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tv   Alex Witt Reports  MSNBC  May 12, 2024 12:00pm-1:01pm PDT

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many particles down to is that it is pushing that circle of light all the way down as far south as florida, possibly even hawaii.>> reporter: amy taking us inside the planetary show with a real-time photo of the sun. >> the huge one right there, that is the culprit.>> reporter: that sun spot 16 times the size of earth and could cause chaos across the earth, but hasn't, yet. elon musk saying his starlings satellites are under a lot of pressure but holding up. >> will talk to rob since we are not talking global shutdown of service? >> no. >> reporter: as for the astronauts aboard the international space station nasa says there is no risk to the crew. back here on earth stargazers
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treated to a show. experts say the solar storm is no threat to humans. as for the dazzling displays there is still a small chance you might be able to see them tonight. your best odds for viewing is to get far away from the city lights. congresswoman jasmine crockett joins me in just a few minutes to talk about the biden administration's approach to israel. plus, she is documenting it, telling me the story without words. one of the trump trial sketch artist will join me to tell me what she is seeing and thinking as history plays out before her in this hour starting right now. t now. a very good day, welcome, everyone. we are on the brink of history in less than 24 hours. michael cohen will take the
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stand in a manhattan courthouse. transformer fixer is expected to testify how he fronted a big payment to stormy daniels to keep her quiet about the alleged affair with trump ahead of the election. >> i'm kind of looking forward to it. you can be finished with something unless you start it. if the prosecution says it will rest its case with wednesday and friday off. before we take you to -- returning to the courtroom the former president squeezed in a rally on the jersey shore yesterday. trump furthered his attacks on the judge, the district attorney and the trial itself. trump was back with a familiar tune. >> the democrats rigs the election in 2020. we are not going to allow them
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to rig the election in 2024. >> our reporters and analysts are in place covering the story. what have you been seeing from trump on the campaign trail and what can we expect from michael cohen? >> at his rally yesterday in new jersey the former president echo what we've been hearing him say four months, he believes democrats are using these legal cases to interfere with the election and to stop him from being out on the campaign trail. we are expecting him to testify next week. we are expecting him to not only talk about stormy daniels and the hush money payment that he made to her. he is also expected to testify and to add color and context to trumps reimbursement of those payments, the core piece of this case.
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the prosecution has already brought in over a dozen witnesses and caressed as early as the end of this week. >> we shall see. thank you so much for that. i want to bring in david henderson and tyler mcbrien who has been in the courtroom throughout the trial. gentlemen, welcome to you both. david, this case would normally be a misdemeanor. the prosecution has argued that the falsified business records were done to influence the election, which then makes it a felony. has the prosecution done a good enough job raising it to that level and how important will michael cohen's testimony be in that regard? >> reporter: i am mixed. if you look at it in a strictly legal sense you can say it is 50/50. if i look at elements like
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stormy daniels testimony she wasn't relevant with regard to any of what the prosecution has to prove, but you sure do walk away saying they would have not wanted her telling the story this way after that access hollywood video. with regard to cohen you cannot convict them they should believe michael cohen. everything the prosecution has done up to this point has been to condition the jury to believe his testimony so they can get a conviction. >> there is an old tweet that was entered into the record despite efforts from lawyers. in this post he said cohen received a retainer and prosecutor say this demonstrates trumps knowledge of the reimbursement. what is also notable is the allegation on the indictment is cohen's monthly checks were falsely marked as retainer payments. what specifically is the prosecution looking to hear
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from michael cohen? >> as david rightly pointed out there is a reason cohen went last. they are hoping to make out the case and rely on cohen only for corroboration because of his baggage. he is critical to the case and that is for exactly what you pointed out. he's going to testify that he paid daniels the hush money payments and that he was reimbursed not as legal expenses, but reimbursement payments. those were the actual crimes alleged on the indictment. those were the business records that were falsified. >> do you think they've done a good job of rising to the level of a felony, tyler? it's something where david said not so sure. do you feel all the evidence is there? >> i think stormy daniels spoke to one of the underlying object defenses, recalling that the d.a.
