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tv   Dateline  MSNBC  April 21, 2024 12:00am-1:00am PDT

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i remember the night was very dark. we pulled into his home. it did have the feel of him as being -- he had a lot going on. >> a millionaire computer genus living in paradise and on the edge. >> i tried to cut his throat and he said to it. >> he takes the gun out and puts it to his head. the jungle started to infect him like a virus. >> his neighbor suddenly found dead. >> there was blood all over the floor. everyone was crying. >> has said impossible. >> and the millionaire was suddenly on the run taunting authorities, launching a chase. >> it seemed like it's fiction. it does not seem real. >> he may have eluded the police, but he did not elude
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us. >> neither you nor anybody representing you went over to gregory faull's house and shot him in the head? >> no, sir. you will not believe the things that happened. >> get ready for some serious heart to darkness [ bleep ] here. hello and welcome to dateline. silicon valley pioneer john mcafee launched a hugely successful software firm only to resign. eventually, he moved to an island off the coast of belize saying he wanted to get away from the rigid business rules in those states. when his neighbor turned up dead, authorities wondered if mcafee was trying to get away with murder. investigators were determined to question him but first they
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had to find him. here is keith morrison with the fugitive millionaire. >> american murdered and a tropical paradise while a famous and wealthy man went on the run. >> i was trying to delay my imminent capture. >> why was he hiding? >> he is bonkers. >> the story is a strange brew of dogs handguns and girls. teenaged girls. >> i was ready to shoot him and for some reason i missed. >> interconnected web with one man at its center. >> john is smart. he knows what he is doing. >> the case would take us from silicon valley to the jungles of central america and finally
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back stateside into the deep south. >> get ready for some serious heart of darkness [ bleep ] here. >> heart of darkness? a while the strange tale about a high-flying business tycoon named john mcafee and the chain of events that would make him the focus of an international manhunt. there is little doubt you know the name mcafee, even if you do not recognize his face. you probably had antivirus software on your computer at one time or another. >> the past three weeks we have seen five new viruses. >> in the 1980s, it was a visionary john mcafee who recognize the threat posed by visible computer viruses and made a fortune by devising defenses to stop them.
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david is a business reporter for cnbc. >> he made $100 million when it was really something to make $100 million. >> he knew mcafee cost most of that in the real estate bust. >> this is called snake valley for obvious reasons that i hope we do find about. >> it was 2009 and he was making a documentary. he found mcafee at his new adopted home in believes. above and charismatic than 64- year-old made a fascinating case study. >> my life turned around 180 degrees down here. i mention the freedom here. there are virtually no regulations on business. >> a lot have belize as a paradise like me because i can do anything i want. there are no laws. intellectual property, nobody cares. i can start anything. >> and, he did whenever he perceived an opportunity to make a buck.
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water taxis. but his pride and joy he told him was the creation of a special lab in which you plan to make new medicines from jungle plants. >> hopefully, production of some fairly unique pharmaceuticals. >> with a beach, the island and a jungle compound on the mainland near the town of car melita, john mcafee could afford to live large and still make an impression. >> he invited me over to his home and i walked in and he was playing the piano. it did have the feel love, spinning in a bond movie and this is your villain in some ways. he didn't turn and say hello, mr. faber, but it almost had that feel to it. i think he likes drama. i think he likes intense experiences.
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>> joshua davis is a contributing editor to wired and one-time nbc news consultant. he got to know mcafee after he learned police had raided his mainland compound, looking for illegal drugs. >> i heard about this radon april 30 when the police force burst into his compound in the jungle and that struck me as extraordinary. >> as it turned out, the police did you find illegal drugs at his compound. although mcafee was charged with having an unlicensed gun. the fact police suspected him of making drugs was intriguing. he had been an outspoken teetotaler after kicking a drug habit. davis went to belize to investigate. it was there said davis, mcafee told him the belizean government was seriously
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corrupt and the paramilitary gang suppression unit was out to get him. >> one of his initial exhalations for weather raid happened was one of the local politicians had, and asked for a donation. he had refused and as a result, they sick the gsu on him. >> to worship belizean government responded, nonsense. >> they rated him because they did not know what was going on. he had this laboratory and it was heavily guarded. he had a private army essentially. he has a laboratory making god knows what because he will not tell anybody. >> davis went to carmelita, the town nearest his jungle compound where townspeople told him, he said, that mcafee had -- >> as he got more involved in this little village of carmelita, the way he talked , his dress devolved. i think the jungle and that environment started to infect
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him almost like a virus. that's what he said to his friends. my fragile connection with polite society has been severed. >> after that, he moved back to his island house where davis reported he surrounded himself with guard dogs, armed men, and several teenaged girls. in a country where the age of consent is 16, he told davis he like to keep them busy, and bed. >> he told me for him five hours is a quickie. then he brought out one of the girls to prove a point and she said that's true. >> he was 67 living a schoolboys dream whether it was a heavily armed dream. he was convinced that manno billed himself as the world's greatest security expert was now a security risk to himself and others. >> we were in his bungalow and he had a smith & wesson 38 special in a holster.
