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tv   Alex Witt Reports  MSNBC  April 21, 2024 12:00pm-1:00pm PDT

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we have more religious freedom today than we did even 20 years ago. they are not actually fact- based fears but, man, when you have rapid changes in society, it is easy for a strongman like trump to come on stage and take advantage of that fear and say, don't worry, i'm going to protect you. i'm going to make christiana greed again which is what he said a few weeks ago. and it works. he's playing on fear. he's playing on anger and those grievances that were long seated decades ago are now coming to fruition in this space where certain people think, yes, we might have to take violent measures to be able to protect our way of life. that is, i want to say clearly and i point out in the book, not what christianity teaches. >> well, yes. this is why want to ask you this question. this question. ask you this question. how is it that a man like donald trump or does not embody or let me put it this way, he
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embodies the antithesis of most of their religious teachings. how has he been able to drill down into this and capture this audience? >> it is kind of stunning. i think some of the answer is that we clearly -- and i say we as the evangelical christian community, lacked deep roots in our faith. we lacked turning to god when we got scared or trusting in god as opposed to trusting in ed man in scripture talks over and over again about choosing to a trust the lord when we have difficulties or grievances. too many of us have decided to put our hope and trust in a man. for some. not everybody. there are some that they came out to be messy. they talk about their salvation
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in terms of donald trump, which is blasphemous. the idolatry of politics has , been around for a long time before trump and since it was never uprooted, it has been allowed to grow and kind of go wild. that's how you have so many people who do not see the cognitive dissonance there. and that is concerning. as part of the reason i wrote the book. i felt it's important as a christian to call this out, that these beliefs do motivate circus people to move to violence. we need to for sure draw a straight line that violence is not an option but also start uprooting the lies and i trawl a tree and getting back to the heart of the fifth. >> it's extraordinary what you put into writing this book. can you leverage, the rise of extremism in the past but the piece pretty good luck with that. it is an important message. it's very good to see you, too. have missed you. the nbc news poll with one
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specific surprise result. how it might change the campaign in the glare of the spotlight for some of the fixtures. it's too hot. what of those make the cut. a day to all of you from the world headquarters here in new york. welcome. donald trump on trial in less than 24 hours, returning to the defendant sharon in manhattan criminal courtroom. judge marchand will roll on prior bad acts that the prosecutors could bring up a prosecutors take the stand and he has many case. and after, the first witness will be called to give testimony against him. the identity of the witnesses the source of intense speculation today. prosecutors agreed to give defense lawyers one witness name only if it did not share it with trump. happening tomorrow, a hearing
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on the $175 million bond that trump posted to appeal his civil judgment he could be forced to come up with cash or find a new bond company. robbed of his first chance to write on the weekend, court, on the stormy weather comes along. s >> after what we have been calling every week for former president trump now had an even stronger weekend. this was said -- set to be his first campaign rally since the start of his criminal trial. it was going to be taking place in wilmington, north carolina. a pivotal swing state. he nearly carried it in 2020 and it will be a key piece of the puzzle to an electoral path to victory. he was supposed to walk out two- stage at this other rally in wilmington with hundreds of fans ready to come out on stage. instead, announcing on the loudspeakers that do to the
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inclement weather here would be canceling and hopefully rescheduling for the future. listen to part of that announcement. >> there seems to be some thunder and lightning and it's a pretty big storm. if you don't mind, i think we will have to just do a rain check. i'm so upset. i'm in north carolina right now and waiting to go in, but the weather is really getting bad, really, really getting bad, so we have to rely on the weather service and some of the officials. i just want to thank -- i'm so sorry but we will do it again. we will do it bigger and better, you have my promise. >> it's not atypical for trump and other candidates to host their big campaign events on the weekend. what i do want to note as significant is the fact that as we know in many ways, trump is not a normal candidate. specifically as he is -- in terms of what his schedule
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looks like. every monday, tuesday, thursday and friday, he will be in a courtroom in manhattan, not able to be out across the country campaigning and winning over some more like a normal candidate would be doing. this was the singular rally event of the week and they got canceled due to an uncontrollable factor. that's the tight rope he is walking well-being in court in front of you on the trail, as well. >> you never know, it can happen again. a headline in the new york times highlighting intense days in a glaring spotlight for jurors in the hush money trial. here is what one excused juror told my colleague. >> what was it like answering questions including some about trump as he is sitting 30 feet from you? >> it was odd. to see them in person is very jarring. and you get the sense that it's like oh, this is just another guy and also he sees me talking about him, which is bizarre. >> did add another level of nervousness or tension that you
