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tv   Inside With Jen Psaki  MSNBC  April 21, 2024 9:00am-10:00am PDT

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will keep you posted on all the details on social media. finally on x, formerly twitter, threads, linkedin, post news. i hope to see you there. that does it for me, thank you for watching, catch me here next saturday and sunday morning from 10-6. you can follow in this and for free wherever you get your podcast. straight right where you are. inside with jen psaki begins right now. right now. california governor gavin newsom. debating a new ad he is putting on the air in alabama. i will also get his thoughts on
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the former president's trial. foreign aid bills finally passed in the house, but not without plenty of drama. later a conversation with john legend. i will ask him about the incredible work he is doing on criminal justice reform and getn his take on the state of our politics. of this trial is starting to the forgery in johnson's new york criminal trial has now rk been sworn in. there are seven men and five women. six alternates. they will your opening statements starting tomorrow. it was not exactly a smooth road to get here in large part because defendant trump was all but digging the potholes himself. with an assist from some of his allies. >> she said two things that really stuck out.
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i do not really have an opinion of trump . and no one is above e the law. i am not so sure about juror number two. >> trump then quoted in a post writing they are catching undercover liberal activists lying to the judge in order to get on the trump jury. that is not only a complete lie but according to prosecutors itc is also a violation of his gag order and is clearly an attempt to undermine and intimidate the people who simply showed up at the courthouse to fulfill their civic duty. the very next morning a stated juror who was called into question by waters asked to be s removed because she had concerns about being publicly identified. that hardly sounds like a coincidence to me. even a number of those who were not directly targeted expressed extreme anxiety about the trial. one reportedly broke down crying during questioning
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saying i have to be honest. i feel so nervous and anxious right now. i am sorry. gh another set i have really bad anxiety. people i have found out where i am. to easy to see why they could feel that way. imagine being called for jury in duty and then facing a defendant like trump who has a known history of going after anyone and everyone. not to mention an audience of maga think faithful who take his words literally. that has long been his strategy and is likely to continue as the trial goes on. a former member of his white house legal team told journalist he expects some jurors will begin to crack under the immense pressure they will be under. no doubt a lot of that will come from trump himself because a fair trial decided by an impartial jury of his peers could be what he fears the most. he also could be underestimating them.
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multiple rounds of extensive questioning. they have been asked to do the job. the founding fathers put this in the constitution because they give citizens the final say and put the power in the hands of the people. joining me now is our in-house law firm. i just want to start where i ended. obviously as a citizen nonlawyer like myself you hear that and say it sounds intimidating. they are scared. from a legal standpoint is this considered juror intimidation, and how concerned are you about the potential a for the others to drop out? >> yes it is intimidation and i am worried about it. he does not trust the founders who put all of this in the decision of the citizens.
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he is desperate right now facing 34 different counts in this tryout that really opening statements begin tomorrow. 34 counts. that is g like taylor swift new record has 31 songs. he has even more. >> pop culture reference. >> absolutely. the strategy is to try opto remove as many jurors as ve possible. he has to remove seven in order for a mistrial to happen. he probably isn't going to get there, but if he can get rid of a couple like the ones that are the most likely to convict that is what he is aiming for. it is absolutely a violation of the gag order. trump is barred from making or directing others to make public statements about any bo prospective juror or any juror in this criminal proceeding. that is exactly what he did. >> sounds exactly like what he just did. i want to come back to the gag order, but they are all trying
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to understand. 12 jurors. six alternates. what happens if seven of them do remove themselves from participating as jurors in this trial? >> if that happens you have what is called a mistrial where you have to start again. i want to underscore a couple of things. jurors in this city. i am in new york right now. they have verdicts with respect to organized crime. t leaders with respect to terrorists. i think people should o not underestimate the fact that jurors are going to do their ng duty. it is shocking to me that we are having this conversation right now about the former leader of the free world, but we are joining other nations that have done exactly the same
