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tv   Ayman  MSNBC  April 20, 2024 7:00pm-8:01pm PDT

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quickly before i go two live events coming up. you can see me in person. kingston new york. i will be talking about my prequel. from university of pennsylvania that is amazing. saturday may 4th in kingston, new york. and thursday, june 13th. and the progressive form. and in houston, texas. tickets are on sale. and that it does it for me, for now. coming up on the second hour.
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order of the court. he gets a big reality check in court during the very beginning of his criminal trial. and why a supreme court move could chip away at the first amendment. we will be joined live this hour. and the worst of the week. two more republicans spouting out violent rhetoric. two of their supporters. after four days of jury selection. in the hush money trial. we have our jury. five women, seven new yorkers. five that come from all walks of life. lawyers, teachers and others professional specs as well as six alternates on monday. they will all meet for the first time when opening statements get underway. they only came face to face
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with ask former president donald trump. they sat for hours of proceedings. just like any other defendant facing charges. the state of new york. thrust from his big podium. he was forced to face reality. for once he was not allowed to say a single thing to defend himself. he had himself described as a racist, sexist, narcissist. he is very selfish and self- serving. he was presented with social media calling for officials to lock him. one woman was struck from the jury pool after the legal team discovered one year social media post. i would not believe donald trump if it is tongue was notarized. a lawyer added that this got punch. she had said that he was everything that she was taught about love. the courtroom has the ability to chip away at somebody's armor. even when that somebody is as outrageous and larger than life and. and he seemed to last like the republican front runner more like a child being disciplined in grade school.
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the judge scolded him after he audibly said something in the direction of one of the other jurors. another instance, the judge told the former president to take a seat. when he thought the proceedings were over. he actually tried to get up and leave. that takes us to another issue. he was reportedly having trouble staying awake apparently. the reporting from inside new york times said that he appeared to nod off at times. and his head dropping or drooping into his chest. and this is just the very beginning of a trial that is expected to last up to six weeks. because it is a criminal trial. former president donald trump is required to be in a courtroom every day.
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he has told reporters that he will take the stand. even though it is not necessary. and that will actually happen. it remains to be seen. one thing is certain. former president donald trump is learning in real time. the criminal court is nothing like the court of public opinion. joining me to discuss this. eight democratic strategist. from the obama campaign advisor as well as a serious xm radio host. in the former federal prosecutor. it is great to have all of you with us. michelle. this is a former president to used to receive positive news. and now press clippings. up to twice per day. how do you think this reality is setting in for him? hearing opinions from these jurors. in the regular process of the criminal courts trial getting underway. >> it is really shaking him up. we can see that in the courtroom. not only the knotting. but he cannot say anything bad to these people. for former president donald trump was known to be a bully. trying to appear the strongman and every situation and every instance. it is killing him. individuals and many of those individuals are absolutely
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making those opinions known. but it is the backdrop of where he is acknowledging that he is in this courtroom. he has no choice. your brother be out playing golf. or quite frankly even campaigning. he is not making money right now. in his previous iterations of being charged. he would showcase the mug shot. able to fund raise. the t-shirts. and in this case. he has not been able to shake people down the way that he is previously been able to do. when he is facing charges. there are two things that play. the tough guy is taken quickly. on top of that. these opinions are chipping at him. and it is the backdrop of new york. where he built his wealth. when he billed his name and brand. his ego is taking a beating. >> let me ask you. as a lawyer. the potential for former
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president donald trump to take the stand. he wants to do it. he would have to be cross- examined. if he gets cross-examined. he is going to be asked about the comments he has made. trials that he has lost. and, that he has made towards women. other issues. do you think he will still want to go forward? and his lawyers will allow him. that he will will risk opening hymn self up to a series of questions that can be damning? >> donald trump, take the stand. i will volunteer to do cross examination of former president donald trump. he thinks he will give a speech. the prosecutors will cut him to stress. and to shreds. they are going to make the judge directed donald trump to answer the questions. it is going to be effective cross-examination. we are going to find out monday. the judge said what they are actually allowed to ask. but his statement outside of the courtroom. the idea that this was all legal fees. it is going to be used against him. so him going is on the stand.