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felt with him sitting there? >> i think so. it made the whole thing feel more real. >> jordan now, and a state attorney from florida and near court reporter with the washington post. i welcome you both. dave, what is your sense of the fallout for not just prospective jurors who have brief experiences in the courtroom with trump, but also the jurors who are now going to come face-to-face with him over the next six weeks or so? >> it is imposing for these jurors but that's the beauty of our system. ordinary americans, a jury of his peers that get to decide his fate and he can complain all he wants outside to sycophants, the right-wing media, has audiences but inside the courtroom, the judge is in charge and the jury makes the final decision. i think it's an impressive feat
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for the judge, so quickly with jury selection. a lot of people did not think it would happen this fast but you don't need to find empty vessels or blank slates. you can have people who have impressions about trump. you have to promise under oath that they can set them aside, be fair and impartial and full of the evidence and the law. >> you make a point. this time last week, we talked about the potential for two weeks of selected juries here. i know you've written about how there trying in the new york courthouse before. it has been a spectacle. what can you tell us about the steps being taken to protect jurors and witnesses? >> what we know the judge is doing to protect witnesses and jurors is that he is keeping the jury's name anonymous. we sat there for an entire week listening to the life story of many people who were jury
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candidates, and there was at one point, he made a request of us, you know, the press covering the trial to refrain from reporting any specific details about where the jurors work or previously worked because that was proven to be somewhat identifying. it was, in the judge's impression, becoming a problem. he is both trying to keep these people anonymous, although they do seem to be under instructions in the courthouse on their own sometimes. they have court officers pick them up off-site. that doesn't seem like what's happening. there bring themselves to the courthouse, but there's also the witnesses who are going to have extra security, going to have the security detail coming in and out at the very least.
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the judge is going out of his way to make sure everyone involved in this case is safe, or as safe as they can be. >> the times today's raising the question, will a mountain of evidence be enough to convince -- convict trump, meaning they're asking prosecutors that if a husband hired hitman to kill his wife, the husband is just as guilty as the man who killed the trigger. do you think it is a slamdunk case for the prosecution? >> not a slamdunk but i do think it's a strong case. you have michael cohen, transformer fixer at the center of this. he knows where the bodies are buried and there is corroboration. although trump will call him a convicted perjure her and he did go down the line but he was lying for donald trump and he got others like the former head of the national enquirer who will corroborate. he will be the first witness tomorrow. that will be a powerful witness. plus a trump loyalist who is supposed to corroborate cohen's
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testimony. you don't have to prove election interference. you have to show that there was a falsification of a business record that led to committing another crime like a campaign crime. as long as they show that he knew about what was going on and he knew what was going on than he should go down for this. >> you saw in the new york times article that david would be the first witness. we cannot verify that but it's something we can go with at this point, attributing it to the new york times. while trump sits in for the hush money trial tomorrow, another judge will hear an application to reject the $175 million bond in the civil fraud judgment. how close are these courtrooms? is there any chance that trump ducks into this court? could that happen? >> that's an interesting question. it's a two minute walk down center street. i don't think he can do that
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even if he wanted to because he is required to be at the criminal trial in the world. that would really irk judge marchand if he decided to come in late to spend time over at the other courthouse. >> you're right. i probably would not go over too well. the first order of business tomorrow is judge marchand's ruling on the so-called sandoval hearing. if trump takes the stand, prosecutors want to ask him about the e. jean carroll defamation and sexual abuse cases as well as the former fraud judgment. what are you hearing about trump's claim that he wants to testify? does he really want to do it? >> not a chance. he has said this in other cases. the e. jean carroll case. he said this about the mueller report. he does not testify. is not going to testify. was hearing that will determine what prosecutors can use against trump, it's like asking, how would you spend $1 billion if you were a billionaire? i would say it doesn't matter because i'm not a billionaire and i'm not going to become
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one. that's why this whole thing is for not. it's for him to show his supporters that he is tough and aggressive and he will tell the truth, but mark my words, when it comes down to it, his lawyers will say no, my client passes and you will not be testifying. >> on tuesday, the judge will hear the contempt violations of the gag order. how will that play out and will the jury be in the room for that? >> the jury will definitely not be in the room for that. it's unclear how that's going to play out. at this point, prosecutors are alleging that there are 10 violations and i have not been following his truth social this weekend but it's possible that there's even more since then. these are incessant possible potential violations of the order. mentioned here or there, retreating, reposting stories about michael coll and and
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stormy daniels. trump appears to be testing the judge and the order. violated in the civil case for sort of dancing the line posts and whatnot, posts and comments. it remains to be seen whether the judge will drop the hammer on him. but it is definitely -- he is definitely testing the judge's patience at this point. >> a lot of us were watching how he might riff, what he said last night. if you would go out there at the rally and how many more violations he could have garnered doing that but of course, that was canceled due to the weather. witness wise, who do you think poses the greatest threat to donald trump? or a threat to donald trump? a lot of people say michael cullen. you have referenced him as well. david becker has got the goods.