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thing with respect to corrupt leaders. holding them to account. there is a jury system. er i think the jurors as a collective will take their responsibilities seriously. i think we should not jump to what will happen if the seven dropout. i think people have a lot of moxie and grit in this city. i think i really would not be worried about it. i also think the judge is a no- nonsense judge. they take their responsibilities with respect to the jurors very seriously, so on tuesday even if there is a finding of just a fine you can be sure the judge is going to make it clear that any further efforts on his part are going to be met with severe sanctions. i am just confident that he is not going to put up with the kind of shenanigans that have
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happened already.>> that is a really important point. i am not print acting that more will dropout be just important l to understand. as i started the show they have all been through extensive questioning. very intrusive in many ways, but it's important to watch. let me come back to the gag order. prosecutors say he violated it c many times. he says it is unconstitutional.y of the ball is now in the judge's court. as i understand he is no- nonsense. what are we anticipating? >> i think possible argument they are going to make to say he didn't violate the gag order. i think he obviously did, so they are instead going to say it is unconstitutional and a violation of his rights. these are imposed all the time in cases like this, and for the most important of reasons. i think the argument is going nowhere. they just asked for a $1000
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fine for each violation. they want a stern warning for trump that says if you do this again you are going to jail. that is really the ballgame i think for what the punishment is going to be. >> it'll be interesting to watch that. let me recome back to andrew. there has been reporting this morning that he's expected to be the first witness. our colleague predicted that an outline why that would be the case. there has also been ongoing reporting and speculation about trump testifying. that seems like a disaster as a nonlawyer to me, but explain what the prosecution could be t thinking in that case. what the impact could be if you decided to testify and they decided to have him do that. >> everyone should know that a defendant like trump does not have to testify. he has no burden whatsoever.
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the jury will be told that and they cannot use the fact that he chooses not to testify in any way against him. he has the right to testify regardless of what his lawyers strongly advise him. i am confident that they are going to throw their bodies in front of the witness stand to try to get him not to take the stand. if you are the prosecutors you are licking your chops thinking if you want to take the stand great. the amount of cross-examination material, as you know from covering him, thousands and thousands of prior inconsistent statements. that is a polite way of saying a life. taking a stand would really be
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tough for the case. he is unpredictable and has a lot of hubris. just look at the e. jean carroll case where he decided after the first trial that he could do it better than his lawyers in the judgment went from 5 million to 85 million. on he proceeds in that mode i do not think he is going to be helping himself. >> some of the reporting probably won't surprise you that they want to cross-examine him about recent lawsuits that he has lost. if you are in the jury that is a lot of context to understand. tomorrow everybody convenes at 9:30. we expect opening statements. maybe sometime to hear from a witness. they are breaking at 2:00 because of passover. what are you watching for? >> i am watching for the judge's rulings. that is basically the judge saying here is what i am going to allow the prosecutors to talk about should he testify.
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all of these other lies in the things that andrew was referring to. it is for that reason i think there is no chance he is going to testify. if his legal team had an unofficial mascot it would be a chicken. there is no chance i think on earth that he is going to. that is the first thing i am watching for. and then i will watch for how they introduce him and told i that story because it is a remarkable story that has been k chalked up to about stormy daniels. he is basically capturing a part of the media that he is most worried about and paying st them off through their silence. that is a remarkable thing. at it interfered with the 2016 election in a massive way, and that is the story we will hear tomorrow.>> his story is remarkable. the number two guy at owthe national enquirer at the time.
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we will see a lot of you both on our televisions over the ur next several days and weeks, but thank you for joining me. up next. in my interview with gavin newsom. i will ask him about donald trump's trial, joe biden's new aspects, and a new ad he is dropping. we will be right back with governor gavin newsom. governor gavin newsom. one pill a day, 24 hours, zero heartburn. nothing dims my light like a migraine. with nurtec odt, i found relief. the only migraine medication that helps treat and prevent, all in one. to those with migraine, i see you. for the acute treatment of migraine with or without aura and the preventive treatment of episodic migraine in adults. don't take if allergic to nurtec odt. allergic reactions can occur, even days after using. most common side effects were nausea, indigestion, and stomach pain. it's time we all shine. talk to a healthcare provider about nurtec odt from pfizer.
