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tv   Ayman  MSNBC  May 5, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT

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don't go anywhere, next we have more news. how are you? >> i was fascinated by that conversation you're having because we are going to talk about the fact that we are six months out and part of me says, i understand, so not everyone is engaged or following everything in the political discourse so closely, but then i'm reminded by the fact that the republican nominee is an authoritarian, four times indicted candidate refuses to
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admit whether or not he is going to concede the election. how is this guy still so close in the race? i can't explain it. >> the other thing is that he is at 46% and that is his ceiling. the real question is, and i'm sure you'll get into this in your show, can president biden make up the ground in his seeming lack of support? there is more than the polls register. >> it becomes more crystallized what's at stake for our democracy. there's too much at stake, too much to lose this time around. great to see you. enjoy your evening off, and good evening, tonight. we are now six months from the
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greatest and most important test of our democracy. if it survives depends on you, the voter. congresswoman dean on the demand that by the do more to stop the war in gaza. israel shatters al jazeera's operation in israel. their managing director is here. let's do it. we are officially six months from the most consequential election of our time. donald trump through a private donor event last night at mar-a- lago and compared the biden white house to the secret police force of nazi germany, calling it a gestapo administration. that's precious in the wake of his bombshell time magazine interview where he outlined his
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ambitions for a second term which includes mass deportation of immigrants, sending the national guard to city struggling with crime, and stacking his cabinet with election deniers. we get it. this whole, i know you are but what am i thing is not surprising. it's not new. we know that trump is a master of deception, a master of projection, as well. it's a sad state of affairs, when six months to an election, the front runners are labeling the other authoritarian. it's not trump. as the new york times reports, a change of a second trump turn -- term feel so real that many are wondering where he might go if he wins. portugal, says a former member of congress and australia says a former agency director.
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canada, says a biden administration official, france, says liberal columnist, poland, says the former investigator. a lot of this is gallows humor but some of these people are serious and they have every right to be. a slight 46% to 44% lead over president biden, and in that same poll, 64% of registered voters say they are interested in the upcoming election. that's the lowest number in nearly 20 years. even if trump loses, we know, and his cronies know, that they will not accept it. they did not last time, so why would they now? here's his daughter-in-law and the rnc co-chair going after mail-in voting in nevada earlier today. >> i see that the rnc and the trump campaign are filing a lawsuit in a battleground state
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to stop counting ballots past election day. >> you can have ballots counted after elections are over. we want election day to be the last day those ballots can be counted. the mac then you have this guy, south carolina senator, tim scott, doug burgum, who are both leading contenders for trump's vp and he refused to commit to accepting a 2024 results and won't admit what happened in 2020, that donald trump lost. >> will you accept the election results of 2024? >> i look forward to donald trump as president. >> i believe that joe biden won the election, because of covid there was a huge number of irregularities because we changed a bunch of rules in certain precincts. >> we pressed tim scott six times to answer that question.
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both of those are in contention, with election day in six months we should ask ourselves how it's possible how this race is even a dead heat. a deeper question, they have a very realistic shot at the white house. we have a penalty kick off the show. a former gop communications director. this gestapo comment from trump, again, not a surprise. he knows no lows with how he talks about our political leaders and our system but is this really the narrative, is it done with a specific tactic in mind?
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>> we know that donald trump is the master of projection. he always does this, he accuses his opponent or critics of the exact same thing he's doing, so what this does is that it inoculates his followers from the attack and he will repeat it over and over again because most of them have no idea what he's actually accusing his opponent of. he bragged about low information voters. they are fed this flow of lies, constantly. repetition creates reality and perception is reality. that's why trump does this. he knows these are legitimate and he attacks his opponent. this won't work, i don't think.