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if stormy daniels were to testify, you've also mentioned hope hicks before. do all of these folks have good reason to make trump nervous? >> david becker was a trump loyalist. part of not just this scheme but other hush money payment schemes. to the karen mcdougal case, the doorman trying to sell a story about trump fathering a child out of wedlock which was false. you can set the stage for this not being a one-off that trump of course knew because it was a pattern. i still think that it's my ctv here. she continues to be a loyalist to donald trump. she was in the room when it happened on air force one steaming has close while trump was still wearing them. she has no reason to lie. she hears things and to me it is surprising that she will testify but according to reports, she testified already before the grand jury and testify truthfully. it looks like she will be a key corroborating witness for
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michael:. >> could have gone all day without mentioning hope hicks steaming has close while wearing them. thanks so much. anything to see both of you. thank you both. the marjorie taylor greene wing of the republican party are ready to exercise one power they have. but how? that's next in 90 seconds. seco. getting a brick and mortar in new york is not easy. chase ink has supported us from studio one to studio three. when you start small, you need some big help. and chase ink was that for me. earn up to 5% cash back on business essentials with the chase ink business cash card from chase for business. make more of what's yours. wanna know a secret? more than just my armpits stink. that's why i use secret whole body deodorant... everywhere. 4 out of 5 gynecologists would recommend whole body deodorant, which gives you 72 hour odor protection from your pits to your- (sfx: deoderant being sprayed) secret whole body deodorant.
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instrument developing the soured, long stalled military aid is the closest it has been to getting out of congress to our allies. the senate this week will likely vote on the $95 billion package which includes assistance for ukraine, israel and taiwan. despite the bipartisan victory, threats within the republican party to remove mike johnson as speaker are growing. today, several house democrats showed their support for how the speaker handled this. >> i give him credit for doing this. i would actually vote to table any motion to vacate him. >> we've had the patient's running the insane asylum. so you know, i really have to give credit where credit is due. it doesn't mean i will save his speakership, but i appreciate that the speaker decided to stand up and do what a speaker is supposed to do. >> what marjorie taylor greene and thomas massey and paul goes-
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r are trying to accomplish by removing the speaker of the house in this very moment after october 7th would only embolden china, russia, iran. a brand-new nbc news poll is out today. it shows joe biden slimming donald trump slid down to two points. 46% to 44 among registered voters which is of the margin of error. in the same paul, biden holds a 15 point advantage over trump on the issue of handling abortion and is ahead by nine points on his ability to bring the country together. trump leads on inflation, the daily cost of living and having mental and physical health to be president. reporters and analysts in place with all the latest developments ready to go for you. julie, another welcome to you, my friend. where does the threat level for his speakership stand today? >> listening to democrats that you just played, it's going to be okay, but the repointing republicans trying to oust him, they keep bringing it up.