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this time last year i sat down with governor gavin newsom in a place he probably would not expect to see the governor of california. we met up in montgomery, alabama where he was sounding the alarm about the republican rollback of individual liberties in general. since then things have only gotten worse. recently a near-total abortion ban was reinstated in arizona and in alabama the side of the conversation with the governor just a year ago has paused them
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on ivf treatment. it has had a lot of attention to the fact that light makers have even tried to make it a crime to facilitate out-of- state abortions has not received as much focus as it deserves. he is still at it. today releasing a searing new ad that will air in alabama as an effort to raise awareness about that extreme legislation. now in a big exclusive we are debuting that ad for the very first time, and i will warn you it is disturbing but also important to watch. >> we are almost there. we are going to make it. >> trump republicans want to criminalize young alabama women who travel for reproductive care. stop them by taking
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>> joining me now from a planned parenthood clinic. gavin newsom. i appreciate you taking the time. i want to start with is and that i have watched many times. it is incredibly chilling. just debuted. it will air in alabama. for people who are out there that think that is an exaggeration. this is not really going to happen. what you say to them? >> i would say look at what idaho already did. it is a law that is in effect in idaho. and law that is being advanced not just in alabama but tennessee and oklahoma as we speak. so much attention has been focused elsewhere. obviously focused on what occurred in arizona as it relates to that law. not enough attention has been placed on the fact we are not
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just criminalizing access to reproductive care and certain stains but now they're traveling. >> which is important for people to understand. people who are in states around california like arizona who want to come are looking is a threat that people need to take seriously. i want to talk about arizona because for the second time in two weeks republicans in arizona even after they saw all of the response blocked an effort to repeal the abortion ban based on the law in 1864. this time there was video of republicans actually cheering on the floor of the legislature. what was going through your mind when you watch that? >> it sickens you. i have two young daughters. the fact they want to have the same rights that their mom and dad did. the same as their parents had. the fact we go back to the travel point. 160,000 women that had to leave their state.
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to access reproductive care. the fact that now you have them wanting to incarcerated five years up to life those women and those that support the women to get out of their respective states. the fact that we now have a been going back to 1864, and they are celebrating. i thought the republican party wanted to put a wrecking ball to the 21st century. now they want to create the 19th century. it is chilling and goes well beyond the issue of women's reproductive care. this consequential moment that absorbed most of our focus. that tend to get a little more focus at this important moment in american history. >> which is really important. when we sat down in alabama
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about a year ago you kind of warned of this. that they could be going after their rights. contraception could be next. what is next? what should people be bracing themselves for if these politics continue to run as they are? >> they have been on a cultural purge. censoring historical facts and rewriting history. it has happened out in the open. not just rates regressions in state but the nationalization of rights being regressed. everybody watching knows that if he becomes president of the united states he will sign a national abortion ban. he is the one that is responsible for the conditions that persist today. those continue to persist as it relates to the rights that are being vandalized by the united states supreme court. >> what you said stuck out to
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me because he said he would not assign one and leans into it should be up to the state, which is leaving millions of women across the country without access to abortion. it sounds like you do not believe him on his claim that. >> he is a liar. he is not telling you the truth. he will say whatever he needs to say on any day of the week. give me a break. he has created these condition and has celebrated those conditions. he said he would criminalize women. he is on tape saying these things. he will say whatever he needs to say at any given moment. do not think for a second if lindsey graham sends him a bill through congress he won't sign that. you know he will. everybody knows that. you cannot trust this person by any stretch of the imagination. these conditions that persist are made possible by one person. donald trump.
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mitch mcconnell has a lot to explain as well. that is why i think we have to be more clear and concise in the condemnation and remind people what is at stake with the selection. i recognize what is at stake because we are already dealing with the absorption of people seeking reproductive care in the state of california. it is important just to remind people a third of plan parenthood patients in america are in the state of california. no state has more responsibility or more opportunity. a bigger burden than the state of california. >> i want to ask about the senate race. another person who is attempting to shift or whatever you want to call it is one of
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arizona's more well-known republicans. she initially praised the abortion measure as a great law but now says the supreme court decision to revive it is out of step with the people of her state and has been joking about them putting on a separate but related issue. what you make of her evolving stance on this? >> a person of remarkable character and conviction with compelling moral authority that puts her finger to the wind and moves with the prevailing winds. please. her integrity has the form and substance of dare i say. you see the golden gate bridge behind me. i do not take much of what she says at face value. she basically said last week that people. do not worry about any 1864 tannins in arizona. you can all go to california or a neighboring state. we took the quite literally and seriously, but she cannot be taken seriously.
