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tv   Alex Witt Reports  MSNBC  May 11, 2024 12:00pm-1:00pm PDT

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today's other top stories, the rare solar storm will reappear tonight bring the so- called the northern lights to places like of the deep south. the geomagnetic storm could upset the satellites and spacecraft. right now in sweden the stage is set for eurovision's grand finale but organizers disqualified a contestant for the first time in event history. they are investigating the artist over a backstage
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altercation. prince harry and meghan markle are in the first visit to nigeria. they are promoting the invictus games which prince harry created. why 2024 is looking like 2016 in maga land and the big party for trump supporters on the jersey shore. why donald trump is campaigning in a very blue state. good day to all of you from msnbc world headquarters in new york. this is the scene on the jersey shore. thousands of donald trump supporters gathered on the boardwalk in wildwood. this is ahead of the beachfront rally. the former president is set to
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hold it within hours. he will be back in a manhattan courtroom on monday when the most critical witness is set to testify in the hush money trial. someone whose name's shirley rings a bell. michael cohen expected to take the stand. >> trump's former fixer. star witness michael cohen. >> michael cohen might be donald trump's most dangerous higher. a $130,000 payment to adult film star stormy daniels on donald trump's behalf. the judge is instructing prosecutors to not make any statements about the case were about donald trump placing a gag order on the former trump loyalist. they could rest the case by the end of next week. he has denied making a sexual relationship with stormy daniels and has pled not guilty. several reporters and analysts ready to go with the new developments. we will begin a wildwood, new jersey.
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donald trump's out of the courtroom and is on the campaign trail in a blue state today. why did he choose the jersey shore? >> reporter: a couple of reasons. this is an area where he held one of the biggest rallies of 2020 and will new jersey is a blue estate, this part of new jersey is pretty red tinged. we see a massive crowd here today. what we see behind me is a fraction of the crowd. thousands more people in a very big area behind the press bench. they are going all out here. the former president has been out talking about how he is looking to win over some voters, even in left-leaning states like new jersey and new york. he has held a couple events around the court, around his trial in new york city as well. this is a pretty close to the all-important philadelphia suburbs. there hoping to have an impact in that market as well.
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we have been talking to some of the voters and supporters here about what you were talking about earlier, the trial, the witness that we are going to hear from on monday. we are hearing a lot of folks echo the rhetoric of the former president. take a listen. >> i could not care less what my president does. run the country. what he does behind closed doors what he did 18 years ago as a private citizen does not concern me or how he runs a country. >> they are trumping up charges to make them look bad and make him lose the election, but he is not going to lose. he's going to win fair and share. they rigged the last election but this one will not lose. >> reporter: not surprising from a crowd of trump supporters, but monday is going to be critical. you have said it here. michael cohen could be the linchpin that ties the former president more directly to that hush money payment. the repayment of michael cohen
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when. we've heard testimony that has been pretty salacious from the likes of stormy daniels but michael cohen is that key witness. not without his own baggage, though. that is where the defense table try to undermine him. >> we look forward to see your wrapup of what is happening in wildwood, new jersey. a what to again meredith mcgraw and charles coleman. welcome to you both. charles, you posted yesterday that michael cohen is a nightmare for the prosecution with how much he has been speaking to the media. but then i heard you say on morning joe that he is the linchpin to connecting trumps everything in the case. how does the prosecution thread that needle? >> i think one of the things the prosecution has to be mindful of is using michael cohen to focus on the documents. his testimony, and expect he is going to have some extra testimony around his relationship with donald trump
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and how close they were and everything else, that will be challenged by the defense because of the number of out-of- court statements he has made, and the tweet about being a nightmare witness. prosecutors able to focus on the actual documents that michael cohen is responsible for connecting the dots on, that is where the real value of his testimony comes into play. what he's been doing out of court and the extemporaneous statements he's made, unsolicited to many outlets, ours being one of them, they do not help the prosecution. but they can rely on the documents and him to connect that which is where the dated july. trump has been mostly mindful of the gag order but he has been speaking do reporters every day. is he treating as a campaign stop? how much do you think michael cohen will ruffle his feathers next week? >> i think we are all going to wait to see how donald trump
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responds to michael cohen being face-to-face with him in the courtroom next week. trump has been using the cameras, the press attention outside of the courtroom to talk about president biden and to complain about the case and to use some rhetorical gymnastics to go just as far as he can with the gag order without violating it after he was warned by the judge earlier this week about his violations of the gag order and the potential he could go to jail for violating them again. he has taken advantage of a lot of the press attention around the courtroom and an opportunity to try to make his case. we've seen how some of trump's allies have come out to say the things that he is not allowed to say about the prosecution and about the judge and about
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the case. >> exactly to that point, i will pick up on that with you. even senator rick scott showing up to defend donald trump. he called judge merchan's daughter a political operated. it could be strategy to get around the gag order by having his allies do this for him, but couldn't this backfire? >> not necessarily. as long as it could be established that that he was not planting the statements in the third-party mouthpieces or that donald trump doesn't begin reach weeding or reposting or re-sharing them. he keeps a comfortable distance between himself and these statements and the people making them such that he does not violate the judge's gag order which i think is why i anticipate this week even more so, you will see more and more gop spokespeople basically trying to kiss the ring of donald trump and say what they can, that donald trump cannot.