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he could give a speech like his supporters. but it will hurt him so badly. so please, donald trump. >> does he not know that the commentary makes outside of the courtroom can actually be recorded. played back and played to him. >> is not saying anything for legal benefit. we all know. how many people have been in jail. he thinks he will never be held accountable. this is not your thing is to play to his base. play to the public to win the election. that is all he cares about. even if he is convicted. to him, he knows his base is not going anywhere. they will cheer him on, even more. that is the sad state of the nation. but he should be convicted of felonies. >> the same question to you. do you think he realizes being put on the stand could actually be used in the prosecutors favor ? if he were to testify.
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>> i think he does realize that. that is why i do not think he is telling the truth. if this should surprise nobody was watching his broadcast. former president donald trump is being deceptive. not telling us the truth. the reality is that donald trump always says he will take the stand just like you would talk to robert mueller and he did not. he did briefly testified that on the carol case. they asked very few questions because they knew that it would be opening up to cross- examination. obviously, if he takes a stand. i agreed to be an absolute disaster for him. i think that is why he's going to create some anticipation. and say something like the case will fall apart. or to give some excuse not to do it. >> there is an interesting dynamic. it is the physical that we do not talk about. it appears that he is frustrated. the trial is taking away from his opportunity to be on the campaign trail. perhaps he was hoping to use this trial as a sort of podium.
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but we are seeing him in a very different light. in selling the courtroom. the dynamics outside, as well. they are exhausting. it is a going to hurt his image to be in new york every day? or he will walk out every day. surrounded by the police and the press. but not able to submit it to the way that he thinks it is going. >> absolutely. he is looking tired. he is looking real. he is looking like an elderly man. for something that is consistently utilized his campaign to see how strong strategic and smart he is. we are watching time and time again. he is falling asleep. he is also very upset that is not able to talk directly to his people and amplify this. the way that he has other legal issues that he has come across. however, i would argue. the way that he is not able to carry. fox news is caring a form every single day. recasting this trial that is unfortunate.
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but for donald trump. he is not fundraising off of this. he is not able to be on the campaign trail. he is frustrated because not on the battleground states. he is not there. and every day he is not hoisting up a state campaign. he could not do even if he was not in this trial to be honest. because he does not have the money. that is a problem for him and it is still going to be tight election cycle. nobody would want to be in a courtroom then on the campaign trail. >> do you think it would not likely face jail time? but this is still an important trial. walk us through what is at the core of these accusations that are being made against former president donald trump. why do they matter. why should ordinary americans and fox news do the heavy lifting and why should they care about this? >> there are two parts to this. there is the legal part.
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we go through this clearly a textbook case of falsifying business records. there was no legal fees. they can fake the retainer agreement effective in faking this. former president donald trump will pay a check to michael cohen. so in 2016, they did not allegedly have an affair with stormy daniels. we learn about that before the election. when the access hollywood tape. there was something else. that is also risky. that is the falling asleep in the courtroom. you don't have to understand the law. or any type of nuance. the guy is 77 is falling asleep. three times in one week. what has happened? jon stewart has made fun of it. jimmy kimmel, stephen colbert and he has been a punchline. that translates to politics. the average person might not get it. but they know a 77-year-old man does not have to stamina to stay awake. and with 34 felonies. beep president? to me, that is the most damaging. it is this issue. everybody can get it. he cannot stay awake. he was not the same person that he is four years ago. >> renati marriot, this is unique. stressful for the jurors who have been tasked with it.
