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tv   Ayman  MSNBC  April 20, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm PDT

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coming up on the second hour of "ayman", order in the corporate donald trump get a reality check during the very beginning of his criminal trial. why a supreme court move could chip away at the first amendment. lack lives matter organizer will join me live later this hour. carey lake, two more republicans spouting out violence frederick to their supporters. i am ayman mohyeldin and let us do it. after four days of jury selection in donald trump's hush money trial we have our jury prettify women, seven new yorkers, who come from all walks of life. lawyers, teachers and other professionals as well as six alternates on monday will all meet for the first time when opening statements get
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underway. they already came face to face with x president trump as he sat through hours of proceedings, just like any other criminal defendant facing charges in the state of new york press from his big podium and adoring fans he was drunk -- he was forced to face reality and he could not say a single thing to defend himself he heard himself described as a racist, sexist, narcissist but he is, quote, a very selfish and self- serving . he was even presented with social media post calling for officials to lock him up one woman struck from the pool after legal team discovered a social media post that said, quote, i would not believe donald trump if his tongue were notarized. a trump lawyer added that this got punched saying she had said that he was an impediment to everything she was talk about love. the court room has a blood to chip away at someone's armor when that someone is outrageous and larger than life as donald
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trump. at times the ex-president seemed less like the rollicking front runner and more like a child being disciplined grade school. judge juan merchan scolded him after he said something in the direction of one of the other jurors bring in another instance the judge told the former present to take a seat when he up the proceedings were over and he tried to get up and leave. that takes us to another issue, trump was having trouble staying awake, apparently reporting from inside the courtroom, maggie haberman said it trump appeared to not off a few times his mouth going slack and his head drooping into his chest. unfortunately, this is just the very beginning of a child but expected to last up to six weeks. it trump is required to be in the courtroom every day. the ex-president has told reporters that he will take the stand even though it is not necessary but if that will actually happen, it remains to be seen. donald trump is learning in
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real time that the criminal court is nothing like the court of public opinion join me now to discuss this is a daily commons and host of the show that dean of the dollar show. a democratic strategist for the obama campaign as well as sirius xm hose. and former federal prosecutor and legal affairs,'s politico. this is a former present who reportedly used to receive a folder full of positive news about himself and press clippings may be up to twice a day. how do you think this reality is setting in for opinions of the jurors in their regular process of a criminal court trial getting underway? >> reporter: it is really shaking him up, ayman. not only with him nodding but he cannot say anything back to these people are donald trump who has known to be a bully and try to appear the strongmen in every situation and instance,
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it is killing him to know that individuals hold this opinion of him and many of those individuals are fine making those opinions known. i think it is the backdrop of where he has acknowledging he is in the courtroom and he has no choice but to be there but he would rather play golf at mar-a-lago are actually campaigning. he is not making money off of this right now. in his previous iterations of being charged, he would showcase the mug shot and fun race off of the cups and t- shirts for all of the barbs he would make. in this case, he has not been able to shake people down the way he has briefly been able to do when he faced charges. there are two things at play, the tough guy persona he has is taken a toll. these opinions are really getting at the guy he was used to bring insults at other people. it is the backdrop of new york, the place where he builds as well, his name and his brand. his ego is taking ahead. >> dean, i have to ask you as a lawyer, the potential for donald trump to take the stand. he wants to do it.
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it means he would have to be cross-examined if he gets cross- examined, you know what he will be asked about the you'll be asked about comments in the past, trials that he has lost for comments he has made on women all kinds of other issues . do you think that he will still want to go forward knowing that his lawyers will allow him? knowing that he risks opening himself to a series of questions that can be extremely damning and damaging? >> reporter: donald trump if you are watching, please take the stand. i will volunteer to do cross- contamination of donald trump he thinks he will give a speech part of the prosecutors will cut him to shreds premium that is a how works you do not get up there to rent. >> they are going to make the judge that will direct donald trump to answer the questions but if he thinks he is confined now, wait till cross- examination. we will find out monday the judge said about what they're about to ask about, like the judgment in the fraud case.
