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tv   The Weekend  MSNBC  May 11, 2024 5:00am-6:00am PDT

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sort of set the context of, here is a-- two catholics in the south, which was not usual, so they are sort of isolated, because of that, regina ran a dairy farm on her own, because she was widowed, women do not do that. she then sent her child-- this is the biggest taboo that she did, she said her child to yankee land. she sent her north, to be educated. that is another thing that did not happen. so you have these two women one here is more conventional than the other, but there living very unusual lives. >> that is all the time we have for the saturday. we will back here tomorrow morning at 6:00 a.m. eastern. up next, it is the weekend, enjoy the rest of your saturday. good morning. it is saturday, may 11th.
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i am emily. president donald trump struggles to unite his party. the reporting on nikki haley's refusal to endorse them. they say they are voting for someone else. michael cohen will take the stand and president donald trump's criminal trial after a week of fireworks from another key witness, stormy daniels. jen psaki will talk about her former boss's reelection campaign in her new book. grab your coffee and settle in. welcome to the weekend. we begin this weekend with another wild outburst from president donald trump outside of court. he attacked the judge and prosecutors in the case, claiming his criminal trial is
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corrupt and declaring he would be, quote, very proud to go to jail for our constitution. his efforts -- he defied everything the constitution actually embodied. he is laying the groundwork to repeat that playbook in 2024. this week, we are talking by challenging the results of the next election. trump said people should, quote, follow your heart. joining us now from our homeland security adviser, olivia choi. >> are you following your heart? i am sorry. >> as long as your heart is not a lie -- saying whatever comes to president donald trump's mind and heart. >> exactly. how is all of this, the trial piece, the drama, him coming out and standing in front of the cameras and pronouncing that much of anything other than more lies, how is this impacting the voters out there right now? my sense is that the trial
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piece, they're not paying much attention to it. i do not know there will be a correlation at this point until there is a verdict. how are you seeing all this kind of playing out and sort of setting up the narratives that president donald trump -- >> for now, i think there is a whole thing where people expect this president donald trump message afterwards. he uses his political campaign opportunities then because, unlike responsible candidates, he cannot be out on the campaign trail because he is too busy dealing with all the crimes he has committed in the courtroom. i think people are -- i'm hoping people are getting sick of this. is this what you want? this presidential candidate that is costly out there, trying to figure out how he spends this and how he covers up with lies? it is one lie after another and with president donald trump, everything is red.
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the judicial system is rigged. the election is ranked. it is one election after another. as an american, as you process that, how much is too much? >> everything cannot be raised. >> excepted the economy. -- except the economy. i mean, everything cannot be rigged. >> it so striking because he does this in court and then speaker johnson is weak. he is -- i will just play the sound. >> we all know, intuitively, that a lot of illegals are voting in federal elections, but it has not been something easily provable. we do not have the number. no one can relitigate what happened in 2020. we know that there was ballot harvesting and mail-in ballots. it was the covid election and there were all sorts of irregularity. >> we know that --
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>> let me hold my cup. >> we have been doing mail-in ballots for 20 years. what the hell is he talking about? >> that is what i am saying. if the entire system is "set up," how is this a strategy for winning in november? campaigns are about winning, okay? how is it a strategy for winning? all this talk about mike johnson, he has made a pivot and seen the light. i will to note it was a moment, not a movement. >> he fell right back in line. they are parroting president donald trump's talking points. they are right on the message in there out there, consistently pushing misinformation to the american voter and undermining the election process already, laying the groundwork for when they lose in november and then
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they can perpetuate these narratives and say we have been talking about this for months now. we have the immigrants and the noncitizens voting, which is not true. i worked at the department of homeland security. statistically and factually, this is incorrect. >> it is not true according to the cato institute. the heritage foundation says it is extremely rare. >> it is rare. the numbers do not add up. you cannot even give you the actual facts. when he is up there, talking about it, he said it is hard to prove. it is hard to prove because you are lying. it is factually incorrect. >> it is also rich coming from someone who is one of the architects of president donald trump's efforts to overturn a fair and free election. my question to you is a homeland security person, and we are all in agreement that the greatest threat to the homeland is now coming from inside and part of what he is doing is setting up a permission structure for this forthcoming election, not only for his voters to question the results, but for them to