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the people who decide this election. a couple of percentage points of people, this nonsense from trump, i don't think they will believe that, but unfortunately , those behaviors are normalized . this is not the time to shrug it off, okay? we cannot normalize what trump is telling us. it dictators will lie about what they've done and will tell you the truth. we need to believe them and trump is telling us every day and we need to believe in. >> we see this very embarrassing, humiliating way, had donald trump's conditioning the nominees he will select. a handful of potential trump vps include folks like marco rubio, tim scott, doug birdman, this
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unhinged private donor event, when you see how they debase themselves at some point or the other. a part of being, the crowd of sycophants. all of these are a requirement and the consequence is next time around, you might not have mike pence, who gives the democracy away forever. >> this is a litmus test, right? making sure the issues he faced with mike pence in terms of not anointing a loser of the election, he is making sure it doesn't happen. they are doing this charade where they have to basically
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prove themselves as supplicants to trump. tim scott did it today and he refused to answer six separate times and it's a sad state of the republican party that they would not accept any results of elections where they do not win but that is what you have to do. tim scott knows he has to go out there and debase himself and it's a race to the bottom with everybody else. there is no deaths, in terms of what depth these people will go to, to prove themselves loyal to the guy. >> it may not move the needle and you know this better than i do but if you play enough for democrats, you'll hopefully get some democrat who may want to
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get this election out, who may not feel the risk is as serious as we all think and believe it to be. that is who you need to target in the selection to make sure the folks on the democratic side are not passive and just sit this out thinking the other side are normal people and we can survive four more years of trump. >> correct. it's not only does democrats but it's also, we call them the bannon line republicans, nikki haley, those who are uncomfortable with the direction the party has gone in but they look at the democrat and don't like what's going on over there, either. they could feel disenfranchised and we cannot afford that either. particularly, with moderate women. women, the rights of women's bodily autonomy and what's happening with a woman's right to choose, this has become a major issue for moderate women, and the fathers of daughters
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looking at what's going on and i'm not comfortable with a donald trump presidency or republicans are trying to do with my daughters rights and healthcare. these are the people that decide this election, wisconsin, arizona, north carolina, michigan, elena, these are the people who will decide and i cautioned folks not to get discouraged when they see the polling. six months out, all kinds of things could happen and most americans are not paying attention. they are living their lives and not paying attention to things the way that we are but there is a responsibility and i'm glad president biden did this saturday for the media to make sure they continue, and you guys are doing this, explaining the stakes because that is most important, depending how the media shapes things, the horserace and treating this like a traditional election is doing a disservice to voters
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and democracy. all of these things combined to make a difference when folks have to really understand the choice. i think they will come home to the side of democracy but we must stay diligent. >> ryan, i'm curious to get your thoughts on how you see it as well. how are we in such a dead heat of a race even after january 6th and multiple trump indictments and everything we know that donald trump and the state of the republican party? >> what the republican party benefits from is this ecosystem that completely makes up for, compensates for what nixon would have had to go through in office. they saw that and said this will never happen again, we will make sure to run cover for our guy if he is steeped in the criminality that donald trump is and from the moment trump was found out after the election for what he had done, they basically engaged in this whole disinformation campaign. it cost fox news $780 million and
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still, they barrel ahead. of course it's not enough and the fact that 46% of americans still believe what is being shoveled to them by fox news and right-wing media and by donald trump himself is a testament to how effective they have been. >> it wasn't enough for the average fox viewer but enough for tucker carlson, they cut him loose pretty quickly after he cost them that money. stick around, we have more to discuss. next, marjorie try their green -- marjorie taylor green will try to oust the speaker again and she is being called an idiot for doing so. every time i dried it! only takes a minute. look at that! the heavy duty cloths are extra thick, for amazing trap & lock. even for his hair. wow. and for dust, i love my heavy duty duster. the fluffy fibers trap dust on contact,
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this week, far right congresswoman marjorie taylor green is that to bring her motion to vacate speaker mike johnson to the floor. if only she had support for it. two house republicans are backing the motion as of tonight.
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here is where things get interesting. republicans are turning on ntg, calling her ridiculous and an idiot and democrats might help wieder out by vowing to save johnson's speakership and not put frontrunners in an awkward place because now, they have to either oust their party leader who just got a stamp of approval from donald trump or toss out there all or nothing approach to politics and finally do what they should be doing in the first place, working with democrats for the greater good of the country. let's start with the motion to vacate, another humiliating, all but guaranteed for her in that wing of the party. >> i would say so. i think that at this point, the rest of the publican party is recognizing that it will be more difficult for them to make
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this pitch to the american people that they should get another majority in the house if all they've accomplished, this entire term is kicking out one of their speakers, a bill to save gas does that were never in danger, and a 16 month investigation into hunter biden that amounted to exactly nothing and was an abject humiliation for their party. i think getting embroiled in another speakership battle a few months before election, even for these people who often take an all or nothing approach and recognize they would rather burn it down then even bother governing for a moment, even they recognize six months out this probably won't be to their benefit. >> what you make of this unlikely alliance? is it too hopeful to think this could usher in a new era of bipartisanship, is this democrats basically telling mike johnson, who's your daddy? what's at play?