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>> more of my conversation with gavin newsom is coming up after a quick break. i will ask about these darts of donald trump's first criminal trial and what he says might surprise you. that is up next. tle planning. or, put the money towards a down-payment... ...on a ranch montana ...with horses let's take a look at those scenarios. j.p. morgan wealth management has advisors in chase branches and tools, like wealth plan to keep you on track. when you're planning for it all... the answer is j.p. morgan wealth management.
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sure, i can hold. ♪ liberty liberty liberty liberty ♪ in theaters now. this week was the first of many donald trump will be required to sit quietly through his criminal proceedings. report of the furious at the lack of control he has within the confines of the courtroom. one of the two major candidates for president will be spending at least four days per week off the campaign trail and yet all indications including from a brand-new poll out this morning are still pointing to an incredibly close race. of course it is. with that in mind here is more of my exclusive interview with
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gavin newsom.>> you may have heard in addition to the threats to women's rights out there across the country there was a criminal trial that i got underway this week in new york city. the forgery has been seated. expecting opening statements on monday. there has been this course that has been driving a little crazy to be on a suggesting this case only helps trump politically. i am curious. you have seen the first week. you are talking to an undecided voter about why this matters to them. what you tell them? >> it should matter. you have a president with 88 criminal counts he is dealing with. the first ex-president being submitted to this criminal case. that said, may i give you a personal point of view. this is a guy that does not care if he is the hero or the heel. he just wants to be a star in so many ways. he gets what he wants. that is the focus away from a lot of conversation we just had to focus again on him. when we are focusing on him i do worry electorally that he has a slight advantage.
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i am a little concerned about the overindulgence around the day today. i totally get it. the consequential nature of a criminal trial is profound and outsized in some respect, but not more than democracy. more than the consequences of him prevailing in this election in november. more on what i thought was one of the biggest race of the week. that is robert kennedy junior getting on the ballot in michigan. one of the key swing states. i tended to be in that camp a little less as it relates to our obsession of focus putting any more bright lights on someone who seeks them no matter how they are conceived or ill will in ill-fated his current standing. >> let me ask you about the electoral politics of this. rfk jr. is not going to be on the ballot in michigan. that is a swing state the president needs to win.
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obviously just got the endorsement of a number of kennedys this week. how worried are you about the potential impact of rfk jr. on president biden's reelection chances? >> he is a kennedy. we revere kennedys. at least i do. that israel. i know we can look at some polls and we can hear it may impact a little less, but at the end of the day common sense would dictate it israel. 44,000 votes in those days. no seven potentially in play. georgia and north carolina are going to be a little more tough than in the past, but they are making a great case. and then we go to these other states like wisconsin. i think we have a great shop there. and then michigan and then
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nevada and arizona. where i am putting all of my time and focus. bobby kennedy junior. if he gets on more than just that one critical swing state of michigan and some of these others i think you have to take that very seriously. >> let me ask you about you receiving a begrudging amount of respect from republicans for your willingness to do things like debate ron desantis on fox news. go into the belly of the beast. as we are looking into the next critical seven months of the campaign what should other democrats learn from that? how do we approach the right wing in the disinformation machine?
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>> you said it. the disinformation machine. so often facts do not matter. you have the weaponization agreements on these anger networks. 24/7 spewing propaganda be one of the strongest economies in our lifetime. one of the most extraordinary records of any president in our lifetime on manufacturing and industrial policy. every single day making profound and consequential announcements about blue-collar workers in the future of the country in the competitive strength and it is not getting the attention because of the propaganda being spewed on the other networks. we have to make people and meet them where they are and we cannot be in denial they are in that space. what i do not want to happen is for that to lead out into other networks. we are responding on their terms. we have to respond on our terms. they want to deny access not just to reproductive care, but the future of women and girls. their life and self- determination. this is profound.
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how can women support donald trump for election this november? i think that is the cause in case we need to make with vigor and passion and purpose because there is profound meaning and consequences if we fall short on that and get into these sideshows that are made as events that advantage trump and not the american people and those that count on us. >> i do have to ask you before i let you go. they speculate you are waiting in the wings to run for president. i know it is not going to happen. you know it is not going to happen but what is fueling that speculation? >> i do not know. i do not think of it as much anymore. i am so proud of the president. it did not surprise me and i know it did not surprise you. that is what he did at the state of the state. calming everybody's nerves. i said to my friend the other day.