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even if democrats to step up and stave him, he is weekend as a speaker. cannot do his job effectively. all that being said after they put aid to ukraine on the floor. hard to see him regaining that credibility with a small faction of republicans. there is a much larger faction of moderate republicans of those who might not even be considered moderate, conservative republicans who see what can do it by putting a it on the floor, working with democrats is the only path forward, especially what he has such a slim majority, just one seat. i want you to listen to the sound from marjorie taylor greene who threatens johnson and following mike mccall, the former relations chairman who defends him. >> is absolutely working for the democrats, passing the biden administration's agenda. this is a speakership that is completely over with. it's only mike johnson who is trying to hang onto it and is
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incomplete denial. >> when the motion to vacate is threatened every week in congress, it's being abused. we need to fix that. it's a tool that's being abused by the minority when the majority of my conference don't agree with them. >> alex, briefly here, remember how this came about. it was kevin mccarthy who actually changed the house rules to make it easier for anyone member to throw the speaker out to get the gavel in the first place. that was until he met with some conservative hardliners. what mccall is talking about there was going back to how the rules used to be. you need at least five members to make the effort happen. that's how it has been historically. members can change and set their own rules. they will see if there's enough support on both sides of the aisle. johnson did so last week it's not something he plans to do after he was cornered on the house for just a couple of feet away from me by a group of conservatives threatening him not to do that. alex. >> stay with us. i want to bring in eugene
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daniels, co-author of the politico playbook. it's good to see you. your colleagues wrote that johnson could, quote, weather the storm even if critics say he may be able to keep his gavel the rest of the term. a growing group of republican say he wants the speaker next year anyway. i know we heard from marjorie taylor greene. who is right after this ukraine vote? let's take a listen to what she said. >> this is the first betrayal. they did this bull -- here on the floor. third package that does nothing for america. i do not support johnson. he is a lame duck. if we had voted in our conference he would not be speaker today. >> is marjorie taylor greene right? is the speakership over? >> i don't know if it's over, but i don't know how it's going
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to be. the votes in person. the question is who would it be? who would actually be able to get a majority of folks in congress, not just republicans or democrats, you have to get the majority of the folks putting at the time. it's unclear who marjorie taylor greene or paul goes-r, who they would say could get those votes. name names, obviously. i will say those moderates and conservatives that julie was talking about are people who do not want the next person. however the next person would be is unclear to them. that's why we see democrats starting to say hey, we might save this guy. we have a motion to table. might not come to lower the threshold. these are the maneuvers that democrats are talking about right now. two people really matter here. it's not marjorie taylor greene. it's hakeem jeffries who will tell democrats whether or not
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they will save johnson and also donald trump. if he stays out of it the way he is doing right now and does not tell people to get rid of mike johnson, then he can probably survive this whether or not he can be speaker again is up in the air. >> let's say they vote to save him, but what if the vote keeps going and going and going like we have seen happen a couple times before now. if it goes beyond one vote, to the step up? and the democrats say to them, we are going to continue supporting you, or do they say we will let you have your chaos. we will let you show the american people what you're doing. what is your best guess? >> what will happen first and foremost is if there is a motion on the floor, there will be a republican who offers a motion to table that is killed when the effort comes out. that's where democrats would
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come into quote save him. they could also just vote and say presence. that's an option that we have, too. what result and kevin mccarthy was kicked out, democrats voted with the eight republicans to kick him out but it's a very different relationship that they had with mccarthy than they have with johnson. they really do feel like johnson is somebody they can work with. they really did not know much about him. those that did had pretty good relationships with him. the democrats i talked to at least had told me that. if this happens on the floor, which by the way, this trio of republicans, i don't know about marjorie taylor greene but certainly ghosts are and massey want to avoid this happening on the floor. it's bad for the base. it's total chaos. it's a circus. they know what happened in the fall when hakeem jeffries kept getting more votes than any republican candidate did the -- and they would probably rather do this behind closed doors. your question to have democrats put up again and again would be completely untenable for the party this close to an election. republicans want to kick him
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out but prefer for him to resign, throwing his hat, similar to what john bader did when he was speaker. it does not look like he will do that. they can hash this out in private. to eugene's point, i've asked many of them, who do you want to see become speaker? none of them can give me a definitive answer. >> i do want to pivot and ask you about tik-tok, the man expected to pass in the senate. it would take up to a year to actually ban the app. cut public pressure have an impact here? you got the aclu and others banning together. do you think they will band to come from? >> we've seen it in the house. i think some of those more libertarian in the senate right now would say they don't want to do something like that. because it sets a dangerous
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precedent. kind of talking about partnering with the aclu and some republicans, far left progressives and democrats all teaming up saying this is not something want to do. not just to add to that, but obviously something that the white house and congress need to stop and not do. whether or not the public pressure worked for the house, it's hard to see how it works for the senate. you hear the people in there is that public pressure. what they are saying is this is not a band. we are not trying to ban it. we just want the divestment from china. we don't want china involved in the app. they have all this time for someone to buy it if this were to go through this. president biden has already said he would sign it. everyone seems full steam ahead. a lot of folks are on the same page. this is the public pressure. you have a lot of young people: congress and send some wild things to them. but also imploring them not to vote yes on the bill.
