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tv   The Reid Out  MSNBC  May 9, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT

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>> trying harder every day. >> peace and fulfillment. >> i feel like i'm in the foothills. >> you have done something positive with the power the summit has given you. >> that i haven't got there yet, i hope. >> jane goodall hasn't gotten there, i love that answer and some of the others. you saw eric holder. you newest summit series interview is with supreme court justice breyer. go to and you'll see jane, bill, fran, tom hanks, and so many more. check it out, you can also share them that way because they're youtube videos, easy to share with friends and family. "the reidout" with joy reid is up next. tonight on "the reidout" -- >> i'm fed up. i watch what happened to me and my company. i watched what happened.
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i talked to business people over the years, what's happened to them when you have political persecution. and now all these cases, this is simply, they don't want this guy on the ballot. >> says the man whose company committed the worst medicare fraud in u.s. history, senator rick scott is the first in what will surely be a parade of trump sycophants and veep wanna bes to show up at his criminal trial. >> also tonight, the truly bizarre presidential campaign of robert f. kennedy jr. the worm that ate part of his brain is just the least of it. but we begin tonight with donald trump's need for vengeance, which has been a fundamental -- which has been fundamental to the man -- which has been as fundamental to the man as his orange hue. he's promised to imprison president biden, he savaged the women who have accused him of sexual abuse and impropriety,
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and humiliated his political opponents. there's a reason he's a bully. that's because trump is a dogmatic believer in retaliation. how do we know? because he says it all the time. in fact, it was a point that the prosecution has made multiple times in court, as recently as this morning when yet another one of trump's book publishers read excerpts from his book, where trump talked about how he valued loyalty above everything else, punished disloyal people, and espoused this motto, when somebody screws you, get them back in spades. his obsession with payback was on display today in judge juan merchan's courtroom where it was clear stormy daniels was about to go through some things because ms. daniels had the temerity to tell the world what she really thought about her sexual encounter with the c-lest excellent, which was the very thing he and his campaign did not want the world to hear
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before the 2016 election. today, he unleashed his lone female lawyer, susan necheles, to savage daniels' credibility to suggest she was just another money grabbing sexual deviant motivated by greed and vengeance. she tried to show the jury that stormy was greedy, asking, you wanted something to show for your experience? stormy daniels -- yes, i wanted the truth to be printed with a paper trail of some sort. whether it was an interview, a video, or money that i was telling the truth to protect me. susan necheles -- you wanted money, right? >> stormy daniels -- i wanted the truth to come out. she kept going, telling daniels, quote, the better alternative was for you to make money, right? she responded, the better alternative was to get my story protected with a paper trail so my family didn't get hurt if the story was out. then, she wanted to show the jury that daniels was motivated
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by anger. isn't it correct you told him another motivation to go public was your anger about trump's newfound opposition to abortion and gay marriage? stormy daniels -- i don't remember saying that. was he opposed to abortion? i don't know. when that didn't really work, she went for the kill. smut shaming stormy daniels. asking her, quote, so you have a lot of experience in making phony stories about sex appear to be real, right? stormy daniels -- that's not how i would put it. the sex in the films is very much real. just like what happened to me in that room. this line of questioning went on for hours. and to many witnessing the cross-examination, it felt tedious, confusing, and downright vindictive. however, today, ms. daniels seemed composed and seemingly unflappable, even when it was implied even though she got a lot of money for her deal with cohen, she wanted the world to know she had sex with trump. daniels simply responded by
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saying no, nobody would ever want to publicly say that. i wanted to publicly defend myself after people attacked me after michael cohen told about the story. in the face of the trump defense assault, she kept returning to her truth, though after hours on the stand, daniels began to crack. his voice was shaking during his exchange who was asking her about nasty tweets she received and why she responded to them. necheles was trying to imply that daniels wasn't that fearful for her life or the situation since she was responding to the barrage of hate she was receiving after her story went public. on the verge of tears, daniels pushed back, telling necheles, when somebody attacks me i'm going to defend myself, which is ironic given that's trump's motto. she spent the majority of her cross-examination fixated on undermining the veracity of the supposed sexual encounter which is not the alleged crime. her attacks were even more
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jarring when juxtaposed against the treatment of the last witness, madeleine westerhout. she was fired when she told a bunch of reporters that she was closer to trump than his daughters, and that trump didn't like being photographed with tiffany trump because he thought she was overweight. the reason why nechelse treated westerhout with kid gloves is because she as trump's gate keeper witnessed his hands-on approach to his personal business while in the white house, including payments to michael cohen, which happens to be central to the alleged crime. joining me now is susanne craig, investigative reporter for "the new york times" and an msnbc contributor, paul butler, former federal prosecutor, georgetown law professor and msnbc legal analyst. and claire mccaskill, former senator, msnbc political analyst, and cohost of msnbc's how to win 2024 podcast. i will start with you, susanne because it did feel like today