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>> this is a classic, the enemy of my enemy is my friend and democrat are looking at the situation and saying okay, republicans demonstrated that they are incapable of governing. it's utter chaos, it's miserable, we are accomplishing nothing, unless we can work out bipartisan deals which they have , and all these things that are important and stop the government from getting shut down again because the american people don't like this. in my opinion, democrats and the people i've talked to made the calculation that they would rather lay the blame on the chaos on republicans so they can say, we tried, we are trying to govern, we are the adults in the room and are willing to keep this weaker because we need the speaker even though mike johnson is a problematic extremist, but he's their guy and he's what we've got so we need to make it to the end of the session so we can do the people's business which is what we were sent here to do. the congressmen were not sent
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there to be trolls, fox news stars, q and on conspiracy theory lunatics like marjorie taylor green always has been. it was just a matter of time before she went too far. the mean girls are not having a good week. they are having the worst week ever. >> did democrats win by standing with johnson? hayes brown wrote, saying that marjorie taylor green seems to be doing hakeem jeffries a favor because it will elevate in in the eyes of the public, he's the man who was willing to compromise to save speaker johnson. >> i think at this point, really, if you want any semblance of function in the house right now, it's the only option. the alternative is to devolve into whatever marjorie taylor green wanted to be and i think
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democrats recognize that mike johnson will be a better option than whatever marjorie taylor green has in mind which would be, we are talking more extreme than mike johnson, so i think if you ask anyone the better option, it's to stay far away from marjorie taylor green and whatever else she offers. >> what happens to micah johnson? do you think and staying in this position with the help of democrats hurts his standing with trump and republican voters? >> so far it has not, right? donald trump stood with him at couple weeks ago in the middle of this and it was a rebuke to marjorie taylor green because the blowback on donald trump and his election is something big don't need. it makes him look bad and i think that we have to remember that donald trump is surrounded by more professional campaign operatives this time around who understand how things work so in this instance i think that
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mike johnson was willing to take the risk because he was given assurance from trump, for now. we know that that can change at any moment but for now, he seems to have enough cover to tell marjorie taylor green to kick rocks. bring it on. democrats coming in and saying we will save him just helps to bolster that, but as soon as november comes, it's putting the house between this chaos and what's happening to women's rights across the country is putting the house in play, and the senate in ways that democrats did not think it would be and are much more encouraged, now. the american people are going, why do we give these people power again? >> so final thoughts, the new york times has a new op-ed on how this is backfired for green, "marjorie taylor green is not as powerful as she thinks she is. " could this be the end of marjorie taylor green's role as an influencer, leader, in the
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gop? is it the last time we stop talking about her? >> if only. i don't know if that is the i would die on, here. it's nice to see that her era of invincibility in the republican party is not as strong as it was before and it's nice to see her get rebuked and it does pop a bubble that she can do anything or the rest of the conference will blindly follow behind this woman but at the same time, the writing has been on the wall. this is what the conference is devolving into and it's only getting worse, not better. we are seeing more people who are internet provocateurs who do things they can use to raise money for and it's not really trending in the right direction. it's nice to have seen a moment of function, bipartisanship, where we could get aid for ukraine past that i don't think i would write off marjorie taylor green just yet.
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>> wishful thinking, but i will keep hope alive. >> it's worth asking. >> thank you for joining us. my next guest is a congresswoman calling on the president to prevent israel's promised assault on rafah. stay with us. plus score free shipping on everything. [ grunting ] [ bell rings ] and surprise flash deals. all way day long! wayday ends soon. shop wayfair's biggest sale now through may 6th. ♪ wayfair. every style, every home. ♪ (woman) ugh, of course it stops loading at the best part. (tony hale) i wasn't eavesdropping, yes i was. you need verizon. get their crazy powerful network out here, and get six months of disney bundle on them! and it is all good.
