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tv   Ayman  MSNBC  May 12, 2024 8:00pm-9:00pm PDT

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i told her i worried traveling with them was going to be awkward. she did not let me well, it takes two people to make things awkward, if you hold your head high it won't be. hold your head high. simply too many things i learned from my mother to ever share in a single book. she has to write her own book. this mother's day a special shout out to the person with the greatest impact in helping me learn the greatest impact in helping me learn me to learn to say more. happy mother's day, mom. i also want to wish a happy mother's day to my amazing mother-in-law. that does it for me today, but stay right where you fare because there is much more news coming up on m. on this new hour of amen, how far will trump go for cash? big oil ceos. plus indiana just proved trump
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has a nikki haley problem as the clock is ticking for him to name a running mate. democrats calling out republicans for wanting to give more rights to appliances than women. i'm ayman mohyeldin, let's do it. >> i made a pledge to the state that we have the highest energy costs in the country in the first year that they will be reduced by 50%. and drill, baby drill. >> that was donald trump in january. fresh off the win at the new hampshire primary. bragging about dismantling biden's green agenda if he wins a second term in november. now we're learning his positions on the climate policy. they are on sale to the highest bidder. the stunning new report by the
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washington post, details a meeting at mar-a-lago last month between donald trump and two dozen oil executives. during a dinner, one executive complained they spent nothing to show for it. thhis position on some pretty inconvenient environmental regulations. and that is when they shot some people in the room saying you are all wealthy enough that you should raise $1 billion to return me to the white house. trump claimed $1 billion will be a deal because of how much he limited them as they end their freeze on permits for new liquefied on the first day.
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and railed against the power and restrictions on drilling in the arctic. this is a deal maker and a climate change denier who claimed it was a hoax. he is a presidential candidate due to the mountain of legal fees and that he could use to fund raise the courthouse and there is something more sinister at play here. and our climate and our planet where they would signal the norms and laws surrounding lobby. as they write for, if trump believes regulations are
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bad and renewable energy is overhyped and he would hope those agreed would donate to his campaign that he would be operating within the normal parameters of cording donors. but the washington post suggests that he flipped around the ask. proposing instead that a specific amount of money would ensure he would take the specific action. it's a glaring undeniable flaunting of the corruption and no need to split hairs here. donald trump claims he's a political outsider and they are nothing more than a sham. and that he is constantly slammed over the years and he's right. and more brazen for any other politician in the country. what is to stop him from using
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the same playbook for foreign powers, like saudi arabia and russia. under the second donald trump presidency is america for sale. joining me now to discuss this are kim lane shepley, professor of international affairs at princeton university, and michelle goldberg, the analyst and columnist at the new york times. it's great to have both of you with us. i'll start with you and your reaction to this washington report and to address here and what will strike you about the implications of trump reportedly telling the oil executives to pay up and to get him to the white house and this is not normal lobbying. >> no, it is absolutely not normal lobbying where he put that price tag on the planet. give him a billion dollars. then he'll cancel all the renewables. all of the activities that
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biden has done to try to bring the u.s. into line with climate change targets. so no, this is actually quite extraordinary. it is not uncommon as your column said for a president to say here are the values that i stand for them. if you believe in them, support me. but this is if you don't raise a billion dollars for me, then you'll need to settle these policies and that is really out of line. >> and to what extent do you think their $1 billion ask of the oil executives is linked to the financial woes that this is a man in desperate financial need of money, you know, trump's campaign says they have raised more than $76 million in april and no doubt he's facing significant cash deficits in the presidential race and through the end of march. biden has more than twice as much money as trump where he has the mounting legal bells.
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he can't compete nationally, financially. this is a guy who needs money, right? >> right. i mean look, i don't know -- the difficult thing in this latest outrage is that it is both as you said, shocking, but completely unpredictable and in line, the way we know he has done business since that nightmarish elevator into our lives. so we know already from his last job in office that he ran the white house like a business and he would have a hotel where people could essentially go and make donations to his personal wealth while they wanted all sorts of favors, both foreign and domestic. there is no question that now he'll need the money even more because he has all of these
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judgments against him. he has the disillusion, the disillusion of his company. that's the top of mind. and also to rebound that empire and the services of doing that. >> and professor, do you think trump is using the possibility of second term to enrich himself or is it more about lining his own pockets, paying for those legal fees to avoid jail time? he has potentially four criminal cases that he'll have to deal with? >> reporter: he is obviously in legal fees. he has used a couple of those already to pay for their lawyers. those packs, they have started to run down their phones, and they will badly need a punishment from what we could see.
