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tv   Dateline  MSNBC  May 5, 2024 11:00pm-12:00am PDT

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quarter century since the summer morning when kathy kissed her children goodbye and though there wait for justice is finally over, they are no closer to knowing where their mother is them they were on that summer night in 1991 when she did not come home. >> so, unless she was found accidentally, we might not ever know. are you okay with that? >> if we have to live with it. it is sad and disappointing that we will never know, or that we may never know, but we have to be okay with it. it. stomach that's all for this edition of "dateline". thank you for watching. ng. [music playing] hello, i'm andrea canning, and been murdered."ne." ms hello, i am andrea canning and this is dateline.
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he said kristy has been >> murdered. she was taken so soon and so violently. i could not stop shaking. >> a young teacher leaving for i school, murdered before she could get out the door. this was a horrific scene. >> it was a nightmare scene. she had christmas presents she was taking to her students that they. >> i was petrified. i r thought who? why? >> we looked at suspect after af suspect. >> we are still with no answer. >> this poor family. we thought we could solve this case. >> could cutting-edge science reveal a clue? >> it was someone they did not have a reason to look at or talk to before. >> he was here the whole time. >> you were literally talking to her killer. evil comes in all packages. >> it certainly does.
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hello, and welcome to dateline. kristy always knew she wanted to be a teacher, and her enthusiasm showed. colleagues marveled at her way with kids. her life was cut tragically short and investigators efficiently hit a dead end. decades later, a crash course in dna analysis gave them a picture of kristy's killer and revealed a stunning true that he had been hiding in plain sight the whole time. here is facing the music. they were having so much fun. egg group of girlfriends hitting the town one saturday night. lost in the music. >> we would go to different clubs. we probably made ourselves known. we are here. come look at us.
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in a fun way. >> this was the playground they know by heart. the home where they felt safe. they were invincible. >> you are 25 and nothings y going to happen to you. >> and then, less than 48 hours later, one of them was gone. murdered and the killer was at large. >> i remember being paralyzed. not being able to leave the no house. >> it still your friend. it still your innocence. >> it certainly did. >>nl it would take another 25 years to find the killer. a most unlikely suspect. always there watching them. tearing them. you were literally talking to kristy's killer. >> rate. i kept thinking after the fact,e he had to know who i was when i was standing in front of him. he had to have known who i was. >> some things are so life altering you can ever get them no matter how hard you try. for
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harry goodman, that moment came the morning of december 21, 1992. harry was the principal of an elementary school in lancaster county, pennsylvania. his star teacher 25-year-old christy mirack was late for work. >> christy was there every morning around 8:00. >> when eight became 8:30, harry grew uneasy. >> the kids started to come into the classroom. i called her apartment about nt five times. nothing. >> he contacted her family who lived about a two hour drive north. her brother. vince. >> we got the phone call from her school that she did not show up for work. where she home this weekend? which she delayed coming back? stuck in traffic? we were in panic mode. the kind of person she was, we thought something was wrong. it was that gut feeling. >> the family told harry they had not heard from christy that morning.