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is alleging this is all done as a cover-up and there are three theories they have advanced. stormy daniels spoke to one of them, the new york election law one. i think cohen can speak to the tax fraud theory. i think cohen will be an essential addition to proving the underlying object offense needed to step this up to a felony. >> is a former prosecutor, david, you are very aware of the tricky balance when a prosecuting witness is known to be unremarkable. what would be your biggest advice on making his testimony as good as possible? if you have to get him on the stand under direct examination. i would liken it to sex trafficking cases. the way that you win you should typically flip one of the people involved.
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when they get up there you have to establish all the reasons why the jury should not believe them based on what the defense is going to point out. you ask questions like you have a history of lying, do you not? the defense may object. you just fine other roundabout ways to ask. what you are trying to do is take the air out of their cells before they get to hit them on cross examination, which they are absolutely going to do. what you will often find is these witnesses can defend themselves in ways to make the jury more sympathetic to the point of view overall. that is what you have to do with michael cohen. be up-front about all the the problems that he has as a witness. >> a lot of people have said or at least those who want to criticize michael cohen says he's a proven liner. the reality is will it behoove the prosecution to say you know what it is like to perjure yourself, you know what it like -- is like to go to prison.
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do you want to do that again to establish this is a guy who well at least understand is going to tell the truth as he recalls it? >> 100%. that is why we say trial law is more of an art than a science. for whatever reason we can reduce football players and trial lawyers consistently. you're putting someone like him on the stand every mop movie you've ever seen has a said this. my favorite is the untouchables. you have to have the bookkeeper take the stand. that is what cohen is doing. the question is does he come across like a criminal or someone that you can believe? we would not know that until he testifies. >> when you look back at stormy daniels testimony do you think the prosecution was able to get at the heart of the case and avoid too much distraction? >> i think so. i think on tuesday i would've said perhaps not.
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this is evidenced by the fact that justice merchan took a mistrial motion quite seriously. he was objected on their behalf when some of the details started coming tonight. as the prosecution pointed out they only asked about the details of the sexual encounter and it was the right to do so. the prosecution doesn't have to prove that the sexual encounter took place. because todd blanche called into question it happening they have set up a literal he said she said between stormy daniels and donald trump. the prosecution has a right to use those details to prove the sexual encounter happened as she said. >> do you think stormy daniels was underestimated by the defense and what do you think of how they cross-examined her? >> grossly underestimated. what tyler said is correct. basically you cannot open the door to her for testimony. when it comes up they have to
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object. the approach that they took tells us they have a strong strategy from the beginning, influenced by former president trump. it is something that he will come up with. the easiest way to analyze that is thinking about what they should've done. what they should've done it said we are not going to argue whether or not the sex took place. we are going to stipulate. since we have stipulated there is no reason to talk about any of the details. you let them get in 2-3-4 witnesses. once they establish something that could have come before she takes the stand you say there is nothing she can say relevant to anything the state has to prove. they are just calling her to -- she's definitely not going to get into details like they he wasn't wearing a condom or a lot of the other salacious details that i would hold
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against the defense when deliberating. >> to tyler's for an earlier, do you have any concern about some of what daniel said being deemed too presidential if trump were to come veal after a conviction. his team twice has asked for a mistrial and both times were denied that. >> had the defense did that i would. i have taught tried lots of cases. the defense does not have to do anything. once they stand up and they start calling people like stormy daniels and eiger the prosecution has a right to most of the testimony. that can be done in part by providing details that only someone in the room would know. along those lines did go further than the judge would have ever allowed, but they did not object. therefore i feel more confident about this appeal that i would otherwise. >> the prosecution expected to rest at the end of the week.