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but what i'm worried about here is something else, which is trump basically announced for a billion dollars, the oil and gas executives could get this deal. he said that in a room full of people where it was almost certainly going to be the case that something would leak. and that it will send a signal and to buy that policy. and now he's announced to the world that the policy is for sale. >> and to that point, michelle, it is a real interesting observation by the professor. it kind of begs the question then. what do the rest of us do as we are watching trump signal to the rest of the world that he's for sale if it is not for oil, maybe it's for arms or something else. the new republic reports you've got senators like the democrat shelby whitehouse.
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but how do you think law makers should respond to this revelation? what kind of action should they be taking, if any? >> well, a part of the difficulty here, right, that we're not going to get the campaign finance reform in the next six months. and so there is a lot of steps that congress should have taken to ensure that the particularly meal was corrupt and they couldn't sell off america. and they will have a big part and they will have a big role to play in that. look, i think that the only thing if america does not want to basically put themselves up for sale, then the past six months to try to win this election. democracy, the planet, a part of the difficulty is that the
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stakes are so huge that people are so beaten down and so bludgeoned, that they are so numb that it is really, really difficult to keep reminding ourselves of just, you know, kind of the situation that we are all sort of sleepwalking towards. >> and professor, trump has been a climate change denier for many years. and his courting of the oil industry isn't a big surprise. what are the stakes here of the specific brand of corruption around the u.s. climate policy, if any? >> reporter: well, this are so many at stake. first of all the world is running out of time to do something serious about climate change. many of our pure democracies are going further than the u.s. courts have gone. they are now packed with the republican judges and the trump judges, they are in the process
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of dismantling the environmental regulations, even if trump doesn't do it. so i'm afraid that while the election is crucial to keeping america not for sale, that we've got them in place and they are actually stepping up to the plate and the courts are making them step up to the plate with the decrease of the checks and balances, packing of courts and the president who announces that price tag for the policies that really should be in the public interest and not in the private interest. >> one more thing that's at stake in this election. but also our climate. professor, kim shipley, please stick around. we'll dig into donald trump's nikki haley problem. will her supporters ever support him? td felt embarrassing. i felt like disconnecting. i asked my doctor about treating my td,
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donald trump may never admit it, but it's obvious he still has a nikki haley problem two months after dropping out of the race. as se writes, haley's ghost continues to haunt trump in a significant and ominous way. attempting to brush off the fact she won more than 80% of the primary. >> all of those people will come to me is a because biden is the worst president of the first in our history. so he is incompetent. so they are all coming to me as we see it already. they are all coming to me. >> last week they confirmed a reporting that she has been meeting with donors and has no current plan to endorse trump.
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yesterday trump dismissed an axios report that said his campaign was considering haley as the running mate as a way to boost their fundraising. joining me now is christina greer and at the city of new york and the author of black ethnics. back with us as well. how big of a thorn in trump side is nikki haley? you heard him there trying to down play her winning more than 20% of the vote, despite exiting the race back in march? >> yeah, she's definitely a thorn, ayman. if she wasn't, he wouldn't be speaking about her. donald trump spent the last few weeks in a courtroom. so obviously donors and republican voters, they are really thinking what is our option just in case he can't go across the finish line? nikki haley is still having the meetings and the fact she has not been on the ballot in roughly two months. but voters as the protest vote or they want someone that's not donald trump and all the
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baggage. it's incumbent upon the democrats to remind the republicans, not just about the policies, but about the chaos that they brought upon our lives for four years and a lot of voters, republicans, independence, they are exhausted by that. we will obviously talk about this. it's a major issue. as long as they keep carrying their own, it's an issue. that's something they need to really think about to chip away at some of the margins on the voters. >> take us, michelle, into the thinking if there is anything in this moment. do you think they are waiting to wait it out to see what happens to trump legally speaking before offering her endorsement? perhaps that's the rational for staying in the presidential primary for so long that he would be unable to run. any play here depending on how this manhattan hush money trial plays out? >> do i think there is any play to get rid of donald trump as
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the republican nominee is? an act of god, no, i really don't. and so i would like to think that nikki haley is withholding her endorsement in the hope of being the future of a post trump republican party and would maybe jump with the few decent republicans like the former lieutenant governor of georgia who said because donald trump is such an ethically depraved person that hay will vote for joe biden as much as they disagree with him. that said i feel like we see it again and again, every mainstream republican, the vast majority, who try to make a show of their distance from trump and bending the knee seems to be what donald trump is counting on. it's striking that you saw it in that clip. he's not making a difficult,