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his statements outside of the courtroom, the idea this was all legal fees this will all be used against him. him going on the stand, in his own mind, probably thinks it will help him. he will give a speech like his supporters. in real life, it will hurt him so badly. please, trump -- >> does he not know the comments he makes outside of the courtroom can be recorded and played back to them is that the courtroom? >> reporter: he is not saying anything for the legal benefit. we all know how many times we said anyone else would be in jail pretty he has her that for years as well. he thinks he will never be held accountable for this whole thing is to play to his base and public and win the election. even if he is convicted of the felonies, probably does not get jail time for today, he knows his base is not going anywhere. they will cheer him more. that is the sad reality where we are as a nation. he should be convicted of felonies. >> same question to you bridget do you not think he realizes being put on the stand could actually be used in the
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prosecutor favor if he were to testify? >> reporter: i think he does realize that. that is why i don't think he is going to do it. with just surprises no one who is watching this broadcast that donald trump is being deceptive and not telling us the truth. the reality is donald trump says he will take the stand just like he said he would talk to robert mueller and then he did it. he did briefly testify in the e. jean carroll case. they asked in very few questions because they knew they would just be opening up to cross-examination. if he takes the stand, i agree with dean, it would be a disaster for him. i think that is why he will create anticipation and then he will say something like, the case fell apart or it is so weak so he does not have to. give some excuse not to do it. >> there is an itching dynamic to this. it is a physical one, which we do not talk about but it appears that trump is pleasure at the fact the trial is taking
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away from his opportunity to be on the campaign trail. perhaps he was hoping to use this trial as a podium but as we laid out, we are seeing him in a different light inside the courtroom. the dynamics outside of it as well are exhausting. it will hurt his image to have to be in new york for every day in the courtroom. he will walk out every day's run by the police and press but not be able to spin it the way that he thinks it is going. >> reporter: absolutely. he is looking tired but he is looking weak and frail. he is looking like an elderly man. for somebody who has consistent utilize his campaign to talk about how strong, strategic and smart he is, we are watching time and time again he is asleep in the course of the trial. he is upset that he is not able to talk directly to his people and amplify the trial the way that he has other legal issues he has come across. however, i would argue that the way he is not able to carry,
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fox news is caring for him every day and recapping the trial in a way that is rather unfortunate and does not play to what is happening in the courtroom. donald trump, he is not fundraising off of this is not able to be on the campaign trail. he is frustrated because he is not in the battleground states every day he is not hoisting up a steak campaign office. he could not do even if he was not in this trial, to be honest, because he does not have the money. that is a problem for him. this will be a very tight election cycle but no one would want to be in a courtroom versus being out on the campaign trail. it is hard to do all those things at the same time. >> dean, you mentioned he would likely not face jail time if he is convicted. walk us through what is at the core of the accusations that are made against donald trump. why should ordinary americans -- tonice point about fox doing the heavy lifting -- why should they care about this? >> reporter: there's two parts of this.
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there is the legal part. this is a textbook case of falsifying business records. there was no legal fees. they can fake retainer agreement and fake invoices. donald trump pays the checks to michael cohen so they do not find out donald trump had an affair, allegedly. we learn about that right before the election when the accessed hollywood tape had blown out. there is something i think is worse for trump that is a falling asleep in the courtroom. you don't have to understand law or any kind of nuance. the guy is 77 and he is falling asleep three times in one week. what happens? jon stewart has made fun of it. jimmy kimmel has made fun of it. stephen colbert is making fun of it. he has been the punchline of that the average person might not get the legal issues. they might not get the politics but they know a 77-year-old man does not have the stamina to stay awake when he is charged with 34 felonies. how can he be president? that is the most damaging thing. it is this issue.