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i am his age. we can get into debates around fitness. i would rather have that than those 88 federal criminal counts in front of me, so i feel very good about joe biden's prospects. >> my thanks to governor gavin newsom. coming up. the house passes a massive foreign aid will no thanks to marjorie taylor greene. later. my exclusive conversation with john legend. we are back after a quick break. up to 50% of people with graves' could develop a different condition called thyroid eye disease, which should be treated by a different doctor. see an expert. find a t-e-d eye specialist at they need their lawn back fast and you need scotts turf builder rapid grass. it grows grass 2 times faster than just seed alone. giving you a stronger lawn.
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not say a whole lot. we have some good news out of the united states congress. yesterday the house past four foreign aid bills including aid for ukraine prompting cheers and the chance you can hear of ukraine in the chamber. it happened largely because an apparent revelation earlier this week. house speaker johnson finally came to see vladimir putin as a real threat. >> i can make a selfish decision and do something that is different, but i am doing what i believe to be the right thing. i think providing legal aid to ukraine right now is critically important. i really do believe vladimir putin would continue to march through europe if you were allowed. >> it is the right thing. ukraine does need funding. this is quite a turnaround for the guy who never voted for
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ukraine eight before he was speaker. not after right when they were invaded. not even after ukrainian forces bravely repelled a russian takeover. so what happened here? he says he had a change of heart because of the intelligence briefings. at the same time there are also signs religion played a big role including lobbying from the heads of ukrainian churches in pressure from high-profile baptists. you could call it a form of divine intervention. whatever really prompted him to see the light was not without some bumps along the way. thanks to marjorie taylor greene and others in the maga branch who would rather see rusher prevail. many are also threatening to oust speaker johnson over this because they believe putin's talking points rather than their own leadership. do not take it from me. listen to one of their republican colleagues.>> i guess their reasoning is they want russia to win so badly that they want to oust the speaker over it. a strange position to take.
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i think they want to be in the minority. i think that is an obvious reality. >> here is the obvious reality we learned this week. the majority of the republican conference was apparently so swayed by propaganda that they voted no on the final passage of ukraine funding forcing speaker johnson to rely on democratic help to get his foreign age packages across the finish line. here is the thing. they still hit the pause button because anybody cannot get their ducks in a row. they may have put it best when he said better late than to date. i hope it is not too late for ukraine. coming up we will get an inside look at in evening at john
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legend's house be the artist and activist emphatic sick people into his home to hear the personal experiences with the criminal justice system. in our 1 on 1 conversation he does not hold back when i asked him about former president donald trump. we will be right back. back. because with 3 medicines in 1 inhaler, trelegy keeps my airways open for a full 24 hours and prevents future flare-ups. trelegy also improves lung function, so i can breathe more freely all day and night. trelegy won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. do not take trelegy more than prescribed. trelegy may increase your risk of thrush, pneumonia, and osteoporosis. call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur. ♪ what a wonderful world ♪ [laughing] ask your doctor about once-daily trelegy for copd because breathing should be beautiful, all day and night. are your gutters clogged? cleaning them can be dangerous, mucky, yuck.
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you may have noticed a lot of attention on our criminal justice system lately. we have been talking about it on the show. well he throws about claims about how unfair it is it's important to remember for countless americans the system can actually be very unfair. one of the people working to change that is john legend. about a decade ago he lost the initiative to push for reforms. now he is using a creative medium to spark a change. telling their stories. recently he hosted six people at his home whose lives have been impacted by bail reform for discussion about their experience. here is a part of their story in our discussion about the work he is doing.>> we are all
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innocent until proven guilty. it is not fair that we have a system that relies on you having enough money to pay your rent for freedom. >> i am involved in this movement for about a decade now. >> the work that we did to make sure pretrial freedom was extended to more and more people. it improved real human beings lives and their families lives and made all of our communities safer. >> welcome. >> thank you. >> we want to talk about what freedom feels like and what it means to be with our loved ones. we want to talk about pretrial freedom and bail reform, but personalize it.