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that the no he cannot. he will take a hands off approach because he doesn't want to be in violation of judge merchan's gag order. >> again. let's look at rick scott a little closer. he said that he had been the victim of political prosecution, referring to the doj investigation of his hospital chain in the early 2000's. the senator posthumous former company ultimately pled guilty to 14 felonies and was fined $1.7 billion. at the time was the biggest medicare fraud case in u.s. history. he has won best respond very close margins. he's in a very tight reelection race right now. is it wise to remind voters of the medicare fraud case? is this a person the trump team really wants defending him? >> senator rick scott is very close to donald trump. from when he was the head from even back as governor of florida. he has a long personal relationship with donald trump. he was invited to appear by
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trump's campaign manager to come to court and he said that he was not instructed by donald trump to say anything, but as you said, rick scott is up for reelection. he is an ally of trump and wants to be seen as an ally of trump. in florida with republican voters there, and even though he is bringing up his own past legal issues, he is trying to draw this parallel that he and other of trump's political allies have made that trump is being unfairly targeted and prosecuted here by the justice system. so, for rick scott, this is a way for him to not only be a close ally of trump and a friend, but also, getting in front of his own voters. >> let's move onto stormy daniels because as meredith has reported, the judge criticized the trump lawyer strategy and
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failure to object to parts of the testimony. what did you make of it? was the prosecution or defense happier with the testimony? >> i think ultimately, that is going to depend on how they are used and it what i mean by that is, in the end, stormy daniels' testimony only becomes as important as the need to rely on her case. the note because donald trump is not on trial for hush money. hush money payments are not illegal. the relationship become the sexual relationship between donald trump and stormy daniels is not the heart of the case. i don't expect the prosecution is going to rely on it heavily. with respect to the defense they were able to effectively
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point out some inconsistencies with respect to stormy daniels but more portly, some questionable motives around the fact that donald trump has been a cash cow for stormy daniels ever since about it that golf tournament. they will rely heavily on that the prosecution does not use it, that it does not score any points with the jury. and as far as judge merchan, anderson what he was critical of the defense because the prosecution opened a ton of doors for stormy daniels' testimony. the defense did pounce on that with respect to the cross- examination, but to have it out there in the first place is just as unconscionable. i understand why judge merchan made his own objections before the defense of anything, or question why the defense did not object more and it will be interesting to see if they try to appeal everything that came out during stormy daniels' testimony as being prejudicial. >> after being told off from the judge for cursing and shaking his head, he was much more stoic but a republican strategist told you that it is extremely challenging for donald trump to not be in
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control. what are your biggest takeaways from his reactions to all of this? >> i think, i've not been to the courtroom, but from what we've seen from reporters who have been in the room, this has been a grueling experience for donald trump, even some of my colleague said seeing there in the cold room on the wooden benches and having to squint to focus and pay attention to all of it, these trials, i am sure, they're sucking up a lot of his energy and he would much rather be anywhere but in that courtroom. but you know, as somebody close to the campaign, close to trump told me, this is someone who has been in control of everything his whole life. he likes to control the lights. he likes to control the visuals. he likes to control everything about his whole world. these are moments in this courtroom where he has not been in control and he has had to
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sit back and let others make his case and that has been incredibly frustrating for him and something that he has made clear when he is talking to reporters and has talked to the public outside of the trial. >> interesting on wednesday, had the day off from the trial. he did not schedule campaign events and was hosting a dinner at mar-a-lago for people about his nft trading cards. why would he take any free moment to get out there to campaign? is it because the coffers are hurting? or might his team want to limit him from speaking so he cannot violate the gag order? or do you think it is something else altogether? >> as much as trump has said that he wishes he could be out there campaigning, he has only held three rallies. stirred will be tonight in new jersey in addition to rallies in michigan and wisconsin. he has had private dinners. the other private dinner with the nft owners.
