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tv   The Beat With Ari Melber  MSNBC  May 12, 2024 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT

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welcome to our new special, new york versus donald trump i'm ari melber here. we will break it down for you on the first ever criminal trial of former president and current candidateace well. tough for the defendant. gripping, dramatic testimony from the woman of the center of the hush money plot. of all of the witnesses she is the most famous with her encounter with trump. there was testimony and key days of testimony from witnesses who were in trump's orbit that can speak about what she said and corroborate some of the financials for the jury. we have more on that as well. prosecutors have been laying out the pieces of this scheme and we can tell you as we recount why it was such a tough week for trump we know, according to the public remarks here, we are working off of the public evidence, we know we are near the end of this thing.
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we have two witnesses. the star witness michael cohen, he will begin on monday. one other witness and they will be able to rest as soon as the coming week. it is central to the da's case. testified under oath that trump was in on everything. >> he knew about everything, everything had to go through mr. trump and had to be approved by mr. trump. >> that is what he sounded like last time. similarly legal-binding testimony under oath. so, we expect to hear a similar line from cohen when he takes the stand. they will rest it. if there is not an issue with the judge beyond their control they expect to have this thing done by thursday. there are, of course, steps,
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the jury gets to respond, closing arguments, if they get to make the case they are saying by thursday they believe they will have legally set out all of the evidence, all of the elements of the two crimes they say trump committed. it started with a bang. the clashing with the judge him getting caught violating the gag order. that meant even as it barrels forward, his da only has a few days left the judge had to tell him that he could face a jail sanction if it continue future violations could be punishable by incarceration. they make it clear. follow the money, show the receipts. that is important as we mentioned. we will get into this with our experts as part of our commercial that the witnesses matter because they bring everything to life. they don't much without receipts. the da has damning ones, the checks you see, the signature from the defendant, the
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paperwork that shows it was not a random one-off but a whole plot. run through the trump organization and through donald trump's personal bank account. they have the checks that trump wrote to cohen. the jury saw those for the first time this week. prosecutors called actress stormy daniels to where she testified and told the jury where she understood she needed to be silenced. >> stormy daniels came a household name for shaking . >> stormy daniels at the center. >> everyone wants to stormy daniels >> rivetting, bombshell, sometimes icky testimony. >> you wanted money? that phrase reported multiple times >> it borders on susan necklace shaming a sex worker >> i think it is his motivation on shame this woman. it is not working >> she was not going to let,
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you know, her story be mischaracterized. >> daniels testified over two days. her testimony was quite detailed at times graphic and as an observation there it can sound like an observation or an opinion when i say it was detailed and graphic that is what the judge had to control. at a legal level they had to determine what the judge felt was necessary for the evidence to support the da's case. remember, this is not an interview where you can jump around on different topics. the questions and topics are regulated. testified that trump did not feel concerned when they had their initial encounter about it going public. that bolsters the da's case that the only issue was the da's campaign crime they say, not just a generalized you know, hush money. daniels faced aggressive questioning from the attorney who we reported across the week tried to use stigmas or
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discredit her because of her job. accusing daniels of extorting trump. daniels replied false, that was an allegation in the form of a question. she raised the idea that she made it up. not only did she deny but that would be a tough pill for the jury to swallow when they seen so much other cooberation. she had cooperation as he was willing to pay for her silence. daniels said sharing her story negatively impacted her and a lot that supports that. it paved the way for other witnesses, some of them are not as exciting but they go to what we have to prove. not just that it happened or the cover up but it was an intentional financial cover up that trump new about at the time. there was a bookkeeper from the company saying trump talked to weisselberg daily. that testimony backed up by another staff assistant who said on thursday that they
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remembered a couple times where there was a question about a check and trump would pick up the phone and call the now convicted cfo, she became emotional and tried on the stand. that was the second to have that emotion. prepare she was a cooperation witness that gives you a signal of her perspective. that is okay, by the way, the witnesses may have a mixed perspective no matter who they are called by. their main obligation is supposed to be telling the truth and the jury assesses that. now, friday, the judge floated the idea of having the convicted money man weisselberg testify himself that would be a big deal. unexpected things could add time. if you add a witness and arrange him getting out of likers jail jail, he is in jail because of a related fraud case because
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the allegations of fraud evaded trump. that was the second time he has gone in, to jail, for things he did that were basically related to and arguably or allegedly at the request of his boss, trump. trump lawyers looked visibly concerned at the suggestion in court that he come in. they seem to think that he is loyal but better off not heard from. day-by-day this trial can yield different things. the witness said he would sign things without reviewing them that goes to a clash among and across both witnesses and the da and defense arguments because, again, jury's job here is not to root for one side. not hear the first thing they hear as gospel.