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respond with violence. i wonder if the institution -- if they are in charge of protecting the homeland, how it is you are supposed to get out ahead of that threat? >> it is worrisome. now you have a republican elected official standing with all these other people around him on the same capitol steps where we saw an insurrection take place on january 6th, which, to me, was just disgusting and appalling to watch that because you know that message led to the violence we saw. it is hard because you have people, leadership, people that people look up to. the voters are watching them and they take them at their word. you are radicalizing them. you are delivering a message every day and you're already planting the seed, saying, okay, pay attention to all these things. they are feeding them lies. it is building this anger with divisiveness. it is the radicalization that leads to political violence. >> one important aspect of that
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is something the current president, joe biden, acknowledged. i think it is important repeated over and over again because president donald trump is doing everything in his power to undermine this election before it even happens. the president noted that trump made on except the outcome of the election. of course, i promise you, he will not. i think this is a very important point that we are all, in a way, getting punked right now in this moment by president donald trump. you know, the big setup as we started the conversation. everything is rigged. all these bad actors -- you have speaker johnson out here, lying about people who are not citizens voting in elections. all of that -- they focused this past week with president donald trump saying, well, you know you're not supposed to count votes after the election. >> what do you even mean?
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what are you trying to get at? >> they want the election, they want the voting to stop on election night. they want everything counted by midnight on election night. >> republican state legislators passed a bunch of laws way back in the day that made it so that you cannot start counting early votes until election night? >> you need to talk to people because republican legislators, to that point, have divined -- designed the system, that you cannot start counting until after the election. all of this goes into the narrative of telling the american people that if president donald trump does not win,., it is all rigged. it is a lie. everyone cheated. is a biden on track with this messaging? should he be saying more of this we might just go right to the gut punch and say, folks, he is lying to you. you are being set up. >> we need to be blunt and, look, show them the play "that
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they ran in 2020 because he is doing the same thing. in 2020, donald trump in august, i left the white house and i watched him on social media and it says, he said something to the effect of if we lose the election, it is because it was read. that was -- it was rigged. he started even earlier. he has been doing that for the past four years, right, in addition to all of that. with president donald trump, everything is rigged. when he did not win the awards for having a show, he said that was rigged. he has used that throughout his life when something does not go his way. to the american voter, i think it should be him saying, hey, pay attention to what is happening. i also think we need other voices and allies, specifically
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republicans and leaders who can reach the voters, to repeat that and say, hey, just to be clear, our elections and our democracy matters and these people are undermining this special thing we have in our country, that makes it so special, their ability to vote, and we should not be allowing someone like president donald trump to push a dangerous message. >> here is the rub. for the man who claims that everything was read, we found out this week he tried to rig stormy daniels appearance. >> he is a cheat. >> he is nothing if not a cheater. >> i will make sure you win. olivia, stick around. next, a new round republicans say they will not vote in the 2024 election and a key voice is still on the fence. and then our friends and colleague, my friend and
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colleague, jen psaki, will be here to talk about her new book, "say more." you will watch it right here on "the weekend." you know, i spend a lot of time thinking about dirt. at three in the morning. any time of the day. what people don't know is that not all dirt is the same. you need dirt with the right kind of nutrients. look at this new organic soil from miracle-gro. everybody should have it. it worked great for us. this is as good as gold in any garden. if people only knew that it really is about the dirt. you're a dirt nerd. huge dirt nerd. i'm proud of it! [ryan laughs] inez, let me ask you, you're using head and shoulders, right? only when i see flakes. then i switch back to my regular shampoo. you should use it every wash, otherwise the flakes will come back.