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he takes the gun out and opens the chamber and their six bullets. he drops him out and takes one and chambers it encloses it and spins a cylinder and puts it to his head. i'm like, john, we don't have to do this. he said, i know we don't. he said your perception of reality may not be correct. and he starts pulling the trigger. click, click, click, click, click. five times and there's only six chambers then he pulls it a sixth time and nothing happens. he said you missed something about reality. i said it's a trick. he says it's not a trick and he opens the door and aims at the sand and pulls the trigger and the bullet goes off. it was a live round. >> paranoid eccentrics make good stories but rarely make good neighbors. the armed guards and snarling dogs were and aggravation to tourists and others who went to walk past his house.
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by november 2012, one of john mcafee's neighbors may have decided he had had enough. >> coming up. a murder mystery. >> the body was there motionless. motionless. i have moderate toe crohn's disease. now, there's skyrizi. ♪ things are looking up, i've got symptom relief. ♪ ♪ control of my crohn's means everything to me. ♪ ♪ control is everything to me. ♪ feel significant symptom relief at 4 weeks with skyrizi, including less abdominal pain and fewer bowel movements. skyrizi is the first il-23 inhibitor that can deliver remission and visibly improve damage of the intestinal lining. and the majority of people experienced long-lasting remission at one year. serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections or a lower ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine or plan to. liver problems may occur in crohn's disease. ♪
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ice works fast. ♪♪ heat makes it last. feel the power of contrast therapy. ♪♪ so you can rise from pain. icy hot. it was who lived along this beach who told us the murder
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case that began in 2012 and made headlines around the world began as a mundane neighborhood dispute about dogs. snarling, snapping kurz who frequently roamed the beach in front of john mcafee's beach,. the parking kept the neighbors up and the biting? it was bad for business. >> the dog stood but if you people. we had one group of tourists leave early because of the dog situation. >> they are property managers. like a lot of other american ex- pats on the island, they knew john mcafee casually. >> there were guards at his house. >> jeff and his wife said customers walking to the restaurant down the beach from mcafee's has had to get past his dogs and guards.
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>> if you are tourist walking up and down the beach at night, and someone shines a flashlight in your face while shouldering a shotgun, it can be disconcerting. >> a harsh five for such a peaceful place. not what gregory faull expected when he moved here in may 2012. >> we got to know greg because after working 12 hours a day, he would come to the bar and hang out and talk and close it down. >> and gregory faull said jeff was out of central casting. he made his money in the construction business in florida and in belize he was living out of fantasy. >> the first time he walked to the bar, caribbean, a guy with a bahama t-shirt and a parrot on his shoulder. i said you realize that you have become that guy. >> a happy-go-lucky guy but oh,
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those dogs. greg faull had been bitten and a profound dislike for john mcafee followed. >> a couple times and john was out there and greg was yelling at him. keep your dogs and set the fence. we have tours here. they are biting people. >> it came to a head on the night of november 9, 2012, a friday. that's one four of john mcafee's dogs were poison. many on the island suspected that greg did it. >> he told everybody he was going to poison those dogs. everybody he knew he was going to poison the dogs. >> 36 hours later, early on a sunday morning, he woke up 12 ringing phone. it was greg faull's caretaker.