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was susan necheles' kind of nadir of the cruelty that donald trump obviously demanded that she throw at this witness. she's not on trial, but you would think. what did it look like in the courtroom? was it uncomfortable for the jurors? >> i don't know how the jurors felt. i know i felt very uncomfortable. it kept building and building. and there's a point where you were both, okay, let's move along, and where are you going with this? but it was hard to listen to. i mean, it felt like something that might have happened 30 years ago. i mean, not today. i mean, they were shaming a sex worker. and made it feel like that over and over again. i mean, it was just question after question about what she did and calling her a sex worker, just things like that. i was surprised it went on as long as it did. but the other thing that i was impressed with today was stormy
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daniels herself, because she rose to the moment today. she gave as good as she got. susan necheles was coming at her hard for hours. and she, i thought one of the most effective things she did, first, she was just cool. she wasn't elevating her voice on response. she was firm. but she would be asked questions by susan necheles, one of them was just, she said susan necheles said to her, have you said that you want to be instrumental in putting donald trump in jail? and stormy daniels was like, i didn't say that. where did i say that? she would force susan necheles to find the quote multiple times, susan necheles couldn't find because stormy daniels actually didn't say that. she may have said something similar to that, but not even close. this went back and forth, the badgering. i understand that they need to have a narrative and they're trying to make her out as an opportunist who profited from this and donald trump is a victim, but i was just surprised at the lengths they went today to shame her on the stand. it was kind of not even just the
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sex stuff, it was the nuts and sluts. they were basically calling her crazy at one point for other things that happened in her life. >> and just the one you were talking about, i'm going to put that back up. isn't it a fact you keep posting on social media how you're going to be instrumental in putting president trump on jail? she said show me where i said that? all right, if we could show the witness j-43 please just for the witness and parties. do you recognize that as your post? stormy daniels -- yes. >> necheles -- and. >> and i don't see the words. indeed, she said somebody tweeted at her calling her a human toilet and she responded, exactly, making me the best person to flush the orange turd down. >> she was having a pun with the toilet. assume he's going to come after me with that, i'm going to come
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back with this. meant nothing of what susan necheles insinuated. if another person on that stand may have just agreed to move it along or was nervous, but stormy daniels was holding her ground for the entire time she was up against susan necheles today. >> let me play another -- read another one. this is susan necheles, i want to go to you on this, claire, because you're a former prosecutor. this is susan necheles claiming that stormy daniels was selling herself. a very choice way of putting it. and she says this, necheles -- you were selling your to people who hated president trump. >> stormy daniels -- i was not selling myself to anyone. i was performing in clubs. it was not geared to people only who hated somebody. these were strip club patrons. they were fans of my work. it is difficult to cross-examine a woman, i can imagine, claire. and normally, a woman is chosen to do it.
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that doesn't seem atypical. i'm not a lawyer, but that seems logical. it seems to me that ms. necheles' job was to be as nasty as possible. how does that advance the defense? >> it doesn't. but she had a problem, this defense lawyer had a problem. excuse me. the problem is, donald trump is requiring their lawyers to present a defense that the sex never happened. that this was all made up. that none of this is true. now, imagine how different this would be if necheles was trying to establish that this witness knew nothing about whether donald trump had anything to do with actually writing the checks for the hush payments if this witness knew anything about whether or not they were recorded properly on his books or not. that's what this case is about. but they are handcuffed because trump is requiring them to present a defense that he's the
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perfect family man, that the sex never happened, and that's why it was so ludicrous they asked for a mistrial. of course the prosecution is going to establish that the sex happened. because donald trump, through his lawyers in opening statement, said it didn't. and that becomes a crucial part of the case. this lawyer had a very hard job. she had to make this woman look like a greedy, sleazy liar. and there's corroboration that the sex happened. the details she's given have been wholly consistent. little things vary, but as paul will tell you, that's very common when a witness tells a story over and over and over again. the essence of her story has remained identical from the beginning. and the jury sensed that. i think this defense lawyer was required to go further than she knew she should by none other than donald trump, and i think she did damage to donald trump today. >> yeah, and paul, let me come to you.