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one potential juror broke down and i have to be honest. i feel so nervous and anxious. i am sorry. you know, given donald trump's nature and his supporters come to his defense. given that we have seen threats. that he is gone after the judges and other prosecutors. and in many other trials. what can be done to ease some of his anxiety for jurors? how much of this will rest on the judge? judge juan merchan? >> a lot will rest on judge juan merchan. where already seeing what the judge can do about this. you know, the judge has been treating donald trump like any other defendant in a lot of ways. he has told them to be quiet. he tells them to sit down. he tells them for example that he has to be there in the courtroom. in fact you mentioned already. but beyond that. in times he is treating donald
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trump. in a way that his actions merit. and i have tried many, many criminal cases in my life. and i have never, in my career. as a prosecutor or defense attorney had a trial period in which the prosecution does not tell the defense in advance. which witnesses there calling the next day. the defense can prepare to cross-examine those witnesses. as opposed to the 50 or 60 witnesses on the list. the fact that the judge is basically saying. we cannot trust you to have those names. so we are going to disadvantage your lawyers. that sends a message to donald trump. sending the message that he is not in control. he sits down when he is told to. he does what he is told. we continues to behave badly there are going to be consequences. and you ask about him testifying earlier. the judge will be the one to determine if what questions can be asked. or determine him to answer. the trump is starting to figure
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it out. he is not in charge here. so is going -- so he is going to keep going. next we are going to talk but another hurdle with former president donald trump. the gag order on tuesday. tues feel more confident with stock ratings from j.p. morgan analysts in the chase app. when you've got a decision to make... the answer is j.p. morgan wealth management. i'll be honest. by the end of the day, my floors...yeesh. but who has the time to clean?
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the gag order has to come off. i should be able to speak. my constitutional rights to speak. that includes speaking to you. i have a lot to say to you. that was donald trump complaining about being muzzled. as he spoke freely with reporters. the irony is not lost on anybody. he faces a scheduled hearing over manhattan. to hold him in contempt over a gag order violation. now prosecutors say that he has violated the gag order seven times. since monday after he
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repeatedly attacked the judge. witnesses on his field of social media website. the violation cares the risk of potential jail time. he claims he considers a great honor for him. my panel is back with me. let us break down this claimant. renato marioti. he is allowed to talk to the press but not allowed to use public statements to influence and intimidate or attack those individuals involved in the trial. this is done, repeatedly. am i getting that right? >> yes. that is right. let me say that is going to come to no surprise as anybody who is watching this. donald trump is not being honest about the restrictions of the judge is putting on him. obviously he is able to speak. he is speaking. he is proofing as they are making posts on his social media platform all the time. some of them violate the rules, some of them do not. here is what i would say about that.
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i think that this is getting a lot of attention. for good reason. because the witnesses as you mentioned before the break. they are getting concerned. they are feeling intimidated. the prosecution is doing the right thing. bringing in and dragging in the defendants. the reality. is that i think at the end of the day. trump is not going to be spending the night in prison. he is not going to be actually facing that type of penalty. but he is going to face a penalty every day at trial. for his attempts to circumvent the rules. thumb his nose at the judge. we are going to be talking in which the way that they have been showing how he is in charge. the trial has not even started yet. it starts on monday. they are going to figure out that the judge is going to exercise all types of authority in that courtroom. and the more he keeps this up, the board is going to come back to hurt him. >> to that point.
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does it hurt him politically? that he does is for his base of people that might be voting for him? i know the democrats want to stay away from this. because they want the wheels of justice to spin as independently as possible. but he shows no sign that he is going to stop violating his gag order. he has gone after the judge and the witness multiple times on his failed social media website. what is the play? that he continues to be treated differently than any other defendant? and undermines the justice process? >> there is not really a political calculus. he is used to getting away with all things. he is expected it to happen here as well. he believes that he is above the law. and he has his entire life. but i think the only people that we are going to not budge. we knew this before the trial began. those are going to be his base. outside of that. they cannot win an election off of. you will have to have moderates you will have to have swing voters. you will have to have suburban women. there are several votes still left out there. they are going to be shaped by what goes on in that courtroom.
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they are watching and paying attention. in which he is holding himself the way in which he is trying to intimidate those who are sitting in the jury pool. and retreating and liking things on social media to showcase his support of people who believe like him. attacking these individuals. and i think we are not remembering. he is also using his speech. if he is retreating somebody who is saying while things about these jurors? that is still a level of intimidation for those jurors. in the same that he did for the two poll workers in georgia. we know how his single attacks impacted those individuals. >> and also, fox news is picking up a lot of the heavy lifting. i think it was jesse watters falsely claiming that liberal activists have gone under to get on the jury. lo and behold, two jurors are dropping out.