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harry couldn't wait any longer. he knew she lived nearby with a friend. you decide to jump in your car r to see what's going on? >> i was prepared, change attire along the interstate. >> that is what you were expecting. you thought her car was broken down. >> right. >> but it wasn't. when he pulled up to christy's apartment complex? >> i saw her car there and it was iced over. then i started to freak out. >> her front door was open and f he went inside and look to the n left. he saw her in the living room lifeless on the floor. he ran to call 911. >> i was a total mess. i was in hysterics. in total shock. >> it was apparent she had been murdered. >> he went on to become the district attorney but back in
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the early 1990s, he was a young prosecutor. this was a horrific scene? >> it was a nightmare scene. not only the fact you had this teacher who was brutally murdered, but she had been sexually assaulted on top of that. >> did it seem clear at least at first glance, how she died? >> there had been a brutal struggle. >> the medical examiner would later determine that in addition to being sexually assaulted, christy had been beaten and strangled to death. likely that very moment . >> she had her gloves on. the last thing you do is put your gloves on. she had christmas presents she was taking to her students that they that were strewn about as part of the struggle. >> so brazen too that this would happen at that hour of the morning when people are going to work, to school. those places are close together , and there's a lot of cars
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around there and people. >> a lot of people around. a number of witnesses who could've been there. the person was very determined to do what he wanted to do. >> police collected crime scene evidence including dna the killer left behind touring the sexual us all. they canvassed the neighborhood for witnesses. her brother vince said he had no idea what was happening ap until he arrived at the police station. >> the session started with there was an accident. he passed away -- she passed away. we said what happened? that's when they told us she was murdered. >> christie's roommate mary got a call from police asking to meet back at the apartment. something about christy being in trouble. when she arrived, a detective approached her. >> he brought me to his car and he said christy has been murdered. i remember being doubled over to try to stop the shaking. >> mary explained she left
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around 7:00 a.m. that morning and christy was getting ready for work. >> i was driving away. i'm already this far i'm going to keep going. >> that might christy was murdered between 7:00 and just after 9:00 that morning when harry goodman found her. investigators asked mary to do a walk-through of the apartment. right away, she saw scuff marks on and near the front door. >> she dug in. that was my thought. she dug in like she was dragged. there was a lot of blood on the carpet. >> and you had to see that. >> yeah. >> it has to be traumatizing. >> yeah, it was. >> investigators believe christy open the door to leave only to have the killer drager back in. >> i think she was overpowered
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pretty quickly. where she was murdered was noth far away from the entry point. >> did it appear to take place in one area? >> from the foyer into the living room. those were rooms where it seemed the struggle had taken place. >> something else caught the detective's attention. her final conversation with christy. >> before i left i said we will meet up later. she sounded distant. i said are you okay? and she said i am fine so i went to work. >> what do you think it was? >> i don't know. she was preoccupied. >> christy had something on her mind, and only moments to live. investigators had to find out if the two were connected. >> coming up. clues to a mystery. a boyfriend. >> she had told me things were ending. she was finally ready to move on. >> this was a big deal.
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and a mysterious visitor at christy's school. >> i thought i may have just been face-to-face with the killer. killer. say hello to your fairy godmother alice and long-lasting gain scent beads. part of the irresistible scent collection from gain! (angie) tobacco companies target people like me with their menthol cigarette marketing. realizing this made me angry enough to quit. my tip is, this should make everyone angry. (announcer) you can quit. for free help, call 1-800-quit-now. it ain't my dad's razor, dad. ay watch it! it's from gillettelabs. this green bar releases trapped hairs from my face... gamechanga! ...while the flexdisc contours to it. so the five blades can get virtually every hair in one stroke.
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absorbine pro. lancaster county is pennsylvania amish country. a place where old ways and modern suburban sprawl meet. lancaster county as pennsylvania amish country. a place where old ways and modern suburban sprawl meet. the brutal murder of a schoolteacher just before christmas 1992 upset that sense
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of peace. >> a lot of people didn't lock their doors. a very trusting community. >> but dna said her killing did not have the mark of a stranger. >> seven: 30 in the morning. it would be highly unusual for something like that to take place at the time of day at someone's apartment at random. >> police wanted to know if christy had enemies and the answer was no. her brother said his sister had tons of friends. she was kind, caring, and focus. from the time she was a little girl, she wanted to be a teacher. >> we had a thing set up in the garage where she was a schoolteacher. now it's a summer and kids want to go out and play on my sisters pulling them into teach them. >> when she was not playing school, she was goofing around like a normal kid. >> anybody will tell you the same thing. she was laughing, smiling.