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he has had fundraisers, he has gone to private birthday parties at mar-a-lago. he has played golf. he has not used all of his days off. all of the opportunities he has had to campaign and be out there. in front of the public and, these rallies are expensive. they do take a lot of money and effort to put on. i'm sure we will see more of them this summer. it is notable that as much as trump has complained about his inability to campaign, this is only the third rally that he has held and the has been the past several weeks. >> the last question is the prosecution says it will rest his case at the end of the week, most likely. how long does the trial continue? do you expect the defense to bring on witnesses? if so, do
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you have any idea who? >> i do expect that they will put on a case. i'm unsure as to who they are going to put on the stand. i can tell you it is not going to the former president donald trump. i imagine that they are going to try and put on a case, but in terms of the list of witnesses, i am not necessarily sure. a large part of this is going to be determined by whatever damage they feel michael cohen does and so, my estimation is that after this, we probably have two more between the actual summations and jury deliberations. i would give it another week or a week and a half after that. ultimately i think were looking at between 2 to 3 more weeks following the explosive testimony that we are anticipating from michael cohen this week. >> okay. thank you both so much. stay right there. former assistant director of counter intelligence at the fbi will talk about a new column he wrote about far rate extremist
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groups and how they are recruiting on social media at a pace not seen since before january 6. that is coming up later this hour. and a sense of urgency in this headline from the washington post directly related to what is happening at this hour. the latest from the region and the new report in 90 seconds.
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breaking news. thousands of displaced palestinians living in rafah are being forced to relocate after
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israel issued a new round of evacuation orders. it signals that netanyahu is moving forward with the invasion of the area despite the usa they would not support the incursion. a critical report from the state department highlighting the reasons why israel might have violated international laws in gaza. let's go to our team of reporters were following the developments for us. let's go to cairo. what are the people living in gaza asking for in terms of u.s. involvement? >> reporter: they really want a cease-fire because the people in gaza who are being asked to seek shelter in a humanitarian zone in coastal gaza have been displaced in some cases, many times and the idf has dropped leaflets and issued maps
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telling people to go to this expanded zone on the coast, but in the past, the israeli military has targeted areas that it had told civilians and the displaced to flee to and in this case, the israeli military is ordering hundreds of thousands of people to evacuate in anticipation of the strike on rafah and as you mentioned this means that the israeli prime minister , if indeed the government goes ahead with this, is openly defying president biden who has publicly come out time and again against the assault on southern gaza and was used that diplomatic and strategic seldom used pressure tactic which is to withhold weapon rally from israel. there is a shipment last week of 2500 bombs that was withheld. in answer to your question, the people of southern gaza once there to beat the cease-fire. the family of the hostages want a ceased wire because they want
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the loved ones back. >> very much so. thank you from cairo. joining us now is the former deputy assistant secretary of state from the obama administration and democratic strategist. welcome to you. according to washington post report published just a short time ago today, the u.s. is offering israel intelligence and supplies in an effort to avoid a full-scale invasion of rafah. what is your reaction to this? do you think benjamin netanyahu will be open to this? >> it's great to be with you. think this is consistent with what the biden team has been calling for for some time that for israel to be effective in getting at the hamas leadership which they believe is in or
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near rafah, they will need to be targeted in terms of the attacks and to be targeted means that use intelligence and going with these strikes. this is where president biden differs from the prime minister because the president views the idea that somehow we could just watch israel bomb indiscriminately all of rafah which would seal the deal has proven not to be the case across gaza. there needs to be a more pointed effort. think the talks will continue. there is direct channels on a daily basis on an operational level as well as the intelligence level and the diplomatic level with israel to make sure this operation was born in a way that does not cause mass civilian casualty and gets to the intended targets. >> let's move onto the state department report about israel's conduct in gaza. some republicans accusing the white house of releasing this support for pro-palestine voters. >> this is not at all out of
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line. it is a very important report and part of the national security memorandum that the president signed in february and it looks at our relationships with countries that receive american weapons. threading the needle of providing crucial military support to an american ally engage in the fight against a terrorist organization is putting that in the paper and into words, that is excruciatingly difficult but is needed to ensure that the law is being followed and needing to ensure that we are providing the right kind of support. i think they threaded the needle and clearly will not make anyone happy on the extremes and there will be a lot of calls for eliminating or terminating aid to israel on one side and the other side, as you said, as if we americans should turn a blind eye to how our weapons are used overseas. neither of those are rights but this is a somatic memorandum and a diplomatic memo which will have an impact on amp rations going forward and how