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one of them citing concerns for their safety. so the ecosystem that he creates around this process. it is in of itself dangerous for witnesses, and staff and everyone else involved. >> it is. jesse watters, this guy. >> do not translate. >> look he is reading of a teleprompter. he makes ron burgundy look like a genius. so he is told to say that he literally said. jesse watters, this is rigged. this jury is rigged. the next day, juror number two came to court. i do not feel comfortable anymore. let us be clear. they very tampered with this jury. jury number two would've been there. the judge said that this person would've been good. taking things seriously. concerning. if they are doing and this in front of us. what are they doing behind the scenes to tamper with the jury and the witness. because they will do it. they will do it for money to
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witness intimidation. just like john kelly did. he did the same thing. >> renato marioti, let us talk about this gag order. they are urging the judge to hold him in contempt. and the judge said that he would wait to decide on the request until after tuesday. what you make of that move? >> well, i think it is smarter for him to have this hanging over the head of former president donald trump. he wants to wait and see how he behaves. essentially the sword of damocles. over the head of trump. it is essentially giving the judge more leverage. more ways to try to inspire former president donald trump to potentially follow the rules in the courtroom. i think it is a smart move. because the judge knows that a statutory cap is $1000. he could go to contempt of court.
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this is just not occur within the current walls of his courtroom. it might be a little bit outside of his authority. he wants to hold trump accountable. but he also does not want to create a situation where it is going to make a martyr of donald trump. or overstep his authority or create a sideshow. >> thank you, renato marioti as always. and dean obeidallah, please stick around. up next we will is to speak to the black lives matter organizer about why his right to protest and your is in the balance. thank you to the supreme court. e before they even start. it's the #1 prescribed branded chronic migraine treatment. so far, more than 5 million botox® treatments have been given to over eight hundred and fifty thousand chronic migraine patients. effects of botox® may spread hours to weeks after injection causing serious symptoms. alert your doctor right away, as difficulty swallowing, speaking, breathing, eye problems, or muscle weakness can be signs of a life-threatening condition. side effects may include allergic reactions, neck and injection site pain, fatigue, and headache. don't receive botox® if there's a skin infection.
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this week. the supreme court cleared the way for what could amount to a major attack. on first amendment rights in this country. on monday the high court announced that it would not hear the case. leaving in place a lower court decision that many fear could severely limit the right to organize mass protest. this also has a lawsuit to go forward. the well-known black lives
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matter activist. this stems from a 2016 louisiana protest. he participated in over the police killing. the 37-year-old black man in baton rouge, louisiana. during that protest an unnamed police officer known only as officer john doe was struck. or a similar object and suffered a brain injury. he did not throw that object. and it is undisputed that he ever advocated for the use of violence. further it is unclear if that person is even affiliated. and still they pinned the blame on mckesson. they said that he was negligent failure to pursue that the protest could lead to violence. meanwhile neither of the officers who shot sterling a total of six times. while the father of four was face down. wherever charged. for their actions. and a friend of the show notes in a new piece for the nation. eight years later. the only person still being
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held accountable in connection with the death of sterling. is deray mckesson. the author, and he joins me now. deray mckesson, thank you for joining us. this is the second time you turned to the supreme court in these cases. give me a reaction to the decision on monday. to their refusal to take you by surprise? >> it was a disappointing decision. i'm happy that sonia sotomayor make that statement. makes it very hard for the fifth circuit's opinion to be enforced in the future. reminding people that the right to protest in the fifth circuit is not gone. for me, i go back to the district court now. because we might have to have a jury trial. like you said. they are claiming that the officer got hurt. we have never had proof of
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that. they maintain that i organize the entire thing. i did not. i did not. they said that i did. we've been locked in this conversation since 2016. and all five officers were dismissed. including this one. but this one got appealed. this started this entire saga. >> you been battling this lawsuit for nearly a decade. and i wanted to share another quote. on this ordeal. he wrote that when the free speech of black people is on the line. suddenly the first amendment is made of molasses. if you are not a black man or a black lives matter activist. do you think you and i made a resolution in this case sooner? >> if i was not somebody going up against the police. the court could have intervened. but the counter decision is what they referenced. ended in my opinion it is good. will make it hard for things like this to come forward again. but in a classic case. the naacp that case. it is what makes it clearer. you cannot sue any protest leader for protesting. if somebody else does it damage or breaks something.