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what witness do you expect most and are you sure they are going to put on a witness defense? >> we shall see. i suspect they will put on an expert witness related to the campaign-finance underlying allegation. i think it remains to be seen the other witness the prosecution will call. we are fairly confident they will call two. one of them being michael cohen. tomorrow will be the michael cohen show. after that some people suspect his bodyguard or a campaign- finance expert to counterbalance the expected campaign-finance expert from the defense. >> we are all going to be staying tuned. thank you both for weighing in. she has had a front row seat to history, but she's also documenting the proceedings in a very specific way. the courtroom sketch artist the donald trump trial joins me i had to talk about what she has seen the others might not have
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seen. meantime, one of the most famous comedians in american history gets entangled in the israel-gaza situation in a very specific way. the first word on whether israel is expanding its operation in gaza or if the u.s. is forcing them to stop. we are back in 90 seconds. 0 se. blocks heartburn for a full 24 hours. for one and done heartburn relief, prilosec otc. one pill a day, 24 hours, zero heartburn.
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breaking news out of gaza where the israeli military is ordering even more evacuations from office today. hundreds of thousands of displaced palestinians evacuating to shelters as israel steps up air strikes ahead of an imminent invasion. today on meet the press antony blinken declined to declare a redline on aid for israel. >> the president has been clear we could and would not support a major military operation in rafah. at the same time we shared israel's objective of making sure hamas cannot govern gaza and that it be demilitarized. there is a better way of achieving that going into rafah. >> let's go right now to have the in cairo. what is the state of the evacuations right now? you had spoken earlier about what some 300,000-400,000 needing to seek shelter and you
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equated that to expert. >> many of these people have been displaced more than once, more than twice, more than three times. they have come from the north, from the east and west. they ended up in rafah and i once again they are being told to go to what the israeli military is calling an expanded military zone. this is a zone on sandy dunes with no running water and no electricity. people are saying they are running out of places to seek shelter. take a look. panicked scenes in southern gaza with israel expanding evacuation orders in rafah. displaced palestinians fleeing, carrying their few belongings. the idea of issuing orders, telling residents to get out of the combat zone. as fears mount that israel's long anticipated offensive in southern gaza is imminent.
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the impending fall leading to division with the u.s. president biden faye the u.s. would withhold arms shipments and israel invades rafah. >> we have destroyed about 20 battalions. we have another four to go and that is why we want to go in rafah.>> reporter: among those on the move this mother, fleeing with her baby. we are leaving for the unknown. there are no safe areas at all. the idf has urged civilians to head to other coastal areas. it was hot. there is no water or electricity. israel has targeted the so- called safe zones in the past. air strikes have intensified in the last day and a half. a group say apart from a few trucks carrying fuel no supplies have made it in since
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monday. this warehouse in gaza sits empty. one of the few functioning hospitals with only 36 hours of fuel left. for the displaced, the bereaved and the family of hostages, the next chapter in the gaza war could be the hardest one yet. alex, i am in egypt. this is a country that has had a peace accord with israel for decades. despite that it is extremely angry because the israeli military is not occupy a portion of the rafah border on the palestinian side. it is also calling the escalation of the israeli military inside of gaza unacceptable. it is not cooperating and manning the rafah crossing, meaning no aid has been going through rafah or to the east for that matter in almost six days. >> not something we want to be hearing. thank you for that report. let's go to rehobeth beach,
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delaware. how is the white house responding to israel's decision to expand their operation into rafah, directly against president biden's warning? goodness, it looks like we been frozen up there. hopefully we will get her back and she can answer that question. meantime, in the past she has been face-to-face with notorious defendants but now we have a courtroom sketch artist sketching donald trump and she is going to take us inside of the trial to reveal what reporters think of her work. we will be right back. right b.
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new insight into what it has been like inside the courtroom during donald trump's hush money trial, following judge juan merchan's decision this week. the task of visually capturing
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the trial largely rests in the hands of courtroom sketch artist. they are tasked with accurately displaying to the public the atmosphere inside of the courtroom. joining me now is jane rosenberg. welcome. it is extraordinary to talk to you. i know that you have been a courtroom artist for more than four decades and present at many infamous trials including the john lennon murder, the boston marathon bombing and bernie made off. that's just a few of them. i know you sketched donald trump before. your rendering last year went viral. i am guessing this must be one of your biggest assignments ever. talk about the pressure to document this trial. are there unique challenges working on an historic case?