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tiny troy: he's right, you know. is that tiny troy? the ingredients in head and shoulders keep the microbes that cause flakes at bay. microbes, really? they're always on your scalp... little rascals... but good news, there's no itchiness, dryness or flakes down here! i love tiny troy. and his tiny gorgeous hair. he's the best. - make every wash count! - little help please. this is remington. ...he's a member of the family, for sure. we always fed them kibble— it just seemed like the thing to do. but ...he was getting picky we heard about the farmer's dog... and it was a complete transformation. his coat was so soft, he had amazing energy. he was a completely different dog. it's a no-brainer that (remi) should have the most nutritious and delicious food possible. i'm investing in my dog's health and happiness.
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president donald trump may have clinched the nomination, but the primaries are still giving him a headache folk nikki haley, yes nikki haley, received more than 20% of the india -- indiana republican
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vote. this was more than two months ago. according to reporting, she has no contingent of endorsing from, at least for now. she said i am not going to discuss the political future or encourage them to give to other campaigns. they have confirmed this report. olivia troy is back. axios says the president donald trump campaign -- i think the trump campaign and donald trump, very important language that i highly doubt. >> nikki haley has been on president donald trump's list for anything. that is not happening. you know how they think. that kind of aggressive opponent on a ticket with him, number one, and number two, someone that he knows, when he needs to do certain things, will do those certain things, and that is not nikki haley. here is the problem with nikki
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haley. you do not get to play it both ways. you do not get to run the kind of campaign and say the kind of things you did and move the country towards your corner, only to then come out and go, you know, kind of like president donald trump and i will endorse him because he is the probable nominee. she is huddling with her donors. they will not endorse him yet. >> that "yet" is doing a lot of work. >> it is. how do you see this, having been inside that bubble, and how those machinations come about? what do you think is going on with nikki haley and the campaign and the timing because this is what we are talking about, the timing of whatever she will do, which i think will be indoors and trump. >> i think what she is doing is she is building out her groundwork, her network, and building her own profile politically behind-the-scenes.
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i think that she is looking at the future. what does this mean for her? i think she is eyeing another one at the presidency and is trying to figure out, how do i navigate this donald trump phenomenon because it is bigger than just trump. it is trumpism as a whole. she is also like, my future will be zero if i do not follow him and support him. i get a lot of criticism from my republican colleagues, that i am not all in on nikki haley. as much as i would want to support someone like her, i just do not have respect if you'll go out there and pretend that you are this person with integrity and then take it all back and come out and say you will fall back into line. >> like bill barr. >> what does that mean for those that are voting and supporting her still right now, even though she is not really a candidate? i worry about the direction she is going to leave those people when she does come out and
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support president donald trump. that is my concern. >> the way they qualify the bar you have said -- he has described himself as being greedy, but it is not enough for republicans to say you will not vote for him. you have to go the extra step. sometimes, i worry the chairman is setting his aspirations too high. i want to give credit where credit was due. you have the former lieutenant governor jeff junction saying he will vote for biden and he says others should as well. he said, i belonged to the gop my entire life, unlike trump. this november, i am voting for a decent person i disagree with over policy. >> does that carve out space for other republicans to do the same? >> i think it does. i really applaud the lieutenant governor. thank you. thank you so much because that is the voice that we need for
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republicans like olivia and myself, who have not stepped forward, to step forward, to give them that permission structure, that it is okay. your house will not catch on fire. your neighbors will not kick you out. i mean, this is the permission structure that you need. we have policy disagreements with a biden administration and certainly you can start from afghanistan or you can go to any number of issues, however i way that up against the guy who says he wants to be a dictator and guess what? biden wins every time. that is what we are looking for. >> he talks about character and that, you know, the office of the presidency should be someone with character. i think that is important. i think what we are seeing is a lack of feedback across the democratic -- republican party
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for those that have been co- opted due to their own craving for stashes -- stature. i have a lot of respect for lieutenant governor geoff duncan. it is hard for them to take that stand and i'm glad he is willing to be consistent . his own friend, governor kent, certainly was not. he fell back in line, even though he faced what happened in the 2020 election, which was super disappointing to watch. he knows firsthand the danger of what president donald trump is and how he can undermine democracy. i saw lieutenant governor geoff duncan's predecessor call him -- every village needs a useful idiot. i would argue and flip the script and say, actually, i would argue and say that the idiot found a useful village with all of these complicit enablers across the republican party who refuse to chart a different path for the party. >> they think president donald
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trump is the idiot and -- i mean, there are many, many -- it is the jeff duncan endorsement. i have not heard them talk about opening offices. the things you need to do to win a campaign are not hold rallies on the beach on saturday morning where you say tens of thousands are coming, but we will check the numbers with the fire marshal. i do not believe that is what we will hit. the way you win campaigns is you open offices and you knock doors and you hire staff. you organize and democrats in indiana, they have been organizing. they grew their margins in marion county in 2020 and indiana democrats have been targeting that prayer. marion county is where nikki haley did the best. she posted above a 30 point performance in that specific county.