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having a good time. >> after high school, she took her work play ethic to a millersville university where she met her other family. where you will like sisters? >> absolutely. >> her circle included the remake, mary. chris walter, lisa bailey, and marianne taylor. >> we have shared close. we share hair products. we share everything. i don't think there's anything about each other that we do not know and that's a rare friendship. >> when it came to christy, her friends knew she could hold her own, especially when they would go well. >> if someone came up and she was not interested, she had no problem telling people. hits the road. i am not interested. >> she was protective of her friends. when they graduated, few set up house in that apartment complex in downtown lancaster. >> christy was always a safe
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person. lock your doors. always leave with a buddy. >> and we did feel safe. >> our backyard was a dairy farm. >> by then, christy landed her dream job as a teacher. here she is leading a sixth- grade class in science. >> these are the ways we would classify any type -- >> harry says something special in her. >> she wasn't satisfied and just being a good teacher. she wanted to be a great teacher. >> what do you think it was about her ability to connect with kids? >> she was creative. the kids were captivated. christy didn't look at it as work. >> if only you could bottle that and sell it. >> tell me. >> investigators found one loose thread in her life. >> she loved him. so loyal to him. >> christy had fallen for a
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man who went by the name dagger. not her friend's idea of a catch. christy was 25 and he was not. >> he was old. [ laughter ] he was. he was 20 years older. >> almost twice christy's age. he had a good job as president of the local teamsters, and he was generous. >> i think she felt cared for. i don't know how. whether it was financially or what, but i think she felt cared for. >> she did not divulge much about her boyfriend or his past. her friends could tell he was in no rush to the altar and they thought that bothered christy, especially his friends started moving out and getting married. >> maybe having just gone through that wedding that september, i'm thinking she was realizing that is the life i deserve too. >> two days before she was
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killed, that saturday, christy had come to a decision. >> she had told me things were ending with dagger. she was finally ready to move on. >> this was a big deal because she had been with him for years at this point? >> she looked happy. we saw christy back, bubbly, happy, ready to get out there and live. >> that night, she did. the friends went downtown hitting the clubs. now, police had to consider whether christy told dagger she wanted to break up. if so, had he taken it badly? was it on christy's mind the morning she was murder? warhead christy angered someone else from that saturday night? police wanted to know more. >> where did you eat. where did you go dancing? where did you go after that? who was there?
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>> then something bizarre. the day after christy's murder, a man walked into her school. he clearly did not belong there. >> i approached him and said, may i help you? >> bob was the assistant school superintendent. >> he said i am just here to see christy mirack. i said, unfortunately, you will have to leave. christy has passed. >> the mysterious visitor said he had not heard the news. he claimed he was christy's friend. then he left. >> it was hard to believe anyone in lancaster county would not have heard about it. >> his mind raced. he had heard stories of investigations for the criminal seemed eager to catch the attention of police. >> immediate after that i called the police. i may have just been face-to- face with the killer. >> whoever the mystery man was,
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police new they had to find him immediately. >> coming up. >> it would have been shocking to her to see him come in the building. >> a surprise was in store about the surprise visitor. >> it was something to do with them. >> there was no other logical explanation. explanation. re's skyrizi. ♪ things are looking up, i've got symptom relief. ♪ ♪ control of my crohn's means everything to me. ♪ ♪ control is everything to me. ♪ feel significant symptom relief at 4 weeks with skyrizi, including less abdominal pain and fewer bowel movements. skyrizi is the first il-23 inhibitor that can deliver remission and visibly improve damage of the intestinal lining. and the majority of people experienced long-lasting remission at one year. serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections or a lower ability to fight them may occur.
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bob wilderson was one of christy's colleagues. he was certain the man who'd shown up at school a day bob was one of christy's colleagues. he was certain the man who had shown up at school the day after the murder, claiming to be her friend, had instead been her killer. >> i was convinced. in fact, i said, we are going to get the guy who did this right now, today. >> he called police and told them the story and gave them the man's name. it turned out it was no random visitor at all. it was none other than dagger. christy's longtime boyfriend. police brought him in for questioning. they found a dagger had a secret. he had a wife. >> he was married so he was pretty high on the suspect list. even talking to investigators, they were absolutely convinced that this was him. >> dagger insisted it was not.