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this gets done properly. i think it is necessary to shine a light on these very hard military operations that we are supporting right now. >> in fact, this report was critical in nature but it did not go as far as accusing israel of violating the terms of the u.s. weapons agreement. it seems confusing, right? why is the white house treading so lightly with this report after repeatedly warning israel about the handling of the war? >> when you read through the report gazelle painstakingly difficult it is to provide this kind of data and information and the hints at how there was not the kind of robust staffing, for example, historically, that is provided for these types of reports. the united states has a legal requirement that the human
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rights report has been provided since 1977. there is staff across the state department embassies that writes the report. going to the war zone and observing it by american diplomats, that is excruciatingly difficult. there relying on third-party information gathering that information. my assumption is going forward that we will see increased staffing and increased review. at this stage, clearly, the third-party characterizations of what is happening on the ground in gaza are problematic but do not rise to the level that israel is deliberately violating international humanitarian law. there is no evidence at this stage to state that position. >> one more question on the cease-fire talks which seemed promising but has since fallen apart, you sent a number of hope profile negotiators. what is getting in their way to locking down a deal? >> you know, it is hamas.
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hamas leadership does not want to agree to what was agreed two weeks ago by israel. they sent back a sidestep response ignoring what was agreed to it and said they agreed to something different. what they want is an end to the military conflict and reestablishment of hamas authority over gaza and that is where is really saying no. it is excruciating. the talks are going. the egyptians are there. the allies of the united states are there. they are leaning in but hamas, unfortunately, it looks as if they have a lot of time on their hands to see palestinians suffer and see these hostages continue to be held underground for well over seven months and it is a deplorable situation but they need to get the temporary cease-fire for the civilians in gaza and to release the hostages. >> good to see you. thank you for weighing in. why it might be 2016 all over again when it comes to the trump campaign.
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a new and alarming report that a former convict and top donald trump associate is expected to return to the trump campaign. paul manafort, a name you have not heard in a while, is likely to re-be rehired to help run the republican national convention this summer. served as trump's campaign manager and was pardoned in 2020 will serving time in prison for money laundering and obstruction of justice. is returned to trump world comes as he helps launch a media platform backed by the chinese government. he earned millions in secret cash payments advising russian oligarchs and pro-russian political leaders in ukraine. joining me now is former fbi analyst frank figliuzzi. his new book, long-haul, hunting the highway's serial
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killers will be coming out. we will talk about that. refers to want to get your reaction to what paul manafort has been up to since trump pardoned him. you need no accounting of his past connections to pro-russian figures. what flags does it raise as manafort does business with china while advising trump? >> for people wondering why some of us are so concerned about this, let's remember that the gop controlled senate intelligence committee labeled paul manafort a, quote, grave counterintelligence threat and that was approved and written by senator marco rubio. who said that he was on the committee and now might be someone because of her for vice president. what is a concern? he is a convicted felon. and convicted for what? in part, lying about his
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relationship with russians. the charges in the 12 count indictment against him included things like being an unregistered foreign agent, money laundering through offshore accounts, lying under oath to a grand jury. lying to investigators, bank fraud, tax fraud, he was convicted of any of the charges and was pardoned by trump. what has he been doing since then? he has gotten deep into it with the chinese and including a project that the chinese government reportedly has blessed to bring a netflix type network project and making introductions on its behalf to chinese officials and businesspeople. why, then, might trump be considering him? i don't think a lot of people lined up to work with donald trump at this point so there is that, but also, we know that manafort in the 2016 campaign actually chose as his deputy someone who the senate
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intelligence committee described as a russian intelligence official and gave him campaign data. does donald trump think you will have to have foreign adversaries assist him to win this election? does he think manafort is the man to get that done? we do not know, but it is a real troubling development. >> i am glad i was sitting down will listening to you extol the past history in that. let's get back to a recent report saying that antigovernment militias and far right extremist groups are gritting a social media and a pace not seen since the lead up to january 6 and the social media platform of choice is facebook, which had previously banned many of the groups. where they appear to be flourishing. why are they using facebook? what kinds of dangerous activities are these groups planning?