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hope for a cease-fire in gaza is often table as gag order rejected a deal that would have seen hostages released and end hostilities, instead vowing to continue the war which comes before a critical deadline under a national security memorandum issued by president biden in february. antony blinken must report to congress by may 8th whether he finds credible israel's assurances that its use of u.s. weapons does not violate u.s. or international law. this is a condition israel must meet to keep receiving u.s.
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military aid. biden is facing pressure from legal experts and from those in his own administration. a coalition of lawyers has said that israel likely violated multiple u.s. statutes and geneva conventions that prohibit disproportionate attacks on civilians. these lawyers are planning on sending a letter to the attorney general , with more than 90 signatures including 20 from attorneys who are working inside the biden administration. the pressure does not end there. wednesday, 57 house democrats wrote to biden to demand the administration take every possible measure to dissuade israel from a military operation in rafah which they say is "unacceptable." with me is madeline dena pennsylvania who led the effort. great to have you. thank you for joining us. let's start with the letter you and your colleagues sent to
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president biden earlier this week. you urged president biden to "invoke existing law and policy to immediately withhold certain offensive military aid to israel to prevent is full-scale invasion of rafah." walk us through what compelled you to write the letter and have you heard anything from the administration in response? >> thank you for having me. this is a critically important issue. for multiple conversations on the floor or in caucus, with both of us and our concern over the threat to go in in an offensive way into rafah, into the area where he asked, demanded the people be north of gaza and then go south to begin the offensive following the gruesome attacks of october 7th. we were very concerned about it.
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i was twice in israel and met with the prime minister twice since the war began in november and again in february. it is to us, holy and acceptable that benjamin netanyahu has not heeded the warnings of president biden who has wisely told him that that would not be appropriate, that to go into rafah with more than 1.4 million people struggling there, to survive, to find cover, to find water, defined sanitation, and offensive into rafah would risk so many lives, and would be wholly unacceptable and the president said they don't have a credible plan. we see a prime minister who just again turned down the opportunity to get hostages home. it's unacceptable. i hope the prime minister is listening to the president and listening to our letter. i think we have a total of extra people signing this
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letter, a broad spectrum of members of my caucus who are gravely concerned with the failure of humanitarian aid. we worked directly with agencies on any threat of an offensive, again. i talked to the prime minister in november and he reminded us of a bipartisan delegation that because of their superior military and their superior intelligence, that they can be somewhat precise. we have not seen that precision used to get hamas and despair innocent civilians. >> let me pick up on the point you said, which is that benjamin netanyahu reject did a cease-fire deal that would guarantee the release of israeli hostages, something the international community wants to see, the release of all hostages in exchange for and to the war. he said he wants the war to continue until all of israel's
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goals are achieved. why is the united states still tolerating benjamin netanyahu? >> let me say this. i have met with hostage families in israel, in washington, d.c. the, and here in suburban philadelphia. it's heartbreaking that the whole world has not come around , let's not forget hamas's responsibility, to say, you must return these hostages, living and deceased, we assume that some are deceased, i met with the father of one. he said he would not rest until he can sit with the return of his son. the world has to condemn him for not seeking to find in good faith, a cease-fire. i called for bilateral cease- fire in february and it is important that everyone universally call for the cease- fire, to make sure humanitarian aid gets in and hostages get out
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and then make sure there is a credible plan to go after the remaining hamas terrorists. >> the deadline for the white house to certify to congress about israeli compliance of u.s. and international law is three days away. what do you think we see play out? it has not seemed, up to this moment, that there has been any willingness on the administration's part, from official spokespeople, when you ask them about alleged violations of the leahy law and other concerns, they seem to think israel has been giving a satisfactory or adequate assurance bid we are three days out. what do you think will happen? >> i'm glad you lifted up my letter regarding incursion into rafah and i have signed on to jason crow and krista lou seal's letter around the assurance is we are supposed to see what the secretary of state
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says about the use of military force. i am gravely concerned that angela netanyahu has been in violation and that the assurances are not great enough, so i believe, and you asked about the white house, i talked directly with the white house, directly with jake sullivan and others in the white house, to say, continue everything you can diplomatically for cease- fire, to bring hostages home and make sure that this war has been prosecuted justly. what our letter says that if somehow, benjamin netanyahu pursues rafah , we ask for the withholding of offensive weapons. >> congresswoman dean of pennsylvania, thank you for joining us. >> thank you. friday was world press freedom day.