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this is a courtroom that is cramped with security personnel, right? >> more cramped than ever. i can barely see tron. they have two large officers standing at the front of the room, blocking my view. i am leaning a lot. it is really hard to get the view that i need. even if one of them will go away and i had only one i will get a much better view. i do the best that i can. it is not easy. the pressure is tremendous. i am supplying images to the world. i am a public servant here. it is really hard. i do the best that i can. it is not always great. i am still trying. >> maybe not great by your standards, but the reality is it is all we have to go on. what are the kinds of details that you look for? what are you trying to capture? has it been challenging to draw
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donald trump? >> donald trump is actually fun to draw, when i can see him. he has a lot of character in his face and a lot of expression. i love the crazy here in the bushy eyebrows. he is fun to draw. what do i look for? i look for whatever is happening in front of me. i can just make up something. i look at trump to see if he has his eyes open. he often comes in the morning and sits down and closes his eyes. i don't know if he is meditating, sleeping, praying, i don't know what he's doing. his eyes are closed for much of the day. that is pretty frequent. i will watch to see if he speaks to his lawyers or if he looks at the defendant, mike stormy daniels, when she walks in i want to see what he is doing. i am trying my best to see him. that's the first thing.
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>> have you had any reactions with him during the trial or any previous proceedings? what were they like? has he ever giving you feedback about your depictions? >> he once leaned over me and another artist and that i have to lose the weight during the trump civil trial -- fraud trial. he says hello to me sometimes. he does know who i am. he has seen me in all of the cases. he sees me in the jury box. he knows who i am. he says hello sometimes as he walked into the courtroom. he will mouth hello or not at me sometimes if i am in the jury box. it depends. not every day. there is the sleeping sketch. his eyes are closed. that is what happens a lot.
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he keeps them close a lot of the day. >> give me a percentage? >> there are days that i felt like it was 50%. he always has at least 30% closed. >> speaking of him knowing you, others do too. you say you have received some strange emails from trump supporters who do not like your depictions. can you share what those emails have said? are you concerned about your safety? >> a little. i think some of them are really off the deep end. i don't even try to decipher. i've gotten a very we are one recently. i don't know what he's talking about. it is a little threatening. i think i will be okay. some friends say that i should report that to the fbi. i don't want to deal with that.
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a majority of my emails are positive. they actually like my sketches. they show a lot of feeling, they say and capture the energy. i've been getting a lot of positive, but i do get some very strange negatives. >> i will say that we are very much appreciate the work that you are doing. you are bringing up something that we otherwise would not have access to. your talent is admired and your efforts are appreciated, as well as this interview. thank you for joining me. he has been in court every day and joining me to talk about it. and this headline, the odds of conviction have gone up. tion h. r crazy powerful network out here, and get six months of disney bundle on them! (vo) stream with six months of disney bundle on us. and watch it all on the new samsung galaxy s24+, also on us. only on verizon.