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to me, if i am a republican strategist -- i cannot even -- if it were me, i would be concerned. >> there is no political grounding right now. i think everyone, whether it is the only talking points they have are the election is going to be stolen again and everybody prepare -- they're worried about this election integrity. i think that is their focus. they're not out there, talking to americans about this is actually what we are going to do about these issues you're worried about. you're worried about inflation? they are not explaining what they are going to do to fix the economy that they claim president joe biden has been so bad at, right? they are not actually out there, connecting with the voters like they need to be. i have said this before. they have chosen to stay behind
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this leader and they will continue to lose elections because of it. >> so, why do you organize if you will steal the election anyway? >> you are going to lie about it anyway. >> your lead dog is saying he has won the race and if it is not official come november, then the whole system is rigged. why do i need to organize in indiana and georgia and arizona and pennsylvania when the plan is already in place to lie about who won anyway? >> as they would say, that is the rub. >> thank you, olivia. coming up, what a new state department report says about israel's use of u.s. weapons in gaza. you are watching the weekend. . and wakes up feeling like himself. get the rest to be your best with non-habit forming zzzquil. ♪ ♪ (woman) ugh, of course it stops loading at the best part.
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i assume you are -- did you
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call him? mr. former speaker, we would love to see you at the table. >> i put the word out to my friend paul. i would love to see him have a conversation with us. paul and others in leadership, it they have come to the point where they have not supported trump, and i think the rubicon for them is the next piece, you know? which is what we are talking about with olivia. how do we now say joe biden? instead of a. of i am not voting for trump, i am voting for joe biden. it will take -- it is attainable. you have lieutenant governor duncan and you have folks like paul ryan making it very clear that trump is not the way the party needs to go. it then opens up those lanes for the next part of the conversation, which otherwise would be shut
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off. >> i do not know. i still believe if you're a republican, and i am just talking to the republicans, not to the democrats -- >> you have a whole lot of democrats on college campuses and elsewhere, blowing up stuff around the election for no reason. >> okay, this is what a principal does. he is going to throw something out there. he knows i need to respond to that. the children on college campuses, sir, the young people on college campuses, some of them are -- they vote. they are not the totality of young people. the oldest millennials are 43 and are mothers. olivia is a millennial. >> i understand that, but messaging is a messaging. >> i agree.