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just reading the transcripts it was uncomfortable. i can only imagine what it looked like in person. here's another one where it's clear susan necheles is doing what trump wants, to boost his ego. she asked, and turning your attention back to the tournament where they met, the celebrity golf tournament. president trump was the biggest celebrity probably at that tournament, right? daniels -- it demands on what you're a fan of. you recognized him? objection. you saw people following him around, right? daniels -- yes, a lot of people are paid to follow him around, i'm sure. i don't know. and he did well at that golf tournament, right? i don't remember. just for the point of facts, donald trump came in 62nd out of yalth players at that tournament. no, he wasn't doing well, but ego stroking trump and attacking stormy daniels because trump can't do it. that doesn't seem to me to be a defense. >> it's a performance for the client. so it is the job of a defense attorney to attack the credibility of a witness for the
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prosecution. and in fact, there was baggage that stormy daniels has. she lost a defamation case with trump, and she said that she would go to jail rather than pay him a dime. but that's not what the defense focused on during their cross. they acted like she was a fallen woman, like this was a trial in mississippi in the 1950s. >> right. >> there was this class component. they treated her like they thought she was trash. in stark contrast to hope hicks last week, this former vanity fair model who they didn't treat in the same way. they actually treated her with kid gloves. and so i don't think this is very effective for the jury. i don't think classism and sexism work on a manhattan jury in 2024. >> yeah, and i think, to go back to you, susanne, the madeleine westerhout, another contrast, same day. you have madeleine westerhout get up there, who worked for trump, who was very close to
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trump and who got fired by trump's office for making claims about her closeness to him. completely different treatment. >> completely different. and even david pecker, think back to, i think, one of the most damaging witnesses who we started with, the former head of the "national enquirer," who was the principal who cooked up the catch and kill schemes with donald trump. and knew about all of this, and talked about it. at the end, david pecker actually said he still thinks donald trump to be a mentor of his. very different treatment throughout, even on, i would argue, more damaging witnesses. today was really something. there was even an exchange, and it went on, it seemed like it went on for probably hours. it was probably 30 minutes to an hour, though. just about what stormy daniels had said about if they had eaten dinner. they were going to meet for dinner. and was there food there, and this went on and on. stormy daniels said we didn't eat food. and susan necheles couldn't
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provide an interview where stormy daniels had said it other than she said it was dinner. and stormy daniels is like sometimes you can meet somebody for dinner and you don't eat. it's just a time of day. everybody in the courtroom was like, okay, enough. is this all you have? like, it was something to see the cross on this. especially compared to the other witnesses. you're right. >> and claire, i mean, and not advancing the case. donald trump really did not want people to know that he had slept with stormy daniels in 2016. apparently, he still wants to deny that fact rather than stipulate to it. but in doing that, all he's done is elevate that fact to bizarre and embarrassing proportions. >> there's no question about that. you know, if this had been a defense to the charges, a good lawyer would have handled this case much differently, but they can't. they can't because donald trump won't let them. he wants them to destroy stormy
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daniels. he didn't want them to destroy hope hicks. he didn't want them to destroy pecker. he wanted this woman torn apart, and that's what this woman was told to do. i felt for her today. i mean, you know, she's the one who decided to go to work for donald trump, so god love her. >> or tried to. >> she knew when she was hired on this team, she knew what her job was and she took the job. >> oh, necheles. >> she tried to do that today. i think in the long run, the jury, yes, there may have been a few moments where stormy daniels got flustered or a few moments where maybe she was tripped up slightly, but all in all, the jury had to be saying, lay off. you're not getting anywhere here. a good cross-examination, and paul will tell you this, a good cross-examination is when you sit down and you're confident you made your point. there's no way she made her
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point today. and that was not a good cross-examination. >> and very quickly, last word to you on this, paul. then they tried for another mistrial because he wants to attack her more. >> that's outrageous, again. right before the opening statement, juror number nine came in and said that she was scared. she thought about it over the weekend and she didn't think she was going -- could be on the jury anymore. the judge said, you're going to be okay. i'm going to protect you. so that's what the concern about the gag order is. trump has demonstrated history of putting people's lives in danger. and the judge wants to make sure that the jury aren't victims of that. >> i think after watching what his lawyer tried to do to stormy daniels, they have every reason to fear. susanne craig, paul butler, and claire mccaskill, thank you all. up next on "the reidout," republicans bending the knee to trump has reached farcical level, but senator rick scott showing up at the trial to give the indicted president moral support.