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new reaction today over the biden administration strongest move yet to hold israel
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responsible for its conduct in gaza and shipping certain weapons to israel. >> what joe biden is telling the israelis is we will be partners with you, but you have to understand the pace of civilian casualties, the amount of humanitarian disaster in the long run is going to make hamas stronger. >> to say you cannot invade rafah we are dictating their military strategy. this is the last step in the completion of their military objective. for us to step in and say you cannot go into rafah and finish the job i think it's tantamount to an arms embargo. >> those divisions not only happening along party lines after 26 house democrats wrote to the white house, saying they are concerned the president is in a dangerous message to hamas. let's try once again to talk
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with ali. how is the white house responding to israel's decision to expand their operation into rafah against president biden's warning not to do it?>> reporter: absolutely, white house officials are not mincing words and reiterating how concerned they are about this looming ground offensive all while trying to find an offramp to this escalating crisis. we know jake sullivan spoke with his israeli counterpart on the phone this afternoon. the white house says the two of them discussed president biden's concerns about that ground offensive. sullivan shared with his israeli counterpart u.s. fan -- plans for an alternative to accomplish israel's goal of defeating hamas but not going into rafah to be able to do that. the white house says the israeli national security
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advisor confirmed israel is taking the u.s. concerns seriously. these two have agreed to meet in person. if you remember the backdrop, the white house has said for months it would not support an israeli ground offensive into rafah without a credible and robust plan to protect and relocate the more than 1 million palestinians sheltering in this area. we know that u.s. and israeli officials have gone back and forth sometimes in heated exchanges about how credible those plans are. on the press this morning secretary of state antony blinken was asked whether there has been an update on whether the white house has the israel's plans? blinken saying no and then laying out the consequences he says israel would face if it does go through the ground invasion. listen here. >> the trajectory right now is going into rafah, even to deal with these remaining
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battalions, especially in the absence of a plan for civilians wrist doing terrible harm to civilians and not solving the problem. a problem both of us want to solve, making sure hamas cannot again govern gaza. israel is on the trajectory potentially to inherit an insurgency. if it leaves, a vacuum bill back chaos and anarchy and probably refilled by hamas. >> reporter: blinken notably not laying out what the white house red line will be to suspend further weapons shipments to israel, despite those comments the president made in that interview with cnn last week, saying he was suspended further weapons delivery to israel if it did follow through with that major ground invasion of rafah. >> thank you so much. joining me now jasmine crockett, she is on the house oversight and accountability and agriculture committees.
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a good friend to us. welcome back to the show. i want to get your reaction to the array of views on the biden administration shift this past week. what do you say to those who say halting weapons deliveries to israel emboldens hamas? >> you know what, i don't think that is the case. here is the deal, this israeli government has been entrusted with prosecuting this war as they saw fit. they have been doing so since october 7. the problem is that there are definitely discrepancies in whether or not they have actually prosecuted this war in a way that complies with international law and in a way that basically makes sure they are going to protect those in a sense that are caught in the middle. unfortunately after months of prosecuting this war it has been very sloppy.
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while i think all of the united states congress stands with the israeli people, stands with the israeli government in saying we condemn hamas, the problem is you are going out and killing everybody but hamas. until you come up with a plan, because that is what the administration is stating. they have not that they won't assist. the deal is you have to have a plan that is not so sloppy in using a butcher knife when you need a sample. they make are you hearing from your colleagues, both the democrats who sent that letter and republicans that they acknowledge the biden administration says we are still sending defensive weapons. it is merely these offensive weapons for the reasons you have just articulated that we are withholding at the moment. >> absolutely. i think that is absolutely reasonable. right now republicans want to use every little inch they feel they can find may be a weakness within the democratic party and
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use it as a political pond. they could care less about anti- semitism, they could care less about who dies. if they can be seen as causing a wage to be drawn between the democrats, then they want to do it. we know they have failed to state any policies that make sense for the american people. right now all they want to do is hopefully put us in a difficult stance to where it looks like we are not on the same page and hope that we will implode the same way we have seen house republicans implode this entire session. >> i want to get your thoughts on the protest against the war that have roared across college campuses. what is your response to many cities sending in police, the actual city police in tactical gear to clear out the encampments and often arresting more outside demonstrators or agitators than students? with the school year nearly over do you see these protests
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continuing into the summer and potentially the democratic convention in chicago? >> i absolutely believe there will be some sort of demonstration at the dnc. i just ask that they show up to the rnc as well. don't put this all on the democrats. who controls the house? the republicans. who decide what the policy agenda will or won't be? the republicans. who is it that didn't want to send aid to gaza, sudan or haiti? i want to be clear you can definitely say you have your issues with the democrats, but absolutely do your research. you will probably have a few more issues with the republicans. as it relates to policing, we have had a problem with policing in this country for decades. we have a situation such as a george floyd and we see policing is a problem. we riled everyone up for a few
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seconds and then no policy changes follow. again, we look at who is the problem we need to get the policies to follow through to make sure we can effectuate positive change, it has been the republicans. the george floyd policing act was something past to the house when it was a democratic house. of course we cannot get that through the senate. we see this militarization of the police that has always responded to peaceful protest. it is a problem and is absolutely escalating already high emotions. it is the wrong response. >> report and that you will want to ask about the donald trump hush-money trial with the former president sitting through stormy daniels graphic testimony, detailing their alleged sexual encounter. things can get a little more embarrassing when michael cohen takes the stand tomorrow. do you think president biden has done the right thing by staying away from this trial in his commentary, not going after
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defendant trump in the courtroom? >> i think he has. i think this is one of those things donald trump wants to go to the president and to make a commentary about. he wants to make it seem like this is something the president had his hands in. for those who do not understand how this works, the president did not indict donald trump for anybody that is listening. the reality is every problem donald trump has is a problem of his own making. what is said is we now realize that clearly donald trump supporters would have supported him even if they had known this. he ended up walking into the situation and didn't have to. they supported him after the access hollywood tape. they supported him when he decided he wanted to say black folks came from certain countries. they supported him when he decided to say all of the latinos were and killers.