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>> this is another troubling development exposed by a nonprofit called the tech transparency project, which was amplified in the wired article and by my column. here is the data on this. there about 200 groups right now and they're operating within the facebook groups function where the engagement gets amplified and people can join groups easily. these groups include organizations with memberships of 2000, 650. for those people saying these are just a bunch of guys tricky beer and having a barbecue in the woods on weekends or are these really extremist, potentially violent militia groups? and i say you only need to look to facebook that labeled many of the groups that have, back as band and violent and they are recruiting and organizing. why facebook? the groups function allows them to think they are joining a
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legitimate group. facebook seems innocuous to most people and engagement level and clicks go way up through this. you look legitimate, you are organized and you say, maybe it is just aspirational, a bunch of guys talking he would never act out. what they're actually doing is planning meet ups and what they call combat training for, quote, what is about to come. >> why is meta not rising to meet this threat, giving these warning signs of violence? are they just allocating enough resources to content moderation? >> i think first it's important to say that in response to the wired piece, they said, we are trying to take groups down the violate our standards but the operative word here is trying. they are fired, laid off 200 employees responsible for content moderation and even the
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board, funded by meta that oversees content moderation is reportedly being let go. wise that happening? i have some theories. think facebook is once bird and twice shy. the been accused by both sides of the political aisle of messing with an election, censoring people, and maybe they decided to go hands off, which is really bad for business and bad for america. >> okay. it is always illuminating talking with you, frank figliuzzi. have you back talk what your book. hunting highway serial killers. that will be scary. thank you so much. we will see you again soon. the time of pomp and circumstance and this year, lot of protest occluding people protesting president biden's speech expected at morehouse college next week. what is going to happen?
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college graduations ongoing across the country today but some have been disrupted in the midst of ongoing campus protest. short time ago, first lady dr. jill biden, a professor at a community college delivered the commencement address at mesa community college in arizona. >> class of 2024, you are brave and fierce. you made it. let the world feel your thunder and the next time someone tells you that you can't, you are
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going to say, oh yeah? watch me. >> her speech was delivered without incident, although yesterday, several teachers walked out of the first lady's event in phoenix. this week saw protest at morehouse college where president biden is set to deliver the commencement address next sunday. we are on the ground ahead of the protest. 20 hearing from students and faculty about the decision to have the president speak of the commencement ceremony? >> morehouse's students except that president biden will deliver the commencement speech. faculty, the vote on conferring and honorary degree. morehouse announced they would be receiving it last month but the protest is faculty members
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question if that is what they want to do right now. there circulating the letters saying there perhaps not going to bestow the honor on the resident during the visit. this is right after the commencement ceremony and we will follow the outcome of that vote. they expect president biden to receive that degree and for faculty to support that decision and stands as recently as wednesday were protesting right behind me where i am. protesting president biden's upcoming visit to the school. a lot of students can't help but to note that timing of president biden's visit in an election year and they feel it is a ploy to garner more support among black young males who polling suggest it is a cohort of voters who are suffering of the president. i will talk to on the other side about this. >> the timing is just very --
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we will call it convenient, right? i don't think it's a coincidence that he accepted the option as trump is making gains of our students here. >> i was in that the student body is not going for this. we do not want biden on our campus. we will make that known. we will make that known, for sure. >> reporter: now, i spoke with the co-chair for biden's reelection campaign and adviser to the campaign, he called it patently false. he's visited and hbcu every year during commencement season and this year is no different. other white house sources say despite the protest we are seeing, president biden remains undeterred and the has not been any backtracking involved with him delivering the commencement address by either the white
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house or by morehouse. he will be coming to campus. >> let me ask you a couple question. logistically, for the first person who you interview to say that they think it is convenient timing for the present to show up on the heels of donald trump going there and not making inroads, doesn't the presidential schedule, let alone a graduation speaker, doesn't have to be set a long time in advance? certainly the presidential schedule. that is off the thing where he just pops on by there. secondly, the second gentleman with whom you spoke, what was it that he was saying he did not want president biden to be on the campus for? was all about the palestinian and gaza situation? did he have a greater list of grievances? what was it? >> reporter: a lot of the protest is rooted in the criticism of president biden's handling of the war in gaza.