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that didn't work. it's unclear if that would work on the white house or on the senate. >> we shall see. thank you both. one of the biggest surprises in the new poll on the 2024 race for the white house. what it is and our reaction. r. . for one and done heartburn relief, prilosec otc. one pill a day, 24 hours, zero heartburn. weeds... they have you surrounded. take your lawn back! with scotts turf builder triple action! it gets three jobs done at once - kills weeds. prevents crabgrass. and keeps it growing strong. download the my lawn app today for lawn care tips and customized plans. feed your lawn. feed it. you know what's brilliant? boring. think about it. boring is the unsung catalyst for bold. what straps bold to a rocket and hurtles it into space? boring does. boring makes vacations happen, early retirements possible, and startups start up.
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dormant tragedy in michigan is a suspected drunk driver crashed into a child's birthday party, killing two siblings, just 8 and 5 years old. injuring a dozen more with life- threatening injuries. we are joined now by maggie vespa. horrible story. what do we know about the driver and the victims? >> we will start with the victims. it's those numbers the drive home how extraordinary and horrifying this story is. we just got photos in the last
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hour. this is the first time we're showing them of the two siblings her family says were killed at that birthday party yesterday at this one boat club in newport, michigan. it's about a half hour south of detroit. the little girls name is lana, 8. the little boy's name is zane. he is 5. there was a brother and sister there for a friend's birthday party. you can see in the photos their older brother and their mom. the family say they were at the party. they are in critical condition at this time. they are among the wounded. also making the rounds on the internet, which confronted the sheriff's office that this is authentic. on surveillance video of investigators say the driver speeding down the street towards the boat club. an event space in this rural michigan town. you see a puff of smoke off camera when they say she crashed into it, plowing 25
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feet into that child's birthday party, hitting at least 15 people inside. the sheriff held an emotional press conference last night. here is part of what he said. >> the 66-year-old female driver of the vehicle who will not be identified at this time has been taken into police custody for operating while intoxicated, and causing death. the scene was described by first responders as extremely chaotic with high level of emotions of those directly involved in those who witnessed this horrific incident. >> that kind of chaotic emotional element you're talking about, we purr that echoed from so many neighbors. almost everyone we've talked to has been either crying or on the verge of tears. a lot of those neighbors either saw what was happening where
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they heard what happened and they came running, just to find other mayhem inside the building. frankly, people pulling children and babies out from under the suv. you can imagine that will stick with everyone here. you heard the sheriff say last night this has not changed. a 66-year-old woman, who they are not identifying at this time. they were listed initial charges, same mark charges are likely coming. when asked by reporters, the sheriff said locally -- they've not confirmed as much at this point, but they do believe the woman was at a tavern earlier in the day and they planned it to execute a search warrant at the tavern which they did not name as part of this investigation. a lot more information to come in this case, but suffice to say this will shock no one that the emotional impact and tragedy that is weighing on everyone here is a man's and mind blowing at this point. >> is there any idea how fast she was traveling? she looked like she was barreling into that space.
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>> reporter: they do not have an idea at this point. there were clear last night that we are still in the initial phases and reiterated how many times -- and we know this with big investigations, they've got to interview somebody witnesses, talk to so many family members. you saw how fast she was going in that video. we were just there at the scene. that is a side street. that's a rural kind of neighborhood road. a lot of it is dirt. you can see there is dust flying up behind her. there are homes along the road. there's not a lot else there. this is a rural, low-key area. you can tell from the video she was barreling through. we have to see specifically how fast she was going but obviously striking. >> this is a horrible story, but thank you very much for bringing it to us and making us aware. the donald trump tactics that he may use to try to sway the jury. we will be joined straightahead to break down more on the trump
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trial so far. far.