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greg, he said, was dead. >> i was thinking heart attack. i'm thinking he could've slipped and fell on the tile. >> no. when the mccance and other ex- pats got to his house, it was clear it was no slip and fall. >> his body was there motionless. >> there was blood all over the floor. >> there was blood everywhere. >> police determined that greg faull was killed with a single gunshot to the back of the head, execution style. there was one oddly horrifying detail. the position of greg faull's t- shirt. >> it was pulled over like a hockey move. pulled the center over your head like that. it was all the way behind his neck. the shirt was still on. >> he was struck by the fact in spite of the obvious violence, there seemed to be no sign of a robbery or even a struggle
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anywhere in the house. >> i found out that somebody could subdue somebody like greg at 52 years old, ex-military, how could you subdue somebody like that? >> figured have a chance he would've put up a fight. that was the first thing that greg's father thought when he got the news in jacksonville, florida. >> i said it can't possibly happen. not greg. i don't think anyone could have overpowered greg if he had a chance. i suspect he never had a chance. >> given the bad blood between greg faull and john mcafee, the belizean police that it would be a good idea to walk down the beach and have a word with the reclusive millionaire . the trouble was they could not find him. he had up and disappeared. in short order, the police declared him the prime suspect.
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the news flashed around the world. >> the tech millionaire is now a fugitive. >> celebrity manhunt that was like -- so i packed my bags and put the flight to belize. >> coming up. a one-time member of his harem lets us into his layer. >> you try to shoot him. t him.
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there's only one sotyktu, so ask for it by name. so clearly you. sotyktu. everybody wants super straight, super white teeth. they want that hollywood white smile. new sensodyne clinical white provides 2 shades whiter teeth and 24/7 sensitivity protection. i think it's a great product. it's going to help a lot of patients.
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when we arrived in the strip of island that was his paradise in november 2012, the american ex-pats seem to be waiting for something to happen. everyone knew police were searching for the man they believe knew something about the murder of greg faull but john mcafee seemed to have vanished. although it didn't mean reporters were not hearing from him. >> i am holed up in a place where the -- i've never experienced that before. >> joshua davis who is writing an article about mcafee at the time was among the first to get a call. mcafee told davis he had a young woman with them. >> she is quite the soldier. samantha. she's been with me the past couple of months.
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>> he insisted he knew nothing about his neighbor's murder. >> let me ask you point blank, did you kill him? >> no. no, sir. it's not funny. >> not only did he deny committing a murder, he proposed a astonishing idea. the bullet that killed greg faull was really meant for him. >> the first thing i thought about was oh, my god. he's a white man and i'm a white man. the government decided to off me and they got the wrong white man. >> he said the last thing i will do is turn myself in because the police will kill me. >> a truly believe the belizean police wanted to get rid of him. do him in. >> i am trying to delay my imminent capture. >> arm to the laptop and cell phone and the flare for the dramatic, he tantalize the present tone to the police with
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clues he was still there. there are police and there. armed police with a rifle who were looking through the house. as they do on a regular basis or have been since the beginning. any expectation that he will be here, but they are looking. although police admitted they had no other suspect. his classification was downgraded to the less ominous sounding person of interest. >> we still think he is here. >> he was the police spokesman. >> we believe he will come in. >> and you will arrest him? >> we will detain him and ask questions. >> undermanned and underfunded, the police were seemed ill- equipped to actually hunt him down. a man with means like mcafee
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who did not want to be found, watcher message for john mcafee? >> i would tell him, police, come in and let's carry on with our lives. >> he seemed to be toying with the police, leaving clues in his blog hinting he might be hiding right under their noses, cleverly disguised as a tourist or street vendor. >> i've been a public many times. i went shopping and public the other day. >> our search was unlike that of the police. we made arrangements for a secret rendezvous. but mcafee never showed. john might not be on the island at all. >> the only person who seemed how to reach him is this person. one of his former teenage lovers. amy. a lot of guests here besides the girls?
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amy had his trust, it seemed. close with his permission, she said, that amy showed us around to speech is stay. >> here is the house. we would snorkel almost every weekend and he would get is tan. >> but she said, after the police raid, everything changed. >> that's when he started being paranoid and kept inside. >> given mcafee's bizarre behavior, people wondered if he was using drugs again. did you do drugs in here? >> he never accepted drugs on this property. >> later, she said she had often seen mcafee doing some chemical experiments. >> i'm like, what are you doing? he said i'm working on, clothes and stuff. he said it was for research. he said never touch these. taste it or eat it.