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wife was home for his fifth newborn child. call it the sycophant's walk of shame. he called the new york election interference case political persecution and brought up his own past legal woes. >> i have had experience with this. back in the '90, i was the lead opponent to hillary care. hillary clinton's health care. after it was defeated, she used the justice department to go after me and my company. this can't continue. what's happening to this president is wrong. >> okay, that's a lot to unpack. so first, hillary clinton was first lady in the 1990s. not sure how she would be able to use the justice department to go after anybody. but let's unpack why the justice department went after rick scott's former company, hca. the department joined eight whistleblower lawsuits alleging hca defrauded medicare, medicaid, and military tricare.
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hca reached a settlement agreeing to pay $1.7 billion in penalties in the largest health care fraud case in history. with much of the defrauding happening under ceo rick scott's watch. scott and his management team were ultimately forced to resign as accusations of wrongdoing at his company mounted. hca admitted to things like submitting inflated bills and exaggerating diagnoses to increase reimbursements so what's that about political persecution? he has a long history of pretending he didn't know what his company did, as shown in a 1995 deposition unearthed during his 2010 campaign for governor. >> i don't recall. >> i wouldn't know. >> what do you mean by occupancy? >> is that a xerox of your signature? >> right there? >> yes, sir. >> it looks like my signature. >> rick scott, who inexplicably
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floridians elected anyway, says she took responsibility for the fraud at his company and he walked away from it all with $300 million in stocks making him one of the richest members of congress. he's really just another member of the oligarch class lining up at the trump trough because they wasn't total control of the country. "the washington post" reported on a meeting trump held with oil executives where he asked them to fork over a billion dollars to his campaign. in return, he vowed to immediately reverse dozens of president biden's environmental rules and policies and stop new ones from being enacted. of course, it's not the only time trump has made promised to america's oligarch class behind closed doors. at a fund-raiser last month, he promised to keep the taxes of the nation's super elite low, by extended his great big 2017 tax cut for billionaires and big corporations if he's elected. his presidency was a big grift for himself and oil companies and the billionaires the first
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time. so why would it be different a second time around? what's america's -- what america's oligarchs want is very simple. pay as close as possible to zero for taxes and have no regulations for businesses and they're willing to swallow a trump presidency as a means to that end. trump is the perfect dictator for them. his vulgarity and cruelty is fine since those are the pennies he'll toss at the maga base to keep them entertained by the brown people in intention camps and women trapped in doomed or rape pregnancies as long as it keeps the super rich eating cake, all good. doug bermham joined trump's confab of big oil executives. he's also one of many toadies jockeying to me trump's next hang mike pence, also a billionaire sycophant with so much money to burn, he was offering $20 gift cards for $1 donations to his short-lived presidential campaign in order to qualify for the debates. so it's fitting that the tech mogul who became one of the
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wealthiest governors in the country is trying to enlist the rest of the oligarch crowd to do trump's bidding. why choose a sleep number smart bed? can i make my side softer? i like my side firmer. sleep number does that. now, save 50% on the sleep number limited edition smart bed.