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they will still support him when he continues hateful rhetoric about muslim folks. talking about the fact that he wants to bring a muslim ban back. this is a hateful guy. it is bewildering to me that people still want this guy to be the head of state in the largest and best nation in the world. >> if you ever figure it out, give me a call. good to see you, my friend. thank you so much. if all of you think the donald trump hush-money trial may come down to michael cohen you might be surprised. someone who has been in the courtroom every day joins me next with perspective. ith pers. but who passed them to her? those mom genes helped make her who she is. show her with ancestrydna. this mother's day, she can see the traits she inherited, the places where they started, and the people she shares them with.
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in just hours michael cohen is expected to take the stand against his former boss, donald trump. this comes as prosecutors say they could rest their case as soon as this week. joining me now is an msnbc
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contributor, and author of the old goats newsletter. john, you've been in the courtroom since day one. in your new op-ed you said you watched prosecutors carefully set the table for the feast of cohen's testimony. they will basically argue you don't have to like the chef, just follow the food he serves. does this all boil down to cohen testimony? is this the grand finale? >> it is. remember the soup nazi from seinfeld? as long as cohen does not spit in the soup, people are going to like the soup. they didn't like the soup nazi on the show, but they sure liked his suit. in this case the soup has a lot of backup that the prosecution has been feeding the jury for weeks. it is very compelling,
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documentary and compelling evidence. what michael cohen will do is he will provide direct testimony on trump ordering him to cover up these hush payments, which was an illegal order. he broke the law. the business records that were part of reimbursing cohen and for his payments to stormy daniels that was illegal. now we are getting to the crime. we are done with the backup evidence that we have heard the last couple of weeks. >> he's got a big personality. sometimes it cannot be reigned in. do you think he poses a greater challenge for the prosecution or the defense? >> i think a little bit of both. the problem for the prosecution is they have been telling him repeatedly. josh stein glass, one of the lead prosecutors told the judge the other day and he used the
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word repeatedly twice. repeatedly-repeatedly told him to zip it. to stop with these tweets of trump in an orange jumpsuit. cohen has not listened. he has not been disciplined since the trial started. he has to show some discipline on the stand. the prosecution is understandably a little concerned. i have to tell you. i interviewed michael cohen onstage at an event earlier in the year. when i asked what he was going to testify to he was very disciplined. he is capable of being a super effective witness. all across they are going to confront him with the lies he has told. we are going to see if he loses his cool. if he did that would be bad for the prosecution. people have to understand that liars send defendants to jail
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every day in cases in this country, even in that very courthouse. you have gang members, they are liars and killers and the jury believes there testimony. it is really a lot about how this whole thing has been set up and the permission slip that they have gotten from all of this evidence. the jury has got to dislike michael cohen but believe what he is saying. >> to you think the salacious nature of her testimony aside, stormy daniels may be the most memorable testimony for this particular trial? >> very possibly so. she turned out to be a fascinating as well as entertaining witness who strangely enough was better on cross-examination that she was on directs. she basically outdueled a very experienced defense attorney
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and came out looking like a woman who would not be intimidated. the take away for the jury is maybe she exaggerated certain elements. she was caught in this minor contradiction or that slight problem with her testimony, but it is really hard for jurors to come to the conclusion that she made it up. there was so much over sharing in her testimony, which even the judge criticized the. it worked for her story. as she said if she were making it up, she is a porn screenwriter as well, she said it would've been a much better story. she was not making that up. that was quite clear. the key thing is it gives motive to trump, by establishing they had the sexual encounter. it clarifies his motive for breaking the law.