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a big day tomorrow in new york is 12 manhattan jurors and six alternates will return to the courtroom to hear opening statements in the hush money case against donald trump. meanwhile, a new nbc poll is out today with fascinating data
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that could provide president biden with a bit of news. joining me now, reverend al sharpton, host of politics nation and president of the national action network and someone i love claiming to be a good friend of mine. we will get to the pole in just a second. first, donald trump was in your hometown court this week. the city where he rose to fame. there are no cameras in this courtroom, but donald trump cannot escape the spectacle. what are you making of all of it? >> i think the one is his natural inclination to turn everything into a showpiece for him. that's part of his narcissism, but i also think it's a strategy where he is trying to provoke a mistrial, or set up some level of a legal argument for a mistrial. if he can get the judge to respond in a way that would be over the line in engaging back and forth with him, all of this can add to an appeal if, in
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fact, he is convicted of any of these 34 accounts. you always have to look for the showmanship of donald trump, but you also have to look for the underhanded strategy that he is always thinking of how he can outsmart someone. i don't think he is a smart as he is slick. >> has he always been that way, always, since you've known him? you've known him for a while. >> i've known him probably 35 years. wrestled with him, he's always trying to be friendly. he's always looking for the angle. he's always upping the shaman, but i shaman that had his own and that he wanted to see. he can get to, and you can't underestimate. he doesn't see anyone as a friend or foe but someone to try to find how he can manipulate them, their vulnerabilities. that should never ever not into your mind when you are in
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engagement with donald trump. >> 12 manhattan jurors and six alternates. it's a cross-section of the city, they are the ones deciding donald trump's fate. was the reaction of potential jurors what you would have expected for your fellow new yorkers? and do you believe trump can get a fair hearing from these jurors that were chosen? >> i do think you can get a fair hearing. reactions given the normal intensity of the media coverage and the intensity of people on both sides of the whole question of do you like donald trump, do you think donald trump is good for the country now? i think it was expected. we have seen high profile juries in new york for everyone from people like bernie madoff all the way to mod bosses. this is the first time in american history lives in a former president put on criminal
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trial. tomorrow morning is the first time there will be an official opening with opening remarks, opening statements, a prosecutor charging a former president with a crime and should not be any way of ducking the gravity of that. >> super historic. trump was supposed to have the rally last night in north carolina. it would have been his first chance to campaign since the trial began. of course, it was washed out due to the weather. his only campaign appearance was in a bodega in new york which maggie haberman described as more of a stop for a merrill candidate than someone running for president. how is this trial impacting his campaign? could trump just focus on campaigning in new york and in this area on his days off? could that be a good political move for him here? >> i think he is caged in, and he will try to get as much media
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attention as he can. the bodega stop was certainly media attention. he was supposed to be going to see and men in his situation in new york that plays to his hole defending, people that had been allegedly subjected to a crime. so i think he's going to try, and every way he can, to keep the media attention on him as well as keep the attention away from the trial, so it was double-barreled friend. take the media from court on center street, bring them somewhere and that's up in that part of harlem and at the same time, trying to underscore his empathy for who he feels are victims. you could tell it was done so somberly and readily that the guy wasn't even there. and even get a flight back from the dominican republic. it did not matter to trump.
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what mattered to him was the cameras would be there and he could play that like he had a good reception and he was handing out for -- standing up for something good. >> this poll shows a striking phenomenon. when you're out of the third party vote. especially rfk jr. the two- point lead that trampled over biden actually flips with five candidates in the race. biden is the one with the two- point advantage, still within the margin of error. nbc notes this finding contrasts with conventional political wisdom as well as results from national polls suggesting that a bigger third- party voters biden more. what do you think the biden campaign can glean from this? >> i think they could be very unsafe ground to say that kennedy, because of his views, anti-vaccine or his financial supporters are per trump, that he may in fact end up hurting
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trump more than he would hurt biden, particularly when a large amount of the kennedy family has come out for biden. and some even making some very strong statements against robert kennedy. so what was intended by some that are supporting robert kennedy if not kennedy himself, it was intended to try to hurt biden. it might in fact backfire big time. >> okay. everyone can watch you on politics nation weekends at 5:00 right here on msnbc. an hour and 10 minutes in front of the screen to watch you then. see you soon. >> the ultimate split screen. trump and a manhattan courtroom and joe biden and battleground states. what is likely to win over more voters next. voters next. hot air balloon ride? swim with elephants? wait, can we afford a safari? great question. like everything, it takes a little planning. or, put the money towards a down-payment...