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he wouldn't tell me anything about it. >> it was around then she said her strange relationship with john mcafee had its strangest moment. >> i was angry, whatever. i was ready to shoot him and for some reason i missed. >> you try to shoot him? >> yes. i also tried to cut his throat but he leaned against the wall and said, do it. i could not do it. >> and you stayed together after that. >> oh, yeah, he loved me even more, i guess. >> although the romance ended, she remained close enough to get on the phone for us. how are you doing? >> i'm doing all right under the circumstances. >> he would not say where he was hiding buddy did hint he was close eye -- close by.
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>> we were in one of your boats. >> was he watching us and the police too hoping we might lead them to him? can you tell us anything that will clear up questions about what happened over that course of that weekend, the one your neighbor was killed? >> we traveled a long way for the phone call and still no closer to laying eyes on him than where the belizean police. then, days after the call, mcafee's blog reported he had been captured in mexico. no, that turned out to be false. on december 4, 2012, nearly a month after greg faull was murder, mcafee announced he and his young female companion had crossed the border to guatemala. why here?
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well, a couple practical reasons. some about family and some international politics. because of that, the story got even stranger. after weeks on the run, there he was in the flush. according to mcafee, he was not running from the homicide investigation. he said he was in guatemala to ask for political asylum and protection from the government of belize. >> several months ago, the belizean government sent 42 armed soldiers onto my property. i had to leave but the story has to get up. >> according to his 20-year-old companion they came to guatemala in part because she had a relative here to could be help for. >> i said i have a uncle who's a lawyer and he's a pretty good
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lawyer. >> her uncle has represented some of the biggest names in central america but the former panamanian strongman noriega but convincing at judge that john mcafee was a political refugee was shaping up to be his biggest challenge yet. >> coming up. inside his life on the run. a master of disguise. when enamel is gone, you cannot get it back. but you can repair it with pronamel repair. it penetrates deep into the tooth to actively repair acid weakened enamel. i recommend pronamel repair. with new pronamel repair mouthwash you can enhance that repair beyond brushing. they work great together. nature's bounty hair growth. clinically shown to help grow thicker, fuller hair with just one capsule a day of advanced hair complex. conquer hair thinning...
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the house passing a $95 billion package that includes aid to ukraine, israel, and taiwan and includes a bill that could ban tiktok. the bill heads to the senate for a vote in president biden expressing support. new york city pro- palestinian demonstrators continue to protest at columbia university despite mass arrests and suspensions. organizer seven calling on colombia to devise from israel. more than 100 students have been arrested.
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should welcome back to dateline. john mcafee's life on the lamb ended when he suddenly pack did but this young lover in guatemala. wanted by authorities in belize for questioning in the murder of greg faull, mcafee told reporters he was now seeking political asylum from the persecution he suffered there. the announcement created an international media frenzy back in the states, faull family believe the press was chasing the wrong story. back to keith morrison with the fugitive millionaire. for weeks after the murder of greg faull, we and much of the world press tried to find the elusive john mcafee. a spectacle which for greg faull's father and stepmom was pretty hard to take.
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>> i had phone calls from cbs, nbc, fox, cnn, the "new york times" and wall street journal in two days. >> it was questions about the southern fellow. >> mcafee. >> you are asking the wrong question. ask me about our loss. >> that seem to be almost secondary. >> greg was pushed to the side because it was the mcafee circus. >> with police not talking and john mcafee not talking to police, rumor was all there was. that is until the world's most wanted person of interest surfaced in guatemala, seeking sanctuary. according to mcafee's traveling companion, samantha, they would use their wits to elude capture. for weeks, she said, mcafee made police think he was on
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ambergris caye when in fact they were hiding out in the mainline, she said. in belize city. >> he was in the city. john is smart. he turned his phone on and said they're gonna track us down. leave the phone down. >> because his cell phone was on the island. >> on his blog he was saying, i am standing 20 to 40 feet from my yard and i can see the police are raiding it. >> that was a lie. >> when your life is in danger, you have to live. >> it wasn't easy said samantha. very uncomfortable in those early days. >> we'd go when pushes. we'd go everywhere. john, it had a lot of bites on it.