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right? he's not trying do it and it is more of this sneering. where will you go? >> that is the correcting thing here as you would speak to nikki haley voters. he's outflanking him among the crazies. you have nikki haley outflanking him among the college educated republicans, perhaps a little bit of the never trumpers. where do you potentially see her voters going? is it to trump or biden? and that they won't seem as rabid as trump supporters, being more educated. and the economic issues. the climate change is the business owner, small and large. so all these democratic
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foundational principles that joe biden is putting towards the party, that he could speak to certain, not all, nikki haley voters. and as michelle said, that they would talk a good game and at the end of the day, they will hold their nose and praise that they would get that tax god. but obviously donald trump is more nervous because the polling says when rfk is in the race, he actually does chip away at some of his base. and i'm really curious to see and we will see something like what you saw in 1992 where he still gets roughly $19 million votes and makes a real dent in their voting base. that's probably making them more nervous, especially if he could chip away at the voters, since he's assuming that there will be certain democrats in those policies of this
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particular administration. >> i'm sure you saw them dismiss this access reporting that he was considering them as a running mate and there are sources in the original piece suggesting that they need each other and perhaps their fundraising down the line. haley certainly wants a future in the republican party that will run through donald trump for now. and what do you make of this relationship and is that the case? do you agree with that? >> and i can see why he needs her and that they could benefit from her having the ticket that they would shore up and it is not to say that moderate thank and more than just his establishment flank. shore up the vote of the people who don't want to burn the existing system to the ground. that said it is real difficult for me to put myself inside the mind of any of these candidates except maybe, you know, some of these other figures. >> please don't put yourself
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inside that mind. >> it is very difficult for me to see why nikki haley would imagine that her future runs through donald trump when you could see it very well what has happened to all of the other republicans. i guess she got out of the first trump administration relatively unscathed. and not just mike pence, but jeff sessions and all the other people who have hitched their wagon to trump and thought that's the path to my future. >> i was thinking about them and all these others that have served their administration completely that have been cast aside. all right, please don't move. up next, we will have to talk about their home appliances act. that's a real thing that we'll tell you about next. how many people did you tell? only pay for what you need. jingle: ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ baby: ♪ liberty. ♪
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>> big brother is coming for your kitchen. >> so naturally they decided gas powered stoves had to go. >> nobody is going to tell me i can't cook with gas. >> oh yeah, remember the gas stove hysteria from the right last year? well now house republicans, they have a solution. they have passed the hands off appliances act and that would make it harder for the department of energy to change energy savings and on the gop agenda with five others that are expected to receive votes and the freedom act. true story, folks. it's maddening to some of their democratic colleagues or concerned with more than the rights of home appliances. >> we seem to have some republicans who think that they should honor their need and
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instead they are offering drills to give affluences, more rights than women. >> all right, michelle and christina are back with us and with what their priorities are. but i wanted to get your response to the republicans and the fixation on the home appliances as we just heard there from the congresswoman, fernandez. >> well, you know, i think that it is not just democrats that are frustrated with the bills. there is an article i think last month in axios that a lot of republicans are also embarrassed by these, you know, kind of pathetic messaging bills when the party actually has to pass legislation through the house. they need hakeem jeffries to do it. the only thing they could do to, you know, kind of telegraph
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their priorities are sometimes peeling off a few democrats for and it is meaningless and as much as they think that when they would talk about my stove and my choice and that it will be a stop to women who are soured on the republican party because it stripped them and that they will demonstrate both how they see their role in society and that degree of contempt. >> why is there such a disconnect in what they need right now in those 2024 america, what they are prioritizing with the legislation and that hands off appliances act? >> because of what they are doing and that they are against. they know they don't have the
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numbers and the vast majority of the polling that will show that the country is not on the side of the republican party. most americans do believe in a woman's right to choose. most americans do believe the rights for the lgbtq+ communities. most americans do think that climate change is a problem and we should think about it. the list will go on and on. when it comes to policy, the republican party is out of step with where the vast majority of the american people are. so they will pass these bills or they propose these bills, and unfortunately sometimes democrats are sort of following the shenanigans instead of just saying listen, we don't have time for this where we are trying to build the base and the party. trying to get young people into this and pass legislation. let's not get distracted by your wash machine and air conditioner and get back to the facts, which are republicans are trying to say you as a grown woman can't make decisions about your body. you might have to pay for a