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he said when christy died, he was hundreds of miles away in virginia where he had recently moved with his wife. christy's friends were stunned. she never mentioned dagger was married. they weren't sure she even knew. now, they had to wonder if her decision to break things off two days before her death had doomed her. he might not of liked that. >> she was devoted to him. i am sure that would be a loss to him to not have her in his life anymore. >> and it was years. you don't cut that tie and not have it mean anything. >> when they learned he showed up at christy school, their suspicions grew. >> we were thinking he was trying to establish an alibi or to show that he had no involvement. look how much i am in love with her. >> it was odd because it was everywhere that she had been murdered. everywhere in lancaster.
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i never understood how he did not know. it was uncharacteristic of him to show up at the school. >> i think it would've been shocking to her to see him come in that building. it would've been unnerving for her to have her world's collide like that. >> the idea that dagger did it fell apart. police confirmed his alibi. he had been in virginia at the time of the murder. they also tested his dna versus the dna the killer left during the sexual assault. >> eliminated through scientific and -- >> to them, dagger had always been a man of mystery. he did not talk about his life or work. their imaginations ran wild. >> be either hired a hitman or it was revenge. >> it was something to do with
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him. somebody who wanted to get back at him for some reason. >> there was no other logical explanation at the time. >> we were terrified. >> investigators did not buy the hitman angle. >> hitmen don't usually get into hand-to-hand combat with her victim. they certainly do not leave multiple dna samples behind. you would not think anyone would do it at 7:15 in the morning in her apartment. there would be better ways. it's not consistent. >> police needed to consider other men christy might've crossed. her friends did mention one incident from that saturday night. they ran into someone who dated another one of their friends. >> who was not a good guy and we called him out on a. >> they believe the man had been abusive to their friend and even killed her dog. >> wheeled puppy killer. >> how did he react? >> he was scary. >> he is a sociopath.
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>> big. scary. >> did you tell the police about him? >> that was something we latched onto. we thought christy angered him by calling him this name in a public place. >> police looked into it but cleared him too. in the meantime, her friends tried to help with the investigation. >> we would go through the photo album sing go through the guys and give them their names. >> police were already interested in someone else. his connection to christy was more recent and compelling than old photos. he practically had driven himself into the heart of the case. >> coming up. >> i walk in and they start to fingerprint me. i am thinking, what? >> a principal under the microscope. >> what kind of questions are they asking you? >> extremely accusatory.
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secret service and d.c. police are investigating after him and crashed his car into the white house perimeter gate saturday night. the driver was pronounced dead at the scene. the secret service said the incident did not pose a threat to the white house. in ohio, one is dead after falling in the stands during graduation ceremonies at the ohio state university. the incident which is under investigation did not affect the schedule of events. mirack d rl welcome back to dateline. i am andrea canning. schoolteacher christy mirack was strangled and beaten to death in her apartment one december morning. given the time of day, investigators believed she knew her killer. her ex-lover, dagger, was high on their list of suspects, but his alibi checked out.
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now, detectives were about to turn up the heat and cement you might not expect. once again, here is facing the music. after christy mirack's murder, the principal got a phone call to come to the police station. >> they said we want to ask you questions about christy's teaching. i walk in. >> he thought they would ask routine questions about christy's background. he was wrong. >> i walk in and they start to fingerprint me. they think i did this. i am mourning the loss of our teacher and our friend, and all of a sudden i am being interrogated. >> why do you think they zeroed in on you? >> i found her. >> that was it? that moment in time? >> i found her. >> there was a bit more. they said they found his drive
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to check on his employee very strange. >> a lot of bosses when someone is only 30 or 40 minutes late, they do not jump in their car to go see if someone is okay. why did you feel the need to do that? >> that is just who i am. i knew something was wrong and i thought she might need help. >> policed asked where he had been the hours before her death. harry recalled going to the gym and coming home to change and heading back out to work. what was their tone? what kind of questions were they asking? >> extremely accusatory. why would you have hired her? what was it about her that you liked so much? they were coming at me with all ends. >> detectives asked if he would take a polygraph. >> i am thinking i have nothing to hide. first question, did you murder christy mirack? >> harry told them no. he said he passed the polygraph. they later confirmed his alibi
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and his dna was not a match. hair renew some people still suspected him. >> my teachers would come up to me, harry, you should've heard what so-and-so was saying. i said do not tell me. >> police began looking elsewhere. they consider the possibility that christy might not have known her killer. that is when her friends recalled something that had happened months earlier at the apartment. back then, they brushed it off. now, they wonder. you had a bizarre incident where dagger comes over and see somebody in the bushes. they went after the stranger. >> we jumped up and started screaming at him. we chased him down here and all the way down there. >> what gave you the courage to go after this person? >> because he violated us.