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you're a billionaire and care about your shareholders and your family and grandkids, you should vote for someone who's going bring prosperity to america and peace to the world. that's what president trump is going to do. >> that's one of the republican
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veep contenders, doug brk urgum on his vision forbleairs. they're all but putting a for sale sign on the washington. "the washington post" reported this morning that trump posed a deal to a group of america's wealthiest at mar-a-lago last month, raise $1 billion for me in exchange for rolling back taxes and regulations if he's elected. why wouldn't they do it? trump is the perfect puppet ruler for them. he keeps the base entertained while advancing the real purpose of his autocratic presidency, deregulate and enrich the 1%. joining me now is david k. johnston, distinguished visiting lecturer at syracuse yurt college of law and author of the big cheat, how donald trump fleeced america and enriched himself and his friends. david, donald trump is the perfect man for this job, no, because he does love being around rich people and serving them. >> well, and donald, despite the mistaken beliefs of millions of his followers, doesn't care one
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bit about people at the bottom. not one bit. and he's perfectly happy to associate with people like senator rick scott of florida, who amazingly, was not prosecuted and sent to prison for stealing $1.4 billion from the taxpayers and many other people. >> and let me just give you all some statistics for our audience, just to understand where we're at. oil profits are at record levels now. exxon, chevron, banked their second highest annual profits in a decade. in terms of the people who are in congress, less than 2% of state legislaors are from the working class. just 116, that's 1.6%, ever worked in manual labor. and ten states, there was not a single lawmaker who currently ever worked in an occupation that would be classified as working class. you have self-funders, self-funding candidates all over the country, just simply running for office themselves to take control of the country themselves. billionaire worth versus regular
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people's wealth. $2.9 trillion as of 2017. that's after donald trump's super duper tax cut, $5.8 trillion now last time for the first time in u.s. history, billionaires have a lower effective tax rate than the working class. this is donald trump's constituency. why would normal working class people be -- >> because they're not told about this in the news, if they pay attention to the news at all. i spent decades with "the new york times" and elsewhere since documenting this. in my book, perfectly legal, about our tax system where i show all these people who found ways to pay little or no tax, there's a chart. it's the 40-year increase in income for the bottom 90%. 90%. and it's one inch in the book. and then, there's an arrow next to it, it goes to the top of the page. this represents the oligarch class. and it says, continues off the
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page for 62 1/2 feet. every time a person in the bottom 90% got $1 of increased income, the oligarch class got $7,500 each. and this did not happen organically. this is not how markets work. this is what trump is selling. i will fix the government rules to make you even richer, even though you have more money than you could possibly consume, i will fix the rules for you. and that's what people need to understand. governments set the rules and we have been for 50 years now the democrats do not have clean hands here, mostly because they haven't fought back. but what's happened over the last 50 years is government rules that take from the many and stuff hundred dollar bills into the pockets of people who are fabulously wealthy. it's having horrible social consequences. it explains why so many poorly
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educated working class people think donald trump is their savior. even as he is stabbing them in the back. >> yeah, and i think it's partly this. let me play what he said in 2016, the way he ran for office. >> and i built an unbelievable business, a great, great business. some of the greatest assets in the world. >> i don't need anybody's money, it's nice. i'm using my own money. i'm not using the lobbyists, not using donors. i don't care. i'm really rich. >> donald trump became famous in the 1980s at a time when the media glorified rich people. we had something called lifestyles of the rich and famous who benefitted from the idea of this idea of worshiping the rich, and people thought elon musk was amazing simply because he bought tesla. but people kind -- that is what he's benefitting from, it's why he's president. >> yes, absolutely. and of course, donald is not now and never has been a billionaire.
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but here's one of the numbers to thing about. between 2013 and 2021, just eight years, the number of people reporting an income of more than $10 million tripled. and when you look at the most recent irs report on audits of people who make more than $10 million, they only audit a tiny fraction of them, and if you divide the number of people in that class by the amount collected by the government after audits, it's $320. per person. the amount of money from audits of high income people has fallen 99%. why is this not front page news? why is this not leading the network newscasts? >> i think it's because there is -- because all the media, everybody is in cahoots on the idea of less regulation and lower taxes, all of the industries are for that. lastly, i will point out, freedom works, which was invented by the koch brothers to pretend that the tea party was a grassroots movement, they're shutting down because they're no longer needed.
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it's now self-perpitch waiting. people are willing to do for the top. they stormed the trump maga base is protecting them. >> right, and the way we change that is we get unions back because 80% of workers benefitting when about a third of private sector workers were in unions. we get government rules that stop this upward redistribution through all of the secret little things i revealed in my book. and we stop this subsidizing of huge corporations. general electric should be able to stand on its own instead of taking -- >> indeed, david k. johnston, thank you. up next, we have got to talk about rfk jr. admitting that, you know, to quote the pink floyd song, a worm ate into his brain. we'll be right back.