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>> say good morning. >> to me it is me being able to not miss a beat on my children. missing time with them is very detrimental, and they really need me. >> being able to make sure the bills are paid. to be able to strategize with my lawyer. you cannot do that behind bars. >> the most important thing in my life right now is change. i am doing pretty good. i have been sober for about a year. thank you. >> i have been affected by having relatives and friends in prison. my mother was incarcerated for a time. so many people are doing these things out of pain and desperation and poverty. everybody has a story like that, so we decide if we want to inflict more harm and punishment or help them heal and grow. >> it is so important. continuing to have this conversation using the language of love and freedom and
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liberation. >> every time i have been incarcerated i come out worse than i have been in, but if you are healed and cannot help the next person you are community will be that much safer. >> everybody is worried about safety. those investments in freedom are actually what is going to make us safer. investing in freedom and human flourishing.>> it is these conversations whether it is in a very small town or a big town . pulling people together and allowing them to listen to each other is freedom. >> joining me now is john legend. thank you for taking the time to sit down with me. >> my pleasure. great to see you and speak with you about this. >> this is pretty personal to you. all of the work you have done.
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informing the public. storytelling. tell me more about her personal connection and why you got involved in this work. >> growing up in springfield, ohio i had many family members that interacted with the criminal justice system. some of them in prison and some in jail. my mother spent time in jail. when we talk about pretrial freedom and reforming the way we think about punishment and our legal system. it really does hit home. >> you have been working on this for years now. you are not new to this issue. why is this such a disconnect about this issue? >> the reason we care so much is because our jails and of housing so many people, and they are not set up to make people's lives better. what ends up happening is people who are innocent until proven guilty. in our system everybody knows that if you watch law and order or the life
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and times of donald trump. you notice he is not spending time in jail before he goes to trial. we all know that, but what happens when folks cannot afford bail is they have the language in jail until their case. i what ends up happening is we get kind of ruled by the anecdote. the near post will run a story or fox news will run a story. they will say this one person got out of jail on bail, and they did this crime. the actual numbers and data is resoundingly clear that folks that benefit from pretrial
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freedom do not go out and commit more crimes. >> the just showed a clip of a part of the gathering that you hosted. >> we worked with a group that gathered these folks from all around the country. we had a gathering at my house. we wanted to really humanize the positive effects of pretrial freedom and making sure people understood the stories that were attached to that in the families that were attached to that. >> one of the things that you hear from trump supporters is that he signed the first day back in 2018. what you say to people who say he would be an ally. >> he has not been an ally. the first step back was fine. it was a very small reform. to be honest most of the reform we need is on the local and state level because most incarceration is local and state in most of the laws that end up being criminally
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enforced our local and state laws. that being said at the same time he is claiming credit for those small things. also saying if people are stealing something they should get a shot in the middle of the store. when we protested the killing of george floyd he was advocating for the military to shoot us in the streets. he has made it clear throughout his life that he believes that black people are inferior. he believes it to his core in his bones. he would not let us live in his buildings back in the day. also when you hear some of the stray comments he makes. he clearly believes in a genetic hierarchy of humanity and is racially determined raci in the core of his being he is a racist. i do not want to hear what he
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has to say about what he has done for black people. he has done very little for us. he is at his core truly a racist. even when he talks about immigration. they are all very white. >> that is true. something pretty universal. i know you were active on the campaign trail. you have a lot on your plate. are you going to be campaigning for joe biden? >> the will get out there probably later in the year as it gets close to people making a decision. i think the choice is very clear. there is a lot that has been set up an agent all of these other things. they are both old, but one of them is a really decent man who has done a lot to improve lives in this country, and that is joe biden, and that is who i'm going to be voting for.>> my
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thanks for a great conversation and all of the work he is doing on criminal justice reform. that does it for me today. our new book is out may 7 the book tour is coming to a city near you. new york city is up first. i will have more on who is joining for that and we will put up the full schedule on our social media pages. stay right where you are because there is much more news coming up on msnbc. i bought the team! kevin...? i bought the team! i put it on my chase freedom unlimited card. and i'm gonna' cashback on a few other things too... starting with the sound system! curry from deep. that's caaaaaaaaash. i prefer the old intro! this is much better! i don't think so! steph, one more thing... the team owner gets five minutes a game. cash bros?
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