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he was peaking in upper window. >> they did not get a good look at the guy. investigators needed to focus on the solid leads they did have. neighbors told them they spotted a way car outside christy's apartment just before the murder. >> there were four, five, six people who saw at some point that morning, a white car driving around the complex. >> some thought it was a toyota celica like this one, but one witness who saw him and get out of the car into the apartment that morning described a different make and model. a dodge daytona. police decided to focus on the type of car. >> they took the information and put it in the registry for pennsylvania for anyone who had a similar type vehicle. >> her friends did not know anyone who drove that kind of dodge. they started to worry, the killer, whoever he was, might come back for one of them. >> i remember going to go to work and i saw a car that was meeting the description of the
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car they were looking for. being paralyzed, like not being able to leave the house. he is waiting for me. i remember writing the license plate number down and putting it in my pocket so when they found my body, they would have this clue. >> this has to strike fear into people when a young girl like that is brutally murdered and the person who did it is at large. >> the person was out there this whole time. >> the investigation dragged on. weeks became months and then years. still, police believed that white car and the dna from the crime scene would lead them to christy's killer. do you remember how many were tested for dna? >> it was definitely dozens. we looked at suspect after suspect after suspect. as time went on, we reached out, could it be this person or this person? >> when the fbi created the
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national database, investigators uploaded a sample from the crime scene. it did not match the dna of anyone in the system. the waiting was especially hard for christy's mother. a decade after the murder, she died not knowing who killed her daughter. >> i promised her i would not give up. you know? because i knew she was leaving and we are with no answer. >> vince took up the cause. staying in touch with police and even putting up a billboard looking for new leads. nothing. >> hitting this dead and was extremely frustrating for us as a family. >> a breakthrough was coming. a new way to analyze dna and catch criminals. a new way to find christy's killer. >> coming up. >> we are looking for the
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pieces of dna further eyecolor, face shape. >> could a breakthrough break the stalemate? he could look a lot like this? ? , with allstate. because there are people out there who aren't you. a lot of them. and you don't drive like... whoa. i don't want my child being raised by a robot! other drivers are not you. yes, thank you so much to all 50 of my subscribers. nope, definitely not you. save with drivewise and get a rate based on you. you're in good hands with allstate.
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it's a beautiful... to fly. wooooo! andrea canning (voiceover): time seems to pass more slowly here in the rolling farmlands of lancaster county, pennsylvania. but for christine mirack's loved ones, it felt like time had stopped altogether. time seems to pass more slowly in the rolling farmlands of lancaster county, pennsylvania.
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for christy mirack's loved ones of felt like time stopped altogether. nearly 25 years had gone by since her death. investigators were no closer than catching her killer. it must've bothered you knowing whoever did this was getting away with it. >> oh, yeah. walking around. >> where was he? we thought this person could be dead by now so we will never know. >> still, they wanted to know. needed to know who her killer was. they just had to wait a little longer. >> some things in law enforcement are through hard work and dedication. summer through coincidence and a little luck. >> 2016, the das office heard of a new tool that uses dna to solve cold cases. genetic phenotyping allow scientists to create a composite of a suspect using the dna left at a crime scene. >> we are reading the information out of the dna that
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determines what the person look like. >> ellen is director bio informatics at a company that helped pioneer the use of phenotyping. >> that tna built that person. that's what we are looking for is the pieces of the dna that coded for their eyecolor, eyecolor, face shape. >> it's not the first time phenotyping has come up in our stories. previously they created an image from idna to show how it works. why am i anxious right now? i feel i am the criminal or something. laughing mac >> okay. i felt like after i got my composite sketch that if i had committed a crime and left my dna, i would've been posted. >> you would have been at the top of the suspect list. >> the lancaster dna dashti a hoped it would help with christy's case.