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the presidential race this week. a biden ally calling it the best kind of split screen. in the key battleground state, but picked up a big endorsement from the kennedy family, while witnessing trump in the courtroom for his criminal trial reportedly dozing off at times. we are joined from our correspondent amy barnes. trump sitting in the courtroom and she is effectively limited to campaigning on weekends. he canceled his first rally last night during the trial due to bad weather. biden with the electoral map largely to himself, can trump gain any traction outside his base as he plays victim and complains about the appearance he holds outside the courthouse? >> it will be really tough for him to do. at the same time, this is a guy who is good at marketing and branding and he is good at and media. i think they're counting on the fact that they can be wherever
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and they will be covered wherever. i think when you talk to trump allies, they say that this place to their favor and people can kind of see what a political show this is and that they can make out of it. when i talked about in allies allison brightman campaign officials last week, they were feeling good about where they were. of course, not going to talk about where they were publicly. the think that they can be out on the trail alongside the kennedy clan getting a huge endorsement and that this was planning to their favor. >> you mentioned this because biden strategist say you're not going to hear a peep from the president about donald trump's trial. three reasons for it. they want to avoid any hint of meddling in the prosecution. they want to let trump hurt himself all by himself and they want to continue talking about trumping unfit for office without directly talking about the trial. do you think it is a wise
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approach or not? >> it is. you hear from a lot of democratic officials behind the scenes who say maybe he should get out there and hit a little bit more, that he should be a little more aggressive on saying look, this guy -- look at all the criminal counts. look at what this is. that can speak to the democracy point they're trying to push so hard lately. they did in the last cycle, as well. i think that their strategy is smart to a lot of people. let him implode. let this speak for itself. the best thing they can do is nothing. they can let everything plowed by itself and that is sort of where they are right now. i would not expect to see the president going out there right now. it has been a strategy to get out of the way. every time they came out, they did not say anything publicly. i think this will continue to be the way they run. >> it out of the way and stay above the fray basically. let me ask one more question
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about the latest article pre- read about the young voters, a key area of concern for the biden campaign. a new poll has the president leading trump by just one point among people aged 18 to 24. what is your take away ian daugherty think this is coming from? >> i think the big thing here is the economy. you are seeing it across the board, not just with young voters, but with hispanic voters and across the board that this is the big issue people care about. why am i paying more right now as opposed to four years ago? the biden campaign is going to have to address that had on and tackle that if they want to make some traction with some of these younger voters. when you look at apples to apples, there's slipping. the key demographics. they love to say they have a big tent, that the hispanic voters are from, african- american voters, young voters. all of these groups have slept.
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not so much that the former president has gained on these voters but that biden's support has left. he will have to address this head-on and talk about the future because elections are about the future and not just the past. but what he is going to do about it if he is elected again. >> okay, good to see you. thank you so much. why some republicans in a key swing state are abandoning the election. what they are focusing on instead. we have some insight. next. ht. next. you know, i a loof time thinking about dirt. at three in the morning. any time of the day. what people don't know is that not all dirt is the same.
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we're getting some inclusive insights to dental political groups who have endorsed nikki haley and then i'll have some decisions to make. one group, americans for prosperity, says their decision is not to decide. they do not plan to make a new endorsement in the presidential race. instead focusing on down ballot races. emma barnett caught up with the group ceo, a top advisor in pennsylvania. this is interesting. this group is already knocking on doors before the pennsylvania primary has even happened. what is the motivation to get out early and how do they avoid the trump question? >> for afp, it's not as much about avoiding the trump question. but refocusing on these down ballot races. in pennsylvania, americans for prosperity endorsed dave mccormick, a republican candidate running against u.s. democratic senator bob casey.
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there is a primary on tuesday but neither of these gentlemen are facing a competitive race. they are viewing this general election. they're using it as an opportunity to go doorknocking ahead of the general election is this golden opportunity. afp started doorknocking april 1st. seven months before november 5th with the goal of knocking on more than 1 million doors. i had the opportunity to have an exclusive conversation with the ceo and president of afp as well as a senior advisor for afp in pennsylvania. they talked to me about the goal of courting these swing voters. listen to what they had to say. >> some of the voters we are talking to don't like either of the choices at the top of the ticket. it's causing them to be a little disengaged because a lot of what they read about in this
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election cycle is only focused on the presidential race. we see it is our job to help them see that their voices matter in senate and house races across the country, as well. >> there is save bowls. we are thinking about those in the middle that are open to talking policy, talking about the ideas. >> she refers to them as those key independent voters who will help decide the election in pennsylvania. i had the opportunity to observe afp doorknocking on thursday and it was fascinating to hear them have conversations with voters who are totally dissuaded by the top of the ticket, but who are starting to become interested in the down ballot races. that's exactly what this is, the opportunity to engage early and get people interested in those senate races. >> so interesting, thanks for sharing. that's it for me on this edition. we will be back next sunday. msnbc plan weekend is next. weekend is next.


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