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i like to do things myself. i can't trust anything else to do the job right. kayak... aaaaaaaahhhh kayak. search one and done. okay, if you thought the presidential race couldn't get any weirder, well, thing again. this week, we learned that independent candidate robert f. kennedy jr. once had a dead worm in his brain. yes, you heard that correctly. "the new york times" uncovered a 2012 deposition by kennedy in which he talks about how two years prior, he had seen several neurologists after experiencing memory loss and brain fog. and those doctors noticed a dark spot on his brain scans.
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some apparently thought it was a tumor. one doctor at new york presbyterian hospital had a different opinion. kennedy said the doctor believed that the abnormality seen on his scans was caused by a worm that got into my brain and ate a portion of it, and then died. yes, this is the same candidate who, at 70 years old, has tried to portray himself as a young, fit, and healthy alternative to biden and trump. even suggesting that biden doesn't have the mental acuity to handle another term in the white house, but in this deposition, kennedy said, quote, i have cognitive problems, clearly, i have short term memory loss and i have longer term memory loss that affects me. you can't make it up. but as bizarre and ridiculous as all of this is, when it comes to the dangers of rfk's candidacy, the brain worms are the least of it. it's his ideas that are the real issue. kennedy is a staunch anti-vaxer and has spent years spreading
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false claims about vaccines including the covid vaccines. >> can you name any vaccines you think are good? >> i think some virus vaccines are probably averting more problems than they're causing. there's no vaccine that is, you know, safe and effective. >> i have seen somebody on a hiking trail carrying a little baby. i said don't get them vaccinated. he heard that from me. if he hears it from ten other people, maybe he won't do it. maybe he will save that child. >> if you look at their post licensing record, it confirms it is the deadliest vaccine ever made. >> totes normal. he's also flip-flopped on his abortion stance. this week saying he would allow women to have abortions at full term. but in an interview with nbc in august, he said he would support a national abortion ban after
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three months of pregnancy, something his campaign tried to walk back. when it comes to the war in gaza, kennedy called palestinians, quote, the most pampered people by international aid organizations in the history of the world. and he questioned the value of even a temporary cease-fire. he's also suggested that when it comes to mass shootings in america, the problem isn't guns, it's antidepressants and video games. last night in an interview with my colleague, ari melber, he didn't rule out pardons for january 6th insurrectionists which is interesting, especially since according to new reporting from nbc news, right-wing social media influencer hired by his campaign appears to have been at the capitol during the attack. on top of all that, he claims the biggest threat to democracy is not donald trump, it's joe biden. if you're thinking, come on, there's no way he wins the white house, what could happen is he gets just enough electorate college votes so no candidates gets the 270 to win, which means
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the presidential election would fall into the lap of the house of representatives which is currently run by trump's maga cronies and you can imagine the rest. up next, president biden's threat to block certain weapons from being sent to israel if they launch a major invasion in rafah is sending shock waves through u.s. politics, with some republicans going so far as to say it's an impeachable offense. we'll be right back.