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they analyze the dna left by her color, tree by tree. eye color, facial structure, ancestry. >> we found he was partially of european descent and partially of latino descent so he was a mix of those two ancestries. >> they came up with three composites of how we might have aged over the years. he could look like this? >> this could be approximately what he looked like when the crime was committed. >> they asked family and friends to take a look. when they saw the composite? >> i did not see anyone i know. this is a stranger. >> in 2017, the da made the composites public during a press conference. maybe someone else would recognize the person in those images. >> there was no tip. >> we got a lot of calls. it ultimately led to nothing. >> that is so frustrating.
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>> we felt it was our last shot. the last thing we could do. >> the composite did not work, but it would not be there last shot. investigators working on an unrelated crime in california came upon another way of solving cold cases. >> police arresting a man they believe is a golden state killer. discovered using dna. >> california detectives from the suspect after uploading dna from a crime scene to a database used by thousands looking for lost relatives. the search turned people who's dna had distant matches to the killer. from there, investigators constructed a family tree and narrowed it down to their man. >> when you read about it and see it, you say, why did i not think of this? it's completely brilliant. >> the genetic genealogist to the same thing in the hunt for the man who murdered christy. sure enough they found
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relatives who share dna with her killer. >> in a couple of days, they took these few people who share dna with our unknown killer and build to who the person could have been. >> remember they knew the killer had european and and latino ancestry. one man stood out. he matched the ancestry and lived near christy when she was murdered. that did not mean investigators in lancaster could make an arrest. >> we don't arrest people on what genetic database is saying. we needed his sample and have a confirmed through the state police crime lab. >> they staked him out hoping he would leave behind something with his dna on a. >> we had undercover guys watch them all day long. we completely struck out. >> they tried again. troopers eventually followed the man to an event at a public school. this time, success.
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>> undercover female trooper befriended him. she was able to get things directly from him. >> what did she get? >> a water bottle income. >> they compared the dna from the samples to the dna at the crime scene and they matched. investigators were confident they had their man. standing where they least expected him. in the shadows of the dance floor. >> coming up. >> he slept on my bed that night. you do not know what to think. >> who was the man who murdered christy? >> a lot of our officers knew who he was. >> his identity revealed at last. he was living in plain sight. >> he had been living in plain sight. >> you were literally talking to christy's killer.