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you have to take it all not which lawyer got to finish or which witness went last. they have to unspool all of the claims. the busy out of the loop claim is a fair defense. one he is allowed to lodge. they have to look at all of the evidence, the hand signatures, the books, the bragging for how involved he is and that and talking about the payments in it all checks out or not. you heard me say this before. we were using a general standard like two sources in journalism, they would have trump dead to rights. higher standard and deliberately so, not two sources or what you think is most likely or reasonable what happened. it is a very high standard on purpose for all defendants it is supposed to be, beyond a reasonable doubt that he did it, he cover today up, he did it with the campaign crime intent. higher bar that is why we will be watching this next week as well as the da brings in cohen and rests the case.
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the trial is barreling forward. trump's efforts to delay this, unlike every other case he faces in this court they have been failing. we have two other guests wrapping up what is a bruising week. we are back together in just 90 seconds back together in just seconds
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overwhemming and intimidating and downright scary a lot of times. >> stormy daniels when she was speaking about this all of the way back in 2018. now, this week, for the first time, people heard from her underneath this legally binding proceeding. they are joined by this attorney, joyce vance and the law professor and analyst for us as well. professor murray, when you look at this week we are always looking for inflection points but it felt it barreled forward. for some ways all of the excitement for michael cohen next week if you were writing a story where the da began to really congeal. if they are winning it might be from the combinations of the receipts in daniels this week before you get to cohen saying yes, what they said is true >> it is really an interesting kind of rhythm that the
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prosecution established this week. there is a lot of forward momentum. there are really kind moments where they have to corroborate the chain of custody. again, really explosive testimony. i think people really are going to look back on the set of questions that stormy daniels judged. both from the prosecution and defense lawyers susan necklace. a pattern here. but, the real star of this week, i have to say, was not any of these witnesses but, rather the document that they were there to elaborate. the documents were the stars. the documents do not lie. they establish the prosecution's story. the witnesses were all there to basically elaborate and give context and color for those documents and to give the jurors a story. trials are story telling. and the prosecution using these
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documentary evidence, decided to tell a brood story and use these witnesses to make that story come to life. >> you know, something that anyone who served on a jury understands is that judges admonish jurors at the start of the trial that they must not dell iberate until all of the evidence is in until they are all in the room together. we are treating the case differently. we are assessing each witness as they testify and every piece of evidence as it comes in. sometimes that leads us to over focus on one bit of the evidence or one facet of the case without seeing the bigger picture that the jury will have when they begin to dell iberate. to delliberate. they had one thing in mind
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throughout their entire release of the evidence, their goal is to buck cohen reputation before he takes the stand. the tough part is knowing he knew, approved, participated wanted to use the false business records to conceal and aid in the commission of the crimes. every step of the way they have executed that goal. daniels comes across not just as a porn star the way she has been characterized many times in the media, she comes across as a mom, a real person with real interests and with an important life story. someone who the jury may not approve of but they can listen to and ultimately believe. at the same time melisa nails it, it is the documents, the documents don't lie. they are in evidence now, they have allen weisselberg's writing on them. he may not testify. it does not matter because the
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documents are there. >> you are both talking about the documents and how the trump defense or the doubt they want to instill really runses into that brick wall. joe was trump's lawyer in the new york case until he left. when we did speak to him, asked about that. defense said if it was money for the lawyer, defense, retainer, no fraud because it is true the problem is the money did not stay with the lawyer the money passed through the lawyer, went to stormy daniels t is not money for the lawyer, money for her, to add insult to injury from the legal perspective. cfo going to jail and he writes down his plot on paper and says let's gross it up, let's lie, let's commit tax fraud. here is the exchange with joe. >> is stormy daniels a lawyer? >> i don't think her lawyer was
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a lawyer, either. stormy daniels is not a lawyer. >> she is not a lawyer. these payments were made, they were, according to federal filings classified on the trump side as legal services. that was false, wasn't it? >> the payments were made to a lawyer not to stormy daniels. >> joyce? well, that is slicing it thinly there. ultimately it does not work. in addition to the coding in the trump books where the payments to michael cohen are coded as legal fees and multiple witnesses say they were reimbursement payments to stormy daniels we know in this california litigation where stormy daniels, she says she did not approve it but her lawyer sued trump for defamation, she loses the case and ordered to pay trump's legal fees and part of the filings in that case trump concedes the $130,000 is reimbursement for the payment