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he cannot stay awake because he is not the same person he was four years ago. >> renato, this criminal trial is unique and a stressful experience for the jurors , who have been tasked with it. one potential juror broke down crying estrace and, quote, i have to be honest, i feel so nervous and anxious. i am sorry. given donald trump's nature and how his supporters come to his defense. given that we have seen threats and the fact he is gone after the judges and prosecutors in many other trials, what can be done to ease some of this anxiety for jurors? how much of this rests on judge merchan? >> reporter: a lot does rest on judge merchan. we are starting to see some of what the judge can do about this. but judge has been treating donald trump just like any other defendant in a lot of ways. he tells them to be quiet but he tells them to sit down. he tells them, for example,
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that, you know, he has to be there in the courtroom. you mentioned already on this. beyond that, at times he is treating donald trump the way that his actions marriage. i have tried many criminal cases in my life. i have never in my career as prosecutor or defense attorney have a trial in which the prosecution does not tell the defense, in advance, which witnesses they are calling the next day. that way the defense can prepare to cross-examine those witnesses as opposed to the 50 or 60 on the list. the fact that the judge is basically saying, we cannot trust you to have the names, donald trump and we will disadvantage her lawyers. that sends a message to donald trump it sends the message that he is not in control. he sits down when he is told tupper he does what he is told tough. if he continues to behave badly, there will be consequences.
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you asked about him testify earlier, the judge will be the one to determine what question can be asked but the judge will instruct him to answer. trump is starting, i being, to figure out that he is not in charge here. he is going to have to start playing by the rules. >> please stick around we have about more to discuss but we will talk about another hurdle awaiting the ex-president, his gag order hearing on tuesday. tn n that helps treat and prevent, all in one. to those with migraine, i see you. for the acute treatment of migraine with or without aura and the preventive treatment of episodic migraine in adults. don't take if allergic to nurtec odt. allergic reactions can occur, even days after using. most common side effects were nausea, indigestion, and stomach pain. it's time we all shine. talk to a healthcare provider about nurtec odt from pfizer. ♪ i wanna hold you forever ♪ hey little bear bear. ♪ ♪ ♪ i'm gonna love you forever ♪
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the gag order has to come off it i should be allowed to speak. they are taking away my constitutional right to speak but that include speaking to you. i have a lot to say to you and i am not allowed to say it. >> that was donald trump complaining about being muzzled as he spoke freely with reporters. the irony not lost on anyone. this comes as he faces a scheduled hearing over alvin bragg's request to hold in contempt of gag order violations. prosecutors claim he has violated the gag order at least seven times -- seven more times since monday afternoon and attacked the judge at witnesses on his failed social media website but the violation carries the risk of jail time for trump which he claims and considers a, quote, great honor for hamburg my panter is back with me. renato, let us break down his claims that he cannot speak standing up from girls speaking but he is loved to talk to the press but he cannot use public statements to influence, intimidate or attacked those individuals and called in the
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trial as he is done repeatedly. am i getting that right? >> reporter: that is right. i have to say it will come as no surprise to anyone who is watching this that donald trump is not being honest about the restriction that the judge is putting on him. obviously, he is able to speak. he is speaking. he is talking on his social media platform all the time. some of the violet rules and some of them don't. here is what i would say about that. i think this is getting a lot of attention with good reason. the witnesses, as you mentioned before the break are getting concerned that they are feeling intimidated. the prosecution is doing the right thing, burying it in front of the judge and dragging the defendant. i do think at the end of the day, trump is not going to be a martyr spending a night in prison. he is not going to be facing
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that penalty for this. he will face a penalty every day a trial for his attempts to circumvent the rules of the judge. we have been talking about the ways the judge has been showing trump he is in charge. the trial has not started yet. it starts on monday. he will figure out very quickly that the judge will exercise all ports of authority in the courtroom. and the more he keeps this up, the more it will hurt him. >> doesn't hurt him politically at all that he continues to do this for his base and people that out there that might be voting for him? i know democrats want to stay away from this because they want the wheels of justice to spin as independently as possible. he shows no sign he will stop violating the gag order. he has gone after the judge multiple times on his failed social media website what is the play that he continues to be treated differently than any other defendant and continues to undermine the justice process?
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>> for donald trump there is not a political calculus but he is used to getting away with all things. he expects it to happen in this case. he believes he is above the law and started his entire life. the only people who are going to not budge -- we knew this before the trial began. they are going to be his base. outside of that, the maga base he will not win an election off of but he is going to have a moderate and swing voters. he's going to have to have suburban women but there are several vote still left out there. they are going to be shape what goes on the courtroom. they are paying attention to the ways in which he is holding himself and the ways in which he is trying to intimidate those who are sitting in the jury pool and the ways in which she is retreating and doing other things on social media to showcase his support of people who believe i can and attacking these individuals.