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united nations declaration reminds governments of their duty to protect a free and fair price, to which israel says, no thanks. that helps treat and prevent, all in one. to those with migraine, i see you. for the acute treatment of migraine with or without aura and the preventive treatment of episodic migraine in adults. don't take if allergic to nurtec odt. allergic reactions can occur, even days after using. most common side effects were nausea, indigestion, and stomach pain. it's time we all shine. talk to a healthcare provider about nurtec odt from pfizer. these underwear are period-proof. and sneeze-proof. and sweat-proof. they're leakproof underwear, from knix. comfy & confident protection that feel just like normal. with so many styles and colors to choose from, switching is easy at when you have chronic kidney disease, there are places you'd like to be. like here. and here.
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if your mouth could talk it would ask for... poligrip. the images of plainclothes officers mailing out equipment from the offices of an international media organization is the kind of thing you expect to see in autocratic or dictatorial countries and you probably would not expect it in a country that claims to be democracy, let alone one that cherishes a free press, but that's exactly what happened when israeli officers raided a de facto al jazeera office in jerusalem earlier today. this came hours after benjamin netanyahu's cabinet voted unanimously to shutdown their local offices, preventing the broadcast of its reports and blocking its websites against the backdrop of a deadly war. it's the first time that israel has ever shuttered a foreign news outlet and marks a new
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extreme in efforts to suppress al jazeera, which alleges harms it security accusing the outlet of violating professional media standards. the repeatedly rejected those allegations and in fact, condemned the move today, calling it a "criminal act that violates human rights and the basic right to access of information." the foreign press association representing journalists inside israel and the occupied territories in gaza said that with this move, "israel joins a dubious club of authoritarian governments to ban the station. this is a dark day for media, this is a dark day for democracy." a democracy is what israel touts itself to be but before october 7th, there were growing concerns it's ultra extremist and nationalist government had increasingly become undemocratic with its proposed so-called judicial reforms, so why take this step? why shutdown one of the main
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pipelines of wartime information to the arab world? al jazeera's reporting has been a lifeline for people across the region and around the world, since october 7th. it's one of the very few international outlets that remains operational in gaza throughout the war. remember, israel barred foreign journalists from entering gaza unless they go through strictly controlled press trips embedded with the israeli military. it's a blatant attempt to control the narrative and cover up the truth, that palestinian journalists play a vital role in pushing back against israel's oppression of press freedom and are bearing the brunt not only of that reporting but of the israeli army's fire pit in january, i spoke with the al jazeera gaza bureau chief about the cost and responsibility of being a palestinian journalists in gaza. >> the cost is very high but at the end of the day we ask ourselves, what the other option? who sits in our homes waiting
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for missiles to land, leave this job, give up this message that we deliver? this is not an option. >> he been a journalist in gaza for decades and continue to report for months even after facing tragedy and loss. he paid a hefty price including the death of his wife, 15-year- old son, seven-year-old daughter and grandson, all killed by israeli airstrikes. his son, also a journalist, was killed as well. israel has been widely accused of targeting journalists in the past not just in this war, but in the west bank and the killing of palestinian american journalists. israel denied it targets journalists. according to the committee to protect journalists, 97 have been killed in gaza since the war started, making it the deadliest conflict for reporters in recent memory. if they are not being killed,
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they are being jailed. the cpg reports in 2023, israel emerged as one of the leading jailers of journalists after the start of the war in gaza, on par with iran. this is a highly consenting and dangerous threat to press freedom around the world and comes 48 hours after world press freedom day. it's clear that israel does not want the world to see what it's doing in gaza, but we, you, the viewers, have a right to know, and in the words of human rights watches, rather than trying to silence reporting on atrocities in gaza, the israeli government should stop committing them. after the break, the managing editor of al jazeera will join us to discuss that and more. back in a moment.