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>> true. impossible to know but that was her story. eventually said samantha they found a place to hole up and mcafee died his hair and when he need to venture into the open, he would put on a disguise. >> nobody recognized him? and according to her, it was her uncle, the lawyer, who arranged to have her and mcafee smuggled out first by taxi and then by boat to guatemala. >> it has been an adventure and yet disturbing. i do not like to leave my house. it makes me sick. >> you don't feel well. >> john mcafee was a feeling on top of the world it seemed. first aid judge summarily dismissed his petition for
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political asylum. then the guatemalan police took him into custody, not as a murder suspect, but on the grounds he entered the country illegally, and then, the next at the local detention center, media waited to find out if guatemalan authorities would send them back to belize, the story took a heart stopping turn. inside with assembled cameras, john mcafee suddenly swooned and appeared to lose consciousness. within minutes, he was rushed to the hospital but when doctors could find nothing wrong, he was returned to the detention center. it was there that john mcafee finally agreed to sit for only extended tv interview since the murder with us. what an interview it was. >> a crazy man on the run is more sensational than a political problem. >> and you are an insane man on the run. >> coming up, expect the
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for nearly a month, john mcafee, one of silicon valley's original princes of high-tech had been hiding from belizean police. they wanted to talk to him about the murder of his neighbor, greg faull. now detained in guatemala, john mcafee decided to talk to us. so, it must be said he did not
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seem to relish the prospect. >> here's the problem. give a deadline and your deadline is now. the news has become immediacy. your job is to get the news up before your competition. that makes your deadline infinitesimally small. can you get an inkling of the truth in that small space? >> you can win your research things. >> all we do, all folks do is research everybody else. >> the whole point is it's a story about a murder. you would not be in the public eye. it was interesting. for a man who use the media to his advantage, he seemed to present the press now that he was in custody in guatemala. >> what sells in the news? sensationalism. a man on the run is better than him political problem. >> you are an insane man on the
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run. that is the image. you have a blog. you know the comments on your blog. they all think you are nuts. half of them do. >> half of them do when half of them love me. >> the assumption is you enjoy it. >> why was i not in the press for 10 years? i don't trust reporters. i don't trust you guys. whatever i say to you people because i live a lifestyle that might be a little over the line, outside of normal behavior, instead of looking at the latest thing i'm trying to develop, that's great about that antivirus but tell me about your lifestyle. >> on the subject of greg faull, john mcafee conceded there was bad blood between the two men. >> i did not particularly care for the man. he does drink a lot. i don't hang with people who drink a lot.
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>> in the weeks and months leading up to the murder, how often did you see him? >> maybe one time. maybe twice. only passing the beach. he did come by and say i'm angry about your dogs. i can't sleep. i am sorry i can't sleep either. i sympathize. >> did you say you would do something? >> i did something. i built another fence. >> was he complaining about your security guards and the guns they were carrying? >> he was. >> you would allow security guards to wander around in front of a public beach with guns, menacing at least the perception of tourists walking by, these people, not prevent them from doing so. >> may i stand up for a moment? if someone is carrying a gun, shotgun, holding like this, how can that be menacing? how can that be menacing, serve?
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america has 280 million. >> your neighbors were saying they were just holding the guns down. they were pointing. threatening people. >> do you think i would tolerate that? get real. >> he insisted he had no motive for killing greg faull. he never believed he was responsible for poisoning is dogs, he said. >> i know who killed the dogs. the government. >> the night before. >> he told everybody he was going to kill the dogs. he drank a lot. is not the kind of person who would kill a dog. >> how do you know that? >> because he's a dog lover. >> i was told he did not love dogs at all. >> i believe he loved dogs. >> there's lots of evidence that says greg faull killed
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your dogs. >> anybody could've killed my dogs. i know who killed my dogs. my paranoid tells me. >> neither you nor anybody representing you when over to greg faull's house on that occasion and pulled his t-shirt up over his head and shot him in the head? >> no, sir. the government poison my dogs. >> and they killed greg faull? >> i don't know who killed greg faull. >> by the time we spoke, he seemed to face the probability, deportation back to belize. he seemed remarkably unconcerned in fact told us after five years and what he wants called and entrepreneurial paradise, he was looking forward to going home. back to the good old usa. how do you see this saga ending? >> happy for everybody. i will stop bashing police in my blog.
