on her back and to splitting her pants with a pair of scissors. the next morning, he said that he returned to the theater with an axe and a saw. dan used those for the grow some task of dismembering sam's
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body to make it harder to identify him. dan said that he scattered some of his remains at a local park. but sam's torso was still in the attic of the theater? >> what was going on when you dismembered sam's body? >> just laughing. >> why do you think you were doing that? >> i don't know. i just reached a point -- i don't know. i don't know. >> reporter: that next evening, dan took the stage once again in the musical mime. yet another pitch perfect performance captured on videotape. you've sat across a lot more
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murderers than i have, but that seems astonishingly sort of cold blood and remorseless? >> it was shocking. these are two of his so-called friends. it is horrific. it is sad. it is horrific. >> reporter: they wanted to know what was all of this about? what drove dan to do it? >> the motive behind killing sam? >> money and insanity. >> money and insanity. >> i don't know why i did it. >> reporter: the century's old motive, money, more than $60,000 money, sam hair's combat pay. >> when he was deployed. >> and dan wanted the money? >> yes. >> reporter: dan said that he
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killed julie to cover his tracks and to frame sam. >> to make is look like he was on the reason and did it. if he disappeared completely and you would never find him. >> reporter: but none of this was going away, especially for those left behind in the wake of two murders. steve hair, sam's dad, remembers when the police showed up at his door. >> they came in and said, sam was found. he was murdered. for whatever reason, i said, at least he wasn't dismembered. okay. the next morning i get a call from the police, steve before you find out, we want to let you know that sam was dismembered. that is when i just lost it. >> reporter: the next day, sam hair would have turned 27-year- olds old.
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sam's friend rubin. >> you could not deny his birthday and his father is praying to find his head. it is very upsetting. >> reporter: when the police told you that they thought julie was killed essentially to cover up another murder, sam's murder what did you think? >> probably pain is more painful in your own body parts apart to hear that your daughter is being killed like that. i don't know how to describe it. >> reporter: he was charged with two counts of first-degree murder. dan's older brother tim, along with tim's girlfriend was also arrested and charged with
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accessory to murder. detectives believe they helped hide some evidence, including the murder weapon. leslie, the teenager that used sam hair's bank card was not charged with any crime. and his confession to the police, he pled not guilty. he was denied bond and if convicted, could face the death penalty. a year after his arrest, dan sat down for an interview of msnbc lockup. it seemed like his story changed again. he claimed that he did not kill sam and julie. >> they were saying that i shot both of them and decapitated one of them. that is not true. >> reporter: and then dan spoke about his ex-fiancee' rachel buffet. he said the hardest part about
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being in jail was not seeing her. >> i said could you be with here out there or here with me. >> reporter: here in jail with him? an unusual comment. was there any possibility that rachel had something to do with the crimes? you think dan is protecting rachel or is rachel protecting dan? >> dan would be protecting dan and rachel is protecting rachel. >> reporter: you think she knows more than she's saying? >> definitely. >> reporter: this is what she said. >> this is my name and my entire future. i have nothing to hide. i'm innocent. the conversation between the two of them felt rehearsed. >> yes. i was expecting my god what did you do? >> reporter: rachel the actress
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or the accomplice. the investigators don't believe you were honest with them? >> i no. >> reporter: were you honest with them. when dateline continues. with them. when dateline continues. t, showr clearer skin and less itch. because you have plenty of reasons to show off your skin. with dupixent, the number one prescribed biologic by dermatologists and allergists, you can stay ahead of your eczema. it helps block a key source of inflammation inside the body that can cause eczema to help heal your skin from within. many adults saw 90% clearer skin. some even achieved long—lasting clearer skin and fast itch relief after first dose. serious allergic reactions can occur that can be severe. tell your doctor about new or worsening eye problems such as eye pain or vision changes including blurred vision, joint aches and pain, or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines without talking to your doctor. ♪♪ show off to the world.
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toys and another iran diplomat dismissed them as fireworks. and 12 jurors and six alternates were anytime finalized for former president donald trump trial. the trial is expected to last roughly six weeks. and now back to dateline. >> reporter: in november 2012, two years after the murders of sam and julie, while rachel buffet's former fiance was ait watching trial on murder trials, rachel was arrested and charged as an accessory. she posted bail and was released. >> i'm in shock. >> reporter: shortly after, rachel publicly announced her innocence. >> are you saying you're innocent? >> completely innocent. >> reporter: and she agreed to sit down with us because she
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wanted to tell her story. >> i'm innocent. that's what hurts me most, i think in the situation is there trying to say that i'm somebody that i'm not. >> reporter: who who is rachel buffet? she said a want to be actress with some very realistic dreams. >> there are a billion movies of the blood that comes from oklahoma to be a famous movie star. it is a dime in a dozen in l.a. but it is still something i can like to do. so i continue doing it. >> reporter: in the course of doing what she loves, she met dan. >> he actually fell for me first. at the time he had become my best friend and hanging out with him so often. >> reporter: he eventually professed her love and asks him to give hum a chance. to win your heart? >> something like that. >> reporter: and he did win her over and he proposed and she said yes.