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one of the things we have to remember is the fact that he is also a form of him using his speech. if he is retreating someone who is saying about these jurors, that is still a level of intimidation for the jurors. in the same way it was when he did it for the two poll workers in georgia. we know how he wound up attacking those individuals. >> we also know, dean, that is not just donald trump it to ameshia's point of fox picking up the heavy lifting. activists have gone undercover just try to get on the jury and you have two jurors dropping out one of them citing concerns for their safety. the ecosystem that he creates around this process is dangerous for witnesses and everyone else involved. this guy is one of the dumber people out there. we all know he is reading of a
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teleprompter he makes ron bergman looks like a genius but he is told to say that he literally said this jury is rigged. then he went after juror number two and the next day he comes to the court and says, i don't feel comfortable anymore. maga has already tampered with this tree. juror number two would have been there but it would've been a good juror and took everything set three sleep. if they are doing this in front of us, what is maga doing behind the scene to temper the jury and witness? they will do it for money to witness intimidation, just like john gotti did. same things. >> renato, let us talk about this upcoming gag order. prosecutors urging the judge in the case, judge merchan, to hold trump in contempt every violet summer times. the judge said he would wait until after today's hearing. what do you make of the move? >> it is part two hangover
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trump's head pretty wants to wait and see how trump behaves. he is this sword that is hanging over trump's head it is giving the judge more leverage, more ways to try to inspire trump to potentially follow the rules in the courtroom. the statutory capital for a fine is $1000. he good go to contempt of court. this did not occur within the four walls of his courtroom. might be a little bit outside his authority. he wants to hold trump accountable but he also does not want to create a situation where it will make more of a martyr of donald trump or overstep his authority or create some sort of sideshow. renato mariotti, thank you as always. ameshia, dean, please stick around. up next, i will talk to a
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black and wise matter organizer about why his right to protest and yours hangs in the balance thanks to the supreme court. periences for hundreds of thousands of fans with reliable 5g connectivity. now's the time to accelerate your business. frizz. dryness. breakage. new dove 10-in-1 serum hair mask with peptide complex. fortifies hair bonds at a molecular level. helps reverse ten signs of damage in one minute. keep living. we'll keep repairing. we're looking for adults 45 and under to be in our hpv vaccination ad. sound like you? nah...not me. in a relationship. if you're sexually active and unvaccinated, it could still be you. i'm too old if you're under 45, you're not. for most people, hpv clears on its own. but for those who don't clear the virus, it can cause certain cancers. wow... gardasil 9 is a vaccine given to adults through age 45 that can help protect against certain hpv-related cervical, vaginal, vulvar, anal,
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chase, make more of what's yours. struggled this week the far right supreme court help clear the way for what could amount to a major attack on first amendment rights in this country. the nation's high court announced it would not hear the case leaving in place a lower court decision that many here could severely limit the right to organize massive protest. the moves allows a lawsuit to go for ken's a well-known activist but it stems from a 2016 louisiana protest that he participated in over the police killing of alton sterling . a black man in baton rouge. during that protest an unnamed police officer known only as officer john doe was struck by a rock or similar object and suffered brain injury. he did not throw the object and
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it is undisputed if he ever advocated for the use of violence. it is unclear if the person was even affiliated with blm. officer doe still pin the blame on mckesson. he sued him saying the activist was negligent for failing to foresee that the protest could lead to violence. meanwhile neither of the officers who shot sterling a total of six times while the father of four was face down were ever charged with a crime for their actions. as part of the show ellie notes in a new piece for the nation, eight years later, quote, the only person still being held accountable in the dachshund of alton sterling is deray mckesson. author, activist and executive director of campaign zero , deray mckesson joins me now. thank you for joining me tonight this is second time you have turned to the supreme court in this case. give me your reaction to the decision on monday but did
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their refusal take you by surprise? >> it was a disappointing decision but i am happy the statement was written it makes it very hard for the opinion to be enforced in the future. we remind people that the right to protest in the fifth circuit is not gone. for me, i go back to the district court because we might have to have a jury trial. like you said in the lead in it, they are claiming that the officer got hurt. we never had proof of that they maintain that i organize the entire thing, which i did not. because i said i did and they said i did, we have been locked in this conversation since 2016. this one got appealed and we lost on appeal, which started this whole saga. >> you have been battling this lawsuit for almost a decade now . i wanted to share another quote from a friend of the show, ellie must all on this ordeal. he wrote when the freeze