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my neighbors can have peace and quiet. the government gets to go, thank god he did not want to stay here. everybody is happy. america is happy. more tax dollars. it's the perfect solution. >> you are convinced of it? >> i haven't been wrong much about my life. people who know me will say one thing. don't but with this man. i do not like to lose money. i will bet you on this one. >> spoke on like a gambler who might've known the fix is in. would he ever be forced to sit face to face with homicide detectives? >> coming up. mcafee in danger again? dupixent helps you du more with less asthma. and can help you breathe better in as little as two weeks. dupixent is an add-on treatment for specific types of moderate-to-severe asthma that's not for sudden breathing problems. dupixent can cause allergic reactions that can be severe.
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a weak of the john mcafee media circus was apparently all guatemala could take. on december 12, 2012, the runaway millionaire was deported, not to belize where he was considered a person of interest in a murder case, but back to the united states where he was considered a celebrity. at every stop on his media rounds, mcafee said he would gladly answer questions about the murder of greg faull, but not in belize. >> what will you do charged
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with his murder in the u.s. forces you to go back to belize, will you disappear? will you answer the charges? >> i have offered to answer them in a neutral country. it will not happen. >> back in ambergris caye, american ex-pats like vivian and jeff were left to wonder if the investigation into greg faull's murder is even active. >> they're not looking for anybody else as far as we know. why? we only know as much as you and everybody else knows. >> as for john mcafee, living in portland, oregon, and colorado springs, montreal, mcafee said he settled in lexington, tennessee. among his many projects, he started a new company that developed privacy products. he also became a backer of cryptocurrency and even ran for president in 2016 as a libertarian.
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as for the young women he spent time with in pellies? they were left behind. he married his wife janice in 2013. last time we spoke, he still believed the belizean government was out to get him and describe what he said was an attempt on his life in portland. >> at 2:15 a.m., two police motorcycles followed by a black sedan followed by a garbage truck parked in front of our condominium. my wife and i ran downstairs and hid under a car for 4.5 hours while they searched everywhere for us. the security cameras were removed on that day. it was a frightening experience. >> and fight of that he said, he was tired of running. >> it's exhausting to live in fear. at some point, you say it's no way to live. >> if you're wondering what happened all those guns he seemed fond of brandishing for
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the cameras, he told us it was for show. >> to sell newspapers, they need drama. madman with guns, here they are. how do you want me to hold them? out to that. i don't even have them with me. if you want to see a gun, my security guard has one. that is not me. that's what the press wants to make of me. >> perhaps but he kept adding fuel to the fire. a few months after this interview, the self-professed teetotaler was arrested for driving under the influence and possession of a handgun while intoxicated. in typical mcafee fashion, he joked about it on social media and claimed falsely, that he had a shootout with police. he pleaded guilty to dui, forfeited his way to -- weapon, spent 48 hours in jail. all of which begged the question, could anyone take seriously anything john mcafee said?
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for greg faull's family, the answer was no. >> it doesn't make any sense if mcafee claims his innocence, why did he disappear and make a circus of this? i do not understand it and i wish someone would investigate it or find someone who can talk about it and bring justice somewhere. >> but faull's family was now holding their breath waiting for justice. >> it almost feels hopeless. it's a foreign country, and i don't know how to handle it. >> are you getting any answers? >> no, not anything from them. >> the family filed a wrongful death suit against john mcafee. after the millionaire failed to respond to their claims, federal judge claimed him to be in default in order mcafee to pay faull's estate in the $25 million. in response, mcafee insisted
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he was never charged with the murder and claimed he had no assets so he was unable to pay even a penny of the judgment against him. he would not be paying another nemesis either. the irs from undisclosed locations around the world, mcafee taunted the taxman on twitter. >> i made no secret on a. i have not filed returns. every year i tell the irs come i'm not filing a return. come and find me. >> in 2020, the justice department did just that. tracking mcafee down in spain where he was arrested for income tax evasion. his legal woes did not end there. in a separate case filed months later, prosecutors from the southern district of new york indicted mcafee on seven new charges including wire fraud, conspiracy to commit security fraud and conspiracy to commit
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money laundering. all stem from his online promotion of cryptocurrencies. the 75-year-old denied any wrongdoing. he would not live to see his day in court. on june 23, 2021, john mcafee was found hanging in his cell. it was ruled a suicide. and a cryptic tweet some months before his death, he wrote, know that if i hang myself, i'll lot jeffrey epstein, it will be no fault of mine. in death as in life, the eccentric millionaire keeps people guessing. le guessing. eccentric millionaire keeps people guessing. >> that is all for this edition of dateline. thank you for watching. i am craig melton. this is dateline.


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