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child because you're forcing a woman to have a baby as she is saying she could not choose. there is a larger more sophisticated conversation that can and should be had as they are starting to have and they need to make sure they don't get distracted by the nonsense that they are throwing out there because they know they don't want to talk about abortion or climate change and they don't want to talk about book bans or the lgbtq+ community. and they are showing their voters don't want to support them either. >> michelle, i want to play for you a clip of hillary clinton. i'll get your response after. watch. >> i thought i would literally throw up, listening to the oral argument before the supreme court about, you know, whether or not doctors and hospitals and nurses have to give emergency care to pregnant women who show up in emergency
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rooms. to hear male justices of the supreme court, saying how many organs you need to lose in order to be eligible for emergency treatment? honestly it was a hand ed maids tale come alive. >> your response to that. i mean watching the supreme court, we are all arguments on the emergency access above. >> she is right and it's lucky for republicans that we don't have cameras in the courthouse. about the various ways that abortion bans following the end have tortured women. but i think that would really put it in a nutshell these kind of men stroking their chins
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about how close the woman kind of medical distress that the bomb needs to bo here to intervene. i would love for that audience to be heard from every voter in the united states. >> and remember senator k.d. emphasized traditional family values and a scottless beige kitchen. how back wards are their priorities? >> right, we saw that staging in the kitchen. i think ayman, it is also very important for us to remember you don't have to be a man to uphold matriarchy as they do that can i wantly. as we trap our head and women is against some of the polls
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and sort of putting place in the needs and they could actually uphold the mantle and carry it cross the house of representatives, that lead to a woman's right to choose. >> what kind of rights and access need to be prioritized going into the next election cycle? obviously there is very little to be -- the democrats are able to re. maintaining the white house. what becomes their variety going into 2025? >> well look, i mean i thought that one thing democrats should have done yesterdays is to repeal the comstock act. it's a law that's still in place. much like in arizona, there was an abortion ban from 1964 that
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they never appealed until recently. it was a law that would ban the mailing of contraception and all sort. a lot of republicans think they can use the a-- and without getting a new federal law. >> thank you so much to the both of you. next up, how israel has expanded their military operation in rafah. can i talk? can this be treated? stop typing. start talking to a specialized urologist. because it could be peyronie's disease, or pd. it's a medical condition where there is a curve in the erection, caused by a formation of scar tissue. and an estimated 1 in 10 men may have it. but pd can be treated even without surgery. say goodbye to searching online. find a specialized urologist
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it is more than 14,000 children who have been killed in this war according to the palestinian administrative health. and the situation only continues to grow more dire by the day. as the journalist on the ground puts it, "when i speak with my family, they described the situation rafah has apocalyptic, like judgment day. everyone is desperate to escape, yet there is nowhere to turn." why is this okay? how is this okay? on tuesday israel seized and shut down a vital lifeline for palestinians. the border crossing between egypt. sounding the alarm. ricardo pierce is a
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spokesperson for unicef and they said if that crossing is not reopened, the entire civilian population, rafah and the gaza strip will be at greater risk. but it's not only the aid groups that are being shut out. attempting to get them trapped in gaza are also being intimidated. last month members of the group rabbi's fort cease-fire tried to get a truck filled with half a ton of flowers through, but they interrogated them up to nine hours. intimidation against people working to bring relief to palestinians is not gay. set fire twice outside what headquarters, wile staff were receiving the fire caused damage to the facility's outdoor areas and put the staff's safety at risk. it was the second violent
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protest at the agency this week. the commissioner general decided to close down the offices until security is restored. there is also another troubling dynamic taking place of israel. continuing to grow over the israeli prime minister's reluctance to agree to a deal. that will bring home the israeli hostages. thousands of israelis have taken to the streets over the weekend in tel aviv, calling for a deal for the loved ones to be back and the immediate recognition. these protests have grown as the families become more and more debt pratt to demmed ones back hope. and the widening risk between the israeli people. this is the reality for the past several months. they have been running from one part of the desieged strip to the other that the orders of israel. and those who managed to
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survive are doing so in circumstances. meanwhile the families have been given few answers by the government. and if something isn't done to stop the killings to bring relief to these people, then they will be taken too soon. after the break, our director, louis water ridge. this isn't charmin! no wonder i don't feel as clean. hurry up dad! you've been in there forever! i'm trying! this cheap stuff is too thin! i told you not to get the other toilet paper. here's charmin ultra strong.