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>> i was not head over he'lls in love, but i was with it. >> reporter: rachel said that money was tight for the young couple. >> neither of us had career jobs. money was up and down and hard to get. >> reporter: but she and dan continued to plan for the may wedding and that her parents said they would foot the bill. >> my parents are traditional and they were going to pay for it. >> reporter: that wedding never happened. one week before the scheduled nuptials, on friday, may 21st, 2010, the day dan told the police that he murdered sam hair, rachel said that her fiance was acting strangely. >> he said that he borrowed money to pay the rent and he had borrowed it from loan sharks and saying, i lied to you and i'm in trouble now. and i owe bad people money. i'm going to get hurt.
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>> reporter: rachel said that she saw sam hair that day leaving the apartment with dan. but she and dan both told police that dan had last been seen with a third man, a guy in a black hat. rachel said that she never claimed to see the person with her own eyes. when dan and sam left, there was no third person with them? >> i was under the impression that there was a third person. i heard about that person. >> reporter: from dan? >> i believe so. that is how i remember it now. >> reporter: but at the time, the police say, rachel did say that she saw the nonexist department third man. it is the main reason that she was charged as an accessory. you know the issue of a third person is a crux of this case? >> i know now, yes. i don't remember say i saw him. i believe i told the police there was somebody and i probably would have said it
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with confidence because i trusted dan. >> reporter: when dan returned to at the time house without sam, rachel said that dan was almost frantic. >> it looked like he was having and pan in this case attack or heart attack he was pacing around the room, holding his heart and leaning up against the wall. >> reporter: rachel said that he needed to go to his parents' house to get his things. he returned in time to head to the theater for that night's show. by all accounts both dan and rachel performances were on their marks, maybe too good. during this emotional scene on stage, captured on this video, rachel broke down on tears. some of her fell will he cast members that crying on cue was unusual for this amateur actress. some were speculating because they already knew sam hair was
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dead. >> people that are thinking i'm guilty and looking for justification are clinging to that is utterly ridiculous. >> reporter: the tears that was acting, not guilty? >> you think about something that made you upset throughout the day or week when you're trying to cry for a scene. i had a stressful day, i guess. >> reporter: but that cry can be episode was not the only thing that investigators found odd. after the two peoples in mime that night, dan was back at home texting from sam's cell phone. ultimately luring julie to sam's apartment. sam had a flip phone that this a different look from dan's smart phone. you never noticed that the phone he was texting on was not his regular phone? >> no, i didn't. >> reporter: and the couple's shared computer in the
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apartment. the computer on which the police found searches for how to hide a body and quick ways to kill people. did you ever see any indication that he searched for anything relating to murder or violence or how to cover up a murder? >> no i did not. >> reporter: and using that same computer, rachel posted a comment to julie on facebook the night she was killed. >> you returned a message to julie almost right at the time that she had to be meeting dan at sam's apartment. >> yes. >> reporter: that caused the police to question another part of rachel's story, that she didn't see dan leave the apartment that night. she told them she fell asleep on the couch watching a movie. when she was called to the police station interview room a few days later, she was shocked whose dan's story was evolving, told her his tail of helping
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sam cover up a murder. >> there is nothing you can do at this point to make it better. >> he can being truth with us. >> i was speechless at this time. i'm kind of like on overload. and growing angry. are. >> reporter: but if you watch the tape, rachel seems rather calm. what does noah have to do anything about this? >> >> reporter: detectives felt that they were watching out two people members acting out a script. you felt it was rehearsed? >> yes. i was expecting oh, my god?
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what did do you? >> it was very odd. >> reporter: if police or prosecutors tell us that was all set up between the two of them, they were a couple of actors and reading lines, that is what? bull? >> bull, yeah. >> reporter: you had no idea what he was going to say? >> that's correct. >> reporter: rachel didn't know that sam murdered sam and julie till he called her from his jail cell to confess. that is the first time that you new about it? >> that's correct. >> reporter: they found more reasons to suspect rachel. for example, the way she echoed dan's claim that sam was having family problems. sam's family and friends say that is all a lie. you're repeating that story is being taken by the police and prosecutors is an example of you continuing to advance a narrative that your boyfriend set up to make the murder
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happen. >> two things, i told them dan said it, but i think sam confirmed in some way. i don't understand why people think it is odd that i would use the same language are terminology that dan used, i obviously heard that. >> reporter: detectives wondered why, when they spoke to rachel after julie's murder, did they asked police if they looked if sam had killed julie. when you met with the detectives, you asked them, did you lock at sam? are you examining sam as a suspect, which is the theory that dan wanted the police to pursue. in that meeting with detectives, were you doing dan's work for him? >> no, i was not. that was -- the way he set item, made that the obvious conclusion that everybody
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should look for sam. the police were doing that too. and me as an outsider, would assume that was a logical thing to do. >> reporter: did you, at any time, make any statement or take any specific action to shield dan from scrutiny or suspicion? >> not in any way. >> reporter: the police and prosecutors do not believe you were honest with them. were you honest with them? >> i was. i know my heart. and god knows my heart. god is in control and god knows i'm innocent. i never tried to help dan. i told the truth to the best of my capability to try to help the police get to the bottom of things. my heart was always in the right police. >> reporter: but they believe that rachel, as an innocent bystander is just the actor
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playing another role. she said that she had no idea that dan was a murderer and going to kill sam, that he did kill sam, that he was going to kill julie, that he did kill julie. she said did not have any advance knowledge of any of that. do you believe her? >> no. >> reporter: sheshe wasn't charged with murder? >> we didn't have the evidence to charge her. she was a better actor than dan. >> reporter: rachel gets a starring role in dan's defense. what did she know. >> she's learning about all of this incredible stuff and she has no reaction. >> reporter: and two families in mourning finally get an answer. >> everything is me based on knowing the whole story. >> reporter: what dateline continues. reporter: what datee
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and 24/7 sensitivity protection. i think it's a great product. it's going to help a lot of patients.