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>> they should try to influence republicans to vote for president joe biden. you have got folks out there who are having influence to pull that voter away from joe biden. >> there are a couple things. if you're a republican and you do not want to vote for president donald trump, fine. i think it is less about -- i am speaking to the republicans. if you're a republican and you do not want to vote for president donald trump, good. if you do not want to vote for president joe biden, fine. as long as you're not checking that box for president donald trump, it works out. i think it will. >> you have been in this game long enough to know that a no vote can be a vote for the other person. >> president joe biden does need a certain number of republicans in his coalition, however they are not the totality of the coalition. he still needs to get point based voters. if you're a democrat -- >> when you have weaknesses on your own side of the coalition, that is a problem. >> he has always had those. the biden coalition -- >> i think you have revisionist
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history out here. i worked on that campaign. in 2020, the sunrise people were protesting about the young people climate organizations, protesting president joe biden from michigan to ohio to california and philly. >> they were not on the nightly news. >> which is something the media decides to cover. >> what they decide to cover is what influences voters that have not made up their mind and that is my point. >> we have alluded to the campus protests a number of times. which is slightly address a note that i would say what is happening on college campuses is not monolithic and it is not every campus. there are nuances that need to be covered and i do think the media coverage has the sexiness. >> it is only about -- >> yes, exactly. when i used to work in trade work, when i -- i would call up the networks and say that is not sexy. all me back when you have
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something sexy. calling in -- >> it is about the chairman. this is how it goes. >> this is how it happens. >> president joe biden draws a line with the president, and he says that they are vowing to go it alone if need be. you are watching "the weekend. wears -- "the weekend." e weeke . to those with migraine, i see you. for the acute treatment of migraine with or without aura and the preventive treatment of episodic migraine in adults. don't take if allergic to nurtec odt. allergic reactions can occur, even days after using. most common side effects were nausea, indigestion, and stomach pain. it's time we all shine. talk to a healthcare provider about nurtec odt from pfizer. ( ♪♪ ) i thought water would help
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a new report from the state department says israel's military campaign may have violated international law, but that israel has not violated terms of u.s. agreements. despite holding off a bomb shipment over concerns over an potential invasion of rafah,
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they are still sending some weapons to israel. that comes after president joe biden acknowledged in an interview that american bombs have been used to kill palestinian civilians and he warned the u.s. would cut off more weapons shipments to israel if an attack on rafah goes forward. >> i am not supplying the weapons that have been used historically to deal with rafah, to deal with the cities, to deal with that problem. >> new this morning, israel called on residents in rafah to evacuate and that could be assigned of an offensive in the city is eminent. the chair of the commission on the national defense strategy, jane harman, joins us now. >> hello, michael. >> thank you for being here. congresswoman, your thoughts on the interview the president did earlier and the big news. we played the sounds that basically, i heard the administration saying out loud
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to the rest of us what they have been saying privately to the israelis for some time, that they are not going to -- rafah is a bridge too far and they need a plan to protect civilians. without that, they will not support them. >> i do not think it is noon news that writing opposes the strategy of israel, if it is even a strategy. i think god is the has created a narrative in the world, including in the u.n., which just voted yesterday for a palestinian state in the general assembly, that they are isolating the room and i do not think israel is achieving its objectives. peter baker has an article in the new york times, where he reminds us -- i have forgotten this -- that a president named ronald reagan, not a democrat to my knowledge, where he was actually a former democrat that voted for roosevelt -- he not only held custom munitions, but delay the shipment of m-16s to israel in 1982 because he
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thought that israel's bombing of beirut at the time was, quote, a holocaust and its history that eisenhower also thought about doing. this is not new news. what is sad news, if you want my two cents, which i guess you do -- >> we will take it. we will take $10. >> $10. what happens to negotiations for the release of hostages in exchange for israeli prisoners and a temporary cease-fire that was eminent a few weeks ago? what happened to that? what happened to biden's good advice to prime minister benjamin netanyahu to take the win when a coalition of nations, including us, helped block this horrible iranian attempted attacks against israel? what happened to that? what happened to good conversations with the arab neighborhood about possibly recognizing israel, which is something the saudis say they would like to do if, if, if
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there is a path to two states. two states is still u.s. policy. so, that is all the former good news. now, we are talking about these citizens of rafah trying to find a place to go. i think the border is closed with egypt. if they go to the north, there is rumor that hamas is regrouping in the north part of gaza that was cleansed of them a while ago. where is the strategy? i think biden is correct, that this strategy is not only wrong, but will not succeed. >> people in tel aviv this week, they were in the streets, specifically about the hostages, telling prime minister benjamin netanyahu that we do not -- we want the hostages released. >> i understand what happened. your best sense of what
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happened behind that? >> well, i do not know. i think the administration has been extremely earnest in trying to achieve those objectives, which, to my mind, or the right objectives. antony blinken has been there eight times or something. our best people are going to try to talk to a range of israelis about how to go forward and biden talks to prime minister benjamin netanyahu all the time. i think his relationship with trump is not positive either. where is the strategy? where is the strategy to defeat hamas leadership, a successful strategy? what is going on right now in rafah, in a tunnel, where the head of the middleton wing of hamas is in a cave, surrounded by hostages. why would you not use them as human shields? if israel is successful and i do not know if they will be -- what happens first before that? >> it is a tragedy. i do not know why we do not
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talk about this, but five of those hostages are americans. >> to your point, you have this sort of defiance, if you will, from bibi. listen to what he had to say about israel standing alone. if we have to stand alone, we will stand alone. you can see some of the problem that the administration has with a leader who, despite everything that we see and everything that we know, and all of the pressures from forces within the middle east and certainly outside of the middle east, still has this defiance approach to finding a resolution.