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despite a recent move that they say is showing that he is continuing to call on israel to show restraint the students feel he has not gone far enough and that is among students and faculty members. the timing, morehouse tells me the extended the invitation to president biden in september and white house sources have said that he planned on delivering this commencement address. and nothing to with president biden -- president trump's visit to atlanta but for some the students, the nuance is lost on them and they see it as an election year ploy. >> nnamdi, good to see. they have the beach, the board rock, and the big hats. why there is a lot of maga at the jersey shore today. and a prelude to summer. blue skies and white and the water is around 70 degrees. a lovely look at myrtle beach on this mother's day weekend.
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oh yeah. yes. isn't this great? yeeaahhhh!! ♪♪ yeah, i could do a cartwheel in here. oh hey! would you like to join us? no. we would love to join you. ♪♪ take a look at this. thousands of donald trump supporters gathering in wildwood, new jersey, in ahead of a rally in a few hours. some people waiting in the rain and cold since thursday. president biden is holding his event on the other side the country. he is expected to take part in a fundraiser and mike memoli joining the president and will
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be in seattle with us. what can you tell us about today's event, my friend? >> reporter: the fundraiser that the president arrived for is the fourth high dollar fundraising event that he has done and little over 24 hours and did all the years i've been covering president biden, we look at the remarks he makes behind closed doors at these events. sometimes he goes off script and is more candid than he could be candidly. and i'll give you a preview of what we could hear publicly down the road. what we've heard from president biden is a bumper sticker slogan for his reelection campaign. saying it is not lowering costs, expanding opportunities and protecting freedom. he has been critical of president trump and weighing in for the first time on his vice president pics. talk about the outcome of the election. as it relates to responding to trump directly as a campaign to new jersey, the biden campaign
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is turning to others. >> i heard he was coming to new jersey, i guess my first thought was, why? my second thought was, i guess he is stuck in new york and not only places he can go. but, he is not welcome in the garden state because we know all too well about his policies. how few resources republicans have right now. a lot of the money that the trumps have raised, i don't think they're seeing some of the ground game. think you are seeing some of the work with voters as you are seeing from the biden/harris team. >> reporter: so we talk all the time about how tight the polls
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are both nationally and across the battleground states. one of the areas were president biden has had a significant advantage over donald trump is in the money game. we heard congresswoman mikie sherrill talking about that. the amount the spending on the campaign and the trump campaign is put a lot of money into the former president's legal bills. what we have from the recent campaign fundraiser reports. $131 million in the bank for the biden campaign compared to $67 million for the trump campaign and rnc. doing the best to keep the pace going with the fundraising events. >> that is pretty much double. and an incredible sight in the sky could wreak havoc on the power grid. power grid. . their solution for us? a private 5g network. (ella) we now get more control of production, efficiencies, and greater agility. (marquis) with a custom private 5g network. our customers get what they want, when they want it. (jen) now we're even smarter and ready for what's next. (vo) achieve enterprise intelligence. it's your vision, it's your verizon.
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a major solar storm displaying the northern lights in an area seen from the deep south to california and many parts of the northern u.s. tom costello has more on why the storm could have a less than stellar impact on technology. >> reporter: it is 93 million miles away, but the violent eruptions on the sun are the secular night show to a lot of earthlings as a fierce medic storm brings the northern lights to areas that rarely see them. >> this could's -- could be seen along alabama, up to northern california. >> reporter: solar experts have released the first severe geomagnetic storm warning since 2005. those solar explosions called coronal mass injections or cmv are racing towards the earth at
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500 miles per second. while humans are not in danger, could distract power grids, navigation, and satellite communications. scientists call it a rare g4 event. >> it is really big and we might absolutely see some effects here on earth. your cell phone might not work, definitely, we will have radio blackouts. they have already started to happen >> reporter: astronauts and airline passengers should be safe. a solar storm knocked out power in quibec for nine hours before. >> the initial hit, a shockwave, and then the magnetic loud perfect it could possibly last all weekend. if you still have your eclipse glasses, you can see the massive solar spot. 16 times the diameter of the earth, it is huge. at night, your cell phone but actually detect the northern lights better than your naked eye. >> that will deliver me on this


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