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so the clayborn decision, the counter decision are two important decisions. my important decision is the fifth. we hope that is never used again. hopefully it will get overturned. i've been to the supreme court twice in the so louisiana supreme court once. the fifth court twice. with three opinions. this is been a long saga. i hope that this will end soon. >> talked about this long saga. i wanted to talk about the toll that is taking on you personally. your activism over the last eight years. i think i would argue that some of this is to grind you down so to speak. so you do not keep fighting. the chilling effect for other people out there that might want to follow in your footsteps. or be inspired by your action. hold up. wait a minute. i do not want to end up like what is happening to deray mckesson . >> yes. you know, i been speaking to organizers of the fifth circuit. they are nervous. i keep
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reminding them. the aclu reminds them. the right to protest remains national. the aclu will represent anybody who has tried to be sued under the fifth circuit decision. that is a good thing. we want people not to be alarmed. but i am also tired. it's been a long case. they made some wild accusations about what they believe i have done. we do not even know if they got hurt. the civil process. they have to take their claims as fact. even though if i say i did not organize it. we do not know if he got hurt. we are still in it. you're right. the chilling effect of this is what worries all of us. but not too afraid to fight. i've gotten death threats since the supreme court decision. we have logged but we maintain the right to protest is still here. >> deray mckesson, i appreciate your time. we will speak to you soon and
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continue to follow this story as it unfolds. thank you so much. the republican flamethrower edition. tom cotton. we will tell you about that, next. for pneumococcal pneumonia. come on. i already got a pneumonia vaccine, but i'm asking about the added protection of prevnar 20®. if you're 19 or older with certain chronic conditions like asthma, diabetes, copd, or heart disease, or are 65 or older, you are at increased risk for pneumococcal pneumonia. prevnar 20® is approved in adults to help prevent infections from 20 strains of the bacteria that cause pneumococcal pneumonia. in just one dose. don't get prevnar 20® if you've had a severe allergic reaction to the vaccine or its ingredients. adults with weakened immune systems may have a lower response to the vaccine. the most common side effects were pain and swelling at the injection site, muscle pain, fatigue, headache, and joint pain. i want to be able to keep my plans. i don't want to risk ending up in the hospital with pneumococcal pneumonia. that's why i chose prevnar 20®. ask your doctor or pharmacist about the pfizer vaccine
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it's going to help a lot of patients. it is time for our worst of the week. our republican flamethrower edition. tom cotton pro-palestinian
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shut down traffic in major cities to address the ongoing humanitarian suffering and the war in gaza. and also they encourage those who stuck in traffic from the protest. to take matters into your own hands. since they have only doubled down on those violent remarks. and also, the gubernatorial nominee kari lake. a campaign rally last week. kari lake and by supporters they can strap on to be prepared for the 2024 campaign. she also works military and law enforcement veterans. and she said that she was talking about the second amendment right for arizona to defend themselves. in general. but that is not how some of her own supporters interpreted her comments. one entity told us that the signs are all there. for the possibility of a civil war. and we're not talking about the movie. my panel is back with me. ameshia cross, who is your choice? tom cotton or kari lake? >> this is dumb and dumber.
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they are neck and neck. it is frustrating. this is weiser promised violence we have seen before. that rhetoric. leading to violence in the streets. they are in leadership positions. with tom large forces tom cotton has 2 degrees from the harvard university. he knows better than what is out here doing it. kari lake. she is just trying to appeal to a base as crazy. that is going to go for her no matter what. but this level of violence in his rhetoric. it is not anything new. this was happening in the 1950s and the 1960s towards black people in jewish people. we have seen this before. and donald trump's help amplify this pic to give it voice to many individuals who are already harboring these views. but this is a great anti-muslim sentiment. that is what is driving this. and we need to call it and name it and shame for what it is. the reason they are not advocating for standing by individuals who are using their first amendment right to protest. free speech. when they are speaking against the atrocities in gaza.