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>> i do not disagree with that. let me be clear. president joe biden stands with israel. i stand with israel. i think everyone sitting around here stands with israel because we disagree with the strategy of the prime minister of israel, which we do not think will achieve legitimate objectives, does not mean we do not stand with israel. he is the one isolating his country. i think it is a shame. i mentioned that biden's advice, take the deal. there was a coalition of countries, can we remember this? it was only a few weeks ago where arab states, plus the united states, plus israel, plus france, plus the uk, plus others, all that defeated an onslaught of iranian missiles and drones that could have hurt israel. take the win. keep the coalition going. >> take the win. >> netanyahu wants us to believe that because the american president is unwilling
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to go along with his strategy/non-strategy, because people are balls to the wall on bombing the children of gaza because he is not willing to go along with that, some towel -- somehow israel standing alone. every turn, in the aftermath of the seventh, rightfully so, the people rallied around israel and the israeli people, given the terrorist attack they experienced. it was horrible. grandmothers snatched out of their homes and burned up. it was crazy. prime minister benjamin netanyahu was on political life support before. he would not have a job without the continuation of this war. his comments, to me, they say
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he is purely about self- preservation. he is willing to do so at the expense of the hostages and his relationship with the western world. >> a shocking response. he is not the only first leader of a country who views things that way. but it is damaging israel to conduct this strategy/non- strategy of threatening and maybe bombing again the people of rafah. i mean, half of gaza's population is now crowded into rafah. they cannot move into israel or into egypt because the border has been blocked by israel, or so i understand. what happens next? i do not see this achieving the objective, which i share, and i think president joe biden shares, of removing the militant wing of hamas and replacing, hopefully, them with some responsible leadership, a path to two states. that is in israel's best policy, two states with secure borders. israel stepped up in past years to help offer that. it was arafat, the leader of the palestinian authority, who walked away from it, but now --
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i think israel is losing sight of objectives that were within reach a month ago and it is heartbreaking. >> as always, thank you so much for being with us. next, we are talking about new jersey. also, mike johnson and taking governing seriously, along with the hypocrisy of gop leaders. you can find it on the msnbc news leader. the scan the qr code on your screen with your smartphone camera . you can start reading or watching "the weakens" -- "the weekend." m air flow. so, i breathe better. and we both sleep better. and stay married. type 2 diabetes? discover the ozempic® tri-zone.