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speeches on the minus italy the first amendment is made of molasses. if you were not a black man and black lives matter activist do you think you would have a resolution in this case sooner? >> if i don't think i was going up against the police the court have might intervene. the decision, which is what they reference is good. it will make it hard for things like this to come forward again . in the classic case, the naacp , that case is the case that makes it clear that you cannot sue any protest leader for protesting if someone else does damage or break something or violence is used. the claiborne decision are important decisions. my decision, the fifth circuit is an operation but we hope it is never used again and hopes he gets overturned i have been to the spring court twice and louisiana state supreme court once. i have been to the fifth
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circuit twice with three opinions. it has been a long saga. i'm hoping that this and soon. >> you talk about this being a long saga. i want to talk about the toll it has taken on you personally and your activism over the last eight years. i think i would argue that some of this is to grind you down, so to speak so you do not keep writing and the chilling effect for other people out there who may want to follow in your footsteps or be inspired by your acts thing, i have to wait a minute, i do not want to end up what is happening to deray mckesson. >> you know, i have been talking to organize in the fifth circuit. they are nervous about the decision. i have been running and the aclu has been her monday we both have the right to protest. they have said that they will represent anybody who is trying to be sued under the fifth circuit decision from we want people not to be alarmed by it but i will say i am a little tired but it has been a long
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case. they had made some pretty wild accusations about what they believe i have done. we do not know if the officer and she got her part in the civil process, the court has to take his claims as fact even though i said i did not organize or we do not know if he actually got hurt by anything, we are still in it. the chilling effect of this is what worries all of us. i will not be too afraid to fight. i have gotten death threats since the decision. we have logged all of those but we maintain the right to protest is still here. >> deray mckesson, i appreciate your time. we will continue to follow the story as it unfolds. thank you so much. coming up, or worst of the week. the republican flamethrower addition. tom conversesfour. we will tell you about that next.
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it is time for our work of the week. the republican flamethrower addition would got arkansas gop senator tom cotton. they sat down traffic major cities to address the ongoing humanitarian step in the war in gaza. the arkansas senator encouraged those stuck in traffic from the protest to, quote, take matters into your own hands. he is only double down on those violent remarks. and then there is arizona gop goober trial nominee turned senate candidate, kari lake.
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at a rally last week, lake advised supporters they can, quote, strapped on a glock to be prepared for the 2024 campaign. she urged military and law enforcement veterans to be ready. a representative said she would talk about the second amendment right for arizonans to defend themselves in general. that is not how some of her own supporters interpreted her, but one rally until he told nbc news, quote, the signs are all there for the possibility of a civil war. we are not talking about the movie. my panel is back with me. ameshia, i will start with you. who is the pick of the week, tom cotton art kari lake? >> reporter: these are dumb and dumber. i would argue that they are going neck and neck. that record leads to violence in the streets because coming from leadership positions to carry large voices. tom cotton is there right now. he has not one but two degrees from the harvard university. he knows better than what he is doing but terry lake, she is
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just trying to appeal to a base of crazies that she knows will go for her no matter what. this level of violence and rhetoric is not anything that is new. this was happening in the '50s and precedes -- '60s. donald trump, he helps amplify this to get it voice to many individuals who already harboring these views inwardly. this is also a great anti- muslim sentiment, islamophobia. i think we need to call it and name it and shame it for what it is. the reason why they are not advocating for standing by individuals who are using their rights to protest, by the way. they are speaking against the atrocities in gaza. the reason they are pushing separately against these individuals up to and including advocating violence is because they are against muslims and --