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the reason why they are including advocating violence against them. it is because they are against muslims. against islam. >> what a great point. dean obeidallah? >> tom cotton and kari lake. she is positioning herself to be a wife. there is a picture ring of her vacuuming. she loves him. to me, she is meaningless. this is dangerous language. this is going to be intense but is a call to action. i do not know how many people follow her. tom cotton is more dangerous. he is a senator. and also as ameshia cross mentioned. harvard law. this is so anti-palestinian. that says that he should giving these pro-palestinians humanity. he calls it pro hamas. he any protest on behalf of the palestinians humanity. christians and muslims. it is synonymous with hamas.
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but in 2020 he said that we should call the troops to go after black lives matter protest. because they are looting and criminals. this is defended slavery as a necessary evil. he called that and he wanted to stop teaching black history. but the man is a white supremacist. that is what is about. and i should be fair. i do not know what he is. but he is playing to the white supremacy. that is what this is the gop pace. >> is also former president donald trump returning to the white house. that invokes the insurrection act. to get some like tom cotton who is in the senate. basically agreeing with the president. use the insurrection act. one of the ironies in this conversation. that you have the hypocrisy of tom cotton. back in 2022. tom cotton criticized the canadian prime minister justin
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trudeau for invoking emergency powers to deal with the trucker convoy. it was blocking traffic against covid-19 vaccine mandates. tom cotton was upset. the canadian prime minister was using a special power to break up these traffic protests. but as you said. he has no problem with ordinary citizens taking matters into their own hands. to go after acts of civil disobedience. >> absolutely. republicans are amplifying violence. they want to see it happen. he is taking cues ironically from the state of florida. ron desantis himself onkyo argued for vehicular homicide of individuals who are protesting during the blm and the murder of george floyd. this is not new. they are only amplifying the violence that they want to see across america. of course utilizing their first amendment rights.
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against white supremacist do not believe in or stand for. we are talking about diversity, protecting individuals who have been underrepresented and underserved. people in gaza or denied daily pick women, children who we know do not deserve what is happening to them. but also are not hamas. combining them with a terrorist organization is a problem. this is beyond human rights violations. we are talking about war crimes. individuals who are protesting do not deserve to hear from a sitting u.s. senator. essentially the deserve to die. >> dean obeidallah. they have been using his rhetoric and using this language. just imagine for a moment. that the national outcry. or outrage. this was on the other side. democrats would not call for this type of violence in this brazen way and logical defined way. but imagine for a moment. they said something like this. with the national media and the
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political establishment. however he democratic leadership would be asked to condemn this. nobody is asking the republican leadership. because probably they would agree with it. >> you are wasting your time. asking the gop leadership to denounce it. what links kari lake, tom cotton is the use of violence or threat of violence to acquire political power. and what is that? that is the quintessential definition for fascist movement. when i say that maggie is a fascist movement. that is not hyperbolic. that is what the definition of fascism is. using violence. they are not even called to denounce it anymore. it would be a waste of your time as a journalist. with former president donald trump pardoning the january 6th terrorist. that is what the party is about. >> we have another bonus round. for the week coming up. and an acolyte and loses after calling former president donald trump the defying style icon of his generation.
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the most stylish president and first lady in our lifetime. donald trump, melania trump. style icon he changed american fashion in the apprentice. they tried to translate him for the last 10 years. if anybody deserves a puff piece? it is donald trump and the first lady. >> yes. that was former trump official. i do not know why he talks about like that. but he is trying to take the crown for the worst of the week bonus round.