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flonase all good. welcome back. after dozens of dead ends and disappointments, the question of who killed christy mirack ll after dozens of dead ends and disappointments, the question of who killed christy mirack would finally be answered. if investigators thought the identity of the killer was a bombshell, they were in for another surprise. now, the conclusion of facing the music. detectives believed they
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had finally found christy mirack's killer. they matched his dna to the crime and were ready to arrest him until. realized he is on vacation. >> he was on a trip across america with his wife and daughter. >> now they had an agonizing decision to make. >> do we arrest him out there? do we risk the safety of his new wife and adopted daughter? >> what do you do? >> i made the decision to wait. >> the man returned to lancaster and any early summer day in 2018 , they arrested him outside his house. what was his reaction? >> he kind of was acting calm. this is a joke, right? they kept telling him no. you are arrested for criminal homicide of christy mirack. he denied ever knowing her. today we announce the rest of raymond rowe for the murder of
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christy mirack december 21, 1992. >> raymond rowe. who was he here? -- who was a? >> i don't know who he was. >> many knew him by a different name. dj freez. >> ladies and gentlemen. >> christy's friends were floored. >> he was the local dj everyone wanted. he was the guy who went to the same church as me. >> he had been raised in lancaster and stayed here for his life. >> around the time of christy's murder, he worked a warehouse job by day and performed in nightclubs at night. aside from his brush with the law, disorderly conduct and resisting arrest, he stayed out of trouble. over the years he married four times and built a name for himself as a dj. >> a lot of our officers knew who he was and been at events
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he was at. >> he was living in plain sight. >> he was living in plain sight. >> now he was charged with murder. investigators connected him to a key piece of evidence. the white car. in 1990 time -- 1992, he owned a celica similar to this. the one christy's neighbors mentioned. not the dodge daytona police focused on. >> i had a pile about this big about the dodge daytona is registered in pennsylvania back at that time. >> but not the toyota celica? why not go through both in the database? >> i don't have an answer. i think they felt based on the information i had that the dodge daytona was the way to go. >> investigators believe rowe drove the car past christy's doorstep often. >> we discovered he worked in
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close proximity to her christy's apartment was. >> he said it's possible that rowe was a peeping tom that christy's friends chased months before her murder. the what if haunts them. >> the thing that bothers me is if, what if it worries him? if i would have caught him. then -- >> get you upset thinking about it now. investigators also knew that rowe might've spotted christy and one of the downtown clubs like the saturday before her death. was the at the club that weekend, one of the places you went to? >> he did not stand out if he was there. >> and yet, the da thinks it's likely the two meant. >> it was targeted. i think she encountered him at an event before him. my guess is he -- she spurned him. >> the connection to christy seemed tenuous, but he said the dna proved rowe killed her.
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the out of the killer being anyone other than him on the planet were one in 1 million. >> 8000 trillion trillion. you cannot conceive a number. >> it is remarkable. >> i've never heard of a case with this much. >> remember the composite from the killer's dna? it turns out it was a pretty good match to rowe. even then it was hard for some to believe rowe could commit such a horrible crime. especially this woman. >> he was the life of the party. >> her name is monica. she was engaged to rowe when christy was killed. it's the first time she publicly talked about the relationship. you are learning they believe he brutally murdered a woman, sexually assaulted her, and then came home to you. >> yes.
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>> how would you process that? >> you just don't know what to think. he slept on my bed that night. we had christmas four days later. we got married months later. >> and you are none the wiser. >> no. >> she remember christy's murder in the news and talking to rowe about it. he was concerned about your safety after this murder? >> yeah. >> it's outrageous to think he's advising you and he was the killer. >> yeah. it is surprising. >> the couple divorced almost six years later. but didn't i see? >> there was that. it could've been me. why wasn't it me? why did she have to die? >> rowe was facing trial and if convicted, the death penalty.
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in january 2019, he pleaded guilty to the murder and rape of christy mirack in exchange for a life sentence. as for christy's family, they felt relieved, but also cheated. >> he's been doing what he wanted to do for the last 26 years and she's been dead for the last 26 years and i think he got off easy. >> christy's friends were angry that rowe was able to live among them at so long. >> he was the guy i talked to when my daughter was planning her wedding. at a wedding expo, face to face. >> oh, my gosh. you were literally talking to christy's killer. >> i kept thinking after the fact, he had to have known when i was when i was standing in front of him. he had to have known who i was. >> she would like one more chance to meet him face-to-face. >> how did you know her and why did you do this? i still want to drive to the
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prison. i want to ask him. i don't understand why he did this. >> they may never know. neither rowe or his lawyers responded to dateline's request for comment . through it all, the circle of friends has stayed bounded. they thanked christy for that. >> i would like to think christy has kept us together. >> we almost feel guilty we were able to get married and have kids. we think of christy that she never got to have that. >> she was a huge light in this world that was taken away too soon. way too soon. >> that is all for this edition of dateline. i am andrea canning. thank you for watching. hello. i am andrea canning. this is dateline.


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