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>> reporter: kari lake is a addition to be donald trump wide number four. she backing a rug for him i'm not kidding which he did in 2020 there is a picture of her vacuuming the red carpet for donald trump she is meaningless. this is dangerous language. it is going to be intense the next six months. i don't know how we people follow her. call -- tom cotton is more dangerous to me. harvard law, harvard undergrad, smart guy. he picks his words carefully. he is so anti-palestinian that says you should get these pro- palestinian people protesting for humanity. he caused them pro-hamas. any protest on behalf of palestinian and humanity, protect christians and muslims, it is sympathetic to hamas. he is dangerous what he was calling for. in 2020 he said, we should call up the troops to go afterpre- protest because they are criminals but this is a man who defended slavery as a necessary evil. later he called back and wanted
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to fund -- the man is a white supremacist. whatever he is, i should be there. i don't know what he has. he knows what he is playing tampered he is running to the gop base. >> if you have a guy like donald trump returned to the white house, someone who invokes the insurrection act to shoot protesters that may be getting you may get tom cotton in the senate basically agreeing with the president thing, use the insurrection act. one of the ironies in this conversation is that you have got hypocrisy of tom cotton, you know, back in 2022 tom cotton criticized then canadian prime minister justin trudeau for invoking power to deal with the trucker convoy that was blocking traffic to protest against covid vaccine mandates. back then tom cotton was upset that the canadian prime minister was using his special powers to break up these
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traffic protest. as you said, this time around, he has no problem with ordinary citizens taking matters into their own hands to go after acts of civil disobedience. >> absolutely. republicans are amplifying the violent mobs. they want to see it happen. they're taking cues from what we have seen in the state of florida where ron desantis also argued for vehicular homicide of individuals who were protesting during the trey griffey in the wake of the murder of george floyd. this is not new for this group. they are only amplifying the violence i want to see across america for the people utilizing their rights when they protest against things white supremacist do not believe in and do not want to stand for. we are taught that diversity and individuals who have been upper represented -- underrepresented but we time- out people in gaza who are dying greatly. moreover, they are not hamas. equating them with a terrorist organization is a problem.
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if this is beyond human rights. we are talking about war crimes but were talking about tactics for individuals who are protesting do not deserve to hear from a sitting u.s. senator that they deserve to die. >> dean, to this point of where the republican party has become and the uses rhetoric and language, just imagine for a moment that national outcry or outrage if this was on the other side. democrats would not call for this violence in this brazen way and this logical defined way. imagine for a moment democrats is something like this with national media and the political establishment, how every leadership would be asked to condemn this. no one is running around asking for public leadership to condemn it. they probably agree with that. >> you are wasting your time. what links kari lake and what tom cotton said is the use of violence or threat of violence to acquire political pair or
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attain political power. that is one of the definition of a fascist movement. when i say today that that maga is fascist mood i'm not being hyperbolic but that is a definition of fascism. it is using violence. they use it all the time. they are not called to denounce it anymore because they would waste their time as a journalist to go to them when donald trump is not partnering the january 6th terrace. >> do not go anywhere. we have another bonus round of worst of the week. at trump accolade loses after calling donald trump -- wait for it -- the style icon of his generation. the only migraine medication that helps treat and prevent, all in one. to those with migraine, i see you. for the acute treatment of migraine with or without aura and the preventive treatment of episodic migraine in adults. don't take if allergic to nurtec odt. allergic reactions can occur, even days after using.
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the most stylish president and first lady in our lifetimes are donald trump and melania trump. they are style icon but he changed american passion in the apprentice. people spent the next 10 years trying to dress like donald trump it if anyone deserves a puff piece on their sense of style it is donald trump and the first lady. >> [ laughter ] oh, man. yeah, that was former chubb official stephen miller. i don't know why he talks like that. he was trying to take the crown for our worst of the week bonus round with that alternate slice of reality. he was weighing in on a fox segment that was dedicated to slamming the media for finding
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over president biden's fashion sense. miller's blind loyalty to the ex-president, arguably his blindness when it comes to fashion sense is funny. it is cartoonish. i want to take a step back because there is something deeper at play. the weight trump fans like stephen miller rises to the level of cultus -- cult-ish obsession it would have some supporters to make a literal golden statue of donald trump, which has actually happened. let us bring in dean and ameshia into the conversation. joking aside for a moment, dean, stephen miller wants to put donald trump up there with ryan gosling and michael b jordan sl icons in america. what do you make of that nonsense? just the fact that he could speak that way and calling him a generation defining style icon. >> they are talking gargoyles.