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with the alternate slice of reality. he was weighing in on a fox statement that was ironically dedicated to slamming the media. for the biden fashion sense. the blind loyalty to the ex- president. his blind is when it comes to fashion sense. it is cartoonish. but i want to take a step back. but there was something even deeper. the way that stephen miller talking about him rises to the level of cold session. it is the kind of cold following that would incline some supporters to make a literal golden statue of donald trump. which has actually happened. it is bring back dean obeidallah, ameshia cross. and joking aside. stephen miller wants to put donald trump up there with ryan gosling. and michael jordan as style icons in america. what do you think of that nonsense? i do not even know about the style debate. but he can speak that way. calling him a generational
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defined style icon? >> they are talking gargoyles. and he yelled the entire thing. he is a style icon. and the defense of stephen miller. donald trump would be the best dressed guy in a prison cell. and he would be prison sheet. selling jumpsuits. and look. anything to up to donald trump. there is no bottom. and i would think that some of what would demand it. and you know who else is really dapper? the dapper don. john got a. john gotti, teflon don. also john gotti died in prison. that is the path that trump is going on. i'm here for that. >> ameshia cross what do you make of this? joking aside. there is a lot to laugh at. but the idea that a stephen miller who could return to the white house in some capacity. when he goes on tv and talks
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like this. do you think this dude and this guys ever going to be able to talk to former president donald trump in a way that is not cultish? >> absolutely not. he knows that what he says is music to the ears of trump. inflates his ego. that is why he does it. he is insuring himself a spot. he is making sure that he is feeling the love tank of donald j trump. that continues. that make no sense. as you can recall with the trump stakes in the trump shoes. that he sold. one of the things that he did early on was what the trump neckties. those things did not fly off the shelf. because it's never been a style icon. nobody would ever say that. except stephen miller. >> do you think that he is just up for a job? >> who else would hire this guy? and he has ties to white supremacist. who would hire him? so yes. he is up to donald trump. that is his guy. without trump, he is going to
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not have a job. he would walk around the streets with a sign. >> we have our three final candidates. we want to choose worst of the week. who are you going to go with? ameshia cross with tom cotton, kari lake. or stephen miller? >> just because of the power position he knows what he is doing. tom cotton. >> and what about you? >> i agree. tom cotton. the u.s. senator. and anybody is able to do that safely. dangerous for u.s. humanity. >> what does it say for the u.s. republican party. the variation we are seeing tonight. stephen miller, tom cotton, kari lake. each worse in their own way. some more dangerous than others . but the three individuals now are basically embodied what the modern day publican party has become. >> is like the russian nesting dolls. in this case one is worst than the others. and i do not know the name.
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i am from new jersey but one is worse than the other. and i kari lake, tom cotton. there is no bottom. steve bannon. >> lindsey graham. >> there is no gop. we have seen this. like we've had with the federalist party, the know nothing party. they are gone but the difference is the gop is keeping its name. but it is and up but it should just be called >> do you think that there is a way that all of this goes away when former president donald trump leaves the scene? whether it is politically, or in any other way. will this rot the republican party that is now embodied by the tom cotton, kari lake, stephen miller. you think that it will eventually go away when donald trump leaves the political establishment? >> no. because the main ingredient is white supremacy. we've had that is at the dawn
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of its creation. sometimes we give former president donald trump more credit. he would tap something into the american psyche that was already there. he showcased it and allowed those to have these conversations and say these negative things. and presented the anti-bud black, anti-latin. the ground them to say that out loud and to scream it and shout it. towards the violence they already embodied deep within themselves. so no. that is where we are. to be able to uproot it. we have to face it, confronted and talk about it. talking about it. we also have to look beyond former president donald trump. because if not agree to this. and he does not dissolving is not going to make it go away. >> i completely agree with you. ameshia cross, dean obeidallah, and thank you for making time for us. come back tomorrow night. the u.s. see free speech valedictorian is going to join us to talk about what is going
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on at the school. usc. her commencement speech. not the context but to simply over pro-palestinian social media posts. until then. have a good night. night. ♪ ♪ you know what's brilliant? boring. think about it. boring is the unsung catalyst for bold. what straps bold to a rocket and hurtles it into space? boring does. boring makes vacations happen, early retirements possible, and startups start up. because it's smart, dependable, and steady. all words you want from your bank. for nearly 160 years, pnc bank has been brilliantly boring so you can be happily fulfilled... which is pretty un-boring if you think about it.
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