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now, we have the managing editor of al jazeera. great to have you. we laid out how today marked a new extreme in israel's efforts to muzzle al jazeera. what is your response to the decision and the actions by the israeli government in shutting down your organization's operations inside israel? the >> thank you for having me. this is a sad day for all journalism. this is an attack on journalism that started in the beginning of this work, the israeli government has been placing pressure on us and targeting, directly, colleagues were killed from the front line by a strike, and this continued with its decision today, and we consider it a criminal action by the israeli government,
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because that violates the human right laws and again, the human rights and freedoms. it's oppression and we will continue to pursue all legal actions needed to counter this and ensure that we respond to these allegations that we think are an effort to silence our coverage, and that is why we are not going to weapon eyes are platform. we are going to continue the coverage and partial objective coverage of al jazeera from the beginning of this war, and that is a commitment that al jazeera has taken since the launch of the channel. >> let me ask you, about the operations for a minute. can you clarify what territories israel shutdown of al jazeera means? i understand the ban is only being enforced inside israel
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proper, the 1948 line, not the occupied territories of the west bank, gaza, or east jerusalem. where is the ban and what's the logistical impact on your reporting? >> to be honest, since this decision is politicized, it's ambiguous. the israeli government has enacted a law that would allow the prime minister and the cabinet, the minister of communication, to take action against al jazeera under an emergency law and this allows for 45 day ban. that kind of ban, which is a very ambiguous word, is enacted according to the government itself. they can do it for the israeli territories only and can extend to palestinian territories, as well. until now, the actions that
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were taken are limited to israel and jerusalem. that is why we have seen this, them trying to block our team from covering the news from a revote -- a remote location. you need room for a live location for al jazeera english team, and that goes as well for other locations of al jazeera and jerusalem. we have an office in the west bank and up until now we have not received anything to indicate that they are going to take action against the office but of course, this ambiguous kind of law and statement by the government could be weapon eyes against us, as much as the prime minister needs.
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>> why do you think the israeli government did this, in your opinion? on one hand, al jazeera was the first, if not one of the first, to broadcast the statements of the israeli government, many years ago. he was the first network to have israeli officials speak directly to the arab world. al jazeera was at sometimes accused of normalizing israel and now the israeli government shutting you down and then you are harming national security and not meeting professional standards around the world. why do you think al jazeera was shut down by the israeli government after a long history with israel? >> we have seen this intimidation before in the arab world with authoritarian regimes . they have accused us of violating security, threatening the national purity and the definition of national security has been weapon eyes against us and used against us to stop us
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from covering the news and covering against every aspect of government and officials and we have seen that repeating with israel, which is surprising because they call themselves a democracy, but it's the same story and the same argument, again. we have been banned in some countries, because they claimed that we are a threat to the national security and it's the same argument that they are using. to your point regarding the arab world, we've been criticized a lot by the arab world that we are inviting israeli officials to be on al jazeera and at the same time, they are welcome to contradict their statement, but we continue to invite them, we continue to intervene with them, and most of our audiences don't feel
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comfortable having them on our screen, but we are committed to the impartial and objective coverage and continue to invite an interview them, as we invite hamas leaders, as well, and that is our coverage from the beginning. >> we have 45 seconds left, but are you concerned what this might mean for other international news organizations in israel should they be concerned, following what happened today to your news organization? >> of course. i would call upon the international community to take action, this time. we have seen the killing of journalists, and no one has done anything. it's time, it's very important because up until now, we are seven months into this war and more than this, we have not seen any international journalism and we think this is
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an attempt to silence al jazeera and what's happening in the gaza strip and to try to minimize our coverage by saying that we do not operate in israel, but we are committed and continuing the coverage and we will make sure we have all the press conferences out there and all the news out there despite the fact that we don't operate there now, but we have means of newsgathering and will continue to be committed to impartiality. >> all right, thank you for joining us. i appreciate your time and insight. a new hour of "ayman" start after a quick break. chest cong. hello 12 hours of relief. 12 hours!! not coughing at the movies!? hashtag still not coughing?! ahh! mucinex dm 12 hour doesn't just quiet coughs,
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