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it was remarkable to hear these words. he nailed the whole segment. two style icon! >> donald trump would be the best dressed guy in the prison cell. in cellblock d, prison sheikh. he will be selling but aren't jumpsuit for top dollar. anything to suck up to donald trump i bet on some level demands it without saying every you know how does dapper? dapper don, john gotti. until they were not anymore. and john gotti died in prison, which is the path that donald trump is going on. i'm here for that. >> ameshia, what do you make of this? joking aside there is a lot to laugh at in that claim. the idea that someone like stephen miller, who may return the white house in some capacity but when he goes on tv and talk like this, do you think this dude, this guy, will
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be able to talk to president trump in a way that is not cultish.? >> absolutely not. he knows what he says is needed to trump's ears. he wants to assure himself a spot no matter what. he also wants to make sure that he is filling donald j. trump love tank that happens when you extol him for these things that make no sense but as you can recall with the trump shoes and all the things he has sold, one of the things he did early on was what the trump ties and shirts, those did not buy off the shelf but he has never been a style icon. no one would ever say that except stephen miller. >> do you think he is trying to suck up for a job? is that what he is doing two >> reporter: who else would hire this guy? he has ties to white supremacist. who would hire him? yes, he is sucking up to donald trump that is diapered that donald trump there is no job for stephen miller. he is walking with a sign will work for food. >> now we have our three final
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candidates and we would like to try one worst of the week. who are you going to go with? between tom cotton, kari lake and stephen miller? >> reporter: just because of the power position that he knows what he is doing, tom cotton. >> what about you? >> i agree. the other two are but tom cotton does not want anyone to do that safely. that is dangerous for senators to say. >> what does it say that republican party that there variation that we are seeing tonight ? between stephen miller and tom cotton and kari lake, each of them worse in their own way. some more dangerous than others. the fact that these three individuals basically embody what the modern-day republican party has become. >> it is like the russian nesting dolls. when you take them out and one is still there but what is worse than the other? >> what is it called? >> i don't know the word.
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you take it out and one is worse than the other. kari lake, tom cotton, stephen miller. looking is in there. >> lindsey graham. >> there is no longer a gop. we have seen a party fade. just like we've had the federalist party, the know nothing party, they are gone. the gop is keeping its name for it is gone as the part of me once knew it is maga and it should just be called maga. >> do you think there is a way that all of this goes away when donald trump leaves the scene whether it is politically or in any other way, will this be, you know, rock of the republican party that is now embodied by tom cotton, by that kari lake, do you think it will go away when donald trump leaves the republican political establishment? >> reporter: no. its main ingredient is white supremacy.
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america has had that since the dawn of its creation but we sometimes give trump more credit than he deserves. he tapped something into the american psyche that was already there. he showcased it and allow those who have these conversations and say the negative things present islamophobia or anti- black and anti-latino or anti- emigrant, he allowed them immigrant -- breathing room to say it out loud and push towards the violence that they already and body deep within themselves. absolutely not. that is where we are. to be able to uproot it we have to face it, confronted, but we also have to look be on former president trump. he did not create this. and him dissolving is not going to make it go away. >> i agree with you on that front. cohen -- ameshia cross, dean obeidallah, thank you. make sure to come back to you as:00 eastern on msnbc. the scandal that is spiraling out of control.
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this valedictorian will join us to talk about what is going on at the school. she is speaking out after the school canceled her speech not over the actual contents but simply over pro-palestinian social media post. until then, i am ayman mohyeldin in new york. have a good night . we're looking for adults 45 and under to be in our hpv vaccination ad. sound like you? nah...not me. in a relationship. if you're sexually active and unvaccinated, it could still be you. i'm too old if you're under 45, you're not. for most people, hpv clears on its own. but for those who don't clear the virus, it can cause certain cancers. wow... gardasil 9 is a vaccine given to adults through age 45 that can help protect against certain hpv-related cervical, vaginal, vulvar, anal, and certain head and neck cancers, such as throat and back of mouth cancers, and genital warts. gardasil 9 doesn't protect everyone and doesn't treat cancer or hpv infection. these diseases may have many causes. your doctor may recommend screening for certain hpv-related cancers.
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6:00 pm
thanks to you at home for joining us this hour. let's jump right in. because here's the thing that


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