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it powers big jobs and small ones too. from hospitals to hospitality, people rely on propane-an energy source that's affordable, plentiful, and environmentally friendly for everyone. get the facts at president biden is facing
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blowback for saying that he will stop sending bombs and artillery shells to israel if it launches a major invasion on the city of rafah in the southern gaza strip. senator tom cotton has called on the house to impeach biden for withholding weapons to israel, even comparing biden's actions to the charges in trump's first impeachment, in which trump was accused of storm -- of strong-arming ukraine to get dirt on joe biden or get no military aid. really not the same thing at all. meanwhile trump pounced on the opportunity by attacking jewish american voters who don't support him. >> what biden is doing with respect to israel is disgraceful. if any jewish person voted for joe biden, they should be ashamed of themselves. he has totally abandoned israel. >> joining me now is the editor in chief and ceo of the brand-
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new media company. good to see you. where do you want to go? >> let's start with trump. start with the idiocy. so, should they vote for donald trump, the man who hosted a holocaust denier at mar-a-lago. the man who said very fine people at charlottesville. the man who said jews are disloyal if they don't support israel. this man who is quoting pay >> and his family is involved in settlement building. i am sure that will help him. >> it is awkward because he is both anti-semitic and pro- israel. maybe i will have to vote for donald trump now. when it comes to policy, he was the most pro-israeli president until joe biden came along. he has the only american president who has an illegal settlement named after him and you have far right members of the israeli government saying
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we can't wait until trump's president, because we will get to do more killing. >> right. he is getting this blowback, but he is responding if you look at the polling that his party is moving away from the policy on his natural bearhug tendencies. >> we found 54% of democrats believe it is a genocide in gaza. 70% of americans want a permanent cease-fire. a majority of republicans want a cease-fire. so our political system is not representing the american public and joe biden is being dragged towards recognizing where the public is and this shows that protesting works. college protesters, what they do matters. what journalist do, matters. aoc and others who have stood up, matters. public opinion matters. look, is it very late in the game? yes, i wish he had said this
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november 8 or december 8, not may 8, many more people could've been saved, but i am glad he is saying this stuff. one shipment of bombs is not enough because people are being killed right now as we speak and rafah by israeli forces. >> let's play what president biden did say about the campus protests, which i think in part is moving the needle. here it is. >> look, two things. first of all, there is a legitimate right to free speech and protest. there is a legitimate right to do that. you have a right to do that. there is not a legitimate right to use hate speech. >> thoughts? >> my thoughts are that i am glad he recognizes the importance of free speech. i'm glad he says he is hearing the message, because earlier it seemed like he was not hearing it. democrats can't win without young people turning out. that is all they won in 2018,
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2020, how they stopped the red wave in 2022. even though it is a fringe day >> most of the violence is perpetrated by police on the protesters. >> and by counter protesters at ucla, for example. i worry about castigating student protesters. i worry about the tick-tock band. i worry about hillary clinton going on tv this morning and sang young people don't know about middle east history. patronizing and lecturing them is not a good move when you need young people to stop donald trump. >> you have president biden preparing to give a speech at morehouse college, the commencement speech on the 19th, which happens to be the malcolm x. birthday. it is like for college is all on that same grounds and he has got to give a speech in which he has to go public with whatever he thinks now, which has morphed, but it is a pressure point. this may not be young people's
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number one issue, but it is an issue across the board. not just for arab and muslim young people. >> and alderpeople. we have seen protesters in georgia, hundreds of them, tell the new york times we don't know what to tell her congregations. put aside the morality of not wanting to support the killing of kids. just from a domestic political perspective it would be in joe biden's and the democratic party's interest to have this war end. joe biden has a good domestic record to run on. record low unemployment. he has taken a good move on marijuana. a good message on the domestic front. he wants to stick with netanyahu and i am glad there is now some distance. it needs to increase. >> let's talk about netanyahu, because it seems to me that what he wants is for the war to go on. forever would be perfect, because for him, his fate, like donald trump's, in terms of staying out of prison and keeping and retaining power, it is all tied to the war continuing.
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so netanyahu has no interest in the thing joe biden needs, which is peace. >> he is counting down the days. he knows he has a trial coming up. like trump, he cares about himself more than anything else. he has a coalition that will collapse if he agrees to any kind of cease-fire. he abandoned the hostages. i hear people say you don't care about the hostages. you know who doesn't care about the hostages? benjamin netanyahu. their families stood outside his house earlier this week and said there is blood on your hands. go to israel, they want a deal. they want an end to the conflict and want their people home, as we should all want. >> you have been covering the scene and the middle east for a long time. what you make of the change in public opinion? i used to do nightline all the time and he looks the same. the public shift in opinion toward recognizing the humanity of palestinians is very new to me. what you make of that change in
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this party -- in this country? >> it is partly partisan, but mainly it is generational. there is a massive gap. look at over 65 and under 35 and it is huge. pro-israeli over 65 and pro- palestinian under 35. the generational shift is what is making people go crazy. mitt romney said this week, they say palestine way too often on tick-tock. >> he is saying the quiet part out loud. again, not smart if you want young people to actually vote. they happen to like tick-tock and make money on it. and they see something that they see as wrong and they have a moral compass. there is nothing wrong with that. always good to see you. thank you for being here. that is tonight's "reidout". you can follow me on tiktok and instagram and follow our show accounts on instagram and tiktok. "all in with chris hayes" starts now. tonight on "all in" -- >> this was


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