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>> okay, more to come this week. see you next weekend. what is happening with the college protest as commencement ceremonies are underway across america might not be exactly what you think. ou think. arexvy is a vaccine used to prevent lower respiratory disease from rsv in people 60 years and older. arexvy does not protect everyone and is not for those with severe allergic reactions to its ingredients. those with weakened immune systems may have a lower response to the vaccine. the most common side effects are injection site pain, fatigue, muscle pain, headache, and joint pain. i chose arexvy. rsv? make it arexvy. [cars honking] i'm a guy who lost a bet. and my dignity. get out of the way! as if watching my team lose wasn't punishment enough. what are you looking at huh... it's a one speed. hahaha. hahaha. and if you have cut rate car insurance,
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her uncle's unhappy. with fr i'm sensing anrtioned founderlying issue.s. it's t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for. a famous comedian now the latest target of pro- palestinian protest. dozens of duke university students walked out of commencement today over guest speaker jerry seinfeld.
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welcome. what happened today to jerry seinfeld?>> reporter: alex, as he was being introduced he received an honorary degree and he was also a speaker. as he was being introduced a group of students walked out of the stadium. it was booing and chanting as this happened. let's hear the moment when it happened. >> so what is the big deal about our commencement speaker? >> [ booing ]>> reporter: of course that is the video of them on stage. there are other videos circulating on social media where you can see a group of about 40 students stand up and walk out, some holding
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palestinian flags. jerry seinfeld has been vocal of his support for israel. this is why the students walked out. this is something we have seen over the weekend at a lot of these commencement ceremonies across the country. here at the university of texas there was a group of students that his mother commencement ceremony who also walked out in protest. there was another smaller commencement ceremony where a student appeared on stage holding a palestinian flag. there are reports that in virginia, the virginia commonwealth university where the governor was speaking, a group of about 60 students walked out of that ceremony. a lot of universities have been dealing with protesters. not only the graduates walking out, the protesters arriving in many of these commencement is taking place throughout the country. we have also seen other public
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figures who were set to speak whose invitations were withdrawn. we saw it a few days ago with the u.s. ambassador to the united nations. that imitation was withdrawn as well as an imitation of the university of vermont. >> interesting. duke university protesters making their sentiments known today. thank you for that. before we go we are going to go back to baltimore. there has been a new development on the effort to clear the collapsed bridge. they were going to do so with very targeted detonations. george solis is back with us. what is the news, george? >> reporter: the news is it has been postponed until this time tomorrow. they are telling us the inclement weather particularly the lightning, they thought maybe they would get a window. they are saying that is not the case. now they are saying 1700 tomorrow, which is 5:00 p.m. i asked some of the incident command staff if there is a chance this won't happen tomorrow? they are saying we have a way
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to see what the weather does. the reason you were doing it today was also dealing with the tide. they would hope the controlled explosion would help those pieces devolve into the water making it a little easier for those cranes to move the dolly back to port. they are saying they want to do it methodically and right. honesty safety is paramount. as i mentioned in the earlier the crew is still there. they would do this with them on board. now we are hearing it will happen tomorrow. we'll have to wait and see if that actually happens. >> i will tell you, if there is lightning, good call to wait until tomorrow. thank you so much, george solis. that is going to do it for me. happy mother's day, everyone. we will be back next saturday and sunday. msnbc prime weekend is the next. next.


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