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to stormy daniels. the prosecution can put that into evidence here. that may well be what happens with the last witness. we don't know who that will be yet. but that is compelling evidence along with the trump tweet that there was discussion about this afternoon where he talks about well my lawyer was handling a private agreement. it all adds up to knowledge. it is all contrary to this defense that trump did not know and that these were just legal payments to michael cohen who went off as a free agent and decided to spend trump's money for him in maybe the slim hope that he would be reimbursed down the road. that story does not make sense and this jury will use their common sense when they deliberate. >> right f that story does not make sense, that takes us to next week, professor, there might be questions and issues for michael cohen on cross. to believe the trump defense you would have to believe after everything cohen has been through, including prison, he
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is sticking to a new made up story perjuring himself again and pulling other people into it. it is a i hesitate to make a musical reference, just kidding, but it is a bit like near the end of the drake kendri ck, some of the things he bodies him he secretly planted he claims he planted things about himself so he can say it and say gotcha, it is false and i tricked you into attacking me. you don't need to know all of the details, people question if it is true. so i put all of that to you as well as, for evidence the other issue with cohen. the judge was moved and has not had to say t. i would direct the people to communicate to mr. cohen that the judge is asking him to refrain from
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making anymore statements in this case. that certainly is not great. your thoughts on any of the above? >> reporter: well, certainly a minor deviation mr. michael cohen i know you would know that. >> i do. >> reporter: they got a lot of different out. we honestly, the bar is not held for michael cohen. if he even performs well, strings sentences together that are credible it will be a success. and, again the strategy here was to minimize the import of michael cohen by making the documents actually do the work of corroborating his story. i think they did a lot of work this week lining up the documents, providing context
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for the documents and also prebutting all of the claims that the defense will make about michael cohen and his credibility going forward.. again, when we watch michael cohen next week we might be surprised that he stands up. that is because the prosecution has done so much work airing out all of his dirty linen. >> you both soft of given us and anyone listening a lot more insight into why this is going down the way it is. some of the negatives coming out and strategy to that as we gear up to what is likely the final four days of, or sorry, three, monday, tuesday, thursday. because they have wednesday off. i will tell you please stay near your phones, camera set ups, stay hydrated we will call you a lot next week. thank you, guys. >> thanks, ari. >> appreciate it.
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we have a lot more coming up including how the oval office meetings could be haunting trump. we will hear testimony about that next week. when we do these specials we like to broaden out, we have interesting people tell us we are thrilled to tell you that an acclaimed long serving journalist that knows new york and trump inside and out. we don't always catch on the news is our special guest. but first, michael steele, stay with us r special guest. but first, michael steele, stay with us deep down, i knew something was wrong. since my fatigue and light-headedness would come and go, i figured it wasn't a big deal. then i saw my doctor and found out i have afib, and that means there's about a 5 times greater risk of stroke. symptoms like irregular heartbeat, heart racing, chest pain,
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. if i cower away it feeds the bullies >> mr. trump is a conman. he asked me to pay off an adult film star with whom he had an affair and to lie about it to his wife, which i did. >> the book end of two star witnesses. one this week, one next week,
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the da says they will be ready to rest its case, that in legal speak means prosecutors say by thursday they argue, proven the elements of two crimes by defendant trump. we are joined now by michael steele. hosts "the weekend" right here on msnbc. he is part of our special. thanks for being here. >> hey, man, good to see you as always. >> good to see you. this might sound funny coming from me. there is such a thing as enough lawyers or too many lawyers, we love all of our legal experts we had on all week and tonight. but i turn to you here for the story. you know who is not a lawyer? most of the jurors. what do you think about the story they are telling was not what people might of expected six months ago you said you this case. you might of thought you start with cohen. he is in the room, firsthand knowledge, right? but they started on the other end of it with the tabloid,
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with tonight through a top of witnesses and end with cohen. how does that for you, a story teller yourself in politics going to work for the jury? >> a pretty good story. >> reporter: i think they did the appropriate amount of spice and then sort of the boring kind of here is some of the numbers and here is some of the processes. this is the internal workings and then they are going to end with a little more spice. so i think it has been a well laid out approach to this jury. what is important is, this really talks about how it matters. they have a sense of what the jury may be interested in knowing. we did not get to know or see
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because we were not in there and i think this prosecution, prosecutors figured out the way that approach the jury to bring them in the story, right? we are getting hyped-up in the naughty bits from the encounter between stormy and trump but by that point of the narrative they laid down there is why. this is why trump did what he did. this is why we are saying this is a crime so, oh, yeah, now i see why he did not want to tell his wife. he did not want to tell the public while he was running for president what was happening here.