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i think it's a great product. the writer stephen king says murder is like potato chips. it's hard to stop at just one. orange county prosecutor matt murphy told a jury dan wozniak the writer steven king said that murder is like potato chips, it is hard to stop at just one. >> sam was a war hero. he served his country and he's murdered by some two by the actor that numbering up behind him and shot him in the back of the head and he had this beautiful 23-year-old young woman with a tiara on her head and he literally shot her in between her right ear and the
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tiara that she had been wearing. >> reporter: it had been a long time getting into the courtroom. sam and julie's parent attended more than 100 hearings over five and a half years. >> it brutal on the families. >> reporter: from the moment that sam heir's son was missing, he has been there. >> it was the most crushing event that could happen to me, or anybody. >> reporter: is not just about justice about punishing someone else. it is about you knowing? >> everything is based on me knowing the whole story. >> reporter: now it was december of 2015, and steve was about to find out the
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prosecuted laid it prosecutor laid out the case. >> apparently, don't kept a job. number two, figure out what sam his pin number, kill him and take his atm card. >> reporter: after withdrawing monday and using julie's murder as a decoy. >> six, stage the scene to make it looks like sam is a killer that sam is a rapist. 7, if questioned, use charm and acting skills to make sure that the police spend all of their time looking for sam. 8, make sam disappear. make sure that the police cannot find sam. >> reporter: and then get more money so sam could pay off his debt. >> 11, have an awesome wedding. you have this plan, this evil,
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sophisticated, well-thought out meticulous plan by an actor ma meets real detectives really doing their job. he's putting on his -- it was a play. >> reporter: it turns out that two cops were tougher than any theater critic. >> they gave him all the rope to hang himself and that is what he did. >> reporter: dan said that he gave him a box to hold on to t he had no idea there was a gun inside, let alone that his brother just murdered two people. tim pleaded guilty to being an accessory after the fact and was sentenced to three years of informal probation. his then girlfriend who is was also charged had her case dismissed. in court, dan's defense attorney did not offer an explanation for dan's actions or call any witnesses. when the jurors got the case, it took them less than three hours to reach a verdict.
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>> we the jury in the aboved entitled action, find the defendant guilty of the crime of murder. >> reporter: this was a death penalty case. jurors now had to decide if dan should live or die. the defense attorney scat sanders made absolutely no executes for his client. >> we did nothing in the guilt phase of this case to indicate that they were challenging his responsibility for the crime. >> reporter: but he did ask the jury to consider if dan would deserve the death penalty if someone else influenced his decision to kill. that person, in the defense's view was dan's fiance, rachel buffet. >> a girlfriend. >> reporter: they talk about the moment that she went to the police department to see dan. >> she's learning about all of this incredible stuff and she
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has no reaction. >> reporter: she said while dan didn't fool the caps, rachel might have. >> she still gets passive. >> reporter: but prosecutor murphy came up with something different. >> they got to point the finger at to excuse him for what he did. they use rachel that is fine. does your job to not get misled. >> reporter: the jurors once again had an important decision to make. they deliberated for more than an hour. >> we the jury in the above and entitled action the penalty to be imposed on daniel patrick wasina is death. >> reporter: he's appealing his conviction. as for rachel, she was found
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guilty to accessory of murder and sentenced to 32 months. it started on stage and spilled into real life. >> a month before this happened, we were walk around the park, i'm saying, if something happens to me, take care of your mom. we have something like. he said if something happens to me, i saw so many things that's i was never able to see. >> reporter: was that a premeditate in -- maybe? >> it was important for a dad to hear a son. >> reporter: he said sam struggled and had some rough times. >> i went into the army, he found a purpose and he became a mom. >> reporter: sam's mom doesn't want to show her own grief to
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