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i discussed the israeli
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forces in rafah with 1.3 million people sheltering there. this will come in spite of warnings from the united states and the international community including the united nations in the human rights organization with the full-scale assault on rafah will be a blood bath. earlier i spoke to the digital communication and the social media officer who is on the ground in rafah. >> thank you so much for joining us today. let me start by giving your reaction just to what you're seeing on the ground day-to-day and describe what you're hearing and seeing from the folks that you're trying to help who are trying to flee gaza. and it will make it everywhere
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that you couldn't see the floor and that there were so many people sheltering here. now it's very eerie. you can see that there were people here for sure. and that they have been displaced. we expect the number to be a little higher and it will look like the substantial more people that left. and really, it is a huge amount of people that have left and the roads have just been full. and the stream of traffic and that is in vehicles and
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tractors on the backup horses, donkeys, people walking. and they are trying to prioritize that immediate safety and it is just horrific to watch this unfold here since you're there on the ground and i'm sure that you saw this on friday and the biden administration or at least their long awaited report about whether their actions in gaza would violate the international law, which they say they found inconclusive evidence for and that report said they couldn't conclude whether they were blocking aid from getting through. and is that true that israel is not in any way prohibiting aid from getting into gaza? >> i can tell you what i see, what i see are empty warehouses. what i see are people, banging
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on the window, asking for food. what i know, my colleague, and was in the north and i spoke to him in the beginning of the year and he was telling me that he was walking 20 miles a day to find food for his family. and this is not a place where there is enough. not by any means. people have lost everything, everywhere you look, people need things. there has been times where we have been able to have humanitarian aid come in and that have been a lot of times where we have had less, but it has never been sufficient, not in seven months. this is what we're trying to express to people and there is a big fixation on the crossings that's open and how many trucks and seven months that people have been starving, children are malnourished. how could you say that there is enough for people here when there are children starving and
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people are malnourished, everywhere you look and what you know here, they don't recognize them as they are so visibly thin and unhealthy from sustained denial of having the basic needs met. >> and how are they surviving ultimately in this situation and continuing to survive in their will and if there is no survival on the ground and it is a real difficult thing. and that i said good-bye to the colleague yesterday, who was leaving rafah with their 1-year- old daughter and his wife. and that is the most important thing to be alive. he doesn't know where he is going and that he knows there is very limited infrastructure
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and no access to water. that is his sentiment. other colleagues have spoken to people who aren't moving because they need to stay with their families in rafah and they want to die together. and they will spend these last moments together. it's just horrific for everyone. there is no option and i don't want to hear ever someone telling me there's a safe place in gaza because there is not and that there are some terrible news about our colleague who fled with his family in the last days, and he's been killed with his family. looking for where is this safety because people are leaving for this safety. but there is no safety.
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yesterday their families and children were relocating back to what have been destroyed. and the classrooms are torched, and i have been there myself and they are a mess. they have walls missing, there is rebel everywhere. yet there is nowhere else to go that families and children are moving back into these destroyed facilities. there is no water there and no running water. this is what we're seeing and this is what we're experiencing. >> and it is heartbreaking. thank you so much for your time tonight. i'm sorry for the loss of your colleagues and everything else that are enduring there for your work that you're doing. thank you for making time for us. and catch us on sundays at 7:00 p.m. eastern. follow us on x and instagram on ayman mohyeldin. i'm ayman mohyeldin in new
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9:00 pm
her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for.


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