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and i think that sort of cements it coming up with cohen. >> this is related to a campaign, like i mentioned. the person sharing, running at the highest level of the campaign homestretch was steve vance. he is on pace to spend the coming election day inside of a federal prison. i will show viewers here the news on friday. white house aid steve bannon. similar to what peter navarro did. only take a unusual supreme court to help him. the supreme court did not do so on a similar charge against navarrow, he could be sentenced to prison. that is a significant accountability for a powerful person. he is rich, multimillionaire. close to the president, got help with the use of trump's pardon power in the past.
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no reason to think the current president would intervene that way to say the least. your thoughts? >> right. >> reporter: no, hey, accountability is a you know what, right? [ laughter ] when you are held accountable you are going to pay, right? your time is four months and some days. do it. that is, that is what the judge has decided. appeals court affirmed it. now you got to pay for that. what is the great irony here is that all of these people going to jail for donald trump. and, yet they are beholding to him. bannon is not going to stray away. yet, donald trump proves to me again he is the weakest link. not man enough to take and hold
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themselves accountable. lie, challenge, and go after the system and the judges and their families and the court personnel. because he is scared. he is scared. and yet, you know, these others have gone to jail. they have held their heads up and doing it for trump. i am curious if trump is going to do it for himself. you will hold your head up donald? take what comes from this jury? you gotten some breaks. they delayed the other cases to the point where they are not, probably not going to happen this year. it will be an interesting accountability moment that tacks back, ari to how we started it. why the selection of this jury was so important and why the story telling that we have seen unfold by the prosecution with very little rebuttal by the way, by the defense along the way. i mean, that one session where
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they did not even, even judge merchan was like you had moments where you should of objected, right? >> right. when we get the transcripts to those sidebars, yeah. yeah. hay you could of done something. >> reporter: yeah >> so, michael you get to stay, because it is a special i am going to bring in as mentioned kurt anderson with real background on this. does not always joining us. michael staying and something special coming up after the break. >> that is exciting ng up after break. >> that is exciting known for lessons that matter. known for lessons that matter. known for being a free spirit. no one wants to be known for cancer, but a treatment can be. keytruda is known to treat cancer, fda-approved for 16 types of cancer. one of those cancers is advanced nonsquamous, non-small cell lung cancer, where keytruda is approved to be used with certain chemotherapies as your first treatment
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. welcome back to our special new york versus trump. one thing that the trial lawyers know that proceedings can be unpredictable. tonight, digging in further for the revealing and wild moments that we have seen thus far. there is our trial fall back segment. we have special guests. the acclaimed author, anderson, evil geniuses, and he co- founded a magazine from back in the day, withy have been talking back in the day tabloid, "spy" for the '80s that was known for warning new york and the rest of the area about this figure they discovered in new york, seen there as baby trump, waah, are baby trump.
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the short finger vulgarian and that went out through the 2016. >> he was in the room when the phrase "short-finger vulgarian" was coined? yes. >> he is 6'2, i don't understand why his hands are the size of someone who is 5 '2. >> they are not small. >> a hand with little fingers coming out of the stem. [ laughter ] >> sometimes the turn of phrase is memorable and michael steele is back with us. any time we are doing a fallback we will mention he has been immortalized by jon stewart return for campaign in the puppet. he host requests the weekend. what is so your fall back list? >> three things as i was asked to do. one of them the most serious of my three is the lack of any
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audio visual coverage of this trial. i mean, of course in a kind of general way. the fact that this entertainment figure, donald trump, who became president and now tried for his crimes as president, deserves in some epic poet justice way to be audio visual coverage live in the courtroom. but more over, new york state is one of the very, very, very, few states in the united states that don't allow basically any television coverage of trials. most states trials are on tv. so, it makes no sense in general what we and that is motorcycle and louisiana are the only states that absolutely ban it. i don't know anything else about which that can be said. new york and louisiana. x, y or z. that seems like a
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mistake. this trial is where transparency would be a good thing, would serve the public good, right? i mean, since the age of covid the past four years the supreme court, of course, had it live for their oral arguments live, which may change it. no television of clarence thomas sitting back or whatever. it is sad. it is civilized. we can at least do that, it seems to me. so i think that and in terms of transparency. fox would probably be feel forced, obliged to carry the trial proceedings live if they were on television. >> yeah, you make a great comparison. even if you had the camera issue the court in dc has done the middle ground, high court