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then i tried new zzzquil sleep nasal strips. their four—point lift design opens my nose for maximum air flow. so, i breathe better. and we both sleep better. and stay married. jersey. he will face -- there is a counterrally with democratic leaders and union leaders advocating for president joe biden's re-election. we have a biden-harris campaigner. good morning, com -- good morning, congresswoman. we're so happy to have you. what do you think about president donald trump being in your backyard tonight? they're promising tens of
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thousands on the beach. >> on the beach. >> not much. to put it statistically. you know, when i heard he was coming to new jersey, i guess my first thought was, why? my second thought was, well, i guess he is stuck in new york and are not many places he can go, but he is not welcome in the garden state because we know all too well about his failed policies. many of our problems with trump w jers go back long before he ever got into office. he declared bankruptcy five times in the state and each time, he took contractors out of business and contractors were not getting paid. in atlantic city, we say the house always wins, but not when trump owns it. he was able to bankrupt a casino. so, we know too well how, you know, his failed policies have hurt our state and under president joe biden, we have seen a great deal of success. under trump, we lost about
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170,000 jobs. under president joe biden, we have gained 464,000. when i go to places like medical device companies, they are restoring american manufacturing. some of my medicine companies are opening new lines of innovation and research because of the policies that biden has put into place. it is an exciting time for many of the opportunities here in new jersey and we know that going back to the failed policies of trump will only hurt us. >> i have to give just points for the brazen political act. i love the counterprogramming. do you think this is something that we are going to see more of from the biden campaign, so that the point counterpoint from not just the trump side of the equation, but even stuff that may emanate out of the rac and other areas of the gop, to
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sort of press the narrative. symone and i were talking about the coalitions that have made up the biden effort in the past and how there might be some weaker points in this cycle that -- they need these efforts you are doing. they may go a long way to doing just that. what is your thinking there and how do you see this playing out over the course of the campaign? >> sure, you know, i think what you will see from the biden- harris team is all of the above. you will see strong ground games, strong work to promote a lot of the work that has been done. a lot of the work that we envision doing as democrats over the next four years. you will also see them taking on trump toe-to-toe, to remind america of, you know, really how much of a failure some of his governing was.
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so, in new jersey, it does not take much to remember it. he had infrastructure -- he could never get shovels on the ground, which biden did and got to work on almost right away. he has double taxed new jersey with his failed tax policy and he says he will double down on that as it is set to expire. we know, in so many ways, we have gained jobs. we have had the strongest union president we have had in decades, maybe in the history of this country, and i think people are reminded of that as we go out and talk about all of the ways new jersey has opportunities, has an ability to succeed. i think what is striking is how many resources the republicans have. i think a lot of the money trump has raised is going to his legal defense fund. i do not think you are seeing this ground game. i do not think you are seeing some of the work with voters from the biden-harris team. >> you talked about governing.
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some of the governing we are seeing on capitol hill specifically in the house of representatives from the washington post. this title says a lot. the democratic majority in waiting may have already arrived. i have asked others if they feel this is legitimately a coalition government. do you, do you see opportunities for republicans and democrats to work together? >> you know, that was sort of my proposition going into the house of representatives. it came in the 2018 cycle. with trump creating chaos everywhere, with trump not really having a policy agenda other than just dismantling decades, if not years of, if not centuries of work that we have done to build coalitions across the world, to support the economy and the values of the united states of america, he was working to dismantle that and we are trying to find ways to stop him from doing that. my theory is we would come
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together as democrats and republicans. we would really move forward on bipartisan legislation that made sense for the american people. i have to tell you, it gets harder every year. every harder i -- every year i am in the house of representatives, you have seen such a failure of the gop with this slim majority, unable to actually govern at this point because of the maga republicans who, in every sense of the word, do not want to govern, do not have a policy agenda. basically want to create chaos. you saw that every time we come together and start to say, okay, here is the plan come here is how we will deliver together for the american people, how will make congress work for people, you see someone like marjorie taylor greene asserting herself into that effort, trying to vacate the chair, trying to create more chaos, trying to create more divisions, much like president donald trump. i think what we have seen is a consistent desire by democrats
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from president joe biden to hakeem jeffries, down to our delegation, working hard to bring people together and to continue the governance. yes, i have send -- been so incredibly impressed with hakeem jeffries. here is someone who has been so thoughtful, who has come to power in a time of some of, i think, the greatest challenges we have ever faced in the house of representatives, and he has moved forward, trying to preserve the institution, trying to make sure the house functions and not look at it as we see someone like president donald trump or marjorie taylor greene, not look at it about how can you win politically, but how he can do his best by the united states of america. >> bibi, you have a busy season. thank you for spending time with us. we have another hour of the weekend straight ahead. we will be right back. ht back.
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