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has done the middle ground, i should say, of doing the audio and cases of big interest. it would also give people the feeling that decks dextarity and if you are a trump fan, fine. certainly the o.j. case was big because it was accessible. if we never saw the gloves, michael, i would not think it would go the same way. michael, i want to play something and you can tell us your thoughts. here they are. the motion, the gag order on fox, take a look. order on fox, take a look. . >> they are threatening to throw the republican nominee for president in jail for talking, harris. for talking during an election. now, i am not a lawyer. just play one on tv. but according to the gag you
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could have the lockness monster as a juror and say it is real. that is $1,000, boom, right there. >> it is is amazing. they must be handing out diplomas for stupid. it is just beyond the imagination. and, and, the fake, the fake outrage of, you know, jesse a lot of those folks know what a gag order is. they know why the gag order was imposed and this sort of fake outrage that trump is somehow be told to shut the hell up. because he is talking about the judge, the judge's family, the
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clerk's in the court, et cetera it is not outrageous, it is not anything new. because he knows that during the many trials that fox itself was involved in, that they were careful not to run their mouths and they were concerned about what donald trump would say about fox during that time. so, they get it. but you know this fake to trump and his crazy, you know, to me it is, can we just stop with it at this point? we are smarter, we are more mature. the rest of y'all need to catch up, you know. the growth. >> respect. >> the growth of this is stifling at this point. >> and kurt, you are like it or not, an expert on how trump rolls, how he lives, how he is. [ laughter ] >> and we showed your baby, your baby cover, the fingers, this judge had to catch up and
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figure out how to deal with him. he made a bet that he is better off fining him and keeping it moving than getting in a jail clash. but, you had to fall back about that, your thoughts? >> i did. and, i believe judge merchan, justice merchan, rather. has been good in his manner. but it is, it is, it seems a mistake in general that the maximum fine in new york state on contemptive court is $1,000. i mean, it seems first of all as is clear and as i believe the judge said, you know. or implayed any way. $1,000 to trump it is nothing and he is doing whatever he wants and violate the gag order, not only that it is, some sense, should be a
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rounding error. we can talk about his money obsessions. so that, it seems to me, the very least, the maximum fine should be greater to deal with people like say, donald trump who for $1,000 fine is nothing unlike it would be something at least for almost anyone else. and, and so, the other option that he has would be to put him in jail for up to 30 days. now, perhaps they should not do that but if the $1,000 does nothing to stop him or almost nothing, then of course he needs to threaten that. by the way the jesse waters thing in addition to being moronic and idiotic as michael said, the loch ness joke was the stupidity joke more could have
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been done. >> respect. >> and michael go ahead you want to get in [ laughter ] >> no, no, i am all about it. [ laughter ] let the writer put the period on it. he just did. he just did. thank you very much, sir >> there you go >> my pleasure. >> i got 80 seconds now michael. but he raises a point the trial reminds us how our system works. bannon got four months his four months is just like anyone else's four months >> and this, the fine, the contempt fine, it is not saying the same four months it sounds like they dock a week pay. if they docked them a week's pay, rich people, they might be effected. they are designed to discriminate and make it meaningless and toothless for the very rich. >> yeah. in that, that is one more example of that is the fact that you got the sweetheart
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jails that they go to. the very rich go to, sort of country club jail for the wealthy, you know, who have been found taking millions from their customers, clients, et cetera get to spend their time, you know, playing golf and doing put put here and put put there. and, yeah. and the rest of us sit at rikers. so, you know, that is the difference. looks, i have advocated for awhile now it should be taken away for trump. i hope a future congress will address this matter to make it clear that you do not get to play president while you are in the criminal justice system. all that am do is make a mockery of the office you once
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held and put the system in an unnecessary knot. if trump is convicted then donald trump should lose secret service protection. you know, they are called guards in the jail. i don't think there will be any problem protecting the man who is prisoner in number, fill in his number, right? like any other prisoner in. we just need to dial it down a little bit because when you have bad behavior by politics at and level they should have the same judicial process and outcome like the rest of us. we don't have security. if i committed a crime as lieutenant governor no one will be sitting there protecting me. same should be true for the president of the united states. >> yeah. no, i parish the thought. they would put those adorable blue felt hands of yours, your puppet hands, that is a call back if anyone is watching, go
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back to the puppet intr snoorks my small hands. right? >> yes. take it away. >> wait, short fingers. i got to warn you the way tv works you can have a 20 second sentence. >> just that the prosecution's case was based on the fact that donald trump cares a lot about every dime that goes in or goes out. 1990s by my magazine did an experiment. 56 rich people a bunch of checks of declining value, two people cashed them all, one of the winners, donald trump he cashed a 13 cent check at the end. he cares >> wow. there you go. thank you very much, we'll be right back. u very much, we'll right back. known for discovering new places.
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